Mustafa E R G I N Şahin | Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mustafa E R G I N Şahin

Research paper thumbnail of Parametre Kestirimi Newton-Raphson Yöntemiyle Yapılan MATLAB/GUI Tabanlı Fotovoltaik Sistem Simülatörü

Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 2021

Bu çalışmada ilk olarak güneş pilinin çalışma prensibi, bileşenleri ve bağlantı şekilleri ile eşd... more Bu çalışmada ilk olarak güneş pilinin çalışma prensibi, bileşenleri ve bağlantı şekilleri ile eşdeğer devre modeli çıkarımı incelenmiştir. Fotovoltaik (FV) güneş pili modülü genel eşdeğer devre modeli matematiksel denklemleri MATLAB programına uyarlanmıştır. Güneş pilinin akım denklemi çözümü için Newton-Raphson yöntemi kullanılarak MATLAB grafiksel kullanıcı ara yüzü (GUI) ortamında bir ara yüz oluşturulmuştur. Kullanılan model güneş ışınımı ve sıcaklık gibi değişen çevresel koşulları da içerecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Oluşturulan ara yüz ile kullanıcı; ışınım, sıcaklık, seri direnç, ideallik faktörü ve seri-paralel bağlı hücre sayıları gibi parametreleri değiştirerek akım ile gerilim (I-V) ve güç ile gerilim (P-V) eğrilerini kolayca elde edebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada iki ayrı üretici firmaya ait güneş paneli verileri için farklı parametreler kullanılarak karakteristik eğriler elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca kullanıcı bu ara yüz sayesinde fotovoltaik hücrenin değişken değerlerini girerek maksimum akım (Imp), maksimum gerilim (Vmp), maksimum güç (Pmp), giriş gücü (Pin), doldurma faktörü (DF) ve verim (η) gibi değerleri kolaylıkla elde edebilmektedir. Bu sayede bu alanda çalışanlar için kullanıcıya kolaylık sağlayan bir ara yüz geliştirilmiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Endüstri 4.0’ın İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğine Katkıları ve Hata Türü ve Etkileri Analizi (FMEA) Risk Değerlendirme Metoduyla Ambulansta Bir İnceleme

Takvim-i Vekayi, 2021

İlk olarak Almanya'da ortaya çıkan, ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde değişim ve dönüşümlere neden ola... more İlk olarak Almanya'da ortaya çıkan, ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde değişim ve dönüşümlere neden olacağı öngörülen Endüstri 4.0 günümüzde tüm dünyada etkisini göstermeye başlamıştır. Endüstri 4.0 hayatımıza girerek ve üretim ile hizmet ortamlarını daha akıllı hale getirerek, karmaşık ürünleri daha kısa sürelerde ve en yüksek kalitede üretmeyi sağlamaktadır. Üretimin dijital dönüşüme geçmesiyle birlikte iş sağlığı ve güvenliği (İSG) uygulamaları da bu dönüşüme ayak uydurmaya başlamıştır. Endüstri 4.0 ile gelişen teknolojiler İSG alanında uygulanarak çalışanların sağlık ve güvenliğini koruyan yeni teknolojiler gelişmiştir. İSG 4.0 alanındaki koruyucu teknolojileri iyi yönetilirse mesleki riskleri azaltabilecek ve çalışma koşullarını iyileştirebilecektir. Endüstri 4.0 ile İSG 4.0 arasında bağlantı sağlanması ile çalışanların izlenmesi, yetkisiz işlemlere izin verilmemesi, fiziki ve zihinsel kapasitenin takip edilmesi ve güvenliğin sağlanması ile riskler ve kazalar daha etkili bir şekilde önlenebilecek ve büyük oranda engellenebilecektir. İSG'de Endüstri 4.0'a geçiş ile birlikte algoritmalardan yararlanılarak olası riskler önceden hesaplanabilmekte, risk değerlendirme konusunda analizler yapılabilmektedir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Güneş Pili Modülünün Matlab/Simulink ile Modellenmesi ve Simülasyonu ( Modeling and Simulation of Solar Cell Module in Matlab/Simulink)

In this study, a general mathematical model of solar cells has been obtained and Matlab/Simulink ... more In this study, a general mathematical model of solar cells has been obtained and Matlab/Simulink software based simulation of this model has been visually programmed. Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) characteristics have been obtained for different number of series and parallel connected cells, different temperature values, different solar absorption ratios and the other parameters depending on the material structure and the efficiency. The simulation results have been compared with theoretical results for the modeled solar cell. Also, modeling of solar cells for different linear and nonlinear loads has been carried out to get output power, current, and voltage curves. Still in this study a solar cell experimental characteristic specifications have been known for different illumination states I-V and P-V curves are obtained and compared with theoretical and simulation results. And, it has been revealed that how affected the curve of the solar cell with the variation of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of vertical axis wind turbines and the design of their components

Investigation of vertical axis wind turbines and the design of their components, 2021

Wind energy and developments of wind turbine design are getting important today all around the wo... more Wind energy and developments of wind turbine design are getting important today all around the world. To increase the efficiency of wind turbines, scientists have done many kinds of research. One of these topics to increase efficiency is vertical axis wind turbines, blades, and generators design. Also, the generated energy and connection to the grid are causes some problems and have to study. In this study, vertical axis wind turbine blades and developments to increase efficiency are investigated firstly. This paper studies the design steps and magnetic equation of an axial flux, permanent magnets, coreless stator, and rotor designed for a small wind turbine application. Stator voltages depending on the magnetic flux distribution have been obtained for different operating speeds and load conditions. The stator voltages for the three-phase are rectified and connected to a buck-boost converter to regulate bus voltage. The buck-boost converter is controlled with a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller for the desired output voltage. The electricity is connected to the grid, or a direct current (DC) bus is investigated and given a proposal with power electronic converters and simulated with MATLAB/Simulink. Moreover, the model is analysed for inrush open circuit input voltage and short circuit load conditions for 0.5 second time intervals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Merkez Kampüsünde Elektromanyetik Alan Kirlilik Ölçümü ve Spektrum Analizi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021

Electromagnetic Field Pollution Measurement in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Main Campus and Sp... more Electromagnetic Field Pollution Measurement in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Main Campus and Spectrum Analysis (Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering)

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Supercapacitors Based on Simplified Equivalent Circuit

CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2021

The need for energy storage devices especially in renewable energy applications has increased the... more The need for energy storage devices especially in renewable energy applications has increased the use of supercapacitors. Accordingly, several supercapacitor models have been proposed in previous researches. Nevertheless, most of them require an intensive test to obtain the model parameters. These may not be suitable for an initial simulation study, where a simple model based on the datasheet is required to evaluate the system performance before building the hardware prototype. A simplified electrical circuit model for a supercapacitor (SC) based on the voltage-current equation is proposed in this paper to address this issue. This model doesn't need an intensive test for accuracy. The structural simplicity and decent modelling accuracy make the equivalent electrical circuit model very suitable for power electronic applications and real-time energy management simulations. The parameters of the proposed model can be obtained from the datasheets value with a minimum test requirement. The experimental method to provide the parameters of the supercapacitor equivalent circuit is described. Based on the proposed method, the supercapacitor model is built in Matlab/ Simulink, and the characteristics of equivalent series resistance (ESR) measurement and cycle life are compared with datasheets. The simulation results have verified that the proposed model can be applied to simulate the behaviour of the supercapacitor in most energy and power applications for a short time of energy storage. A supercapacitor test circuit is given to test the charge and discharge of supercapacitor modules. The experimental results are suitable for simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Solar-Hydrogen DC-DC Buck Converter System with Sliding Mode Control

El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 2019

This paper focuses on two different scenarios to benefit from solar energy more efficiently. One ... more This paper focuses on two different scenarios to benefit from solar energy more efficiently. One of them is photovoltaic houses and storing their energy as hydrogen, the other one is photovoltaic cars and storing their energy as hydrogen. The common point in these two photovoltaic sourced scenarios is convert and storage of the hydrogen energy more efficiently. The direct current (DC) photovoltaic energy is converted to the desired voltage level using the DC-DC buck converter for generating hydrogen with electrolysis process. The electrolysis load for hydrogen production needs low voltage and high currents especially. To supply these conditions the converter must be designed and controlled sensitively. For this aim, the sliding mode controller is proposed as a solution in this study. This controller is used the inductance current in the inner loop and supply a strong control for the converter under normal and abnormal conditions. The photovoltaic powered DC-DC buck converter for electrolysis load was simulated in MATLAB/ Simulink software more detailed using the sliding mode controller.

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Research paper thumbnail of A review on supercapacitor materials and developments

Turkish Journal of Materials, 2020

Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conve... more Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conventional storage devices. So the researchers are studying to invent new energy storage devices and materials for many years. The supercapacitor (SC) is invented and presented as an alternating storage device recently. There were a lot of studies about SC in literature. These studies are focused on materials of SC components, modelling of SC, and applications of SC. In this paper, the working principle of SC, the advantages of SC, the classification of SC, and new developments of SC are investigated. Some material applications of SC are presented in this study also. The manufacturing developments are investigated for some SC materials and presented some novel applications also.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inductance Selection Criteria and Design Steps for Power Electronics Applications

Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2020

The power electronics circuits are indispensable devices today for renewable energy applications ... more The power electronics circuits are indispensable devices today for renewable energy applications and for storing energy. One of the main components of this power electronic circuits is the inductance. The inductance working as a live heart, store the energy and pumps the energy from the source to the load in converters, and supply continuously the current of the circuit to the load. The energy efficiency in the system depends on the inductance efficiency. So, a well-designed inductance is very important in order to operate the converter in continuous mode so the current flow is uninterruptible. In this paper, inductance selection criteria for the converters are investigated to work the converter in continuous mode from the literature and solved for the limit value condition equation. Also, the design steps of an inductance including necessary calculations are shown with an example application. The cores and wires effect to the inductance efficiency is also investigated in this paper. An inductance using Ferrite core and Litz wire is proposed and designed experimentally for a converter circuit. Measurements to determine the inductance value was shown. Also, the inductance current variations for higher frequencies are investigated, and used in the converter is shown. Endüktans Seçim Kriteri ve Güç Elektroniği Uygulamaları için Tasarım Aşamaları Anahtar Kelimeler Endüktans seçim ve tasarımı, Ferit çekirdekler ve litz teli, Endüktans deri olayı etkisi, Endüktans verimi, Güç elektroniği çeviricileri Özet: Güç elektroniği devreleri günümüzde yenilenebilir enerji uygulamaları ve enerji depolamak için kaçınılmaz aygıtlardır. Bu güç elektroniği devrelerinin ana elemanlarından biride endüktanstır. Endüktans bir canlının kalbi gibi çalışır, enerjiyi depolar ve çeviriciler de enerjiyi kaynaktan yüke doğru pompalar ve bu sayede yük devresine sürekli akım akışını sağlar. Bu yüzden iyi tasarlanmış bir endüktans çeviriciyi sürekli modda çalıştırmak için oldukça önemlidir ve böylece akım akışı kesintisiz olur. Bu çalışmada çeviriciyi sürekli modda çalıştırmak için gerekli bobin seçim kriteri literatürde incelenmiş ve sınır değer koşulu için kullanılan denklemler yardımıyla bulunmuştur. Yine gerekli denklemleri içeren tasarım aşamaları bir örnek uygulama ile gösterilmiştir. Çekirdek ve kabloların endüktans verimi üzerindeki etkisi de bu çalışmada incelenmiştir. Ferit çekirdek ve Litz teli kullanılan bir endüktans önerilmiş ve bir çevirici devresi için deneysel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Endüktans değerinin belirlenmesi için ölçümler gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca endüktans akım değişimleri yüksek frekanslar için araştırılmış, çeviricide kullanımı gösterilmiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of IG and DFIG for Wind Power Generation Systems

Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020

İndiksiyon ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörleri rüzgar gücü sistemlerinde elektrik üretimi i... more İndiksiyon ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörleri rüzgar gücü sistemlerinde elektrik üretimi için yaygın olarak kullanılır. İndiksiyon generatörlerin ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörlerin tanımları rüzgar enerji sistemleri için bu çalışmada verilmiştir. Farklı bağlantı tipleri ve koşulları iki farklı rüzgar jeneratörü için şebeke ve rüzgar türbinleri için bu çalışmada incelenmiştir. Bir rüzgar çiftliği modeli indiksiyon generatörü ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörü için MATLAB/Simulink de modellenmiştir. İlk olarak simulasyon sonuçları normal çalışma koşulları için sunulmuş ve tartışılmıştır. İkinci olarak ise rüzgar çiftliği modeli hata durumları için simule edilmiştir. Farklı hata koşulları altındakı bu IG ve DFIG sonuçları statik kompanzatörün bir fonksiyonu olarak verilmiş ve tartışılmıştır. Bu sistemin üstünlük ve dezavantajları verilmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. https://dx. Induction and doubly-fed induction generators are widely used in wind power systems for electricity generation. Description of induction generator (IG) and doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for wind power generation systems are given in this paper. Different connection types and conditions for two different types of wind generators with the grids and wind turbines are investigated in this study. A wind farm model is simulated using an induction generator and a doubly-fed induction generator in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results under normal operating conditions are presented and discussed firstly. Wind farm models are simulated under fault conditions secondly. The results of the IG and DFIG system under various fault conditions as a function of static compensator (STATCOM) are presented and discussed. The superiority and disadvantages of this system are given and evaluated. https://dx.

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Research paper thumbnail of Energy Management and Measurement of Computer Controlled Solar House Model for Rize City (Rize İli için Bilgisayar Kontrollü Güneş Evi Modelinin Enerji Yönetimi ve Ölçümü)

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2020

The Rize city of Turkey is located in the East Black Sea region and covered with forests and high... more The Rize city of Turkey is located in the East Black Sea region and covered with forests and high mountains. The hilly terrain prevents the distribution of electricity to remote locations. Therefore, plateau living and tourism services are restricted to certain areas. Depend on, some mountain places still could not use electricity in the region and the requirements of renewable energy sources are increasing every past day. In this study, a solar house model that contains a solar cell panel was designed and supported with computer control. Also, necessary calculations were performed for the system enlarged to use in residential. Regional meteorological data were taken into account for these calculations. Also, the energy obtained from the photovoltaic panel and stored in the battery was measured. Visual Basic software was used to provide communication between the line printer (parallel port) and the solar house model device control unit for basic and special applications. The software supplies a management algorithm to use energy more efficiently. Measurements showed that the solar energy potential of Rize city is competitive in terms of system efficiency, applicability, and repeatability. Keywords: Computer Control with a Parallel Port, Energy Storage, Energy Management and Measurement, Photovoltaic Solar House Model Öz Türkiye'nin Rize şehri, Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunmakta ve ormanlarla ve yüksek dağlarla kaplıdır. Engebeli arazi, elektriğin uzak yerlere dağıtımını önler. Bu nedenle plato yaşam ve turizm hizmetleri bazı alanlarla sınırlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, bazı dağlık alanlar bölgede hala elektrik kullanamamaktadır ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının gereksinimleri her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada güneş paneli içeren bir güneş evi modeli tasarlanmış ve bilgisayar kontrolü ile desteklenmiştir. İlave olarak sistemin gerçek bir evde kullanılması için gerekli hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Bölgesel meteorolojik verilerde bu hesaplama için dikkate alınmıştır. Yine güneş panelinden ve aküye depolanan enerji hesaplanmıştır. Visual Basic programı LPT paralel portu ile güneş evi modeli arasındaki haberleşmeyi sağlamak ve temel ve özel uygulamalar için kullanılır. Yazılım enerjiyi daha verimli kullanmak için akıllı bir denetim algoritması sağlar. Ölçüm sonuçları Rize ilinin enerji potansiyelinin sistem verimi, uygulanabilirliği ve tekrarlanabilirliği yönünden uygun olduğunu göstermiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Açık Deniz Rüzgâr Sistemleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme ve Danimarka Modeli (A Review Study on Offshore Wind Systems and the Danish Model)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering,, 2020

ÖZET Günümüzde dünyada artan enerji ihtiyacı ve buna bağlı yeni arayışlar açık deniz (offshore) r... more ÖZET Günümüzde dünyada artan enerji ihtiyacı ve buna bağlı yeni arayışlar açık deniz (offshore) rüzgâr türbini uygulamalarını başta Avrupa olmak üzere dünya üzerinde giderek yaygınlaşan bir yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada açık deniz rüzgâr türbinleri ve buna bağlı elektriksel ve mekanik sistemler detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Kapsamlı bir literatür taraması yapılarak bu konuda ki, tarihsel gelişim ve özellikle Avrupa'da yapılan çalışmalar karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Avrupa'da ki kurulu rüzgâr enerjisi kapasiteleri karşılaştırmalı olarak verilmiştir. Bu konuda köklü bir altyapısı ve geçmişi olan aynı zamanda fiziksel ve coğrafi yapısı da Türkiye'ye benzeyen Danimarka'da açık deniz rüzgâr türbini sistemleri incelenmiş ve bu sistemlerin potansiyeli ve uygulanabilirliği karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Türkiye'nin potansiyeli ve durumu kapsamlı olarak incelenmiş ve rüzgâr enerjisi hesaplarının nasıl yapılacağı verilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu türbinlerin kurulum ve bağlantıları ve bu konudaki diğer sorunlar da incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada Danimarka'da bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiş ve ülkemizde bu konudaki yapılacak çalışmalara örnek olmasını amaçlamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rüzgâr Enerjisi, Açık deniz (offshore) rüzgâr sistemleri, Rüzgâr enerjisi hesabı, Türkiye'nin açık deniz rüzgâr durumu, Danimarka açık deniz rüzgâr sistemleri. ABSTRACT The increasing energy demand in the world and the related new studies make offshore wind turbine applications a preferred renewable energy source nowadays, especially in Europe. In this study, offshore wind turbines and related electrical and mechanical systems are examined in detail. A comprehensive literature review is carried out comparatively with the historical development and especially the studies in Europe. The installed wind energy capacities in Europe are given comparatively. The physical and geographical structure of Denmark is similar to Turkey for offshore wind turbine systems, which are well-established infrastructure. The history of offshore wind turbine applications and the potential and applicability of these systems are discussed comparatively in this study. Turkey's status as offshore wind potential is examined extensively, and how to make wind energy calculations are elaborated. Besides, the installation and connections of offshore wind turbines and other related issues are investigated. Examining relevant studies on this subject in Denmark, the study aims to set an example for future research on this issue in our country.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Hybrid PV-Battery/Supercapacitor System and a Basic Active Power Control Proposal in MATLAB/Simulink

MDPI, 2020

An increase in the integration of renewable energy generation worldwide brings along some challen... more An increase in the integration of renewable energy generation worldwide brings along some challenges to energy systems. Energy systems need to be regulated following grid codes for the grid stability and efficiency of renewable energy utilization. The main problems that are on the active side can be caused by excessive power generation or unregulated energy generation, such as a partially cloudy day. The main problems on the load side can be caused by excessive or unregulated energy demand or nonlinear loads which deteriorate the power quality of the energy networks. This study focuses on the energy generation side as active power control. In this study, the benefits of supercapacitor use in a hybrid storage system are investigated and analyzed. A hybrid system in which photovoltaic powered and stored the energy in battery and supercapacitor are proposed in this study to solving the main problems in two sides. The supercapacitor model, photovoltaic model, and the proposed hybrid system are designed in MATLAB/Simulink for 6 kW rated power. Also, a new topology is proposed to increase the energy storage with supercapacitors for a passive storage system. The instantaneous peak currents energy is aimed to store in supercapacitors temporarily with this topology. The main advantages of this topology are voltage stabilization in two sides by the supercapacitors and a limitation of the battery load, which directly results in longer battery life and decreases the system cost. The simulation results are investigated for this topology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Yapay Zekâ’ya Genel Bir Bakış - A General View of Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence

Takvim-i Vekayi , 2018

Gelişmekte olan dünya ile bilgisayarlar ve bilgisayar sistemleri yaşamın vazgeçilmez bir parçası ... more Gelişmekte olan dünya ile bilgisayarlar ve bilgisayar sistemleri yaşamın vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Evimizde ki eşyalardan cep telefonlarına kadar birçok aygıt bilgisayar sistemi ile çalışmaktadır. Bu durum insan beyni ve aygıtlar arasındaki etkileşimi kaçınılmaz hale getirmiştir. Bütün bunları düşündüğümüzde gün geçtikçe bilgisayar sistemleri ve yapay zekâya ilgi artmakta ve bunlar üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda artmaktadır. Özelikle insansı robotlarla birlikte yapay zekâ ve yapay sinir ağları çalışmaları hızlanmıştır. Yapay sinir ağları biyolojik sinir ağlarının yapısına benzetilerek elde edilmiştir. Burada öğrenme ve öğrendiği en doğru bilgiyi uygulayabilme prensibi esastır.

ABSTRACT- With the developing world and computers and computer systems have become an indispensable part of life. From home devices to mobile phones, many tools work with the computer system. This has made the interaction between the human brain and devices inevitable. When we consider all these, the interest in computer systems and artificial intelligence is increasing day by day, and studies are being done on them are increasing too. Especially, artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks accelerated together with humanoid robots. Artificial neural networks are obtained similarly to the structure of biological neural networks. The principle of learn and apply the most accurate information is fundamental.

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue from the ICADET 2017 Conference

First study by Bolat and Sivrioğlu investigated active vibration suppression of a flexible blade ... more First study by Bolat and Sivrioğlu investigated active vibration suppression of a flexible blade element using magnetorheological layer patch-electromagnetic actuator. An interaction model of the MR patch electromagnetic actuator was derived and a force characterization was realized, in their work. Yıldırım and Keleş reported structural properties such as phase relationships, microstructures, and hardness of Co-Cr-Mo biomedical alloys produced by investment casting technique in three different compositions. Kaya et al. aimed to estimate the amount of power that can be generated using wind turbines in accordance with the wind speed data obtained from Amasra town, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method. The energy generation capacity of Amasra was analyzed for different wind turbines. A simple method for energy saving in tunnel lighting was studied by Aksoy. He examined innovations for illumination and lamp control methods for tunnels, and calculated the amount of energy saving theoretically. Last study by Gürdoğan et al. introduced a multilayered implantable antenna design for medical implant communication system (MICS) band biotelemetry applications. Analysis and design of the antenna was carried out using CST Microwave Studio and the results were validated by means of ANSYS HFSS simulator. Publishing the special issue was a long and meticulous process. We would like to convey our thanks to Dr. Murat ÇOLAK on behalf of ICADET 2017 Conference Organizers for accepting our invitation to publish a special issue in TJEE. We attended to the conference, and reviewed the presentations that match our journal's aim and scope. We determined 52 presentations among 600+ and invited them to submit their manuscripts for review process in TJEE. 25 manuscripts were evaluated by our reviewers and eventually 9 of those were published in two special issues. We will continue to our endeavor in archiving and sharing the knowledge with our open-access policy. We acknowledge our publisher's (Science Literature Publishing) support always behind us, and promotion the dissemination of science without barriers. On June 30 th , we are deeply saddened by the loss of the distinguished science historian Prof. Fuat Sezgin who devoted his life for archiving the scientific achievements in Islamic world. He passed away at the age of 93, leaving a true legacy behind him.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of GSM, LTE and Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Radiation in Dwellings

Electromagnetic radiation exposure increases with the rise of the wireless communication devices.... more Electromagnetic radiation exposure increases with the rise of the wireless communication devices. Electromagnetic radiation, especially near 2400 MHz band, has gradually increased with the widespread of wireless fidelity adapter in indoor environment. In this study, electromagnetic radiation in dwellings where different Wi-Fi adapters and routers are used was assessed by measuring the electric field and compared with other electromagnetic radiation source and the limits set by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority. Measurements were taken in the range of 760–2690 MHz bands used by GSM, 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi technologies. The detected values for all frequencies are significantly lower than the limits of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority. Among the electromagnetic radiation sources, electromagnetic radiation of Wi-Fi adapter is higher than GSM/3G/LTE sources radiation in dwellings. Electromagnetic radiation values in nearest point of high power adapter Wi-Fi antenna are close to the Information and Communication Technologies Authority limit value. Results show that electromagnetic radiation based on Wi-Fi adapters or routers can be higher than GSM based electromagnetic radiation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Design Steps of a Hybrid Energy System

In this paper the design stages of a mixed photovoltaic-wind energy system, supplied with solar a... more In this paper the design stages of a mixed photovoltaic-wind energy system, supplied with solar and wind energy was discussed. First, general information about the employed wind turbines and solar panels is given and their basic characteristics are addressed. Then, essential information for the system setup and measurements was given. The system setup, operation of the system, the ways to store energy and how energy is consumed were described and the results were interpreted. This study serves as a background for the experimental studies in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Flexible PV-Powered Battery-Charging Scheme for Electric Vehicles

This paper presents a new design for a low-impact, fully controlled, and flexible self-adjusting ... more This paper presents a new design for a low-impact, fully controlled, and flexible self-adjusting DC side pulse-width modulation (PWM)-hybrid modulated filter compensation (HMFC) scheme for multi photovoltaic-arrays utilized for vehicle-to-grid battery-charging electric vehicle schemes. The flexible HMFC scheme developed by the first author as a member of dynamic hybrid capacitor compensation and filtering scheme is robust and effective as it ensures maximum energy utilization and low inrush current transients. In addition, it provides transient voltage damping for a stabilized common DC interface bus to the battery charger. The new flexible controller uses a regulated multi-loop error-driven, error-scaled, and de-coupled hybrid mode charging controller for the PWM switching scheme along with two MOSFET/IGBT (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor/Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) complementary switches based on ratings and are cascaded for proper voltage and current photovoltaic (PV) arrays utilized. The dynamic error-driven controller ensures reduction in inrush current and transient voltage conditions as well as compensation for cloudy and shadowy conditions by equalizing the maximum power utilization of the two PV arrays. This will ensure efficient PV solar-system energy utilization as well as fully de-coupled source-load operation for the new proposed multi modal Li-ion battery-charging controller. The multi-regulator error-driven proportional integrated derivative controllers with newly added acceleration and fast response auxiliary loops ensure efficient fast charging as well as common DC-bus stabilization under load excursions, temporary faults, and battery hybrid voltage-current-power (V-I-P) charging modes. The hybrid switched/modulated capacitive-filter compensator ensures limited current excursions for transient DC voltage conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Switched Filter Compensation Used LED Lighting PV-Battery Scheme

This study presents a completely stabilized and novel flexible self-adjusting light emitting diod... more This study presents a completely stabilized and novel flexible self-adjusting light emitting diode (LED) lighting scheme powered by a PV-Battery and using a pulse width modulation (PWM) switching multi-regulation dual-loop error-driven weighted modified proportional–integral–derivative (WM-PID) accelerated control scheme. The presented scheme incorporates a green plug filter capacitive switched compensator scheme to ensure efficient energy utilization and reduced inrush currents and switching transients. The LED lighting load is regulated using two stabilizing switched filter compensation (SFC) devices located at the DC side common and load buses. It ensures damping of transient voltage and reduces inrush currents for enhanced energy efficient operation and minimal stresses on the solid-state switches. The proposed multi-regulator controller uses a dual-loop error-driven, error-time de-scaled controller for the PWM switching scheme. The dual-action regulator uses total error-driven signal fed to the fast-acting modified proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller equipped with error-squared acceleration loop and fast response auxiliary derivative type loop, to ensure efficient fast-acting control with minimal inrush conditions, and recovery from load excursions and fault conditions. Moreover, it also changes battery state of the charge (SOC) and solar insolation and ambient temperatures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Different Controllers and Stability Analysis for Photovoltaic Powered Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter

In this study, proportional integral (PI), fuzzy logic (FL), and sliding mode (SM) control of DC-... more In this study, proportional integral (PI), fuzzy logic (FL), and sliding mode (SM) control of DC-DC buck-boost converter are presented. The obtained results were compared for these controller methods. The converter system, which is powered by photovoltaic (PV) modules, was simulated using the MATLAB/Simulink software. The sliding mode controller in which the inductance current and the output voltage are used as controller variables was tested and the results are compared with the results obtained by the fuzzy logic controller and proportional integral controller. The small signal analysis of the DC-DC buck boost converter has been conducted for the stability analysis of the designed system. Bode phase and magnitude diagrams are plotted for different duty ratios. The performance of the converter has been analyzed in detail for different photovoltaic conditions. The converter has been simulated for controllers and PV module using different parameters and the effects have been observed by the results. The converter experimental setup was implemented and the results were repeated. A digital signal processor (DSP) was used for the experimental study for faster processing. The experimental results were found to be compatible with the simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Parametre Kestirimi Newton-Raphson Yöntemiyle Yapılan MATLAB/GUI Tabanlı Fotovoltaik Sistem Simülatörü

Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 2021

Bu çalışmada ilk olarak güneş pilinin çalışma prensibi, bileşenleri ve bağlantı şekilleri ile eşd... more Bu çalışmada ilk olarak güneş pilinin çalışma prensibi, bileşenleri ve bağlantı şekilleri ile eşdeğer devre modeli çıkarımı incelenmiştir. Fotovoltaik (FV) güneş pili modülü genel eşdeğer devre modeli matematiksel denklemleri MATLAB programına uyarlanmıştır. Güneş pilinin akım denklemi çözümü için Newton-Raphson yöntemi kullanılarak MATLAB grafiksel kullanıcı ara yüzü (GUI) ortamında bir ara yüz oluşturulmuştur. Kullanılan model güneş ışınımı ve sıcaklık gibi değişen çevresel koşulları da içerecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Oluşturulan ara yüz ile kullanıcı; ışınım, sıcaklık, seri direnç, ideallik faktörü ve seri-paralel bağlı hücre sayıları gibi parametreleri değiştirerek akım ile gerilim (I-V) ve güç ile gerilim (P-V) eğrilerini kolayca elde edebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada iki ayrı üretici firmaya ait güneş paneli verileri için farklı parametreler kullanılarak karakteristik eğriler elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca kullanıcı bu ara yüz sayesinde fotovoltaik hücrenin değişken değerlerini girerek maksimum akım (Imp), maksimum gerilim (Vmp), maksimum güç (Pmp), giriş gücü (Pin), doldurma faktörü (DF) ve verim (η) gibi değerleri kolaylıkla elde edebilmektedir. Bu sayede bu alanda çalışanlar için kullanıcıya kolaylık sağlayan bir ara yüz geliştirilmiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Endüstri 4.0’ın İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğine Katkıları ve Hata Türü ve Etkileri Analizi (FMEA) Risk Değerlendirme Metoduyla Ambulansta Bir İnceleme

Takvim-i Vekayi, 2021

İlk olarak Almanya'da ortaya çıkan, ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde değişim ve dönüşümlere neden ola... more İlk olarak Almanya'da ortaya çıkan, ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde değişim ve dönüşümlere neden olacağı öngörülen Endüstri 4.0 günümüzde tüm dünyada etkisini göstermeye başlamıştır. Endüstri 4.0 hayatımıza girerek ve üretim ile hizmet ortamlarını daha akıllı hale getirerek, karmaşık ürünleri daha kısa sürelerde ve en yüksek kalitede üretmeyi sağlamaktadır. Üretimin dijital dönüşüme geçmesiyle birlikte iş sağlığı ve güvenliği (İSG) uygulamaları da bu dönüşüme ayak uydurmaya başlamıştır. Endüstri 4.0 ile gelişen teknolojiler İSG alanında uygulanarak çalışanların sağlık ve güvenliğini koruyan yeni teknolojiler gelişmiştir. İSG 4.0 alanındaki koruyucu teknolojileri iyi yönetilirse mesleki riskleri azaltabilecek ve çalışma koşullarını iyileştirebilecektir. Endüstri 4.0 ile İSG 4.0 arasında bağlantı sağlanması ile çalışanların izlenmesi, yetkisiz işlemlere izin verilmemesi, fiziki ve zihinsel kapasitenin takip edilmesi ve güvenliğin sağlanması ile riskler ve kazalar daha etkili bir şekilde önlenebilecek ve büyük oranda engellenebilecektir. İSG'de Endüstri 4.0'a geçiş ile birlikte algoritmalardan yararlanılarak olası riskler önceden hesaplanabilmekte, risk değerlendirme konusunda analizler yapılabilmektedir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Güneş Pili Modülünün Matlab/Simulink ile Modellenmesi ve Simülasyonu ( Modeling and Simulation of Solar Cell Module in Matlab/Simulink)

In this study, a general mathematical model of solar cells has been obtained and Matlab/Simulink ... more In this study, a general mathematical model of solar cells has been obtained and Matlab/Simulink software based simulation of this model has been visually programmed. Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) characteristics have been obtained for different number of series and parallel connected cells, different temperature values, different solar absorption ratios and the other parameters depending on the material structure and the efficiency. The simulation results have been compared with theoretical results for the modeled solar cell. Also, modeling of solar cells for different linear and nonlinear loads has been carried out to get output power, current, and voltage curves. Still in this study a solar cell experimental characteristic specifications have been known for different illumination states I-V and P-V curves are obtained and compared with theoretical and simulation results. And, it has been revealed that how affected the curve of the solar cell with the variation of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of vertical axis wind turbines and the design of their components

Investigation of vertical axis wind turbines and the design of their components, 2021

Wind energy and developments of wind turbine design are getting important today all around the wo... more Wind energy and developments of wind turbine design are getting important today all around the world. To increase the efficiency of wind turbines, scientists have done many kinds of research. One of these topics to increase efficiency is vertical axis wind turbines, blades, and generators design. Also, the generated energy and connection to the grid are causes some problems and have to study. In this study, vertical axis wind turbine blades and developments to increase efficiency are investigated firstly. This paper studies the design steps and magnetic equation of an axial flux, permanent magnets, coreless stator, and rotor designed for a small wind turbine application. Stator voltages depending on the magnetic flux distribution have been obtained for different operating speeds and load conditions. The stator voltages for the three-phase are rectified and connected to a buck-boost converter to regulate bus voltage. The buck-boost converter is controlled with a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller for the desired output voltage. The electricity is connected to the grid, or a direct current (DC) bus is investigated and given a proposal with power electronic converters and simulated with MATLAB/Simulink. Moreover, the model is analysed for inrush open circuit input voltage and short circuit load conditions for 0.5 second time intervals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Merkez Kampüsünde Elektromanyetik Alan Kirlilik Ölçümü ve Spektrum Analizi

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021

Electromagnetic Field Pollution Measurement in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Main Campus and Sp... more Electromagnetic Field Pollution Measurement in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Main Campus and Spectrum Analysis (Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering)

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Supercapacitors Based on Simplified Equivalent Circuit

CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2021

The need for energy storage devices especially in renewable energy applications has increased the... more The need for energy storage devices especially in renewable energy applications has increased the use of supercapacitors. Accordingly, several supercapacitor models have been proposed in previous researches. Nevertheless, most of them require an intensive test to obtain the model parameters. These may not be suitable for an initial simulation study, where a simple model based on the datasheet is required to evaluate the system performance before building the hardware prototype. A simplified electrical circuit model for a supercapacitor (SC) based on the voltage-current equation is proposed in this paper to address this issue. This model doesn't need an intensive test for accuracy. The structural simplicity and decent modelling accuracy make the equivalent electrical circuit model very suitable for power electronic applications and real-time energy management simulations. The parameters of the proposed model can be obtained from the datasheets value with a minimum test requirement. The experimental method to provide the parameters of the supercapacitor equivalent circuit is described. Based on the proposed method, the supercapacitor model is built in Matlab/ Simulink, and the characteristics of equivalent series resistance (ESR) measurement and cycle life are compared with datasheets. The simulation results have verified that the proposed model can be applied to simulate the behaviour of the supercapacitor in most energy and power applications for a short time of energy storage. A supercapacitor test circuit is given to test the charge and discharge of supercapacitor modules. The experimental results are suitable for simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Solar-Hydrogen DC-DC Buck Converter System with Sliding Mode Control

El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 2019

This paper focuses on two different scenarios to benefit from solar energy more efficiently. One ... more This paper focuses on two different scenarios to benefit from solar energy more efficiently. One of them is photovoltaic houses and storing their energy as hydrogen, the other one is photovoltaic cars and storing their energy as hydrogen. The common point in these two photovoltaic sourced scenarios is convert and storage of the hydrogen energy more efficiently. The direct current (DC) photovoltaic energy is converted to the desired voltage level using the DC-DC buck converter for generating hydrogen with electrolysis process. The electrolysis load for hydrogen production needs low voltage and high currents especially. To supply these conditions the converter must be designed and controlled sensitively. For this aim, the sliding mode controller is proposed as a solution in this study. This controller is used the inductance current in the inner loop and supply a strong control for the converter under normal and abnormal conditions. The photovoltaic powered DC-DC buck converter for electrolysis load was simulated in MATLAB/ Simulink software more detailed using the sliding mode controller.

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Research paper thumbnail of A review on supercapacitor materials and developments

Turkish Journal of Materials, 2020

Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conve... more Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conventional storage devices. So the researchers are studying to invent new energy storage devices and materials for many years. The supercapacitor (SC) is invented and presented as an alternating storage device recently. There were a lot of studies about SC in literature. These studies are focused on materials of SC components, modelling of SC, and applications of SC. In this paper, the working principle of SC, the advantages of SC, the classification of SC, and new developments of SC are investigated. Some material applications of SC are presented in this study also. The manufacturing developments are investigated for some SC materials and presented some novel applications also.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inductance Selection Criteria and Design Steps for Power Electronics Applications

Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2020

The power electronics circuits are indispensable devices today for renewable energy applications ... more The power electronics circuits are indispensable devices today for renewable energy applications and for storing energy. One of the main components of this power electronic circuits is the inductance. The inductance working as a live heart, store the energy and pumps the energy from the source to the load in converters, and supply continuously the current of the circuit to the load. The energy efficiency in the system depends on the inductance efficiency. So, a well-designed inductance is very important in order to operate the converter in continuous mode so the current flow is uninterruptible. In this paper, inductance selection criteria for the converters are investigated to work the converter in continuous mode from the literature and solved for the limit value condition equation. Also, the design steps of an inductance including necessary calculations are shown with an example application. The cores and wires effect to the inductance efficiency is also investigated in this paper. An inductance using Ferrite core and Litz wire is proposed and designed experimentally for a converter circuit. Measurements to determine the inductance value was shown. Also, the inductance current variations for higher frequencies are investigated, and used in the converter is shown. Endüktans Seçim Kriteri ve Güç Elektroniği Uygulamaları için Tasarım Aşamaları Anahtar Kelimeler Endüktans seçim ve tasarımı, Ferit çekirdekler ve litz teli, Endüktans deri olayı etkisi, Endüktans verimi, Güç elektroniği çeviricileri Özet: Güç elektroniği devreleri günümüzde yenilenebilir enerji uygulamaları ve enerji depolamak için kaçınılmaz aygıtlardır. Bu güç elektroniği devrelerinin ana elemanlarından biride endüktanstır. Endüktans bir canlının kalbi gibi çalışır, enerjiyi depolar ve çeviriciler de enerjiyi kaynaktan yüke doğru pompalar ve bu sayede yük devresine sürekli akım akışını sağlar. Bu yüzden iyi tasarlanmış bir endüktans çeviriciyi sürekli modda çalıştırmak için oldukça önemlidir ve böylece akım akışı kesintisiz olur. Bu çalışmada çeviriciyi sürekli modda çalıştırmak için gerekli bobin seçim kriteri literatürde incelenmiş ve sınır değer koşulu için kullanılan denklemler yardımıyla bulunmuştur. Yine gerekli denklemleri içeren tasarım aşamaları bir örnek uygulama ile gösterilmiştir. Çekirdek ve kabloların endüktans verimi üzerindeki etkisi de bu çalışmada incelenmiştir. Ferit çekirdek ve Litz teli kullanılan bir endüktans önerilmiş ve bir çevirici devresi için deneysel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Endüktans değerinin belirlenmesi için ölçümler gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca endüktans akım değişimleri yüksek frekanslar için araştırılmış, çeviricide kullanımı gösterilmiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of IG and DFIG for Wind Power Generation Systems

Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020

İndiksiyon ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörleri rüzgar gücü sistemlerinde elektrik üretimi i... more İndiksiyon ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörleri rüzgar gücü sistemlerinde elektrik üretimi için yaygın olarak kullanılır. İndiksiyon generatörlerin ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörlerin tanımları rüzgar enerji sistemleri için bu çalışmada verilmiştir. Farklı bağlantı tipleri ve koşulları iki farklı rüzgar jeneratörü için şebeke ve rüzgar türbinleri için bu çalışmada incelenmiştir. Bir rüzgar çiftliği modeli indiksiyon generatörü ve iki beslemeli indiksiyon generatörü için MATLAB/Simulink de modellenmiştir. İlk olarak simulasyon sonuçları normal çalışma koşulları için sunulmuş ve tartışılmıştır. İkinci olarak ise rüzgar çiftliği modeli hata durumları için simule edilmiştir. Farklı hata koşulları altındakı bu IG ve DFIG sonuçları statik kompanzatörün bir fonksiyonu olarak verilmiş ve tartışılmıştır. Bu sistemin üstünlük ve dezavantajları verilmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. https://dx. Induction and doubly-fed induction generators are widely used in wind power systems for electricity generation. Description of induction generator (IG) and doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) for wind power generation systems are given in this paper. Different connection types and conditions for two different types of wind generators with the grids and wind turbines are investigated in this study. A wind farm model is simulated using an induction generator and a doubly-fed induction generator in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results under normal operating conditions are presented and discussed firstly. Wind farm models are simulated under fault conditions secondly. The results of the IG and DFIG system under various fault conditions as a function of static compensator (STATCOM) are presented and discussed. The superiority and disadvantages of this system are given and evaluated. https://dx.

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Research paper thumbnail of Energy Management and Measurement of Computer Controlled Solar House Model for Rize City (Rize İli için Bilgisayar Kontrollü Güneş Evi Modelinin Enerji Yönetimi ve Ölçümü)

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2020

The Rize city of Turkey is located in the East Black Sea region and covered with forests and high... more The Rize city of Turkey is located in the East Black Sea region and covered with forests and high mountains. The hilly terrain prevents the distribution of electricity to remote locations. Therefore, plateau living and tourism services are restricted to certain areas. Depend on, some mountain places still could not use electricity in the region and the requirements of renewable energy sources are increasing every past day. In this study, a solar house model that contains a solar cell panel was designed and supported with computer control. Also, necessary calculations were performed for the system enlarged to use in residential. Regional meteorological data were taken into account for these calculations. Also, the energy obtained from the photovoltaic panel and stored in the battery was measured. Visual Basic software was used to provide communication between the line printer (parallel port) and the solar house model device control unit for basic and special applications. The software supplies a management algorithm to use energy more efficiently. Measurements showed that the solar energy potential of Rize city is competitive in terms of system efficiency, applicability, and repeatability. Keywords: Computer Control with a Parallel Port, Energy Storage, Energy Management and Measurement, Photovoltaic Solar House Model Öz Türkiye'nin Rize şehri, Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunmakta ve ormanlarla ve yüksek dağlarla kaplıdır. Engebeli arazi, elektriğin uzak yerlere dağıtımını önler. Bu nedenle plato yaşam ve turizm hizmetleri bazı alanlarla sınırlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, bazı dağlık alanlar bölgede hala elektrik kullanamamaktadır ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının gereksinimleri her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada güneş paneli içeren bir güneş evi modeli tasarlanmış ve bilgisayar kontrolü ile desteklenmiştir. İlave olarak sistemin gerçek bir evde kullanılması için gerekli hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Bölgesel meteorolojik verilerde bu hesaplama için dikkate alınmıştır. Yine güneş panelinden ve aküye depolanan enerji hesaplanmıştır. Visual Basic programı LPT paralel portu ile güneş evi modeli arasındaki haberleşmeyi sağlamak ve temel ve özel uygulamalar için kullanılır. Yazılım enerjiyi daha verimli kullanmak için akıllı bir denetim algoritması sağlar. Ölçüm sonuçları Rize ilinin enerji potansiyelinin sistem verimi, uygulanabilirliği ve tekrarlanabilirliği yönünden uygun olduğunu göstermiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Açık Deniz Rüzgâr Sistemleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme ve Danimarka Modeli (A Review Study on Offshore Wind Systems and the Danish Model)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering,, 2020

ÖZET Günümüzde dünyada artan enerji ihtiyacı ve buna bağlı yeni arayışlar açık deniz (offshore) r... more ÖZET Günümüzde dünyada artan enerji ihtiyacı ve buna bağlı yeni arayışlar açık deniz (offshore) rüzgâr türbini uygulamalarını başta Avrupa olmak üzere dünya üzerinde giderek yaygınlaşan bir yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada açık deniz rüzgâr türbinleri ve buna bağlı elektriksel ve mekanik sistemler detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Kapsamlı bir literatür taraması yapılarak bu konuda ki, tarihsel gelişim ve özellikle Avrupa'da yapılan çalışmalar karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Avrupa'da ki kurulu rüzgâr enerjisi kapasiteleri karşılaştırmalı olarak verilmiştir. Bu konuda köklü bir altyapısı ve geçmişi olan aynı zamanda fiziksel ve coğrafi yapısı da Türkiye'ye benzeyen Danimarka'da açık deniz rüzgâr türbini sistemleri incelenmiş ve bu sistemlerin potansiyeli ve uygulanabilirliği karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Türkiye'nin potansiyeli ve durumu kapsamlı olarak incelenmiş ve rüzgâr enerjisi hesaplarının nasıl yapılacağı verilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu türbinlerin kurulum ve bağlantıları ve bu konudaki diğer sorunlar da incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada Danimarka'da bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiş ve ülkemizde bu konudaki yapılacak çalışmalara örnek olmasını amaçlamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rüzgâr Enerjisi, Açık deniz (offshore) rüzgâr sistemleri, Rüzgâr enerjisi hesabı, Türkiye'nin açık deniz rüzgâr durumu, Danimarka açık deniz rüzgâr sistemleri. ABSTRACT The increasing energy demand in the world and the related new studies make offshore wind turbine applications a preferred renewable energy source nowadays, especially in Europe. In this study, offshore wind turbines and related electrical and mechanical systems are examined in detail. A comprehensive literature review is carried out comparatively with the historical development and especially the studies in Europe. The installed wind energy capacities in Europe are given comparatively. The physical and geographical structure of Denmark is similar to Turkey for offshore wind turbine systems, which are well-established infrastructure. The history of offshore wind turbine applications and the potential and applicability of these systems are discussed comparatively in this study. Turkey's status as offshore wind potential is examined extensively, and how to make wind energy calculations are elaborated. Besides, the installation and connections of offshore wind turbines and other related issues are investigated. Examining relevant studies on this subject in Denmark, the study aims to set an example for future research on this issue in our country.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Hybrid PV-Battery/Supercapacitor System and a Basic Active Power Control Proposal in MATLAB/Simulink

MDPI, 2020

An increase in the integration of renewable energy generation worldwide brings along some challen... more An increase in the integration of renewable energy generation worldwide brings along some challenges to energy systems. Energy systems need to be regulated following grid codes for the grid stability and efficiency of renewable energy utilization. The main problems that are on the active side can be caused by excessive power generation or unregulated energy generation, such as a partially cloudy day. The main problems on the load side can be caused by excessive or unregulated energy demand or nonlinear loads which deteriorate the power quality of the energy networks. This study focuses on the energy generation side as active power control. In this study, the benefits of supercapacitor use in a hybrid storage system are investigated and analyzed. A hybrid system in which photovoltaic powered and stored the energy in battery and supercapacitor are proposed in this study to solving the main problems in two sides. The supercapacitor model, photovoltaic model, and the proposed hybrid system are designed in MATLAB/Simulink for 6 kW rated power. Also, a new topology is proposed to increase the energy storage with supercapacitors for a passive storage system. The instantaneous peak currents energy is aimed to store in supercapacitors temporarily with this topology. The main advantages of this topology are voltage stabilization in two sides by the supercapacitors and a limitation of the battery load, which directly results in longer battery life and decreases the system cost. The simulation results are investigated for this topology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Yapay Zekâ’ya Genel Bir Bakış - A General View of Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence

Takvim-i Vekayi , 2018

Gelişmekte olan dünya ile bilgisayarlar ve bilgisayar sistemleri yaşamın vazgeçilmez bir parçası ... more Gelişmekte olan dünya ile bilgisayarlar ve bilgisayar sistemleri yaşamın vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Evimizde ki eşyalardan cep telefonlarına kadar birçok aygıt bilgisayar sistemi ile çalışmaktadır. Bu durum insan beyni ve aygıtlar arasındaki etkileşimi kaçınılmaz hale getirmiştir. Bütün bunları düşündüğümüzde gün geçtikçe bilgisayar sistemleri ve yapay zekâya ilgi artmakta ve bunlar üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda artmaktadır. Özelikle insansı robotlarla birlikte yapay zekâ ve yapay sinir ağları çalışmaları hızlanmıştır. Yapay sinir ağları biyolojik sinir ağlarının yapısına benzetilerek elde edilmiştir. Burada öğrenme ve öğrendiği en doğru bilgiyi uygulayabilme prensibi esastır.

ABSTRACT- With the developing world and computers and computer systems have become an indispensable part of life. From home devices to mobile phones, many tools work with the computer system. This has made the interaction between the human brain and devices inevitable. When we consider all these, the interest in computer systems and artificial intelligence is increasing day by day, and studies are being done on them are increasing too. Especially, artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks accelerated together with humanoid robots. Artificial neural networks are obtained similarly to the structure of biological neural networks. The principle of learn and apply the most accurate information is fundamental.

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue from the ICADET 2017 Conference

First study by Bolat and Sivrioğlu investigated active vibration suppression of a flexible blade ... more First study by Bolat and Sivrioğlu investigated active vibration suppression of a flexible blade element using magnetorheological layer patch-electromagnetic actuator. An interaction model of the MR patch electromagnetic actuator was derived and a force characterization was realized, in their work. Yıldırım and Keleş reported structural properties such as phase relationships, microstructures, and hardness of Co-Cr-Mo biomedical alloys produced by investment casting technique in three different compositions. Kaya et al. aimed to estimate the amount of power that can be generated using wind turbines in accordance with the wind speed data obtained from Amasra town, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method. The energy generation capacity of Amasra was analyzed for different wind turbines. A simple method for energy saving in tunnel lighting was studied by Aksoy. He examined innovations for illumination and lamp control methods for tunnels, and calculated the amount of energy saving theoretically. Last study by Gürdoğan et al. introduced a multilayered implantable antenna design for medical implant communication system (MICS) band biotelemetry applications. Analysis and design of the antenna was carried out using CST Microwave Studio and the results were validated by means of ANSYS HFSS simulator. Publishing the special issue was a long and meticulous process. We would like to convey our thanks to Dr. Murat ÇOLAK on behalf of ICADET 2017 Conference Organizers for accepting our invitation to publish a special issue in TJEE. We attended to the conference, and reviewed the presentations that match our journal's aim and scope. We determined 52 presentations among 600+ and invited them to submit their manuscripts for review process in TJEE. 25 manuscripts were evaluated by our reviewers and eventually 9 of those were published in two special issues. We will continue to our endeavor in archiving and sharing the knowledge with our open-access policy. We acknowledge our publisher's (Science Literature Publishing) support always behind us, and promotion the dissemination of science without barriers. On June 30 th , we are deeply saddened by the loss of the distinguished science historian Prof. Fuat Sezgin who devoted his life for archiving the scientific achievements in Islamic world. He passed away at the age of 93, leaving a true legacy behind him.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of GSM, LTE and Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Radiation in Dwellings

Electromagnetic radiation exposure increases with the rise of the wireless communication devices.... more Electromagnetic radiation exposure increases with the rise of the wireless communication devices. Electromagnetic radiation, especially near 2400 MHz band, has gradually increased with the widespread of wireless fidelity adapter in indoor environment. In this study, electromagnetic radiation in dwellings where different Wi-Fi adapters and routers are used was assessed by measuring the electric field and compared with other electromagnetic radiation source and the limits set by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority. Measurements were taken in the range of 760–2690 MHz bands used by GSM, 3G/LTE and Wi-Fi technologies. The detected values for all frequencies are significantly lower than the limits of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority. Among the electromagnetic radiation sources, electromagnetic radiation of Wi-Fi adapter is higher than GSM/3G/LTE sources radiation in dwellings. Electromagnetic radiation values in nearest point of high power adapter Wi-Fi antenna are close to the Information and Communication Technologies Authority limit value. Results show that electromagnetic radiation based on Wi-Fi adapters or routers can be higher than GSM based electromagnetic radiation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Design Steps of a Hybrid Energy System

In this paper the design stages of a mixed photovoltaic-wind energy system, supplied with solar a... more In this paper the design stages of a mixed photovoltaic-wind energy system, supplied with solar and wind energy was discussed. First, general information about the employed wind turbines and solar panels is given and their basic characteristics are addressed. Then, essential information for the system setup and measurements was given. The system setup, operation of the system, the ways to store energy and how energy is consumed were described and the results were interpreted. This study serves as a background for the experimental studies in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Flexible PV-Powered Battery-Charging Scheme for Electric Vehicles

This paper presents a new design for a low-impact, fully controlled, and flexible self-adjusting ... more This paper presents a new design for a low-impact, fully controlled, and flexible self-adjusting DC side pulse-width modulation (PWM)-hybrid modulated filter compensation (HMFC) scheme for multi photovoltaic-arrays utilized for vehicle-to-grid battery-charging electric vehicle schemes. The flexible HMFC scheme developed by the first author as a member of dynamic hybrid capacitor compensation and filtering scheme is robust and effective as it ensures maximum energy utilization and low inrush current transients. In addition, it provides transient voltage damping for a stabilized common DC interface bus to the battery charger. The new flexible controller uses a regulated multi-loop error-driven, error-scaled, and de-coupled hybrid mode charging controller for the PWM switching scheme along with two MOSFET/IGBT (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor/Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) complementary switches based on ratings and are cascaded for proper voltage and current photovoltaic (PV) arrays utilized. The dynamic error-driven controller ensures reduction in inrush current and transient voltage conditions as well as compensation for cloudy and shadowy conditions by equalizing the maximum power utilization of the two PV arrays. This will ensure efficient PV solar-system energy utilization as well as fully de-coupled source-load operation for the new proposed multi modal Li-ion battery-charging controller. The multi-regulator error-driven proportional integrated derivative controllers with newly added acceleration and fast response auxiliary loops ensure efficient fast charging as well as common DC-bus stabilization under load excursions, temporary faults, and battery hybrid voltage-current-power (V-I-P) charging modes. The hybrid switched/modulated capacitive-filter compensator ensures limited current excursions for transient DC voltage conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Efficient Switched Filter Compensation Used LED Lighting PV-Battery Scheme

This study presents a completely stabilized and novel flexible self-adjusting light emitting diod... more This study presents a completely stabilized and novel flexible self-adjusting light emitting diode (LED) lighting scheme powered by a PV-Battery and using a pulse width modulation (PWM) switching multi-regulation dual-loop error-driven weighted modified proportional–integral–derivative (WM-PID) accelerated control scheme. The presented scheme incorporates a green plug filter capacitive switched compensator scheme to ensure efficient energy utilization and reduced inrush currents and switching transients. The LED lighting load is regulated using two stabilizing switched filter compensation (SFC) devices located at the DC side common and load buses. It ensures damping of transient voltage and reduces inrush currents for enhanced energy efficient operation and minimal stresses on the solid-state switches. The proposed multi-regulator controller uses a dual-loop error-driven, error-time de-scaled controller for the PWM switching scheme. The dual-action regulator uses total error-driven signal fed to the fast-acting modified proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller equipped with error-squared acceleration loop and fast response auxiliary derivative type loop, to ensure efficient fast-acting control with minimal inrush conditions, and recovery from load excursions and fault conditions. Moreover, it also changes battery state of the charge (SOC) and solar insolation and ambient temperatures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Different Controllers and Stability Analysis for Photovoltaic Powered Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter

In this study, proportional integral (PI), fuzzy logic (FL), and sliding mode (SM) control of DC-... more In this study, proportional integral (PI), fuzzy logic (FL), and sliding mode (SM) control of DC-DC buck-boost converter are presented. The obtained results were compared for these controller methods. The converter system, which is powered by photovoltaic (PV) modules, was simulated using the MATLAB/Simulink software. The sliding mode controller in which the inductance current and the output voltage are used as controller variables was tested and the results are compared with the results obtained by the fuzzy logic controller and proportional integral controller. The small signal analysis of the DC-DC buck boost converter has been conducted for the stability analysis of the designed system. Bode phase and magnitude diagrams are plotted for different duty ratios. The performance of the converter has been analyzed in detail for different photovoltaic conditions. The converter has been simulated for controllers and PV module using different parameters and the effects have been observed by the results. The converter experimental setup was implemented and the results were repeated. A digital signal processor (DSP) was used for the experimental study for faster processing. The experimental results were found to be compatible with the simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of DEVRE ANALİZİ VE ÖLÇME BİLGİSİ LABORATUVARI DENEYLERİ (Bilgisayar Destekli ve Konu Anlatımlı

Bu kitap üniversitelerin çeşitli bölümlerinde ‘Devre Analizi’ ya da ‘Temel Elektrik ve Ölçme Bilg... more Bu kitap üniversitelerin çeşitli bölümlerinde ‘Devre Analizi’ ya da ‘Temel Elektrik ve Ölçme Bilgisi’ adı altında okutulan ders konularını ve buna ait deneyleri içermektedir. Bu kitapta devre analizi ve temel elektrik ölçme bilgilerini içeren ve iki dönemlik ders müfredatına uygun olarak hazırlanmış 20 adet deney bulunmaktadır. Deneylerden önce kısa konu anlatımları ve hazırlık soruları ile öğrencilerin konuyu araştırması ve deneye hazırlanması sağlanmıştır. Deneylerde kullanılan malzemeler piyasada uygun fiyata kolayca bulunabilen ve tüm laboratuvarlarda yer alan ortak malzemelerden seçilmiştir. Bu deneylerin kullanılan elemanlar ile laboratuvar ortamında düzgün çalıştığı test edilmiştir. Uygulamada yaşanabilecek aksaklıklar ve deneyler kurulurken dikkat edilecek önemli noktalar özellikle belirtilmiştir.
Bu kitap, aynı zamanda laboratuvar eksiği olan bölümlerde düşünülerek bilgisayar ortamında bu deneylerin benzetimleri yapılabilecek ve tekrarlanabilecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaçla bu kitapta ‘Multisim’ benzetim programının nasıl kullanılacağı detaylıca anlatılmış ve deneylerle birleştirilmiştir. Deneylerde ve ölçme işlemlerinde kullanılacak osiloskop, sinyal jeneratörü, güç kaynağı ve avometre gibi cihazların kullanımları da öğrencilere pratiklik kazandırmak için detaylıca ele alınmıştır.
Kitaptaki deneyleri tam olarak gerçekleştiren kişi temel elektrik bilgisi, devre analizi, temel ölçme bilgisi ve ‘Multisim’ programını kullanma bilgi ve becerisini kazanır.

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Bu kitap, daha önce yazar tarafından yazılan Devre Analizi ve Ölçme Bilgisi Laboratuvarı Deneyler... more Bu kitap, daha önce yazar tarafından yazılan Devre Analizi ve Ölçme Bilgisi Laboratuvarı Deneyleri adlı kitabın devamı ve tamamlayıcısı özelliğinde olup, bu alanda görülen eksiklik üzerine oldukça kapsamlı ve titiz bir çalışmanın ürünü olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.
Kitabımız üniversitelerin çeşitli bölümlerinde Elektronik ve Sayısal Elektronik adı altında okutulan ders konularını ve buna ait deneyleri içermektedir. Aynı zamanda Elektronik I-II ve Sayısal Elektronik konularını içeren iki dönemlik ders müfredatına uygun olarak hazırlanmış yirmi adet deney bulunmaktadır. Deneylerden önce kısa konu anlatımları ve hazırlık soruları ile öğrencilerin konuyu araştırması ve deneye hazırlanması sağlanmıştır. Deneylerde kullanılan malzemeler, piyasada uygun fiyata kolayca bulunabilen ve tüm laboratuvarlarda yer alan ortak malzemelerden seçilmiştir. Kullanılan elemanlar ile bu deneylerin laboratuvar ortamında düzgün çalıştığı test edilmiştir. Deneyler seçilirken ülkemizde ve dünyada en faydalı ve en yaygın deneyler ele alınmıştır ve güç elektroniği gibi ileri çalışmaların da alt yapısı oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Uygulamada yaşanabilecek aksaklıklar ve deneyler kurulurken dikkat edilecek önemli noktalar özellikle belirtilmiştir.
Son olarak laboratuvar eksiği olan bölümler düşünülerek bilgisayar ortamında bu deneylerin benzetimleri yapılabilecek ve tekrarlanabilecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaçla bu kitapta “Multisim” benzetim programının nasıl kullanılacağı detaylıca anlatılmış ve deneylerle birleştirilmiştir. Tüm deneyleri tam olarak gerçekleştiren kişi, kapsamlı bir elektronik bilgisi, sayısal elektronik bilgisi ve Multisim programını kullanma bilgi ve becerisini kazanır.

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