Alexander Suzdalenko | Riga Technical university (original) (raw)

Papers by Alexander Suzdalenko

Research paper thumbnail of Case Study: RTU on the Way to Participate in Race to Zero Challenge

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

Race to Zero challenge is a world-wide activity for the universities and colleges to foster the c... more Race to Zero challenge is a world-wide activity for the universities and colleges to foster the climate goals. This paper analyses the potential of Riga Technical University (RTU) for this action. Different renewable energy sources (PV, wind generators) have been discussed to be installed around the RTU campus. The profiles of electric power consumption are analysed for one faculty and sport centre. The consumption profiles show the amount of power demanded during the working hours, weekends and at night. Energy yield assessment on the roofs is made for two buildings where the configuration of PV panel placement and orientation are analysed that in turn is reflected in the energy generation profile. SCADA system is considered as a monitoring and control tool to visualize power generation and control of the power flow within the system elements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Converter State-Space Model Estimation Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition

2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON)

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Disturbing Factors in Current Sensorless Control Applied to NPC MLC

2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)

Implementation of current sensorless control make it possible to eliminate instantaneous sensing ... more Implementation of current sensorless control make it possible to eliminate instantaneous sensing of current and consequently feedback from current sensor in the control loop. However, the performance of mentioned type of current control strongly depends on precision of mathematical model and stability of crucial circuit parameters under different disturbing factors, like manufacturer tolerances, ambient temperature change, aging etc. This paper demonstrates vulnerability of the current sensorless control from the defined disturbing factors. The simulation analysis is performed by means of PSIM software.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuous Monitoring of Parasitic Elements in Boost Converter Circuit

2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia), 2021

The given paper explains the necessity of condition monitoring for DC/DC boost converter circuit.... more The given paper explains the necessity of condition monitoring for DC/DC boost converter circuit. Further, an analytical model of circuit parasitic estimation is presented based on measured quantities in the circuit. The implementation of continuous estimation of circuit parasitic elements is analytically explained and verified by simulations and experimental results. Obtained results are acceptable for condition monitoring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy Systems in Households

2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2019

This paper cover analysis of market available technological solutions and equipment for household... more This paper cover analysis of market available technological solutions and equipment for household energy system modification with respect to available solar energy generation data obtained by existing installed photovoltaic generation monitoring data. Focus on available nanogrid combinations utilizing market available power electronic converters and energy storage solutions has been done. Comparative economic impact of various system design scenarios based on real renewable resource energy market conditions and equipment investment has been provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Scheduling and Sizing Method for Battery Energy Storage System Based on Day-Ahead Prices

2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia), 2021

Price-based demand response programs can help reduce electrical expenses by means of controlling ... more Price-based demand response programs can help reduce electrical expenses by means of controlling a battery energy storage system (BESS). Multiple studies implement a method known as peak shaving, where BESS electrical capacity and scheduling parameters are selected arbitrarily, causing inconsistent results. This research proposes a new BESS scheduling and sizing method based on day-ahead prices. It was demonstrated in a simulation with hourly load and price data, which showed how BESS electrical capacity can be selected for the fastest payback.

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Research paper thumbnail of Single-loop Current Sensorless Control with Self-detection of Conduction Losses Applied to Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel Converter

2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2019

Current sensor is usually considered a compulsory part in current controlled power electronic con... more Current sensor is usually considered a compulsory part in current controlled power electronic converters. This paper presents a single-loop current sensorless control method for neutral point clamped multilevel converter. In order to control the current shape, the proposed method does not use feedback from current sensor and contains only a single control loop with voltage feedback to stabilize the DC bus voltage. The current control is implemented by means of precise calculation of volt-second balance of the inductor with consideration of conduction losses. Considering that values of parasitic components may change during converter’s operation, a novel mathematical observer is presented to implement continuous monitoring of parasitic elements introduced by switching components and resistance of the inductor. Moreover estimation of inductance is proposed with a simple method.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transitional Average Current Sensorless Control During Peak-to-Peak Value Changes

2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), 2018

The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of all control system driving power electr... more The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of all control system driving power electronic converters. However, if properly calculated volt-second balance is applied to input inductor, it is possible to eliminate the use of current sensor. Previously known solutions described in literature define only sensorless current control in discontinuous and continuous current mode. This paper contains explanation of various current trajectories that allows transition between different peak-to-peak values keeping inductor's average current at a reference value. The analytical study of proposed solution is verified with simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Performance Based on Rotor Blade Radius

IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2021

Significant amount of lately research is focused on improving performance of Darrieus type vertic... more Significant amount of lately research is focused on improving performance of Darrieus type vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT). This research explains the impact of rotor blade radius on tip-speed ratio, rotational frequency, starting wind speed, manufacturing costs and performance coefficient of Darrieus VAWT. To support the proposed explanations, a prototype with variable rotor blade radius was developed and tested in a wind tunnel. The conclusion is that blade radius should be decreased as much as possible until performance coefficient starts decreasing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bidirectional single-loop current sensorless control applied to NPC multi-level converter considering conduction losses

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2020

The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of most control system driving power elect... more The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of most control system driving power electronic converters. However, it is possible to eliminate the use of current sensor, if properly calculated volt-second balance is applied to input inductor. This paper describes the implementation of current sensorless control technique applied to neutral point clamped multi-level converter, where only voltage control-loop is used to stabilize internal capacitors voltage, while inductor’s current is shaped by means of current sensorless control block in both discontinuous and continuous current modes. The capacitor voltage balancing is implemented by means of delta-controller that selects alternative capacitor in respect to main switching scheme. Finally, the analytical study of proposed solution is verified with simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design Considerations for Gan-Based Microinverter for Energy Storage Integration Into Ac Grid

Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2017

A full bridge converter with electrolytic capacitor on the dc bus is a widely used approach for a... more A full bridge converter with electrolytic capacitor on the dc bus is a widely used approach for a single phase interface for renewable energy source generation or energy storage integration in the utility grid. New wide bandgap devices enable higher switching frequency, higher efficiency and higher power density. In the paper, the authors introduce the challenges associated with an increase in switching frequency of a single phase inverter and implementation of wide bandgap GaN-based transistors instead of traditional Si-based transistors. The low gate threshold voltage of GaN transistor and unique reverse conduction behaviour require different driving circuit. The design of the driver circuit and other practical issues are analysed in the paper. The paper also presents some practical results. The research results can be useful to avoid mistakes by designing GaN-based power converters as these devices become increasingly interesting for commercial applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of A simplified approach to input voltage balancing for series connected isolated DC-DC converters

2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe), 2016

The interleaved multilevel DC-DC converters have advantages of low voltage stress of the switches... more The interleaved multilevel DC-DC converters have advantages of low voltage stress of the switches and diodes and reduction of filter size. Particularly series input parallel output (ISOP) configuration is well suited for high output voltage and large output current application but input series output series (ISOS) configuration enable the utilization of low voltage rating switches in high voltage input and high voltage output applications that require galvanic isolation. The series connection of the isolated DC-DC converters at the input side also can be used for higher voltage application. While multilevel topology offers many new features, it also necessitates a balance control of the input capacitors. The paper describes the operating principles of the balancing circuit, analyzes the fundamental relationships, introduces principles of the operation of the circuit. The paper shows experimental results based on a few practical application examples. The paper discusses design of the transformer with balancing winding for ISOP, ISOS and parallel connection of the DC-DC converters to provide independent voltage balancing of input capacitors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current sensorless control for half-bridge based AC/DC PFC converter with consideration of conduction losses

International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformerless cuk derived high boost DC-AC converter for dual PV applications simulation study

2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia), 2016

This paper presents a 3-level neutral-point-clamped high boost transformerless dc-ac converter fo... more This paper presents a 3-level neutral-point-clamped high boost transformerless dc-ac converter for dual photovoltaic applications. General operation waveforms and operation principles are described. Basic processes involved and converter dimensions result from the steady state analysis and the calculation of general component values. Theoretical assumptions are verified by PSIM. Simulation results show the general operation principles and waveforms of the proposed converter. Finally, main areas of application of the converter and the efficiency achievable are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of single-loop current sensorless control for bidirectional three-phase PWM rectifier

2015 56th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2015

This paper is a first attempt to analyze single-loop current sensorless control (CSC) method appl... more This paper is a first attempt to analyze single-loop current sensorless control (CSC) method applied to three phase converter. The most suitable converter topology is selected among popular bidirectional AC-DC converters. The theory of CSC operation is described and evaluated by means of simulation. Results have confirmed the ability of controlling currents in rectifier and inverter mode and keeping inductor's average current over the track of reference value in discontinuous and continuous current mode.

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Research paper thumbnail of Verification of current sensorless control for single-phase NPC multilevel inverter

2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE), 2015

The current control is becoming a challenging task for switched mode power supplies, while curren... more The current control is becoming a challenging task for switched mode power supplies, while current sensorless control solutions can avoid the instantaneous current measurements that has been applied for mostly used power factor correction topologies. However, multilevel type of converters haven't been considered to use with current sensorless control (CSC). Hereby, the CSC is applied to three level neutral point clamped converter, where special volt-second balance is applied to inductor in order to keep average inductor's current value to track the reference signal during both discontinuous and continuous current modes. The explanation of post-fitting and pre-fitting current trajectories is done that are necessary for proper transition between voltage levels. Experimental results have confirmed the theoretical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Choice of the Control Method for LED luminary in Intelligent Lighting System

In the context of Intelligent Lighting System various lighting devices and technologies are compa... more In the context of Intelligent Lighting System various lighting devices and technologies are compared. For the most technically beneficiary and rapidly developing LED luminaries control and power supply methods are analyzed and experimentally tested. The optimal one is chosen. Outlines of the further research are defined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Sensorless Control Algorithm for Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Inverter

Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 2014

The current measurement is becoming a challenging task in power converters operating at high swit... more The current measurement is becoming a challenging task in power converters operating at high switching frequencies, moreover traditional control system requires two control loops - first (slow) regulates DC-link voltage, second (fast) controls the shape of current, that all together results in complicated transfer function and long transition periods. The current sensorless control (CSC) allows neglecting the mentioned problems. This research for the first time presents the solution of CSC implementation in single-phase three-level neutral point clamped inverter. Mathematical equations were defined for inductor current peaks and transistor conduction time during discontinuous and continuous conduction modes, as well as major problem of current fitting between different voltage levels (consequently with different current peak-to-peak values) was solved, providing two solutions - pre-fitting and post-fitting trajectories. The verification of our theoretical assumptions and analytical ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of single-switch model for current sensorless control of bidirectional half-bridge AC/DC converter

2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2014

ABSTRACT The cost and size of switched mode power supplies can be reduced by eliminating the meas... more ABSTRACT The cost and size of switched mode power supplies can be reduced by eliminating the measurement of inductor’s instantaneous current value. This paper discusses the implementation of current sensorless control algorithm for bidirectional half-bridge AC/DC converter that allows shaping inductor’s current without current sensor. The operation of halfbridge converter has been simplified to an equivalent singleswitch model that simplifies implementation of a digital control system. The simulation results have confirmed the analytical assumptions and correctness of mathematical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of using a heliostat with non-rotating solar energy receivers

2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Case Study: RTU on the Way to Participate in Race to Zero Challenge

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

Race to Zero challenge is a world-wide activity for the universities and colleges to foster the c... more Race to Zero challenge is a world-wide activity for the universities and colleges to foster the climate goals. This paper analyses the potential of Riga Technical University (RTU) for this action. Different renewable energy sources (PV, wind generators) have been discussed to be installed around the RTU campus. The profiles of electric power consumption are analysed for one faculty and sport centre. The consumption profiles show the amount of power demanded during the working hours, weekends and at night. Energy yield assessment on the roofs is made for two buildings where the configuration of PV panel placement and orientation are analysed that in turn is reflected in the energy generation profile. SCADA system is considered as a monitoring and control tool to visualize power generation and control of the power flow within the system elements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Converter State-Space Model Estimation Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition

2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON)

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Disturbing Factors in Current Sensorless Control Applied to NPC MLC

2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)

Implementation of current sensorless control make it possible to eliminate instantaneous sensing ... more Implementation of current sensorless control make it possible to eliminate instantaneous sensing of current and consequently feedback from current sensor in the control loop. However, the performance of mentioned type of current control strongly depends on precision of mathematical model and stability of crucial circuit parameters under different disturbing factors, like manufacturer tolerances, ambient temperature change, aging etc. This paper demonstrates vulnerability of the current sensorless control from the defined disturbing factors. The simulation analysis is performed by means of PSIM software.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuous Monitoring of Parasitic Elements in Boost Converter Circuit

2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia), 2021

The given paper explains the necessity of condition monitoring for DC/DC boost converter circuit.... more The given paper explains the necessity of condition monitoring for DC/DC boost converter circuit. Further, an analytical model of circuit parasitic estimation is presented based on measured quantities in the circuit. The implementation of continuous estimation of circuit parasitic elements is analytically explained and verified by simulations and experimental results. Obtained results are acceptable for condition monitoring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy Systems in Households

2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2019

This paper cover analysis of market available technological solutions and equipment for household... more This paper cover analysis of market available technological solutions and equipment for household energy system modification with respect to available solar energy generation data obtained by existing installed photovoltaic generation monitoring data. Focus on available nanogrid combinations utilizing market available power electronic converters and energy storage solutions has been done. Comparative economic impact of various system design scenarios based on real renewable resource energy market conditions and equipment investment has been provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Scheduling and Sizing Method for Battery Energy Storage System Based on Day-Ahead Prices

2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia), 2021

Price-based demand response programs can help reduce electrical expenses by means of controlling ... more Price-based demand response programs can help reduce electrical expenses by means of controlling a battery energy storage system (BESS). Multiple studies implement a method known as peak shaving, where BESS electrical capacity and scheduling parameters are selected arbitrarily, causing inconsistent results. This research proposes a new BESS scheduling and sizing method based on day-ahead prices. It was demonstrated in a simulation with hourly load and price data, which showed how BESS electrical capacity can be selected for the fastest payback.

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Research paper thumbnail of Single-loop Current Sensorless Control with Self-detection of Conduction Losses Applied to Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel Converter

2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2019

Current sensor is usually considered a compulsory part in current controlled power electronic con... more Current sensor is usually considered a compulsory part in current controlled power electronic converters. This paper presents a single-loop current sensorless control method for neutral point clamped multilevel converter. In order to control the current shape, the proposed method does not use feedback from current sensor and contains only a single control loop with voltage feedback to stabilize the DC bus voltage. The current control is implemented by means of precise calculation of volt-second balance of the inductor with consideration of conduction losses. Considering that values of parasitic components may change during converter’s operation, a novel mathematical observer is presented to implement continuous monitoring of parasitic elements introduced by switching components and resistance of the inductor. Moreover estimation of inductance is proposed with a simple method.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transitional Average Current Sensorless Control During Peak-to-Peak Value Changes

2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), 2018

The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of all control system driving power electr... more The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of all control system driving power electronic converters. However, if properly calculated volt-second balance is applied to input inductor, it is possible to eliminate the use of current sensor. Previously known solutions described in literature define only sensorless current control in discontinuous and continuous current mode. This paper contains explanation of various current trajectories that allows transition between different peak-to-peak values keeping inductor's average current at a reference value. The analytical study of proposed solution is verified with simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Performance Based on Rotor Blade Radius

IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2021

Significant amount of lately research is focused on improving performance of Darrieus type vertic... more Significant amount of lately research is focused on improving performance of Darrieus type vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT). This research explains the impact of rotor blade radius on tip-speed ratio, rotational frequency, starting wind speed, manufacturing costs and performance coefficient of Darrieus VAWT. To support the proposed explanations, a prototype with variable rotor blade radius was developed and tested in a wind tunnel. The conclusion is that blade radius should be decreased as much as possible until performance coefficient starts decreasing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bidirectional single-loop current sensorless control applied to NPC multi-level converter considering conduction losses

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2020

The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of most control system driving power elect... more The current feedback is considered as unavoidable part of most control system driving power electronic converters. However, it is possible to eliminate the use of current sensor, if properly calculated volt-second balance is applied to input inductor. This paper describes the implementation of current sensorless control technique applied to neutral point clamped multi-level converter, where only voltage control-loop is used to stabilize internal capacitors voltage, while inductor’s current is shaped by means of current sensorless control block in both discontinuous and continuous current modes. The capacitor voltage balancing is implemented by means of delta-controller that selects alternative capacitor in respect to main switching scheme. Finally, the analytical study of proposed solution is verified with simulation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design Considerations for Gan-Based Microinverter for Energy Storage Integration Into Ac Grid

Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2017

A full bridge converter with electrolytic capacitor on the dc bus is a widely used approach for a... more A full bridge converter with electrolytic capacitor on the dc bus is a widely used approach for a single phase interface for renewable energy source generation or energy storage integration in the utility grid. New wide bandgap devices enable higher switching frequency, higher efficiency and higher power density. In the paper, the authors introduce the challenges associated with an increase in switching frequency of a single phase inverter and implementation of wide bandgap GaN-based transistors instead of traditional Si-based transistors. The low gate threshold voltage of GaN transistor and unique reverse conduction behaviour require different driving circuit. The design of the driver circuit and other practical issues are analysed in the paper. The paper also presents some practical results. The research results can be useful to avoid mistakes by designing GaN-based power converters as these devices become increasingly interesting for commercial applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of A simplified approach to input voltage balancing for series connected isolated DC-DC converters

2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe), 2016

The interleaved multilevel DC-DC converters have advantages of low voltage stress of the switches... more The interleaved multilevel DC-DC converters have advantages of low voltage stress of the switches and diodes and reduction of filter size. Particularly series input parallel output (ISOP) configuration is well suited for high output voltage and large output current application but input series output series (ISOS) configuration enable the utilization of low voltage rating switches in high voltage input and high voltage output applications that require galvanic isolation. The series connection of the isolated DC-DC converters at the input side also can be used for higher voltage application. While multilevel topology offers many new features, it also necessitates a balance control of the input capacitors. The paper describes the operating principles of the balancing circuit, analyzes the fundamental relationships, introduces principles of the operation of the circuit. The paper shows experimental results based on a few practical application examples. The paper discusses design of the transformer with balancing winding for ISOP, ISOS and parallel connection of the DC-DC converters to provide independent voltage balancing of input capacitors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current sensorless control for half-bridge based AC/DC PFC converter with consideration of conduction losses

International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformerless cuk derived high boost DC-AC converter for dual PV applications simulation study

2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia), 2016

This paper presents a 3-level neutral-point-clamped high boost transformerless dc-ac converter fo... more This paper presents a 3-level neutral-point-clamped high boost transformerless dc-ac converter for dual photovoltaic applications. General operation waveforms and operation principles are described. Basic processes involved and converter dimensions result from the steady state analysis and the calculation of general component values. Theoretical assumptions are verified by PSIM. Simulation results show the general operation principles and waveforms of the proposed converter. Finally, main areas of application of the converter and the efficiency achievable are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of single-loop current sensorless control for bidirectional three-phase PWM rectifier

2015 56th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2015

This paper is a first attempt to analyze single-loop current sensorless control (CSC) method appl... more This paper is a first attempt to analyze single-loop current sensorless control (CSC) method applied to three phase converter. The most suitable converter topology is selected among popular bidirectional AC-DC converters. The theory of CSC operation is described and evaluated by means of simulation. Results have confirmed the ability of controlling currents in rectifier and inverter mode and keeping inductor's average current over the track of reference value in discontinuous and continuous current mode.

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Research paper thumbnail of Verification of current sensorless control for single-phase NPC multilevel inverter

2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE), 2015

The current control is becoming a challenging task for switched mode power supplies, while curren... more The current control is becoming a challenging task for switched mode power supplies, while current sensorless control solutions can avoid the instantaneous current measurements that has been applied for mostly used power factor correction topologies. However, multilevel type of converters haven't been considered to use with current sensorless control (CSC). Hereby, the CSC is applied to three level neutral point clamped converter, where special volt-second balance is applied to inductor in order to keep average inductor's current value to track the reference signal during both discontinuous and continuous current modes. The explanation of post-fitting and pre-fitting current trajectories is done that are necessary for proper transition between voltage levels. Experimental results have confirmed the theoretical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Choice of the Control Method for LED luminary in Intelligent Lighting System

In the context of Intelligent Lighting System various lighting devices and technologies are compa... more In the context of Intelligent Lighting System various lighting devices and technologies are compared. For the most technically beneficiary and rapidly developing LED luminaries control and power supply methods are analyzed and experimentally tested. The optimal one is chosen. Outlines of the further research are defined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Sensorless Control Algorithm for Single-Phase Three-Level NPC Inverter

Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 2014

The current measurement is becoming a challenging task in power converters operating at high swit... more The current measurement is becoming a challenging task in power converters operating at high switching frequencies, moreover traditional control system requires two control loops - first (slow) regulates DC-link voltage, second (fast) controls the shape of current, that all together results in complicated transfer function and long transition periods. The current sensorless control (CSC) allows neglecting the mentioned problems. This research for the first time presents the solution of CSC implementation in single-phase three-level neutral point clamped inverter. Mathematical equations were defined for inductor current peaks and transistor conduction time during discontinuous and continuous conduction modes, as well as major problem of current fitting between different voltage levels (consequently with different current peak-to-peak values) was solved, providing two solutions - pre-fitting and post-fitting trajectories. The verification of our theoretical assumptions and analytical ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of single-switch model for current sensorless control of bidirectional half-bridge AC/DC converter

2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2014

ABSTRACT The cost and size of switched mode power supplies can be reduced by eliminating the meas... more ABSTRACT The cost and size of switched mode power supplies can be reduced by eliminating the measurement of inductor’s instantaneous current value. This paper discusses the implementation of current sensorless control algorithm for bidirectional half-bridge AC/DC converter that allows shaping inductor’s current without current sensor. The operation of halfbridge converter has been simplified to an equivalent singleswitch model that simplifies implementation of a digital control system. The simulation results have confirmed the analytical assumptions and correctness of mathematical model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of using a heliostat with non-rotating solar energy receivers

2014 55th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2014

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