rocksfall - Profile (original) (raw)

on 27 August 2002 (#683963)

Rocks Fall! Everyone Dies!

This community is here to serve as a medium for players and their (D/G/Z)-M/STs to communicate with each other over LiveJournal. Since we tend to play in more than one of these games at a time, it's a convenient way to keep track.

Current games: Diablotin 2 [D&D 3.5], The Lands [D&D 4E]
Forthcoming games: Gnomeland (Extended Remix) [D&D]
Dormant games: Project Menagerie [DC Heroes], C-verse (Aberystwyth, Unseelie, Schola) [Changeling]
Retired games: Pebbly Shores [Changeling], Terry Hates Us III [Vampire], Diablotin [D&D], Gnomeland [D&D], Legacy of the Ancients [D&D], Terry Tactics [FFT Inspired], The Five Kingdoms [D&D], Faust [D&D]

We are now Wiki enabled! Check out RocksfallWiki


For the curious, the group name comes from a certain Something Positive comic... click here to appreciate the Choo Choo goodness.

#changeling, aberystwyth, c-verse, changeling, ctd, d&d, dc heroes, diablotin, diablotin 2, espernet, fredericton, gnomeland, gnomes, gnorcs, legacy of the ancients, pebbly shores, project menagerie, roleplaying, schola plagarum asperarum, seelie, something positive, terry hates us, terry tactics, the dreaming, the five kingdoms, the lands, the masquerade, thuiii, unseelie, vampire, vtm