Fikret Ramazanoğlu | Sakarya University (original) (raw)
Papers by Fikret Ramazanoğlu
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Dec 29, 2005
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Nov 28, 2004
The Anthropologist, 2015
Of the 314 lecturers interviewed in this study, 229 physical education lecturers, 46 of whom were... more Of the 314 lecturers interviewed in this study, 229 physical education lecturers, 46 of whom were females and 183 of whom were males working in 7 universities in different regions of Turkey participated in the research which aimed to determine the job satisfaction levels of the lecturers from the perspective of various factors. Of the total 314 lecturers, 7 (3.1%) were professors, 20 (8.7 %) were associated professors, 63 (27.5 %) were assistant professors, 48 (21.0 %) were instructors, 44 (19.2 %) were lecturers, and 47 (20.5 %) were research assistants. In consequence, job satisfaction differs significantly in parallel to the rise in academic titles and in the years of teaching; moreover, the job satisfaction of participants who work in the most developed region of Turkey is the highest.
The Anthropologist, 2015
The purpose of the present research is to examine the decision-making levels of glider pilot trai... more The purpose of the present research is to examine the decision-making levels of glider pilot trainers and glider pilot candidates who serve in the field of Aeronautics in terms of certain socio-demographic variables. The universe of the present research comprises of all the pilot candidates and pilot trainers who performed gliding sports at the Turkish Aeronautical Association in 2013. In the present research, 71 pilot candidates and 21 trainer pilots that is, a total of 92 individuals participated. Obtained data was analyzed using SPSS 18 Statistics Software Package, and the significance levels was taken as p<0.05. Frequency analysis was used for personal features, oneway variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to analyze variation by age, and independent t-test analysis was used for license status and profession. Consequently, decision-making styles of glider pilot trainers were higher than glider pilot candidates. Self-respect, avoidant decision-making, suspensive decision-making, ...
Spor Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2000
... Tesisteki aletlerin ergonomik olması, kullanışlı olması tesis yapımında ergonomik kurallara r... more ... Tesisteki aletlerin ergonomik olması, kullanışlı olması tesis yapımında ergonomik kurallara riayet edilmekle en iyi çalışma ortamı sağlanacaktır. Isıtma, havalandırma, ışıklandırma, zemin, duşların yüksekliği, basın tribünü, otopark yönünden ergonomik kurallara riayet edilmelidir. ...
Page 1. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 2004, 18(4), 205-209 205 ALT YAPIDAKİ KÜÇÜK, YILDIZ VE GENÇ BASK... more Page 1. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 2004, 18(4), 205-209 205 ALT YAPIDAKİ KÜÇÜK, YILDIZ VE GENÇ BASKETBOLCULARIN BAZI FİZİKSEL UYGUNLUK PARAMETRELERİNİN İNCELENMESİ Yüksel SAVUCU 1 Yahya POLAT2 Fikret RAMAZANOĞLU2 ...
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerdeki stratejisinde ve başarısında vizyon ile misyonunun önemi ü... more ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerdeki stratejisinde ve başarısında vizyon ile misyonunun önemi üzerinde durula-rak ilgili literatür imkan dahilinde taranıp elde edilen veriler ilişkilendirilerek değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma analitik metot kullanılarak yürütülmüştür.
In this study, the knowledges are given by attracting attention the encourage of spectators aggre... more In this study, the knowledges are given by attracting attention the encourage of spectators aggressiveness behaviours and taking precautions to remove their negative behaviours. Analytical method has been used in the study. The word meaning of sports is to enjoy, to have a good time. Sports spectators display negative behaviours that from discomfort on wider crowd. The negative behaviours of sports spectators compose discomfort on wider crowd. This condition of sports spectators enchances degree to show their aggressiveness behaviours by getting easy factors. Undesire incidents happen during the competitions and the consequences. Again, spectators of teams display hostile attitudes to each other. Crowd spectators is very easy the negative guiding at the conclusion of nowadays applications. Club administrators sometimes think of this as selfbenefits. In preventing audience's offensive attitudes, there are needs for sport and educational programs rather than sport-magazine program...
Spor bireyin fizyolojik ve psikolojik yonden sagligini gelistiren, sosyal davranislarini duzenley... more Spor bireyin fizyolojik ve psikolojik yonden sagligini gelistiren, sosyal davranislarini duzenleyen, zihinsel ve motorik belirli bir duzeye getiren biyolojik, pedagojik ve sosyal bir olgudur. Ayrica spor veya herhangi bir fiziksel aktiviteye katilim kisinin farkli kimlik ve rollerini kesfetmesini saglar, kendini algilayisini degistirme firsati sunar, grup duygusunu uyarir ve engelin farkindaligini azaltir. Bedensel engelli bireylerde spor uygulamalari bireylerin hem gunluk yasam aktivitelerine hem de yasam kaliteleri uzerinde buyuk onemi vardir. Bu Arastirmanin Amaci; “Bedensel Engelli Bireylerde Spor Uygulamalarina Yonelik Arastirmalarin Icerik Analizi” basligi altinda Turkiye’de bedensel engelli bireylerde spor Ilgili yapilmis olan bilimsel calismalar taranarak sonuclari ozetlenmis, onerilerde bulunulmus ve derleme yapilarak bu alanda calisacak arastirmacilara da katki saglamasi amaclanmistir. Yontem; 2002- 2014 yillari arasinda yapilan calismalarin literatur taramasi yontemi kul...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2010
Bu <;alt$mantn amacl; Istanbul ilindeki futbo/cular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlJk dtJzeytni... more Bu <;alt$mantn amacl; Istanbul ilindeki futbo/cular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlJk dtJzeytni belirlemek ve kar§J!a$tlrma yapmakllr. (:all$maya amator ktJmede mtJcadele eden ya$lan 22,841:3,46 olan futbolcular (n=75) He ya$ ortalamasf 23,63.i4,52 olan taekwondocular (n=69) olmak tJzere loplam 144 sporcu alindl. Deneklerin saldlfganfJk duzeyini belirlemek i<;in Ozcan Koknerin sa/dlfganlik olyegi uygulandl. Elde edilen verilen'n is/atistiki analizinde aritmetik ortalamalar (X) ve standart sapma/ar (55) a/tndl. Futbolcular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlik dtJzeyi "!" testi ile p<O,05 ve p<O,01 dtJzeyinde incelendi. Futbolcular ile taekwondocular araslnda "t" testi sonuy/arona gore p<O,Ol duzeyinde anlamli bir ili$ki bulunmu$tur. Taekwondoculann futbolculara gore daha az saldlfganllk egiliminde oldugu goruldtJ. Anahtar kelimeJer: Futbol, taekwondo, saldlrganllk SUMMARY The aim of this study is to compare and to designate aggressiveness level of fo...
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Dec 29, 2005
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Nov 28, 2004
The Anthropologist, 2015
Of the 314 lecturers interviewed in this study, 229 physical education lecturers, 46 of whom were... more Of the 314 lecturers interviewed in this study, 229 physical education lecturers, 46 of whom were females and 183 of whom were males working in 7 universities in different regions of Turkey participated in the research which aimed to determine the job satisfaction levels of the lecturers from the perspective of various factors. Of the total 314 lecturers, 7 (3.1%) were professors, 20 (8.7 %) were associated professors, 63 (27.5 %) were assistant professors, 48 (21.0 %) were instructors, 44 (19.2 %) were lecturers, and 47 (20.5 %) were research assistants. In consequence, job satisfaction differs significantly in parallel to the rise in academic titles and in the years of teaching; moreover, the job satisfaction of participants who work in the most developed region of Turkey is the highest.
The Anthropologist, 2015
The purpose of the present research is to examine the decision-making levels of glider pilot trai... more The purpose of the present research is to examine the decision-making levels of glider pilot trainers and glider pilot candidates who serve in the field of Aeronautics in terms of certain socio-demographic variables. The universe of the present research comprises of all the pilot candidates and pilot trainers who performed gliding sports at the Turkish Aeronautical Association in 2013. In the present research, 71 pilot candidates and 21 trainer pilots that is, a total of 92 individuals participated. Obtained data was analyzed using SPSS 18 Statistics Software Package, and the significance levels was taken as p<0.05. Frequency analysis was used for personal features, oneway variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to analyze variation by age, and independent t-test analysis was used for license status and profession. Consequently, decision-making styles of glider pilot trainers were higher than glider pilot candidates. Self-respect, avoidant decision-making, suspensive decision-making, ...
Spor Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2000
... Tesisteki aletlerin ergonomik olması, kullanışlı olması tesis yapımında ergonomik kurallara r... more ... Tesisteki aletlerin ergonomik olması, kullanışlı olması tesis yapımında ergonomik kurallara riayet edilmekle en iyi çalışma ortamı sağlanacaktır. Isıtma, havalandırma, ışıklandırma, zemin, duşların yüksekliği, basın tribünü, otopark yönünden ergonomik kurallara riayet edilmelidir. ...
Page 1. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 2004, 18(4), 205-209 205 ALT YAPIDAKİ KÜÇÜK, YILDIZ VE GENÇ BASK... more Page 1. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 2004, 18(4), 205-209 205 ALT YAPIDAKİ KÜÇÜK, YILDIZ VE GENÇ BASKETBOLCULARIN BAZI FİZİKSEL UYGUNLUK PARAMETRELERİNİN İNCELENMESİ Yüksel SAVUCU 1 Yahya POLAT2 Fikret RAMAZANOĞLU2 ...
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerdeki stratejisinde ve başarısında vizyon ile misyonunun önemi ü... more ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerdeki stratejisinde ve başarısında vizyon ile misyonunun önemi üzerinde durula-rak ilgili literatür imkan dahilinde taranıp elde edilen veriler ilişkilendirilerek değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma analitik metot kullanılarak yürütülmüştür.
In this study, the knowledges are given by attracting attention the encourage of spectators aggre... more In this study, the knowledges are given by attracting attention the encourage of spectators aggressiveness behaviours and taking precautions to remove their negative behaviours. Analytical method has been used in the study. The word meaning of sports is to enjoy, to have a good time. Sports spectators display negative behaviours that from discomfort on wider crowd. The negative behaviours of sports spectators compose discomfort on wider crowd. This condition of sports spectators enchances degree to show their aggressiveness behaviours by getting easy factors. Undesire incidents happen during the competitions and the consequences. Again, spectators of teams display hostile attitudes to each other. Crowd spectators is very easy the negative guiding at the conclusion of nowadays applications. Club administrators sometimes think of this as selfbenefits. In preventing audience's offensive attitudes, there are needs for sport and educational programs rather than sport-magazine program...
Spor bireyin fizyolojik ve psikolojik yonden sagligini gelistiren, sosyal davranislarini duzenley... more Spor bireyin fizyolojik ve psikolojik yonden sagligini gelistiren, sosyal davranislarini duzenleyen, zihinsel ve motorik belirli bir duzeye getiren biyolojik, pedagojik ve sosyal bir olgudur. Ayrica spor veya herhangi bir fiziksel aktiviteye katilim kisinin farkli kimlik ve rollerini kesfetmesini saglar, kendini algilayisini degistirme firsati sunar, grup duygusunu uyarir ve engelin farkindaligini azaltir. Bedensel engelli bireylerde spor uygulamalari bireylerin hem gunluk yasam aktivitelerine hem de yasam kaliteleri uzerinde buyuk onemi vardir. Bu Arastirmanin Amaci; “Bedensel Engelli Bireylerde Spor Uygulamalarina Yonelik Arastirmalarin Icerik Analizi” basligi altinda Turkiye’de bedensel engelli bireylerde spor Ilgili yapilmis olan bilimsel calismalar taranarak sonuclari ozetlenmis, onerilerde bulunulmus ve derleme yapilarak bu alanda calisacak arastirmacilara da katki saglamasi amaclanmistir. Yontem; 2002- 2014 yillari arasinda yapilan calismalarin literatur taramasi yontemi kul...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2010
Bu <;alt$mantn amacl; Istanbul ilindeki futbo/cular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlJk dtJzeytni... more Bu <;alt$mantn amacl; Istanbul ilindeki futbo/cular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlJk dtJzeytni belirlemek ve kar§J!a$tlrma yapmakllr. (:all$maya amator ktJmede mtJcadele eden ya$lan 22,841:3,46 olan futbolcular (n=75) He ya$ ortalamasf 23,63.i4,52 olan taekwondocular (n=69) olmak tJzere loplam 144 sporcu alindl. Deneklerin saldlfganfJk duzeyini belirlemek i<;in Ozcan Koknerin sa/dlfganlik olyegi uygulandl. Elde edilen verilen'n is/atistiki analizinde aritmetik ortalamalar (X) ve standart sapma/ar (55) a/tndl. Futbolcular ile taekwondoculann saldlrganlik dtJzeyi "!" testi ile p<O,05 ve p<O,01 dtJzeyinde incelendi. Futbolcular ile taekwondocular araslnda "t" testi sonuy/arona gore p<O,Ol duzeyinde anlamli bir ili$ki bulunmu$tur. Taekwondoculann futbolculara gore daha az saldlfganllk egiliminde oldugu goruldtJ. Anahtar kelimeJer: Futbol, taekwondo, saldlrganllk SUMMARY The aim of this study is to compare and to designate aggressiveness level of fo...