531 (Svensk-engelsk fackordbok för näringsliv, förvaltning, undervisning och forskning) (original) (raw)
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medel|längd 531 medicinal|styrelse
tioner med korta eller ~a löptider to issue bonds
with short or intermediate maturities
medel|längd average length; av slängd
intermediate|and long-term bond issues]; ~lön
average salary (wage)
medellös without [any] means ([pecuniary]
resources), destitute [of means], impecunious;
(behövande) indigent, in indigent circumstances;
~a personer persons without means, indigent
persons; ~het destitution; ~hetsintyg
certificate of lack of means
medel|måttig mediocre, indifferent,
second-rate; ~nederbörd average rainfall;
~obligation average bond; ~potential mean
potential ; ~prestation average (mean) achievement;
~pris medium (middle; stat. average) price;
~produktion average output; ~punkt
centre, (US) center; focus, central (centre-)
medels|behov; de anmälda ~behoven (i
budgetförslag) the draft estimates; ~förvaltning
[the] administration of [the bank’s] funds
medel|skörd medium crop (yield), average
harvest (yield); ~snabb; ~snabb neutron
_(kärn-_fys.) intermediate neutron; ~soltid mean
[solar] time; ~sort average quality;
~spänning (el) average (mean) voltage; ~stark
medium heavy
medelstor medium-size [d], middle-sized, of
medium (average) size, medium; ett tjog ~a
företag a score of medium-sized firms
(companies); ~ bank [a] medium-sized
(middle-sized) bank; ~ lånt gärd [a] middle-sized farm;
små och ~a företag small and medium-sized
businesses [in all branches of industry and
trade]; ~lek medium size
medel|styrka medium strength; ~svår of
medium difficulty
medeltal average, mean; aritmetiskt ~
arithmetic [al] mean; beräkna set to strike an
average; geometriskt ~ geometric mean; i ~
on [an, the] average; i ~ vara (uppgå till,
prestera, väga, kosta, hålla) to average; löpande
ß-månaderss current 3-months’ averages; vägt
~ weighted average
medel|tals siffra mean value; ~tara average
tare; ~temperatur mean (average)
temperature; den årliga stemperaturen the mean annual
temperature; ~tid (genomsnittlig tid) mean
time; ~tidén the Middle Ages; ~tidsforskare
mediaevalist; ~tillväxt mean (average)
increment; ~tjocklek average thickness; ~tryck
mean pressure; ~täthet average density;
~upplaga average circulation; ~variation
average (mean) deviation; ~varm moderately
warm, tepid; (o?n klimat) temperate;
~vattenstånd mean water level, (förk.) MWL;
(om havet vanl.) mean sea level, (förk.) MSL;
~vikt average weight; ~vinst average
profit [s]; ~värde mean (average) value; (stat.
äv.) [mathematical] expectation, mean;
aritmetiskt svärde arithmetical (mathematical)
average; teoretiskt svärde (stat.) [mathematical]
expectation, mean; ~värdesriktig (ung.)
unbias[s]ed; ~värme (meteor.) mean
medfölja (om bilaga) to be enclosed; (omperson)
to accompany
medför|a to cause, to occasion, to produce, to
bring about (in its train), to carry with it;
(ha tillföljd) to result in, to.entail, to involve;
(framkalla) to give rise to, to provoke, to
lead to, to imply, to bring on; (äv.) to mean,
to spell; aktier som ej ~a lika rätt till andel i
bankaktiebolags tillgångar och vinst shares not
carrying equal rights to participation in a
banking company’s assets and profit; denna
bestämmelse ~ icke ngn skyldighet för this
provision involves no obligation on [the
authorities]; detta ~ bättre sikt this makes
for better (greater) visibility; ~a kostnader
to involve expenditure; —0 rätt för _inneha_varen
att the holder has the right to; to invest the
holder with the right to; ~a straffansvar to
involve criminal liability; stamaktie ~ en röst
[an] ordinary share entitles to one vote
med|förmyndare joint guardian; ~förvaltare
(i konkurs) co-trustee
medgiva (tillåta) to grant, to accord, to admit,
to permit, to allow; (samtycka till) to consent
to; (erkänna) to admit, to confess; kan ej -i"
på basis av föreliggande uppgifter to withhold
authority in the absence of particulars of the
transaction; the Swedish Foreign Exchange Control
Office has withheld authority in the absence of
particulars of the transaction underlying the transfer;
~ överföring (bank) to authorize transfer;
~nde granting, consent, permission,
(bekräftelse) sanction, (eftergift) concession;
confession; (äv.) admitting, admission; tyst snde
tacit consent; ge sitt tysta snde till to acquiesce
in; lämna sitt snde till to give one’s consent
to, to acquiesce in, to allow; med snde av
alla berörda parter with the agreement of all
concerned (of all parties concerned, of the
parties concerned); utan säljarens snde without
the seller’s consent; tullsnden tariff concessions
med|gäldenär joint debtor; ~hjälp (jur.)
complicity; ~hjälpare assistant; ~härskande
median (stat. etc.) median; (papper) medium;
~inkomst median income; ~letaldos median
lethal dose; ~ålder median age
medicin medicine, (preparat äv.) drug; fri
läkare och ~ free medical attention and
medicine; invärtes ~ internal medicine; Svenska
Föreningen för Invärtes M~ the Swedish Society
of Internal Medicine; klinisk ~ clinical
medicine; ortopedisk ~ orthopaedic medicine;
psykosomatisk ~ psychosomatic medicine; jfr
_bl._a. avmagrings~, flyg~, host~, kärn~,
naval~, patent~, _rätts_—
medicinal|råd Head of Division to the National
[Swedish] Board of Health; ~rådsassistent
Assistant Head of Division to the National
[Swedish] Board of Health; ~styrelse; Kungl.
M~styrelsen (hist.) the National [Swedish]
Board of Health; (Br) the Ministry of Health;
(US motsv.) the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare; the Public Health Service;
the Bureau of Medical Services; Kungl.
M~-styrelsens Disciplinnämnd the Disciplinary
Committee of the National [Swedish] Board of
Health; Kungl. M~styrelsens Strålskyddsnämnd
the Radiation Protection Council of the
National [Swedish] Board of Health; M~styrel-