[Mental State** |busy] [Moment Music** |
Franz Ferdinand - The Dark of the Matinée]I was told to update...so I gue-ess I will...in very short synopsi starting from the last thing I can remember...yes, synopsiWent home Wednesday in the storm and I was very scared. Got home and chilled all day til Chrissy called and I went to the theatre to visit her. Snuck into Alexander to see Angelina...but she was not in it very much, but when she was...ho-ot! Rosario Dawson is kinda scary, but the movie was crap, so Chrissy and I smoked in the stairwell. I helped her hang signs on the gates before we left.Thanksgiving was ok...I ate mashed taters, stuffing, canberries (yes, canberries...they're better), and green bean casserole sans mushrooms. Then we played 31 and I had to borrow money cause I am desperately poor. But, I ended up taking all their money and it was awesome. I left that night cause I missed my kitties. I hung out with Holly, Joe, Niki, and her boyfriend. It was a lot of fun. We watched Old School Again until after the dart scene then went to bed.Friday I hung out with Holly, Joe, Sergio, and Tiana. We had four jays and everyone else had a lot of beer. It was awesome. But, we left to go home and watch Kill Bill. I can't believe I hadn't seen it yet...it was amazing. I was the only one who stayed awake through the whole thing.Last night I went to visit Jen in her hotel/apartment. It was awesome. I ate so very much cause I am poor and can't afford my own food. I smoked reds with Sam and Jen and then ate more and more. We listened to The Decemberists and The Postal Service then watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind and 28 Days Later. We drank strawberry wine and smoked. Jen and I talked sex for a bit then I left to go home. I was trying to salvage as much of today as possible, but I woke up at 3 anyway. I blame the rambunctious little ones because they jump on me and mess with the blinds.People I talked to/heard from/saw over break:HollyChrissyKellyAnnieErinTuanJenSteph (although not so much)AmandaJessAndyAllyScottKT |