i'll never get out of this world alive (original) (raw)

i'll never get out of this world alive — LiveJournal

04:24 pm October 25th, 2007

08:44 pm October 23rd, 2007
up on the newer sphere Today I turned in a lot of work that I completed in a completely half-assed, noncommittal way.I want to start a new LiveJournal account soon. . .and start writing in a different way, more significantly, less bullshitty. But I kind of want to hold out with this one for awhile. Once I find out what college I'm going to. That sounds like a good transition point.Still working, still keepin' on. . .I don't work tomorrow, but I work Thursday.Andy's band has a gig at Rich's Farm tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be going.Mom, Dad, and I are visiting Boston, either on the 17th of November, or the 8th of December. Can't wait!

06:08 am October 23rd, 2007

08:46 pm October 21st, 2007

12:01 am October 20th, 2007

05:17 pm October 18th, 2007
absolutely brimming with something strange FUCK. My grandma just brought me a semi-waterlogged envelope from the University of Pittsburgh, postmarked on THE NINTH OF OCTOBER. She said, "Oh, this was out on the table underneath the gazebo. You really have to start reading your mail!" SHE IS THE ONE WHO TAKES THE MAIL OUT OF THE BOX AND PUTS IT IN STRANGE PLACES. It's been out there for a fucking week! IT'S MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. I check the mailbox every day only to find that she's bogarted the contents and scattered them haphazardly all along our stretch of Furnace Road. Who knows where I'll find my mail next?!?!?!?! She gets on my nerves so fucking much sometimes. I've been waiting for that letter. SHIT.So yeah. I got accepted to Pitt. I'm glad about that at all, because at least I know that I have a place to go regardless of anything else that might happen. (If I keep my grades up, that is, but I don't think that'll be a problem.) Nevertheless my pleasure is washed out by a certain amount of rage and annoyance.At school, they're trying to implement a mentoring program. We meet with our mentors every nine weeks during a scheduled activity period. It's kind of dumb. Obviously the intention is to create a friendly environment of students and teachers who might not meet otherwise--you know, more connections, good for growing up. I get the feeling that it's a little bit pointless--freshmen and underclassmen got enough random socializing with their "Freshman Seminar" class (which was thankfully implemented the year I became a sophomore), and the middle school and elementary schools have been doing a lot more general brainwashing since I passed through with stuff along these themes--goal-setting, career choosing, time management, peer pressure, dealing with stress, etc. Plus, the meetings are ridiculously infrequent, so there isn't a whole lot of time to build trust between the people in the group. Not to mention that kids are really too jaded to value it. Basically, I think it'll fail. The end.Oh, and I didn't write yesterday because school was boring and I had to go to work. I've been having olfactory hallucinations about Panera; have I mentioned that? I hate smelling salad dressing and old coffee randomly all day.I have lots of things to do and I'm very tired/reluctant.Tomorrow, Andy, Paul, Danielle, and I are going to IHoP in Morgantown. Woo!

09:55 pm October 16th, 2007
I feel awesome altogether today because I didn't go to work. I was also feelin' awesome because school didn't bother me and I got to stuff my face at Olive Garden with the wonderful Andrew J. Howell. I also get to be at my mommy's house, which is always cute. Back to work tomorrow. Ew. But then I'm off for the next two days!I'm behind in a lot of things:- outlining for comparative politics- doing an essay for comparative politics about the British Labour party vs. Tories and their views about. . .stuff. . .I've had weeks to do it, now it's due on Monday, and I haven't even started. I don't doubt myself that much, I just really don't feel like doing it.- scanning photographs/updating my website/getting photographs developed- being creative in generalOh--and I don't get paid until the 31st because they keep your first pay at Panera. I was just talking to Elton briefly on the phone about it and he says that this practice came pretty universally to Pennsylvania when he was in high school (i.e. late sixties, early seventies). I don't know about the rest of the country/world. On one hand it makes me wait for my $. But on the other, it means that the first check is going to be rather large.I guess I have some things to do before my big day tomorrow.I wish I had a job typing things. I type really fast. And no salad dressing or gross soup would be involved. I can't guarantee a lack of participation from yuppies and upper-middle-class jerk-offs, though.Reading The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland. I'm one of those sheep who generally loves everything he writes. It's convoluted in its narrative, but I like it anyway. I like convoluted narrative sometimes, what can I say?Time to actually do something worthwhile. Maybe.

09:50 pm October 14th, 2007

04:34 pm October 13th, 2007

06:17 pm October 11th, 2007

10:29 pm October 10th, 2007
baby we're really in love Stupid Panera Bread. . .making my first day of work miserable.It was just so busy and I hate working around food in general. I had to take care of the dining room, which meant picking up dirty dishes, wiping tables, etc. It wasn't that bad, it was just. . .uncomfortable. I felt kind of lost. And sick. And unhappy. I wish I worked in an office. Or even in retail. Andy and my mom said to give it a week, and see if it doesn't get easier. Andy even thinks that I should look for another job if I still hate it after a week. I don't know about that. I may never like working around people's half-eaten salads, but I don't think it's good form to leave a job so soon. If I hate it to the point that I can't stand it, I'll stay until after Christmas sometime. If I hate it a little and they keep working me four days in a row, I'll probably stay until April. And if it actually does get better and I don't mind it, I'll work until I move away for college.Plus, though I'm off tomorrow, I work four days in a row after that. I stay until close on three of those days. Apparently people have been saying that I'll be a good worker. OH HELL.Booooooo. Bedtime.

10:02 pm October 9th, 2007

08:45 pm October 8th, 2007

08:45 pm October 6th, 2007
it's something you can't buy around here Yesterday was school. Nothing happened in classes because it was a pep rally day. I photographed the pep rally for yearbook, including an amusing photo or two of Lucas. I miss him. We held hands platonically and discussed the gory details of our lives as of late. Haha.After school, I got a haircut with my dad and then Dad, Andy, and I went to Eat'n Park. Andy stayed the night and we slept quite cozily in my room, although it was awfully fucking hot and stuffy up there, even with the windows open. I hope it gets cold SOON.Today Andy and Paul were having band practice and there was no one around to hang out with Sarah, so I took her to breakfast at Herring's and to Target. Then we played video games at the Howell house. It was quite fun. Sarah's awesome.Now I'm just bored and lazy. Watching City Confidential (lulz). Goodnight.

09:14 pm October 4th, 2007

06:12 pm October 4th, 2007

11:12 pm October 3rd, 2007

11:11 pm October 2nd, 2007
a token for a token I woke up today and I felt like crap--I'm definitely coming down with something or other. Since I knew I wasn't going to do anything important today at school, and felt that a day of rest might help to ward off coming disease, I asked my dad if I could stay home. Somehow, it turned into an argument. He didn't want me to stay home today, but he thinks it's okay if I skip Monday, without regard to my feelings of wellness or whatever. I don't understand his logic. I won't be able to do that anyway if I have a test or big assignment due. It'd be a good day to skip (Andy's birthday!), but I wish a.) that I had a good reason, and b.) that he'd present logical arguments. Etc.I actually still feel pretty terrible. School was boring, again, except basically for English class. Comparative politics would be interesting if I were actually awake for it. Otherwise, I got nothin', and I really fucking need some sleep.mood: blah blahmusic: smashing pumpkins - geek usa

10:30 pm October 1st, 2007
maybe she's full of it Today = boring at school.I went to orientation, failing to go home and hear a message on the answering machine from Panera telling me that orientation was cancelled because they'd run out of orientation paperwork packets. Yeah.I went to Andy's. He had practice with his band so I played with Sarah. We threw a softball around and then laid down in the grass and watched leaves blow. It was really fun.djflkdkjflkdjfklsjfsklfjsdlI should probably take a shower and go to bed now. Andy is still here though. We're watching Star Trek with my dad and eating spiced caramels. Earlier we went to Wal-Mart and watched people. That was fun, too. Of course.Time for. . .stuff.

10:49 pm September 30th, 2007

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