Dianne Lefly | University of the Rockies (original) (raw)

Papers by Dianne Lefly

Research paper thumbnail of Novel Therapies for Chronic Urticaria and Angioedema

Research paper thumbnail of Brain morphometry in reading-disabled twins

Research paper thumbnail of A Twin MRI Study of Size Variations In the Human Brain

Journal of Cognitive …, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Shining a Light on College Remediation in Colorado: The Predictive Utility of the ACT for Colorado and the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP)

The purpose of this study was to examine postsecondary readiness for 17,499 Colorado students by ... more The purpose of this study was to examine postsecondary readiness for 17,499 Colorado students by exploring the congruence between middle school and high school state assessment results (Colorado State Assessment Program) from 2007, ACT results from 2008 and the need for remediation for Colorado students who graduated from high school in the spring of 2009 and entered a Colorado postsecondary institution in fall 2009. By examining the assessment results for these students from as early as the sixth grade, it was clear that if students were not proficient on the state assessment in sixth grade, they were likely to require remediation in their first year of college. If middle school teachers would analyze the state assessment data for this purpose they would be better able to identify which students are very likely be postsecondary ready and which students are not. Also teachers could use the assessment results to target the academic skills of struggling students early in middle school...

Research paper thumbnail of Early reading development in children at family risk for dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and validity of the adult reading history questionnaire

Journal of learning disabilities

Research paper thumbnail of Harvard Medical School

Research paper thumbnail of Early reading development in children at family risk for dyslexia

In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family ri... more In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family risk (HR group, N ϭ 67) and low family risk (LR group, N ϭ 57) for dyslexia (or reading disability, RD), were evaluated yearly from before kindergarten to the end of second grade. Both phonological processing and literacy skills were tested at each of four time points. Consistent with the well-known familiarity of RD, 34% of the HR group compared with 6% of the LR group became RD. Participants who became RD showed deficits in both implicit and explicit phonological processing skills at all four time points, clearly indicating a broader phonological deficit than is often found at older ages. The predictors of literacy skill did not vary by risk group. Both risk groups underwent a similar developmental shift from letter-name knowledge to phoneme awareness as the main predictor of later literacy skill. This shift, however, occurred 2 years later in the HR group. Familial risk was continuous r...

Research paper thumbnail of Title: Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia

Abstract/Summary In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children ... more Abstract/Summary In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family risk (HR group, N=67) and low family risk (LR group, N=57) for dyslexia (or reading disability, RD), were evaluated yearly from before kindergarten to the end of second grade. Both phonological processing and literacy skills were tested at each of four time points. Consistent with the well-known familiarity of RD, 34% of the HR group compared with 6% of the LR group became RD. Participants who became RD showed deficits in both implicit and explicit phonological processing skills at all four time points, clearly indicating a broader phonological deficit than is often found at older ages. The predictors of literacy skill did not vary by risk group. Both risk groups underwent a similar developmental shift from letter-name knowledge to phoneme awareness as the main predictor of later literacy skill. This shift, however, occurred 2 years later in the HR group. Familial risk was...

Research paper thumbnail of in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictive Utility of DIBELS Reading Assessment for Reading Comprehension among Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speaking Children

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the phonological and double deficit hypotheses for developmental dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of A Twin MRI Study of Size Variations in the Human Brain

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Although it is well known that there is considerable variation among individuals in the size of t... more Although it is well known that there is considerable variation among individuals in the size of the human brain, the etiology of less extreme individual differences in brain size is largely unknown. We present here data from the first large twin sample (N=132 individuals) in which the size of brain structures has been measured. As part of an ongoing project examining the brain correlates of reading disability (RD), whole brain morphometric analyses of structural magnetic response image (MRI) scans were performed on a sample of adolescent twins. Specifically, there were 25 monozygotic (MZ) and 23 dizygotic (DZ) pairs in which at least one member of each pair had RD and 9 MZ and 9 DZ pairs in which neither member had RD. We first factor-analyzed volume data for 13 individual brain structures, comprising all of the neocortex and most of the subcortex. This analysis yielded two factors ("cortical" and "subcortical") that accounted for 64% of the variance. We next tes...

Research paper thumbnail of Adult Reading History Questionnaire

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictive Utility of DIBELS Reading Assessment for Reading Comprehension among Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speaking Children

Reading Improvement, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and Validity of the Adult Reading History Questionnaire

Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Spelling Errors in Adults with a Form of Familial Dyslexia

Child Development, 1986

We compared the spelling errors on the WRAT II made by adults (N = 24) with an apparent autosomal... more We compared the spelling errors on the WRAT II made by adults (N = 24) with an apparent autosomal dominant form of dyslexia to those made by their normal adult relatives (N = 17) and by spelling-age matched normal controls (N = 17) using a computerized error evaluation program (SEEP). The normal adult relatives were significantly better than the dyslexics in both reading and spelling, but did not differ in age, education, or IQ. SEEP evaluated each error independently for both phonological and orthographic accuracy at 2 levels of complexity. Each level of complexity was analyzed separately using a 3 X 2 (group X dimension) analysis of variance. The main finding of interest was a significant group X dimension interaction effect at the complex level, which indicated that the dyslexics had a qualitatively different profile across the 2 dimensions than either normal group who had parallel profiles. The dyslexics performed like the younger normal group on the complex phonological dimension but like the adult normal group on the complex orthographic dimension. These results indicate a dissociation in this form of familial dyslexia between these 2 dimensions of spelling development, and suggest that these dyslexics may fit the subtype of dysphonetic or phonological dyslexia. The implications of these results for the underlying cognitive deficit in this form of dyslexia are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Is phonology bypassed in normal or dyslexic development

Annals of Dyslexia, 1987

A pervasive assumption in most accounts of normal reading and spelling development is that phonol... more A pervasive assumption in most accounts of normal reading and spelling development is that phonological coding is important early in development but is subsequently superseded by faster, orthographic coding which bypasses phonology. We call this assumption, which derives from dual process theory, the developmental bypass hypothesis. The present study tests four specific predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis by comparing dyslexics and nondyslexics from the same families in a cross-sectional design. The four predictions are: 1) That phonological coding skill develops early in normal readers and soon reaches asymptote, whereas orthographic coding skill has a protracted course of development; 2) that the correlation of adult reading or spelling performance with phonological coding skill is considerably less than the correlation with orthographic coding skill; 3) that dyslexics who are mainly deficient in phonological coding skill should be able to bypass this deficit and eventually close the gap in reading and spelling performance; and 4) that the greatest differences between dyslexics and developmental controls on measures of phonological coding skill should be observed early rather than late in development. None of the four predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis were upheld. Phonological coding skill continued to develop in nondyslexics until adulthood. It accounted for a substantial (32–53 percent) portion of the variance in reading and spelling performance in adult nondyslexics, whereas orthographic coding skill did not account for a statistically reliable portion of this variance. The dyslexics differed little across age in phonological coding skill, but made linear progress in orthographic coding skill, surpassing spelling-age (SA) controls by adulthood. Nonetheless, they didnot close the gap in reading and spelling performance. Finally, dyslexics were significantly worse than SA (and Reading Age [RA]) controls in phonological coding skill only in adulthood.

Research paper thumbnail of Spelling errors and reading fluency in compensated adult dyslexics

Annals of Dyslexia, 1991

Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. H... more Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. However, occasionally, an individual compensates for his/her difficulties in some way, and by adulthood is no longer diagnosably dyslexic. In what ways are these compensated dyslexics different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics? We compared IQ, achievement test, and spelling error scores in adult dyslexics, adult nondyslexics, and adult compensated dyslexics (N=25) in the two studies reported here. The second study differed from the first in that the subjects were matched for age, education, IQ, and SES. In both studies, compensateds were significantly different from nondyslexics on the WRAT Spelling subtest and Reading Quotient scores. In the second study the compensateds differed from the nondyslexics in total raw score and average reading speed on Gray Oral Reading Test. On the other hand, they were different from dyslexics on all reading and spelling variables in both studies, except for PIAT Reading Comprehension in Study 2. Finally, in Study 2, the compensateds were different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics in average reading speed. In conclusion, it appears that compensation does not result from differences in IQ, education, or SES, though it may be influenced to some extent by sex. Compensateds appear very similar to nondyslexics in their reading and spelling skills; however, there appears to be a difference in the automaticity with which they apply these skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of Novel Therapies for Chronic Urticaria and Angioedema

Research paper thumbnail of Brain morphometry in reading-disabled twins

Research paper thumbnail of A Twin MRI Study of Size Variations In the Human Brain

Journal of Cognitive …, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Shining a Light on College Remediation in Colorado: The Predictive Utility of the ACT for Colorado and the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP)

The purpose of this study was to examine postsecondary readiness for 17,499 Colorado students by ... more The purpose of this study was to examine postsecondary readiness for 17,499 Colorado students by exploring the congruence between middle school and high school state assessment results (Colorado State Assessment Program) from 2007, ACT results from 2008 and the need for remediation for Colorado students who graduated from high school in the spring of 2009 and entered a Colorado postsecondary institution in fall 2009. By examining the assessment results for these students from as early as the sixth grade, it was clear that if students were not proficient on the state assessment in sixth grade, they were likely to require remediation in their first year of college. If middle school teachers would analyze the state assessment data for this purpose they would be better able to identify which students are very likely be postsecondary ready and which students are not. Also teachers could use the assessment results to target the academic skills of struggling students early in middle school...

Research paper thumbnail of Early reading development in children at family risk for dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and validity of the adult reading history questionnaire

Journal of learning disabilities

Research paper thumbnail of Harvard Medical School

Research paper thumbnail of Early reading development in children at family risk for dyslexia

In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family ri... more In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family risk (HR group, N ϭ 67) and low family risk (LR group, N ϭ 57) for dyslexia (or reading disability, RD), were evaluated yearly from before kindergarten to the end of second grade. Both phonological processing and literacy skills were tested at each of four time points. Consistent with the well-known familiarity of RD, 34% of the HR group compared with 6% of the LR group became RD. Participants who became RD showed deficits in both implicit and explicit phonological processing skills at all four time points, clearly indicating a broader phonological deficit than is often found at older ages. The predictors of literacy skill did not vary by risk group. Both risk groups underwent a similar developmental shift from letter-name knowledge to phoneme awareness as the main predictor of later literacy skill. This shift, however, occurred 2 years later in the HR group. Familial risk was continuous r...

Research paper thumbnail of Title: Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia

Abstract/Summary In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children ... more Abstract/Summary In a 3-year longitudinal study, middle-to upper-middle-class preschool children at high family risk (HR group, N=67) and low family risk (LR group, N=57) for dyslexia (or reading disability, RD), were evaluated yearly from before kindergarten to the end of second grade. Both phonological processing and literacy skills were tested at each of four time points. Consistent with the well-known familiarity of RD, 34% of the HR group compared with 6% of the LR group became RD. Participants who became RD showed deficits in both implicit and explicit phonological processing skills at all four time points, clearly indicating a broader phonological deficit than is often found at older ages. The predictors of literacy skill did not vary by risk group. Both risk groups underwent a similar developmental shift from letter-name knowledge to phoneme awareness as the main predictor of later literacy skill. This shift, however, occurred 2 years later in the HR group. Familial risk was...

Research paper thumbnail of in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictive Utility of DIBELS Reading Assessment for Reading Comprehension among Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speaking Children

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the phonological and double deficit hypotheses for developmental dyslexia

Research paper thumbnail of A Twin MRI Study of Size Variations in the Human Brain

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Although it is well known that there is considerable variation among individuals in the size of t... more Although it is well known that there is considerable variation among individuals in the size of the human brain, the etiology of less extreme individual differences in brain size is largely unknown. We present here data from the first large twin sample (N=132 individuals) in which the size of brain structures has been measured. As part of an ongoing project examining the brain correlates of reading disability (RD), whole brain morphometric analyses of structural magnetic response image (MRI) scans were performed on a sample of adolescent twins. Specifically, there were 25 monozygotic (MZ) and 23 dizygotic (DZ) pairs in which at least one member of each pair had RD and 9 MZ and 9 DZ pairs in which neither member had RD. We first factor-analyzed volume data for 13 individual brain structures, comprising all of the neocortex and most of the subcortex. This analysis yielded two factors ("cortical" and "subcortical") that accounted for 64% of the variance. We next tes...

Research paper thumbnail of Adult Reading History Questionnaire

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictive Utility of DIBELS Reading Assessment for Reading Comprehension among Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speaking Children

Reading Improvement, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability and Validity of the Adult Reading History Questionnaire

Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Spelling Errors in Adults with a Form of Familial Dyslexia

Child Development, 1986

We compared the spelling errors on the WRAT II made by adults (N = 24) with an apparent autosomal... more We compared the spelling errors on the WRAT II made by adults (N = 24) with an apparent autosomal dominant form of dyslexia to those made by their normal adult relatives (N = 17) and by spelling-age matched normal controls (N = 17) using a computerized error evaluation program (SEEP). The normal adult relatives were significantly better than the dyslexics in both reading and spelling, but did not differ in age, education, or IQ. SEEP evaluated each error independently for both phonological and orthographic accuracy at 2 levels of complexity. Each level of complexity was analyzed separately using a 3 X 2 (group X dimension) analysis of variance. The main finding of interest was a significant group X dimension interaction effect at the complex level, which indicated that the dyslexics had a qualitatively different profile across the 2 dimensions than either normal group who had parallel profiles. The dyslexics performed like the younger normal group on the complex phonological dimension but like the adult normal group on the complex orthographic dimension. These results indicate a dissociation in this form of familial dyslexia between these 2 dimensions of spelling development, and suggest that these dyslexics may fit the subtype of dysphonetic or phonological dyslexia. The implications of these results for the underlying cognitive deficit in this form of dyslexia are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Is phonology bypassed in normal or dyslexic development

Annals of Dyslexia, 1987

A pervasive assumption in most accounts of normal reading and spelling development is that phonol... more A pervasive assumption in most accounts of normal reading and spelling development is that phonological coding is important early in development but is subsequently superseded by faster, orthographic coding which bypasses phonology. We call this assumption, which derives from dual process theory, the developmental bypass hypothesis. The present study tests four specific predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis by comparing dyslexics and nondyslexics from the same families in a cross-sectional design. The four predictions are: 1) That phonological coding skill develops early in normal readers and soon reaches asymptote, whereas orthographic coding skill has a protracted course of development; 2) that the correlation of adult reading or spelling performance with phonological coding skill is considerably less than the correlation with orthographic coding skill; 3) that dyslexics who are mainly deficient in phonological coding skill should be able to bypass this deficit and eventually close the gap in reading and spelling performance; and 4) that the greatest differences between dyslexics and developmental controls on measures of phonological coding skill should be observed early rather than late in development. None of the four predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis were upheld. Phonological coding skill continued to develop in nondyslexics until adulthood. It accounted for a substantial (32–53 percent) portion of the variance in reading and spelling performance in adult nondyslexics, whereas orthographic coding skill did not account for a statistically reliable portion of this variance. The dyslexics differed little across age in phonological coding skill, but made linear progress in orthographic coding skill, surpassing spelling-age (SA) controls by adulthood. Nonetheless, they didnot close the gap in reading and spelling performance. Finally, dyslexics were significantly worse than SA (and Reading Age [RA]) controls in phonological coding skill only in adulthood.

Research paper thumbnail of Spelling errors and reading fluency in compensated adult dyslexics

Annals of Dyslexia, 1991

Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. H... more Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. However, occasionally, an individual compensates for his/her difficulties in some way, and by adulthood is no longer diagnosably dyslexic. In what ways are these compensated dyslexics different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics? We compared IQ, achievement test, and spelling error scores in adult dyslexics, adult nondyslexics, and adult compensated dyslexics (N=25) in the two studies reported here. The second study differed from the first in that the subjects were matched for age, education, IQ, and SES. In both studies, compensateds were significantly different from nondyslexics on the WRAT Spelling subtest and Reading Quotient scores. In the second study the compensateds differed from the nondyslexics in total raw score and average reading speed on Gray Oral Reading Test. On the other hand, they were different from dyslexics on all reading and spelling variables in both studies, except for PIAT Reading Comprehension in Study 2. Finally, in Study 2, the compensateds were different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics in average reading speed. In conclusion, it appears that compensation does not result from differences in IQ, education, or SES, though it may be influenced to some extent by sex. Compensateds appear very similar to nondyslexics in their reading and spelling skills; however, there appears to be a difference in the automaticity with which they apply these skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Reading Development in Children at Family Risk for Dyslexia