Reference - RRC(Research Resource Circulation) (original) (raw)

Species Resource RRC ID Title Journal Published Link
Human and Animal Cells PC-9(RCB4455) 81694 Label-free visualization of cellular response to molecularly targeted agents using multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering and third harmonic generation microscopy Applied Physics Express 2022-10-1 Full text
DNA material pUCtk2x2 (RDB19569) , pX330-MBP (RDB20337) , pUCtk2X2NN_MBP-2xLG3-TEZ (RDB20338) 81693 Generation of MBP-tdTomato reporter human induced pluripotent stem cell line for live myelin visualization. Stem Cell Res 2024-9-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells ATN-1(RCB1440) , ILT-Mat(RCB0475) , TL-Mor(RCB1881) 81692 Proteomic analysis of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: A biomarker identification strategy based on preparation and in-solution digestion methods of total proteins. Leuk Res 2024-3-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells 201B7(HPS0063) 81691 Generation of four induced pluripotent stem cell lines (KEIUi004-A, KEIUi005-A, KEIUi006-A, and KEIUi007-A) from patients with sensorineural hearing loss with mutation in EYA4 gene. Stem Cell Res 2024-9-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells MDA-MB-453(RCB1192) 81690 β-Tubulin Isoforms Related to Docetaxel Sensitivity in 2D and 3D Cultured TNBC Cell Lines. Anticancer Res 2022-10-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells PANC-1(RCB2095) , MIA Paca2(RCB2094) 81689 Tenascin C in the Tumor-Nerve Microenvironment Enhances Perineural Invasion and Correlates With Locoregional Recurrence in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Pancreas 2020-3-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells CACO-2(RCB0988) 81688 Human α-glucosidase inhibition and phytochemical profile of natural and shinzuke treated olives: implications from the processing method Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 2024-7-5 Full text
Human and Animal Cells 1383D6(HPS006) 81687 Generation of Reporter Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Neuromethods 2024-1-1 Full text
Mice RBRC01680 81686 A regulatory loop involving the cytochrome P450-soluble epoxide hydrolase axis and TGF-β signaling iScience 2024-9-1 Full text
DNA material Full-length mouse Trex1 in pET28a (RDB12711) 81685 Molecular insight into the specific enzymatic properties of TREX1 revealing the diverse functions in processing RNA and DNA/RNA hybrids. Nucleic Acids Res 2023-11-27 Pubmed Full text
Mice RBRC00806 81684 Aging Differentially Affects Axonal Autophagosome Formation and Maturation. Autophagy 2023-12-1 Pubmed Full text
Mice RBRC01765 81683 Loss of Tob1 promotes muscle regeneration through muscle stem cell expansion. J Cell Sci 2024-8-1 Pubmed Full text
Mice RBRC02308 81682 The chemokine Cxcl14 regulates interneuron differentiation in layer I of the somatosensory cortex. Cell Rep 2024-8-27 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7(RCB1366) , Hep G2(RCB1886) , MKN1(RCB1003) , MCF7(RCB1904) , HeLa(RCB0007) 81681 Control cell migration by engineering integrin ligand assembly. Nat Commun 2022-8-25 Pubmed Full text
DNA material human glypican-1 in pcDNA3.1(+) (RDB20345) , full-length human XT2 in pcDNA3.1(+) (RDB20346) 81680 Molecular mechanism of decision-making in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis. Nat Commun 2023-10-13 Pubmed Full text
DNA material pCAG-iBB-GECO1 (RDB20303) , pCaMKII-iBB-GECO1 (RDB20304) , pCAGGS (RDB08938) 81679 A genetically encoded far-red fluorescent calcium ion biosensor derived from a biliverdin-binding protein. Protein Sci 2022-10-1 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells Ba/F3(RCB0805) 81678 NVL-655 Is a Selective and Brain-Penetrant Inhibitor of Diverse ALK-Mutant Oncoproteins, Including Lorlatinib-Resistant Compound Mutations. Cancer Discov 2024-9-13 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells MRC-5(RCB0218) 81677 Molecular characterization of a novel putative pathogen, Streptococcus nakanoensis sp. nov., isolated from sputum culture. Microbiol Spectr 2024-9-13 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , B16F10(RCB2630) 81676 Neoself-antigens are the primary target for autoreactive T cells in human lupus. Cell 2024-9-11 Pubmed Full text
Human and Animal Cells C2C12(RCB0987) , B16 melanoma(RCB1283) 81675 IL36G-producing neutrophil-like monocytes promote cachexia in cancer. Nat Commun 2024-9-12 Pubmed Full text