Achim Reisdorf | Ruhr Museum, Essen (original) (raw)

Papers by Achim Reisdorf

Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy, bathymetry and synsedimentary tectonics of the Early Jurassic of NW Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Jurassic

The Geology of Central Europe Volume 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland Leptonectes tenuirostris du Pliensbachien (Jurassic inférieur) de Suisse : preuve de la plus longue extension stratigraphique chez un Icht...

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho- and biostratigraphy of the 250 m-deep Mont Terri BDB-1 borehole through the Opalinus Clay and bounding formations, St Ursanne, Switzerland

A 250 m-deep, inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through Jurassic Opalinus Clay and... more A 250 m-deep, inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through Jurassic Opalinus Clay and its bounding formations at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (NW Switzerland). A continuous section is thereby available for the first time for the Mont Terri area, from the topmost members of the Staffelegg Formation to the basal layers of the Hauptrogenstein Formation. The well core was studied extensively for lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy (drawing upon three sections from the Mont Terri area). The macro- and micropaleontological as well as the palynostratigraphical data are complementary not only spatially but account further for almost all biozones embracing the Late Toarcian and the Early Bajocian. A suite of geophysical logs was compiled and this method permits detection of formational and intraformational boundaries in the BDB-1 well. In the framework of interdisciplinary study, analysis of the above-mentioned formations permitted straightforward processing to derive substantial new data for the Mont Terri area. Lithologic inventory, stratigraphic architecture, thickness variations and the biostratigraphic classification of the studied formations in part deviate considerably from occurrences in northern Switzerland that outcrop farther to the east. For the Passwang Formation, with the exception of the Sissach Member, no further lithostratigraphic subdivision is possible according to the members defined in the type region. Also noteworthy is that the approximately 130 mthick Opalinus Clay in drill core BDB-1 appears thinner by 20 m than that in the Mont Terri tunnel. The lowermost 38 m of the Opalinus Clay can be attributed chronostratigraphically solely to the Aalensis Zone (Late Toarcian). The accumulation of the Opalinus Clay, however, was also initiated at the same time farther east in northern Switzerland (Aalensis Subzone, Aalensis Zone), but contemporaneously in the Mont Terri area, there was a sedimentation rate two or three orders of magnitude higher.

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Research paper thumbnail of No Joke Movement : mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier und rezente marine Lungenatmer

... 49 Page 3. 25 No Joke Movement: Mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier ... EMPA Dübendorf:... more ... 49 Page 3. 25 No Joke Movement: Mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier ... EMPA Dübendorf: A. FLISCH, A. OBRIST. Rechtsmedizin: M. BENECKE (Köln), R. BUX und F. RAMSTHALER (Frankfurt aM), H. KLOTZBACH (Ham-burg), D. WYLER (Basel). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Ichthyosaurier vom Hauensteiner Nebelmeer : wie eine Kopflandung die Wissenschaft Kopf stehen lässt

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho-, Bio-and Chronostratigraphy of the Staffelegg Formation, Opalinus-Ton, Passwang Formation and Hauptrogenstein of the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, Canton Jura, Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Ammonoid and conodont stratigraphy of the late Emsian to early Eifelian (Devonian) at the Jebel Ouaoufilal (near Taouz, Tafilalt, Morocco)

Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, Série Géologie et Géographie Physique, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Reply to “Ichthyosaur embryos outside the mother body: not due to carcass explosion but to carcass implosion” by van Loon (2013)

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Biostratigraphy of the Basal Part of the Opalinus-Ton at the Mont Terri rock laboratory, Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Authors of outstanding article receive Senckenberg Award!

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Research paper thumbnail of Ammonoideen des Germanischen Beckens in der Mitteltrias-Stratophänetische Analyse, Lebensweise, Aussterben und Einwanderungen

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Research paper thumbnail of Palynology of Triassic–Jurassic boundary sections in northern Switzerland

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for synsedimentary differential tectonic movements in a low-subsidence setting: Early Jurassic in northwestern Switzerland

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Opalinus Clay and bounding formations in the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)

Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 2017

A 250 m-deep inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through the Jurassic Opalinus Clay ... more A 250 m-deep inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through the Jurassic Opalinus Clay and its bounding formations at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (NW Switzerland). For the first time, a continuous section from (oldest to youngest) the topmost members of the Staffelegg Formation to the basal layers of the Hauptrogenstein Formation is now available in the Mont Terri area. We extensively studied the drillcore for lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy, drawing upon three sections from the Mont Terri area. The macropaleontological, micropaleontological, and palynostratigraphical data are complementary, not only spatially but they also cover almost all biozones from the Late Toarcian to the Early Bajocian. We ran a suite of geophysical logs to determine formational and intraformational boundaries based on clay content in the BDB-1 well. In the framework of an interdisciplinary study, analysis of the above-mentioned formations permitted us to process and derive new and substantial data for the Mont Terri area in a straightforward way. Some parts of the lithologic inventory, stratigraphic architecture, thickness variations, and biostratigraphic classification of the studied formations deviate considerably from occurrences in northern Switzerland that crop out further to the east. For instance, with the exception of the Sissach Member, no further lithostratigraphic subdivision in members is proposed for the Passwang Formation. Also noteworthy is that the ca. 130 m-thick Opalinus Clay in the BDB-1 core is 20 m thinner than that equivalent section found in the Mont Terri tunnel. The lowermost 38 m of the Opalinus Clay can be attributed chronostratigraphically solely to the Aalensis Zone (Late Toarcian). Deposition of the Opalinus Clay began at the same time farther east in northern Switzerland (Aalensis Subzone, Aalensis Zone), but in the Mont Terri area the sedimentation rate was two or three orders of magnitude higher.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland Leptonectes tenuirostris du Pliensbachien (Jurassic inférieur) de Suisse : preuve de la plus longue extension stratigraphique chez un Icht...

A three-dimensional well-preserved ichthyosaur skull and parts of the postcranial skeleton are at... more A three-dimensional well-preserved ichthyosaur skull and parts of the postcranial skeleton are attributed to the species Leptonectes tenuirostris (Conybeare, 1822). It was found vertically embedded in Pliensbachian deposits representing three successive biozones (ibex to margaritatus Zone). The find is dated as early Late Pliensbachian (margaritatus Zone) by a rich ammonite and ostracod fauna. It is the first record of the

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Research paper thumbnail of Reisdorf, A.G. & Wuttke, M. (2013): Exploding the Myth: Can Carcasses Explode? – 57th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, 13-16 December, 2013, Programme and Abstracts, p. 84; Zurich

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Research paper thumbnail of Middle Famennian ammonoid stratigraphy in the Amessoui syncline (Late Devonian; eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ichnofabrics elucidate the accumulation history of a condensed interval containing a vertically emplaced ichthyosaur skull

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Research paper thumbnail of Erratum to the article Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland”. Geobios 39 (2006) 491-505

Data Revues 00166995 00390005 0600088x, Mar 21, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy, bathymetry and synsedimentary tectonics of the Early Jurassic of NW Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Jurassic

The Geology of Central Europe Volume 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland Leptonectes tenuirostris du Pliensbachien (Jurassic inférieur) de Suisse : preuve de la plus longue extension stratigraphique chez un Icht...

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho- and biostratigraphy of the 250 m-deep Mont Terri BDB-1 borehole through the Opalinus Clay and bounding formations, St Ursanne, Switzerland

A 250 m-deep, inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through Jurassic Opalinus Clay and... more A 250 m-deep, inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through Jurassic Opalinus Clay and its bounding formations at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (NW Switzerland). A continuous section is thereby available for the first time for the Mont Terri area, from the topmost members of the Staffelegg Formation to the basal layers of the Hauptrogenstein Formation. The well core was studied extensively for lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy (drawing upon three sections from the Mont Terri area). The macro- and micropaleontological as well as the palynostratigraphical data are complementary not only spatially but account further for almost all biozones embracing the Late Toarcian and the Early Bajocian. A suite of geophysical logs was compiled and this method permits detection of formational and intraformational boundaries in the BDB-1 well. In the framework of interdisciplinary study, analysis of the above-mentioned formations permitted straightforward processing to derive substantial new data for the Mont Terri area. Lithologic inventory, stratigraphic architecture, thickness variations and the biostratigraphic classification of the studied formations in part deviate considerably from occurrences in northern Switzerland that outcrop farther to the east. For the Passwang Formation, with the exception of the Sissach Member, no further lithostratigraphic subdivision is possible according to the members defined in the type region. Also noteworthy is that the approximately 130 mthick Opalinus Clay in drill core BDB-1 appears thinner by 20 m than that in the Mont Terri tunnel. The lowermost 38 m of the Opalinus Clay can be attributed chronostratigraphically solely to the Aalensis Zone (Late Toarcian). The accumulation of the Opalinus Clay, however, was also initiated at the same time farther east in northern Switzerland (Aalensis Subzone, Aalensis Zone), but contemporaneously in the Mont Terri area, there was a sedimentation rate two or three orders of magnitude higher.

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Research paper thumbnail of No Joke Movement : mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier und rezente marine Lungenatmer

... 49 Page 3. 25 No Joke Movement: Mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier ... EMPA Dübendorf:... more ... 49 Page 3. 25 No Joke Movement: Mehr über den Hauensteiner Ichthyosaurier ... EMPA Dübendorf: A. FLISCH, A. OBRIST. Rechtsmedizin: M. BENECKE (Köln), R. BUX und F. RAMSTHALER (Frankfurt aM), H. KLOTZBACH (Ham-burg), D. WYLER (Basel). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Ichthyosaurier vom Hauensteiner Nebelmeer : wie eine Kopflandung die Wissenschaft Kopf stehen lässt

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho-, Bio-and Chronostratigraphy of the Staffelegg Formation, Opalinus-Ton, Passwang Formation and Hauptrogenstein of the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, Canton Jura, Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Ammonoid and conodont stratigraphy of the late Emsian to early Eifelian (Devonian) at the Jebel Ouaoufilal (near Taouz, Tafilalt, Morocco)

Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, Série Géologie et Géographie Physique, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Reply to “Ichthyosaur embryos outside the mother body: not due to carcass explosion but to carcass implosion” by van Loon (2013)

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Biostratigraphy of the Basal Part of the Opalinus-Ton at the Mont Terri rock laboratory, Switzerland

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Research paper thumbnail of Authors of outstanding article receive Senckenberg Award!

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Research paper thumbnail of Ammonoideen des Germanischen Beckens in der Mitteltrias-Stratophänetische Analyse, Lebensweise, Aussterben und Einwanderungen

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Research paper thumbnail of Palynology of Triassic–Jurassic boundary sections in northern Switzerland

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for synsedimentary differential tectonic movements in a low-subsidence setting: Early Jurassic in northwestern Switzerland

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Opalinus Clay and bounding formations in the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)

Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 2017

A 250 m-deep inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through the Jurassic Opalinus Clay ... more A 250 m-deep inclined well, the Mont Terri BDB-1, was drilled through the Jurassic Opalinus Clay and its bounding formations at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (NW Switzerland). For the first time, a continuous section from (oldest to youngest) the topmost members of the Staffelegg Formation to the basal layers of the Hauptrogenstein Formation is now available in the Mont Terri area. We extensively studied the drillcore for lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy, drawing upon three sections from the Mont Terri area. The macropaleontological, micropaleontological, and palynostratigraphical data are complementary, not only spatially but they also cover almost all biozones from the Late Toarcian to the Early Bajocian. We ran a suite of geophysical logs to determine formational and intraformational boundaries based on clay content in the BDB-1 well. In the framework of an interdisciplinary study, analysis of the above-mentioned formations permitted us to process and derive new and substantial data for the Mont Terri area in a straightforward way. Some parts of the lithologic inventory, stratigraphic architecture, thickness variations, and biostratigraphic classification of the studied formations deviate considerably from occurrences in northern Switzerland that crop out further to the east. For instance, with the exception of the Sissach Member, no further lithostratigraphic subdivision in members is proposed for the Passwang Formation. Also noteworthy is that the ca. 130 m-thick Opalinus Clay in the BDB-1 core is 20 m thinner than that equivalent section found in the Mont Terri tunnel. The lowermost 38 m of the Opalinus Clay can be attributed chronostratigraphically solely to the Aalensis Zone (Late Toarcian). Deposition of the Opalinus Clay began at the same time farther east in northern Switzerland (Aalensis Subzone, Aalensis Zone), but in the Mont Terri area the sedimentation rate was two or three orders of magnitude higher.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland Leptonectes tenuirostris du Pliensbachien (Jurassic inférieur) de Suisse : preuve de la plus longue extension stratigraphique chez un Icht...

A three-dimensional well-preserved ichthyosaur skull and parts of the postcranial skeleton are at... more A three-dimensional well-preserved ichthyosaur skull and parts of the postcranial skeleton are attributed to the species Leptonectes tenuirostris (Conybeare, 1822). It was found vertically embedded in Pliensbachian deposits representing three successive biozones (ibex to margaritatus Zone). The find is dated as early Late Pliensbachian (margaritatus Zone) by a rich ammonite and ostracod fauna. It is the first record of the

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Research paper thumbnail of Reisdorf, A.G. & Wuttke, M. (2013): Exploding the Myth: Can Carcasses Explode? – 57th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, 13-16 December, 2013, Programme and Abstracts, p. 84; Zurich

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Research paper thumbnail of Middle Famennian ammonoid stratigraphy in the Amessoui syncline (Late Devonian; eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ichnofabrics elucidate the accumulation history of a condensed interval containing a vertically emplaced ichthyosaur skull

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Research paper thumbnail of Erratum to the article Evidence for the longest stratigraphic range of a post-Triassic Ichthyosaur: a Leptonectes tenuirostris from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of Switzerland”. Geobios 39 (2006) 491-505

Data Revues 00166995 00390005 0600088x, Mar 21, 2008

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