Camillo Peracchia | University of Rochester (original) (raw)

Camillo  Peracchia

Retired researcher in the field of direct cell-cell communication via gap junction channels. Former teacher of respiratory physiology to 1st year medical students



Papers by Camillo Peracchia

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium participation in ATP and arachidonic acid but not in oleic acid and halothane induced gating of gap junctions in Novikoff cells

Elsevier eBooks, 1995

1. ABSTRACT The effects of ATP and arachidonic acid on junctional conductance (Gj) were studied i... more 1. ABSTRACT The effects of ATP and arachidonic acid on junctional conductance (Gj) were studied in Novikoff hepatoma cells, while monitoring either [Ca2+]i, with fura-2, or both membrane and junctional currents, with double whole-cell (DWCC) or double perforated patch clamp (DPPC). ATP (100 μM) increased [Ca2+]i to 400-1200 nM and in most cells decreased Gj by 30-40%. Simultaneously, an outward current developed, with a reversal potential of −80 mV at normal [K+]o that became 0 at 140 mM [K+]o, indicating that it is a Ca2+-activated K-current. Current peaks coincided with Gj minima, indicating that both phenomena result from an increase in [Ca2+]i. Arachidonic acid (AA, 20 μM, 20 s) had similar effects on [Ca2+]i and Gj. Internal BAPTA prevented Gj changes, suggesting Ca2+ dependence, but long exposures (20 μM AA, 1 min) caused uncoupling even with internal BAPTA, indicating that AA has both a Ca2+ mediated and a Ca2+ independent effect on coupling. However, Ca2+ dependent uncoupling had a much faster time course. BAPTA did not prevent uncoupling by oleic acid (OA) or halothane, suggesting that they act in Ca2+ independent way.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional Consequences of Respiratory Diseases


Research paper thumbnail of Ventilation-Perfusion Distribution, Blood Shunts and Alveolar Dead Space


Research paper thumbnail of The cell on the move

Trends in Biochemical Sciences, Jul 1, 1978

Research paper thumbnail of Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology


Research paper thumbnail of Gap Junction Transport Regulation

Research paper thumbnail of Permeability and Regulation of Gap Junction Channels in Cells and in Artificial Lipid Bilayers

Springer eBooks, 1987

Many cell communities, in spite of the apparent structural individuality of their members, behave... more Many cell communities, in spite of the apparent structural individuality of their members, behave in some respects like syncytia, due to the existence of well-defined cell-to-cell channels of communication. Cooperative functions such as the synchronous spread of electrical impulse in heart, smooth muscle, and some areas of the nervous system, equilibration of ionic and metabolic pools, and coordinated responses of cell communities to hormonal or transmitter-mediated stimuli are among some of the many functions of direct cell-to-cell communication (cell coupling), a mechanism that enables tissues to respond to external and internal signals as integrated systems. Cell coupling represents the ability of cells to freely exchange with neighboring cells in direct contact with them, ions, metabolites, and messengers, while maintaining their individuality regarding macromolecules; the syncytiumlike feature being restricted to molecules smaller than M r 1000 (M r 2000 in certain invertebrates).

Research paper thumbnail of Chimeric evidence for a role of the connexin cytoplasmic loop in gap junction channel gating

Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, Nov 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Slow Gating of Gap Junction Channels and Calmodulin

The Journal of Membrane Biology, Nov 1, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Is calmodulin involved in the regulation of gap junction permeability?

Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, Oct 1, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Fixation by Means of Glutaraldehyde-Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Products

Journal of Cell Biology, Apr 1, 1972

Research paper thumbnail of Liposome incorporated liver gap junction channels are less permeable than lens channels

Research paper thumbnail of Possible Involvement Of Caffeine- And Ryanodine-Sensitive Calcium Stores In Low Ph-Induced Regulation Of Gap Junction Channels

Research paper thumbnail of APPENDIX 1: Gas Exchange

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning

[Research paper thumbnail of [On Morphologic Alterations of Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglia in Thromboangiitis Obliterans of the Legs]](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Ultrastructural study of lumbar sympathetic ganglia of man]](

Research paper thumbnail of Respiration at Rest and During Exercise at Sea Level and High Altitude


[Research paper thumbnail of [Ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord in experimental tetanic intoxication]](

Research paper thumbnail of The regulation of the Ca2+ transport activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium participation in ATP and arachidonic acid but not in oleic acid and halothane induced gating of gap junctions in Novikoff cells

Elsevier eBooks, 1995

1. ABSTRACT The effects of ATP and arachidonic acid on junctional conductance (Gj) were studied i... more 1. ABSTRACT The effects of ATP and arachidonic acid on junctional conductance (Gj) were studied in Novikoff hepatoma cells, while monitoring either [Ca2+]i, with fura-2, or both membrane and junctional currents, with double whole-cell (DWCC) or double perforated patch clamp (DPPC). ATP (100 μM) increased [Ca2+]i to 400-1200 nM and in most cells decreased Gj by 30-40%. Simultaneously, an outward current developed, with a reversal potential of −80 mV at normal [K+]o that became 0 at 140 mM [K+]o, indicating that it is a Ca2+-activated K-current. Current peaks coincided with Gj minima, indicating that both phenomena result from an increase in [Ca2+]i. Arachidonic acid (AA, 20 μM, 20 s) had similar effects on [Ca2+]i and Gj. Internal BAPTA prevented Gj changes, suggesting Ca2+ dependence, but long exposures (20 μM AA, 1 min) caused uncoupling even with internal BAPTA, indicating that AA has both a Ca2+ mediated and a Ca2+ independent effect on coupling. However, Ca2+ dependent uncoupling had a much faster time course. BAPTA did not prevent uncoupling by oleic acid (OA) or halothane, suggesting that they act in Ca2+ independent way.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional Consequences of Respiratory Diseases


Research paper thumbnail of Ventilation-Perfusion Distribution, Blood Shunts and Alveolar Dead Space


Research paper thumbnail of The cell on the move

Trends in Biochemical Sciences, Jul 1, 1978

Research paper thumbnail of Lung Function In Health And Disease: Basic Concepts of Respiratory Physiology and Pathophysiology


Research paper thumbnail of Gap Junction Transport Regulation

Research paper thumbnail of Permeability and Regulation of Gap Junction Channels in Cells and in Artificial Lipid Bilayers

Springer eBooks, 1987

Many cell communities, in spite of the apparent structural individuality of their members, behave... more Many cell communities, in spite of the apparent structural individuality of their members, behave in some respects like syncytia, due to the existence of well-defined cell-to-cell channels of communication. Cooperative functions such as the synchronous spread of electrical impulse in heart, smooth muscle, and some areas of the nervous system, equilibration of ionic and metabolic pools, and coordinated responses of cell communities to hormonal or transmitter-mediated stimuli are among some of the many functions of direct cell-to-cell communication (cell coupling), a mechanism that enables tissues to respond to external and internal signals as integrated systems. Cell coupling represents the ability of cells to freely exchange with neighboring cells in direct contact with them, ions, metabolites, and messengers, while maintaining their individuality regarding macromolecules; the syncytiumlike feature being restricted to molecules smaller than M r 1000 (M r 2000 in certain invertebrates).

Research paper thumbnail of Chimeric evidence for a role of the connexin cytoplasmic loop in gap junction channel gating

Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, Nov 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Slow Gating of Gap Junction Channels and Calmodulin

The Journal of Membrane Biology, Nov 1, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Is calmodulin involved in the regulation of gap junction permeability?

Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, Oct 1, 1983

Research paper thumbnail of Fixation by Means of Glutaraldehyde-Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Products

Journal of Cell Biology, Apr 1, 1972

Research paper thumbnail of Liposome incorporated liver gap junction channels are less permeable than lens channels

Research paper thumbnail of Possible Involvement Of Caffeine- And Ryanodine-Sensitive Calcium Stores In Low Ph-Induced Regulation Of Gap Junction Channels

Research paper thumbnail of APPENDIX 1: Gas Exchange

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning

[Research paper thumbnail of [On Morphologic Alterations of Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglia in Thromboangiitis Obliterans of the Legs]](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Ultrastructural study of lumbar sympathetic ganglia of man]](

Research paper thumbnail of Respiration at Rest and During Exercise at Sea Level and High Altitude


[Research paper thumbnail of [Ultrastructural changes in the spinal cord in experimental tetanic intoxication]](

Research paper thumbnail of The regulation of the Ca2+ transport activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum

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