russiamerica (original) (raw)

Previously having got good enough visa issuance history (Europe,Japan), my friend,an ordinary law-abiding childed (four times) man was in 2006 diffamated (later estimated the case was found constructed not without the local police interest) underwent prosecution faced the court and (after 2-year hearings and delays,2 attorneys,2 judges,money,nerves...) found guilty of committing a cap.crime though no witnesses,evidence base or motivations were found to present proof.Sentenced suddenly "easy" (children,probably) to 3.5 years on condition without probation.All the theme exhausted by June 2011. The question for those who passed american visa issung procedure SUCCESSFULLY with similar or close to the above conjuncture.Whether it^s worth mentioning such a point at all.Friends,please,only real experience.

Hello all. It's been a long time since I have updated the Russia x America Kink Archive, but I'm getting back into things (and hopefully it'll be consistent?).

Just a short message to inform folks that I have updated the Unfilled and Filled Prompts up to part 20, and will work to get caught up to part 25-26. I have yet to touched the Past Filled prompt list, so that's another project to tackle.

You may also notice the newest links are directed to the Dreamwidth site of the hetalia kink meme, which I'll be doing going forward from part 18 to stay consistent with the kink meme's move.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

Hello all!
I'm selling lots of Hetalia goods on eBay HERE !

Multiple purchases will enjoy combined shipping at a reduced rate, so bid on more to save more!!!


07 September 2013 @ 07:28 pm

Title: I meant a movie!
Rating: Starts at K+ and is currently at T (Ratings will change in the future for this story ^w^)
Genre: Humor/Romance


America really wants to go see a new movie that's said to be the scariest movie in the world. So, of course, he didn't want to go by himself! Russia's still at the meeting place so why not ask him? RusAme (Rating may change in future)
Hope you guys like ^w^

Current Mood: happyhappy

Current Music: Fever~ Adam Lamburt

Dear all,

I'm selling lots of Hetalia goods [[ HERE ]] !
Please feel free to come in to take a look! ^__^

★ Latest Update: 16 April 2013 - Prices further reduced! ★

Goods currently available include:

★ Nekotalia Mascot Plush Figures
★ One Coin Figures
★ Rubber Straps
★ Stick Posters
★ Special Coasters
★ & more!

21 September 2012 @ 07:21 am

Title: Push
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG13. Some violence.
Summary: This is what insanity looks like.

DW link.
FFN link.

Current Mood: black

Current Music: nutcracker

24 August 2012 @ 06:18 pm

A bunch of Russia/America and America/Russia books for sale. Circles like Gomadango, Mother Mix, Back in the USSR, etc.

If interested, please click here for more info -- thank you very much! :]

15 August 2012 @ 02:33 am


Title: Patchwork
Rating: Starts at PG, gets a 13 later.
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Summary: Meet Alfred F. Jones, five years old. Dressed in a pair of blue denim overall shorts and a striped short sleeved shirt he looks exactly like all the other little boys on the playground. Alfred, however, is not like all the other little boys.
Warning/Notes: Posting chapter 2. Because.


( In little more than a week's time, Alfred turns six and has yet to return to the small day care.Collapse )

Current Mood: busy

Current Music: Where is My Mind?; The Pixies

14 August 2012 @ 02:35 am


Title: Circa
Rating: T for Too much fluff and drama and teenage hormoness and so much fluff homg you don't even know and some swears and stripping.
Summary: It starts as an adventure into the attic, and then for some reason or another, the clothing they come across somehow become a continuous staple throughout their lives.
Pairings/Characters: thoughttobeonesided!Russia/fem!America, thoughttobeonesided!fem!America/Russia, England/fem!America, onesidedrelationship!Belarus/Russia, Prussia/fem!America, and then finally Russia/fem!America. Jeez...
Notes/Warnings: Whaa? Everything above wasn't enough of a warning? Hawt dayum. Well, human!AU. Fem!America because reasons at the end. Multi-pairing because reasons. Fluff because I'm sappy. :3 America is called Amanda because reasons at the end. OOCness? Most likely. I's saweee~.


( When Amanda is six, dressed in her great-grandmother's wedding gown and veil, Ivan is there...Collapse )

Current Mood: geeky

Current Music: "What ever happened to Saturday night?"; Rocky Horror OST

08 August 2012 @ 01:09 am


Title: Patchwork
Rating: Starts at PG, gets a 13 later.
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Summary: Meet Alfred F. Jones, five years old. Dressed in a pair of blue denim overall shorts and a striped short sleeved shirt he looks exactly like all the other little boys on the playground. Alfred, however, is not like all the other little boys.
Warning/Notes: You can just read all of this elsewhere since it's been completed for ages. But I talk some in the a/n at the end about stuff and yeah. I'm sorry, I'm still bad at this.
