Am I rotting out? (original) (raw)

Food Just Plain Sucks [Oct. 9th, 2004|09:17 pm]prozac stomach
[mood** |aggravatedaggravated] [music** none]I'm still torn between healthy and unhealthy. Half of me wants to say forget it, this isn't worth it, take care of yourself. The other half just still wants to lose and lose and lose. Anytime one wins, I'm upset because the other's losing.
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(no subject) [Aug. 22nd, 2004|06:04 pm]prozac stomach
[mood** |crankycranky] [music** take the skinheads bowling]Hey, welcome to sad_ana_mia. My name is Christina. I'm 19 years old and from Maryland. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ana as a secondary disorder. I have not had an appetite for about four months and cannot gain weight. I started this community because I noticed that it was really hard to find any info on mental illness-related eating disorders. Anyway, I know the community looks pretty plain. I will try to tweak it soon.~ghostgonads
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