Dona Schneider | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (original) (raw)

Papers by Dona Schneider

Research paper thumbnail of Cecco d'Ascoli

Page 1. Cecco d'Ascoli Pietro Fanfani Page 2. te) I-50 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY From the Bequ... more Page 1. Cecco d'Ascoli Pietro Fanfani Page 2. te) I-50 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY From the Bequest of MARY PC NASH IN MEMORY OF HER HUSBAND BENNETT HUBBARD NASH Instructor and Professor of Italian and Spanish 1866-1894 Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Survey of Older Americans to Determine Frequency and Motivations for Eating Fast Food

Journal of Nutrition For the Elderly, 1996

Senior citizens were surveyed at ll senior centers ir two slates 10 determine their use of fast f... more Senior citizens were surveyed at ll senior centers ir two slates 10 determine their use of fast food restaurants for food an( socializaLion pulposes. Six and ll percent of respondents in Nev Jersey and Texas, respectively, eat in fast food restaurants at leas once a week. One-ffth of respondents in both states ftequent fast foo( restaurants so they do not have to cook. Onequarter of responden! cited economics as the reason for fast food restaurant paEonage. Thi study provided evidence that seniors patronize fast food restauranti in large numbers, have skong reasons for doing so, and their patron age and motivations do not dilfer geograghically. [Article copies ovail able from The Haworth Docume\t Delivery

Research paper thumbnail of Death Rates in Rural America 1939–1981: Convergence and Poverty

Nolu4 knouring lhal the nemge length ol the life ol nunkind in toums has been much less thtn in ,... more Nolu4 knouring lhal the nemge length ol the life ol nunkind in toums has been much less thtn in ,he country, and that the aueruge onount of dis@s and nisery ond of vice and crime has bem much greatet in lourns, this unuld be a wry dark pmspect lor civiliation, il it uere not that ndern Science has beyond all question determined many ol llv causes of thc speciol euils by which men are afllicted in lowns , and placcd means in our hands for guarding against lhem. pubricpa,ksandt[i!{tr!^?J3!,T'Jiili"'!:ii#J;

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning Methods in the Analysis of Lung Cancer Survival Data

Research paper thumbnail of Choice of exercise: a predictor of behavioral risks?

Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, Oct 1, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of The epidemiology of pulmonary embolism: racial contrasts in incidence and in-hospital case fatality

Journal of the National Medical Association, 2006

Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) has declined in the United States over the past two decade... more Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) has declined in the United States over the past two decades, yet significant racia l disparities persist with the age-adjusted rates for blacks about twice those for whites. Incidence studies to date have not been successful in defining reasons for this disparity, primarily because they have not enrolled sufficient numbers of blacks to allow for racial comparisons. This study overcomes that limitation by using New Jersey hospital discharge data as a surrogate measure for PE incidence. It examines whether differences in access to care, in-hospital case fatality, discharge planning or other factors might help explain the observed patterns. Our results revealed an elevation in the incidence of PE among blacks compared with whites, similar to the contrasts in mortality. In-hospital case fatality did not differ notably between blacks and whites, indicating that treatment in-hospital is an unlikely contributing factor. We found differences in hospita...

Research paper thumbnail of Early life experiences linked to diabetes mellitus: a study of African-American migration

Journal of the National Medical Association, 1997

African Americans experienced massive internal migrations that shifted more than 6 million Southe... more African Americans experienced massive internal migrations that shifted more than 6 million Southern-born blacks to other sections of the United States over the past century, a trend that only recently has been reversed. Whenever mass migration takes place, there is an opportunity to examine the role of the native and relocated environments in the development of disease. This article examines those relationships for diabetes mellitus, a group of diseases that disproportionately affect African-Americans relative to other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Age-specific and age-adjusted rates with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for males and females for combinations of five regions of birth and four regions of residence at time of death. Southern-born males had statistically significantly higher death rates from diabetes than did their counterparts who died in the same regions in 9 of 16 comparisons. For females, those born in the South had statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Hospice in New Jersey: 20 years of progress

New Jersey medicine : the journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1996

Hospice is o concepl of core for the terminolly ill thoi is odepl ot omelioroting physicol poin o... more Hospice is o concepl of core for the terminolly ill thoi is odepl ot omelioroting physicol poin ond suffering, while moximizing spirituol ond emotionol comforl. Originolly focused on concer potienis, hospice hos exponded to provide core to others, especiolly ihose with AIDS ond end-stoge heort dis' eose. Addressing the potieni ond fomily os the unit of core, hospice concerns itself wilh the issues of bereovemeni ond the long-ierm impaci of deoth ond dying on fomily members. ln New Jersey iodoy, more thon 38 focilities provide skilled ond compossionole hospice services for the dying. The modern hospice move ment emerged in the lote 1960s ond eorly l9ZOs, ihe period when wesiern medicine exponded os never before, with new technology opplied to iniensive ond cordioc core uniis, surgicol techniques, ond new treolment odvonces. The public come to expecl medicine to cure, or ot leost to pre vent deoth or disobility from most diseoses ond condilions. When President Nixon signed the Notionol Concer Act in I 971 , the medio promised thot ihe mogic bullel wos iust oround the corner. One result of these expectolions wos ihot physicions ond heolth professionols come to view the deoth o[ o poiient os o personol foilure. Their feelings of helplessness ond frusirotion ofien were tronsloted into poiient isolotion. Terminolly ill potients were ploced ot the end of the holl, frequently skipped on rounds, ond denied the opportuniiy to cty Jor$oy ll[l}urlr] 41 discuss their feors ond concerns. Rorely were ihe hue diognosis ond prognosis discussed, ond communicotion between potient, stof[, ond fom' ily often ceosed obruptly. Poin ond symptom control were nol priorities, ond concerns obout use of norcotics ond the polentiol for oddiction prevented physicions from prescribing odequote omounls of medicotion. The concepts of onticipotory grieving, fomily emotionol heolth, ond spirituol needs were low priorities for heolth professionols. ln Britoin, Dr. Cicely Sounders begon d+emphosizing curotive medicol core when oppropriote, ond begon odvo coiing o holistic opprooch to terminolly ill concer potients. St. Christopher's Hospice opened in London in 1962, emphosizing the fomily unii ond flexibility in creoting individuolized progroms. Although the British model wos primorily inpotient in noture, the philosophy of the modern hospice movemenl wos luriher developed in lhe United Sloles, focusing on oiding the potient wishing to die ot home.

Research paper thumbnail of Activism for medical geographers: American, British and Canadian viewpoints

Social science & medicine (1982), 1990

This paper describes some of our personal efforts to launch research projects that address public... more This paper describes some of our personal efforts to launch research projects that address public health issues of interest to geographers in the United States, Canada and Britain. In pressing these agendas we have found through our experiences that there are personal and disciplinary costs associated with activism. We describe the loss of identity with geography; the frustration of trying to persuade bench scientists, corporate representatives, and government officials of the importance of our work; the loss of research time and contact with both our academic colleagues and students.

Research paper thumbnail of Large US Cities

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood an Adult Cancer

Research paper thumbnail of Are Levels of Hypercholesterolemia and Triglyceride Associated with Gender in Predicting the Risk for the Different Subtypes of Stroke?

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke Among South Asians Compared to Other Racial/Ethnic Groups

Research paper thumbnail of Disparities in Time to Hospitalization, Diagnosis, and Treatment for Acute Stroke in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort

Research paper thumbnail of The study of cancer in minorities

Research paper thumbnail of Influences on breast cancer survival via svm classification in the seer database

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood and young adult cancer in New Jersey

Cancer incidence rates fot O to 24 years of age were examined for New Jercey for 1g7g-1985. New J... more Cancer incidence rates fot O to 24 years of age were examined for New Jercey for 1g7g-1985. New Jersey rates generally were higher than the compa son states' Ihey werc most like those of Connecticut fhe state most similar in demographics' geography, and degree of urbanization.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for acute stroke among South Asians compared to other racial/ethnic groups

PloS one, 2014

Studies of racial/ethnic variations in stroke rarely consider the South Asian population, one of ... more Studies of racial/ethnic variations in stroke rarely consider the South Asian population, one of the fastest growing sub-groups in the United States. This study compared risk factors for stroke among South Asians with those for whites, African-Americans, and Hispanics. Data on 3290 stroke patients were analyzed to examine risk differences among the four racial/ethnic groups. Data on 3290 patients admitted to a regional stroke center were analyzed to examine risk differences for ischemic stroke (including subtypes of small and large vessel disease) among South Asians, whites, African Americans and Hispanics. South Asians were younger and had higher rates of diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose levels than other race/ethnicities. Prevalence of diabetic and antiplatelet medication use, as well as the incidence of small-artery occlusion ischemic stroke was also higher among South Asians. South Asians were almost a decade younger and had comparable socioeconomic l...

Research paper thumbnail of Field conditions for agricultural workers in the El Paso, Texas region

New solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS, 2001

Agricultural workers labor long hours under difficult conditions in many of the nations fields an... more Agricultural workers labor long hours under difficult conditions in many of the nations fields and orchards. Agricultural workers are primarily minority populations, the most dominant group being Hispanic/Latino. The Rural Coalition and the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute were funded under the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Environmental Justice Program, to investigate health and environmental issues that impact agricultural workers along the Texas-Mexican border area. A Spanish-language field conditions survey was developed and distributed to the workers entering the Sin Fronteras Organizing Project in El Paso, Texas. There were 841 valid surveys collected and analyzed for the calendar year 1998. Workers age mean was 51, with 18.6 years of work experience in agriculture. In the time period surveyed, workers labored for 7.2 hours per day. The primary crop in which they worked were chilies. Of particular concern were issues concer...

Research paper thumbnail of TOADS Go to New Jersey: Implications for Land Use and Public Health in Mid-sized and Large US Cities

Research paper thumbnail of Cecco d'Ascoli

Page 1. Cecco d'Ascoli Pietro Fanfani Page 2. te) I-50 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY From the Bequ... more Page 1. Cecco d'Ascoli Pietro Fanfani Page 2. te) I-50 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY From the Bequest of MARY PC NASH IN MEMORY OF HER HUSBAND BENNETT HUBBARD NASH Instructor and Professor of Italian and Spanish 1866-1894 Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Survey of Older Americans to Determine Frequency and Motivations for Eating Fast Food

Journal of Nutrition For the Elderly, 1996

Senior citizens were surveyed at ll senior centers ir two slates 10 determine their use of fast f... more Senior citizens were surveyed at ll senior centers ir two slates 10 determine their use of fast food restaurants for food an( socializaLion pulposes. Six and ll percent of respondents in Nev Jersey and Texas, respectively, eat in fast food restaurants at leas once a week. One-ffth of respondents in both states ftequent fast foo( restaurants so they do not have to cook. Onequarter of responden! cited economics as the reason for fast food restaurant paEonage. Thi study provided evidence that seniors patronize fast food restauranti in large numbers, have skong reasons for doing so, and their patron age and motivations do not dilfer geograghically. [Article copies ovail able from The Haworth Docume\t Delivery

Research paper thumbnail of Death Rates in Rural America 1939–1981: Convergence and Poverty

Nolu4 knouring lhal the nemge length ol the life ol nunkind in toums has been much less thtn in ,... more Nolu4 knouring lhal the nemge length ol the life ol nunkind in toums has been much less thtn in ,he country, and that the aueruge onount of dis@s and nisery ond of vice and crime has bem much greatet in lourns, this unuld be a wry dark pmspect lor civiliation, il it uere not that ndern Science has beyond all question determined many ol llv causes of thc speciol euils by which men are afllicted in lowns , and placcd means in our hands for guarding against lhem. pubricpa,ksandt[i!{tr!^?J3!,T'Jiili"'!:ii#J;

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning Methods in the Analysis of Lung Cancer Survival Data

Research paper thumbnail of Choice of exercise: a predictor of behavioral risks?

Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport, Oct 1, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of The epidemiology of pulmonary embolism: racial contrasts in incidence and in-hospital case fatality

Journal of the National Medical Association, 2006

Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) has declined in the United States over the past two decade... more Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) has declined in the United States over the past two decades, yet significant racia l disparities persist with the age-adjusted rates for blacks about twice those for whites. Incidence studies to date have not been successful in defining reasons for this disparity, primarily because they have not enrolled sufficient numbers of blacks to allow for racial comparisons. This study overcomes that limitation by using New Jersey hospital discharge data as a surrogate measure for PE incidence. It examines whether differences in access to care, in-hospital case fatality, discharge planning or other factors might help explain the observed patterns. Our results revealed an elevation in the incidence of PE among blacks compared with whites, similar to the contrasts in mortality. In-hospital case fatality did not differ notably between blacks and whites, indicating that treatment in-hospital is an unlikely contributing factor. We found differences in hospita...

Research paper thumbnail of Early life experiences linked to diabetes mellitus: a study of African-American migration

Journal of the National Medical Association, 1997

African Americans experienced massive internal migrations that shifted more than 6 million Southe... more African Americans experienced massive internal migrations that shifted more than 6 million Southern-born blacks to other sections of the United States over the past century, a trend that only recently has been reversed. Whenever mass migration takes place, there is an opportunity to examine the role of the native and relocated environments in the development of disease. This article examines those relationships for diabetes mellitus, a group of diseases that disproportionately affect African-Americans relative to other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Age-specific and age-adjusted rates with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for males and females for combinations of five regions of birth and four regions of residence at time of death. Southern-born males had statistically significantly higher death rates from diabetes than did their counterparts who died in the same regions in 9 of 16 comparisons. For females, those born in the South had statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Hospice in New Jersey: 20 years of progress

New Jersey medicine : the journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1996

Hospice is o concepl of core for the terminolly ill thoi is odepl ot omelioroting physicol poin o... more Hospice is o concepl of core for the terminolly ill thoi is odepl ot omelioroting physicol poin ond suffering, while moximizing spirituol ond emotionol comforl. Originolly focused on concer potienis, hospice hos exponded to provide core to others, especiolly ihose with AIDS ond end-stoge heort dis' eose. Addressing the potieni ond fomily os the unit of core, hospice concerns itself wilh the issues of bereovemeni ond the long-ierm impaci of deoth ond dying on fomily members. ln New Jersey iodoy, more thon 38 focilities provide skilled ond compossionole hospice services for the dying. The modern hospice move ment emerged in the lote 1960s ond eorly l9ZOs, ihe period when wesiern medicine exponded os never before, with new technology opplied to iniensive ond cordioc core uniis, surgicol techniques, ond new treolment odvonces. The public come to expecl medicine to cure, or ot leost to pre vent deoth or disobility from most diseoses ond condilions. When President Nixon signed the Notionol Concer Act in I 971 , the medio promised thot ihe mogic bullel wos iust oround the corner. One result of these expectolions wos ihot physicions ond heolth professionols come to view the deoth o[ o poiient os o personol foilure. Their feelings of helplessness ond frusirotion ofien were tronsloted into poiient isolotion. Terminolly ill potients were ploced ot the end of the holl, frequently skipped on rounds, ond denied the opportuniiy to cty Jor$oy ll[l}urlr] 41 discuss their feors ond concerns. Rorely were ihe hue diognosis ond prognosis discussed, ond communicotion between potient, stof[, ond fom' ily often ceosed obruptly. Poin ond symptom control were nol priorities, ond concerns obout use of norcotics ond the polentiol for oddiction prevented physicions from prescribing odequote omounls of medicotion. The concepts of onticipotory grieving, fomily emotionol heolth, ond spirituol needs were low priorities for heolth professionols. ln Britoin, Dr. Cicely Sounders begon d+emphosizing curotive medicol core when oppropriote, ond begon odvo coiing o holistic opprooch to terminolly ill concer potients. St. Christopher's Hospice opened in London in 1962, emphosizing the fomily unii ond flexibility in creoting individuolized progroms. Although the British model wos primorily inpotient in noture, the philosophy of the modern hospice movemenl wos luriher developed in lhe United Sloles, focusing on oiding the potient wishing to die ot home.

Research paper thumbnail of Activism for medical geographers: American, British and Canadian viewpoints

Social science & medicine (1982), 1990

This paper describes some of our personal efforts to launch research projects that address public... more This paper describes some of our personal efforts to launch research projects that address public health issues of interest to geographers in the United States, Canada and Britain. In pressing these agendas we have found through our experiences that there are personal and disciplinary costs associated with activism. We describe the loss of identity with geography; the frustration of trying to persuade bench scientists, corporate representatives, and government officials of the importance of our work; the loss of research time and contact with both our academic colleagues and students.

Research paper thumbnail of Large US Cities

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood an Adult Cancer

Research paper thumbnail of Are Levels of Hypercholesterolemia and Triglyceride Associated with Gender in Predicting the Risk for the Different Subtypes of Stroke?

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke Among South Asians Compared to Other Racial/Ethnic Groups

Research paper thumbnail of Disparities in Time to Hospitalization, Diagnosis, and Treatment for Acute Stroke in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort

Research paper thumbnail of The study of cancer in minorities

Research paper thumbnail of Influences on breast cancer survival via svm classification in the seer database

Research paper thumbnail of Childhood and young adult cancer in New Jersey

Cancer incidence rates fot O to 24 years of age were examined for New Jercey for 1g7g-1985. New J... more Cancer incidence rates fot O to 24 years of age were examined for New Jercey for 1g7g-1985. New Jersey rates generally were higher than the compa son states' Ihey werc most like those of Connecticut fhe state most similar in demographics' geography, and degree of urbanization.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for acute stroke among South Asians compared to other racial/ethnic groups

PloS one, 2014

Studies of racial/ethnic variations in stroke rarely consider the South Asian population, one of ... more Studies of racial/ethnic variations in stroke rarely consider the South Asian population, one of the fastest growing sub-groups in the United States. This study compared risk factors for stroke among South Asians with those for whites, African-Americans, and Hispanics. Data on 3290 stroke patients were analyzed to examine risk differences among the four racial/ethnic groups. Data on 3290 patients admitted to a regional stroke center were analyzed to examine risk differences for ischemic stroke (including subtypes of small and large vessel disease) among South Asians, whites, African Americans and Hispanics. South Asians were younger and had higher rates of diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose levels than other race/ethnicities. Prevalence of diabetic and antiplatelet medication use, as well as the incidence of small-artery occlusion ischemic stroke was also higher among South Asians. South Asians were almost a decade younger and had comparable socioeconomic l...

Research paper thumbnail of Field conditions for agricultural workers in the El Paso, Texas region

New solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS, 2001

Agricultural workers labor long hours under difficult conditions in many of the nations fields an... more Agricultural workers labor long hours under difficult conditions in many of the nations fields and orchards. Agricultural workers are primarily minority populations, the most dominant group being Hispanic/Latino. The Rural Coalition and the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute were funded under the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Environmental Justice Program, to investigate health and environmental issues that impact agricultural workers along the Texas-Mexican border area. A Spanish-language field conditions survey was developed and distributed to the workers entering the Sin Fronteras Organizing Project in El Paso, Texas. There were 841 valid surveys collected and analyzed for the calendar year 1998. Workers age mean was 51, with 18.6 years of work experience in agriculture. In the time period surveyed, workers labored for 7.2 hours per day. The primary crop in which they worked were chilies. Of particular concern were issues concer...

Research paper thumbnail of TOADS Go to New Jersey: Implications for Land Use and Public Health in Mid-sized and Large US Cities