Representative Poetry Online (original) (raw)

[fol. 91r]

[fitt1: stanza 1 (long)]

1siþen þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at troye

2þe bor3 brittened and brent to brondez and askez

3þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wro3t

4watz tried for his tricherie þe trewest on erþe

5hit watz ennias þe athel and his highe kynde

6þat siþen depreced prouinces and patrounes bicome

7welne3e of al þe wele in þe west iles

8fro riche romulus to rome ricchis hym swyþe

9with gret bobbaunce þat bur3e he biges vpon fyrst

10and neuenes hit his aune nome as hit now hat

12langaberde in lumbardie lyftes vp homes

13and fer ouer þe french flod felix brutus

14on mony bonkkes ful brode bretayn he settez


15wyth wynne


16where werre and wrake and wonder

17bi syþez hatz wont þerinne

18and oft boþe blysse and blunder

19ful skete hatz skyfted synne

[After the siege and the assault of Troy, when the city was burned to ashes, the knight who therein wrought treason was tried for his treachery and was found to be the truest on earth. Aeneas the noble it was, and his high kindred, who vanquished great nations and became the rulers of wellnigh all the western world. Noble Romulus went to Rome with great show of strength, and built that city at the first, and gave it his own name, as it is called to this day. Ticius went into Tuscany and began to set up habitations, and Langobard made his home in Lombardy; whilst Brutus, far over the French sea by many a full broad hill-side, the fair land of Britain

did win,

Where war and wrack and wonder

Often were seen therein,

And oft both bliss and blunder

Have come about through sin.]

[stanza 2 (long)]

20ande quen þis bretayn watz bigged bi þis burn rych

21bolde bredden þerinne baret þat lofden

22in mony turned tyme tene þat wro3ten

23mo ferlyes on þis folde han fallen here oft

24þen in any oþer þat I wot syn þat ilk tyme

25bot of alle þat here bult of bretaygne kynges

26ay watz arthur þe hendest as I haf herde telle [fol. 91]

27forþi an aunter in erde I attle to schawe

28þat a selly in si3t summe men hit holden

29and an outtrage awenture of arthurez wonderez

30if 3e wyl lysten þis laye bot on littel quile


32with tonge


33as hit is stad and stoken

34in stori stif and stronge

35with lel letteres loken

36in londe so hatz ben longe

[Now, when Britain was conquered by this noble man, brave warriors were bred and born therein that were fond of striving, so that many times sorrow came thereof. And more wonders have been wrought in this land than in any other I wot of since that time. But of all the British kings, Arthur was the most courteous, as I have heard say. And I propose to tell you a wondrous adventure, as some hold it to be, that happened in Arthur's court; and if ye will listen but a little I will tell it you

with tongue

As I have heard it told,

In a story brave and strong,

In a loyal book of old,

In the land it has been long.]

[stanza 3 (long)]

38with mony luflych lorde ledez of þe best

39rekenly of þe rounde table alle þo rich breþer

40with rych reuel ory3t and rechles merþes

41þer tournayed tulkes by tymez ful mony

42justed ful jolile þise gentyle kni3tes

43syþen kayred to þe court caroles to make

44for þer þe fest watz ilyche ful fiften dayes

45with alle þe mete and þe mirþe þat men couþe avyse

47dere dyn vpon day daunsyng on ny3tes

48al watz hap vpon he3e in hallez and chambrez

49with lordez and ladies as leuest him þo3t

50with all þe wele of þe worlde þay woned þer samen

51þe most kyd kny3tez vnder krystes seluen

52and þe louelokkest ladies þat euer lif haden

53and he þe comlokest kyng þat þe court haldes

54for al watz þis fayre folk in her first age


55on sille


56þe hapnest vnder heuen

57kyng hy3est mon of wylle

59so hardy a here on hille

[This King Arthur was at Camelot at Christmas with many a lovely lord, and they were all princely brethren of the Round Table, and they made rich revel and mirth, and were free from care. And betimes these gentle knights held full many a tournament, and jousted in jolly fashion, and then returned they to the court to sing the Christmas carols. And the feasting was for fifteen days, and it was with all the meat and mirth that men could devise. And glorious to hear was the noisy glee by day and the dancing by night, and all was joyous in hall and chamber, among the lords and ladies as it pleased them, and they were the most renowned knights under Christ and the loveliest ladies that ever lived, for all these fair folk were in their first age, and great were they

in mirth

The gayest in the land,

The king was of great worth,

I could not name a band

So hardy upon earth.]

[stanza 4 (long)]

60wyle nw 3er watz so 3ep þat hit watz nwe cummen

61þat day doubble on þe dece watz þe douth serued

62fro þe kyng watz cummen with kny3tes into þe halle

63þe chauntre of þe chapel cheued to an ende

64loude crye watz þer kest of clerkez and oþer [fol. 92r]

65nowel nayted onewe neuened ful ofte

66and syþen riche forth runnen to reche hondeselle

68debated busyly aboute þo giftes

69ladies la3ed ful loude þo3 þay lost haden

70and he þat wan watz not wrothe þat may 3e wel trawe

71alle þis mirþe þay maden to þe mete tyme

72when þay had waschen worþyly þay wenten to sete

73þe best burne ay abof as hit best semed

74whene guenore ful gay grayþed in þe myddes

75dressed on þe dere des dubbed al aboute

76smal sendal bisides a selure hir ouer

77of tryed tolouse and tars tapites innoghe

78þat were enbrawded and beten wyth þe best gemmes

79þat my3t be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye


80in daye


82þer glent with y3en gray

83a semloker þat euer he sy3e

84soth mo3t no mon say

[And when the New Year was come, on that day the nobles on the daïs were double served, when the king came with his knights into the great hall and the chanting in the chapel was ended. And clerks and others set up a loud cry, and they kept the Feast of Christmas anew, and they gave and received New Year's gifts, and much talking was there about the gifts. And ladies laughed full loudly, though they had lost in the exchange, and he that won was not wrath, as ye will well trow, and they made all this mirth together as was fitting for the season. When they had washed, they worthily went to their seats, each according to his rank, as was seemly. And Queen Guinevere was full gaily attired as she took her seat on the daïs, and on fair silks under a canopy of costly Tarsian tapestry, embroidered with the finest of gems that money could buy on

a day

The comeliest lady, I ween,

She glanced from eyes that were grey,

Her like that he had seen

Truly could no man say.]

[stanza 5 (long)]

85bot arthure wolde not ete til al were serued

86he watz so joly of his joyfnes and sumquat childgered

87his lif liked hym ly3t he louied þe lasse

89so bisied him his 3onge blod and his brayn wylde

90and also an oþer maner meued him eke

91þat he þur3 nobelay had nomen he wolde neuer ete

92vpon such a dere day er hym deuised were

93of sum auenturus þyng an vncouþe tale

94of sum mayn meruayle þat he my3t trawe

96oþer sum segg hym biso3t of sum siker kny3t

97to joyne wyth hym in iustyng in joparde to lay

98lede lif for lyf leue vchon oþer

99as fortune wolde fulsun hom þe fayrer to haue

101at vch farand fest among his fre meny


[fol. 92]

102in halle


103þerfore of face so fere

104he sti3tlez stif in stalle

105ful 3ep in þat nw 3ere

[But Arthur would not eat until all were served, for he was so jolly, and almost like a child. Little recked he of his life; and so restless was he that he could not sit or recline for long, so active was his young blood and his brain. And there was another strange thing about him because of his noble birth, that he would not eat on these high days until he had heard some eerie tale of marvellous adventures, of his forbears or arms, or else that some knight joined with another in jousting, life for life as hap would have it. This was the custom of the King when he was in court at each feast as it came amongst his noble household

in hall,

Therefore so bold of face

He sat there, strong in stall,

In that new year of grace

Much mirth he made with all.]

[stanza 6 (long)]

107þus þer stondes in stale þe stif kyng hisseluen

108talkkande bifore þe hy3e table of trifles ful hende

109þere gode gawan watz grayþed gwenore bisyde

110and agrauayn a la dure mayn on þat oþer syde sittes

111boþe þe kynges sistersunes and ful siker kni3tes

112bischop bawdewyn abof biginez þe table

114þise were di3t on þe des and derworþly serued

115and siþen mony siker segge at þe sidbordez

116þen þe first cors come with crakkyng of trumpes

117wyth mony baner ful bry3t þat þerbi henged

118nwe nakryn noyse with þe noble pipes

119wylde werbles and wy3t wakned lote

120þat mony hert ful hi3e hef at her towches

121dayntes dryuen þerwyth of ful dere metes

122foysoun of þe fresche and on so fele disches

123þat pine to fynde þe place þe peple biforne


125on clothe


126iche lede as he loued hymselue

127þer laght withouten loþe

128ay two had disches twelue

129good ber and bry3t wyn boþe

[Thus was the King in the high seat talking before the high table of courteous trifles and good. Sir Gawain was sitting beside Guinevere. Agravayn of the hard hand sat on the other side, and both were sons of the king's sister and very strong and faithful knights. Bishop Bawdewyn was at the head of the table, and Ywain, son of Urien, was eating by himself. And they were all on the daïs, and well were they served, and afterwards many a true man at the sideboards. With the crashing of trumpets came the first course, and with banners and beating of drums and piping loud, so that many a heart heaved full high at the sound, and there were many dear and full dainty meats. And there were so many dishes and such great plenty that it was hard to find room to set before the folk the silver service that held the courses

on cloth,

Each man as he loved himself

There laughed he without loath,

Each two had dishes twelve,

Good beer and bright wine both.]

[stanza 7 (long)]

130now wyl I of hor seruise say yow no more

131for vch wy3e may wel wit no wont þat þer were

132an oþer noyse ful newe ne3ed biliue

133þat þe lude my3t haf leue liflode to cach

134for vneþe watz þe noyce not a whyle sesed

135and þe fyrst cource in þe court kyndely serued

136þer hales in at þe halle dor an aghlich mayster

137on þe most on þe molde on mesure hyghe

138fro þe swyre to þe swange so sware and so þik

139and his lyndes and his lymes so longe and so grete

[fol. 93r]

141bot mon most I algate mynn hym to bene

142and þat þe myriest in his muckel þat my3t ride

143for of bak and of brest al were his bodi sturne

145and alle his fetures fol3ande in forme þat he hade


146ful clene


147for wonder of his hwe men hade

148set in his semblaunt sene

149he ferde as freke were fade

[Now will I tell you no more of the serving, for ye may wot well no want was there. Another and a full new wonder was drawing near. Scarcely had the noise ceased and the first course been served in the court, when there came in at the hall door an ugly fellow and tallest of all men upon earth. From his neck to his loins so square set was he, and so long and stalwart of limb, that I trow he was half a giant. And yet he was a man, and the merriest that might ride. His body in back and breast was strong, his belly and waist were very small, and all his features

full clean.

Great wonder of the knight

Folk had in hall, I ween,

Full fierce he was to sight,

And over all bright green.]

[stanza 8 (long)]

151ande al grayþed in grene þis gome and his wedes

152a strayt cote ful stre3t þat stek on his sides

154with pelure pured apert þe pane ful clene

155with blyþe blaunner ful bry3t and his hod boþe

156þat watz la3t fro his lokkez and layde on his schulderes

158þat spenet on his sparlyr and clene spures vnder

159of bry3t golde vpon silk bordes barred ful ryche

160and scholes vnder schankes þere þe schalk rides

161and alle his vesture uerayly watz clene verdure

162boþe þe barres of his belt and oþer blyþe stones

163þat were richely rayled in his aray clene

164aboutte hymself and his sadel vpon silk werkez

165þat were to tor for to telle of tryfles þe halue

166þat were enbrauded abof wyth bryddes and fly3es

167with gay gaudi of grene þe golde ay inmyddes

169his molaynes and alle þe metail anamayld was þenne

170þe steropes þat he stod on stayned of þe same

172þat euer glemered and glent al of grene stones

173þe fole þat he ferkkes on fyn of þat ilke




175a grene hors gret and þikke

176a stede ful stif to strayne

177in brawden brydel quik

[fol. 93]

178to þe gome he watz ful gayn

[And he was all clad in green garments, and fitting close to his sides was a straight coat with a simple mantle above it and well lined with gay and bright furs, as was also his hood hanging about his locks and round his shoulders; and he had hosen of that same green on his calves, and bright spurs of gold, that hung down his legs upon silk borders, richly striped, where his foot rested in the stirrup.

And verily all his vesture was of pure green, both the stripings of his belt, and the stones that shone brightly in his orgeous apparel, upon silk work, on his person and saddle; and it would be too tedious to tell you even the half of such trifles as were thereon embroidered with birds and flies in gaudy greens, and ever gold in the midst. The pendants of the horse's neck-gear, the proud cropper, the ornaments, and all the metal thereof, were enamelled of green; the stirrups that he stood in of the same colour, and his saddle-bow also; and they were all glimmering and shining with green stones; and the foal on which he rode was of that same hue


A green horse great and thick,

A steed full strong to strain,

In broidered bridle thick,

To the man he was full gain.]

[stanza 9 (long)]

179wel gay watz þis gome gered in grene

181fayre fannand fax vmbefoldes his schulderes

183þat wyth his hi3lich here þat of his hed reches

184watz euesed al vmbetorne abof his elbowes

185þat half his armes þervnder were halched in þe wyse

186of a kyngez capados þat closes his swyre

187þe mane of þat mayn hors much to hit lyke

188wel cresped and cemmed wyth knottes ful mony

189folden in wyth fildore aboute þe fayre grene

191þe tayl and his toppyng twynnen of a sute

192and bounden boþe wyth a bande of a bry3t grene

193dubbed wyth ful dere stonez as þe dok lasted

194syþen þrawen wyth a þwong a þwarle knot alofte

195þer mony bellez ful bry3t of brende golde rungen

196such a fole vpon folde ne freke þat hym rydes

197watz neuer sene in þat sale wyth sy3t er þat tyme


198with y3e


199he loked as layt so ly3t

200so sayd al þat hym sy3e

201hit semed as no mon my3t

202vnder his dynttez dry3e

[Thus gaily was this man dressed out in green, and the hair of the horse's head was of green, and his fair, flowing locks clung about his shoulders; and a great beard like a bush hung over his breast, and with his noble hair was cut evenly all round above his elbows, and the lower part of his sleeves was fastened like a king's mantle. The horse's mane was crisped and gemmed with many a knot, and folded in with gold thread about the fair green with ever a fillet of hair and one of gold, and his tail and head were intertwisted with gold in the same manner, and bound with a band of bright green, and decked with costly stones and tied with a tight knot above; and about them were ringing many full bright bells of burnished gold. Such a horse or his rider were never seen in that hall before or

with eye.

'He looks like flashing light,'

Say they that him descry,

'It seemed that no man might

His dintings e'er defy.']

[stanza 10 (long)]

204ne no pysan ne no plate þat pented to armes

205ne no schafte ne no schelde to schwue ne to smyte

206bot in his on honde he hade a holyn bobbe

207þat is grattest in grene when greuez ar bare

208and an ax in his oþer a hoge and vnmete

209a spetos sparþe to expoun in spelle quoso my3t

211þe grayn al of grene stele and of golde hewen

212þe bit burnyst bry3t with a brod egge

213as wel schapen to schere as scharp rasores

214þe stele of a stif staf þe sturne hit bi grypte [fol. 94r]

215þat watz wounden wyth yrn to þe wandez ende

216and al bigrauen with grene in gracios werkes

217a lace lapped aboute þat louked at þe hede

218and so after þe halme halched ful ofte

219wyth tryed tasselez þerto tacched innoghe

220on botounz of þe bry3t grene brayden ful ryche

221þis haþel heldez hym in and þe halle entres

222driuande to þe he3e dece dut he no woþe

223haylsed he neuer one bot he3e he ouer loked

224þe fyrst word þat he warp wher is he sayd

225þe gouernour of þis gyng gladly I wolde

226se þat segg in sy3t and with hymself speke




228to kny3tez he kest his y3e

229and reled hym vp and doun

230he stemmed and con studie

231quo walt þer most renoun

[And he had no helmet nor hauberk, nor was he armour-plated, nor had he spear or shield with which to smite; but in one hand he held a holly branch, that is most green when the groves are all bare, and in the other he held an axe, huge and uncanny, and a sharp weapon was it to describe whoso might wish. And the head thereof measured an ell, and its grain was of green steel and of hewn gold, and the broad edge of it was burnished brightly, and as well shaped for cutting as a razor. And the sturdy knight gripped the steel of the stiff staff that was wound round with iron right along its length, and engraven in green with many noble deeds; and lace lapped it about and was fastened on the head, and looped about the handle full oft with many tassels tied thereto and broidered full richly on buttons of bright green. And the man haled into the hall, and pushed forward to the high daïs, fearful of nothing, and saluted no one, but looked scornfully over them all. The first word that he uttered was 'Where is the chief of this company? Gladly would I see that man in the body, and speak with him seasonably

in town.'

The knight cast round his eye,

And reeled up and down,

He stopped and 'gan to spy

Who was of best renown.]

[stanza 11 (long)]

232ther watz lokyng on lenþe þe lude to beholde

233for vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene my3t

234þat a haþel and a horse my3t such a hwe lach

235as growe grene as þe gres and grener hit semed

237al studied þat þer stod and stalked hym nerre

238wyth al þe wonder of þe worlde what he worch schulde

239for fele sellyez had þay sen bot such neuer are

240forþi for fantoum and fayry3e þe folk þere hit demed

241þerfore to answare watz ar3e mony aþel freke

243in a swoghe sylence þur3 þe sale riche

244as al were slypped vpon slepe so slaked hor lotez


245in hy3e


246I deme hit not al for doute

247bot sum for cortaysye

248bot let hym þat al schulde loute

249cast vnto þat wy3e

[When they all looked at him, and every man marvelled much what it might mean that a man and his horse should be of such a colour of green, green as the grass and greener, as it seemed, than green enamel upon gold shining brightly. All studied him carefully, and came nearer to him, for they had seen many wonders, but nothing like unto this; therefore the folk deemed it to be a phantom or some faery. And many of them were afraid to answer him; astounded at his voice, stone still they sat. And there was a solemn silence through that rich hall, as though they had all fallen asleep


Not all, I trow, for fear

But some for courtesy:

Let him whom all hold dear

Unto him make reply.]

[stanza 12 (long)]

250þenn arþour bifore þe hi3 dece þat auenture byholdez

251and rekenly hym reuerenced for rad was he neuer

252and sayde wy3e welcum iwys to þis place

[fol. 94]

253þe hede of þis ostel arthour I hat

254li3t luflych adoun and lenge I þe praye

256nay as help me quoþ þe haþel he þat on hy3e syttes

257to wone any quyle in þis won hit watz not myn ernde

258bot for þe los of þe lede is lyft vp so hy3e

259and þy bur3 and þy burnes best ar holden

261þe wy3test and þe worþyest of þe worldes kynde

262preue for to play wyth in oþer pure laykez

263and here is kydde cortaysye as I haf herd carp

264and þat hatz wayned me hider iwyis at þis tyme

2653e may be seker bi þis braunch þat I bere here

266þat I passe as in pes and no ply3t seche

267for had I founded in fere in fe3tyng wyse

268I haue a hauberghe at home and a helme boþe

269a schelde and a scharp spere schinande bry3t

270ande oþer weppenes to welde I wene wel als

271bot for I wolde no were my wedez ar softer

272bot if þou be so bold as alle burnez tellen

273þou wyl grant me godly þe gomen þat I ask


274bi ry3t


275arthour con onsware

276and sayd sir cortays kny3t

277if þou craue batayl bare

278here faylez þou not to fy3t

[When Arthur on the high daïs beheld that adventure, and royally did reverence unto him, for nothing could affright him, and he said, 'Sir, welcome art thou to this hall. I am Arthur, the head of this hostel. Alight from thy horse, and linger with us, I pray thee, and afterwards we will come to know what thy will is.' 'Nay,' quoth that fellow, 'As He that sitteth on high shall help me, it is not mine errand to dwell any while in this place, but I am come because the fame of thy knights is so highly praised, and thy burgesses and thy town are held to be the best in the world, and the strongest riders on horses in steel armour, and the bravest and the worthiest of all mankind, and proof in playing in all joustings; and here, too, courtesy is well known, as I have heard say; and it is for these reasons that I am come hither at this time. Thou mayest rest assured by this holly token I hold in my hand that I am come in peaceful wise, and seek no quarrel; for had I come in company, in fighting wise, I have both a helm and a hauberk at home, and a shield, and a sharp and brightly shining spear, and other weapons I wield there as I ween; but because I wage no warfare, my weeds are of softer sort. But if thou art so bold as all men say, thou wilt grant me in goodly wise the games I ask

by right.'

Then Arthur he did swear,

And said, 'Sir courteous knight,

If thou cravest battle bare

Thou shalt not fail to fight.']

[stanza 13 (long)]

279nay frayst I no fy3t in fayth I þe telle

280hit arn aboute on þis bench bot berdlez chylder

281if I were hasped in armes on a he3e stede

283forþy I craue in þis court a crystemas gomen

284for hit is 3ol and nwe 3er and here ar 3ep mony

285if any so hardy in þis hous holdez hymseluen

286be so bolde in his blod brayn in hys hede

287þat dar stifly strike a strok for an oþer

288I schal gif hym of my gyft þys giserne ryche

289þis ax þat is heue innogh to hondele as hym lykes

[fol. 95r]

290and I schal bide þe fyrst bur as bare as I sitte

291if any freke be so felle to fonde þat I telle

292lepe ly3tly me to and lach þis weppen

294and I schal stonde hym a strok stif on þis flet

295ellez þou wyl di3t me þe dom to dele hym an oþer




297and 3et gif hym respite

298a twelmonyth and a day

299now hy3e and let se tite

300dar any herinne o3t say

[Nay, I tell thee in good faith, I seek not to fight, for the men on this bench are but beardless children, and if I were hasped in arms on a high steed there is no man here to match with me. I only crave of this court a Christmas game, as this is the feast of Yule and New Year, and many here are brave. And if any in this house holds himself so hardy and is so boldblooded and so utterly mad that he dare strike one stroke for another in return, I will give to him this costly axe, that is heavy enough, and he shall handle it if he likes, and I will bide the first blow as bare as I sit here. If any fellow here be so brave as to do what I say, let him come forward quickly and take hold of the weapon, and I will quit claim upon it for ever. It shall be his very own. And I will stand strongly on this floor to abide his stroke if thou wilt doom him to receive another stroke in return from me; yet will I grant him


I'll give to him the blow,

In a twelvemonth and a day.

Now think and let me know

Dare any herein aught say.']

[stanza 14 (long)]

301if he hem stowned vpon fyrst stiller were þanne

302alle þe heredmen in halle þe hy3 and þe lo3e

303þe renk on his rounce hym ruched in his sadel

304and runischly his rede y3en he reled aboute

305bende his bresed bro3ez blycande grene

307when non wolde kepe hym with carp he co3ed ful hy3e

309what is þis arthures hous quoþ þe haþel þenne

310þat al þe rous rennes of þur3 ryalmes so mony

311where is now your sourquydrye and your conquestes

313now is þe reuel and þe renoun of þe rounde table

314ouerwalt wyth a worde of on wy3es speche

315for al dares for drede withoute dynt schewed

316wyth þis he la3es so loude þat þe lorde greued

317þe blod schot for scham into his schyre face


318and lere


319he wex as wroth as wynde

320so did alle þat þer were

321þe kyng as kene bi kynde

322þen stod þat stif mon nere

[Now, if this man astonished them at the first, even still more were they astonished at this word, both high and low. The man rode firm in the saddle, and rolled his red eyes about, and bent his rough, green shining eyebrows, and stroked his beard, waiting for some one to rise. And when no one would answer him, he coughed loudly and scornfully, and said, ' What! is this Arthur's house that all men are talking of? Where are now your pride and your valour, your wrath and fury and great words? for now is the revel and renown of the Round Table overcome by one word, for all of you are terrified though no blow has been struck.' Then he laughed so loudly that King Arthur was grieved thereat, and the blood, for shame, shot upwards into his bright face

so dear.

He waxed as wroth as wind,

So did all that were there,

The king was bravely kind,

And stood that strong man near.]

[stanza 15 (long)]

323ande sayde haþel by heuen þyn askyng is nys

324and as þou foly hatz frayst fynde þe behoues

325I know no gome þat is gast of þy grete wordes

326gif me now þy geserne vpon godez halue

327and I schal bayþen þy bone þat þou boden habbes [fol. 95]

329þen feersly þat oþer freke vpon fote ly3tis

330now hatz arthure his axe and þe halme grypez

331and sturnely sturez hit aboute þat stryke wyth hit þo3t

332þe stif mon hym bifore stod vpon hy3t

333herre þen ani in þe hous by þe hede and more

334wyth sturne schere þer he stod he stroked his berde

335and wyth a countenaunce dry3e he dro3 doun his cote

337þen any burne vpon bench hade bro3t hym to drynk


338of wyne


339gawan þat sate bi þe quene

340to þe kyng he can enclyne

341I beseche now with sa3ez sene

342þis melly mot be myne

[And he said, 'By heaven, fellow, thy asking is strange, and since thou dost seek after foolishness, it behoves thee to find it. I know of no single man among us that is aghast at thy great words. Give me thy axe, for God's sake, and I will grant thee the boon thou cravest.' Arthur leapt forward towards him and caught him by the hand. Then fiercely alighted that other fellow from his horse. Arthur seized the axe, gripping it by the handle, and strongly brandished it about. The strong man stood towering before him, higher than any in the house, by his head and more. Stern of mien, he stood there and stroked his beard, and with face unmoved he drew down his coat, no more dismayed for the dints he was to receive than if any man upon the bench had brought him to drink

of wine.

Gawain sat by the queen,

To the king he did incline,

'I tell thee truth I ween,

This mêlée must be mine.']

[stanza 16 (long)]

344bid me bo3e fro þis benche and stonde by yow þere

345þat I wythoute vylanye my3t voyde þis table

346and þat my legge lady lyked not ille

347I wolde com to your counseyl bifore your cort ryche

348for me þink hit not semly as hit is soþ knawen

349þer such an askyng is heuened so hy3e in your sale

350þa3 3e 3ourself be talenttyf to take hit to yourseluen

351whil mony so bolde yow aboute vpon bench sytten

352þat vnder heuen I hope non ha3erer of wylle

353ne better bodyes on bent þer baret is rered

354I am þe wakkest I wot and of wyt feblest

355and lest lur of my lyf quo laytes þe soþe

356bot for as much as 3e ar myn em I am only to prayse

357no bounte bot your blod I in my bode knowe

358and syþen þis note is so nys þat no3t hit yow falles

359and I haue frayned hit at yow fyrst foldez hit to me

360and if I carp not comlyly let alle þis cort rych


361bout blame


362ryche togeder con roun

363and syþen þay redden alle same

364to ryd þe kyng wyth croun

365and gif gawan þe game

[If thou wilt allow me to come down from this bench and without fault leave this table and stand by thee there, and if my liege lady likes it not ill, I will come to thine aid before all this noble court; for methinks it not seemly that when such a thing as this is asked in this great hall, that thou shouldest deal with it thyself, though thou be eager to do so, when there are so many brave men about thee, on the benches, that, as I hope, under heaven, are not more precious than thou art, nor are they more able-bodied on the field, when there is any fighting. I am the weakest and most feeble of wit; and who seeketh truth knows that the loss of my life would be a small matter. I have no praise except that thou art mine uncle, and no goodness in my body have I except thy blood that flows in my veins. Since this affair is none of thine and I have first made demand for it, it falls to me; and if I acquit not myself comely, let all this noble court

me blame.'

The knights whispered that day,

And all agreed the same

The king must yield the fray,

And give Gawain the game.]

[fol. 96r]

[stanza 17 (long)]

366þen commaunded þe kyng þe kny3t for to ryse

367and he ful radly vpros and ruchched hym fayre

368kneled doun bifore þe kyng and cachez þat weppen

369and he luflyly hit hym laft and lyfte vp his honde

370and gef hym goddez blessyng and gladly hym biddes

371þat his hert and his honde schulde hardi be boþe

372kepe þe cosyn quoþ þe kyng þat þou on kyrf sette

373and if þou redez hym ry3t redly I trowe

374þat þou schal byden þe bur þat he schal bede after

375gawan gotz to þe gome with giserne in honde

376and he baldly hym bydez he bayst neuer þe helder

377þen carppez to sir gawan þe kny3t in þe grene

378refourme we oure forwardes er we fyrre passe

379fyrst I eþe þe haþel how þat þou hattes

380þat þou me telle truly as I tryst may

381in god fayth quoþ þe goode kny3t gawan I hatte

383and at þis tyme twelmonyth take at þe an oþer


385on lyue


386þat oþer onswarez agayn

387sir gawan so mot I þryue

388as I am ferly fayn

389þis dint þat þou schal dryue

[When the king commanded the knight to rise up, which he readily did, and set himself fairly and knelt down again before the king and received from him the weapon, and the king lifted up his hand and gave him God's blessing, and prayed that both his heart and hand might be hardy and strong.' Take care, cousin, that thou set one blow upon him, and if thou doest it well, then shalt thou bide the blow that he shall give thee afterwards.' Gawain went forward to the man with the axe in his hand, and the Green Knight boldly bided his coming and flinched not at all. Then said the Green Knight to Sir Gawain, 'Let us make well our covenant ere we go further. First, I want to know thy name -- tell me truly.' 'In good faith,' said the knight, 'my name is Gawain, and it is Gawain that offers to give thee this blow, whatsoever befall him afterwards; and in a twelvemonth and a day thou shalt take back the blow with any weapon thou likest, if I shall be


That other answered again,

'Gawain, so may I thrive,

For I am fiercely fain

Of the blow that thou wilt drive.']

[stanza 18 (long)]

390bigog quoþ þe grene kny3t sir gawan me lykes

391þat I schal fange at þy fust þat I haf frayst here

392and þou hatz redily rehersed bi resoun ful trwe

393clanly al þe couenaunt þat I þe kynge asked

394saf þat þou schal siker me segge bi þi trawþe

396I may be funde vpon folde and foch þe such wages

399I wot neuer where þou wonyes bi hym þat me wro3t

400ne I know not þe kny3t by cort ne þi name

401bot teche me truly þerto and telle me how þou hattes

402and I schal ware alle my wyt to wynne me þeder

[fol. 96]

404þat is innogh in nwe 3er hit nedes no more

405quoþ þe gome in þe grene to gawan þe hende

4063if I þe telle trwly quen I þe tape haue

407and þou me smoþely hatz smyten smartly I þe teche

408of my hous and my home and myn owen nome

409þen may þou frayst my fare and forwardez holde

410and if I spende no speche þenne spedez þou þe better

411for þou may leng in þy londe and layt no fyrre


412bot slokes


413ta now þy grymme tole to þe

414and let se how þou cnokez

415gladly sir for soþe

416quoþ gawan his ax he strokes

[When said the Green Knight, 'Well it pleases me that I shall take at thy hand that which I sought in this hall. And thou hast truly rehearsed all the covenant I asked of the king; save that thou shalt pledge me to seek me thyself wheresoever thou dost hope to find me on the earth, and to fetch thee such wages as thou wilt deal me to-day in the presence of this noble company.' 'Oh tell me,' quoth Gawain, 'where must I seek thee? Where is thy place? By Him that made me, I wot not where thou dwellest, nor do I know thee, Sir Knight, nor thy court, nor thy name. But tell me that truly, and what is thy name, and I will use all my wit that I may win thither, and that I swear by my sooth.' ' It will suffice in the new year,' quoth the Green Knight to Gawain the gentle, 'if I tell thee truly when I have received the blow at thy hand. Then it is that I will quickly tell thee of my house, my home, and my name. Then mayest thou ask my faring, and hold the covenant, and if I say nothing at all, then will it speed thee better, for thou mayest linger in thy land and seek to fare no farther in search of such

a sight.

Take now the weapon grim,

Let us see how thou canst smite.

`Gladly,' said he to him;

Then stroked the axe that knight.]

[stanza 19 (long)]

417þe grene kny3t vpon grounde grayþely hym dresses

418a littel lut with þe hede þe lere he discouerez

419his longe louelych lokkez he layd ouer his croun

420let þe naked nec to þe note schewe

421gauan gripped to his ax and gederes hit on hy3t

422þe kay fot on þe folde he before sette

423let him doun ly3tly ly3t on þe naked

424þat þe scharp of þe schalk schyndered þe bones

426þat þe bit of þe broun stel bot on þe grounde

427þe fayre hede fro þe halce hit to þe erþe

428þat fele hit foyned wyth her fete þere hit forth roled

429þe blod brayd fro þe body þat blykked on þe grene

430and nawþer faltered ne fel þe freke neuer þe helder

431bot styþly he start forth vpon styf schonkes

433la3t to his lufly hed and lyft hit vp sone

434and syþen bo3ez to his blonk þe brydel he cachchez

435steppez into stelbawe and strydez alofte

436and his hede by þe here in his honde haldez

437and as sadly þe segge hym in his sadel sette


439in stedde


[fol. 97r]

441þat vgly bodi þat bledde

442moni on of hym had doute

443bi þat his resounz were redde

[The Green Knight then prepared himself, bowed down a little, and discovered his face, and his long and lovely locks flowing about his head and he bared his neck for the business in hand. Gawain gripped the axe and held it up aloft. He put his left foot forward, then he let the axe fall lightly down on the naked neck so that it sundered the bones, pierced through the flesh, so that the point of the steel bit into the ground, and the head of the Green Knight fell to the earth. And many kicked it with their feet as it rolled there, and blood rushed forth from the body and shone red on the green garments. Yet not a whit did the Green Knight falter nor fall, but started strongly forward on stiff shanks where the men were standing, and caught hold of his head and lifted it up. Then he went to his horse, seized the bridle, stepped into the saddle, and striding aloft, he held his head by the hair, and as gravely he sat in the saddle as though no evil had befallen him and he were not headless

in that stead.

He swayed his trunk about,

The ugly body that bled;

Many of him had doubt

By the time his reasons were said.]

[stanza 20 (long)]

444for þe hede in his honde he haldez vp euen

445toward þe derrest on þe dece he dressez þe face

447and meled þus much with his muthe as 3e may now here

448loke gawan þou be grayþe to go as þou hettez

449and layte as lelly til þou me lude fynde

450as þou hatz hette in þis halle herande þise kny3tes

451to þe grene chapel þou chose I charge þe to fotte

452such a dunt as þou hatz dalt disserued þou habbez

453to be 3ederly 3olden on nw 3eres morn

454þe kny3t of þe grene chapel men knowen me mony

455forþi me for to fynde if þou fraystez faylez þou neuer

457with a runisch rout þe raynez he tornez

458halled out at þe hal dor his hed in his hande

459þat þe fyr of þe flynt fla3e fro fole houes

460to quat kyth he becom knwe non þere

461neuer more þen þay wyste from queþen he watz wonnen


462what þenne


463þe kyng and gawen þare

464at þat grene þay la3e and grenne

4653et breued watz hit ful bare

466a meruayl among þo menne

[He held up the head in his hands, and addressed him to the dearest of those on the bench, to wit, Sir Gawain; and the eyelids were lifted up and looked forth, and the lips moved and said, 'Take heed, Sir Gawain, that thou art ready to go and seek me till thou find me as thou hast promised in this hall with these knights as witnesses. To the green chapel thou shalt come to receive such a blow as thou hast given, on New Year's morning. And many know me as the Knight of the Green Chapel. Fail not, then, to seek me until thou findest me; therefore come thou, or recreant shalt thou be called.' Then roughly he turned his reins, haled out of the hall door, with his head in his hand, and the horse's hoofs struck fire from the flinty stones. No one there knew of what kith or kin he was, or whence he came.


Of the Green Knight they made light,

Yet it was thought that day,

A marvel, a wondrous sight,

Though, laughing, they were gay.]

[stanza 21 (long)]

467þa3 arþer þe hende kyng at hert hade wonder

468he let no semblaunt be sene bot sayde ful hy3e

469to þe comlych quene wyth cortays speche

471wel bycommes such craft vpon cristmasse

472laykyng of enterludez to la3e and to syng

473among þise kynde caroles of kny3tez and ladyez

474neuer þe lece to my mete I may me wel dres

475for I haf sen a selly I may not forsake

476he glent vpon sir gawen and gaynly he sayde

477now sir heng vp þyn ax þat hatz innogh hewen

[fol. 97]

478and hit watz don abof þe dece on doser to henge

479þer alle men for meruayl my3t on hit loke

480and bi trwe tytel þerof to telle þe wonder

481þenne þay bo3ed to a borde þise burnes togeder

482þe kyng and þe gode kny3t and kene men hem serued

483of alle dayntyez double as derrest my3t falle

484wyth alle maner of mete and mynstralcie boþe

485wyth wele walt þay þat day til worþed an ende


486in londe


487now þenk wel sir gawan

488for woþe þat þou ne wonde

489þis auenture for to frayn

490þat þou hatz tan on honde

[Now, though Arthur the Gentle at this had great wonder, he let no semblance thereof be seen, but spake with gentle speed to the comely Queen Guinevere: 'Dear lady, let not this day's doings dismay thee at all. Such craft well becomes the Feast of Christmas; gamings and interludes and laughing and singing and carollings of knights and ladies. And now can I dress myself for meat, for a wondrous adventure have I seen.' He glanced at Sir Gawain and said, 'Now, sir, hang up thine axe; hewing enough has it done for to-day.' Then they hung it up over the daïs at the back of the high seat, that all men might look upon the marvel of it and truly tell the wonder of it. Then went these two, the king and the good knight, to the table, and brave men served them, double of all dainties, with all manner of meat and minstrelsy. In good weal they passed the day, but it came to an end, and night

was near.

'Now, Sir Gawain, be sure,

Turn not away for fear

From this grim adventure

That thou hast promised here.']

[fitt2: stanza 22 (long)]

491this hanselle hatz arthur of auenturus on fyrst

492in 3onge 3er for he 3erned 3elpyng to here

493tha3 hym wordez were wane when þay to sete wenten

495gawan watz glad to begynne þose gomnez in halle

496bot þa3 þe ende be heuy haf 3e no wonder

497for þa3 men ben mery in mynde quen þay han mayn drynk

498a 3ere 3ernes ful 3erne and 3eldez neuer lyke

499þe forme to þe fynisment foldez ful selden

500forþi þis 3ol ouer3ede and þe 3ere after

501and vche sesoun serlepes sued after oþer

502after crystenmasse com þe crabbed lentoun

503þat fraystez flesch wyth þe fysche and fode more symple

504bot þenne þe weder of þe worlde wyth wynter hit þrepez

505colde clengez adoun cloudez vplyften

506schyre schedez þe rayn in schowrez ful warme

507fallez vpon fayre flat flowrez þere schewen

508boþe groundez and þe greuez grene ar her wedez

509bryddez busken to bylde and bremlych syngen

510for solace of þe softe somer þat sues þerafter


511bi bonk


512and blossumez bolne to blowe

513bi rawez rych and ronk

514þen notez noble inno3e

[fol. 98r]

515ar herde in wod so wlonk

[Now, this was the first adventure Arthur had in the year that was young; he yearned for some great show, though no words were spoken as they went to their seats. And, moreover, they had in hand quite enough to do. Sir Gawain was full glad to begin the games in the hall: it is no wonder, though heavy be the ending, and though men be merry-minded when drinking good wine, yet the year runneth rapidly and returneth it never. Full seldom agreeth the end thereof with the beginning. The Yuletide, too quickly it passed and the year that followed it. The seasons succeeded each after the other. After Christmas came the crabbed Lenten season, when the folk eat fish and simple food. Then the weather of the world doth fight with winter. The cold doth vanish and the clouds uplift, and the rain falls upon fair fields in warm showers, and the flowers appear on the ground, and in the woodlands their garments are green. Birds are busy in building their nests, and boldly they sing because of the summer's soft solace that follows thereafter

on bank,

And blossoms swell to blow

In rows rich and rank,

And bird-notes sweet enow

Are heard in woodlands dank.]

[stanza 23 (long)]

516after þe sesoun of somer wyth þe soft wyndez

517quen zeferus syflez hymself on sedez and erbez

518wela wynne is þe wort þat waxes þeroute

519when þe donkande dewe dropez of þe leuez

520to bide a blysful blusch of þe bry3t sunne

521bot þen hy3es heruest and hardenes hym sone

522warnez hym for þe wynter to wax ful rype

523he dryues wyth dro3t þe dust for to ryse

524fro þe face of þe folde to fly3e ful hy3e

525wroþe wynde of þe welkyn wrastelez with þe sunne

526þe leuez lancen fro þe lynde and ly3ten on þe grounde

527and al grayes þe gres þat grene watz ere

528þenne al rypez and rotez þat ros vpon fyrst

529and þus 3irnez þe 3ere in 3isterdayez mony

530and wynter wyndez a3ayn as þe worlde askez


531no sage


532til me3elmas mone

533watz cumen wyth wynter wage

534þen þenkkez gawan ful sone

535of his anious uyage

[After the summer season of soft winds, when zephyrs are sighing over seeds and herbs, and the damp dews are dropping from the green leaves, then are they glad thereat, the living things that grow there waiting for the blissful blushing of the bright sun. Then hastens the harvest and hardens them right soon, and warns them before the coming of winter to wax full ripe. And the dust by the drought is driven about from the face of the fields, and it bloweth full high. And the fierce winds of the welkins wrestle with the sun. And the leaves of the trees fall to the ground, and grey is the grass that was green erewhile. Then all ripens and rots that grew up before. Thus quickly passeth the year in many yesterdays, and winter returneth will ye nill ye.


Till moon of Michaelmas

Was won with winter's surety.

Then thinks Gawain, alas!

Of his sorrowful journey.]

[stanza 24 (long)]

537and he made a fare on þat fest for þe frekez sake

538with much reuel and ryche of þe rounde table

539kny3tez ful cortays and comlych ladies

540al for luf of þat lede in longynge þay were

541bot neuer þe lece ne þe later þay neuened bot merþe

542mony ioylez for þat ientyle iapez þer maden

543for aftter mete with mournyng he melez to his eme

544and spekez of his passage and pertly he sayde

545now lege lorde of my lyf leue I yow ask

5463e knowe þe cost of þis cace kepe I no more

547to telle yow tenez þerof neuer bot trifel

549to sech þe gome of þe grene as god wyl me wysse

550þenne þe best of þe bur3 bo3ed togeder

551aywan and errik and oþer ful mony

[fol. 98]

553launcelot and lyonel and lucan þe gode

554sir boos and sir byduer big men boþe

555and mony oþer menskful with mador de la port

556alle þis compayny of court com þe kyng nerre

557for to counseyl þe kny3t with care at her hert

558þere watz much derue doel driuen in þe sale

559þat so worþe as wawan schulde wende on þat ernde

560to dry3e a delful dynt and dele no more


561wyth bronde


562þe kny3t mad ay god chere

563and sayde quat schuld I wonde

564of destines derf and dere

565what may mon do bot fonde

[Yet did he linger with Arthur until All Hallows Day. And on that festival Arthur made a feast for the sake of Sir Gawain, with much rich revelling of the Round Table. And full comely knights and comely ladies were in great love-longing for Sir Gawain, though they made great mirth withal.

And many were jesting who yet were joyless, for that gentle knight. For after meat he sadly turned towards his uncle, and spake of his passing, and straightway he said, 'Now, my Life's Liege Lord, I ask thy leave. Thou knowest the cost of this matter, and careless am I of it, and to tell thee of it matters but a little. To-morrow I am setting out to receive back the blow, and to seek the Green Knight as God shall direct me.' Then the best of all the burgesses banded together; Avwan and Errik and many others: Sir Doddinaual de Sauage, the Duke of Clarence, Launcelot, and Lyonel and Lucan the Good; Sir Bors and Sir Bedivere, great men both of them, and many other mighty lords, with Madoc de la Port. All this company of the court came near the king to counsel the knight; and their hearts were full of care, and great was the grief that grew in the hall that so worthy a man as Gawain should go on that journey a dreadful blow to endure and deal not one in return.

'For why?'

The knight made aye good cheer,

'Why should I not defy

Destinies strong and dear;

What can man do but try?']

[stanza 25 (long)]

566he dowellez þer al þat day and dressez on þe morn

567askez erly hys armez and alle were þay bro3t

568fyrst a tule tapit ty3t ouer þe flet

569and miche watz þe gyld gere þat glent þeralofte

570þe stif mon steppez þeron and þe stel hondelez

571dubbed in a dublet of a dere tars

572and syþen a crafty capados closed aloft

573þat wyth a bry3t blaunner was bounden withinne

574þenne set þay þe sabatounz vpon þe segge fotez

575his legez lapped in stel with luflych greuez

576with polaynez piched þerto policed ful clene

577aboute his knez knaged wyth knotez of golde

578queme quyssewes þen þat coyntlych closed

579his thik þrawen þy3ez with þwonges to tachched

580and syþen þe brawden bryne of bry3t stel ryngez

581vmbeweued þat wy3 vpon wlonk stuffe

582and wel bornyst brace vpon his boþe armes

583with gode cowters and gay and glouez of plate

584and alle þe godlych gere þat hym gayn schulde


585þat tyde


587his gold sporez spend with pryde

588gurde wyth a bront ful sure

589with silk sayn vmbe his syde

[He remained there that day, and dressed in the morning, and asked early for his arms, and they were all brought unto him. And first a carpet of tuly was spread on the floor, and much gold gleamed upon it. The strong man stepped forth and handled the steel, and donned a doublet of very costly Tarsian silk, and then a fair cap closed in above, and with fair fur was it bound inside. Then set they steel shoes upon the man's feet, and his legs they lapped in steel with lovely greaves and knee-pieces fastened thereunto and polished full brightly and fixed about his knees with knots of gold. Fair cuisses also cunningly covered his thighs, that were thick and brawny, and were tied with thongs. And then the woven bryny of bright steel rings enfolded the warrior over the fair stuff, and well burnished braces were upon both his arms, and good and gay elbowpieces and plated gloves, and all the goodly gear that befitted such a knight, for

that tide,

With rich coat of armour,

Gold spurs he fixed with pride,

Girt with a sword full sure,

And silk girths round his side.]

[fol. 99r]

[stanza 26 (long)]

590when he watz hasped in armes his harnays watz ryche

592so harnayst as he watz he herknez his masse

593offred and honoured at þe he3e auter

595lachez lufly his leue at lordez and ladyez

596and þay hym kyst and conueyed bikende hym to kryst

597bi þat watz gryngolet grayth and gurde with a sadel

598þat glemed ful gayly with mony golde frenges

599ayquere naylet ful nwe for þat note ryched

600þe brydel barred aboute with bry3t golde bounden

601þe apparayl of þe payttrure and of þe proude skyrtez

602þe cropore and þe couertor acorded wyth þe arsounez

603and al watz rayled on red ryche golde naylez

604þat al glytered and glent as glem of þe sunne

605þenne hentes he þe helme and hastily hit kysses

606þat watz stapled stifly and stoffed wythinne

607hit watz hy3e on his hede hasped bihynde

608wyth a ly3tly vrysoun ouer þe auentayle

609enbrawden and bounden wyth þe best gemmez

610on brode sylkyn borde and bryddez on semez

611as papiayez paynted peruyng bitwene

612tortors and trulofez entayled so þyk

613as mony burde þeraboute had ben seuen wynter


614in toune


615þe cercle watz more o prys

616þat vmbeclypped hys croun

617of diamauntez a deuys

618þat boþe were bry3t and broun

[As soon as he was fully armed, his trappings were noble, and the very least latchet or loop gleamed of gold. Thus accoutred, he heard Mass sung at the High Altar. Then he came to the king and to his court comrades, and lovingly took leave of lords and ladies, and they kissed him and commended him to Christ. By that time his horse, Gringolet, was geared and girt with a saddle, that gleamed full gaily with many golden fringes everywhere newly nailed and enriched for the business he had in hand. The horse's bridle was striped across and across, and bound with bright gold. The trappings of the horse's neck and of the proud skirts, the crupper and the covering, accorded with the saddle, and were all bordered in rich red gold nails. Then he took hold of the helmet and hastily kissed it, and it was strongly stapled and stuffed within. It was high on his head, and hasped behind with a light kerchief of pleasaunce over the visor, and embroidered and bound with the best of gems on broad silken borders and with birds on the borders, such as painted parrots at their feeding, and with turtles and true-love knots intertwisted thickly, and it was as if many a maiden had been making it seven winters

In the town.

The circle was most of price

That surrounded the crown;

Of diamonds a device,

And both were bright and brown.]

[stanza 27 (long)]

619then þay schewed hym þe schelde þat was of schyr goulez

620wyth þe pentangel depaynt of pure golde hwez

621he braydez hit by þe bauderyk aboute þe hals kestes

622þat bisemed þe segge semlyly fayre

623and quy þe pentangel apendez to þat prynce noble

624I am in tent yow to telle þof tary hyt me schulde

625hit is a syngne þat salamon set sumquyle

626in bytoknyng of trawþe bi tytle þat hit habbez

[fol. 99]

627for hit is a figure þat haldez fyue poyntez

628and vche lyne vmbelappez and loukez in oþer

630oueral as I here þe endeles knot

631forþy hit acordez to þis kny3t and to his cler armez

632for ay faythful in fyue and sere fyue syþez

633gawan watz for gode knawen and as golde pured


635in mote


636forþy þe pentangel nwe

637he ber in schelde and cote

638as tulk of tale most trwe

639and gentylest kny3t of lote

[Then they showed him the shield of shining gules and the pentangle painted with pure golden hues. He brandished it by the belt, and about his neck he cast it, that he was seemly and fair to look upon. And I am intent to tell you, though I may weary you somewhat, why that pentangle belonged to that noble prince. It is a symbol that Solomon set up some while for betokening of truth, as its name doth show. For it is a figure that hath five points, and each line overlaps, and is locked in the other, and everywhere it is endless, and the English call it, as I hear, the endless knot. Therefore was it befitting this knight and his clean armour. For Sir Gawain was known as a knight both good and true and faithful in five and many times five, and pure as gold, and void of all villany was he, and adorned with virtues

in the mote,

For the pentangle new

He bears in shield and coat,

And is a knight most true

And gentle man, I wot.]

[stanza 28 (long)]

640fyrst he watz funden fautlez in his fyue wyttez

641and efte fayled neuer þe freke in his fyue fyngres

642and alle his afyaunce vpon folde watz in þe fyue woundez

643þat cryst ka3t on þe croys as þe crede tellez

645his þro þo3t watz in þat þur3 alle oþer þyngez

648at þis cause þe kny3t comlyche hade

649in þe inore half of his schelde hir ymage depaynted

650þat quen he blusched þerto his belde neuer payred

651þe fyft fyue þat I finde þat þe frek vsed

652watz fraunchyse and fela3schyp forbe al þyng

653his clannes and his cortaysye croked were neuer

654and pite þat passez alle poyntez þyse pure fyue

655were harder happed on þat haþel þen on any oþer

656now alle þese fyue syþez for soþe were fetled on þis kny3t

657and vchone halched in oþer þat non ende hade

658and fyched vpon fyue poyntez þat fayld neuer

659ne samned neuer in no syde ne sundred nouþer

661whereeuer þe gomen bygan or glod to an ende

662þerfore on his schene schelde schapen watz þe knot

663ryally wyth red golde vpon rede gowlez

[fol. 100r]

664þat is þe pure pentaungel wyth þe peple called


665with lore


666now grayþed is gawan gay

667and la3t his launce ry3t þore

668and gef hem alle goud day

669he wende for euermore

[And first he was found faultless in his five wits. Then he failed not in his five fingers. And all his trust on earth was in the five wounds suffered by Christ on the cross, as the creeds do tell us, so that when the knight was placed in the mêlée, his thought was ever upon them above all other things. And so it was that all his strength he found in the five joys that the fair Queen of Heaven had in her child. And for this cause it was that the knight had made to be painted her image in comely fashion on the greater half of his shield, so that when he looked upon it his valour never failed him. Now the fifth five that this knight excelled in were frankness and fellowship above all others, his cleanness and courtesy never were crooked, and compassion, that surpasseth all else. These five pure virtues were fixed in this knight more firmly than in any other. And all five times were so joined in him that each one held to the other without any ending and fixed at five points, nor did they ever fail, for they were joined at no point nor sundered were they at all, nor could one find any end thereof at any corner when the games began or were gliding towards an ending. Therefore the knot was shaped on his strong shield, all with red gold upon red gules, called the pure pentangle among the people

of love.

Now geared is Gawain gay,

He brandished the lance he bore,

And bade them all good day,

And went forth evermore.]

[stanza 29 (long)]

670he sperred þe sted with þe spurez and sprong on his way

672al þat sey þat semly syked in hert

673and sayde soþly al same segges til oþer

674carande for þat comly bi kryst hit is scaþe

675þat þou leude schal be lost þat art of lyf noble

676to fynde hys fere vpon folde in fayth is not eþe

677warloker to haf wro3t had more wyt bene

678and haf dy3t 3onder dere a duk to haue worþed

679a lowande leder of ledez in londe hym wel semez

680and so had better haf ben þen britned to no3t

681hadet wyth an aluisch mon for angardez pryde

682who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take

684wel much watz þe warme water þat waltered of y3en

685when þat semly syre so3t fro þo wonez


686þad daye


687he made non abode

688bot wy3tly went hys way

689mony wylsum way he rode

690þe bok as I herde say

[He spurred his steed so strongly, and sprang forward on his way, that the stones struck fire as he rode. And all that saw that gallant knight sighed in their hearts. And each man, caring much for the comely one, said the same words to his neighbour,' By Christ, it is scathe that he should be slain who is so noble of life. In faith it is not easy to find his fellow upon earth. Now, verily, to have wrought would have been wiser, or to have made yonder dear man a duke; a shining leader of men in the land he should be. This would have been better than that he should be broken to nought, and haled by an elvish man in arrogant pride. Whoever knew any king such counsel to take as knights who are cavilling at the Christmas games? 'Many were the warm tears that welled from their eyes when that seemly sire went forth from those dwellings

that day.

So he made no abode,

But quickly went his way;

Many a desert path he rode,

As I in book heard say.]

[stanza 30 (long)]

691now ridez þis renk þur3 þe ryalme of logres

692sir gauan on godez halue þa3 hym no gomen þo3t

693oft leudlez alone he lengez on ny3tez

694þer he fonde no3t hym byfore þe fare þat he lyked

695hade he no fere bot his fole bi frythez and dounez

696ne no gome bot god bi gate wyth to karp

698alle þe iles of anglesay on lyft half he haldez

699and farez ouer þe fordez by þe forlondez

700ouer at þe holy hede til he hade eft bonk

701in þe wyldrenesse of wyrale wonde þer bot lyte

[fol. 100]

702þat auþer god oþer gome wyth goud hert louied

703and ay he frayned as he ferde at frekez þat he met

704if þay hade herde any karp of a kny3t grene

706and al nykked hym wyth nay þat neuer in her lyue

707þay se3e neuer no segge þat watz of suche hwez


708of grene


709þe kny3t tok gates straunge

710in mony a bonk vnbene

711his cher ful oft con chaunge

712þat chapel er he my3t sene

[Now passed Sir Gawain on God's behalf through the realms of Logres, though no game he thought it; and often alone he lingered at nighttime when he sought in vain for the way that he longed for. No companion had he save his horse, nor no one but God to whom he might call by the way. And now he was nearing the north parts of Wales, with the Isle of Anglesea on the left. He fared over the fords along by the forelands. At the Holyhead Hill he had the heights behind him in the wilderness of Wirral. Few dwelt there that loved either God or man with a good heart. And ever as he fared he would ask any that he met if they had ever heard speak of the Green Knight in any part thereabouts, or of the Green Chapel. All denied with a nay that ever in their lives they had known such a knight of such a hue

of green.

The way of the knight was strange;

By many a hillside, I ween,

His face gan oft to change,

Or ever the chapel was seen.]

[stanza 31 (long)]

713mony klyf he ouerclambe in contrayez straunge

714fer floten fro his frendez fremedly he rydez

715at vche warþe oþer water þer þe wy3e passed

716he fonde a foo hym byfore bot ferly hit were

717and þat so foule and so felle þat fe3t hym byhode

719hit were to tore for to telle of þe tenþe dole

720sumwhyle wyth wormez he werrez and with wolues als

721sumwhyle wyth wodwos þat woned in þe knarrez

722boþe wyth bullez and berez and borez oþerquyle

723and etaynez þat hym anelede of þe he3e felle

724nade he ben du3ty and dry3e and dry3tyn had serued

725douteles he hade ben ded and dreped ful ofte

728and fres er hit falle my3t to þe fale erþe

729ner slayn wyth þe slete he sleped in his yrnes

730mo ny3tez þen innoghe in naked rokkez

731þer as claterande fro þe crest þe colde borne rennez

733þus in peryl and payne and plytes ful harde

734bi contray cayrez þis kny3t tyl krystmasse euen


735al one


736þe kny3t wel þat tyde

737to mary made his mone

738þat ho hym red to ryde

[fol. 101r]

739and wysse hym to sum wone

[He climbed many a cliff in strange countries, far removed from his friends in foreign parts he fared, and at each waterway that he passed over he found a foe before him, and a wonder, I trow, so terrible in appearance that to fight him he was forced; and many a marvel among the mountains he found, that it would be too tedious to tell the tenth part of what he found. He fought with dragons and wolves, and sometimes with madmen that dwelt among the rocks, and at other times with bulls and bears and boars, and with monsters that attacked him from the high mountain; and had he not been stiff and strong and serving the Lord, doubtless he had been done to death ere this. Fighting troubled him not so much, but the wintry weather was worse; when the clouds shed down upon him cold clear water, freezing ere it reached the fallow earth. Almost slain by the cold sleet, he slept in his harness, more nights than enough amidst the naked rocks where the cold burn ran by clattering from the crest, and hanging high above his head in hard icicles. Thus in perils and many a painful plight this knight wended his way until Christmas Eve


The knight that tide,

To Mary he cried,

To show him where to ride

Till some shelter he spied.]

[stanza 32 (long)]

740bi a mounte on þe morne meryly he rydes

741into a forest ful dep þat ferly watz wylde

742hi3e hillez on vche a halue and holtwodez vnder

743of hore okez ful hoge a hundreth togeder

744þe hasel and þe ha3þorne were harled al samen

745with ro3e raged mosse rayled aywhere

746with mony bryddez vnblyþe vpon bare twyges

747þat pitosly þer piped for pyne of þe colde

748þe gome vpon gryngolet glydez hem vnder

749þur3 mony misy and myre mon al hym one

750carande for his costes lest he ne keuer schulde

752of a burde watz borne oure baret to quelle

753and þerfore sykyng he sayde I beseche þe lorde

754and mary þat is myldest moder so dere

755of sum herber þer he3ly I my3t here masse

757and þerto prestly I pray my pater and aue


758and crede


759he rode in his prayere

760and cryed for his mysdede

761he sayned hym in syþes sere

762and sayde cros kryst me spede

[In the morning he rode merrily by a mountain, through a full deep and wondrous wild forest; high hills were on each side, and woods of huge and hoary oaks, a hundred of them together, beneath him. The hazel and the hawthorn were trailing together with rough, ragged moss spread on all sides. Sorrowful birds sang on the bare twigs and piped piteously through pain of the cold. Upon Gringolet the man glided underneath them, all alone, through mud and mire, careful of his labour, lest he should be too late to see the service of his Lord, who on that night was born of a maiden our strife to be ending. Therefore, sighing, he said, 'I beseech thee, O Lord, and Mary, our dearest and mildest mother, that ye would grant me some place of rest where I might hear the Mass and matins of this moon. Full meekly I ask it, and thereto I will say full soon my pater and ave

and creed.'

He rode as he prayed,

And cried for misdeed,

And sign of Cross made, And said,

'Christ's Cross me speed.']

[stanza 33 (long)]

763nade he sayned hymself segge bot þrye

764er he watz war in þe wod of a won in a mote

765abof a launde on a lawe loken vnder bo3ez

766of mony borelych bole aboute bi þe diches

767a castel þe comlokest þat euer kny3t a3te

768pyched on a prayere a park al aboute

769with a pyked palays pynned ful þik

770þat vmbete3e mony tre mo þen two myle

771þat holde on þat on syde þe haþel auysed

772as hit schemered and schon þur3 þe schyre okez

773þenne hatz he hendly of his helme and he3ly he þonkez

[fol. 101]

775þat cortaysly hade hym kydde and his cry herkened

776now bone hostel coþe þe burne I beseche yow 3ette

778and he ful chauncely hatz chosen to þe chef gate

779þat bro3t bremly þe burne to þe bryge ende


780in haste


781þe bryge watz breme vpbrayde

782þe 3atez wer stoken faste

783þe wallez were wel arayed

784hit dut no wyndez blaste

[Scarcely had he thrice signed himself with the sign of the Cross, when he was ware of a castle in the wood, on an upland or hill embosomed in the foliage of many a burly monarch of the forest. It was the comeliest castle that ever a knight possessed, in the centre of a meadow, with a park all about it. A palace beautiful, and for more than two miles encircled by trees. The knight caught sight of this palace of refuge on one side, shimmering and shining through the sheeny oaks. He gently doffed his helmet, and gave high thanks to Jesus and St. Gilyan, who had both of them gently and courteously guided his footsteps and hearkened to his crying. 'Now,' quoth the knight, 'grant me good hostel.' When putting his gilt heels to Gringolet, fully by chance he chose the right path, and full soon it brought him to the end of the drawbridge

at last.

The bridge was soon upraised,

The gates were shut so fast,

The walls were well appraised,

They feared not the wind's blast.]

[stanza 34 (long)]

786of þe depe double dich þat drof to þe place

787þe walle wod in þe water wonderly depe

788ande eft a ful huge he3t hit haled vpon lofte

789of harde hewen ston vp to þe tablez

790enbaned vnder þe abataylment in þe best lawe

791and syþen garytez ful gaye gered bitwene

792wyth mony luflych loupe þat louked ful clene

793a better barbican þat burne blusched vpon neuer

794and innermore he behelde þat halle ful hy3e

796fayre fylyolez þat fy3ed and ferlyly long

797with coroun coprounes craftyly sle3e

799vpon bastel rouez þat blenked ful quyte

800so mony pynakle payntet watz poudred ayquere

801among þe castel carnelez clambred so þik

802þat pared out of papure purely hit semed

804if he my3t keuer to com þe cloyster wythinne

805to herber in þat hostel whyl halyday lested




807he calde and sone þer com

808a porter pure plesaunt

809on þe wal his ernd he nome

810and haylsed þe kny3t erraunt

[The knight, on horseback, stood still on the side of the deep double ditch that led to the place. The wall of the castle was wondrously deep in the water, and rose up aloft a full great height and was built of hard hewn stone right up to the corbels, which were supported under the battlements in the very best fashion, and with watchtowers full gaily geared between, and with many a clear and lovely loophole; and that knight had never seen a better barbican. He beheld the great and high hall of the castle, and its towers builded between very thick trochets; fair and wondrously big round towers were they, with carved capitals craftily fashioned; and he saw the chalk-white chimneys, not a few, above castellated roofs that shone all white. And so many painted pinnacles were there everywhere, among the castle battlements clustered so thickly, that it seemed as if they had been cut out of paper. The noble man thought it full fair as he rode forward, if by any chance he might come within the castle cloister and harbour in that hostel during that

holy day.

Then came when he did call,

A porter full gay,

And took stand on the wall,

And hailed the knight alway.]

[stanza 35 (long)]

811gode sir quoþ gawan woldez þou go myn ernde

812to þe he3 lorde of þis hous herber to craue

[fol. 102r]

814þat 3e be wy3e welcum to won quyle yow lykez

816and folke frely hym wyth to fonge þe kny3t

817þay let doun þe grete dra3t and derely out 3eden

818and kneled doun on her knes vpon þe colde erþe

819to welcum þis ilk wy3 as worþy hom þo3t

820þay 3olden hym þe brode 3ate 3arked vp wyde

821and he hem raysed rekenly and rod ouer þe brygge

822sere seggez hym sesed by sadel quel he ly3t

823and syþen stabeled his stede stif men inno3e

824kny3tez and swyerez comen doun þenne

825for to bryng þis buurne wyth blys into halle

826quen he hef vp his helme þer hi3ed innoghe

827for to hent hit at his honde þe hende to seruen

828his bronde and his blasoun boþe þay token

829þen haylsed he ful hendly þo haþelez vchone

830and mony proud mon þer presed þat prynce to honour

831alle hasped in his he3 wede to halle þay hym wonnen

832þer fayre fyre vpon flet fersly brenned

833þenne þe lorde of þe lede loutez fro his chambre

834for to mete wyth menske þe mon on þe flor

835he sayde 3e are welcum to welde as yow lykez

836þat here is al is yowre awen to haue at yowre wylle


837and welde


838graunt mercy quoþ gawayn

839þer kryst hit yow for3elde

840as frekez þat semed fayn

841ayþer oþer in armez con felde

[`Good sir,' quoth Gawain, 'wilt thou go mine errand to the high lord of this place to crave of him for me a place of refuge?' 'By St. Peter,' quoth the porter, 'yea, surely I trow thou shalt be welcome to stay as long as thou likest.' Soon after the porter came again, and with him were noble folk who had come to welcome the knight. They let down the great drawbridge, and joyfully went forth, and knelt down upon the cold earth to do honour to the same knight as it seemed worthy to them. And they swung the broad gate widely on its hinges, and he saluted them royally, and rode in over the bridge. And many a fellow held for him his saddle while he alighted, and full many strong men stabled his steed. Knights and squires then came down that they might bring him with joy into the hall. And when he doffed his helmet others enow hastened to receive it at his hand, and took from him his sword and his shield. Then saluted he full kindly each one of these noblemen, and many a proud man pressed forward to pay honour to that prince. And they led him, all clad as he was in his high weeds, into the hall, where a fair fire burned fiercely upon the hearth. Then the lord of that people came down from his chamber that he might receive honourably the knight in the hall, and he said; 'Thou art welcome to do as it liketh thee. All that thou findest here is thine own to do with it as thou willest and

to possess.

'Great thanks,' quoth Gawain.

'May Christ always thee bless.'

As fellows that were fain,

Each the other gave press.]

[stanza 36 (long)]

842gawayn gly3t on þe gome þat godly hym gret

843and þu3t hit a bolde burne þat þe bur3 a3te

844a hoge haþel for þe nonez and of hyghe eldee

846sturne stif on þe stryþþe on stalworth schonkez

847felle face as þe fyre and fre of hys speche

848and wel hym semed for soþe as þe segge þu3t

849to lede a lortschyp in lee of leudez ful gode

[fol. 102]

851to delyuer hym a leude hym lo3ly to serue

852and þere were boun at his bode burnez inno3e

853þat bro3t hym to a bry3t boure þer beddyng watz noble

854of cortynes of clene sylk wyth cler golde hemmez

855and couertorez ful curious with comlych panez

857rudelez rennande on ropez red golde ryngez

858tapitez ty3t to þe wo3e of tuly and tars

859and vnder fete on þe flet of fol3ande sute

860þer he watz dispoyled wyth spechez of myerþe

861þe burn of his bruny and of his bry3t wedez

863for to charge and to chaunge and chose of þe best

864sone as he on hent and happed þerinne

866þe ver by his uisage verayly hit semed

867welne3 to vche haþel alle on hwes

868lowande and lufly alle his lymmez vnder

869þat a comloker kny3t neuer kryst made


870hem þo3t


871wheþen in worlde he were

873be prynce withouten pere

[Gawain glanced at the man who thus gave him good greeting, and thought him a mighty man that was master of the castle, a huge fellow for the nonce and of great age. Broad and bright was his beard, and of beaver hue, and strong and stiff was he in his stride and stalwart in shanks, and his face was fierce as fire, and of speech was he free, and well he seemed, forsooth, to our knight to hold landlordship of a free, good people. The lord of the castle led him to a clamber, and speedily commanded that a page should wait upon him loyally. And at his bidding servants enow were at hand, who straightway brought him to a bright room, where the bedding was noble, with curtains of clean silk, with bright gold hems and full curious and comely canopies and embroidered above with bright linen lawns, and the curtains ran on ropes with red gold rings. Tapestries of Tuly and Tars were hanging on the walls, and on the floors carpets of the same patterns. And then with merry speeches they took off his bryny and his gay clothing. And they brought him rich robes full readily, that he might choose the very best. And soon as he took them and was dressed therein, well did they become him. And in his flowing robes the knight seemed verily to each man there to be gay with beautiful colours. And his limbs under them were so lovely and shining that it seemed to them a comelier knight Christ never made

for sight.

'Whence was he on earth?'

It seemed as though he might

Be prince of peerless worth,

In field where fierce men fight!]

[stanza 37 (long)]

875a cheyer byfore þe chemne þer charcole brenned

876watz grayþed for sir gawan grayþely with cloþez

878and þenne a mere mantyle watz on þat mon cast

879of a broun bleeaunt enbrauded ful ryche

880and fayre furred wythinne with fellez of þe best

881alle of ermyn in erde his hode of þe same

882and he sete in þat settel semlych ryche

885clad wyth a clene cloþe þat cler quyt schewed

886sanap and salure and syluerin sponez

[fol. 103r]

887þe wy3e wesche at his wylle and went to his mete

888seggez hym serued semly inno3e

889wyth sere sewes and sete sesounde of þe best

891summe baken in bred summe brad on þe gledez

892summe soþen summe in sewe sauered with spyces

894þe freke calde hit a fest ful frely and ofte

895ful hendely quen alle þe haþeles rehayted hym at onez


896as hende


897þis penaunce now 3e take

898and eft hit schal amende

899þat mon much merþe con make

900for wyn in his hed þat wende

[A chair richly embroidered, together with quaint cushions and hassocks, was placed for Sir Gawain before the chimney where a fire of charcoal was burning. And then a well-made mantle was cast upon his shoulders, and it was of brown linen and embroidered full richly and fair furred within with the finest of skins and with ermine lining, and the hood also. And thus richly arrayed, he sat in that chair, and as he warmed himself, speedily his good cheer quite returned to him. And then they set up a table on fair trestles, and they covered it with a snow-white cloth and set thereon sanat and salt-cellars and silver spoons. Then the knight gladly washed himself and went to his meat. And serving-men served him in seemly fashion, with several sorts of stews and sweets, with seasonings of the best, double fold, as was fitting, and many kinds of fish, some baked with bread, and some roasted on coals, some sodden, some stewed, and savoured with spices and, withal, with clever speeches that the knight liked well. A full noble feasting the man called it when those Athelings cheered him

as friends.

'This penance now you take,

And you shall make amends.'

That knight much mirth 'gan

For wine that to head wends.]

[stanza 38 (long)]

901þenne watz spyed and spured vpon spare wyse

902bi preue poyntez of þat prynce put to hymseluen

903þat he beknew cortaysly of þe court þat he were

904þat aþel arþure þe hende haldez hym one

905þat is þe ryche ryal kyng of þe rounde table

906and hit watz Wawen hymself þat in þat won syttez

907comen to þat krystmasse as case hym þen lymped

908when þe lorde hade lerned þat he þe leude hade

909loude la3ed he þerat so lef hit hym þo3t

910and alle þe men in þat mote maden much joye

911to apere in his presense prestly þat tyme

912þat alle prys and prowes and pured þewes

913apendes to hys persoun and praysed is euer

914byfore alle men vpon molde his mensk is þe most

915vch segge ful softly sayde to his fere

916now schal we semlych se sle3tez of þewez

917and þe teccheles termes of talkyng noble

918wich spede is in speche vnspurd may we lerne

919syn we haf fonged þat fyne fader of nurture

920god hatz geuen vus his grace godly for soþe

921þat such a gest as gawan grauntez vus to haue

922when burnez blyþe of his burþe schal sitte


923and synge


924in menyng of manerez mere

[fol. 103]

925þis burne now schal vus bryng

926I hope þat may hym here

[Then did they, in spare fashion and privately, put questions to that princely man, and he answered them courteously that he was a knight of the court of King Arthur, that rich and royal King of the Round Table, and that to him alone he owed fealty, and that it was Sir Gawain himself sitting there, and that he was come to keep that Christmas with them as it had happened. When the lord of the castle heard that he had him in his power at last, loud laughed he thereat, so fief was it to him, and all the men in that mote made much joy to be in his presence at that very time, since prowess and purest manners were ever to be found in his person, more than in all other men upon earth, and most honourable was he. Each man softly said to his fellow, 'Now shall we, as is fitting, see modes and manners and noble talking without a blemish, and what is fair in speech unsought we shall learn, since we have here this fine father of nurture. God has given us His goodly grace forsooth, in that He granteth us to have so goodly a guest as Sir Gawain, when merry men of his breeding

shall sing.

Good manners now, I trow,

This knight shall be bringing;

Who heareth him enow

Shall learn of love talking.']

[stanza 39 (long)]

928bi þat þe diner watz done and þe dere vp

929hit watz ne3 at þe niy3t ne3ed þe tyme

931rungen ful rychely ry3t as þay schulden

932to þe hersum euensong of þe hy3e tyde

933þe lorde loutes þerto and þe lady als

934into a comly closet coyntly ho entrez

935gawan glydez ful gay and gos þeder sone

936þe lorde laches hym by þe lappe and ledez hym to sytte

937and couþly hym knowez and callez hym his nome

938and sayde he watz þe welcomest wy3e of þe worlde

939and he hym þonkked þroly and ayþer halched oþer

940and seten soberly samen þe seruise quyle

941þenne lyst þe lady to loke on þe kny3t

942þenne com ho of hir closet with mony cler burdez

943ho watz þe fayrest in felle of flesche and of lyre

944and of compas and colour and costes of alle oþer

945and wener þen wenore as þe wy3e þo3t

947an oþer lady hir lad bi þe lyft honde

948þat watz alder þen ho an auncian hit semed

949and he3ly honowred with haþelez aboute

950bot vnlyke on to loke þo ladyes were

951for if þe 3onge watz 3ep 3ol3e watz þat oþer

952riche red on þat on rayled ayquere

953rugh ronkled chekez þat oþer on rolled

954kerchofes of þat on wyth mony cler perlez

955hir brest and hir bry3t þrote bare displayed

957þat oþer wyth a gorger watz gered ouer þe swyre

959hir frount folden in sylk enfoubled ayquere

[fol. 104r]

961þat no3t watz bare of þat burde bot þe blake bro3es

962þe tweyne y3en and þe nase þe naked lyppez

963and þose were soure to se and sellyly blered

964a mensk lady on molde mon may hir calle


965for gode


966hir body watz schort and þik

968more lykkerwys on to lyk

969watz þat scho hade on lode

[When dinner was done, this noble man arose, and as night time was nearing, the chaplains were making their way to the chapel. Bells rang richly, as was right, to the proper evensong of that high feast. The lord and his lady also came down to the chapel, and the lady entered quaintly into a comely closet.' Gawain glided in gaily full soon. The lord of the castle caught hold of the hem of his robe, and led him to a seat, and called him by name, and said he was of all men in the world the most welcome, and gave him great thanks, and they embraced each other, and all the time of the service they sat side by side. Then did the lady list to look on the knight. Then came she from her closet with many fair maidens. Now her skin, and eke her flesh and her countenance, were the fairest of all, as she was also in form and colour and in all other virtues, and she was fairer even than Guinevere, as it seemed to Sir Gawain. And as he looked down the chancel upon that sweet lady he saw that another lady led her by the left hand, older than she was, an ancient as it seemed and high in honour, and nobles were about her. Very unlike to look upon were those two ladies, for if the young one was fair, yellow was that other one; rose red was the young one, rose red all over, whilst the other had rough and rolling wrinkled cheeks. The young one had kerchiefs with many fair pearls displayed upon her breast and her bright throat, shining sheenier than snow that falls on the hilltops; the other had a wrap on her neck folded over her black chin in milk-white veils; her forehead was folded in silks, lumped up and adorned with trifling jewels. Nothing was bare of that lady but her black eyebrows, her two eyes, her nose, and naked lips. And a sour sight were they to see, and strangely bleared. Men might say that in her a worshipful ancient lady

was found.

Her body was short and thick,

Her buttocks broad and round;

A comelier one to pick

Was the lady she led on ground.]

[stanza 40 (long)]

970when gawayn gly3t on þat gay þat graciously loked

972þe alder he haylses heldande ful lowe

973þe loueloker he lappez a lyttel in armez

974he kysses hir comlyly and kny3tly he melez

975þay kallen hym of aquoyntaunce and he hit quyk askez

976to be her seruant sothly if hemself lyked

977þay tan hym bytwene hem wyth talkyng hym leden

978to chambre to chemne and chefly þay asken

979spycez þat vnsparely men speded hom to bryng

980and þe wynnelych wyne þerwith vche tyme

981þe lorde luflych aloft lepez ful ofte

982mynned merthe to be made vpon mony syþez

983hent he3ly of his hode and on a spere henged

984and wayned hom to wynne þe worchip þerof

985þat most myrþe my3t meue þat crystenmas whyle

986and I schal fonde bi my fayth to fylter wyth þe best

988þus wyth la3ande lotez þe lorde hit tayt makez

989for to glade sir gawayn with gomnez in halle


990þat ny3t


991til þat hit watz tyme

993sir gawen his leue con nyme

994and to his bed hym di3t

[Now when Gawain glanced towards that gay lady, who looked so graciously, he took leave of the lord and went towards the ladies. He hailed the ancient one, and inclined himself full humbly. The lovelier of the two he took a little in his arms and kissed her in comely fashion, and addressed her courteously. They returned his greeting, and right soon he asked that he might be her servant. They took him between them, and talking together they led him to his chamber and towards the chimney corner, and they straightway asked for spices, which the pages brought full speedily, and winsome wine they brought with the spices. And the lord of the castle leapt aloft full often, for he intended that they should make mirth. He took off his hood right speedily, and hung it on a spear, and bade them win the worship thereof and so make the most mirth that Christmas tide. 'And I shall try, by my faith, to contend with the best ere I come short of it by help of my friends.' Thus doth that lord make sport with laughing words, that he might gladden Sir Gawain with games in the hall

that night,

Till that it was tide,

That the king commanded light,

Sir Gawain no more doth bide,

But for bed him doth dight.]

[stanza 41 (long)]

995on þe morne as vch mon mynez þat tyme

996þat dry3tyn for oure destyne to de3e watz borne

997wele waxez in vche a won in worlde for his sake

998so did hit þere on þat day þur3 dayntes mony

[fol. 104]

999boþe at mes and at mele messes ful quaynt

1000derf men vpon dece drest of þe best

1001þe olde auncian wyf he3est ho syttez

1002þe lorde lufly her by lent as I trowe

1003gawan and þe gay burde togeder þay seten

1004euen inmyddez as þe messe metely come

1005and syþen þur3 al þe sale as hem best semed

1006bi vche grome at his degre grayþely watz serued

1007þer watz mete þer watz myrþe þer watz much ioye

1008þat for to telle þerof hit me tene were

1009and to poynte hit 3et I pyned me parauenture

1010bot 3et I wot þat wawen and þe wale burde

1011such comfort of her compaynye ca3ten togeder

1012þur3 her dere dalyaunce of her derne wordez

1013wyth clene cortays carp closed fro fylþe


1015in vayres


1016trumpez and nakerys

1017much pypyng þer repayres

1018vche mon tented hys

1019and þay two tented þayres

[In the morrow morn, when all men call to mind how the Lord was born to die for our destiny, joy waxed everywhere in the world for Christ's dear sake. So was it in that castle. And doughty men on the aïs served many a dainty mess at meal times. And the ancient lady sat in the highest seat on the daïs. And the lovely lord sat by her side, as I trow. Gawain and the gay lady sat together in the midst whilst the messes were served, and throughout all the hall the folk were served, each according to his rank. There was meat and mirth, and so much joy that to tell thereof were much trouble to me, yet peradventure I may take the trouble. For I know that Gawain and the gay lady had great comfort of each other's company for the dear dalliance of their whispered words, and with clean and courteous talk, free from filth. And their playing surpassed of all princes

the game.

And trumpets do blare,

And much sounding declaim;

Each of his own took care,

And they two did the same.]

[stanza 42 (long)]

1020much dut watz þer dryuen þat day and þat oþer

1021and þe þryd as þro þronge in þerafter

1022þe ioye of sayn jonez day watz gentyle to here

1023and watz þe last of þe layk leudez þer þo3ten

1024þer wer gestes to go vpon þe gray morne

1025forþy wonderly þay woke and þe wyn dronken

1026daunsed ful dre3ly wyth dere carolez

1027at þe last when hit watz late þay lachen her leue

1028vchon to wende on his way þat watz wy3e stronge

1029gawan gef hym god day þe godmon hym lachchez

1031and þere he dra3ez hym on dry3e and derely hym þonkkez

1033as to honour his hous on þat hy3e tyde

1034and enbelyse his bur3 with his bele chere

1035iwysse sir quyl I leue me worþez þe better

[fol. 105r]

1036þat gawayn hatz ben my gest at goddez awen fest

1038al þe honour is your awen þe he3e kyng yow 3elde

1039and I am wy3e at your wylle to worch youre hest

1040as I am halden þerto in hy3e and in lo3e


1041bi ri3t


1042þe lorde fast can hym payne

1043to holde lenger þe kny3t

1045bi non way þat he my3t

[And there were many blows struck for two days, and the third day came quickly enow. And gentle was the joymaking of St. John's Day, which was to be the last day of the games, the folk were thinking. On the grey morning a tournament was to be held. And, wondering, they awoke and drank wine, and carolling they danced full doughtily. And at length, when it was late in the day, they took their leave, each strong man to wend on his way. Gawain bade them good day, and the good man of the house took him and led him to his own chamber beside the chimney-piece, and drawing him aside, thanked him dearly for the goodly worship he had given unto him in honouring his house as his guest and giving good cheer during the high feast. 'I trow,' said he, 'while I live, well worth will it be that Gawain was my guest at God's own feasting.' 'Grammercy,' said Sir Gawain, 'in good faith thine is the honour, not mine, and may the good God grant it unto thee. I am at thy service to do thy behest as it behoves me in high and low things

by right.'

The Lord was then full fain

Longer to hold that knight:

To him answered Gawain,

In no way that he might.]

[stanza 43 (long)]

1046then frayned þe freke ful fayre at himseluen

1047quat derue dede had hym dryuen at þat dere tyme

1048so kenly fro þe kyngez kourt to kayre al his one

1049er þe halidayez holly were halet out of toun

1050for soþe sir quoþ þe segge 3e sayn bot þe trawþe

1051a he3e ernde and a hasty me hade fro þo wonez

1052for I am sumned myselfe to sech to a place

1054I nolde bot if I hit negh my3t on nw 3eres morne

1055for alle þe londe inwyth logres so me oure lorde help

1056forþy sir þis enquest I require yow here

1057þat 3e me telle with trawþe if euer 3e tale herde

1058of þe grene chapel quere hit on grounde stondez

1059and of þe kny3t þat hit kepes of colour of grene

1060þer watz stabled bi statut a steuen vus bytwene

1061to mete þat mon at þat mere 3if I my3t last

1062and of þat ilk nw 3ere bot neked now wontez

1063and I wolde loke on þat lede if god me let wolde

1064gladloker bi goddez sun þen any god welde

1065forþi iwysse bi 3owre wylle wende me bihoues

1066naf I now to busy bot bare þre dayez

1067and me als fayn to falle feye as fayly of myyn ernde

1068þenne la3ande quoþ þe lorde now leng þe byhoues

1070þe grene chapayle vpon grounde greue yow no more

1071bot 3e schal be in yowre bed burne at þyn ese

1072quyle forth dayez and ferk on þe fyrst of þe 3ere

[fol. 105]

1073and cum to þat merk at mydmorn to make quat yow likez


1074in spenne


1075dowellez whyle new 3eres daye

1076and rys and raykez þenne

1077mon schal yow sette in waye

1078hit is not two myle henne

[Then sought the lord of the castle to know full surely what doughty deed he had in hand at that dear season of the year, that he came forth so keenly to journey all alone from the court of the great King Arthur before the holly of Christmas was taken down in the city. ' Forsooth,' said the man, 'thou sayest well. A high and hasty errand it was that had me forth from the court. I am summoned forth to seek out a certain place, and I know not whither to wend to find it. And for all the land of Logres, so help me our Lord, I would not fail to find it by New Year's morning. Therefore I make this request of thee here that thou wilt truly tell me if ever thou hast heard tell where standeth the Green Chapel and the Green Knight that doth keep it. By statute there was made a covenant between us that if I might be still in the land of the living, I should meet him on that day at the Green Chapel. And it now wanteth but a little of that New Year, and I would more fain and gladlier look upon that man if God will than possess any good in all the world. By your leave, therefore, it behaves me to wend thither, as I have now for the business but barely three days. As fain would I fall dead as fail of my errand.' Then the lord laughing said, 'It behoves thee rather to linger here. For by the end of the time, I will show thee the way. Grieve thyself no more about the Green Chapel. For at least four days thou shalt be at ease in thy bedchamber. Then on the first of the New Year thou shalt ride forth towards that chapel in the morning and do as thou wilt.


Rest here till New Year's day,

Then rise up without guile,

Men shall set thee in the way --

It is not hence two mile.']

[stanza 44 (long)]

1079þenne watz gawan ful glad and gomenly he la3ed

1080now I þonk yow þryuandely þur3 alle oþer þynge

1081now acheued is my chaunce I schal at your wylle

1082dowelle and ellez do quat 3e demen

1083þenne sesed hym þe syre and set hym bysyde

1084let þe ladiez be fette to lyke hem þe better

1085þer watz seme solace by hemself stille

1086þe lorde let for luf lotez so myry

1087as wy3 þat wolde of his wyte ne wyst quat he my3t

1088þenne he carped to þe kny3t criande loude

10893e han demed to do þe dede þat I bidde

1090wyl 3e halde þis hes here at þys onez

10913e sir for soþe sayd þe segge trwe

1093for 3e haf trauayled quoþ þe tulk towen fro ferre

1094and syþen waked me wyth 3e arn not wel waryst

1095nauþer of sostnaunce ne of slepe soþly I knowe

10963e schal lenge in your lofte and ly3e in your ese

1097to morn quyle þe messequyle and to mete wende

1098when 3e wyl wyth my wyf þat wyth yow schal sitte

1099and comfort yow with compayny til I to cort torne


11003e lende


1101and I schal erly ryse

1102on huntyng wyl I wende

1103gauayn grantez alle þyse

1104hym heldande as þe hende

[Then was Gawain right glad, and in gamesome mood he laughed and said, 'Now for this above all else I thank thee right heartily. Achieved will be my chance. I will dwell here meanwhile as thou wilt, and do as thou dost deem well.' Then the lord took him and set him at his side, and caused the ladies to be brought, so that they might be better pleased, though they had seemly solace in each other. And for love the lord spake many merry words, as though he scarce knew what he would say. Then he cried aloud and spake to the knight, 'Thou hast promised to do what I shall tell thee. Wilt thou do this behest that I bid thee at this time?' 'Yea sir, forsooth will I,' said the true man. 'While I bide in thy castle I am bound by thy behests.' 'Thou hast come,' quoth the lord, 'from a far country, and hast passed much waiting time with me, and hast gone short of sustenance and of sleep. I know it, forsooth. Thou shalt linger in thy sleeping-chamber at tine ease to-morrow morn, during the time of the Mass; then shalt thou wend to thy meat with my wife, and shalt sit at her side and comfort thee with her company till I return to the courtyard of the castle

at the end.

For I shall early rise

And a-hunting I shall wend.'

Gawain takes his advice,

Bowing courtly to his friend.]

[stanza 45 (long)]

11053et firre quoþ þe freke a forwarde we make

1107and quat chek so 3e acheue chaunge me þerforne

1108swete swap we so sware with trawþe

1109queþer leude so lymp lere oþer better

1110bi god quoþ gawayn þe gode I grant þertylle

[fol. 106r]

1111and þat yow lyst for to layke lef hit me þynkes

1112who bryngez vus þis beuerage þis bargayn is maked

1113so sayde þe lorde of þat lede þay la3ed vchone

1114þay dronken and daylyeden and dalten vnty3tel

1115þise lordez and ladyez quyle þat hem lyked

1116and syþen with frenkysch fare and fele fayre lotez

1117þay stoden and stemed and stylly speken

1118kysten ful comlyly and ka3ten her leue

1119with mony leude ful ly3t and lemande torches

1120vche burne to his bed watz bro3t at þe laste


1121ful softe


1122to bed 3et er þay 3ede

1123recorded couenauntez ofte

1124þe olde lorde of þat leude

1125cowþe wel halde layk alofte

[`But further,' quoth that lord, 'we will make a covenant that what I win in the woodlands thine it shall be, and whatsoever fortune thou shalt achieve here shall be given by thee to me in exchange for my gift to thee. Swear soothly that we will make this exchange between us, whether hap be loss or gain to us.' 'By God,' quoth Sir Gawain, 'I grant thee thy word, and fief it is to me that thou dost list to make sport.' 'Let some one bring us wine,' said the lord of the castle, 'for now this bargain is made between us'; and they both of them laughed and drank deep, and the lords and the ladies held dalliance together until night came. Then with many strange doings and fair words not a few, they stood still and spake softly, and kissed in comely fashion, and took their leave. And each was brought to his bed attended by many a page and by flaming torches

full soft.

To bed, ere they go out,

They recorded covenant oft.

The old lord of that rout

Could well hold sport aloft.]

[fitt3: stanza 46 (long)]

1126ful erly bifore þe day þe folk vprysen

1127gestes þat go wolde hor gromez þay calden

1128and þay busken vp bilyue blonkkez to sadel

1130richen hem þe rychest to ryde alle arayde

1131lepen vp ly3tly lachen her brydeles

1132vche wy3e on his way þer hym wel lyked

1133þe leue lorde of þe londe watz not þe last

1134arayed for þe rydyng with renkkez ful mony

1135ete a sop hastyly when he hade herde masse

1138he with his haþeles on hy3e horsses weren

1139þenne þise cacheres þat couþe cowpled hor houndez

1140vnclosed þe kenel dore and calde hem þeroute

1141blwe bygly in buglez þre bare mote

1142braches bayed þerfore and breme noyse maked

1143and þay chastysed and charred on chasyng þat went

1144a hundreth of hunteres as I haf herde telle


1145of þe best


1146to trystors vewters 3od

1147couples huntes of kest

[fol. 106]

1148þer ros for blastez gode

1149gret rurd in þat forest

[Full early before daybreak the folk that would go a-hunting rose up and called their grooms, and stirred them up to saddle the horses, gear up the trappings, and pack the bags, and dress them in noble array for riding. Then they leaped up lightly and seized the bridles, and each went the way he liked best. And the beloved lord of that land was not the last to appear. He was arrayed for riding with many a rider. And having heard the Mass he ate a sop hastily, and full readily he went forth to the bent field with bugle, before any daylight shone on the world. The lord and his nobles were upon high-stepping steeds. Then the cunning huntsmen coupled the hounds, opened the kennel-doors, and called them out, and blew three bold, clear notes on the bugles. At this there was a baying and a very great barking, and the huntsmen turned and whipped up the dogs. A hundred hunters of the best, as I have heard

the word.

To the trystings the trackers go,

The hounds the hunters stirred;

Because of the blasts they blow

Great noise in the forest is heard.]

[stanza 47 (long)]

1150at þe fyrst quethe of þe quest quaked þe wylde

1151der drof in þe dale doted for drede

1152hi3ed to þe hy3e bot heterly þay were

1153restayed with þe stablye þat stoutly ascryed

1154þay let þe herttez haf þe gate with þe hy3e hedes

1155þe breme bukkez also with hor brode paumez

1156for þe fre lorde hade defende in fermysoun tyme

1157þat þer schulde no mon meue to þe male dere

1158þe hindez were halden in with hay and war

1159þe does dryuen with gret dyn to þe depe sladez

1160þer my3t mon se as þay slypte slentyng of arwes

1161at vche wende vnder wande wapped a flone

1162þat bigly bote on þe broun with ful brode hedez

1163what þay brayen and bleden bi bonkkez þay de3en

1164and ay rachches in a res radly hem fol3es

1165hunterez wyth hy3e horne hasted hem after

1166wyth such a crakkande kry as klyffes haden brusten

1167what wylde so atwaped wy3es þat schotten

1168watz al toraced and rent at þe resayt

1169bi þay were tened at þe hy3e and taysed to þe wattrez

1170þe ledez were so lerned at þe lo3e trysteres

1171and þe grehoundez so grete þat geten hem bylyue

1172and hem tofylched as fast as frekez my3t loke


1173þer ry3t


1174þe lorde for blys abloy

1175ful oft con launce and ly3t

1176and drof þat day wyth joy

1177thus to þe derk ny3t

[The first cry of the quest the quarry trembled with fear. The deer were driven in the dale, doting for dread. Then they hastened to the high lands, but hotly they were stopped at the trystings, where was great shouting. Harts with their high heads were let pass, and the bold bucks with their broad antlers. For the noble lord had forbidden that in the close season any man should molest the male deer. The hinds, however, were held back with a Hi! and a cry, and the does with great din were harried to the deep valleys, and as they stumbled there was glancing of arrows, so that each that turned under the trees an arrow pierced him like the wind, and they boldly bit into the deer with full broad heads. So with braying and bleeding by the hillsides they died; and ever the hounds readily followed with a rush as the hunters on high horses hustled them forward with crashing cries, as though the very rocks had burst asunder. The deer that escaped the shooting of the shooters were all of them run down and pierced by the men on foot. They were harried at the high places and harassed at the water-ways, for the huntsmen were such old hands at the low trysting-places and the greyhounds so strong that got at them that they seized them as quickly as a man might glance


The glad lord shouts 'abloy!'

Full oft 'gan fall and ride,

And hunts that day with joy

Until the dark night tide.]

[stanza 48 (long)]

1179and gawayn þe god mon in gay bed lygez

1180lurkkez quyl þe dayly3t lemed on þe wowes

1181vnder couertour ful clere cortyned aboute

1182and as in slomeryng he slode sle3ly he herde

1184and he heuez vp his hed out of þe cloþes [fol. 107r]

1185a corner of þe cortyn he ca3t vp a lyttel

1186and waytez warly þiderwarde quat hit be my3t

1187hit watz þe ladi loflyest to beholde

1188þat dro3 þe dor after hir ful dernly and stylle

1189and bo3ed towarde þe bed and þe burne schamed

1190and layde hym doun lystyly and let as he slepte

1191and ho stepped stilly and stel to his bedde

1192kest vp þe cortyn and creped withinne

1194and lenged þere selly longe to loke quen he wakened

1195þe lede lay lurked a ful longe quyle

1196compast in his concience to quat þat cace my3t

1197meue oþer amount to meruayle hym þo3t

1198bot 3et he sayde in hymself more semly hit were

1199to aspye wyth my spelle in space quat ho wolde

1200þen he wakenede and wroth and to hir warde torned

1202and sayned hym as bi his sa3e þe sauer to worthe


1203with hande


1204wyth chynne and cheke ful swete

1205boþe quit and red in blande

1206ful lufly con ho lete

1207wyth lyppez smal la3ande

[Thus did the lord make sport by the borders of the lind wood whilst Gawain the good lay in bed at his ease until daylight fell athwart the walls. As he dozed there under full white canopies curtained about, he suddenly heard a slight noise at the door. He lifted up his head from under the clothes, and caught up a little the cover of the curtain, and looked warily thitherwards if he might find out what it was. And he saw the lady, the loveliest to behold, and she drew the door after her darkly and softly, and came towards the bed. Sir Gawain was covered with shame, and quickly laid himself down and made as though he were sleeping. And stepping softly, she stole to his bedside, cast up the curtain and stepped within it, and sat down on the side of the bed, and lingered there, wondrous long, watching for him to waken. The man lay hiding there a full long time, troubled in his conscience as to the meaning of this, for a marvel it seemed. Yet he said to himself, 'More fitting it would be to speak to her and find out what she would.' Then he started up and turned towards her, and slowly opened his eyelids and looked wonderingly upon her, and crossed himself for greater safety that he might speak

full true.

With chin and cheek full sweet,

Both white and red of hue,

Lovingly 'gan she greet,

Her small lips laughing too.]

[stanza 49 (long)]

12093e ar a sleper vnsly3e þat mon may slyde hider

1211I schal bynde yow in your bedde þat be 3e trayst

1212al la3ande þe lady lanced þo bourdez

1215for I 3elde me 3ederly and 3e3e after grace

1217and þus he bourded a3ayn with mony a blyþe la3ter

1218bot wolde 3e lady louely þen leue me grante

1219and deprece your prysoun and pray hym to ryse

1220I wolde bo3e of þis bed and busk me better

1221I schulde keuer þe more comfort to karp yow wyth

[fol. 107]

1222nay for soþe beau sir sayd þat swete

12233e schal not rise of your bedde I rych yow better

1224I schal happe yow here þat oþer half als

1225and syþen karp wyth my kny3t þat I ka3t haue

1226for I wene wel iwysse sir Wowen 3e are

1228your honour your hendelayk is hendely praysed

1229with lordez wyth ladyes with alle þat lyf bere

1230and now 3e ar here iwysse and we bot oure one

1231my lorde and his ledez ar on lenþe faren

1232oþer burnez in her bedde and my burdez als

1233þe dor drawen and dit with a derf haspe

1234and syþen I haue in þis hous hym þat al lykez

1235I schal ware my whyle wel quyl hit lastez


1236with tale


12373e ar welcum to my cors

1238yowre awen won to wale

1239me behouez of fyne force

1240your seruaunt be and schale

[`Good morrow, Sir Gawain,' said the lady fair, 'full carelessly thou sleepest that one can thus creep into thy chamber. Now art thou taken unawares, and I shall bind thee in thy bed, of that be thou well assured.' Thus laughingly the lady uttered forth her jestings. 'And,' quoth Sir Gawain, 'Good morrow, gay lady; it will be well pleasing to me to be at thy service, and I yield myself thereto, and desire thy favour as must needs be.' Thus did he dally with her with full glad laughter. 'But wouldst thou, lovely lady, be so good as grant me leave to rise and thus to set free thy captive? for I would fain rise from this bed and put on my robes, so should I talk with thee with greater comfort.' 'Nay, for sooth, good sir,' said that sweet one.' Thou shalt not rise from thy bed. I will give thee better counsel. I will cover thee up in thy bed and hold converse with my knight, whom I have taken prisoner, for I wis that thou art Sir Gawain, whom all the world doth worship wheresoever thou dost ride forth. Thy worth and thy courtesy are praised alike by lords and ladies and by all living. And now thou art here with me alone. My lord and his people are gone far away, and the other men are in bed asleep, and also my maids. The door is fast closed and secured by a strong bolt. So, since I have in this castle the man whom all love, no time will I be losing while it doth last,

In address.

Of me have thy will,

For thou shalt me possess.

Thy servant I am still,

As is fitting, I confess.']

[stanza 50 (long)]

1241in god fayth quoþ gawayn gayn hit me þynkkez

1242þa3 I be not now he þat 3e of speken

1243to reche to such reuerence as 3e reherce here

1244I am wy3e vnworþy I wot wel myseluen

1245bi god I were glad and yow god þo3t

1246at sa3e oþer at seruyce þat I sette my3t

1247to þe plesaunce of your prys hit were a pure ioye

1248in god fayth sir gawayn quoþ þe gay lady

1249þe prys and þe prowes þat plesez al oþer

1250if I hit lakked oþer set at ly3t hit were littel daynte

1251bot hit ar ladyes inno3e þat leuer wer nowþe

1252haf þe hende in hor holde as I þe habbe here

1253to daly with derely your daynte wordez

1254keuer hem comfort and colen her carez

1257I haf hit holly in my honde þat al desyres


1258þur3e grace


1259scho made hym so gret chere

[fol. 108r]

1260þat watz so fayr of face

1261þe kny3t with speches skere

[`In good faith,' quoth Gawain, 'I think it would be gain for me were I not he of whom thou speakest, for to attain such worship as thou dost offer me herewith I wot well I am unworthy. By God, I should be glad, if it seemed good unto thee, to do thee service or pleasaunce in word or deed, and a pure joy it would be unto me.' 'By my faith, Sir Gawain,' quoth the gay lady, 'if I held lightly the price and the prowess that pleaseth all others, it would be but a little dainty. There are ladies enow that would be liefer to hold thee happily in their power as I have thee, and in dear dalliance to hear thee speak dainty words and thereby gain comfort and rid them of care, than all the guerdon or gold that they possess. And as I love the Lord who holdeth up heaven aloft, I have in my hands that which all desire

through grace.'

She made him so great cheer,

That was so fair of face,

With speeches pure, that peer

Answered in each case.]

[stanza 51 (long)]

1263madame quoþ þe myry mon mary yow 3elde

1264for I haf founden in god fayth yowre fraunchis nobele

1267hit is þe worchyp of yourself þat no3t bot wel connez

1268bi mary quoþ þe menskful me þynk hit an oþer

1269for were I worth al þe wone of wymmen alyue

1270and al þe wele of þe worlde were in my honde

1271and I schulde chepen and chose to cheue me a lorde

1272for þe costes þat I haf knowen vpon þe kny3t here

1273of bewte and debonerte and blyþe semblaunt

1274and þat I haf er herkkened and halde hit here trwee

1275þer schulde no freke vpon folde bifore yow be chosen

1276iwysse worþy quoþ þe wy3e 3e haf waled wel better

1277bot I am proude of þe prys þat 3e put on me

1278and soberly your seruaunt my souerayn I holde yow

1279and yowre kny3t I becom and kryst yow for3elde

1280þus þay meled of muchquat til mydmorn paste

1282þe freke ferde with defence and feted ful fayre

1284þe lasse luf in his lode for lur þat he so3t


1285boute hone


1287and nedez hit most be done

1288þe lady þenn spek of leue

1289he granted hir ful sone

[`Madam,' quoth the merry man, ' may Mary bless thee! I have found thee, in good faith, noble and frank. Full many others did me courtesy, and the dainty that they dealt me was foolishness; but thy worship is that of one who knoweth nothing but good.' 'By Mary,' quoth the lady, 'I think otherwise, for were I worth all the wealth of women on earth, and all the wealth of the world were in my hand, were I to bargain and choose and take captive a lord, then no fellow on earth before thee would I choose, because of thy courtesy and beauty and good manners, and thy blitheness of mien, and because of what I have heard from thee and hold for the truth.' 'Well I wot,' quoth Gawain, 'thou hast chosen a better man than I am, yet am I proud of the price thou puttest upon me, and soberly as thy servant I hold thee as my sovereign, and thy knight I become, and may Christ requite thee.' Thus did they talk of many things till the midnoon was past. The lady seemed to be pleased therewith, and to love him. And Sir Gawain bore himself bravely. Yet the knight had in mind that though she were the fairest of ladies, there must be no love-making for him because of the loss that he was seeking


The blow he must abide,

And it must needs be done;

The lady turned aside;

He grants her leave full soon.]

[stanza 52 (long)]

1290þenne ho gef hym god day and wyth a glent la3ed

1291and as ho stod ho stonyed hym wyth ful stor wordez

1292now he þat spedez vche spech þis disport 3elde yow

1293bot þat 3e be gawan hit gotz in mynde

1294querfore quoþ þe freke and freschly he askez

1295ferde lest he hade fayled in fourme of his castes

1296bot þe burde hym blessed and bi þis skyl sayde

[fol. 108]

1297so god as gawayn gaynly is halden

1298and cortaysye is closed so clene in hymseluen

1299couth not ly3tly haf lenged so long wyth a lady

1300bot he had craued a cosse bi his courtaysye

1301bi sum towch of summe tryfle at sum talez ende

1302þen quoþ wowen iwysse worþe as yow lykez

1303I schal kysse at your comaundement as a kny3t fallez

1305ho comes nerre with þat and cachez hym in armez

1306loutez luflych adoun and þe leude kyssez

1307þay comly bykennen to kryst ayþer oþer

1308ho dos hir forth at þe dore withouten dyn more

1309and he ryches hym to ryse and rapes hym sone

1310clepes to his chamberlayn choses his wede

1311bo3ez forth quen he watz boun blyþely to masse

1312and þenne he meued to his mete þat menskly hym keped

1313and made myry al day til þe mone rysed


1314with game


1316bitwene two so dyngne dame

1317þe alder and þe 3onge

1318much solace set þay same

[Then she gave him good-day with a laughing glance, and standing there she caused him to wonder at the strength of her words. 'Now, he that speedeth all speech, yield us this sport, but I have it in my mind that thou art not Sir Gawain.' 'Wherefore?' quoth Sir Gawain, and afresh he asked her questions, fearing lest he had failed in his bearing and manners. But the lady blessed him, and gave her reason. 'Since Gawain is fitly held to be so gallant and courteous, he could not so long have lingered lightly with a lady without craving a kiss for courtesy's sake and some little trifle at the end of his dalliance.' Then said Gawain, 'Let it be as thou dost wish. I will kiss if thou dost command, as befits a knight who fears to displease thee, so let there be an end to thy pleading.' With that she came near to him and caught him in her arms and bent down gracefully and kissed the knight, and they commended each other to Christ. Then she went out at the door without noise. Sir Gawain rose up readily, and making haste, called to his chamberlain and chose his dresses; and as soon as he was dressed went forth gaily to Mass, and then to meat, which had been courteously kept for him, and made merry till the moon rose,

all day.

No man did e'er make jest

With ladies so worthy and gay;

Much pleasure they confessed

They had of him that day.]

[stanza 53 (long)]

1319and ay þe lorde of þe londe is lent on his gamnez

1320to hunt in holtez and heþe at hyndez barayne

1321such a sowme he þer slowe bi þat þe sunne heldet

1322of dos and of oþer dere to deme were wonder

1323þenne fersly þay flokked in folk at þe laste

1324and quykly of þe quelled dere a querre þay maked

1325þe best bo3ed þerto with burnez innoghe

1326gedered þe grattest of gres þat þer were

1327and didden hem derely vndo as þe dede askez

1328serched hem at þe asay summe þat þer were

1329two fyngeres þay fonde of þe fowlest of alle

1330syþen þay slyt þe slot sesed þe erber

1331schaued wyth a scharp knyf and þe schyre knitten

1332syþen rytte þay þe foure lymmes and rent of þe hyde

[fol. 109r]

1335þay gryped to þe gargulun and grayþely departed

1337þen scher þay out þe schulderez with her scharp knyuez

1338haled hem by a lyttel hole to haue hole sydes

1339siþen britned þay þe brest and brayden hit in twynne

1340and eft at þe gargulun bigynez on þenne

1341ryuez hit vp radly ry3t to þe by3t

1342voydez out þe avanters and verayly þerafter

1343alle þe rymez by þe rybbez radly þay lance

1345euenden to þe haunche þat henged alle samen

1346and heuen hit vp al hole and hwen hit of þere

1347and þat þay neme for þe noumbles bi nome as I trowe


1348bi kynde


1349bi þe by3t al of þe þy3es

1350þe lappez þay lance bihynde

1351to hewe hit in two þay hy3es

1352bi þe bakbon to vnbynde

[And ever the lord of the land was busy with his sporting, hunting in bolt and heath after the barren hinds, and by the setting of the sun there had been such a slaughter of does and of deer as was a wonder to behold. Then at last quickly flocked the folk together and fiercely made a quarry of the dead deer. And the noblest set to work with men enough; and, as is the custom, they cut up the quarry, and some of them burst open the breast, cutting the jointures with a sharp knife. Then they rent the limbs and the hide and took out the bowels, having lustily lanced it, dividing it deftly, and with their sharp knives sheared off the shoulders, haling them out by a little hole that the whole sides might be preserved. Then they broke the breast into two halves, and right quickly cut up the nombles, and it was riven right up to the forks, and they readily lanced all the rib membranes and freed them from the backbone, all evenly to the haunch, and heaved up the part that is called the nombles

by kind.

By the fork of the thighs,

The laps they lance behind;

To hew it in two devise,

By the backbone to unbind.]

[stanza 54 (long)]

1353boþe þe hede and þe hals þay hwen of þenne

1354and syþen sunder þay þe sydez swyft fro þe chyne

1355and þe corbeles fee þay kest in a greue

1356þenn þurled þay ayþer þik side þur3 bi þe rybbe

1358vche freke for his fee as fallez for to haue

1359vpon a felle of þe fayre best fede þay þayr houndes

1360wyth þe lyuer and þe ly3tez þe leþer of þe paunchez

1361and bred baþed in blod blende þeramongez

1362baldely þay blw prys bayed þayr rachchez

1363syþen fonge þay her flesche folden to home

1364strakande ful stoutly mony stif motez

1365bi þat þe dayly3t watz done þe douthe watz al wonen

1366into þe comly castel þer þe kny3t bidez


1367ful stille


1368wyth blys and bry3t fyr bette

1369þe lorde is comen þertylle

1370when gawayn wyth hym mette

1371þer watz bot wele at wylle

[Then they hacked off both head and neck, and severed deftly the sides from the chine, and flung the fee of the crows into a grove hard by. Then they pierced both sides through at the ribs, and hung them by the houghs of the haunches. And each man took his share that fell to him, and they fed the hounds on the skins, and with the liver and the lights and the leathern paunches, with bread dipped in blood. Boldly they blew the horns, and the hounds bayed. Then having packed up the flesh they went homewards, blowing full strongly many bugle notes, so that by the time daylight had faded, home came the doughty men, to the comely castle where Sir Gawain was biding,

full still.

Brightly the fire doth burn.

He greeteth with a will

The lord at his return;

With joy each one did thrill.]

[fol. 109v: stanza 55 (long)]

1373boþe þe ladyes on loghe to ly3t with her burdes

1374bifore alle þe folk on þe flette frekez he beddez

1375verayly his venysoun to fech hym byforne

1377techez hym to þe tayles of ful tayt bestes

1378schewez hym þe schyree grece schorne vpon rybbes

1379how payez yow þis play haf I prys wonnen

1380haue I þryuandely þonk þur3 my craft serued

13813e iwysse quoþ þat oþer wy3e here is wayth fayrest

1382þat I sey þis seuen 3ere in sesoun of wynter

1383and al I gif yow gawayn quoþ þe gome þenne

1384for by acorde of couenaunt 3e craue hit as your awen

1385þis is soth quoþ þe segge I say yow þat ilke

1387iwysse with as god wylle hit worþez to 3ourez

1388he hasppez his fayre hals his armez wythinne

1390tas yow þere my cheuicaunce I cheued no more

1391I wowche hit saf fynly þa3 feler hit were

1392hit is god quoþ þe godmon grant mercy þerfore

1393hit may be such hit is þe better and 3e me breue wolde

1395þat watz not forward quoþ he frayst me no more


13973e mowe


1398þay la3ed and made hem blyþe

1399wyth lotez þat were to lowe

1401wyth dayntes nwe innowe

[Then the lord of the castle commanded the household to be marshalled, and the ladies to descend with their maidens, and the men in the hall to bring the spoils of the chase and spread them out before them. And Gawain, who was goodly in games, he called and showed him the tails of full fierce beasts, and the shining grease shorn from the ribs. 'How pay you this sporting?' quoth he, 'have I won the prize? Have I deserved hearty thanks because of my craft in hunting?' 'Yea, I trow,' cried Sir Gawain; 'here is the fairest venison I have seen for seven winters.' 'All this I give to thee, Sir Gawain,' quoth that other; 'according to our covenant it is thine own.' 'That is soothly said,' quoth Gawain, 'and that which I have won within this castle, I trow it is thine with my good will.' Then he clasps the fair neck of the lord in his arms and kisses him in comely fashion, 'Take thou thus what I have achieved; there is nothing else, or I would vouchsafe it to thee though it had been much greater.' 'Good it is,' said the good man, 'I say thee grammercy therefore. Now tell me boldly how thou didst win this wealth -- was it by thine own wit?' 'Nay,' quoth Gawain, 'that was not in our covenant; try me no further. I have given thee that which betides thee. Thou shouldst ask no more,

I trow.'

They laugh and blithely talk

With words soft and low,

Soon to supper they walk,

To dainties new enow.]

[stanza 56 (long)]

1402and syþen by þe chymne in chamber þay seten

1403wy3ez þe walle wyn we3ed to hem oft

1404and efte in her bourdyng þay bayþen in þe morn

1405to fylle þe same forwardez þat þay byfore maden

1407what nwez so þay nome at na3t quen þay metten

1408þay acorded of þe couenauntez byfore þe court alle [fol. 110r]

1409þe beuerage watz bro3t forth in bourde at þat tyme

1410þenne þay louelych le3ten leue at þe last

1411vche burne to his bedde busked bylyue

1413þe lorde watz lopen of his bedde þe leudez vchone

1414so þat þe mete and þe masse watz metely delyuered

1415þe douthe dressed to þe wod er any day sprenged


1416to chace


1417he3 with hunte and hornez

1418þur3 playnez þay passe in space

1419vncoupled among þo þornez

1420rachez þat ran on race

[After supper they sat in the chimney corner, and oft were borne to them the costliest of wines, and often in their talking they agreed that on the morrow there should be the same covenant between them as before -- that whatever new chances betided them they would exchange them when they met in the evening. And they agreed to the covenant in the presence of all the household. And they drank together, pledging troth with many a good jest, and at the last took leave of each other lovingly. Each knight betook himself to his couch. Before the cackling cock had crowed three times, the lord leapt from his bed, and all the people who would go a-hunting. They went to Mass and then to meat, after which before day had dawned, they tried them to the woodlands

to the chase.

With high hunt and horns

They pass the plain apace,

Uncoupled among the thorns

The hounds did race.]

[stanza 57 (long)]

1421sone þay calle of a quest in a ker syde

1422þe hunt rehayted þe houndez þat hit fyrst mynged

1423wylde wordez hym warp wyth a wrast noyce

1424þe howndez þat hit herde hastid þider swyþe

1425and fellen as fast to þe fuyt fourty at ones

1427ros þat þe rocherez rungen aboute

1428hunterez hem hardened with horne and wyth muthe

1429þen al in a semble sweyed togeder

1430bitwene a flosche in þat fryth and a foo cragge

1431in a knot bi a clyffe at þe kerre syde

1432þer as þe rogh rocher vnrydely watz fallen

1433þay ferden to þe fyndyng and frekez hem after

1434þay vmbekesten þe knarre and þe knot boþe

1436þe best þat þer breued watz wyth þe blodhoundez

1437þenne þay beten on þe buskez and bede hym vpryse

1438and he vnsoundyly out so3t seggez ouerþwert

1439on þe sellokest swyn swenged out þere

1442ful grymme quen he gronyed þenne greued mony

1443for þre at þe fyrst þrast he þry3t to þe erþe

1444and sparred forth good sped boute spyt more

1445þise oþer halowed hyghe ful hy3e and hay hay cryed

[fol. 110]

1446haden hornez to mouþe heterly rechated

1447mony watz þe myry mouthe of men and of houndez

1448þat buskkez after þis bor with bost and wyth noyse


1449to quelle


1450ful oft he bydez þe baye

1451and maymez þe mute inn melle

1452he hurtez of þe houndez and þay

1453ful 3omerly 3aule and 3elle

[Soon they called a quest by the side of a marsh. The hunters who first found it cheered on the hounds with words, and there was a great hallooing, and the hounds, hearing it, hastened thither quickly, forty of them at once, and fell fast to the scent. Then arose such a roaring of the gathered hounds that the rocks were ringing thereabouts. The hunters harried them with their horns, and all of the hounds swayed together between a pool in the wood, and a cliff, a rugged place it was where the rugged rock had fallen. The hounds went before and the hunters followed after. They surrounded the cliff, and with the bloodhounds marked the beast that was within. Then the hunters beat the bushes and sought to make the prey leap forth. Suddenly and fiercely he rushed athwart the huntsmen -- one of the fiercest of swine. A long time had he dwelt apart from the herd, and he was very old and tough and baleful, and one of the greatest of boars, and whenever he grunted many were fearful, for at the very first thrust he hurled three men to the earth and caused many to fall back without further hurt. And they hallooed full high, with 'Hay! hay!' and hotly blew their horns; and merry were both hounds and hunters who hastened after the boar with boastful noises.

And why?

Full oft he bides the bay,

The hounds he doth defy,

He maims the dogs, and they

Full piteously howl and cry.]

[stanza 58 (long)]

1454schalkez to schote at hym schowen to þenne

1455haled to hym of her arewez hitten hym oft

1456bot þe poyntez payred at þe pyth þat py3t in his scheldez

1457and þe barbez of his browe bite non wolde

1458þa3 þe schauen schaft schyndered in pecez

1460bot quen þe dyntez hym dered of her dry3e strokez

1461þen braynwod for bate on burnez he rasez

1462hurtez hem ful heterly þer he forth hy3ez

1463and mony ar3ed þerat and on lyte dro3en

1464bot þe lorde on a ly3t horce launces hym after

1465as burne bolde vpon bent his bugle he blowez

1467suande þis wylde swyn til þe sunne schafted

1468þis day wyth þis ilk dede þay dryuen on þis wyse

1469whyle oure luflych lede lys in his bedde

1470gawayn grayþely at home in gerez ful ryche


1471of hewe


1472þe lady no3t for3ate

1473com to hym to salue

1474ful erly ho watz hym ate

1475his mode for to remwe

[Then the shooters shot their arrows at him, and often they struck him, but their points failed to pierce his hide, and the barbs would not bite his forehead. The shaven arrow-shafts shivered in pieces wheresoever they struck him. But whenever the blows at all pierced his flesh, then, maddened, he burst forth on the hunters and hurt them hotly as he tried. And many grew timid and drew back somewhat. But the lord riding on a light horse often pierced him, as boldly on the bent-field he blew his bugle, and called them back as he rode through the dense thickets, pursuing the boar till the sun shifted westwards. Thus on this day did they drive the boar, while our lovely knight lay on his bed in rich apparel,

all bright.

The lady quickly tries

To greet the gentle knight,

Full early doth she rise

To change him if she might.]

[stanza 59 (long)]

1476ho commes to þe cortyn and at þe kny3t totes

1477sir wawen her welcumed worþy on fyrst

1478and ho hym 3eldez a3ayn ful 3erne of hir wordez

1480and wyth a luflych loke ho layde hym þyse wordez

1481sir 3if 3e be wawen wonder me þynkkez

1482wy3e þat is so wel wrast alway to god

1483and connez not of compaynye þe costez vndertake

[fol. 111r]

1484and if mon kennes yow hom to knowe 3e kest hom of your mynde

1485þou hatz for3eten 3ederly þat 3isterday I ta3tte

1487what is þat quoþ þe wyghe iwysse I wot neuer

1488if hit be sothe þat 3e breue þe blame is myn awen

14893et I kende yow of kyssyng quoþ þe clere þenne

1491þat bicumes vche a kny3t þat cortaysy vses

1492do way quoþ þat derf mon my dere þat speche

1493for þat durst I not do lest I deuayed were

1494if I were werned I were wrang iwysse 3if I profered

1495ma fay quoþ þe mere wyf 3e may not be werned

14963e ar stif innoghe to constrayne wyth strenkþe 3if yow lykez

14973if any were so vilanous þat yow devaye wolde

14983e be god quoþ gawayn good is your speche

1499bot þrete is vnþryuande in þede þer I lende

1500and vche gift þat is geuen not with goud wylle

1501I am at your comaundement to kysse quen yow lykez

15023e may lach quen yow lyst and leue quen yow þynkkez


1503in space


1504þe lady loutez adoun

1505and comlyly kysses his face

1506much speche þay þer expoun

1507of druryes greme and grace

[She came towards the curtain and gazed at the knight, and Sir Gawain welcomed her courteously at first, and the lady talked with him earnestly. Then she sat at his side and laughingly with loving glances she delivered her soul, 'Sir, if thou art Sir Gawain, it is, I think, passing strange that a knight who is so well disposed to gallantry should not be well versed in the customs of good company, for even if thou dost know them, thou dost cast them forth from thy mind and hast right soon forgotten what I taught thee by my talking yesterday.' 'What may that be?' quoth the knight. 'I wot not what thou meanest. If soothly thou speakest, then truly the fault is mine own.' Then said the lady, 'Why, truly. I taught thee of kissing, and that when the face of a lady is known, thou shouldst quickly claim thy meed, and that this is becoming in a knight who uses courtesy.' Then quoth the doughty man, 'Have done, dear lady, for that I durst not do, lest I should be denied, for by thy refusal should I find out my mistake.' 'By my faith,' quoth that fair one, 'thou shalt not be denied, for thou art strong enough to constrain one if thou likest, if any were so vilIanous as to refuse thee.' 'Yea, surely,' quoth Gawain, 'good is thy speech, but to threaten a lady is deemed ungallant in the land where I live, as also are all gifts given without good will. I am at your service to kiss when thou likest. Thou mayest take it or leave it when it pleaseth thee,

in space

The lady bendeth low,

And comely kisses his face,

Much love-talk doth flow

Of love's joy and grace.]

[stanza 60 (long)]

1508I woled wyt at yow wy3e þat worþy þer sayde

1509and yow wrathed not þerwyth what were þe skylle

1510þat so 3ong and so 3epe as 3e at þis tyme

1511so cortayse so kny3tly as 3e ar knowen oute

1512and of alle cheualry to chose þe chef þyng alosed

1514for to telle of þis teuelyng of þis trwe kny3tez

1515hit is þe tytelet token and tyxt of her werkkez

1516how ledes for her lele luf hor lyuez han auntered

1517endured for her drury dulful stoundez

1518and after wenged with her walour and voyded her care

1519and bro3t blysse into boure with bountees hor awen

1520and 3e ar kny3t comlokest kyd of your elde

[fol. 111]

1521your worde and your worchip walkez ayquere

1522and I haf seten by yourself here sere twyes

15233et herde I neuer of your hed helde no wordez

1524þat euer longed to luf lasse ne more

1525and 3e þat ar so cortays and coynt of your hetes

1526oghe to a 3onke þynk 3ern to schewe

1527and teche sum tokenez of trweluf craftes

1528why ar 3e lewed þat alle þe los weldez

1529oþper elles 3e demen me to dille your dalyaunce to herken


1530for schame


1531I com hider sengel and sitte

1532to lerne at yow sum game

1533dos techez me of your wytte

1534whil my lorde is fro hame

[`I would be knowing from thee,' said that dear lady, 'an you were not wroth thereat, how it cometh to pass that thou who art so young and active, so courteous and so knightly as thou art known to be, and so given to chivalry, which is the most praiseworthy of all things, and so well versed in the loyal sport of love and in the science of arms, art yet so slow in lovemaking. For of all the achievements of true knights, this of lovemaking is the chiefest, and for their leaf loves their lives they adventure, and endure doleful dintings, and have avenged them by their valour and delivered them from care, and have brought bliss into many a bower, and many a fine favour have bestowed; and yet thou, who art the comeliest knight of the age, and thy praise is spread abroad everywhere, hast had me sitting by thy side several times, and hast not spoken a single gentle word such as lovers do speak and such as belongeth to love, neither little nor great; and thou who art courteous and quaint in thy promisings oughtest eagerly to teach a young thing some tokens of true love's craft. Why art thou backward who canst boast of praises, unless it is that thou deemest me too dull to hearken to thy dalliance?

For shame

Alone I come here and sit

To learn of thee some game;

O teach me of thy wit

While my lord is from home.']

[stanza 61 (long)]

1535in goud fayþe quoþ gawayn god yow for3elde

1536gret is þe gode gle and gomen to me huge

1537þat so worþy as 3e wolde wynne hidere

1538and pyne yow with so pouer a mon as play wyth your kny3t

1539with anyskynnez countenaunce hit keuerez me ese

1540bot to take þe toruayle to myself to trwluf expoun

1541and towche þe temez of tyxt and talez of armez

1542to yow þat I wot wel weldez more sly3t

1543of þat art bi þe half or a hundreth of seche

1544as I am oþer euer schal in erde þer I leue

1545hit were a fole felefolde my fre by my trawþe

1546I wolde yowre wylnyng worche at my my3t

1547as I am hy3ly bihalden and euermore wylle

1548be seruaunt to yourseleun so saue me dry3tyn

1549þus hym frayned þat fre and fondet hym ofte

1551bot he defended hym so fayr þat no faut semed

1552ne non euel on nawþer halue nawþer þay wysten


1553bot blysse


1554þay la3ed and layked longe

1555at þe last scho con hym kysse

1556hir leue fayre con scho fonge

1557and went hir waye iwysse

[`In good faith,' quoth Sir Gawain, 'God give you good, great is this good glee of tine, and easeful is it to me that so worthy a lady as thou art shouldst come hither to me and trouble thyself about so poor a man, and play in anysuch fashion; but it would be, as I think, a manifold folly for me to take the trouble to expound true love, and tales of arms, to one who, as I wot well, hath more sleight in that art than a hundred men such as I am, or ever shall be, as long as I live upon earth. As far as I am able I would work thy will, as I am beholden to do, and I would evermore be thy servant as save me the good Lord.' Thus did she tempt him often to wrong-doing according to her evil thought, but so well did he defend himself that of no fault seemed he guilty, nor was there evil wrought by either of them,

but bliss.

They laughed and played that day,

At last she gave him kiss,

And then she went her way,

And took her leave, I wis.]

[stanza 62 (long)]

1558then ruþes hym þe renk and ryses to þe masse [fol. 112r]

1559and siþen hor diner watz dy3t and derely serued

1560þe lede with þe ladyez layked alle day

1561bot þe lorde ouer þe londez launced ful ofte

1562swez his vncely swyn þat swyngez bi þe bonkkez

1563and bote þe best of his brachez þe bakkez in sunder

1564þer he bode in his bay tel bawemen hit breken

1565and madee hym mawgref his hed for to mwe vtter

1566so felle flonez þer flete when þe folk gedered

1567bot 3et þe styffest to start bi stoundez he made

1568til at þe last he watz so mat he my3t no more renne

1569bot in þe hast þat he my3t he to a hole wynnez

1570of a rasse bi a rokk þer rennez þe boerne

1571he gete þe bonk at his bak bigynez to scrape

1572þe froþe femed at his mouth vnfayre bi þe wykez

1573whettez his whyte tuschez with hym þen irked

1574alle þe burnez so bolde þat hym by stoden


1576for woþe


1577he hade hurt so mony byforne

1578þat al þu3t þenne ful loþe

1579be more wyth his tusches torne

[Then arose the knight, and betook him to Mass, after which breakfast was joyfully served, and Sir Gawain played with the lady all that day. But over the country the lord was riding following the mischievous boar by steep hillsides, and the beast bit the backs of his hounds in two. There he bode at bay till the bowmen broke in upon him and caused him to utter a cry as the arrows fell fleet upon him when the folk gathered about him. But yet he made the stoutest-hearted to start, until at the last he was so weary that he could not run any longer, but as quickly as he could he gained a hole in a hillock near a rock at the side of a brook. He set himself with his back to the hillock and began to scratch, and full loathsome was his foaming at the mouth, and about his white tusks, and all the men who stood by him were a-weary, but at some distance were they, for near him none durst


He had hurt so many before

That no man did desire

To be torn by his tusks any more,

For his brain was fiercely on fire.]

[stanza 63 (long)]

1581til þe kny3t com hymself kachande his blonk

1582sy3 hym byde at þe bay his burnez bysyde

1584braydez out a bry3t bront and bigly forth strydez

1585foundez fast þur3 forth þer þe felle bydez

1586þe wylde watz war of þe wy3e with weppen in honde

1587hef hy3ly þe here so hetterly he fnast

1589þe swyn settez hym out on þe segge euen

1590þat þe burne and þe bor were boþe vpon hepez

1591in þe wy3test of þe water þe worre hade þat oþer

1592for þe mon merkkez hym wel as þay mette fyrst

1593set sadly þe scharp in þe slot euen

1594hit hym vp to þe hult þat þe hert schyndered

1595and he 3arrande hym 3elde and 3edoun þe water [fol. 112]


1596ful tyt


1597a hundreth houndez hym hent

1598þat bremely con hym bite

1599burnez him bro3t to bent

1600and doggez to dethe endite

[Then came the lord of that rout himself and reined up his steed, and saw the boar at bay beside his men. He alighted in graceful fashion, and left his courser in charge, brandished forth a glittering sword and strode along with huge strides, crossed by the fording where the fierce beast was biding, who was ware of the weapon in his hand; then he heaved highly his bristles and so hotly he breathed that many of his men went and stood before their lord, lest a worse fate should befall him. The boar made so great a rush for him that both he and the lord fell in a heap, in a place where the water rushed rapidly; but the boar had the worst of it, for the man marked him well as they met, and set his sword in the pit of the beast's stomach, even up to the hilt, so as to rive his heart; and the boar, snarling, gave up the struggle as he fell down in the water

on his knees.

A hundred hounds and more

Fiercely did him seize;

Men brought him to the shore,

And death gave him release.]

[stanza 64 (long)]

1601there watz blawyng of prys in mony breme horne

1602he3e halowing on hi3e with haþelez þat my3t

1603brachetes bayed þat best as bidden þe maysterez

1604of þat chargeaunt chace þat were chef huntes

1605þenne a wy3e þat watz wys vpon wodcraftez

1606to vnlace þis bor lufly bigynnez

1607fyrst he hewes of his hed and on hi3e settez

1608and syþen rendez him al roghe bi þe rygge after

1609braydez out þe boweles brennez hom on glede

1610with bred blent þerwith his braches rewardez

1611syþen he britnez out þe brawen in bry3t brode cheldez

1612and hatz out þe hastlettez as hi3tly bisemez

1613and 3et hem halchez al hole þe haluez togeder

1614and syþen on a stif stange stoutly hem henges

1615now with þis ilk swyn þay swengen to home

1616þe bores hed watz borne bifore þe burnes seluen

1617þat him forferde in þe forþe þur3 forse of his honde


1618so stronge


1619til he sey sir gawayne

1620in halle hym þo3t ful longe

1621he calde and he com gayn

1622his feez þer for to fonge

[Then furious was the blast blown upon many a horn, and high hallooing on the part of the men, and the hounds bayed the beast as the masters of that dangerous chase did urge them on. Then one who was wise in woodcraft began to unlace this lovely boar. First he hewed off his head and set it on high, then he roughly rent him by the back and tore out his entrails, and burnt them on hot coals, and rewarded his hounds with bread blended therewith; then he cut out the brawn in bright broad shields, and had out the hastlets, the two halves of which, all whole, he hung upon a strong pole. Then they made for home at a swinging pace, with the boar as theirrophy, and the boar's head was borne before the knight who had fared into the ford so valiant

and strong.

He saw Sir Gawain in hall,

And the time it seemed full long;

He came when he did call

To take what to him did belong.]

[stanza 65 (long)]

1624when he se3e sir gawayn with solace he spekez

1625þe goude ladyez were geten and gedered þe meyny

1626he schewez hem þe scheldez and schapes hem þe tale

1627of þe largesse and þe lenþe þe liþernez alse

1628of þe were of þe wylde swyn in wod þer he fled

1629þat oþer kny3t ful comly comended his dedez

1630and praysed hit as gret prys þat he proued hade

1631for suche a brawne of a best þe bolde burne sayde

1632ne such sydes of a swyn segh he neuer are

1633þenne hondeled þay þe hoge hed þe hende mon hit praysed [fol. 113r]

1634and let lodly þerat þe lorde for to here

1635now gawayn quoþ þe godmon þis gomen in your awen

1636bi fyn forwarde and faste faythely 3e knowe

1637hit is sothe quoþ þe segge and as siker trwe

1638alle my get I schal yow gif agayn bi my trawþe

1640and eftersones of þe same he serued hym þere

1641now ar we euen quoþ þe haþel in þis euentide

1642of alle þe couenauntes þat we knyt syþen I com hider


1643bi lawe


1644þe lorde sayde bi saynt gile

16453e ar þe best þat I knowe

16463e ben ryche in a whyle

1647such chaffer and 3e drowe

[When the lord saw Sir Gawain he greeted him with loud mirth and spake words of solace to him. Then he sent for the ladies and gathered the household; he showed to them the shields of the boar, and told them of his length and breadth and height, and of the boar's fierceness, and of the fight in the wood with the wild boar. Then Sir Gawain full comely commended his deeds, and praised him at great price, and said that never before had he seen such a brawn of a beast nor such sides of a boar. Then the gentle man handled the huge head and praised it. 'Now, Gawain,' quoth this good man, 'this game is tine own, as by our fast and fair covenant it was agreed.' 'True it is,' said that other, 'all that I have gained I will give it to thee by my troth.' Then he caught the lord about the neck and gently kissed him, and eftsoons he kissed him again. 'Now are we quits,' quoth the lord, 'this eventide of all the covenants we made since I came hither.'

' I trow

By St. Giles,' said the knight,

'Thou art the luckiest I know,

Great in gains thou art this night,

And a rich man thou dost grow.']

[stanza 66 (long)]

1648þenne þay teldet tablez trestes alofte

1649kesten cloþen vpon clere ly3t þenne

1650wakned bi wo3ez waxen torches

1651seggez sette and serued in sale al aboute

1652much glam and gle glent vp þerinne

1653aboute þe fyre vpon flet and on fele wyse

1654at þe soper and after mony aþel songez

1655as coundutes of krystmasse and carolez newe

1656with al þe manerly merþe þat mon may of telle

1657and euer oure luflych kny3t þe lady bisyde

1658such semblaunt to þat segge semly ho made

1659wyth stille stollen countenaunce þat stalworth to plese

1660þat al forwondered watz þe wy3e and wroth with hymseluen

1661bot he nolde not for his nurture nurne hir a3aynez




1664quen þay hade play in halle

1665as longe as hor wylle hom last

1666to chambre he con hym calle

1667and to þe chemne þay past

[Then they set up the tables, and cast cloths upon them, and the serving-men fixed flaming torches on the walls and set out the feast, and there was much mirth and glee in that hall, and many a stalwart man sang merry songs in many a wise during supper and afterwards, such as new carols of Christmas, with all sorts of good-mannered jesting that one may think of. And ever our lovely knight sat by the lady, and in seemly wise she bore herself towards him, and gentle was her bearing, that she might please so stalwart a man, so that he greatly marvelled thereat, and was wroth with himself. Yet would he not, because of his high lineage, make any return thereto, but dealt with her with care, howsoever things went.

At last,

When they had played in hall

As long as their strength did last,

To chamber he gave them call,

And to the fireplace they passed.]

[stanza 67 (long)]

1668andre þer þay dronken and dalten and demed eft nwe

1669to norne on þe same note on nwe 3erez euen

1670bot þe kny3t craued leue to kayre on þe morn

1671for hit watz ne3 at þe terme þat he to schulde

[fol. 113]

1672þe lorde hym letted of þat to lenge hym resteyed

1673and sayde as I am trwe segge I siker my trawþe

1674þou schal cheue to þe grene chapel þy charres to make

1675leude on nw 3erez ly3t longe bifore pryme

1676forþy þow lye in þy loft and lach þyn ese

1677and I schal hunt in þis holt and halde þe towchez

1678chaunge wyth þe cheuisaunce bi þat I charre hider

1679for I haf fraysted þe twys and faythful I fynde þe

1680now þrid tyme þrowe best þenk on þe morne

1681make we mery quyl we may and mynne vpon joye

1683þis watz grayþely graunted and gawayn is lenged

1684bliþe bro3t watz hym drynk and þay to bedde 3eden


1685with li3t


1686sir gawayn lis and slepes

1687ful stille and softe al ni3t

1688þe lorde þat his craftez kepes

1689ful erly he watz di3t

[And there they drank each other's health and passed away the time, and the lord proffered to make the same covenant together for New Year's Eve. But the knight craved leave to depart on the morrow. For the time was drawing near when he should go. But the lord hindered him from going, and constrained him to bide a little longer, and said, 'As I am a true man, I give my troth that thou shalt arrive at the Green Chapel on New Year's morn long before prime, that thou mayest perform thine oath. Therefore rest thou in thy bed and take thine ease while I shall hunt in the woods and keep the covenant between us and exchange our gains on my return hither. For I have proved thee twice and found thee faithful, now for the third time let us think on the morrow and make merry while we may, and be mindful of joy, for loss cometh when it will.' Sir Gawain readily consented thereto, and lingered a little longer, and they drank together and went to their rest

with light.

Sir Gawain lies and sleeps

Full still and soft all night,

The lord, that woodcraft keeps,

Full early he was dight.]

[stanza 68 (long)]

1690after messe a morsel he and his men token

1691miray watz þe mornyng his mounture he askes

1692alle þe haþeles þat on horse schulde helden hym after

1694ferly fayre watz þe folde for þe forst clenged

1695in rede rudede vpon rak rises þe sunne

1697hunteres vnhardeled bi a holt syde

1698rocheres roungen bi rys for rurde of her hornes

1699summe fel in þe fute þer þe fox bade

1701a kenet kyres þerof þe hunt on hym calles

1702his fela3es fallen hym to þat fnasted ful þike

1703runnen forth in a rabel in his ry3t fare

1704and he fyskez hem byfore þay founden hym sone

1705and quen þay seghe hym with sy3t þay sued hym fast

1706wre3ande hym ful weterly with a wroth noyse

1707and he trantes and tornayeez þur3 mony tene greue

1708hauilounez and herkenez bi heggez ful ofte

[fol. 114r]

1709at þe last bi a littel dich he lepez ouer a spenne

1710stelez out ful stilly bi a strothe rande

1711went haf wylt of þe wode with wylez fro þe houndes

1713þer þre þro at a þrich þrat hym at ones


1714al graye


1715he blenched a3ayn bilyue

1717with alle þe wo on lyue

1718to þe wod he went away

[After the Mass the lord and his men ate a hasty meal. Merry was the morn. He asked for his horse, and all his company whose duty it was to follow him were ready on their chargers before the hall gates. Wondrous fair was the world, for the hoar frost was on the ground. Ruddy and red the sun rose among the mists, and full clear cast aside the clouds of the welkin. The hunters dispersed themselves by the side of a wood, and the rocks and the trees rang with the noise of the horns. Some of the hunters fell in with the scent where the fox was biding, and oft they tracked and tracked across in wily fashion. One of the hounds took up the cry, and the hunters called him, and the others fell thereto panting hard and close together. They ran forth in a rabble right on his track. The fox ran on in front, and they found him at length and followed hard after him, and savagely they scolded him with an angry noise. He tricked them, and made quick turns in many a rough woodland, and dodged in and out, and sometimes would pause to listen by many a hedgerow. At length he leapt over a quickset hedge by the side of a little ditch, and then stole out stealthily by a rugged path, and tried to escape the hounds. Then, ere he knew it, he came suddenly upon one of the stations, where three hounds fiercely set upon him at once.

All grey

He quickly turned again,

And strongly sprang astray

With all the woe and pain

To the wood he turned away.]

[stanza 69 (long)]

1720when alle þe mute hade hym met menged togeder

1721suche a sor3e at þat sy3t þay sette on his hede

1722as alle þe clamberande clyffes hade clatered on hepes

1723here he watz halawed when haþelez hym metten

1724loude he watz 3ayned with 3arande speche

1725þer he watz þreted and ofte þef called

1726and ay þe titleres at his tayl þat tary he ne my3t

1727ofte he watz runnen at when he out rayked

1728and ofte reled in a3ayn so reniarde watz wyle

1729and 3e he lad hem bi lagmon þe lorde and his meyny

1731whyle þe hende kny3t at home holsumly slepes

1732withinne þe comly cortynes on þe colde morne

1733bot þe lady for luf let not to slepe

1734ne þe purpose to payre þat py3t in hir hert

1735bot ros hir vp radly rayked hir þeder

1736in a mery mantyle mete to þe erþe

1737þat watz furred ful fyne with fellez wel pured

1739trased aboute hir tressour be twenty in clusteres

1740hir þryuen face and hir þrote þrowen al naked

1741hir brest bare bifore and bihinde eke

1742ho comez withinne þe chambre dore and closes hit hir after

1743wayuez vp a wyndow and on þe wy3e callez

1744and radly þus rehayted hym with hir riche wordes


1745with chere


1746a mon how may þou slepe

[fol. 114]

1747þis morning is so clere

1748he watz in drowping depe

1749bot þenne he con hir here

[Then truly it was fine sport to listen to the hounds when, all crowded together, they came upon him, and such curses were flung at him as though the clustering cliffs had clattered down in heaps. And as the huntsmen met him, they hallooed together with loud and snarling words. And they threatened him, and called him a thief, and ever the hounds were at his tail that he might not tarry a moment, and often as he ran on they rushed at him, and often they rolled over and over. So wily was Reynard. And oft he led them astray in this fashion over and under and amidst the mountains, while the gentle knight at home was sleeping within the comely curtains on that cold morning. But the lady could not sleep for love thinking, lest the purpose in her heart so firmly fixed should suffer harm. But she rose up quickly and ran to his chamber, dressed in a merry mantle furred and lined with the purest of skins, with no hues of gold her head adorning, but with precious stones twined about her hair in clusters of twenty. And her face and her throat were all naked, and eke her breast before and behind. She came within the chamber, and closed it after her, flung wide open the window, and called to the knight, and thus greeted him with raillery and rich words, and

with cheer.

'Ah, man, how canst thou sleep?

The morning is so clear.'

He was in drowsing deep,

And yet her words did hear.]

[stanza 70 (long)]

1750in drez droupyng of dreme draueled þat noble

1751as mon þat watz in mornyng of mony þro þo3tes

1753at þe grene chapel when he þe gome metes

1754and bihoues his buffet abide withoute debate more

1756swenges out of þe sweuenes and swarez with hast

1757þe lady luflych com la3ande swete

1758felle ouer his fayre face and fetly hym kyssed

1759he welcumez hir worþily with a wale chere

1760he sey hir so glorious and gayly atyred

1761so fautles of hir fetures and of so fyne hewes

1762wi3t wallande joye warmed his hert

1763with smoþe smylyng and smolt þay smeten into merþe

1764þat al watz blis and bonchef þat breke hem bitwene


1765and wynne


1766þay lanced wordes gode

1767much wele þen watz þerinne

1768gret perile bitwene hem stod

1769nif mare of hir kny3t mynne

[But the knight was sunk in fitful and dreamy slumbers, as if in the grip of sad thinking how that on that very day destiny would dight him his Weird, when he should meet the Green Knight at his chapel and receive from him the blow without further words. But when that comely knight recovered his wits, he swung suddenly out of dreams and answered in haste. The lovely lady came towards him laughing sweetly, and bending over his fair face she kissed him. And he welcomed her worthily, with a pleasant smile. For he saw her so gloriously and gaily attired, so faultless in her features, and of such a fine complexion, that a strong and welling joy warmed his heart. And straight they smote forth mirth and smiles; yet all was pure bliss, and no more than they felt within them

was right.

The words they said were good,

And their joy was fair and light;

Great peril between them stood,

But Mary guarded her knight.]

[stanza 71 (long)]

1771nurned hym so ne3e þe þred þat nede hym bihoued

1772oþer lach þer hir luf oþer lodly refuse

1773he cared for his cortaysye lest craþayn he were

1774and more for his meschef 3if he schulde make synne

1775and be traytor to þat tolke þat þat telde a3t

1776god schylde quoþ þe schalk þat schal not befalle

1778alle þe spechez of specialte þat sprange of her mouthe

1779quoþ þat burde to þe burne blame 3e disserue

17803if 3e luf not þat lyf þat 3e lye nexte

1781bifore alle þe wy3ez in þe worlde wounded in hert

1782bot if 3e haf a lemman a leuer þat yow lykez better

1783and folden fayth to þat fre festned so harde

[fol. 115r]

1784þat yow lausen ne lyst and þat I leue nouþe

1785and þat 3e telle me þat now trwly I pray yow

1786for alle þe lufez vpon lyue layne not þe soþe


1787for gile


1788þe kny3t sayde be sayn jon

1789and smeþely con he smyle

1790in fayth I welde ri3t non

1791ne non wil welde þe quile

[For verily the worthy Prince bore himself as a victor, for she proffered herself to him so earnestly that it behoved him either to take her love or to refuse it in uncourteous fashion. He cared much for his courtesy, lest he should prove himself craven-hearted, and yet much more for the mischief that would follow were he to commit sin and betray the lord who was his host in that castle. 'God shield us,' said he, 'this shall not befall us,' and with spare love, laughing, he received all the words of choice that fell from her lips. And the lady said, 'Thou dost deserve great blame if thou lovest me not who am wounded in heart more than all else in the world, but perchance it is because thou hast a mistress that thou lovest better than thou lovest me, and boldest thy troth to her, and wouldst not lose her, as I trow. And now do thou tell me that truly, I pray thee; for the sake of all the true love in the world, hide it not from me

through guile.'

The knight said, 'By St. John,'

And softly he did smile,

`In faith I have not one,

Nor none will have the while.']

[stanza 72 (long)]

1792þat is a worde quoþ þat wy3t þat worst is of alle

1793bot I am swared for soþe þat sore me þinkkez

1794kysse me now comly and I schal cach hepen

1795I may bot mourne vpon molde as may þat much louyes

1796sykande ho swe3e doun and semly hym kyssed

1797and siþen ho seueres hym fro and says as ho stondes

1798now dere at þis departyng do me þis ese

1800þat I may mynne on þe mon my mournyng to lassen

1801now iwysse quoþ þat wy3e I wolde I hade here

1802þe leuest þing for þy luf þat I in londe welde

1803for 3e haf deserued for soþe sellyly ofte

1804more rewarde bi resoun þen I reche my3t

1805bot to dele yow for drurye þat dawed bot neked

1806hit is not your honour to haf at þis tyme

1807a gloue for a garysoun of gawaynez giftez

1808and I am here an erande in erdez vncouþe

1809and haue no men wyth no malez with menskful þingez

1811iche tolke mon do as he is tan tas to non ille


1812ne pine


1813nay hende of hy3e honours

1814quoþ þat lufsum vnder lyne

18163et schulde 3e haue of myne

[`That word,' quoth she, 'is the worst of all. I am answered forsooth, and sore wounded am I. Kiss me now comely, and I will hie me hence. I can only mourn in the world as lovers do.' Then, sighing, she stooped down and said as she stood there, 'Now, dear one, at my passing do me this ease; give me some little token, if it be only thy glove, that I may think on thee and thus lessen my grief.' 'Now I wot,' said the knight, 'I would that I had here the dearest thing I possess in the world, for thou hast, forsooth, deserved wondrous oft and rightly greater reward than I could ever bestow, but to bestow upon you some love-token, that would avail but little. For it would be a stain upon your honour at this time that Gawain should give you a glove as a reward, for I am come hither on the most unheard-of errand upon earth, and have no men or baggage with things of value for every man must bide his fate, whether of sorrow

or gall.'

'Nay, knight of high degree,'

Quoth the lady fair and tall,

'Though nought thou givest me,

I'd yield to thee my all.']

[stanza 73 (long)]

1817ho ra3t hym a riche rynk of red golde werkez

1818wyth a starande ston stondande alofte

1819þat bere blusschande bemez as þe bry3t sunne

1820wyt 3e wel hit watz worth wele ful hoge

1821bot þe renk hit renayed and redyly he sayde

[fol. 115]

1822I wil no giftez for gode my gay at þis tyme

1823I haf none yow to norne ne no3t wyl I take

1824ho bede hit hym ful bysily and he hir bode wernes

1826and ho sore þat he forsoke and sayde þerafter

1827if 3e renay my rynk to ryche for hit semez

18283e wolde not so hy3ly halden be to me

1829I schal gif yow my girdel þat gaynes yow lasse

1831knit vpon hir kyrtel vnder þe clere mantyle

1832gered hit watz with grene sylke and with golde schaped

1833no3t bot arounde brayden beten with fyngrez

1834and þat ho bede to þe burne and blyþely biso3t

1835þa3 hit vnworþi were þat he hit take wolde

1836and he nay þat he nolde neghe in no wyse

1837nauþer golde ne garysoun er god hym grace sende

1838to acheue to þe chaunce þat he hade chosen þere

1839and þerfore I pray yow displese yow no3t

1840and lettez be your bisinesse for I bayþe hit yow neuer


1841to graunte


1842I am derely to yow biholde

1843bicause of your sembelaunt

1844and euer in hot and colde

1845to be your trwe seruaunt

[She gave him a rich ring of red gold, with a glittering stone standing out therefrom, from which shone forth blushing beams as of the bright sun; and surely it was of very great price. But the knight refused it, and readily he said, 'I will take no gift from thee at this time. I have none to offer thee in return, and none will I take.' She pressed it upon him, but he would none of it, and swiftly swore his sooth that he would not take it, and very sorrowful was she, and said, 'If thou refusest my ring because it seems to thee too rich a present, and thou wouldst not be so deeply beholden to me, I will give thee my girdle, for that is of less value.' She caught hold of a circlet of lace that girdled her sides and was fastened to her kirtle under the white mantle, and it was geared with green silk and shapen with gold and all embroidered with finger-work. She offered it to the knight, and blithely she besought him to accept it, though of little worth it were. But he said that he would not take it in no wise, neither gold nor treasure as God sent him grace, that he might achieve the event that he had chosen in coming there. 'And therefore I pray thee, be not displeased, and cease from this business, for I can never consent to thy request, therefore

do not rue;

Dear debt to thee is mine

As thy courtesy's due,

And ever in fair and fine

I am thy servant true.']

[stanza 74 (long)]

1846now forsake 3e þis silke sayde þe burde þenne

1847for hit is symple in hitself and so hit wel semez

1848lo so hit is littel and lasse hit is worþy

1850he wolde hit prayse at more prys parauenture

1851for quat gome so is gorde with þis grene lace

1852while he hit hade hemely halched aboute

1853þer is no haþel vnder heuen tohewe hym þat my3t

1854for he my3t not be slayn for sly3t vpon erþe

1855þen kest þe kny3t and hit come to his hert

1856hit were a juel for þe joparde þat hym iugged were

1857when he acheued to þe chapel his chek for to fech

1859þenne he þulged with hir þrepe and þoled hir to speke

1860and ho bere on hym þe belt and bede hit hym swyþe

1861and he granted and hym gafe with a goud wylle

1862and biso3t hym for hir sake disceuer hit neuer

1864þat neuer wy3e schulde hit wyt iwysse bot þay twayne


1865for no3te


1866he þonkked hir oft ful swyþe

1867ful þro with hert and þo3t

1868bi þat on þrynne syþe

1869ho hatz kyst þe kny3t so to3t

[`Now dost thou refuse this silk girdle,' said the lady, 'for simple it is in itself and of little worth it seems. But whoso knew the virtues that are knit therein, he would appraise it at greater price, peradventure. For whatsoever man is girded with this green lace while he has it secretly fastened about his body, there is no man under heaven that could hew him asunder. He could not be slain by any sleight or trick in the world.' Then the knight set himself to thinking, and it came into his heart that such a girdle would be a jewel in the jeopardy to which he was pledged in going to the Green Chapel to receive the deadly blow; and if he should slip and be in danger of death it would be a noble sleight of defence. Then he endured her chiding, and let her speak, and she thrust the belt upon him quickly, and he took it from her as she gave it with good will and besought him for her sake never to reveal it, but to loyally hide it from her lord. The knight agreed thereto, and swore that no man should ever know it save they two, as she

did crave.

Great thanks he gave that day

With heart and mind so grave.

The third time, as I say,

She kissed that knight so brave.]

[stanza 75 (long)]

1870thenne lachchez ho hir leue and leuez hym þere

1871for more myrþe of þat mon mo3t ho not gete

1873rises and riches hym in araye noble

1875hid hit ful holdely þer he hit eft fonde

1876syþen cheuely to þe chapel choses he þe waye

1877preuely aproched to a prest and prayed hym þere

1879how his sawle schulde be saued when he schuld seye heþen

1880þere he schrof hym schyrly and schewed his mysdedez

1881of þe more and þe mynne and merci besechez

1882and of absolucioun he on þe segge calles

1883and he asoyled hym surely and sette hym so clene

1884as domezday schulde haf ben di3t on þe morn

1885and syþen he mace hym as mery among þe fre ladyes

1886with comlych caroles and alle kynnes ioye

1887as neuer he did bot þat to þe derk ny3t


1888with blys


1889vche mon hade daynte þare

1890of hym and sayde iwysse

1891þus myry he watz neuer are

1892syn he com hider er þis

[When she took her leave, for there was no more love-play to be gained from the knight. As soon as she had gone, Sir Gawain dressed himself right soon and arrayed himself in noble garments and hid away the love-lace the lady had given him, where he could easily find it at need. Then first he went to the chapel of the castle and found out the priest, and prayed for absolution and that he would show to him a better way to save his soul when he should go thence. Then he made a clean shrift, and confessed his misdeeds both great and small, and sought for mercy. And the priest absolved him and gave him such cleanness as though on the morrow doomsday should dawn. Then he made himself so merry among the noble ladies with comely carols and all kinds of joy as never before or since that day, until the dark night came

with bliss.

Each one had dainty more

Of him and said, I wis,

That so merry he ne'er was before,

Since thither he came, ere this.]

[stanza 76 (long)]

1893now hym lenge in þat lee þer luf hym bityde

18943et is þe lorde on þe launde ledande his gomnes

1895he hatz forfaren þis fox þat he fol3ed longe

1896as he sprent ouer a spenne to spye þe schrewe

[fol. 116]

1897þer as he herd þe howndes þat hasted hym swyþe

1898renaud com richchande þur3 a ro3e greue

1899and alle þe rabel in a res ry3t at his helez

1900þe wy3e watz war of þe wylde and warly abides

1901and braydez out þe bry3t bronde and at þe best castez

1902and he schunt for þe scharp and schulde haf arered

1903a rach rapes hym to ry3t er he my3t

1904and ry3t bifore þe hors dete þay fel on hym alle

1905and woried me þis wyly wyth a wroth noyse

1907rased hym ful radly out of þe rach mouþes

1908haldez he3e ouer his hede halowez faste

1910huntes hy3ed hem þeder with hornez ful mony

1911ay rechatande ary3t til þay þe renk se3en

1912bi þat watz comen his compeyny noble

1913alle þat euer ber bugle blowed at ones

1914and alle þise oþper halowed þat hade no hornes

1915hit watz þe myriest mute þat euer men herde

1916þe rich rurd þat þer watz raysed for renaude saule


1917with lote


1918hor houndez þay þer rewarde

1920and syþen þay tan reynarde

1921and tyruen of his cote

[And he lingered there, where love was his portion. And all the time the lord was on the land leading his men, and he had killed the fox that he had followed so long, as he leapt over a hedge to spy upon the shrewd fellow. For there, as he heard the hounds that were hard upon him, Reynard came running through a rough grove, and all the rabble racing at his heels. The lord was ware of the fox, and warily he waited for him, and brandished forth the bright sword, and made a cast at him, whereat he flinched and should have retreated, but a hound rushed at him e'en before he could escape, and right in front of the feet of the horse they all fell upon him and worried the wily fellow to death with a loud noise. The lord alighted quickly, and soon caught hold of him and tore him out of the mouths of the dogs, and held him high above his head, hallooing the while, and many a brave hound bayed at him there. The hunters tried thither, blowing a recheat on their horns till they saw the knight, and by the time that his noble company were come up, all that bore bugles blew at the same time, and those who had no horns raised a great halloo! It was the merriest meet ever heard of, and the greatest noise ever made for the soul of a fox.

With jest

The hounds they did reward,

Their heads they then caressed,

And then they took Reynard

And straightway him undressed.]

[stanza 77 (long)]

1922and þenne þay helden to home for hit watz nie3 ny3t

1923strakande ful stoutly in hor store hornez

1924þe lorde is lyþt at þe laste at hys lef home

1927among þe ladies for luf he ladde much ioye

1928he were a bleaunt of blwe þat bradde to þe erþe

1929his surkot semed hym wel þat softe watz forred

1930and his hode of þat ilke henged on his schulder

1931blande al of blaunner were boþe al aboute

1932he metez me þis godmon inmyddez þe flore

1933and al with gomen he hym gret and goudly he sayde

1934I schal fylle vpon fyrst oure forwardez nouþe

[fol. 117r]

1935þat we spedly han spoken þer spared watz no drynk

1937as sauerly and sadly as he hem sette couþe

1938bi kryst quoþ þat oþer kny3t 3e cach much sele

1939in cheuisaunce of þis chaffer 3if 3e hade goud chepez

19403e of þe chepe no charg quoþ chefly þat oþer

1942mary quoþ þat oþer mon myn is bihynde

1943for I haf hunted al þis day and no3t haf I geten

1944bot þis foule fox felle þe fende haf þe godez

1945and þat is ful pore for to pay for suche prys þinges

1946as 3e haf þry3t me here þro suche þre cosses


1947so gode


1948ino3 quoþ sir gawayn

1949I þonk yow bi þe rode

1950and how þe fox watz slayn

1951he tolde hym as þay stode

[And forthwith they made for home, blowing full stoutly on their loud horns, for night was drawing near. And at length the lord alighted at his beloved homestead, and found the fire on the floor and the knight beside it. Sir Gawain the good made merry with them all, for among the ladies he had much joy for love. He wore a fine blue linen mantle, that reached down to the ground, and his surcoat suited him well, for it was soft furred, and a hood of that ilk hung on his shoulder, and both were blended with fur. The lord met this good man in the midst of the hall, and greeted him gaily, and the knight spake goodly words: 'I will be the first to fulfil our covenant that we plighted together when the drink was not lacking.' Then he embraced the lord and kissed him three times as gravely and carefully as he could. 'By Christ,' said the lord, 'thou hast had great joy in achieving such treasures, and thy bargain was a good one.' 'Yea then, no matter the bargain,' said that other, 'quickly is given the bargain I drove.' 'Marry,' quoth the lord, 'my prize is coming on after me, for all the day I have been hunting and nought have I gotten but this foul fox; and the devil take him, and indeed it is a poor return to make for such precious gifts as thou hast given me in three such kisses

so good.'

`nough,' said Sir Gawain,

'I thank thee by the rood,'

And how the fox was slain

He told him as they stood.]

[stanza 78 (long)]

1952with merþe and mynstralsye with metez at hor wylle

1953þay maden as mery as any me mo3ten

1954with la3yne of ladies with lotez of bordes

1955gawayn and þe godemon so glad were þay boþe

1956bot if þe douthe had doted oþer dronken ben oþer

1957boþe þe mon and þe meyny maden mony iapez

1958til þe sesoun watz se3en þat þay seuer moste

1959burnez to hor bedde behoued at þe laste

1960þenne lo3ly his leue at þe lorde fyrst

1961fochchez þis fre mon and fayre he hym þonkkez

1963your honour at þis hy3e fest þe hy3e kyng yow 3elde

1964I 3ef yow me for on of yourez if yowreself lykez

1966and 3e me take sum tolke to teche as 3e hy3t

1967þe gate to þe grene chapel as god wyl me suffer

1968to dele on nw 3erez day þe dome of my wyrdes

1969in god fayþe quoþ þe godmon wyth a goud wylle

1970al þat euer I yow hy3t halde schal I rede

1971þer asyngnes he a seruaunt to sett hym in þe waye [fol. 117]

1972and coundue hym by þe downez þat he no drechch had


1974bi greue


1975þe lorde gawayn con þonk

1976such worchip he wolde hym weue

1977þen at þo ladyez wlonk

1978þe kny3t hatz tan his leue

[When with mirth and minstrelsy, and with meats at their will, they made as merry as any men could, and the ladies laughed merrily, and there were spoken many jesting words. And Gawain and the good man were both of them so glad that they were in danger of losing their heads or of becoming drunken. So great was the revelry in the hall until it was time to separate and retire to their beds. Then most humbly did the knight take leave of the lord, and in fair fashion he thanked him. 'May the High King bless thee for the wondrous sojourn I have had here in thy castle at this high feast. I pray thee to grant me one of thy men if thou wilt to show me, as thou didst promise, the way to the Green Chapel, so God will suffer me to endure on New Year's Day the destiny appointed me.' 'In good faith,' said the lord, 'with a right good will -- that ever I promised thee I will hold to my reed.' Then he assigned him a servant to set him in the way and conduct him by the downs that he might suffer no hurt in going through the forests, and fare forth in gainly fashion,

and live.

The lord then thanked Gawain,

Such worship he would him give,

And of the ladies twain

The knight then took his leave.]

[stanza 79 (long)]

1979with care and wyth kyssyng he carppez hem tille

1980and fele þryuande þonkkez he þrat hom to haue

1982þay bikende hym to kryst with ful colde sykyngez

1983syþen fro þe meyny he menskly departes

1984vche mon þat he mette he made hem a þonke

1985for his seruyse and his solace and his sere pyne

1986þat þay wyth busynes had ben aboute hym to serue

1987and vche segge as sore to seuer with hym þere

1988as þay hade wonde worþyly with þat wlonk euer

1989þen with ledes and ly3t he watz ladde to his chambre

1990and blyþely bro3t to his bedde to be at his rest

19913if he ne slepe soundyly say ne dar I

1992for he hade muche on þe morn to mynne 3if he wolde


1993in þo3t


1994let hym ly3e þere stille

1995he hatz nere þat he so3t

1996and 3e wyl a whyle be stylle

1997I schal telle yow how þay wro3t

[With courteous kisses he took leave of them all and gave them great thanks, and received their thanks in return. Then they entrusted him to Christ, and heaved deep sighs as he passed out from their midst, and each man that he met he gave him thanks for service and solace and the great pains they had taken, especially those who had done him personal service. And each man was sore troubled at parting with him with whom they had dwelt so worthily. Then with flaming torches they led him to his chamber, and blithely brought him to rest in his bed. I dare not say that he slept soundly, for of the morn he had much

of thought.

Let him lie there still,

He is near that which he sought,

An ye will awhile be still

I will tell you how he wrought.]

[fitt4: stanza 80 (long)]

1998now ne3ez þe nw 3ere and þe ny3t passez

1999þe day dryuez to þe derk as dry3tyn biddez

2000bot wylde wederez of þe worlde wakned þeroute

2001clowdes kesten kenly þe colde to þe erþe

2002wyth ny3e innoghe of þe norþe þe naked to tene

2003þe snawe snitered ful snart þat snayped þe wylde

2004þe werbelande wynde wapped fro þe hy3e

2005and drof vche dale ful of dryftes ful grete

2006þe leude lystened ful wel þat le3 in his bedde

2007þa3 he lowkez his liddez ful lyttel he slepes

2008bi vch kok þat crue he knwe wel þe steuen

[fol. 118r]

2009deliuerly he dressed vp er þe day sprenged

2011he called to his chamberlayn þat cofly hym swared

2012and bede hym bryng hym his bruny and his blonk sadel

2013þat oþer ferkez hym vp and fechez hym his wedez

2014and grayþez me sir gawayn vpon a grett wyse

2015fyrst he clad hym in his cloþez þe colde for to were

2016and syþen his oþer harnays þat holdely watz keped

2017boþe his paunce and his platez piked ful clene

2018þe ryngez rokked of þe roust of his riche bruny

2019and al watz fresch as vpon fyrst and he watz fayn þenne


2020to þonk


2021he hade vpon vche pece

2022wypped ful wel and wlonk

2023þe gayest into grece

2024þe burne bede bryng his blonk

[Now drew near the New Year as the night waned and the darkness passed away as God doth bid. But wild weather of the world came out of the wakening day, and clouds cast down cold upon the earth, and there was enough of the north in the weather to vex the naked. And snow fell sharply and covered the wilds. The whistling wind rushed down from the heights, and there were great drifts in the dales. And as the knight lay in his bed he listened to the storm, and though he locked his eyelids, full little he slept, and he heard the crwing of each cock in turn. Ere the day dawned he dressed himself by the light of a lamp that gleamed in his chamber. He called to his servant, and quickly he answered him, and he bade him bring in his cuirass and his saddle, and he rose up forthwith and fetched the riding apparel, and prepared Sir Gawain for his journey in great wise. First he clad him in his clothes, that he might ward off the cold, and then in his other harness that had been faithfully guarded. His coats of mail and his armour-plate all shone with burnishing, and the rings of his rich coat of mail were cleansed of all rust, and were all fresh as at first, and he was fain to thank

him there.

Of the armour every piece

He had wiped clean and fair,

As no warrior's in Greece.

He asked for his steed so rare.]

[stanza 81 (long)]

2025whyle þe wlonkest wedes he warp on hymseluen

2026his cote wyth þe conysaunce of þe clere werkez

2028aboute beten and bounden enbrauded semez

2029and fayre furred withinne wyth fayre pelures

20303et laft he not þe lace þe ladiez gifte

2031þat forgat not gawayn for gode of hymseluen

2032bi he hade belted þe bronde vpon his bal3e haunchez

2033þenn dressed he his drurye double hym aboute

2034swyþe sweþled vmbe his swange swetely þat kny3t

2035þe gordel of þe grene silke þat gay wel bisemed

2036vpon þat ryol red cloþe þat ryche watz to schewe

2037bot wered not þis ilk wy3e for wele þis gordel

2038for pryde of þe pendauntez þa3 polyst þay were

2039and þa3 þe glyterande golde glent vpon endez

2040bot for to sauen hymself when suffer hym byhoued

2041to byde bale withoute dabate of bronde hym to were


2042oþer knyffe


2043bi þat þe bolde mon boun

2044wynnez þeroute bilyue

2045alle þe meyny of renoun

2046he þonkkez ofte ful ryue

[And while he was then being decked out in these rich weeds, his coat with the badge of noble deeds, adorned as it was with stones of virtue up on velvet and bound with embroidered seams and fair furred within with costly furs, yet forgot he not the lace girdle, the lady's gift for his protection. When he had belted his sword upon his smooth haunches he wound the love-token round and round about him, and he quickly folded the gay girdle of green silk about his loins over the rich and royal red cloth. But he wore not this rich girdle for its great price, nor for pride of polished pendants, or because gold glittered and gleamed upon it, but to save himself when it behoved him to suffer and to bide bale without debate and to beware of the sword

or blow.

And then the bold knight down

From that fair castle doth go,

All that household of renown

He thanketh them, I trow.]

[fol. 118]

[stanza 82 (long)]

2047thenne watz gryngolet grayþe þat gret watz and huge

2048and hade ben soiourned sauerly and in a siker wyse

2049hym lyst prik for poynt þat proude hors þenne

2050þe wy3e wynnez hym to and wytez on his lyre

2051and sayde soberly hymself and by his soth swerez

2052here is a meyny in þis mote þat on menske þenkkez

2054þe leue lady on lyue luf hir bityde

20553ef þay for charyte cherysen a gest

2056and halden honour in her honde þe haþel hem 3elde

2057þat haldez þe heuen vpon hy3e and also yow alle

2058and 3if I my3t lyf vpon londe lede any quyle

2059I schuld rech yow sum rewarde redyly if I my3t

2060þenn steppez he into stirop and strydez alofte

2061his schalk schewed hym his schelde on schulder he hit la3t

2062gordez to gryngolet with his gilt helez

2063and he startez on þe ston stod he no lenger


2064to praunce


2065his haþel on hors watz þenne

2066þat bere his spere and launce

2067þis kastel to kryst I kenne

2068he gef hit ay god chaunce

[Then his fine and huge horse Gringolet was made ready. He had been well cared for, and was proud and eager for galloping. Sir Gawain went up to him and looked in his face. Then he solemnly addressed the company, and swore, 'Here indeed is a well-mannered and courteous household, and may the lord who maintains them have great joy. And may love betide the dear lady of the house all her life. And when they cherish their guests and do honour to them, may the High Lord that wields heaven on high bless them and you all; and if I live long enough I will grant you some meed for your services.' Then stepped he into the stirrups and mounted his horse, and his servant handed him his shield, which he received on his shoulder, and then goading Gringolet with his golden spurs, he stood there no longer, but struck sparks from the stones, and the horse

did prance.

His man on horse was then

That bore his spear and lance,'

This castle to Christ I ken

Oweth its good chance.']

[stanza 83 (long)]

2069the brygge watz brayde doun and þe brode 3atez

2070vnbarred and born open vpon boþe halue

2071þe burne blessed hym bilyue and þe bredez passed

2072prayses þe porter bifore þe prynce kneled

2073gef hym god and goud day þat gawayn he saue

2074and went on his way with his wy3e one

2075þat schulde teche hym to tourne to þat tene place

2076þer þe ruful race he schulde resayue

2077þay bo3en bi bonkkez þer bo3ez ar bare

2078þay clomben bi clyffez þer clengez þe colde

2080mist muged on þe mor malt on þe mountez

2082brokez byled and breke bi bonkkez aboute

2083schyre schaterande on schorez þer þay doun schowued [fol. 119r]

2084wela wylle watz þe way þer þay bi wod schulden

2085til hit watz zone sesoun þat sunne ryses


2086þat tyde


2087þay were on a hille ful hy3e

2088þe quyte snaw lay bisyde

2089þe burne þat rod hym by

2090bede his mayster abide

[When the bridge was let down, and the broad gates were flung open, both halves of them. The knight crossed himself as he passed the threshold, and praised the porter, and knelt before the prince of that castle and bade him good day, and went on his way with his one servant who was to show him the path to that sorrowful place where he was doomed to receive the rueful blow. They took their way by hills where the boughs of the trees were bare, and they climbed up by cliffs where the frost was clinging. The clouds did not fling down the snow, but gloomy was it beneath. The moor was muggy with mist, and the snow melted on the mountains, and each hill had a cap or mantle of fog, and brooks boiled among the rocks, dashing white on the shores as they rushed downwards, and lonesome was the way as they went by the woodlands until the time came for the sun to rise

that tide.

They rode o'er a hill full high,

The white snow lay beside;

The man who rode him by

Bade his master abide.]

[stanza 84 (long)]

2091for I haf wonnen yow hider wy3e at þis tyme

2092and now nar 3e not fer fro þat þat note place

2093þat 3e han spied and spuryed so specially after

2094bot I schal say yow for soþe syþen I yow knowe

2095and 3e ar a lede vpon lyue þat I wel louy

2096wolde 3e worch bi my wytte 3e worþed þe better

2097þe place þat 3e prece to ful perelous is halden

2098þer wonez a wy3e in þat waste þe worst vpon erþe

2099for he is stiffe and sturne and to strike louies

2100and more he is þen any mon vpon myddelerde

2101and his body bigger þen þe best fowre

2102þat ar in arþurez hous hestor oþer oþer

2103he cheuez þat chaunce at þe chapel grene

2104þer passes non bi þat place so proude in his armes

2106for he is a mon methles and mercy non vses

2107for be hit chorle oþer chaplayn þat bi þe chapel rydes

2108monk oþer masseprest oþer any mon elles

2109hym þynk as queme hym to quelle as quyk go hymseluen

2110forþy I say þe as soþe as 3e in sadel sitte

2111com 3e þere 3e be kylled may þe kny3t rede

2112trawe 3e me þat trwely þa3 3e had twenty lyues


2113to spende


2114he hatz wonyd here ful 3ore

2115on bent much baret bende

2116a3ayn his dyntez sore

21173e may not yow defende

[`For hither,' said the man, 'I have brought thee at this time, and now thou art not far from that famous place about which thou hast so specially asked so many questions. But soothly I will tell thee, since I know thee and thou art one among ten thousand, and I love thee well, that wouldst thou take my counsel it would be better for thee; for the place towards which thou dost press forward is held to be full perilous, for there dwells in that waste one of the worst upon earth. And he is strong and stern, and loves to deal great blows, and greater is he than any man in the world, and his body bigger than the best four knights that are in the house of King Arthur, Hector, or any others. And such chance he achieves at the Green Chapel that none passes that place, though he be proud in his armour, but that he deals them a death-blow by a stroke of his hand. For pitiless is he, and shows no mercy. For whosoever rides past the chapel he thinks it as good to kill him as to remain alive himself, be he churl or chaplain, monk or mass-priest. Therefore I say to thee, forsooth, as thou dost sit in the saddle, if thou comest there, thou shalt be killed, believe thou that, forsooth, though thou hadst twenty lives

to spend.

He has dwelt here of yore;

Do not thither wend,

Against his dintings sore

Thou mayest not thee defend.']

[stanza 85 (long)]

2118forþy goude sir gawayn let þe gome one

2119and gotz away sum oþer gate vpon goddez halue

2120cayrez bi sum oþer kyth þer kryst mot yow spede

2121and I schal hyy me hom a3ayn and hete yow fyrre

[fol. 119]

2122þat I schal swere bi god and alle his gode hal3ez

2123as help me god and þe halydam and oþez innoghe

2124þat I schal lelly yow layne and lance neuer tale

2125þat euer 3e fondet to fle for freke þat I wyst

2126grant merci quoþ gawayn and gruchyng he sayde

2127wel worth þe wy3e þat woldez my gode

2128and þat lelly me layne I leue wel þou woldez

2129bot helde þou hit neuer so holde and I here passed

2130founded for ferde for to fle in fourme þat þou tellez

2132bot I wyl to þe chapel for chaunce þat may falle

2133and talk wyth þat ilk tulk þe tale þat me lyste

2134worþe hit wele oþer wo as þe wyrde lykez


2135hit hafe


2136þa3e he be a sturn knape

2138ful wel con dry3tyn schape

2139his seruauntez for to saue

[For thy welfare, Sir Gawain, let him alone, and gang some other gait, for God's dear sake. Go where Christ may speed thee, and I will hie me home again; and further I promise thee on my oath, by God and all His good saints, as help me, God and Our Lady and others, that I will keep thy secret and say not a word that ever thou didst turn back from thy quest.' 'Grammercy,' quoth Gawain, 'well may it be with thee for that thou desirest my good, and wouldst loyally keep a secret, as I believe thou wouldst verily, but didst thou keep it never so truly, were I to turn away for fear as thou dost bid me, a coward knight I should show myself and without excuse. Nay, but I will to the chapel, come what come may, and deal with that fellow as I list, and as Weird doth like, be it for weal

or woe.

Though he be fierce to yield,

And deal a deadly blow,

My God can full well shield

His servant from the foe.']

[stanza 86 (long)]

2140mary quoþ þat oþer mon now þou so much spellez

2141þat þou wylt þyn awen nye nyme to þyseluen

2142and þe lyst lese þy lyf þe lette I ne kepe

2143haf here þi helme on þy hede þi spere in þi honde

2144and ryde me doun þis ilk rake bi 3on rokke syde

2145til þou be bro3t to þe boþem of þe brem valay

2146þenne loke a littel on þe launde on þi lyfte honde

2147and þou schal se in þat slade þe self chapel

2148and þe borelych burne on bent þat hit kepez

2149now farez wel on godez half gawayn þe noble

2151ne bere þe fela3schip þur3 þis fryth on fote fyrre

2152bi þat þe wy3e in þe wod wendez his brydel

2153hit þe hors with þe helez as harde as he my3t

2154lepez hym ouer þe launde and leuez þe kny3t þere


2155al one


2156bi goddez self quoþ gawayn

2157I wyl nauþer grete ne grone

2158to goddez wylle I am ful bayn

2159and to hym I haf me tone

[`Marry,' quoth that other, now thou hast said that thou wilt thrust thyself into such danger, and it listeth thee to lose thy life, I will not hinder thee. Set then thy helmet on thy head, and thy spear in thy hand, and ride down the path by the side of yonder rock till thou shalt come to the bottom of the rugged valley; then take a look round on thy left hand and thou shalt see in the valley the very chapel that thou seekest and the burly fellow that keepeth it. Now fare thee well, and God bless thee, Gawain the noble. For all the gold in the world I would not wend with thee nor bear thee company through this valley a single inch farther.' Then the man turned his horse round in the wood, put his spurs to sides as hard as he could, and galloped over the land, leaving the knight


'By God's self,' quoth Gawain,

I will neither weep nor groan;

To do His will I am full fain,

He will delver me full soon.']

[fol. 120r]

[stanza 87 (long)]

2160thenne gyrdez he to gryngolet and gederez þe rake

2161schowuez in bi a schore at a scha3e syde

2162ridez þur3 þe ro3e bonk ry3t to þe dale

2163and þenne he wayted hym aboute and wylde hit hym þo3t

2164and se3e no syngne of resette bisydez nowhere

2165bot hy3e honkkez and brent vpon boþe halue

2166and ru3e knokled knarrez with knorned stonez

2167þe skwez of þe scowtes skayned hym þo3t

2168þenne he houed and wythhylde his hors at þat tyde

2169and ofte chaunged his cher þe chapel to seche

2170he sey non suche in no syde and selly hym þo3t

2172a bal3 ber3 bi a bonke þe brymme bysyde

2173bi a for3 of a flode þat ferked þare

2174þe borne blubred þerinne as hit boyled hade

2175þe kny3t kachez his caple and com to þe lawe

2176li3tez doun luflyly and at a lynde tachez

2178þenne he bo3ez to þe ber3e aboute hit he walkez

2179debatande with hymself quat hit be my3t

2180hit hade a hole on þe ende and on ayþer syde

2181and ouergrowen with gresse in glodes aywhere

2182and al watz hol3 inwith nobot an olde caue

2183or a creuisse of an olde cragge he coupe hit no3t deme


2184with spelle


2185we lorde quoþ þe gentyle kny3t

2186wheþer þis be þe grene chapelle?

2188þe dele his matynnes telle

[Then spurred he Gringolet, and betook himself along the path by the side of a wood, and rode over a rough hill into the valley. And he lingered there some time, and a wild place he thought it, for he saw no resting-place, but only high hills on both sides, and rough, rugged rocks and huge boulders, and the hill shadows seemed desolating to him. Then he drew up his horse, and it seemed wondrous strange to him that he saw not the Green Chapel on any side. At length a little way off he caught sight of a round hillock by the side of a brook, and there was a ford across the brook, and the water therein bubbled as though it were boiling. The knight caught up the reins and came to the hill, alighted, and tied up the reins to the rugged branch of a tree. Then he went to the hill and walked round about it, debating within himself what place it might be. It had a hole at the end and on either side, and it was overgrown with tufts of grass and was all round and hollow within. He thought it nought but an old cave or a crevice. Within and about it there seemed to be

a spell.

'Ah lord,' quoth the gentle knight,

Is this the green chapel?

Here truly at midnight

Might the devil his matins tell.']

[stanza 88 (long)]

2189now iwysse quoþ wowayn wysty is here

2190þis oritore is vgly with erbez ouergrowen

2191wel bisemez þe wy3e wruxled in grene

2192dele here his deuocioun on þe deuelez wyse

2193now I fele hit is þe fende in my fyue wyttez

2194þat hatz stoken me þis steuen to strye me here

2195þis is a chapel of meschaunce þat chekke hit bytyde

2196hit is þe corsedest kyrk þat euer I com inne

[fol. 120]

2197with he3e helme on his hede his launce in his honde

2198he romez vp to þe roffe of þe ro3 wonez

2199þene herde he of þat hy3e hil in a harde roche

2200bi3onde þe broke in a bonk a wonder breme noyse

2201quat hit clatered in þe clyff as hit cleue schulde

2202as one vpon a gryndelston hade grounden a syþe

2203what hit wharred and whette as water at a mulne

2204what hit rusched and ronge rawþe to here

2206is ryched at þe reuerence me renk to mete


2207bi rote


2208let god worche we loo

2209hit helppez me not a mote

2210my lif þa3 I forgoo

2211drede dotz me no lote

[`Now,' said Sir Gawain, 'this is a desert place, I trow. This oratory is loathsome, overgrown as it is with weeds, and well it befitteth that fellow clad in green, for his devotion to the devil. Now in my five wits I ween it is the very devil himself who has made this tryst with me, that he may destroy me. This is a chapel of ill-luck, and the most accursed kirk that I have ever seen, and may ill luck befall it.' With his helmet high on his head and lance in hand, he wandered up to that rocky dwelling. Then came there from a rock in that high hill beyond the brook a wondrous strange noise, and it clattered among the cliffs as though it would cleave them asunder, as though one were grinding a scythe upon a grindstone, and it made a whirring sound like water in a mill, and rushed and sang out and was terrible to hear. 'By God Himself,' said Gawain, 'that is the noise of armour which is being made ready for that fellow wherewith he may come forth to meet me

by rote.

Let God work me woe.

It helpeth me not a mote,

My life though I forgo,

No noise shall make me dote.']

[stanza 89 (long)]

2212thenne þe kny3t con calle ful hy3e

2213who sti3tlez in þis sted me steuen to holde

2214for now is gode gawayn goande ry3t here

2215if any wy3e o3t wyl wynne hider fast

2216oþer now oþer neuer his nedez to spede

2217abyde quoþ on on þe bonke abouen ouer his hede

2218and þou schal haf al in hast þat I þe hy3t ones

22193et he rusched on þat rurde rapely a þrowe

2220and wyth quettyng awharf er he wolde ly3t

2221and syþen he keuerez bi a cragge and comez of a hole

2222whyrlande out of a wro wyth a felle weppen

2224with a borelych bytte bende by þe halme

2225fyled in a fylor fowre fote large

2226hit watz no lasse bi þat lace þat lemed ful bry3t

2227and þe gome in þe grene gered as fyrst

2228boþe þe lyre and þe leggez lokkez and berde

2229saue þat fayre on his fote he foundez on þe erþe

2230sette þe stele to þe stone and stalked bysyde

2231when he wan to þe watter þer he wade nolde

2232he hypped ouer on hys ax and orpedly strydez

2233bremly broþe on a bent þat brode watz aboute


2234on snawe

[fol. 121r]


2235sir gawayn þe kny3t con mete

2236he ne lutte hym noþyng lowe

2237þat oþer sayde now sir swete

2238of steuen mon may þe trowe

[Then a loud voice the knight 'gan call, 'Who dwells in this place and would hold par1ey with me? For now is good Sir Gawain in the right way at last, and if any man would have aught with him let him come hither quickly; now or never is his chance.' 'Tarry a moment,' quoth a voice on the hill above his head, 'and thou shalt receive all that I promised thee in right good time.' Thereupon he rushed forward at a great speed till he arrived near a crag and came whirling out of a hole in a corner of it with a fell weapon in his hand; and it was a new Danish axe with which to give the blow, with a huge piece of steel bent at the handle, and it was four feet long and filed at the grindstone, and it gleamed full brightly. It was the Green Knight, dressed as at their first meeting, the same in face and legs, looks, and beard, save that he went on foot. When he reached the water he would not wade therein, but hopped over on his axe and strode boldly forward over

the snow.

Sir Gawain the knight 'gan meet,

To him he bowed not low;

The other said, 'Now, my sweet,

The tryst thou keepest, I trow?']

[stanza 90 (long)]

2239gawayn quoþ þat grene gome god þe mot loke

2241and þou hatz tymed þi trauayl as truee mon schulde

2242and þou knowez þe couenauntez kest vus bytwene

2243at þis tyme twelmonyth þou toke þat þe falled

2244and I schulde at þis nwe 3ere 3eply þe quyte

2245and we are in þis valay verayly oure one

2246here ar no renkes vs to rydde rele as vus likez

2248busk no more debate þen I þe bede þenne

2249when þou wypped of my hede at a wap one

2250nay bi god quoþ gawayn þat me gost lante

2251I schal gruch þe no grwe for grem þat fallez

2252bot sty3tel þe vpon on strok and I schal stonde stylle

2253and warp þe no wernyng to worch as þe lykez




2255he lened with þe nek and lutte

2256and schewed þat schyre al bare

2257and lette as he no3t dutte

2258for drede he wolde not dare

[`Gawain,' quoth the Green Knight, 'may God protect thee. I wis thou art welcome to my place, and thou hast kept thy promise as befitteth a true man. Thou knowest the covenant between us made -- how a twelvemonth ago thou didst take that which befell thee and I was to be quits with thee on this New Year's Day. We are alone verily in this valley; there are no knights here to separate us. Doff thy helmet and take thy pay, and make no more ado than I did when thou didst whip off my head at one blow.' 'Nay, by the most high God,' said Gawain, 'so I have spirit I grudge thee not thy will for any mischief that may befall me; but I stand here for thy stroke, and do not deny thee thy will


Down he bent his head,

And showed his neck all bare.

There was no sign of dread,

Or that he would not dare.]

[stanza 91 (long)]

2259then þe gome in þe grene grayþed hym swyþe

2260gederez vp hys grymme tole gawayn to smyte

2261with alle þe bur in his body he ber hit on lofte

2262munt as ma3tyly as marre hym he wolde

2263hade hit dryuen adoun as dre3 as he atled

2264þer hade ben ded of his dynt þat do3ty watz euer

2265bot gawayn on þat giserne glyfte hym bysyde

2266as hit com glydande adoun on glode hym to schende

2267and schranke a lytel with þe schuldered for þe scharp yrne

2268þat oþer schalk wyth a schunt þe schene wythhaldez

2269and þenne repreued he þe prynce with mony prowde wordez

2270þou art not gawayn quoþ þe gome þat is so goud halden

2271þat neuer ar3ed for no here by hylle ne be vale

[fol. 121]

2272and now þou fles for ferde er þou fele harmez

2273such cowardise of þat kny3t cowþe I neuer here

2275ne kest no kauelacion in kyngez hous arthor

2276my hede fla3 to my fote and 3et fla3 I neuer

2277and þou er any harme hent ar3ez in hert

2278wherfore þe better burne me burde be called




2280quoþ gawayn I schunt onez

2281and so wyl I no more

2282bot þa3 my hede falle on þe stonez

2283I con not hit restore

[Then the Green Knight get himself ready quickly, and gathered up his grim weapon with which to smite Sir Gawain, and with all the strength of his body he raised it aloft and made a feint of destroying him and drove it downwards as though he were right angry with him, so that the doughty knight would have been killed by that blow. But Gawain started aside a little from the axe as it came gliding downwards to destroy him on that hillside, and shrank a little from that sharp iron with his shoulders. And the other withheld somewhat the shining weapon, and then reproved the princely knight with many a proud word. 'Thou art not Gawain,' said he, 'that is holden to be so brave that never winced a hair by hill or valley, for now thou dost flee for fear, ere thou art hurt at all. Never heard I of such cowardice of that knight, neither did I shrink or flee when thou didst strike me, nor did I cavil at all in King Arthur's house. My head flew down to my foot, yet fled I not, and thou, ere any harm befell thee, waxest timid in heart. The better man of the two it behoves me to be called


Quoth Gawain, 'I shrank once,

But so will I no more,

Yet though my head fell on the stones

I cannot it restore.']

[stanza 92 (long)]

2284bot busk burne bi þi fayth and bryng me to þe poynt

2285dele to me my destine and do hit out of honde

2286for I schal stonde þe a strok and start no more

2287til þyn ax haue me hitte haf here my trawþe

2288haf at þe þenne quoþ þat oþer and heuez hit alofte

2289and waytez as wroþely as he wode were

2290he myntez at hym ma3tyly bot not þe mon rynez

2292gawayn grayþely hit bydez and glent with no membre

2293bot stode stylle as þe ston oþer a stubbe auþer

2294þat raþeled is in roche grounde with rotez a hundreth

2295þen muryly efte con he mele þe mon in þe grene

2296so now þou hatz þi hert holle hitte me bihous

2297halde þe now þe hy3e hode þat arþur þe ra3t

2298and kepe þy kanel at þis kest 3if hit keuer may

2299gawayn ful gryndelly with greme þenne sayde

2300wy þresch on þou þro mon þou þretez to longe

2301I hope þat þi hert ar3e wyth þyn awen seluen

2302for soþe quoþ þat oþer freke so felly þou spekez

2303I wyl no lenger on lyte lette þin ernde


2304ri3t nowe


2306and frounsez boþe lyppe and browe

2307no meruayle þa3 hym myslyke

2308þat hoped of no rescowe

[But hasten thou, and let us come to the point. Deal me my destiny, and do it out of hand, for I will stand thee a stroke, and start aside no more till thine axe hath smitten me: have here my troth.' 'Have at thee then,' quoth that other, and he heaved the axe aloft and looked so angry that he might have been a madman. He struck at him mightily, but withheld his hand suddenly ere it could hurt him. Gawain promptly abided it and shrank in no limb of his body, but stood still as a stone or a tree stock that is rooted in the rocky ground with a hundred roots. Then merrily 'gan he speak, the man in green, 'So now thou hast thy heart whole and while it behoves me to smite. Hold high thy hood that Arthur gave thee, and keep thy neck to thy body lest it get in the way again.' Gawain then answered him full fiercely, and with heart sorrow, 'Strike then, thou bold man; thou dost threaten too long. I hope that thy heart may wax timid.' 'Forsooth,' quoth that other, 'so fiercely thou dost speak, I will no longer hinder thee of thine errand

right now.'

Then took he a stride to strike,

And wrinkled lips and brow,

No marvel it did him mislike,

Who hoped for no rescue now.]

[stanza 93 (long)]

2309he lyftes ly3tly his lome and let hit doun fayre

[fol. 122r]

2310with þe barbe of þe bitte bi þe bare nek

2311þa3 he homered heterly hurt hym no more

2312bot snyrt hym on þat on syde þat seuered þe hyde

2313þe scharp schrank to þe flesche þur3 þe schyre grece

2314þat þe schene blod ouer his schulderes schot to þe erþe

2315and quen þe burne sey þe blode blenk on þe snawe

2317hent heterly his helme and on his hed cast

2318schot with his schulderez his fayre schelde vnder

2319braydez out a bry3t sworde and bremely he spekez

2321watz he neuer in þis worlde wy3e half so blyþe

2322blynne burne of þy bur bede me no mo

2323I haf a stroke in þis sted withoute stryf hent

2324and if þow rechez me any mo I redyly schal quyte

2325and 3elde 3ederly a3ayn and þerto 3e tryst


2326and foo


2327bot on stroke here me fallez

2328þe couenaunt schop ry3t so

2330and þerfore hende now hoo

[He raised lightly his axe and let it fall with the barb on his bare neck; and though he hotly hammered he did not hurt him much, but cut his skin a little. The sharp sword pierced through the flesh, so that the bright blood spurted over his shoulders to the ground; and when he saw the blood on the snow he started forward more than a spear length, hastily seized his helmet and put it on his head, and adjusted his shield; then brandishing forth a glittering sword, he spake fierce words, and never since his mother bare him was he half so merry. 'Cease now from thy strokes. Offer me no more. I have taken a blow in this place without striving; if thou givest me any more I will readily return them, be ye of that well assured,

my foe.

But one stroke shall on me fall,

The covenant was right so

Made by us in Arthur's hall,

And therefore, knight, now ho!']

[stanza 94 (long)]

2331the haþel heldet hym fro and on his ax rested

2332sette þe schaft vpon schore and to þe scharp lened

2333and loked to þe leude þat on þe launde 3ede

2334how þat do3ty dredles deruely þer stondez

2335armed ful a3lez in hert hit hym lykez

2336þenn he melez muryly wyth a much steuen

2338bolde burne on þis bent be not so gryndel

2340ne kyd bot as couenaunde at kyngez kort schaped

2341I hy3t þe a strok and þou hit hatz halde þe wel payed

2342I relece þe of þe remnaunt of ry3tes alle oþer

2343iif I deliuer had bene a boffet paraunter

2344I couþe wroþeloker haf waret to þe haf wro3t anger

2345fyrst I mansed þe muryly with a mynt one

[fol. 122]

2347for þe forwarde þat we fest in þe fyrst ny3t

2348and þou trystyly þe trawþe and trwly me haldez

2349al þe gayne þow me gef as god mon schulde

2350þat oþer munt for þe morne mon I þe profered

2351þou kyssedes my clere wyf þe cossez me ra3tez

2352for boþe two here I þe bede bot two bare myntes


2353boute scaþe


2354trwe mon trwe restore

2356at þe þrid þou fayled þore

2357and þerfor þat tappe ta þe

[The man held back and rested upon his axe, set the shaft on the ground, and leaned on the point, looked at Sir Gawain, and saw how bravely he stood there, doughty and dreadless and fully armed, and in his heart he was well pleased. Then spake he merrily and loudly, with a rushing sound, and said, 'Bold man, on this hill be not thou so angry, for no man has done thee wrong, unmannerly nor In any wise, except as was agreed in the court of King Arthur. I promised thee a stroke -- thou hast it; hold thyself well payed. I hereby release thee of the remnant and of all other rights. Had I so liked, I could have dealt thee a worse blow; but first I menaced thee in playful wise, and cut thee not at all, though with right I proffered it to thee for the covenant made between us the first night when thou faithfully didst keep thy troth and gavest me all thy gain as a true man should. The second blow I gave thee for the morning when thou didst kiss my beautiful wife, and gavest me the kisses, and for the two kisses I gave thee here but two blows without scathe

or tear.

A true man keeps his sooth,

And no scathe need he fear,

Thou didst flinch at the third, in truth,

So that stroke I gave thee here.]

[stanza 95 (long)]

2358for hit is my wede þat þou werez þat ilke wouen girdel

2359myn owen wyf hit þe weued I wot wel for soþe

2360now know I wel þy cosses and þy costes als

2361and þe wowyng of my wyf I wro3t hit myseluen

2363on þe fautlest freke þat euer on fote 3ede

2364as perle bi þe quite pese is of prys more

2365so is gawayn in god fayth bi oþer gay kny3tez

2366bot here yow lakked a lyttel sir and lewte yow wonted

2367bot þat watz for no wylyde werke ne wowyng nauþer

2368bot for 3e lufed your lyf þe lasse I yow blame

2369þat oþper stif mon in study stod a gret whyle

2370so agreued for greme he gryed withinne

2371alle þe blode of his brest blende in his face

2372þat al he schrank for schome þat þe schalk talked

2373þe forme worde vpon folde þat þe freke meled

2374corsed worth cowarddyse and couetyse boþe

2375in yow is vylany and vyse þat vertue disstryez

2376þenne he ka3t to þe knot and þe kest lawsez

2377brayde broþely þe belt to þe burne seluen

2378lo þer þe falssyng foule mot hit falle

2379for care of þy knokke cowardyse me ta3t

2380to acorde me with couetyse my kynde to forsake

2381þat is larges and lewte þat longez to kny3tez

2382now am I fawty and falce and ferde haf ben euer

2383of trecherye and vntrawþe boþe bityde sor3e


2384and care

[fol. 123r]


2385I biknowe yow kny3t here stylle

2386al fawty is my fare

2387letez me ouertake your wylle

2388and efte I schal be ware

[For in truth thou art wearing my weed in that same woven girdle which my wife gave to thee, as I wot well. And I know all about thy kisses and thy virtues also, and it was I myself who brought about the wooing of my wife. I sent her to assail thee, and I found thee to be the most faultless man on earth; as pearl is of more price than white pease, so is Gawain, in good faith, than all other gay knights. But, good sir, in this thou wast lacking a little in loyalty, not in any amorous working or wooing; but that thou didst love thy life the less I blame thee.' Then Sir Gawain stood thoughtful for a long time, and he trembled with rage, and all the blood of his body rushed to his face, and he shrank for shame all the time the Green Knight was talking. And the first words he uttered were, 'A curse on both cowardice and covetousness! In them are both villany and vice, that destroy virtue.' Then he caught hold of the girdle and violently flung it at the knight. 'Lo, there is the false thing, and may evil befall it. For fear of thy stroke cowardice seized me, and for covetousness I was false to my nature, which is loyal and true as befitteth a knight. Now am I faulty and false and fearful. May sorrow betide Treachery and Untruth

and Care.

I know thee knight here still.

All faulty is my fare,

Let me but thwart thy will,

And after I will be ware.']

[stanza 96 (long)]

2389thenn lo3e þat oþer leude and luflyly sayde

2391þou art confessed so clene beknowen of þy mysses

2392and hatz þe penaunce apert of þe poynt of myn egge

2393I halde þe polysed of þat ply3t and pured as clene

2394as þou hadez neuer forfeted syþen þou watz fyrst borne

2396for hit is grene as my goune sir gawayn 3e maye

2397þenk vpon þis ilke þrepe þer þou forth þryngez

2398among prynces of prys and þis a pure token

2399of þe chaunce of þe grene chapel at cheualrous kny3tez

2400and 3e schal in þis new 3er a3ayn to my wonez

2401and we schyn reuel þe remnaunt of þis ryche fest


2402ful bene


2403þer laþed hym fast þe lorde

2404and sayde With my wyf I wene

2405we schal yow wel acorde

2406þat watz your enmy kene

[Then the other laughed and said, 'I reck nought of the harm I had of thee, for thou hast made such clean confession of thy misdeeds, and hast done such penance at the point of my sword that I hold thee free from thy fault and as innocent as if thou hadst never forfeited innocence since thou wast born. And here I give to thee again the girdle, that is gold hemmed and green as my gown. And thou shalt think on this chiding when thou goest forth among princes of price, and this shall be a pure token of thy chance at the Green Chapel, to chivalrous knights. Thou shalt come in this New Year and turn again to my dwelling, and we will spend the remnant of this noble feast in revellings as shall

be seen.'

Thus invited Sir Gawain the lord,

And quoth he 'My lady, I ween,

She shall thee well accord,

Though she was thine enemy keen.']

[stanza 97 (long)]

2407nay for soþe quoþ þe segge and sesed hys helme

2408and hatz hit of hendely and þe haþel þonkkez

2409I haf soiorned sadly sele yow bytyde

2410and he 3elde hit yow 3are þat 3arkkez al menskes

2411and comaundez me to þat cortays your comlych fere

2412boþe þat on and þat oþer myn honoured ladyez

2413þat þus hor kny3t wyth hor kest han koyntly bigyled

2414bot hit is no ferly þa3 a fole madde

2415and þur3 wyles of wymmen be wonen to sor3e

2416for so watz adam in erde with one bygyled

2417and salamon with fele sere and samson eftsonez

2418dalyda dalt hym hys wyrde and dauyth þerafter

2419watz blended with barsabe þat much bale þoled

2420now þese were wrathed wyth her wyles hit were a wynne huge

2421to luf hom wel and leue hem not a leude þat couþe

[fol. 123]

2422for þes wer forne þe freest þat fol3ed alle þe sele

2423exellently of alle þyse oþer vnder heuenryche


2424þat mused


2425and alle þay were biwyled

2427þa3 I be now bigyled

2428me þink me burde be excused

[`Nay, forsooth,' quoth Gawain, and he seized his helmet, gracefully doffed it, and thanked the Green Knight. 'Sadly have I sojourned, and may joy betide thee from Him who hath all men in His keeping. Commend me to that courteous one thy noble lady, and to the ancient dame, my honoured ladies who have so cunningly beguiled me. It is no wonder if a fool go mad in loving, and through the wiles of a woman be brought to sorrow, for so was Adam beguiled by one woman and Solomon by many; and to Samson, Delilah dealt him his weird, and David was beguiled by Barsabe, through whom he suffered great loss. All these were troubled by the wiles of women. Great joy it would be to love them well, and believe them not, if a man could do it. For of those who under heaven

have mused,

All of them were beguiled

By women that they used;

Though I be now be-wiled

I think I am excused.']

[stanza 98 (long)]

2429bot your gordel quoþ gawayn god yow for3elde

2430þat wyl I welde wyth guod wylle not for þe wynne golde

2431ne þe saynt ne þe sylk ne þe syde pendaundes

2432for wele ne for worchyp ne for þe wlonk werkkez

2433bot in syngne of my surfet I schal se hit ofte

2434when I ride in renoun remorde to myseluen

2435þe faut and þe fayntyse of þe flesche crabbed

2436how tender hit is to entyse teches of fylþe

2437and þus quen pryde schal me pryk for prowes of armes

2439bot on I wolde yow pray displeses yow neuer

2440syn 3e be lorde of þe 3onder londe þer I haf lent inne

2441wyth yow wyth worschyp þe wy3e hit yow 3elde

2442þat vphaldez þe heuen and on hy3 sittez

2443how norne 3e yowre ry3t nome and þenne no more

2444þat schal I telle þe trwly quoþ þat oþer þenne

2445bertilak de hautdesert I hat in þis londe

2446þur3 my3t of morgne la faye þat in my house lenges

2447and koyntyse of clergye bi craftes wel lerned

2449for ho hatz dalt drwry ful dere sumtyme

2450with þat conable klerk þat knowes alle your kny3tez


2451at hame


2452morgne þe goddes

2453þerfore hit is hir name

2454weldez non so hy3e hawtesse

2455þat ho ne con make ful tame

[`But for thy girdle;' quoth Gawain, 'God reward thee for it, and I will wield it with good will, not for the gold, nor the samite, nor the silk, nor for its pendants, nor for weal nor worship, nor for its fair workings, but as a sign of my surfeit oft shall I look upon it; and when I ride in renown I shall feel remorse for the fault and cowardice of the crabbed flesh, and how easy it is to be smirched by filth, and thus, when pride shall prick me through prowess of arms, the sight of this lovely lace shall moderate the beating of my heart. But one thing I pray thee, and may it not displease thee, since thou art lord of that land where I have sojourned with thee in worship -- and may the Lord reward thee that sitteth on high and upholds the heavens -- tell me thy name, and no more do I ask thee.' 'That shall I tell thee truly,' quoth that other. 'Bernlak de Haudesert I am called in this land; and through might of Morgan le Fay, who lodges in my house, and the cunning of the clergy, I am well learned in crafts. She was the mistress of Merlin, and many has she taken captive by her wiles. For she has made love for a long time to that famous clerk that knows all your knights

at home.

Morgan the goddess

Therefore is her name;

There is no haughtiness

She cannot make full tame.']

[stanza 99 (long)]

2456ho wayned me vpon þis wyse to your wynne halle

2457for to assay þe surquidre 3if hit soth were

2458þat rennes of þe grete renoun of þe rounde table

2459ho wayned me þis wonder your wyttez to reue

[fol. 124r]

2460for to haf greued gaynour and gart hir to dy3e

2462with his hede in his honde bifore þe hy3e table

2463þat is ho þat is at home þe auncian lady

2465þe duches do3ter of tyntagelle þat dere vter after

2466hade arþur vpon þat aþel is nowþe

2468make myry in my house my meny þe louies

2469and I wol þe as wel wy3e bi my faythe

2470as any gome vnder god for þy grete trauþe

2471and he nikked hym naye he nolde bi no wayes

2473to þe prynce of paradise and parten ry3t þere


2474on coolde


2475gawayn on blonk ful bene

2476to þe kyngez bur3 buskez bolde

[`It was she who brought me in this wise to your joyous I hall, to assay the pride thereof if it were truly spoken of, and to put to the test the great renown of the Round Table. She it was who made me do this marvel to put you all out of your wits, in order to vex and pain Guinevere and to cause her death, together with all that ghostly game and the knight with his head in his hand before the high table. It was the work of Morgan, who is that ancient dame thou didst see in my house. And she is thine aunt, and half-sister to Arthur, the daughter of the Duchess of Tintagel, who afterwards married Uther and gave birth to Arthur, who now is king. Therefore I implore thee, come and see thy aunt. Make merry in my house, for my servants all love thee, and I wish thee well, by my faith, as any man under heaven because of thy great truth.' But Sir Gawain denied with a nay, and said he would not in any wise. Then they embraced and kissed and commended each other to the King of Paradise, and they parted right there

on the wold.

Gawain mounts horses, I ween,

To the king's town hastes him, bold.

The knight, in weeds of green,

Went o'er the moorland cold.]

[stanza 100 (long)]

2479wylde wayez in þe worlde wowen now rydez

2480on gryngolet þat þe grace hade geten of his lyue

2481ofte he herbered in house and ofte al þeroute

2483þat I ne ty3t at þis tyme in tale to remene

2484þe hurt watz hole þat he hade hent in his nek

2485and þe blykkande belt he bere þeraboute

2486abelef as a bauderyk bounden bi his syde

2487loken vnder his lyfte arme þe lace with a knot

2488in tokenyng he watz tane in tech of a faute

2489and þus he commes to þe court kny3t al in sounde

2490þer wakned wele in þat wone when wyst þe grete

2491þat gode gawayn watz commen gayn hit hym þo3t

2492þe kyng kyssez þe kny3t and þe whene alce

2493and syþen mony syker kny3t þat so3t hym to haylce

2494of his fare þat hym frayned and ferlyly he telles

2495biknowez alle þe costes of care þat he hade

2496þe chaunce of þe chapel þe chere of þe kny3t [fol. 124]

2497þe luf of þe ladi þe lace at þe last

2498þe nirt in þe nek he naked hem schewed

2499þat he la3t for his vnleute at þe leudes hondes


2500for blame


2501he tened quen he schulde telle

2502he groned for gref and grame

2503þe blod in his face con melle

2504when he hit schulde schewe for schame

[Gawain rode over wild ways of the world. Sometimes he found rest in houses, and sometimes in the open air, and had many adventures in the valleys, and oft he overcame, and I will not try to tell it all. The hurt was healed that he had in his neck, and he still carried the glittering belt at his side; under his left arm was the lace, tied with a knot, in token that he was taken in a fault. Thus he came to court, a knight all unhurt. There was joy in that hall when the great ones knew that Sir Gawain was come back, and great gain they thought it. The king kissed the knight, and the queen also, and many a faithful knight sought to embrace him, and they asked him of his faring, and he told them all the wonders thereof and all the labours he had endured, the chance of the chapel, the doings of the Green Knight, the love-making of the lady, and of the lace last of all. Then he showed them the cut in his neck which for his disloyalty he received at the hand of the Green Knight

for blame.

He moaned as he did it tell,

The blood to his face then came,

As he groaned for grief as well,

When he showed it to them for shame.]

[stanza 101 (long)]

2505lo lorde quoþ þe leude and þe lace hondeled

2507þis is þe laþe and þe losse þat I la3t haue

2508of couardise and couetyse þat I haf ca3t þare

2509þis is þe token of vntrawþe þat I am tan inne

2510and I mot nedez hit were wyle I may last

2512for þer hit onez is tachched twynne wil hit neuer

2513þe kyng comfortez þe kny3t and alle þe court als

2514la3en loude þerat and luflyly acorden

2515þat lordes and ladis þat longed to þe table

2516vche burne of þe broþerhede a bauderyk schulde haue

2517a bende abelef hym aboute of a bry3t grene

2518and þat for sake of þat segge in swete to were

2519for þat watz acorded þe renoun of þe rounde table

2520and he honoured þat hit hade euermore after

2521as hit is breued in þe best boke of romaunce

2522þus in arthurus day þis aunter bitidde

2523þe brutus bokez þerof beres wyttenesse

2524syþen brutus þe bolde burne bo3ed hider fyrst

2525after þe segge and þe asaute watz sesed at troye




2527mony aunterez here biforne

2528haf fallen suche er þis

2529now þat here þe croun of þorne

2530he bryng vus to his blysse amen

[`Lo, my lord,' quoth the knight as he handled the lace, 'this is the bond and sign of my shame, this is the loss and the hurt that I have suffered through cowardice and covetousness. It is the token of untruth, and I must needs wear it while life shall last, for none may hide it, for when it is once fixed upon any one never will it pass from him.' The king comforted the knight, as did all the court; and they laughed loudly, and it was agreed that all the lords and ladies of the Round Table, each member of the brotherhood, should have a lace belt, a band of bright green, and wear it for the sake of Sir Gawain as long as they lived. And this was the renown of the Round Table, and he that had it was held in great honour for evermore, as I have seen it written in the best book of romance. Thus in King Arthur's day did this adventure betide. The Brutus books bear witness to it, since the bold Knight Brutus came hither first after the siege and the assault ceased at Troy, as

I wis.

Many adventures herebefore

Have befallen such ere this.

Now He that thorn-crown for us bore

Bring us to His bliss. Amen.]


hony soyt qui mal pence


11] ticius: tirius [Silverstein] TG; tiscius AW; tuscius [or] tirius S Back to Line

31] as tit: as-tit TG; astit AW; as tit S Back to Line

37] kryst masse: krystmasse TG; krystmasse AW; krystmasse S Back to Line

46] glaumande: glaum ande [Emerson] TG; glaum ande AW; glaum ande [Emerson] S Back to Line

58] werere: were TG; were AW; were S Back to Line

67] 3eres3iftes: 3eres-3iftes TG; ; 3eres 3iftes AW; 3eres 3iftes S Back to Line

81] discry: discrye TG; discrye AW; discrye S Back to Line

88] lenge: longe TG; longe AW; longe S Back to Line

95] of of: of TG; of AW; of S Back to Line

100] watz: watz þe [Madden] TG; watz þe [Madden] S Back to Line

106] with alle: withalle TG; with alle AW; withalle S Back to Line

113] wit: with TG; with AW; with S Back to Line

124] syluen': sylueren TG; sylueren AW; sylueren S Back to Line

140] half etayn: Half etayn TG; Half-etayn AW; Half etayn S Back to Line

144] bot: Both [Napier] TG; Both AW; Both [Napier] S Back to Line

150] enker grene: enker-grene TG; enker grene AW; enker grene S Back to Line

153] with inne: withinne TG; withinne AW; withinne S Back to Line

157] wel haled: wel-haled TG; wel-haled AW; wel-haled S
þat same grene: same TG; same grene AW; same hewe S Back to Line

168] pe: þe TG; þe AW; þe S Back to Line

171] scurtes: skyrtes [Menner] TG; ; scurtes AW; skurtes [Gollancz] S Back to Line

180] hed: hed and S Back to Line

182] as as: as TG; as AW; as S Back to Line

190] anoþer: an oþer TG; anoþer AW; an oþer S Back to Line

203] hawbrgh: hawbergh TG; hawbergh AW; hawbrgh S Back to Line

210] hede: lenkþe [Davis] TG; hede AW; lenkþe [Davis] S
lenkþe: hede [Davis] TG; lenkþe AW; hede [Davis] S Back to Line

236] lowande: glowande TG; glowande AW; glowande [Emerson] S Back to Line

242] stonstil: stonstil TG; ston-stil AW; stonstil S Back to Line

255] quat so: quat-so TG; quatso AW; quatso S Back to Line

260] stel gere: stel-gere TG; stel-gere AW; stel gere S Back to Line

282] fo: so TG; so AW; so S Back to Line

293] quit clayme: quit-clayme TG; quit-clayme AW; quitclayme S Back to Line

306] quo so: quo-so TG; quoso AW; quoso S Back to Line

308] richly: richely TG; richly AW; richely [Davis] S Back to Line

312] gry dellayk: gryndellayk TG; gryndellayk AW; gryndellayk S Back to Line

328] la3t: la3t hit AW Back to Line

336] hyns: hys TG; hys AW; hys S
dintez: dinte S Back to Line

343] gawan: wawan TG; ; wawan AW; wawan S Back to Line

382] quat so: quat-so TG; quatso AW; quatso S Back to Line

384] fo: so TG; so AW; so S Back to Line

395] where so: where-so TG; whereso AW; whereso S Back to Line

397] to day: to-day TG; today AW; to-day S Back to Line

398] plate: place TG; place AW; place S Back to Line

403] for soþe: for-soþe TG; ; for soþe AW; for soþe S Back to Line

425] scade: schade TG; schade AW; scade S Back to Line

432] ruyschly: runyschly TG; runyschly AW; runyschly S Back to Line

438] ho we: he were TG; nowe [Cawley] AW; nowe [Morris] S Back to Line

440] bluk: bulk [Onions] TG; bluk AW; bulk [Onions] S Back to Line

446] y3e lyddez: y3e-lyddez TG; y3e-lyddez AW; y3elyddez S Back to Line

456] behoueus: behoues TG; behoues AW; behoues S Back to Line

470] to day: to-day TG; today AW; to-day S Back to Line

494] staf ful: stafful TG; staf-ful AW; stafful S Back to Line

531] sage: fage [Onions] TG; fage [Onions] AW; fage [Onions] S Back to Line

536] alhalday: al-hal-day TG; al hal day AW; al hal day S Back to Line

548] to morne: to-morne TG; tomorne AW; to-morne S Back to Line

552] doddinanal: doddinaual TG; doddinaual AW; doddinal S Back to Line

586] cote armure: cote-arumure TG; cote-armure AW; cote-armure S Back to Line

591] ouer: oþer TG; oþer AW; oþer [Morris] S Back to Line

594] cort ferez: cort-ferez TG; cort-ferez AW; cort ferez S Back to Line

629] emdelez: endelez TG; endelez AW; endelez S Back to Line

634] verertuez: vertuez TG; vertuez AW; vertuez S Back to Line

644] quere soeuer: quere-so-euer TG; queresoeuer AW; queresoeuer S Back to Line

646] fong: feng TG; fong AW; fong S Back to Line

647] heuen quene: heuen-quene TG; heuen quene AW; heuen quene S Back to Line

660] quere: oquere TG; oquere AW; oquere S Back to Line

671] stonfyr: ston-fyr TG; ston-fyr AW; ston fyr S Back to Line

683] cauelounz: cauelaciounz TG; cauelaciounz AW; cauelaciounz S Back to Line

697] noghe: neghe TG; neghe AW; neghe S Back to Line

705] clapel: chapel TG; chapel AW; chapel S Back to Line

718] fo: So TG; So AW; So S Back to Line

726] was: nas TG; nas [Davis] AW; nas [Davis] S Back to Line

727] schadden: schadde TG; schadde [Gollancz] AW; schadde [TG] S Back to Line

732] ysse ikkles: iisse-ikkles TG; iisseikkles AW; iisseikkles S Back to Line

751] seruy: seruyse TG; seruyse AW; seruyse S Back to Line

756] to morne: to-morne TG; tomorne AW; tomorne S Back to Line

774] say: sayn TG; sayn AW; sayn S Back to Line

777] gederez: gerdez [Napier] TG; gederez AW; gerdez [Napier] S Back to Line

785] bonk: blonk TG; bonk AW; blonk [Davis] S
blonk: bonk TG; blonk AW; bonk [Davis] S Back to Line

795] towre: towres TG; towres AW; towres S Back to Line

798] chalk whyt: chalkwhyt TG; chalk-whyt AW; chalkwhyt S Back to Line

803] innghe: innoghe TG; innoghe AW; innoghe S Back to Line

813] trowoe: trowee TG; trowee AW; trowoe S Back to Line

815] wy3e: wy3e 3erne and com TG; wy3e 3erne and com [Davis] AW; wy3e 3erne and com [Davis] S Back to Line

845] beuer hwed: beuer-hwed TG; beuer-hwed AW; beuer-hwed S Back to Line

850] clesly: chefly TG; chesly AW; chefly S Back to Line

856] blaunmer: blaunner [Gollancz] TG; blaunmer AW; blaunmer S Back to Line

862] hem: hym TG; hem AW; hym S Back to Line

865] hyn: hym TG; hym AW; hym S Back to Line

872] my3t: mo3t TG; mo3t [TG] AW; mo3t S Back to Line

874] fy3t: fo3t TG; fo3t [TG] AW; fo3t S Back to Line

877] þa: þat TG; þat AW; þat S Back to Line

883] cefly: chefly TG; chefly AW; chefly S Back to Line

884] tapit: tabil TG; tabil [Gollancz] AW; tabil [Gollancz] S Back to Line

890] double felde: double-felde TG; doublefelde AW; doublefelde S Back to Line

893] sawes so sle3ez: sawes so sle3e TG; sawses so sle3e [Napier] AW; sawses so sle3e [TG] S Back to Line

927] luf talkyng: luf-talkyng TG; luf-talkyng AW; luf talkyng S Back to Line

930] claplaynez: chaplaynez TG; chaplaynez AW; chaplaynez S Back to Line

946] he: ho [Wright] TG; ho [Wright] AW; ho [Wright] S Back to Line

956] scheder: schedez TG; schedes AW; schedez S Back to Line

958] mylk quyte: chalkquyte [Onions] TG; chalk-quyte [Onions] AW; chalkquyte [Onions] S Back to Line

960] toret: toreted TG; toret AW; toreted [Davis] S Back to Line

967] bay: bal3 TG; bal3 [TG] AW; bal3 [TG] S Back to Line

971] went: lent [Andrew] TG; lent [Andrew] AW; lent [Andrew] S Back to Line

987] wedez: wede TG; wede AW; wede [TG] S Back to Line

992] kyng: lord TG; lord [Gollancz] AW; lord [TG] S Back to Line

1014] and: þat TG; þat AW; þat [TG] S Back to Line

1030] hymne: chymne TG; chymne AW; chymne S Back to Line

1032] and: þat TG; þat AW; þat S Back to Line

1037] nerci: merci TG; merci AW; merci [Madden] S Back to Line

1044] answrez: answarez TG; answrez AW; answrez S Back to Line

1053] wot: ne wot TG; not AW; not [Madden] S Back to Line

1069] þa: þat TG; þat AW; þat [Morris] S Back to Line

1092] 3owe: 3owre TG; 3owre AW; 3owre [Madden] S Back to Line

1106] quat soeuer: quat-so-euer TG; quatsoeuer AW; quatsoeuer S Back to Line

1129] he: her TG; her AW; her [Madden] S Back to Line

1136] bent felde: bent-felde TG; bentfelde AW; bentfelde S Back to Line

1137] þat þat: þat TG; þat AW; þat S Back to Line

1173] þer ry3t: þer-ry3t TG; þer ry3t AW; þerry3t S Back to Line

1178] lynde wodez: lynde-wodez TG; lynde-wodez AW; lynde-wodez S Back to Line

1183] derfly: dernly TG; derfly AW; dernly [Davis] S Back to Line

1193] bed syde: bed-syde TG; bed-syde AW; bedsyde S Back to Line

1201] y3e lyddez: y3e-lyddez TG; y3e-lyddez AW; y3elyddez S Back to Line

1208] fayr: gay TG; gay [TG] AW; gay [TG] S Back to Line

1210] astyt: as-tyt TG; astyt AW; as tyt S Back to Line

1213] gay: gay TG; gay AW; gracios S Back to Line

1214] þourr: your TG; your AW; your S Back to Line

1216] he: be TG; be AW; be S Back to Line

1227] quere so: quere-so TG; quereso AW; quereso S Back to Line

1255] þat þat: þat TG; þat AW; þat S Back to Line

1256] loyue: louue TG; louue AW; louye S Back to Line

1262] aswared: answared TG; answared AW; answared S Back to Line

1265] fongen : fongen bi TG; fongen bi [Davis] S Back to Line

1266] nysen: nys euen TG; nys euer AW; nys euen [Davis] S Back to Line

1281] a hym: as hym TG; a hym AW; as hym S Back to Line

1283] I: I TG; ho [Morris] AW; ho [Gollancz] S Back to Line

1286] sclulde: schulde TG; schulde AW; schulde S Back to Line

1304] fo: so TG; so AW; so S Back to Line

1315] with: watz TG; watz AW; watz S Back to Line

1333] balez: bowelez TG; bowelez AW; bowelez [Davis] S Back to Line

1334] and: þe [Gollancz] TG; þe [Gollancz] AW; þe [Gollancz] S Back to Line

1336] wynt hole: wynt-hole TG; wynt-hole AW; wynthole S Back to Line

1344] fo: so TG; so AW; so S Back to Line

1357] aþer: ayþer TG; ayþer AW; ayþer S Back to Line

1372] comaunded: comaunded TG; comaunded AW; sumned S Back to Line

1376] gaway: gawayn TG; gawayn AW; gawayn S Back to Line

1386] and: þat [Gollancz] TG; þat [Gollancz] AW; þat [Gollancz] S
worthyly: worthyly wonnen TG; worthyly wonnen AW; worthyly wonnen [TG] S Back to Line

1389] ho: he [Madden] TG; he [Madden] AW; he [Madden] S Back to Line

1394] horseleun: yorseluen TG; yorseluen AW; yorseluen [TG] S Back to Line

1396] trawe 3e: trawe TG; trawe 3e AW; trawe 3e S Back to Line

1400] asswyþe: as-swyþe TG; asswyþe AW; as swyþe S Back to Line

1406] þat: wat TG; wat [TG] AW; wat [TG] S Back to Line

1412] crowez: crowen TG; crowen AW; crowen S Back to Line

1426] glauerande: glauer ande TG; glauer ande AW; glauer ande [Emerson] S Back to Line

1435] wyt inne: wythinne TG; wythinne AW; wythinne S Back to Line

1440] for: fro TG; fro AW; fro S; þe sounder þat wi3t: si3ed TG; so3t AW; si3te S Back to Line

1441] watz: watz breme TG; watz borelych and brode AW; watz bige S
alþer grattest: alþer-grattest TG; alþer-grattest AW; alþergrattest S Back to Line

1459] were so euer: were-so-euer TG; weresoeuer AW; weresoeuer S Back to Line

1466] rode: rode TG; rode AW; rydez S Back to Line

1473] com to: com to TG; to com AW; to com [Waldron] S Back to Line

1479] sofly: softly TG; sofly AW; softly [Morris] S Back to Line

1486] alder truest: alder-truest TG; alder-truest AW; aldertruest S Back to Line

1490] quere so: quere-so TG; quereso AW; quereso S Back to Line

1513] lellayk: lel layk TG; lel layk AW; lel layk S Back to Line

1550] what so: what-so TG; whatso AW; whatso S Back to Line

1575] on ferum: on-ferum TG; onferum AW; on-ferum S Back to Line

1580] watz : watz and TG; watz and AW; watz and [Morris] S Back to Line

1583] luslych: luflych TG; luflych AW; luflych S Back to Line

1588] frekez: freke TG; freke AW; freke [Madden] S Back to Line

1623] and la3ed: and la3ter TG; and la3ter [Davis] AW; la3ed [Gollancz] S Back to Line

1639] he : he hent TG; he hent AW; he hent [TG] S Back to Line

1662] how se euer: how-se-euer TG; how-se-euer AW; howseeuer S Back to Line

1682] when so: when-so TG; whenso AW; whenso S Back to Line

1693] biforere: bifore TG; bifore AW; bifore S Back to Line

1696] costez: costez TG; castez AW; costez S Back to Line

1700] atrayteres: a traueres TG; atraueres [Gollancz] AW; a trayteres S Back to Line

1712] to to: to TG; to AW; to S Back to Line

1716] onstray: on-stray TG; onstray AW; onstray S Back to Line

1719] lif vpon list: list vpon lif [Morris] TG; list vpon lif [Morris] AW; list vpon lif [Morris] S Back to Line

1730] myd ouer vnder: myd-ouer-vnder TG; myd ouer vnder AW; mydouervnder S Back to Line

1738] hwez goud: hwez goud TG; hwef goud AW; hwe gord S Back to Line

1752] day : day dele hym TG; day dele hym [TG] AW; day dele hym [TG] S Back to Line

1755] comly : comly com TG; comly com [Emerson] AW; comly com [TG] S Back to Line

1770] prynce: prynces TG; prynces [Emerson] AW; prynces [Emerson] S Back to Line

1777] luf la3yng: luf-la3yng TG; luf-la3yng AW; luf la3yng S Back to Line

1799] of: if TG; if AW; if [Madden] S Back to Line

1810] tyne: tyme TG; tyme AW; tyme S Back to Line

1815] hade o3t: hade no3t TG; nade o3t [Gollancz] AW; nade no3t S Back to Line

1825] swyftel: swyfte by TG; swyfte by [Emerson] AW; swyfte by [Emerson] S Back to Line

1830] þat þat: þat TG; þat AW; þat S Back to Line

1849] who so: who-so TG; whoso AW; whoso S Back to Line

1858] my3: my3t TG; my3t AW; my3t S Back to Line

1863] for: fro TG; fro [Morris] AW; fro [Morris] S Back to Line

1872] he: ho TG; ho [Madden] AW; ho [Madden] S Back to Line

1874] luf lace: luf-lace TG; luf-lace AW; luf lace S Back to Line

1878] lyfte: lyste [Burrow] TG; lyste [Burrow] AW; lyste [Burrow] S Back to Line

1906] cachez: lachez TG; lachez [TG] AW; lachez S; by: hym TG; hym [Madden] AW; hym [Morris] S Back to Line

1909] bray: braþ TG; braþ [Morris] AW; braþ [Morris] S Back to Line

1919] her her: her TG; her AW; her S Back to Line

1925] þer byside: þer-byside TG; þerbyside AW; þerbyside S Back to Line

1926] with alle: withalle TG; with alle AW; with alle S Back to Line

1936] he : he þe TG; he þe AW; he þe [Madden] S Back to Line

1941] chepez: chepez TG; porchas AW; chepez S Back to Line

1962] sellyly: selly TG; selly AW; selly [Madden] S Back to Line

1965] to morne: to-morne TG; tomorne AW; tomorne S Back to Line

1973] frk: ferk TG; ferk AW; ferk [Madden] S Back to Line

1981] a3ay: a3ayn TG; a3ayn AW; a3ayn [Madden] S Back to Line

2010] laupe: laumpe TG; laumpe AW; laumpe S Back to Line

2027] vertuuus: vertuus TG; vertuus AW; vertuus S Back to Line

2053] þay: þay TG; he [Gollancz] AW; he [Gollancz] S Back to Line

2079] þer vnder: þer-vnder TG; þervnder AW; þervnder S Back to Line

2081] myst hakel: myst-hakel TG; myst-hakel AW; myst-hakel S Back to Line

2105] dynnez: dyngez TG; dyngez [Napier] AW; dyngez [TG] S Back to Line

2131] mot: not TG; not AW; not [Madden] S Back to Line

2137] and and: and TG; and AW; and S Back to Line

2150] ge: go TG; go AW; go S Back to Line

2171] we: were TG; were AW; were [Madden] S Back to Line

2177] and his riche: and his riche TG; of his riche AW; and hit richez S Back to Line

2187] he: here TG; here AW; here [TG] S Back to Line

2205] at: as TG; as [Madden] AW; as [Madden] S Back to Line

2223] witho: with to TG; with to [Madden] AW; with to [Madden] S Back to Line

2240] welcon: welcom TG; welcom AW; welcom [Madden] S Back to Line

2247] þy þy: þy TG; þy AW; þou þy S Back to Line

2274] myntest: myntest TG; myntest AW; myntes S Back to Line

2291] hs: his TG; his AW; his [Madden] S Back to Line

2305] he he: he TG; he AW; he S Back to Line

2316] spenne fote: spenne-fote TG; spenne-fote AW; spennefote S Back to Line

2320] burne: burne TG; barne [Andrew] AW; barne [Andrew] S Back to Line

2329] fermed: fermed [Menner] TG; festned [Cawley] AW; fermed [Menner] S Back to Line

2337] rykande: rynkande [Napier] TG; rynkande [Napier] AW; rynkande [Napier] S Back to Line

2339] habbe: habbez TG; habbez [Napier] AW; habbez [TG] S Back to Line

2346] rof sore: rof-sore TG; rof-sore AW; rofsore S Back to Line

2355] þar: þar TG; þar AW; þarf S Back to Line

2362] sothly: sothly þou S Back to Line

2390] hardilyly: hardily TG; hardily AW; hardily [Madden] S Back to Line

2395] golde hemmed: golde-hemmed TG; golde-hemmed AW; golde hemmed S Back to Line

2426] with wyth: with TG; with AW; with S Back to Line

2438] luf lace: luf-lace TG; luf-lace AW; luf lace S Back to Line

2448] ho: hatz TG; hatz [Madden] AW; hatz [Madden] S Back to Line

2461] gopnyng: glopnyng TG; glopnyng AW; glopnyng [Morris] S
gomen: gome TG; gome AW; gome S Back to Line

2464] half suster: half-suster TG; half-suster AW; halfsuster S Back to Line

2467] þy naunt: þyn aunt TG; þyn aunt AW; þy naunt S Back to Line

2472] kyssen : kyssen and kennen TG; kyssen and kennen [TG] AW; kyssen and kennen [TG] S Back to Line

2477] enker grene: enker-grene TG; enker grene AW; enker grene S Back to Line

2478] whiderwarde so euer: whiderwarde-so-euer TG; whiderwarde-soeuer AW; whiderwardesoeuer S Back to Line

2482] and: and TG; he [Gollancz] AW; and S Back to Line

2506] bere : bere in TG; bere in [Madden] AW; bere in [Madden] S Back to Line

2511] non: mon TG; mon [Andrew] AW; mon [Andrew] S Back to Line