rockstar_slash - Profile (original) (raw)

1. Genre of fanfiction involving pairing two male or female characters together; characters are commonly shown with a slash in between

This? Is a slash comm.
You troll, you die. We can make this happen.

This is also a moderated community. Because while were not picky, we want to weed out trolls.

Same rules as most other Slash Comms:

1. This is a slash community. Boy on boy, girl on girl, homosexuality, gay pride parade...whatever you want to call it. Homophobic? Go away.

2. No flaming. Don't like someone's writing? It's called constructive criticism. Offended by the content? Check out rule #1.

3. No advertising of irrevalent links. If you want to pimp a community related to RockStar:INXS or Supernova, go ahead. But if you started a group called Are you hot or not? - we don't actually give a shit.

4. No off topic posts. Discussions of ideas/plot/slashy happenings are, of course, accepted (challenges are welcomed), but otherwise - use your discretion or we'll use ours. And you don't want that.

5. Cut Tags are your friend. Use them or die.

6. All posts are locked. There is no exception.

7. All fic posts are disclaimered. I don't want to get sued and I don't think you do either.

8. Read the mod posts. They usually contain valuable information.

9. If you take a link button/colourbar, know that a lot of work went into them. Don't change the coding. Comment and credit.

10. Be nice. Play fair.
Disclaimer: The majority of contents found within this community are not real. The stories are merely a figment of the authors' imaginations. We are in no way affiliated with the show RockStar:INXS or Supernova, CBS, or any of the contestants. We're just dumbstruck fans. With no money. So don't sue, you wont be successful.

Image hosted by MiG Ayesa is love

JD Fortune is love colourbar by chibigirl626

**Please Read Unlocked Post for Application Details.

be nice play fair, brooke burke, dave navarro, fanfic, garry gary beers, gilby clark, jd fortune, jd/marty, jd/mig, jordis unga, juke kartel, kirk pengilly, locked and disclaimered, lukas rossi, magni, marty casey, mig ayesa, patrice pike, piercings, pwp, rockstar:inxs, rockstar:supernova, ryan star, ryan starr, slash, storm large, suzie macneil, tattoos, the house band, toby rand, tommy lee