room4the1nonly - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to our lovely community!
Owner/Maintainer : grl_called_kill
Moderators: iluvgreenday: loquaciousambie: condmsr4sailors:kingxforxaxdayx:m_dirnt
Graphic Creators: iluvgreenday CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR MORE CREATORS. CONTACT grl_called_kill FOR INFORMATION.

-Dont join just to be like "Green Day sucks" because people here dont want to hear it and will disagree with you so dont even try because your post/comment will be deleted.

-No bashing others, Respect everyone please

-You can promote of Green Day related communities in here but if we see you do it all the time then you will be banned. Every Once in a while in ok.

-You dont have to just post questions to the guys you may post pics, or storys, or anything as long as it has to do with Green Day or one of the guys.

-If you have questions please contact a mod or maintainer. If the mod that you asks cant answer your question please take it to a maintainer. If it is a question about one of the guys, direct that question to him.

-To ask a question to one of the guys then in the subject put who it is to, so it is easier for them to find there own questions. They will answer you in a comment to your post. Please dont ask stupid questions like "Can i have your babies?" or anything like that or anything that would be impossible for them to answer.

-Please stay as active as possible. I will be trying my hardest to put up pictures, talks,

-Follow the rules please, it will make life much nicer for everyone.

-Have Fun enjoying the Green Day love!

After you join please write a intro post. It doesnt have to be long. Just to intoduce yourself to people. Then go ahead post anything ya want, as long as it goes with the rules. And if you want, fill out this little survey, and welcome to the community!!

Favorite Green Day Song:
Favorite Album:
Favorite Member:
Where did you hear about our community?:
Thoughts about the new American Idiot album?:

Tre Cool condmsr4sailors
Billie Joe Armstrong kingxforxaxdayx
Mike Dirnt m_dirnt

~Rember that they are not really them. It is just rp.~

Made by grl_called_kill


If you would like to become an Affliate with us contact grl_called_kill