obey me beelzebub (original) (raw)




I’m perishing y’all this is awesome so far


Also realized this means pt2 of trying to figure out who everyone is

I think diavolo is a oni at leastLuke is some kind of bunny yokaino idea bout the others thoughobey me shall we dateobey me asmodeusobey meobey me mammonobey me luciferobey me leviathanobey me satanobey me beelzebubobey me belphegorobey me diavoloobey me barbatosobey me solomonobey me lukeobey me simeon



I’m perishing y’all this is awesome so far

I’m perishing so much from this event my godobey meobey me shall we dateobey me beelzebubobey me leviathanobey me belphegorobey me mammonobey me asmodeusobey me luciferobey me satanobey me diavoloobey me barbatosobey me solomonobey me lukeobey me simeon

Istg as soon as like,,, I get the full body refs for the yokai event,, I am fuckin doin some headshots yo

I’m very excited for this event,,

especially since I went and did research on what yokai they areand the stories are so coolI was wrong about what Asmo was btwI’m really interested to see what they do with Satans tailbecause the nekomata has a tail split or two tails:thonk:it’s so cool so farobey meobey me shall we dateobey me beelzebubobey me leviathanobey me belphegorobey me mammonobey me satanobey me asmodeusobey me lucifer


Ough I’m looking forward to this please don’t mess this one’s story up

I fuckin love yokai stufflike that’s my Pokémon fixation speakingbut yoooI think I know what Asmo. Satans and Beels are but I’m not sure yetLevi’s also looks so cool yois gonna be so cool I’m lookin forward to thisobey meobey me shall we dateobey me beelzebubobey me leviathanobey me belphegorobey me mammonobey me asmodeusobey me satanobey me lucifer

who dareI’ll fightI’m very tired atm lmao-obey meobey me shall we dateobey me beelzebubbeelzebub obey me

In the spirit of autism acceptance month here’s my takes on the obey me characters and their various nerodivergent headcannons that I have because fuck you /j

These are all personal headcannons so please keep those in mind while reading! Thank you

So! We have the one that I feel is talked about the most, which is Levi having autism. And to me, yeah that makes perfect sense. He has special interests that he holds very close to himself, infodumps about them quite frequently, isn’t the best at social situations and is fully aware of it, and other reasons I can’t think of atm but I’m sure y’all can find them around-

And then we have one I don’t see talked about as often? Or I’m just blind- but I personally headcannon Mammon to have some form of ADHD. Like, if you look at the list of symptoms for ADHD, you’ll see a lot of it really reflects Mammon’s behavior. Impulsive, barely any volume control, can’t really sit still/gets bored easily, shiny crow brain/hj, and has difficulty completing tasks that don’t interest him, doesn’t know when to shut up/talks a lot, etc! I could go on but I’m running on tired so runnin low on the words yknow?

Also! The last one for now that I can think of is Beel and Belphie both having depression but different ways of showing it. Belphie is being tired constantly, no energy for anything, feeling like things aren’t worth the effort etc. Beel is having this hole in your heart that you can’t fill no matter what you do. Obviously that hole is from the events of the celestial war. And for those two I feel that the way they express their depression is kinda what formed their sins? If that makes sense? I dunno it’s kinda weak, especially on Beel but hey who knows! Maybe you’ll be able to find better evidence/word it better.

There’s probably more I could add with the different characters but this is all I got for now and I might update this later when it’s not… nighttime and I need to be trying to sleep hours- though you can’t really tell me that any of the cast are nerotypical, except maaaaybe Solomon and Luke. Maybe

Anyway, headcannons from your local nerodivergent dragon!

god I love thinking about thesethey’re so funespecially when you’re reaaallly able to think about itand notrunning on thoughts that are tired from melatoningive my your thoughts though! I wanna hear themobeymeobey meobey me shall we dateobey me leviathanobey me mammonobey me beelzebubobey me belphegorobey me headcanonsautism acceptence monthnerodivergent headcannons


oh holy shit actual art ayo? yeah its bout time I guess- have the obey me bros with their hair tied up because yeah- fun

I should really post art moresoon I thinkexpect an obey me megapost with all kinds of refswhenever I get those doneobey meobey me brothersobey me luciferobey me mammonobey me leviathanobey me satanobey me asmodeusobey me beelzebubobey me belphegorobey me diavoloom!fanart