Laurids S. Lauridsen | Roskilde University (original) (raw)

Address: Roskilde, Sjelland, Denmark



Papers by Laurids S. Lauridsen

Research paper thumbnail of The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections. The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders

Europe-Asia Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Kina går sine silkevejs-kritikere i møde

Globalnyt, May 6, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Labour and democracy in Taiwan?: continuity and change of labour regims and political regime in Taiwan

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinas nye Silkevejsprojekt: geopolitisk strategi eller kapitalistisk ekspansion?

Globalnyt, Apr 23, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Udvikling udefra eller indefra:baggrundsmateriale til HTX hæftet om Nepal

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Research paper thumbnail of Changing Regional Order and Railway Diplomacy in Southeast Asia with a Case Study of Thailand

Mapping China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative, 2018

Laurids S. Lauridsen applies a Chinese proverb “two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain” to de... more Laurids S. Lauridsen applies a Chinese proverb “two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain” to describe the situation related to the stronger participation of China in the evolving regional order. The author sees an emerging regional situation in which the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative has taken regional competition and infrastructure diplomacy to an elevated level. By examining an empirical case of high-speed railway projects in Thailand, this chapter seeks to analyse regional rivalry between Japan and China, and the evolving alternative regional order in terms of tangible forms of infrastructure development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multipolar Globalisation, New Industrial Policy and Late-late Industrialisation: Paper to be presented at the 14th EADI General Conference on "Responsible Development in a Polycentric World - Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes

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Research paper thumbnail of State intervention, linkage formation and supplier development in Thailand

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Research paper thumbnail of New Economic Globalisation and New Industrial Policy: Rethinking Industrial Policy and Late-Development in the 21st century - an analytical review

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Research paper thumbnail of RUC: Gorm Rye og "global studies": Læserbrev

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Research paper thumbnail of The small scale industry policy with particular emphasis on the downstream plastic parts and mould industries

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Robert Fitzgerald: The state and economic development. Lessons from the far east

The European Journal of Development Research, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of One step forward and two backwards: internationalisation of capital and economic globalisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalisering, industripolitik og økonomisk udvikling i det 21. århundrede

Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med industripolitikkens fødsel, død og genfødsel i en udviklingssam... more Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med industripolitikkens fødsel, død og genfødsel i en udviklingssammenhæng. Den bliver drøftet i lyset af globaliseringens forskellige faser – med en særlig vægt på globaliseringens tredje (1980-2000) og fjerde (2000-) fase. Artiklen forsøger at svare på følgende spørgsmål: Hvilken udformning og hvilken betydning har industripolitikken haft i globaliseringens forskellige faser? Hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger har den økonomisk-politiske globalisering de seneste tre-fire årtier sat for industripolitiske tiltag i udviklingslandene? Hvilke centrale argumenter har der været fremført for og imod industripolitik som et udviklingsinstrument? Hvordan kan en ny industripolitik i det 21. århundrede begrundes i en udviklingskontekst, hvilken udformning ser den ud til at få? Der argumenteres både teoretisk og empirisk for vigtigheden af at bringe både en vækstorienteret makropolitik og en pro-aktiv industripolitik tilbage i udviklingsdebatten, dog tilpasset de æ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Factory regimes and wage relations as institutions in capatalist development

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Research paper thumbnail of Good Governance - A Good Development Strategy?

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Research paper thumbnail of Causes, conduct and consequences

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Research paper thumbnail of Can two tigers occupy the same mountain?: Regional competition and railway diplomacy in Thailand

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Research paper thumbnail of Den globale økonomiske krise rammer u-landene hårdt

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Research paper thumbnail of Thailand står foran politisk ustabilitet

Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections. The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders

Europe-Asia Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Kina går sine silkevejs-kritikere i møde

Globalnyt, May 6, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Labour and democracy in Taiwan?: continuity and change of labour regims and political regime in Taiwan

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinas nye Silkevejsprojekt: geopolitisk strategi eller kapitalistisk ekspansion?

Globalnyt, Apr 23, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Udvikling udefra eller indefra:baggrundsmateriale til HTX hæftet om Nepal

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Research paper thumbnail of Changing Regional Order and Railway Diplomacy in Southeast Asia with a Case Study of Thailand

Mapping China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative, 2018

Laurids S. Lauridsen applies a Chinese proverb “two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain” to de... more Laurids S. Lauridsen applies a Chinese proverb “two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain” to describe the situation related to the stronger participation of China in the evolving regional order. The author sees an emerging regional situation in which the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative has taken regional competition and infrastructure diplomacy to an elevated level. By examining an empirical case of high-speed railway projects in Thailand, this chapter seeks to analyse regional rivalry between Japan and China, and the evolving alternative regional order in terms of tangible forms of infrastructure development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multipolar Globalisation, New Industrial Policy and Late-late Industrialisation: Paper to be presented at the 14th EADI General Conference on "Responsible Development in a Polycentric World - Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes

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Research paper thumbnail of State intervention, linkage formation and supplier development in Thailand

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Research paper thumbnail of New Economic Globalisation and New Industrial Policy: Rethinking Industrial Policy and Late-Development in the 21st century - an analytical review

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Research paper thumbnail of RUC: Gorm Rye og "global studies": Læserbrev

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Research paper thumbnail of The small scale industry policy with particular emphasis on the downstream plastic parts and mould industries

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Robert Fitzgerald: The state and economic development. Lessons from the far east

The European Journal of Development Research, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of One step forward and two backwards: internationalisation of capital and economic globalisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalisering, industripolitik og økonomisk udvikling i det 21. århundrede

Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med industripolitikkens fødsel, død og genfødsel i en udviklingssam... more Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med industripolitikkens fødsel, død og genfødsel i en udviklingssammenhæng. Den bliver drøftet i lyset af globaliseringens forskellige faser – med en særlig vægt på globaliseringens tredje (1980-2000) og fjerde (2000-) fase. Artiklen forsøger at svare på følgende spørgsmål: Hvilken udformning og hvilken betydning har industripolitikken haft i globaliseringens forskellige faser? Hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger har den økonomisk-politiske globalisering de seneste tre-fire årtier sat for industripolitiske tiltag i udviklingslandene? Hvilke centrale argumenter har der været fremført for og imod industripolitik som et udviklingsinstrument? Hvordan kan en ny industripolitik i det 21. århundrede begrundes i en udviklingskontekst, hvilken udformning ser den ud til at få? Der argumenteres både teoretisk og empirisk for vigtigheden af at bringe både en vækstorienteret makropolitik og en pro-aktiv industripolitik tilbage i udviklingsdebatten, dog tilpasset de æ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Factory regimes and wage relations as institutions in capatalist development

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Research paper thumbnail of Good Governance - A Good Development Strategy?

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Research paper thumbnail of Causes, conduct and consequences

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Research paper thumbnail of Can two tigers occupy the same mountain?: Regional competition and railway diplomacy in Thailand

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Research paper thumbnail of Den globale økonomiske krise rammer u-landene hårdt

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Research paper thumbnail of Thailand står foran politisk ustabilitet

Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2007

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