Peter Busch-Jensen | Roskilde University (original) (raw)


Papers by Peter Busch-Jensen

Research paper thumbnail of Politics and Psychology

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

This article presents a discussion inspired by the invitation formed by Kevin Carriere’s book: “P... more This article presents a discussion inspired by the invitation formed by Kevin Carriere’s book: “Psychology in Policy – Redefining Politics Through The Individual”. From a theoretical standpoint in culture psychology Carriere challenges the idea of politics as a particular practice carried out by mainly politicians. Instead, he attempts to anchor processes of politics in the everyday lives of individuals, directed at changing their worlds. In this article, we discuss how this ambition could evolve even further by relating it to other theoretical approaches working with similar ambitions.

Research paper thumbnail of Community of Practice

Research paper thumbnail of Socialkonstruktionisme

Research paper thumbnail of Hvad er videnskabelig generalisering?

Research paper thumbnail of Social Constructionism:A Theory of Language, Relations and Coherence

Research paper thumbnail of Praksisfællesskaber

Research paper thumbnail of Kritik - en udfordrende nødvendighed

Nordiske Udkast, Nov 1, 2020

Resume Denne ankel belyser nogle af de spørgsmål og udfordringer, studerende og undervisere i dag... more Resume Denne ankel belyser nogle af de spørgsmål og udfordringer, studerende og undervisere i dag konfronterer i arbejdet med kritisk tænkning og tilegnelsen af social-og hurnanvidenskabens kritiske traditioner. Artiklen forsøger dernæst at forklare kritikkens fortsatte relevans og mangeartede funktioner, men også nogle af dens mange interne stridspunkter, ikke mindst mellem på den ene side det, vi kan kalde social kritik, inspireret af bla. Marx og på den anden side kultur-refleksiv kritik, inspireret af bla. Foucault. Afslutningsvis argumenterer artiklen for, at den kritiske tradition, uanset teoretisk aftapning, i dag konfronterer nogle særlige udfordringer, der inviterer til, at vi øver os i at søge gensidig inspiration i vores teoretiske forskelle, frem for blot at se afstand og uforenelighed.

Research paper thumbnail of Hold nu op med at piske de offentligt ansatte. De arbejder allerede utrolig hårdt: Når overenskomstforhandlingerne er gået i hårdknude, er det måske fordi verdensfjern neoklassisk økonomisk teori har taget overhånd i det offentlige. Ikke alt handler om penge og økonomisk rationalitet

Research paper thumbnail of Det (Måske Knap Så) Frie Autonome Subjekt?

Psyke Logos, Dec 1, 2004

Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained... more Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain. • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal.

Research paper thumbnail of School management: Dilemmas, Collaboration and conflict

Research paper thumbnail of VIOL: Samlet afrapportering #1*VIOL, 010813, pæd/soc-­‐gruppen

Research paper thumbnail of Fremtiden kræver mangfoldig læring

Research paper thumbnail of Zooming In Zooming Out: Analytical Strategies of Situated Generalization in Psychological Research

Subjectivity and Knowledge, 2019

For the upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, CERN is considering the addition of the High... more For the upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, CERN is considering the addition of the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) in front of the end cap and forward calorimeters of ATLAS detector to mitigate pileup effects. Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) are the technology of choice for this timing application. Several test beam campaigns are performed to evaluate sensor performance. A Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) coupled to a quartz crystal is used as a timing reference, providing resolutions < 20 ps. A new readout and support board was developed for the upcoming test beam campaigns along with a 3D printed light-tight enclosure and support structure. The design, fabrication and assembly of the new timing reference system are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Frihedens Former Og Falder I Nyliberalismens Tidsalder

Psyke Logos, Dec 1, 2004

Vi konfronteres i dag med den vanskelige omstaendighed, at nutidige forestillinger om frihed og e... more Vi konfronteres i dag med den vanskelige omstaendighed, at nutidige forestillinger om frihed og emancipation ikke kun udfordrer, men også muliggør saerlige magtstrategier og styringsformer. Denne artikel giver et bud på, hvorfor vi befinder os i denne situation. Argumentationen bygges op ved først at diskutere frihedsbegrebets komplekse karakter og iboende dilemmaer. På baggrund heraf identificeres et faelles kantiansk udgangspunkt i moderne demokratitaenkning, managementteori, nyliberalisme og populaere kritiske kulturrefleksive perspektiver. Diskussionen saetter fokus på skellet mellem politik og arbejdsliv, samt mellem offentligt og privat, men ender op med at identificere en gennemgående problematisk antagelse om et refleksivt autonomt subjekt. På baggrund heraf diskuteres, hvordan denne antagelse ikke alene muliggør og understøtter en saerlig politisk logik, men også peger på en »blind vinkel« i ellers vigtige og indsigtsfulde kritiske kulturrefleksive perspektiver som fx dekonstruktion. Problemet indkredses til at omhandle en manglende opmaerksomhed på den menneskelige refleksions dialektik. Der argumenteres for, at denne mangel vanskeliggør en radikal udfordring og/eller udvikling af det nyliberale perspektiv. Slutteligt kan forfatteren ikke dy sig for at adressere artiklens underliggende antydninger af den fortsatte relevans af Marx' taenkning.

Research paper thumbnail of Grappling with the structural from a situated perspective

The aims of this article are threefold. Firstly, the article is an attempt to contribute to discu... more The aims of this article are threefold. Firstly, the article is an attempt to contribute to discussions about what a Marxist psychology might look like, from an impression of Marx and Marxism generally having much too little to say about people’s everyday lives and the situated and practical aspects of people’s mental life. Secondly, the article links this discussion to the relationship between method and critical thinking and the importance of a critical position that does not voice critique from some potentially totalizing platform, nor from some detached position of “nowhere”. The former is a risk in much Marxist theorizing. The latter is a risk in much post-structuralist critique, as discussed in relation to the work of Michel Foucault. Finally, taking a point of departure in an empirical example and ideas from German-Danish critical psychology, the text’s overall ambition is to outline and discuss how a subject-scientific psychology can include and develop its attention to the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Outlines-Critical Practice Studies

This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for c... more This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for collaboration, learning and development. The interest in conflicts in social practice is rooted in a preoccupation with social power relations and how to understand and analyse power relations from a subject-science perspective. Following this interest, a methodological framework, best described as a kind of ‘mobile ethnography’, is discussed and exemplified through an empirical example. A preliminary conceptual framework for understanding power as a capacity for action is presented. The overarching ambition of the article is to consider what democratic collaboration and coexistence entails and how it might be supported conceptually and analytically by the notion of conflicts as heuristics for social inquiry and by the notion of power as a capacity for action and social participation. The dilemmas of everyday life Reading through the morning paper, we might frown with outrage if we come a...

Research paper thumbnail of Der arbejdes allerede hårdt i det offentlige

Research paper thumbnail of The production of power in everyday life of organizational practice: working with conflicts as heuristics

This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for c... more This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for collaboration, learning and development. The interest in conflicts in social practice is rooted in a preoccupation with social power relations and how to understand and analyse power relations from a subject-science perspective. Following this interest, a methodological framework, best described as a kind of ‘mobile ethnography’, is discussed and exemplified through an empirical example. A preliminary conceptual framework for understanding power as a capacity for action is presented. The overarching ambition of the article is to consider what democratic collaboration and coexistence entails and how it might be supported conceptually and analytically by the notion of conflicts as heuristics for social inquiry and by the notion of power as a capacity for action and social participation. The dilemmas of everyday life Reading through the morning paper, we might frown with outrage if we come a...

Research paper thumbnail of Økonomisk Rationalitet Og Meningsfuldhed

Research paper thumbnail of Magtforhold i sociale interventioner

Research paper thumbnail of Politics and Psychology

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

This article presents a discussion inspired by the invitation formed by Kevin Carriere’s book: “P... more This article presents a discussion inspired by the invitation formed by Kevin Carriere’s book: “Psychology in Policy – Redefining Politics Through The Individual”. From a theoretical standpoint in culture psychology Carriere challenges the idea of politics as a particular practice carried out by mainly politicians. Instead, he attempts to anchor processes of politics in the everyday lives of individuals, directed at changing their worlds. In this article, we discuss how this ambition could evolve even further by relating it to other theoretical approaches working with similar ambitions.

Research paper thumbnail of Community of Practice

Research paper thumbnail of Socialkonstruktionisme

Research paper thumbnail of Hvad er videnskabelig generalisering?

Research paper thumbnail of Social Constructionism:A Theory of Language, Relations and Coherence

Research paper thumbnail of Praksisfællesskaber

Research paper thumbnail of Kritik - en udfordrende nødvendighed

Nordiske Udkast, Nov 1, 2020

Resume Denne ankel belyser nogle af de spørgsmål og udfordringer, studerende og undervisere i dag... more Resume Denne ankel belyser nogle af de spørgsmål og udfordringer, studerende og undervisere i dag konfronterer i arbejdet med kritisk tænkning og tilegnelsen af social-og hurnanvidenskabens kritiske traditioner. Artiklen forsøger dernæst at forklare kritikkens fortsatte relevans og mangeartede funktioner, men også nogle af dens mange interne stridspunkter, ikke mindst mellem på den ene side det, vi kan kalde social kritik, inspireret af bla. Marx og på den anden side kultur-refleksiv kritik, inspireret af bla. Foucault. Afslutningsvis argumenterer artiklen for, at den kritiske tradition, uanset teoretisk aftapning, i dag konfronterer nogle særlige udfordringer, der inviterer til, at vi øver os i at søge gensidig inspiration i vores teoretiske forskelle, frem for blot at se afstand og uforenelighed.

Research paper thumbnail of Hold nu op med at piske de offentligt ansatte. De arbejder allerede utrolig hårdt: Når overenskomstforhandlingerne er gået i hårdknude, er det måske fordi verdensfjern neoklassisk økonomisk teori har taget overhånd i det offentlige. Ikke alt handler om penge og økonomisk rationalitet

Research paper thumbnail of Det (Måske Knap Så) Frie Autonome Subjekt?

Psyke Logos, Dec 1, 2004

Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained... more Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain. • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal.

Research paper thumbnail of School management: Dilemmas, Collaboration and conflict

Research paper thumbnail of VIOL: Samlet afrapportering #1*VIOL, 010813, pæd/soc-­‐gruppen

Research paper thumbnail of Fremtiden kræver mangfoldig læring

Research paper thumbnail of Zooming In Zooming Out: Analytical Strategies of Situated Generalization in Psychological Research

Subjectivity and Knowledge, 2019

For the upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, CERN is considering the addition of the High... more For the upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, CERN is considering the addition of the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) in front of the end cap and forward calorimeters of ATLAS detector to mitigate pileup effects. Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) are the technology of choice for this timing application. Several test beam campaigns are performed to evaluate sensor performance. A Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) coupled to a quartz crystal is used as a timing reference, providing resolutions < 20 ps. A new readout and support board was developed for the upcoming test beam campaigns along with a 3D printed light-tight enclosure and support structure. The design, fabrication and assembly of the new timing reference system are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Frihedens Former Og Falder I Nyliberalismens Tidsalder

Psyke Logos, Dec 1, 2004

Vi konfronteres i dag med den vanskelige omstaendighed, at nutidige forestillinger om frihed og e... more Vi konfronteres i dag med den vanskelige omstaendighed, at nutidige forestillinger om frihed og emancipation ikke kun udfordrer, men også muliggør saerlige magtstrategier og styringsformer. Denne artikel giver et bud på, hvorfor vi befinder os i denne situation. Argumentationen bygges op ved først at diskutere frihedsbegrebets komplekse karakter og iboende dilemmaer. På baggrund heraf identificeres et faelles kantiansk udgangspunkt i moderne demokratitaenkning, managementteori, nyliberalisme og populaere kritiske kulturrefleksive perspektiver. Diskussionen saetter fokus på skellet mellem politik og arbejdsliv, samt mellem offentligt og privat, men ender op med at identificere en gennemgående problematisk antagelse om et refleksivt autonomt subjekt. På baggrund heraf diskuteres, hvordan denne antagelse ikke alene muliggør og understøtter en saerlig politisk logik, men også peger på en »blind vinkel« i ellers vigtige og indsigtsfulde kritiske kulturrefleksive perspektiver som fx dekonstruktion. Problemet indkredses til at omhandle en manglende opmaerksomhed på den menneskelige refleksions dialektik. Der argumenteres for, at denne mangel vanskeliggør en radikal udfordring og/eller udvikling af det nyliberale perspektiv. Slutteligt kan forfatteren ikke dy sig for at adressere artiklens underliggende antydninger af den fortsatte relevans af Marx' taenkning.

Research paper thumbnail of Grappling with the structural from a situated perspective

The aims of this article are threefold. Firstly, the article is an attempt to contribute to discu... more The aims of this article are threefold. Firstly, the article is an attempt to contribute to discussions about what a Marxist psychology might look like, from an impression of Marx and Marxism generally having much too little to say about people’s everyday lives and the situated and practical aspects of people’s mental life. Secondly, the article links this discussion to the relationship between method and critical thinking and the importance of a critical position that does not voice critique from some potentially totalizing platform, nor from some detached position of “nowhere”. The former is a risk in much Marxist theorizing. The latter is a risk in much post-structuralist critique, as discussed in relation to the work of Michel Foucault. Finally, taking a point of departure in an empirical example and ideas from German-Danish critical psychology, the text’s overall ambition is to outline and discuss how a subject-scientific psychology can include and develop its attention to the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Outlines-Critical Practice Studies

This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for c... more This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for collaboration, learning and development. The interest in conflicts in social practice is rooted in a preoccupation with social power relations and how to understand and analyse power relations from a subject-science perspective. Following this interest, a methodological framework, best described as a kind of ‘mobile ethnography’, is discussed and exemplified through an empirical example. A preliminary conceptual framework for understanding power as a capacity for action is presented. The overarching ambition of the article is to consider what democratic collaboration and coexistence entails and how it might be supported conceptually and analytically by the notion of conflicts as heuristics for social inquiry and by the notion of power as a capacity for action and social participation. The dilemmas of everyday life Reading through the morning paper, we might frown with outrage if we come a...

Research paper thumbnail of Der arbejdes allerede hårdt i det offentlige

Research paper thumbnail of The production of power in everyday life of organizational practice: working with conflicts as heuristics

This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for c... more This article argues for the value of working with conflicts in social practice as resources for collaboration, learning and development. The interest in conflicts in social practice is rooted in a preoccupation with social power relations and how to understand and analyse power relations from a subject-science perspective. Following this interest, a methodological framework, best described as a kind of ‘mobile ethnography’, is discussed and exemplified through an empirical example. A preliminary conceptual framework for understanding power as a capacity for action is presented. The overarching ambition of the article is to consider what democratic collaboration and coexistence entails and how it might be supported conceptually and analytically by the notion of conflicts as heuristics for social inquiry and by the notion of power as a capacity for action and social participation. The dilemmas of everyday life Reading through the morning paper, we might frown with outrage if we come a...

Research paper thumbnail of Økonomisk Rationalitet Og Meningsfuldhed

Research paper thumbnail of Magtforhold i sociale interventioner

Research paper thumbnail of Zooming in zooming out: Analytical strategies of situated generalization in psychological research