rpsmedley100 - Profile (original) (raw)

Ever wanted to try fanfic100 for your favorite real person fiction, without being tethered to one pairing, or even one fandom? Then RPS Medley 100 is the place for you! You can sign up to complete the table and write about as many or few characters/pairings as you like, from as many RPF fandoms as you like.

→ All stories should be a minimum of 100 words. No maximum word count. Chaptered fics are fine.
→ All stories should have at least one of the prompts from the table attached to it. Fics may be linked to a maximum of 2 prompts.
Recommended: stories for these prompts should be new. As in, don't link to things you've already written. That's part of the fun of this whole thing!
→ Post all of your stories to this comm, embedded in an entry or as a fake cut to another journal. Use the following format on your entries:
Word Count: (can be approximate)
Author's Notes: (please include any warnings)

→ Posts do not have to be friendslocked to the community, but if you feel more comfortable posting that way, you are more than welcome to.
→ AUs (alternate universes) are allowed, as well as crossovers. Recommended: try to limit your crossovers to real people. For example: Mikey Way/Pete Wentz yes, Mikey Way/Bruce Wayne no. Not to say that such a thing wouldn't be allowed; just keep it to a minimum.
→ As you might have gathered already, the fandoms allowed in this challenge involve real people. Musicians, actors, athletes and other famous-y types are the expected fare. While the comm name is rpsmedley100, fics do not have to be slash; they may also be general, non-pairing stories. They also do not have to be m/m slash! Femmeslash and het pairings are welcome and encouraged! I like women and I like fic with them!
→ That being said, if you have a problem with m/m, f/f, het or a particular pairing? You're more than welcome to feel that way, but I do not want angry opinions of raaaaaaaaaaaage spilling over into this comm. People write what they write. Play nice - and I mean that about all things, not just pairing prefrences. This is a friendly, all-encompassing fiction community.
→ Since the point of this comm is to have rotating pairings/characters, there is no claim post. However, please do sign up on this post so we can track your progress!
→ There is no deadline for completion of your table. The start/finish date are simply a matter of record. Post as you're inspired!

See this post for the table of prompts!

harmyjo cause she's a crazylady.

The fiction posted in this community is for entertainment purposes only. This is all in fun, and we mean no harm or mental scarring.