Ieva Jurane | Riga Technical university (original) (raw)

Papers by Ieva Jurane

Research paper thumbnail of Opportunities for improvement of graphical education in distance learning using learning game

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 18, 2015

Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of co... more Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of contact hours and very different entrance level of the first year students at tertiary institutions. To improve the situation the computer game for the training of the basic skills in technical drawing is created and verified. 120 first year students of civil engineering speciality were involved and 50 of them played the game at home on an optional basis, but other students did not. All the students completed the graphical test after three weeks and results were compared. The number of mistakes was higher for the students who did not play the game. The average mark was higher for the students who played the game. The results of the experiment showed positive influence on learning results and attitude. The paper is recommended to the persons who work in the field of graphical education and create the technical educational aids for this aim. Paper is recommended for all interested people as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Website "Technical drawing" for development of spatial and constructive thinking

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 18, 2015

Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it's pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawin... more Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it's pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawing. As a result, university lecturers often find that students lack the spatial and constructive thinking skills needed to successfully participate in graphics and design related courses. To try to improve the situation in early 2013, Riga Technical University lecturer Ieva Jurāne (, in collaboration with University of Liepaja Natural and Engineering Faculty, decided to develop a website "Technical Drawing" (, in which every interested person, irrespective of whether it is a student or a pupil, could independently solve a variety of technical drawing course related tasks, thus developing their spatial and constructive thinking skills, which later makes it easier to learn complex Engineering Graphics programs such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. This publication is made to present the web sites "Technical Drawing" purpose, content and development process.

Research paper thumbnail of Grafisko Priekšmetu Pasniegšanas Problēmas Un to Risinājumi Attālinātās Apmācības Režīmā

Research paper thumbnail of Tīmekļa vietne "Rasēšana" telpiskās un konstruktīvās domāšanas attīstīšanai

Abstract. Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it’s pupils to acquire the basics of techni... more Abstract. Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it’s pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawing. As a result, university lecturers often find that students lack the spatial and constructive thinking skills needed to successfully participate in graphics and design related courses. To try to improve the situation in early 2013, Riga Technical University lecturer Ieva Jurāne (, in collaboration with University of Liepaja Natural and Engineering Faculty, decided to develop a website "Technical Drawing" (http: //, in which every interested person, irrespective of whether it is a student or a pupil, could independently solve a variety of technical drawing course related tasks, thus developing their spatial and constructive thinking skills, which later makes it easier to learn complex Engineering Graphics programs such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. This publication is made to present the web sites "Technical Drawing" purpose, content and development process

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of New Generation of Latvian Students

During the last decades the development of new technologies has been rapid and overall. In the pr... more During the last decades the development of new technologies has been rapid and overall. In the presence of computer games a new generation has grown up. Many scholars have researched their way of thinking and Marc Prensky has developed interesting and applicable conclusions. They invite changes in teaching styles. However, these conclusions refer to American students. The author of this topic aims to understand the validity of these conclusions in Latvia. The main questions addressed in this topic are if nowadays students in Latvia are representatives of Games Generation, which conclusions are correct concerning students of Riga Technical University and how we can use this information for improving study programmes. The material of the research is a questionnaire for students in the Department of Computer Aided Engineering Graphics

Research paper thumbnail of Computer Games as a Tool for Improvement of Graphical Education

The article discusses issues concerning educational computer games, focusing on the two questions... more The article discusses issues concerning educational computer games, focusing on the two questions: why are they necessary, and how can they improve the learning process. The article describes several computer game models which can be implemented for various educational tasks. A certain game, related to make the study of graphical subjects easier and more interesting, is used to provide examples

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Aids in Graphical Education

The purpose of this research is to improve learning effectiveness of architects and civil enginee... more The purpose of this research is to improve learning effectiveness of architects and civil engineers in first three years in the courses ‘Engineering Graphics’, ‘Descriptive Geometry’ and ‘Computer Graphics’. This case study traces the structure and strategy of lectures and the relevance of different kinds of educational aids in graphical education in Riga Technical University, Latvia. The author analyzes different themes of learning the subject and the content of inherent information according to cognitive knowledge dimensions. According to teaching aims – provide knowledge and skills, enhance experience or educate; different parts of multimedia kit are utilised- different teaching technics, educational aids and multimedia materials. The observations when it is preferable to use blackboard or whiteboard, or interactive whiteboard, when is better to use PowerPoint for demonstration or animation, and when professional drawing programs like AutoCAD and models - physical and digital could be used are described further. The article expresses opinion about proportion in which technical aids, beforehand prepared teaching printed matherials and human mediation during the lecture should be used. The analysis of roles and activities of subjects collaborating in educational process - lecturer and students is performed. Practical implications include hints on what kind activities advisable for each of them in lecture, practical work or individual tasks

Research paper thumbnail of Documentation of Electronics

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of E-Learning Materials for the Course of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

The authors analyzed study materials placed in e-learning environment of Riga Technical Universit... more The authors analyzed study materials placed in e-learning environment of Riga Technical University for the study course titled Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics. The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the existing study materials for the course. The authors examined the following issues: is the amount of materials sufficient, do students actually use the materials, which of the materials are used by students more intensively, which materials are not used by students or are used rarely, is there any correlation between the use of environment and study outcomes. Results of this research constitute suggestions for improvements in organizing and managing e-learning materials for the Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics course. The materials of analysis are log-files of the e-learning environment ORTUS of Riga Technical University

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Graphics over the Years

Author talks in this article about the development and transformation of subjects “Engineering Gr... more Author talks in this article about the development and transformation of subjects “Engineering Graphics” and over the last 15 years. Author analyzes the content of parts of subject – descriptive geometry, civil engineering drawing and computer graphic and describes the relation between them. Author gives examples of themes and statistic of hours and talk about her experience

Research paper thumbnail of Būvgrafika : mācību līdzeklis tehnisko augstskolu studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika&quot... more Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika"apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros un tas satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par būvniecības rasējumu noformēšanu saskaņā ar Eiropas valstīs lietojamiem ISO ( starptautiskajiem) un EN (Eiropas) standartiem

Research paper thumbnail of Inženiergrafika : mācību līdzeklis inženierzinātņu studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis paredzēts mācību priekšmeta “Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika” apguvei RTU... more Mācību līdzeklis paredzēts mācību priekšmeta “Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika” apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros. Pirmā daļa satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par telpisko objektu attēlošanu plaknē un telpā, dažādām konstrukcijām, izmantojot objektu attēlus un to modeļus. Otrajā daļā ir aplūkoti tehniskās rasēšanas pamati tā satur teorētisko materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par rasējumu noformēšanu saskaņā ar Eiropas valstīs lietotajiem ISO (starptautiskajiem), EN (Eiropas) un atsevišķos gadījumos arī GOST standartiem

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Engineering Graphics

Research paper thumbnail of Tēlotāja ģeometrija : mācību līdzeklis arhitektūras studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija" apguvei RTU studi... more Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija" apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros un tas satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus telpisku objektu attēlošanai divās dimensijā un pozicionālu un metrisku uzdevumu risināšanai ar tiem. Otrā daļā aplūkoti perspektīvas, ēnu teorijas un kotēto projekciju teorētiskie un praktiskie jautājumi. Pamatā grāmata paredzēta Arhitektūras fakultātes studentiem

Research paper thumbnail of Grafiskās izglītības uzlabošanas iespējas tālmācībā lietojot datorspēli

Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number o... more Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of contact hours and very different entrance level of the first year students at tertiary institutions. To improve the situation the computer game for the training of the basic skills in technical drawing is created and verified. 120 first year students of civil engineering speciality were involved and 50 of them played the game at home on an optional basis, but other students did not. All the students completed the graphical test after three weeks and results were compared. The number of mistakes was higher for the students who did not play the game. The average mark was higher for the students who played the game. The results of the experiment showed positive influence on learning results and attitude. The paper is recommended to the persons who work in the field of graphical education and create the technical educational aids for this aim. Paper is recommended for all interested people as well

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Education Improvement Opportunities Using Computer Games

SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2015

This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one ... more This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one affected by information technologies in framework of engineering graphics education in Riga Technical University. This article deals with specific aspects of engineering graphics teaching and key principles of the educational computer games. Recommendations are offered for improvement of engineering graphics education and quality of teaching using computer games. Various models of games are offered according to intended learning objectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Datorspēle inženieru grafiskās izglītības uzlabošanai

This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one ... more This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one affected by information technologies in framework of engineering graphics education in Riga Technical University. This article deals with specific aspects of engineering graphics teaching and key principles of the educational computer games. Recommendations are offered for improvement of engineering graphics education and quality of teaching using computer games. Various models of games are offered according to intended learning objectives

Research paper thumbnail of Problems and Solutions for Teaching Graphic Subjects Online

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities around the world are moving to online lear... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities around the world are moving to online learning. Various technologies and techniques have been invented around the world, but they do not solve simple problems such as task logistics between teacher and student. There is a large non-creative additional work load. The article discusses the problems encountered in teaching graphic subjects online and the tools and techniques that can be used. Breakout rooms in ZOOM have been found as a good option for practical work in engineering graphics. The aim of the article is to describe the experience gained in teaching engineering graphics online in the spring and autumn semesters of 2020, as well as to analyse the results of the survey at the end of the year.

Research paper thumbnail of The Alternative Task Within the Course of Descriptive Geometry for Architects

Journal Biuletyn of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics, 2007

Free choice (or alternative) task means that a student who solves the exercise can substitute it ... more Free choice (or alternative) task means that a student who solves the exercise can substitute it with any other exercise from obligatory program. The optionally chosen task usually seems easier for solving to the student. The author describes methodology and grading procedure applied within the course of descriptive geometry for architects at the Riga Technical University.


Free choice (or alternative) task means that solving this exercise student with that can substitu... more Free choice (or alternative) task means that solving this exercise student with that can substitute any other exercise from obligatory program, which he likes at the slightest scale.

Research paper thumbnail of Opportunities for improvement of graphical education in distance learning using learning game

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 18, 2015

Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of co... more Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of contact hours and very different entrance level of the first year students at tertiary institutions. To improve the situation the computer game for the training of the basic skills in technical drawing is created and verified. 120 first year students of civil engineering speciality were involved and 50 of them played the game at home on an optional basis, but other students did not. All the students completed the graphical test after three weeks and results were compared. The number of mistakes was higher for the students who did not play the game. The average mark was higher for the students who played the game. The results of the experiment showed positive influence on learning results and attitude. The paper is recommended to the persons who work in the field of graphical education and create the technical educational aids for this aim. Paper is recommended for all interested people as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Website "Technical drawing" for development of spatial and constructive thinking

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 18, 2015

Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it's pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawin... more Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it's pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawing. As a result, university lecturers often find that students lack the spatial and constructive thinking skills needed to successfully participate in graphics and design related courses. To try to improve the situation in early 2013, Riga Technical University lecturer Ieva Jurāne (, in collaboration with University of Liepaja Natural and Engineering Faculty, decided to develop a website "Technical Drawing" (, in which every interested person, irrespective of whether it is a student or a pupil, could independently solve a variety of technical drawing course related tasks, thus developing their spatial and constructive thinking skills, which later makes it easier to learn complex Engineering Graphics programs such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. This publication is made to present the web sites "Technical Drawing" purpose, content and development process.

Research paper thumbnail of Grafisko Priekšmetu Pasniegšanas Problēmas Un to Risinājumi Attālinātās Apmācības Režīmā

Research paper thumbnail of Tīmekļa vietne "Rasēšana" telpiskās un konstruktīvās domāšanas attīstīšanai

Abstract. Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it’s pupils to acquire the basics of techni... more Abstract. Nowadays, not every school of Latvia offers it’s pupils to acquire the basics of technical drawing. As a result, university lecturers often find that students lack the spatial and constructive thinking skills needed to successfully participate in graphics and design related courses. To try to improve the situation in early 2013, Riga Technical University lecturer Ieva Jurāne (, in collaboration with University of Liepaja Natural and Engineering Faculty, decided to develop a website "Technical Drawing" (http: //, in which every interested person, irrespective of whether it is a student or a pupil, could independently solve a variety of technical drawing course related tasks, thus developing their spatial and constructive thinking skills, which later makes it easier to learn complex Engineering Graphics programs such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. This publication is made to present the web sites "Technical Drawing" purpose, content and development process

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of New Generation of Latvian Students

During the last decades the development of new technologies has been rapid and overall. In the pr... more During the last decades the development of new technologies has been rapid and overall. In the presence of computer games a new generation has grown up. Many scholars have researched their way of thinking and Marc Prensky has developed interesting and applicable conclusions. They invite changes in teaching styles. However, these conclusions refer to American students. The author of this topic aims to understand the validity of these conclusions in Latvia. The main questions addressed in this topic are if nowadays students in Latvia are representatives of Games Generation, which conclusions are correct concerning students of Riga Technical University and how we can use this information for improving study programmes. The material of the research is a questionnaire for students in the Department of Computer Aided Engineering Graphics

Research paper thumbnail of Computer Games as a Tool for Improvement of Graphical Education

The article discusses issues concerning educational computer games, focusing on the two questions... more The article discusses issues concerning educational computer games, focusing on the two questions: why are they necessary, and how can they improve the learning process. The article describes several computer game models which can be implemented for various educational tasks. A certain game, related to make the study of graphical subjects easier and more interesting, is used to provide examples

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Aids in Graphical Education

The purpose of this research is to improve learning effectiveness of architects and civil enginee... more The purpose of this research is to improve learning effectiveness of architects and civil engineers in first three years in the courses ‘Engineering Graphics’, ‘Descriptive Geometry’ and ‘Computer Graphics’. This case study traces the structure and strategy of lectures and the relevance of different kinds of educational aids in graphical education in Riga Technical University, Latvia. The author analyzes different themes of learning the subject and the content of inherent information according to cognitive knowledge dimensions. According to teaching aims – provide knowledge and skills, enhance experience or educate; different parts of multimedia kit are utilised- different teaching technics, educational aids and multimedia materials. The observations when it is preferable to use blackboard or whiteboard, or interactive whiteboard, when is better to use PowerPoint for demonstration or animation, and when professional drawing programs like AutoCAD and models - physical and digital could be used are described further. The article expresses opinion about proportion in which technical aids, beforehand prepared teaching printed matherials and human mediation during the lecture should be used. The analysis of roles and activities of subjects collaborating in educational process - lecturer and students is performed. Practical implications include hints on what kind activities advisable for each of them in lecture, practical work or individual tasks

Research paper thumbnail of Documentation of Electronics

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of E-Learning Materials for the Course of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

The authors analyzed study materials placed in e-learning environment of Riga Technical Universit... more The authors analyzed study materials placed in e-learning environment of Riga Technical University for the study course titled Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics. The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the existing study materials for the course. The authors examined the following issues: is the amount of materials sufficient, do students actually use the materials, which of the materials are used by students more intensively, which materials are not used by students or are used rarely, is there any correlation between the use of environment and study outcomes. Results of this research constitute suggestions for improvements in organizing and managing e-learning materials for the Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics course. The materials of analysis are log-files of the e-learning environment ORTUS of Riga Technical University

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Graphics over the Years

Author talks in this article about the development and transformation of subjects “Engineering Gr... more Author talks in this article about the development and transformation of subjects “Engineering Graphics” and over the last 15 years. Author analyzes the content of parts of subject – descriptive geometry, civil engineering drawing and computer graphic and describes the relation between them. Author gives examples of themes and statistic of hours and talk about her experience

Research paper thumbnail of Būvgrafika : mācību līdzeklis tehnisko augstskolu studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika&quot... more Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika"apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros un tas satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par būvniecības rasējumu noformēšanu saskaņā ar Eiropas valstīs lietojamiem ISO ( starptautiskajiem) un EN (Eiropas) standartiem

Research paper thumbnail of Inženiergrafika : mācību līdzeklis inženierzinātņu studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis paredzēts mācību priekšmeta “Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika” apguvei RTU... more Mācību līdzeklis paredzēts mācību priekšmeta “Tēlotāja ģeometrija un inženiergrafika” apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros. Pirmā daļa satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par telpisko objektu attēlošanu plaknē un telpā, dažādām konstrukcijām, izmantojot objektu attēlus un to modeļus. Otrajā daļā ir aplūkoti tehniskās rasēšanas pamati tā satur teorētisko materiālu un praktiskus piemērus par rasējumu noformēšanu saskaņā ar Eiropas valstīs lietotajiem ISO (starptautiskajiem), EN (Eiropas) un atsevišķos gadījumos arī GOST standartiem

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Engineering Graphics

Research paper thumbnail of Tēlotāja ģeometrija : mācību līdzeklis arhitektūras studentiem

Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija" apguvei RTU studi... more Mācību līdzeklis ir paredzēts mācību priekšmeta "Tēlotāja ģeometrija" apguvei RTU studiju programmu ietvaros un tas satur teorētisku materiālu un praktiskus piemērus telpisku objektu attēlošanai divās dimensijā un pozicionālu un metrisku uzdevumu risināšanai ar tiem. Otrā daļā aplūkoti perspektīvas, ēnu teorijas un kotēto projekciju teorētiskie un praktiskie jautājumi. Pamatā grāmata paredzēta Arhitektūras fakultātes studentiem

Research paper thumbnail of Grafiskās izglītības uzlabošanas iespējas tālmācībā lietojot datorspēli

Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number o... more Novaday's situation in the graphical education is the same all over the world. Small number of contact hours and very different entrance level of the first year students at tertiary institutions. To improve the situation the computer game for the training of the basic skills in technical drawing is created and verified. 120 first year students of civil engineering speciality were involved and 50 of them played the game at home on an optional basis, but other students did not. All the students completed the graphical test after three weeks and results were compared. The number of mistakes was higher for the students who did not play the game. The average mark was higher for the students who played the game. The results of the experiment showed positive influence on learning results and attitude. The paper is recommended to the persons who work in the field of graphical education and create the technical educational aids for this aim. Paper is recommended for all interested people as well

Research paper thumbnail of Engineering Education Improvement Opportunities Using Computer Games

SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2015

This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one ... more This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one affected by information technologies in framework of engineering graphics education in Riga Technical University. This article deals with specific aspects of engineering graphics teaching and key principles of the educational computer games. Recommendations are offered for improvement of engineering graphics education and quality of teaching using computer games. Various models of games are offered according to intended learning objectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Datorspēle inženieru grafiskās izglītības uzlabošanai

This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one ... more This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one affected by information technologies in framework of engineering graphics education in Riga Technical University. This article deals with specific aspects of engineering graphics teaching and key principles of the educational computer games. Recommendations are offered for improvement of engineering graphics education and quality of teaching using computer games. Various models of games are offered according to intended learning objectives

Research paper thumbnail of Problems and Solutions for Teaching Graphic Subjects Online

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities around the world are moving to online lear... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities around the world are moving to online learning. Various technologies and techniques have been invented around the world, but they do not solve simple problems such as task logistics between teacher and student. There is a large non-creative additional work load. The article discusses the problems encountered in teaching graphic subjects online and the tools and techniques that can be used. Breakout rooms in ZOOM have been found as a good option for practical work in engineering graphics. The aim of the article is to describe the experience gained in teaching engineering graphics online in the spring and autumn semesters of 2020, as well as to analyse the results of the survey at the end of the year.

Research paper thumbnail of The Alternative Task Within the Course of Descriptive Geometry for Architects

Journal Biuletyn of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics, 2007

Free choice (or alternative) task means that a student who solves the exercise can substitute it ... more Free choice (or alternative) task means that a student who solves the exercise can substitute it with any other exercise from obligatory program. The optionally chosen task usually seems easier for solving to the student. The author describes methodology and grading procedure applied within the course of descriptive geometry for architects at the Riga Technical University.


Free choice (or alternative) task means that solving this exercise student with that can substitu... more Free choice (or alternative) task means that solving this exercise student with that can substitute any other exercise from obligatory program, which he likes at the slightest scale.