YCH:OPEN by RobicTheEscapist on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

You will get your characters fully colored and shaded! :la:

1) BROFIST -- 5$ (sketch sample: Brodavis // sample: _YCH:BlueAndKeito_)

  1. Black-Queen-Lyric
  2. Zoe-tropez
  3. WereMorta

2) KISS -- 4$ (sample: _YCH:AiolosAndEllie_ )

  1. WereMorta
  2. princeofskies
  3. WindCharmer-13
  4. VeryYamYam
  5. Anonymousekiddo

3) HUG --8$ (sample: _YCH:AnnireAndCronus_)

  1. Black-Queen-Lyric
  2. Zoe-tropez
  3. sofia1989
  4. WereMorta
  5. Doovers-Corner


-any OC/canon character as long as humanoid

-any gender

-be sure you have visual references of the characters! Fullbody if you want to order HUG

-PayPal and points both accepted! (100:points:= $1)

-please don't trace my bases ):
-please don't edit or hide the comments in which you bid )::::

/Comments hidden so it's all clearer!

Another sweet YCH is going on! >>>>