Gökçe Bulgan, Ph.D. | Istanbul Rumeli University (original) (raw)

Papers by Gökçe Bulgan, Ph.D.

Research paper thumbnail of Work-Family Balance and Psychosocial Adjustment of Married International Students

Journal of International Students , 2018

The authors investigated how work-family balance mediated the relationship between personality tr... more The authors investigated how work-family balance mediated the relationship between personality traits, gender roles, social support, and psychosocial adjustment. Data were collected from 243 married international graduate students (MIGSs) studying in the United States. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that personality traits influence the psychosocial adjustment process. In addition, being extraverted, agreeable, and conscientious contributed to balancing academic and family life, whereas having neurotic tendencies such as experiencing depression and anxiety diminished work-family balance. Work-family balance did not mediate the relationship between personality traits, gender roles, social support, and psychosocial adjustment. The authors discussed the findings by considering clinical implications and making suggestions for future research.

Research paper thumbnail of The Interplay of Work-Family Life and Psychosocial Adjustment for International Graduate Students

International Journal of Human and Behavioral Science, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on the interplay of work-family ... more The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on the interplay of work-family life and psychosocial adjustment of married international graduate students to the United States, provide evidence for a complicated and integrated support mechanism for married international graduate students, and make specific recommendations. Empirical studies on student and expatriate work-family life and psychosocial adjustment are reviewed. Studies indicated a significant negative relationship between work-family conflict and (a) life satisfaction, (b) work satisfaction, and (c) family satisfaction. Moreover, studies signified a positive relationship between work-family balance and (a) psychological well-being and (b) sociocultural adjustment. Due to the difficulty of separating work and family domains for married international graduate students, it will be critical to find ways to support international graduate students' work and family life in an integrated way, which would help with their psychosocial adjustment to the United States. This support could be done through organizing seminars or workshops on healthy work-family balance, having their spouses involved in the graduate student orientation program, or discussing work-family issues and their influence on married graduate students' lives through group programs. The paper's implications would be of value to married international graduate students who are planning to study in a foreign country by helping ease their adjustment process.

Research paper thumbnail of Marital Satisfaction of Turkish Individuals: The Role of Marriage Type, Duration of Marriage, and Personality Traits

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2018

The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of marriage type (family-arranged versus... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of marriage type (family-arranged versus self-choice), duration of marriage, and personality traits (i.e., agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness, and neuroticism) in predicting married Turkish individuals' marital satisfaction levels. Participants were 288 (147 female and 141 male) married Turkish individuals living in urban cities in Turkey. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant results for the linear combination of marriage type and duration of marriage as well as personality traits in explaining individuals' marital satisfaction levels. More specifically, duration of marriage, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism were found to have individual significant contributions to Turkish individuals' marital satisfaction levels. Results were discussed by offering suggestions for future research and mental health professionals working with marriage and family issues.

Research paper thumbnail of İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışmaları

Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2008

ÖZET. Bu çalışma, İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye çevirisi ve Ölçeğin (İİGÖ) geçerlik ... more ÖZET. Bu çalışma, İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye çevirisi ve Ölçeğin (İİGÖ) geçerlik ve güvenirliğine ilişkin kanıtların incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Ölçek, Ankara, Aydın, İstanbul, Kayseri ve Sakarya illerinden 411 (211 kadın, 200 erkek) evli bireye uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği ile ilgili bulgular, orijinal ölçekteki tek boyutlu yapıyı desteklemiştir. Ölçeğin geçerliğine ilişkin diğer kanıtlar, İİGÖ ile Evlilik Yaşamı Ölçeği ve Duygusal Bağlılık Ölçeği arasındaki korelasyonların olumlu yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular ayrıca, erkeklerin İİGÖ puan ortalamalarının kadınlardan anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. İİGÖ’nün iç tutarlık katsayısı .89; iki yarı güve- nirliği .86 bulunmuştur. Çalışmanın sonuçları, ölçeğin ülkemizde kullanılabilecek, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar literatür çerçevesinde tartışılarak bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

ABSTRACT. This study aimed to translate Dyadic Trust Scale into Turkish and to examine the evidence related to its validity and reliability. The Scale was administered to 411 married individuals (211 female, 200 male) from Ankara, Aydın, Kayseri, İstanbul, and Sakarya. Findings regarding the construct validity of the scale were found to be consistent with the original scale’s one factor structure. The results of other validity studies indicated that Dyadic Trust Scale was positively and significantly associated with Marital Satisfaction Scale and Emotional Dependency Scale. Furthermore, results revealed that males’ dyadic trust score were significantly higher than females’. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the total scale was found to be .89 whereas split-half reliability coefficient was .86. Results of the study indicated that Dyadic Trust Scale is a valid and reliable instrument to use in Turkey. The findings were discussed within the literature and some suggestions were presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Visiting Shrines: A Turkish Religious Practice and Its Mental Health Implications

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling , 2012

The purpose of the present study was to explore through qualitative methodology the practice of v... more The purpose of the present study was to explore through qualitative methodology the practice of visiting shrines, a religious practice indigenous to Turkish Muslims, and its potential mental health benefits. Thirteen individuals were interviewed at two shrines in Istanbul, Turkey. The researchers focused on visitors' presenting issues, beliefs regarding the practice, the mental health benefits of the visit, and the behaviors that the visitors engaged in during their visit. The data were analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research method. Five domains emerged from the data: (i) degree of religiosity and duties, (ii) knowledge and beliefs about shrines, (iii) purpose of visits, (iv) activities during the visit, and (v) experience and impact of the visit. The findings were discussed based on the mental health benefits of visiting shrines and the counseling and cultural implications.

Research paper thumbnail of Children's Perceptions of Tests: A Content Analysis

European Journal of Educational Research, 2018

Anxiety that students experience during test taking negatively influences their academic achievem... more Anxiety that students experience during test taking negatively influences their academic achievement. Understanding how students perceive tests and how they feel during test taking could help in taking effective preventive measures. Hence, the current study focused on assessing children's perceptions of tests using content analysis. The sample consisted of 1143 participants (566 females and 570 males) attending 3rd (n = 320), 4th (n = 420), 5th (n = 197), and 6th (n = 206) grade classes in three public schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The findings indicated that three main domains emerged from the data. The domains and the categories under each domain were as follows: evaluation (grades, success vs. failure, learning and development, and intelligence), emotions (excitement, fear and anxiety, happiness, curiosity, mixed feelings, and disappointment), and experiential process (answering questions, studying, difficulty, thinking, having fun, cheating vs. honesty, and silence). Understanding students' experiences with testing early on in their education will give researchers and practitioners the chance to plan effective applications for treatment and prevention, which would influence students' future achievement and experiences. The study findings could also help teachers and school counselors plan more effective teaching and counseling programs that take into account students' anxiety levels during tests.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği'nin Türkçe Uyarlaması Adaptation of Children's Test Anxiety Scale to Turkish

İlköğretim Online [Elementary Education Online], 2017

ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Wren ve Benson (2004) tarafından geliştirilen "Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygıs... more ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Wren ve Benson (2004) tarafından geliştirilen "Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği"ni (CTAS, Children's Test Anxiety Scale) Türkçe'ye uyarlamaktır. Özgün ölçek İngilizce'dir ve üç boyutta toplam 30 maddeden oluşan dörtlü likert tipi bir ölçme aracıdır. Uyarlama çalışması için ölçek maddeleri Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş ve bu çevirinin uygunluğunu ve anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için alanlarında uzman yedi kişinin görüşleri alınarak dil geçerliği sağlanmıştır. Çeviri işlemleri sonrasında pilot çalışması yapılan ölçeğe son hali verilmiştir. Türkçe form 3 farklı devlet okulunun 3., 4., 5., ve 6. sınıflarında okuyan 1100 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğine ilişkin doğrulayıcı faktör analizinden elde edilen bulgular, orijinal çalışmadaki üç faktörlü yapıyı destekler niteliktedir. Ölçeğin alt boyutları: Düşünceler (Thoughts), Görev Dışı Davranışlar (Off-Task Behaviors), ve Otonom Tepkiler (Autonomic Reactions)'dir. Tüm ölçek (í µí»¼ = .88) ve ölçeğin Düşünceler (í µí»¼ = .82), Görev Dışı Davranışlar (í µí»¼ = .72), ve Otonom Tepkiler (í µí»¼ = .75) alt boyutları için Cronbach Alfa iç tutarlık katsayıları yüksek seviyededir. Ayırt edici geçerlik analizleri kız ve erkeklerin sınav kaygısı ortalama puanları arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığını gösterirken sınıf düzeyi açısından anlamlı farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan analizlerin sonuçları, Türkçe'ye uyarlama çalışması gerçekleştirilen bu ölçeğin öğrencilerin sınav kaygı düzeylerini belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğunu göstermektedir. Ölçeğin matematik eğitiminde kullanım alanları tartışılmış ve matematik kaygısına odaklanacak gelecek araştırma çalışmaları için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to adapt the "Children's Test Anxiet Scale (CTAS)" developed by Wren and Benson (2004) into Turkish. The original scale was in English and comprised of three factors including 30 items. Seven experts were involved in the adaptation process to translate the scale into Turkish and then back to English for providing evidence based on the consistency between the two forms. Following the translation process, a pilot study was conducted and the scale was given its final form. The Turkish form was administered to 1100 students who were attending to 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th grade classes in 3 public schools. Findings regarding the construct validity of the scale, which were obtained from the confirmatory analysis, supported the three-factor structure of the original scale. Subdimensions of the scale were Thoughts, Off-Task Behaviors, and Autonomic Reactions. Cronbach Alpha coefficients for the overall scale (í µí»¼ = .88) as well as the subdimensions of Thoughts (í µí»¼ = .82), Off-Task Behaviors (í µí»¼ = .72), and Autonomic Reactions (í µí»¼ = .75) were substantial in size. Regarding the discriminant validity analyses, there were no significant gender differences in students' test anxiety while there were significant grade level differences. These results demonstrated that the Turkish version of the scale is a valid and reliable instrument, which may serve as useful in measuring elementary school students' test anxiety levels. Directions for future research and practical implications for educational practice are discussed in terms of mathematics education.

Research paper thumbnail of Bilinçli-Farkındalık Temelli Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği-Yenilenmiş (BFÖÖ-Y): Türkiye Uyarlama Çalışması Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale-Revised (MSES-R): Turkish Adaptation Study

İlköğretim Online [Elementary Education Online], 2017

ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis ve Skilbeck (2012) tarafından geliştirilen "... more ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis ve Skilbeck (2012) tarafından geliştirilen "Bilinçli-Farkındalık Temelli Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği-Yenilenmiş"i (Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale-Revised) Türkçe'ye uyarlayarak geçerlik ve güvenirliğini araştırmaktır. Özgün ölçek İngilizce'dir ve altı boyutta toplam 22 maddeden oluşan beşli likert tipi bir ölçme aracıdır. Uyarlanan Türkçe form iki farklı devlet okulunun 5., 6. ve 7. sınıflarında okuyan 713 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Tüm ölçek (α= .72) ve ölçeğin Duygu Düzenleme (α= .73), Duygusal Denge (α= .68), Sosyal Beceriler (α= .65), Sıkıntı Tahammülü (α= .62), Sorumluluk Alma (α= .61) ve Kişilerarası Etkenlik (α= .65) alt boyutları için Cronbach Alfa içtutarlık katsayıları her bir alt boyutta yer alan düşük madde sayısı göz önüne alındığında kabul edilebilir seviyededir. Ayırt edici geçerlik analizleri kız ve erkeklerin bilinçli-farkındalık temelli öz-yeterlik ortalama puanları arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığını gösterirken sınıf düzeyi açısından anlamlı farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, Türkçe'ye uyarlama çalışması gerçekleştirilen bu ölçeğin öğrencilerin bilinçli-farkındalık temelli öz-yeterlik düzeylerini belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuçların kuramsal ve yöntemsel uygulamaları tartışılmıştır.

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the Turkish adaptation of "Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale Revised" developed by Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis, and Skilbeck (2012). The original form of the scale is in English and consists of 22 likert-type five-point items in a six-factor structure. The revised version of the Turkish form was applied to a sample of 713 students in 5th, 6th and 7th grades in two different public schools. The internal consistency coefficient Cronbach Alpha for the entire scale (= .72) and the factors Emotion Regulation (= .73), Equanimity (= .68), Social Skills (= .65), Distress Tolerance (= .62), Taking Responsibility (= .61) and Interpersonal Effectiveness (= .65) were found to be at acceptable values when the low number of items in each subscale is taken into consideration. Discriminant validity test results revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the average means of boys and girls, whereas there were statistically significant differences in the average means based on students' grade levels. The results indicated that the Turkish adaptation of the scale is a valid and reliable instrument of measuring students' mindfulness-based self-efficacy. Both theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Adaptation, Marital Satisfaction, and Academic Self-Efficacy of International Students

The authors investigated marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy in relation to psycholog... more The authors investigated marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy in relation to psychological adaptation (i.e., psychological well-being, life satisfaction) in a sample of 198 married international students. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy accounted for 45.9% of variance in psychological well-being and 25.8% of variance in life satisfaction scores. Based on the results, the differences between cognitive and emotion oriented processes during psychological adaptation were explained. The authors discuss implications for programs with international students and mental health professionals working in university campuses.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences, Infidelity, Dyadic Trust, and Jealousy among Married Turkish Individuals

Current Psychology, 2015

In the present study, relationships among gender, emotional response to partner’s imagined infide... more In the present study, relationships among gender, emotional response to partner’s imagined infidelity (emotional and sexual infidelity), and dyadic trust (low and high levels of trust) were investigated as functions of married Turkish individuals’ jealousy types (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral). Five hundred thirty seven (276 women and 261 men) married individuals living in urban areas in Turkey participated in the study. Results of the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed significant main effects for gender, infidelity types, and dyadic trust. Particularly, married Turkish men in this study were found to be more emotionally jealous than women. Participants who responded to sexual infidelity as more upsetting had higher levels of emotional jealousy when compared to the participants who found emotional infidelity more upsetting. Moreover, participants with low dyadic trust for their partners were found to be high in their cognitive jealousy and behavioral jealousy reactions. Results are discussed in details with implications for future research and suggestions for mental health practitioners.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Dependency and Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs as Predictors of Married Turkish Individuals’ Relationship Satisfaction

The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Work-Family Balance and Psychosocial Adjustment of Married International Students

Journal of International Students , 2018

The authors investigated how work-family balance mediated the relationship between personality tr... more The authors investigated how work-family balance mediated the relationship between personality traits, gender roles, social support, and psychosocial adjustment. Data were collected from 243 married international graduate students (MIGSs) studying in the United States. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that personality traits influence the psychosocial adjustment process. In addition, being extraverted, agreeable, and conscientious contributed to balancing academic and family life, whereas having neurotic tendencies such as experiencing depression and anxiety diminished work-family balance. Work-family balance did not mediate the relationship between personality traits, gender roles, social support, and psychosocial adjustment. The authors discussed the findings by considering clinical implications and making suggestions for future research.

Research paper thumbnail of The Interplay of Work-Family Life and Psychosocial Adjustment for International Graduate Students

International Journal of Human and Behavioral Science, 2017

The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on the interplay of work-family ... more The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on the interplay of work-family life and psychosocial adjustment of married international graduate students to the United States, provide evidence for a complicated and integrated support mechanism for married international graduate students, and make specific recommendations. Empirical studies on student and expatriate work-family life and psychosocial adjustment are reviewed. Studies indicated a significant negative relationship between work-family conflict and (a) life satisfaction, (b) work satisfaction, and (c) family satisfaction. Moreover, studies signified a positive relationship between work-family balance and (a) psychological well-being and (b) sociocultural adjustment. Due to the difficulty of separating work and family domains for married international graduate students, it will be critical to find ways to support international graduate students' work and family life in an integrated way, which would help with their psychosocial adjustment to the United States. This support could be done through organizing seminars or workshops on healthy work-family balance, having their spouses involved in the graduate student orientation program, or discussing work-family issues and their influence on married graduate students' lives through group programs. The paper's implications would be of value to married international graduate students who are planning to study in a foreign country by helping ease their adjustment process.

Research paper thumbnail of Marital Satisfaction of Turkish Individuals: The Role of Marriage Type, Duration of Marriage, and Personality Traits

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2018

The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of marriage type (family-arranged versus... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of marriage type (family-arranged versus self-choice), duration of marriage, and personality traits (i.e., agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness, and neuroticism) in predicting married Turkish individuals' marital satisfaction levels. Participants were 288 (147 female and 141 male) married Turkish individuals living in urban cities in Turkey. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant results for the linear combination of marriage type and duration of marriage as well as personality traits in explaining individuals' marital satisfaction levels. More specifically, duration of marriage, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism were found to have individual significant contributions to Turkish individuals' marital satisfaction levels. Results were discussed by offering suggestions for future research and mental health professionals working with marriage and family issues.

Research paper thumbnail of İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışmaları

Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2008

ÖZET. Bu çalışma, İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye çevirisi ve Ölçeğin (İİGÖ) geçerlik ... more ÖZET. Bu çalışma, İkili İlişkiler Güven Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye çevirisi ve Ölçeğin (İİGÖ) geçerlik ve güvenirliğine ilişkin kanıtların incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Ölçek, Ankara, Aydın, İstanbul, Kayseri ve Sakarya illerinden 411 (211 kadın, 200 erkek) evli bireye uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği ile ilgili bulgular, orijinal ölçekteki tek boyutlu yapıyı desteklemiştir. Ölçeğin geçerliğine ilişkin diğer kanıtlar, İİGÖ ile Evlilik Yaşamı Ölçeği ve Duygusal Bağlılık Ölçeği arasındaki korelasyonların olumlu yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular ayrıca, erkeklerin İİGÖ puan ortalamalarının kadınlardan anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. İİGÖ’nün iç tutarlık katsayısı .89; iki yarı güve- nirliği .86 bulunmuştur. Çalışmanın sonuçları, ölçeğin ülkemizde kullanılabilecek, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar literatür çerçevesinde tartışılarak bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

ABSTRACT. This study aimed to translate Dyadic Trust Scale into Turkish and to examine the evidence related to its validity and reliability. The Scale was administered to 411 married individuals (211 female, 200 male) from Ankara, Aydın, Kayseri, İstanbul, and Sakarya. Findings regarding the construct validity of the scale were found to be consistent with the original scale’s one factor structure. The results of other validity studies indicated that Dyadic Trust Scale was positively and significantly associated with Marital Satisfaction Scale and Emotional Dependency Scale. Furthermore, results revealed that males’ dyadic trust score were significantly higher than females’. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the total scale was found to be .89 whereas split-half reliability coefficient was .86. Results of the study indicated that Dyadic Trust Scale is a valid and reliable instrument to use in Turkey. The findings were discussed within the literature and some suggestions were presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Visiting Shrines: A Turkish Religious Practice and Its Mental Health Implications

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling , 2012

The purpose of the present study was to explore through qualitative methodology the practice of v... more The purpose of the present study was to explore through qualitative methodology the practice of visiting shrines, a religious practice indigenous to Turkish Muslims, and its potential mental health benefits. Thirteen individuals were interviewed at two shrines in Istanbul, Turkey. The researchers focused on visitors' presenting issues, beliefs regarding the practice, the mental health benefits of the visit, and the behaviors that the visitors engaged in during their visit. The data were analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research method. Five domains emerged from the data: (i) degree of religiosity and duties, (ii) knowledge and beliefs about shrines, (iii) purpose of visits, (iv) activities during the visit, and (v) experience and impact of the visit. The findings were discussed based on the mental health benefits of visiting shrines and the counseling and cultural implications.

Research paper thumbnail of Children's Perceptions of Tests: A Content Analysis

European Journal of Educational Research, 2018

Anxiety that students experience during test taking negatively influences their academic achievem... more Anxiety that students experience during test taking negatively influences their academic achievement. Understanding how students perceive tests and how they feel during test taking could help in taking effective preventive measures. Hence, the current study focused on assessing children's perceptions of tests using content analysis. The sample consisted of 1143 participants (566 females and 570 males) attending 3rd (n = 320), 4th (n = 420), 5th (n = 197), and 6th (n = 206) grade classes in three public schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The findings indicated that three main domains emerged from the data. The domains and the categories under each domain were as follows: evaluation (grades, success vs. failure, learning and development, and intelligence), emotions (excitement, fear and anxiety, happiness, curiosity, mixed feelings, and disappointment), and experiential process (answering questions, studying, difficulty, thinking, having fun, cheating vs. honesty, and silence). Understanding students' experiences with testing early on in their education will give researchers and practitioners the chance to plan effective applications for treatment and prevention, which would influence students' future achievement and experiences. The study findings could also help teachers and school counselors plan more effective teaching and counseling programs that take into account students' anxiety levels during tests.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği'nin Türkçe Uyarlaması Adaptation of Children's Test Anxiety Scale to Turkish

İlköğretim Online [Elementary Education Online], 2017

ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Wren ve Benson (2004) tarafından geliştirilen "Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygıs... more ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Wren ve Benson (2004) tarafından geliştirilen "Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği"ni (CTAS, Children's Test Anxiety Scale) Türkçe'ye uyarlamaktır. Özgün ölçek İngilizce'dir ve üç boyutta toplam 30 maddeden oluşan dörtlü likert tipi bir ölçme aracıdır. Uyarlama çalışması için ölçek maddeleri Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş ve bu çevirinin uygunluğunu ve anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için alanlarında uzman yedi kişinin görüşleri alınarak dil geçerliği sağlanmıştır. Çeviri işlemleri sonrasında pilot çalışması yapılan ölçeğe son hali verilmiştir. Türkçe form 3 farklı devlet okulunun 3., 4., 5., ve 6. sınıflarında okuyan 1100 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğine ilişkin doğrulayıcı faktör analizinden elde edilen bulgular, orijinal çalışmadaki üç faktörlü yapıyı destekler niteliktedir. Ölçeğin alt boyutları: Düşünceler (Thoughts), Görev Dışı Davranışlar (Off-Task Behaviors), ve Otonom Tepkiler (Autonomic Reactions)'dir. Tüm ölçek (í µí»¼ = .88) ve ölçeğin Düşünceler (í µí»¼ = .82), Görev Dışı Davranışlar (í µí»¼ = .72), ve Otonom Tepkiler (í µí»¼ = .75) alt boyutları için Cronbach Alfa iç tutarlık katsayıları yüksek seviyededir. Ayırt edici geçerlik analizleri kız ve erkeklerin sınav kaygısı ortalama puanları arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığını gösterirken sınıf düzeyi açısından anlamlı farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan analizlerin sonuçları, Türkçe'ye uyarlama çalışması gerçekleştirilen bu ölçeğin öğrencilerin sınav kaygı düzeylerini belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğunu göstermektedir. Ölçeğin matematik eğitiminde kullanım alanları tartışılmış ve matematik kaygısına odaklanacak gelecek araştırma çalışmaları için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to adapt the "Children's Test Anxiet Scale (CTAS)" developed by Wren and Benson (2004) into Turkish. The original scale was in English and comprised of three factors including 30 items. Seven experts were involved in the adaptation process to translate the scale into Turkish and then back to English for providing evidence based on the consistency between the two forms. Following the translation process, a pilot study was conducted and the scale was given its final form. The Turkish form was administered to 1100 students who were attending to 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th grade classes in 3 public schools. Findings regarding the construct validity of the scale, which were obtained from the confirmatory analysis, supported the three-factor structure of the original scale. Subdimensions of the scale were Thoughts, Off-Task Behaviors, and Autonomic Reactions. Cronbach Alpha coefficients for the overall scale (í µí»¼ = .88) as well as the subdimensions of Thoughts (í µí»¼ = .82), Off-Task Behaviors (í µí»¼ = .72), and Autonomic Reactions (í µí»¼ = .75) were substantial in size. Regarding the discriminant validity analyses, there were no significant gender differences in students' test anxiety while there were significant grade level differences. These results demonstrated that the Turkish version of the scale is a valid and reliable instrument, which may serve as useful in measuring elementary school students' test anxiety levels. Directions for future research and practical implications for educational practice are discussed in terms of mathematics education.

Research paper thumbnail of Bilinçli-Farkındalık Temelli Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği-Yenilenmiş (BFÖÖ-Y): Türkiye Uyarlama Çalışması Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale-Revised (MSES-R): Turkish Adaptation Study

İlköğretim Online [Elementary Education Online], 2017

ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis ve Skilbeck (2012) tarafından geliştirilen "... more ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis ve Skilbeck (2012) tarafından geliştirilen "Bilinçli-Farkındalık Temelli Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği-Yenilenmiş"i (Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale-Revised) Türkçe'ye uyarlayarak geçerlik ve güvenirliğini araştırmaktır. Özgün ölçek İngilizce'dir ve altı boyutta toplam 22 maddeden oluşan beşli likert tipi bir ölçme aracıdır. Uyarlanan Türkçe form iki farklı devlet okulunun 5., 6. ve 7. sınıflarında okuyan 713 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Tüm ölçek (α= .72) ve ölçeğin Duygu Düzenleme (α= .73), Duygusal Denge (α= .68), Sosyal Beceriler (α= .65), Sıkıntı Tahammülü (α= .62), Sorumluluk Alma (α= .61) ve Kişilerarası Etkenlik (α= .65) alt boyutları için Cronbach Alfa içtutarlık katsayıları her bir alt boyutta yer alan düşük madde sayısı göz önüne alındığında kabul edilebilir seviyededir. Ayırt edici geçerlik analizleri kız ve erkeklerin bilinçli-farkındalık temelli öz-yeterlik ortalama puanları arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığını gösterirken sınıf düzeyi açısından anlamlı farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, Türkçe'ye uyarlama çalışması gerçekleştirilen bu ölçeğin öğrencilerin bilinçli-farkındalık temelli öz-yeterlik düzeylerini belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuçların kuramsal ve yöntemsel uygulamaları tartışılmıştır.

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the Turkish adaptation of "Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale Revised" developed by Cayoun, Francis, Kasselis, and Skilbeck (2012). The original form of the scale is in English and consists of 22 likert-type five-point items in a six-factor structure. The revised version of the Turkish form was applied to a sample of 713 students in 5th, 6th and 7th grades in two different public schools. The internal consistency coefficient Cronbach Alpha for the entire scale (= .72) and the factors Emotion Regulation (= .73), Equanimity (= .68), Social Skills (= .65), Distress Tolerance (= .62), Taking Responsibility (= .61) and Interpersonal Effectiveness (= .65) were found to be at acceptable values when the low number of items in each subscale is taken into consideration. Discriminant validity test results revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the average means of boys and girls, whereas there were statistically significant differences in the average means based on students' grade levels. The results indicated that the Turkish adaptation of the scale is a valid and reliable instrument of measuring students' mindfulness-based self-efficacy. Both theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Adaptation, Marital Satisfaction, and Academic Self-Efficacy of International Students

The authors investigated marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy in relation to psycholog... more The authors investigated marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy in relation to psychological adaptation (i.e., psychological well-being, life satisfaction) in a sample of 198 married international students. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy accounted for 45.9% of variance in psychological well-being and 25.8% of variance in life satisfaction scores. Based on the results, the differences between cognitive and emotion oriented processes during psychological adaptation were explained. The authors discuss implications for programs with international students and mental health professionals working in university campuses.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Differences, Infidelity, Dyadic Trust, and Jealousy among Married Turkish Individuals

Current Psychology, 2015

In the present study, relationships among gender, emotional response to partner’s imagined infide... more In the present study, relationships among gender, emotional response to partner’s imagined infidelity (emotional and sexual infidelity), and dyadic trust (low and high levels of trust) were investigated as functions of married Turkish individuals’ jealousy types (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral). Five hundred thirty seven (276 women and 261 men) married individuals living in urban areas in Turkey participated in the study. Results of the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed significant main effects for gender, infidelity types, and dyadic trust. Particularly, married Turkish men in this study were found to be more emotionally jealous than women. Participants who responded to sexual infidelity as more upsetting had higher levels of emotional jealousy when compared to the participants who found emotional infidelity more upsetting. Moreover, participants with low dyadic trust for their partners were found to be high in their cognitive jealousy and behavioral jealousy reactions. Results are discussed in details with implications for future research and suggestions for mental health practitioners.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Dependency and Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs as Predictors of Married Turkish Individuals’ Relationship Satisfaction

The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2016