Lia Nower | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (original) (raw)

Papers by Lia Nower

Research paper thumbnail of Adopting an affordability approach to responsible gambling and harm reduction: considerations for implementation in a north american context

Research paper thumbnail of Adopting an Affordability Approach to Responsible Gambling and Harm Reduction: Considerations for Implementation in a North American Context

Research paper thumbnail of New name, new Advisory Board, new ethics guidelines

Journal of Gambling Issues, 2004

... Henry Lesieur, Dept of Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, USAVaness... more ... Henry Lesieur, Dept of Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, USAVanessa L ópez-Viets, Dept of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Ray MacNeil, Nova Scotia Department of Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Prevalence of Online and Land‐Based Gambling in New Jersey

Research paper thumbnail of Widening the net: A syndemic approach to responsible gambling

SUCHT, 2018

. Background: Attempts to address gambling-related harms have evolved rubrics to foster responsib... more . Background: Attempts to address gambling-related harms have evolved rubrics to foster responsible gambling and informed choice. Those efforts have largely focused on apportioning the relative responsibility placed on government, industry, and individuals for reducing excessive gambling that leads to adverse consequences. Empirical evaluations of responsible gambling measures, together with proposed frameworks that set out guidelines for accountability, have met with mixed results and criticism from divergent groups of stakeholders. Aim: While harm reduction remains a worthy goal, this position paper argues against maintaining a stringent focus on the government-industry-individual triumvirate in favor of adopting a syndemic approach to gambling-related harms. Approach: A syndemic perspective suggests that gambling disorder intersects, coexists, precedes or follows other comorbid conditions and interacts with social and environmental factors that promote and enhance the negative consequences of gambling problems. This paper discussions potential syndemic stakeholders and challenges in the implementation of this approach. Conclusions: Initiatives to reduce gambling-related harm should adopt a broader perspective, involving stakeholders from diverse syndemic problem areas in developing a network to identify and address gambling problems in early stages of development across multiple settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in pathological gambling

Personality and Individual Differences, 2007

... have been found in samples of pathological gamblers in treatment ([Blaszczynski et al., 1997]... more ... have been found in samples of pathological gamblers in treatment ([Blaszczynski et al., 1997], [Castellani and Rugle, 1995] and [Steel and Blaszczynski, 1996]) although some contradictory results have been reported in a small number of studies ([Allcock and Grace, 1988] and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Response to commentaries on: Clarifying gambling subtypes: the revised pathways model of problem gambling

Research paper thumbnail of Sources of Bias in Research on Gambling Among Older Adults: Considerations for a Growing Field

Current Addiction Reports

The purpose of this review was to identify possible sources of bias in the study of gambling amon... more The purpose of this review was to identify possible sources of bias in the study of gambling among older adults. These sources of bias included social desirability bias including issues of increased stigmatization of gambling behaviors in older adults, recall bias including deficits in the recall of negative experiences, and selection bias including increased reliance on survey methods that are more likely to exclude older adults. Due to the paucity of research directly examining sources of bias in the study of older adult gambling, this review took recent developments in the field of gambling research and compared them across known issues in researching older adults taken from other fields. Those sources of bias that have the most support in the literature were discussed. The trend of increased focus on the experiences of older adults in gambling research is likely to continue given the aging of the Global North and potential vulnerabilities to harm associated with old age. The field must make a more effort to directly assess unique sources of bias in this area in order to ensure that future findings are reflective of the wide range of experiences that is captured within the category of “older adult.”

Research paper thumbnail of Responsible gambling strategy information available on public-facing state lottery websites in the U.S

International Gambling Studies, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Gaming in New Jersey

Research paper thumbnail of Gambling and Special Populations

Research paper thumbnail of Crypto-currency Trading Among Regular Gamblers: A New Risk for Problem Gambling?

Abstract Crypto-currency or “crypto” is digital money that can be used to fund risk-taking activi... more Abstract Crypto-currency or “crypto” is digital money that can be used to fund risk-taking activities anonymously via the Internet (e.g., drugs, gambling). There is growing concern in the field of gambling studies that trading cryptos will appeal to high-risk gamblers. The present study assessed the prevalence of crypto trading among regular gamblers and its relationship to problem gambling severity. Adults (18+) who gambled at least monthly in the past year were recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (N = 876; 58.33% male) and completed the Problem Gambling Severity Index, Patient Health Questionnaire, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale via an online survey. More than half of the sample indicated they had traded cryptos in the past year. Crypto trading was strongly associated with higher levels of high-risk stock trading (r = .67), greater problem gambling severity (r = .53), and modestly associated with both anxiety (r = .20) and depressive symptoms (r = .20). Results from a linear regression revealed that sports betting, daily fantasy sports, high-risk stock trading, and problem gambling severity were positive predictors of crypto trading frequency, whereas gambling in land-based casinos was a negative predictor. Implications for problem gambling education, screening, and treatment will be discussed. Implications Statement The present findings represent an initial assessment of the prevalence of cryptocurrency trading among regular gamblers, and its relation to problem gambling. Future research should begin to include cryptocurrency trading in screening, assessment, and treatment protocols, particularly with regular gamblers

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Sports Betters in an Epidemiological Study

ABSTRACT The potential impact of the recent legalization of sports wagering in the U.S. on rates ... more ABSTRACT The potential impact of the recent legalization of sports wagering in the U.S. on rates of problem gambling is unknown, particularly in light of interactive media. The current study examines the self-reported behavior of 332 sports betters in a representative sample of 2,213 participants (\u3e18 years) in a statewide study on gambling. Results of univariate analyses and multiple regression modeling indicated: More than 97% of sports betters also bet on other forms of gambling, including daily fantasy sports (58%). Compared to other gamblers, those who bet on sports were more likely to be younger, male, undereducated (less than high school) and to report a physical limitation or disability. In addition, sports betters were more likely to smoke, binge drink, use illegal drugs, report a mental health problem in the past year and to seriously have contemplated suicide. Unlike a majority of other gamblers, sports betters gambled both online and in land-based venues; preferred activities were lottery, poker, live casino tables games, daily fantasy sports, and horse track betting. Finally, sports betters in the study were significantly more likely to score as moderate or high risk problem gamblers on the PGSI than other gamblers in the study. IMPLICATIONS: States are legalizing sports wagering without investigating the potential impacts on underage youth or young adults, who may subvert regulatory age limitations on interactive platforms. Our findings suggest these effects should be a serious concern. Suggestions for harm reduction, prevention, and education strategies targeting this group will be discussed

Research paper thumbnail of Loot box: A nexus of Internet gambling and video gaming

Research paper thumbnail of Gambling and military Service: Characteristics, comorbidity, and problem severity in an epidemiological sample

Addictive Behaviors, 2021

Active military members and veterans both show elevated risk of Gambling Disorder. However, resea... more Active military members and veterans both show elevated risk of Gambling Disorder. However, research comparing these groups to civilians in epidemiological samples is sparse. There is also some research suggesting that there is a stronger association between military service and poor mental outcomes for women. The current study applies bivariate analyses and generalized linear modelling predicting Problem Gambling Severity Index scores to a representative, complex survey sample of 2176 New Jersey adult residents. The results show that problem gambling scores for past and current military service members were more than double that of the civilian participants after controlling for relevant demographic and behavioral characteristics. Additionally, the relationship between problem gambling scores and military service was significantly stronger for women than men. Bivariate analyses indicated that active military service members scored higher on the Problem Gambling Severity Index, indicated greater weekly participation in online gambling, lottery, electronic gambling machine, and sports betting, and nearly 20 times the rate of suicidal ideation compared with civilians. Additional regression analysis show that among military service members problem gambling scores were associated with suicidal ideation, tobacco use, and substance use problems. The results are discussed in the context of a period of expansion of online gambling opportunities. Constrained options for leisure coupled with the high propensity for risk taking among military service members and the relative ease of concealing online gambling on base may expose military service members to disproportionately higher risk of Gambling Disorder.

Research paper thumbnail of Informed Choice and Gambling: Principles for Consumer Protection

The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 2013

It is well-established that problem gambling results, in part, from erroneous perceptions about t... more It is well-established that problem gambling results, in part, from erroneous perceptions about the probability of winning. While individuals retain the ultimate responsibility over gambling choices and level of participation, optimal decision-making depends, among other factors, on the availability of reliable, comprehensive information. From a public health perspective, the gaming industry, in collaboration with government and the community, must ensure that individuals receive sufficient information to enable them to make responsible gambling choices. This paper reviews key decision-making models and posits four primary goals that will lead to optimal choices in gambling: (a) the provision of relevant and objective information; (b) elucidation of the benefits of responsible gambling as well as potential social and personal costs of excessive gambling; (c) additional materials targeted to specific gambling subgroups; and (d) the use of a variety of communication mediums to dissem...

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings on cryptocurrency trading among regular gamblers: A new risk for problem gambling?

Addictive Behaviors, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Daily Fantasy Sports Players: Gambling, Addiction, and Mental Health Problems

Journal of gambling studies, Jan 19, 2018

Studies point to a relationship between fantasy sports/daily fantasy sports (DFS) play and gambli... more Studies point to a relationship between fantasy sports/daily fantasy sports (DFS) play and gambling behavior. However, little is known about the nature of those relationships, particularly regarding the development of gambling problems. This study investigates the nature, frequency, and preferences of gambling behavior as well as problem gambling severity and comorbid conditions among DFS players. Data were collected from an epidemiologic survey of 3634 New Jersey residents on gambling and leisure activities. Participants were contacted by phone (land-line and cell) and online to obtain a representative, cross-sectional sample of non-institutionalized adults, aged 18 years or older. Excluding non-gamblers, the remaining 2146 participants, included in these analyses, indicated they had either played DFS (n = 299) or had gambled but not played DFS (1847) in the past year. Univariate comparisons and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the most significant c...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem gambling among ethnic minorities: results from an epidemiological study

Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Development and validation of the Gambling Pathways Questionnaire (GPQ)

Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 2017

The Pathways Model (Blaszczynski & Nower, 2002) is a theoretical framework that proposes three pa... more The Pathways Model (Blaszczynski & Nower, 2002) is a theoretical framework that proposes three pathways for identifying etiological subtypes of problem gamblers. The model has been used to assist clinicians in developing individualized treatments that target not only the gambling behavior but also associated risk factors that may undermine recovery and precipitate relapse. The current study sought to develop and validate a new screening instrument, based on the Pathways Model for treatment-seeking gamblers. Participants were gamblers age 18 and over who scored 1+ symptoms on the Problem Gambling Severity Index of the Canadian Problem Gambling Index and presented to one of 22 participating treatment centers in Canada, the United States, and Australia (N = 1,176). Data were collected on 127 items, consisting of 62 core items that reflected variables in the Pathways Model and 65 experimental items derived from recent scholarly literature in gambling etiology. Exploratory and confirmato...

Research paper thumbnail of Adopting an affordability approach to responsible gambling and harm reduction: considerations for implementation in a north american context

Research paper thumbnail of Adopting an Affordability Approach to Responsible Gambling and Harm Reduction: Considerations for Implementation in a North American Context

Research paper thumbnail of New name, new Advisory Board, new ethics guidelines

Journal of Gambling Issues, 2004

... Henry Lesieur, Dept of Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, USAVaness... more ... Henry Lesieur, Dept of Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, USAVanessa L ópez-Viets, Dept of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Ray MacNeil, Nova Scotia Department of Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Prevalence of Online and Land‐Based Gambling in New Jersey

Research paper thumbnail of Widening the net: A syndemic approach to responsible gambling

SUCHT, 2018

. Background: Attempts to address gambling-related harms have evolved rubrics to foster responsib... more . Background: Attempts to address gambling-related harms have evolved rubrics to foster responsible gambling and informed choice. Those efforts have largely focused on apportioning the relative responsibility placed on government, industry, and individuals for reducing excessive gambling that leads to adverse consequences. Empirical evaluations of responsible gambling measures, together with proposed frameworks that set out guidelines for accountability, have met with mixed results and criticism from divergent groups of stakeholders. Aim: While harm reduction remains a worthy goal, this position paper argues against maintaining a stringent focus on the government-industry-individual triumvirate in favor of adopting a syndemic approach to gambling-related harms. Approach: A syndemic perspective suggests that gambling disorder intersects, coexists, precedes or follows other comorbid conditions and interacts with social and environmental factors that promote and enhance the negative consequences of gambling problems. This paper discussions potential syndemic stakeholders and challenges in the implementation of this approach. Conclusions: Initiatives to reduce gambling-related harm should adopt a broader perspective, involving stakeholders from diverse syndemic problem areas in developing a network to identify and address gambling problems in early stages of development across multiple settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in pathological gambling

Personality and Individual Differences, 2007

... have been found in samples of pathological gamblers in treatment ([Blaszczynski et al., 1997]... more ... have been found in samples of pathological gamblers in treatment ([Blaszczynski et al., 1997], [Castellani and Rugle, 1995] and [Steel and Blaszczynski, 1996]) although some contradictory results have been reported in a small number of studies ([Allcock and Grace, 1988] and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Response to commentaries on: Clarifying gambling subtypes: the revised pathways model of problem gambling

Research paper thumbnail of Sources of Bias in Research on Gambling Among Older Adults: Considerations for a Growing Field

Current Addiction Reports

The purpose of this review was to identify possible sources of bias in the study of gambling amon... more The purpose of this review was to identify possible sources of bias in the study of gambling among older adults. These sources of bias included social desirability bias including issues of increased stigmatization of gambling behaviors in older adults, recall bias including deficits in the recall of negative experiences, and selection bias including increased reliance on survey methods that are more likely to exclude older adults. Due to the paucity of research directly examining sources of bias in the study of older adult gambling, this review took recent developments in the field of gambling research and compared them across known issues in researching older adults taken from other fields. Those sources of bias that have the most support in the literature were discussed. The trend of increased focus on the experiences of older adults in gambling research is likely to continue given the aging of the Global North and potential vulnerabilities to harm associated with old age. The field must make a more effort to directly assess unique sources of bias in this area in order to ensure that future findings are reflective of the wide range of experiences that is captured within the category of “older adult.”

Research paper thumbnail of Responsible gambling strategy information available on public-facing state lottery websites in the U.S

International Gambling Studies, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Gaming in New Jersey

Research paper thumbnail of Gambling and Special Populations

Research paper thumbnail of Crypto-currency Trading Among Regular Gamblers: A New Risk for Problem Gambling?

Abstract Crypto-currency or “crypto” is digital money that can be used to fund risk-taking activi... more Abstract Crypto-currency or “crypto” is digital money that can be used to fund risk-taking activities anonymously via the Internet (e.g., drugs, gambling). There is growing concern in the field of gambling studies that trading cryptos will appeal to high-risk gamblers. The present study assessed the prevalence of crypto trading among regular gamblers and its relationship to problem gambling severity. Adults (18+) who gambled at least monthly in the past year were recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (N = 876; 58.33% male) and completed the Problem Gambling Severity Index, Patient Health Questionnaire, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale via an online survey. More than half of the sample indicated they had traded cryptos in the past year. Crypto trading was strongly associated with higher levels of high-risk stock trading (r = .67), greater problem gambling severity (r = .53), and modestly associated with both anxiety (r = .20) and depressive symptoms (r = .20). Results from a linear regression revealed that sports betting, daily fantasy sports, high-risk stock trading, and problem gambling severity were positive predictors of crypto trading frequency, whereas gambling in land-based casinos was a negative predictor. Implications for problem gambling education, screening, and treatment will be discussed. Implications Statement The present findings represent an initial assessment of the prevalence of cryptocurrency trading among regular gamblers, and its relation to problem gambling. Future research should begin to include cryptocurrency trading in screening, assessment, and treatment protocols, particularly with regular gamblers

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Sports Betters in an Epidemiological Study

ABSTRACT The potential impact of the recent legalization of sports wagering in the U.S. on rates ... more ABSTRACT The potential impact of the recent legalization of sports wagering in the U.S. on rates of problem gambling is unknown, particularly in light of interactive media. The current study examines the self-reported behavior of 332 sports betters in a representative sample of 2,213 participants (\u3e18 years) in a statewide study on gambling. Results of univariate analyses and multiple regression modeling indicated: More than 97% of sports betters also bet on other forms of gambling, including daily fantasy sports (58%). Compared to other gamblers, those who bet on sports were more likely to be younger, male, undereducated (less than high school) and to report a physical limitation or disability. In addition, sports betters were more likely to smoke, binge drink, use illegal drugs, report a mental health problem in the past year and to seriously have contemplated suicide. Unlike a majority of other gamblers, sports betters gambled both online and in land-based venues; preferred activities were lottery, poker, live casino tables games, daily fantasy sports, and horse track betting. Finally, sports betters in the study were significantly more likely to score as moderate or high risk problem gamblers on the PGSI than other gamblers in the study. IMPLICATIONS: States are legalizing sports wagering without investigating the potential impacts on underage youth or young adults, who may subvert regulatory age limitations on interactive platforms. Our findings suggest these effects should be a serious concern. Suggestions for harm reduction, prevention, and education strategies targeting this group will be discussed

Research paper thumbnail of Loot box: A nexus of Internet gambling and video gaming

Research paper thumbnail of Gambling and military Service: Characteristics, comorbidity, and problem severity in an epidemiological sample

Addictive Behaviors, 2021

Active military members and veterans both show elevated risk of Gambling Disorder. However, resea... more Active military members and veterans both show elevated risk of Gambling Disorder. However, research comparing these groups to civilians in epidemiological samples is sparse. There is also some research suggesting that there is a stronger association between military service and poor mental outcomes for women. The current study applies bivariate analyses and generalized linear modelling predicting Problem Gambling Severity Index scores to a representative, complex survey sample of 2176 New Jersey adult residents. The results show that problem gambling scores for past and current military service members were more than double that of the civilian participants after controlling for relevant demographic and behavioral characteristics. Additionally, the relationship between problem gambling scores and military service was significantly stronger for women than men. Bivariate analyses indicated that active military service members scored higher on the Problem Gambling Severity Index, indicated greater weekly participation in online gambling, lottery, electronic gambling machine, and sports betting, and nearly 20 times the rate of suicidal ideation compared with civilians. Additional regression analysis show that among military service members problem gambling scores were associated with suicidal ideation, tobacco use, and substance use problems. The results are discussed in the context of a period of expansion of online gambling opportunities. Constrained options for leisure coupled with the high propensity for risk taking among military service members and the relative ease of concealing online gambling on base may expose military service members to disproportionately higher risk of Gambling Disorder.

Research paper thumbnail of Informed Choice and Gambling: Principles for Consumer Protection

The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 2013

It is well-established that problem gambling results, in part, from erroneous perceptions about t... more It is well-established that problem gambling results, in part, from erroneous perceptions about the probability of winning. While individuals retain the ultimate responsibility over gambling choices and level of participation, optimal decision-making depends, among other factors, on the availability of reliable, comprehensive information. From a public health perspective, the gaming industry, in collaboration with government and the community, must ensure that individuals receive sufficient information to enable them to make responsible gambling choices. This paper reviews key decision-making models and posits four primary goals that will lead to optimal choices in gambling: (a) the provision of relevant and objective information; (b) elucidation of the benefits of responsible gambling as well as potential social and personal costs of excessive gambling; (c) additional materials targeted to specific gambling subgroups; and (d) the use of a variety of communication mediums to dissem...

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings on cryptocurrency trading among regular gamblers: A new risk for problem gambling?

Addictive Behaviors, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Daily Fantasy Sports Players: Gambling, Addiction, and Mental Health Problems

Journal of gambling studies, Jan 19, 2018

Studies point to a relationship between fantasy sports/daily fantasy sports (DFS) play and gambli... more Studies point to a relationship between fantasy sports/daily fantasy sports (DFS) play and gambling behavior. However, little is known about the nature of those relationships, particularly regarding the development of gambling problems. This study investigates the nature, frequency, and preferences of gambling behavior as well as problem gambling severity and comorbid conditions among DFS players. Data were collected from an epidemiologic survey of 3634 New Jersey residents on gambling and leisure activities. Participants were contacted by phone (land-line and cell) and online to obtain a representative, cross-sectional sample of non-institutionalized adults, aged 18 years or older. Excluding non-gamblers, the remaining 2146 participants, included in these analyses, indicated they had either played DFS (n = 299) or had gambled but not played DFS (1847) in the past year. Univariate comparisons and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the most significant c...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem gambling among ethnic minorities: results from an epidemiological study

Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Development and validation of the Gambling Pathways Questionnaire (GPQ)

Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 2017

The Pathways Model (Blaszczynski & Nower, 2002) is a theoretical framework that proposes three pa... more The Pathways Model (Blaszczynski & Nower, 2002) is a theoretical framework that proposes three pathways for identifying etiological subtypes of problem gamblers. The model has been used to assist clinicians in developing individualized treatments that target not only the gambling behavior but also associated risk factors that may undermine recovery and precipitate relapse. The current study sought to develop and validate a new screening instrument, based on the Pathways Model for treatment-seeking gamblers. Participants were gamblers age 18 and over who scored 1+ symptoms on the Problem Gambling Severity Index of the Canadian Problem Gambling Index and presented to one of 22 participating treatment centers in Canada, the United States, and Australia (N = 1,176). Data were collected on 127 items, consisting of 62 core items that reflected variables in the Pathways Model and 65 experimental items derived from recent scholarly literature in gambling etiology. Exploratory and confirmato...

Research paper thumbnail of Nower, L., Anthony, W. L., & Stanmyre, J. F. (2022). The Intergenerational Transmission of Gambling and Other Addictive Behaviors: Implications of the Mediating Effects of Cross-Addiction Frequency and Problems.

Addictive Behaviors, 2022

Introduction This study examined the degree to which perceptions of familial and household partic... more Introduction
This study examined the degree to which perceptions of familial and household participation in gambling and other addictive behaviors in youth was associated with frequency and problem severity of gambling, alcohol and/or drug use in participants as adults.

The study measured perceived frequency of gambling, alcohol use, drug use and other potentially addictive behaviors in family/household members and the frequency and problem severity of gambling, alcohol, and drugs in an epidemiological sample of adults 18 and older (N = 3,499; m = 48.26 %, f = 51.74 %).

About 23.45 % of participants reported their father gambled when they were a child or adolescent, followed by mother (13.56 %), grandfather (9.73 %), or grandmother (7.83 %). A pathway model demonstrated cross-addiction inter- and intra-generational influences. Gambling by a father, mother or brother; substance use by a sister; and/or engagement in other behaviors by a brother, sister, grandmother or other household member was related to higher frequency of participant gambling (ps < 0.05), and, in turn, to higher levels of gambling, alcohol, and drug use problem severity (ps < 0.05).

Findings demonstrate the complex contributions of specific family and household members in the transmission of addictive behaviors. Frequency of gambling, alcohol use, and drug use mediated the relationship of perceived family behavior with and across addictions. In addition, perceptions regarding use of alcohol and/or other drugs, or engagement in other behaviors by family or household members was related not only to participants' alcohol and drug use but also to problem gambling frequency and severity.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary findings on cryptocurrency trading among regular gamblers: Anew risk for problem gambling?

Addictive Behaviors, 2019