Abdülvahap ÇAKMAK | Samsun University (original) (raw)
Papers by Abdülvahap ÇAKMAK
Energetika, Jan 26, 2023
Emissions control in internal combustion engines is the big challenge faced by engine manufacture... more Emissions control in internal combustion engines is the big challenge faced by engine manufacturers. Modern internal combustion engines exploit various systems to reduce exhaust emissions. However, the existing emission control systems will fall short of meeting stringent future emission regulations. This study attempts to reduce the exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel blends by utilising ethyl acetate as a renewable oxygenated fuel additive. In this context, initially, ethyl acetate is mixed with biodiesel-diesel blends by 5% and 10% volume to obtain test fuels. Then, their fuel properties are measured by applying test methods proposed in the standards. Subsequently, engine experiments are conducted on a single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine operated on distinct test conditions. The findings indicate that the inclusion of ethyl acetate in the diesel-biodiesel blends improves the fuel quality and markedly decreases emissions. A substantial reduction is achieved in NO X , soot, and CO emissions up to 50%, 70%, and 71%, respectively, with a slight increase in fuel consumption in the case of adding ethyl acetate. More importantly, the addition of ethyl acetate enhances the NO X-smoke trade-off and NO X-BSFC trade-off characteristic of a diesel engine without loss of thermal efficiency. From this research, it can be inferred that ethyl acetate can potentially reduce exhaust emissions of the existing diesel engines fuelled with diesel-biodiesel blends.
The purpose of this study, to produce biodiesel from waste oils which are harmful to the environ-... more The purpose of this study, to produce biodiesel from waste oils which are harmful to the environ- ment and human health, and this was to investigate the use of biodiesel as a fuel in internal combustion engines. For this purpose, anchovy fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and waste cooking oil methyl ester (WCOME) was produ- ced by transesterification method from waste fish oil and waste cooking oil as an alternative to diesel engine fuel. Then, methyl esters have been used as fuel in a diesel engine of single-cylinder, four stroke, direct injection and air-cooled; and the effects of fuels on engine performance and exhaust emissions have been comparatively inves- tigated with standard diesel fuel (D2). As a result of the test results obtained from the comparison of results with each other fuels are taken into account, in terms of exhaust emissions of FOME and WCOME fuels were demons- trated better properties than D2 fuel. Exhaust emissions of FOME and WCOME fuels (HC and CO) lower than th...
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Aug 20, 2020
Yenilenebilir ve çevre dostu bir yakıt olan biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile kıyaslandığında en öneml... more Yenilenebilir ve çevre dostu bir yakıt olan biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile kıyaslandığında en önemli avantajlarından bazıları, parlama noktası sıcaklığının ve setan sayısının yüksek olmasıdır. Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurulu tarafından yayınlanan "Motorin türlerine biodizel harmanlanması" hakkındaki tebliğe göre, 1.1.2018 tarihinden itibaren biyodizelin hacimsel olarak %0.5 oranında motorine ilave edilmesi zorunlu hale getirilmiştir. Ayrıca, Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun 2003/30/EC sayılı biyoyakıtlar konulu direktifi, üye ülkelerin 2020 yılında en az %10 oranında yenilenebilir yakıtların kullanımını mecburi hale getirmiştir. Dünyada ve ülkemizde bu denli önemli bir noktaya gelen biyodizelin birçok üstün özelliklerine rağmen, üretim maliyeti ve viskozitesi yüksektir. Üretim maliyetinin yüksek olması biyodizelin daha yaygın olarak kullanılmasını engellerken, viskozitesinin yüksek olması ise motor performansı ve eksoz emisyonlarını olumsuz yönden etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden, sunulan çalışmada, viskozitenin ve üretim maliyetinin azaltılması için, transesterifikasyona etki eden parametrelerin üretilen atık kızartma yağı biyodizelinin viskozitesine etkileri tam bir matris şeklinde incelenerek en düşük viskoziteyi veren reaksiyon parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Optimum parametrelere göre üretilen biyodizelin viskozite değeri, farklı çalışmalarda üretilen biyodizellerin viskozite değerleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Deney sonuçlarına göre, %1.25 oranında potasyum metoksit ve 10.5:1 alkol/yağ mol oranında etil alkol kullanılarak 70 ℃ reaksiyon sıcaklığında ve 121 dk. reaksiyon süresi sonunda üretilen biyodizelin 3.595 mm 2 /s (cSt) ile en düşük viskoziteye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üretilen biyodizelin yakıt özelliklerinin EN 14214 standardına uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada elde edilen viskozite değerinin (3.595 mm 2 /s) literatürdeki diğer çalışmalarda elde edilen viskozite değerlerine göre daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Some of the most important advantages of biodiesel, which is a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel, are that it has higher flash point and cetane number, compared to diesel fuel. According to the notification on "blending of biodiesel with diesel fuel" published by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, it has become mandatory to add 0.5% volume ratio of biodiesel to diesel fuel as of 1.1.2018. In addition, The European Parliament's Directive on biofuels (2003/30/EC) makes compulsory the use of renewable fuels at least 10% in 2020 for member countries. Despite the superior properties of biodiesel, its production cost and viscosity are high. The high production cost prevents the more widespread use of biodiesel, and the high viscosity decreases engine performance and increases exhaust emissions. Therefore, in this study, for reducing production cost and viscosity, the effects of transesterification reaction parameters on the viscosity of produced waste cooking oil biodiesel were investigated as a full matrix to determine the optimal values giving the lowest viscosity. The viscosity value of biodiesel produced under the optimal parameters in this study was also compared to that of biodiesels produced in different studies. According to experimental results, it has been specified that the biodiesel, produced the optimal reaction parameters such as potassium methoxide concentration of 1.25%, ethyl alcohol to oil molar ratio of 10.5:1, the reaction temperature of 70 ℃ and reaction duration of 121 minutes, has the lowest viscosity of 3.595 mm 2 /s (cSt). The fuel properties of produced biodiesel are in accordance with EN 14214. Moreover, it has been determined that the viscosity value (3.595 mm 2 /s) obtained in this study is lower than the viscosity values reported in the literature.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
The use of alcohol with traditional diesel fuel in diesel engines reduces environmental damage. W... more The use of alcohol with traditional diesel fuel in diesel engines reduces environmental damage. When the ternary mixtures obtained by adding biodiesel to diesel-alcohol fuel mixtures are used without making any changes in the compression-ignition (CI) engine, there is no significant problem in terms of performance and emissions. This research dealt energetic, exergetic, and environmental evaluation for a CI engine fueled with blends created using diesel/biodiesel/n-octanol at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and different loads (25, 50, 75, and 100%). Performance and emission values were recorded in the tests. Economic and environmental analyses were realized by using the data obtained in these tests in thermodynamic relations. The losses and efficiency of the engine were computed in the energy analysis. The highest thermal efficiency was found to be 40.6% in B20 and B20OCT5 at full load, while the lowest one was observed to be 15.77% when the engine fueled with B100 at 25% load. In the exergy analysis, exhaust exergy, exergy destroyed, and entropy generation were determined. Thermal and exergy efficiencies were parallel in all fuels depending on the load. The highest exergy efficiency was calculated to be 30.4% for B20 and B20OCT5 at full load. Lower exergy destruction was acquired for diesel fuel at full load in comparison with B20OCT20, B20OCT15 and B20OCT10. CO2 emission of fuels was used in exergy-based environmental analysis. The lowest environmental cost was determined as 3.85 $ month−1 at 25% load in B20OCT10. The highest power cost was achieved to be 10.61 $ MJ−1 at 25% load when the engine was run on B20OCT20. The cost of exergy losses at 25% load was computed to be 3.67 $ h−1 for B20OCT20. While the increase in alcohol content in the blends caused a decrease in harmful pollutants, it is not economical due to the expensive pump prices. To conclude, it is to be clearly indicated that due to systematic thermodynamic, economic, and environmental analyses and the usage of n-octanol as a long-chain alcohol in the CI engine with blending diesel and biodiesel, this paper goes beyond previous efforts in the literature.
Fuel, 2020
Studies on alternative and environmentally friendly fuels for compression-ignition engines contin... more Studies on alternative and environmentally friendly fuels for compression-ignition engines continue intensively. In this work, energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and sustainability analyses have been conducted by evaluating performance and emission values obtained by operating with different ratios of 1-heptanol/diesel blends (Hp0, Hp5, Hp10, and Hp20) as novel fuels under a constant speed (1500 rpm) with different engine loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and full load) in a single-cylinder, four-stroke, water-cooled, direct-injection, compression-ignition engine. In the test engine, energy and exergy efficiencies and losses, energetic and exergetic powers, irreversibility, and destruction of the exergy for the aforementioned fuel blends have been calculated and compared with pure diesel fuel. In the tests, the highest fuel consumption was determined as 0.221 kg/kWh in HP20 fuel at 100% load because 1-heptanol has lower calorific value than that of neat diesel fuel. The energy efficiency values in different loads of diesel engine for all fuel blends (Hp0-Hp20) have been calculated to be as between 14.46% and 40.72% along with the corresponding exergy efficiency values have been found to be as between 13.43% and 37.79%. By performing emission measurements, the highest CO 2 emission cost has been
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1984
Termodinamik analiz (enerji ve ekserji analizi) ile icten yanmali motorlarin performans degerlend... more Termodinamik analiz (enerji ve ekserji analizi) ile icten yanmali motorlarin performans degerlendirmesi daha etkili sekilde yapilabilir. Sunulan bu calismada, tek silindirli bir dizel motorunda yakit olarak misir yagi metil esteri kullanimi, termodinamik acidan incelenmistir. Tam yuk (%100) ve 2000 d/dk calisma sartinda motorda saf misir yagi biyodizeli ve saf dizel yakiti kullanilarak gerceklestirilen motor deneylerinden termodinamik analiz icin gerekli veriler saglanmistir. Calismadan elde edilen sonuclara gore motorda yakit olarak misir yagi biyodizeli kulanildiginda motorun ozgul yakit tuketimi, %11,89 oraninda artarken, motorun ozgul enerji tuketimi %2,30 oraninda azalmistir. Her iki yakit kullaniminda motorun ikinci yasa verimi ayni olmasina ragmen biyodizel kullaniminda motorun birinci yasa verimi %0,76 oraninda artmistir. Toplam ekserji yikimi dizel yakiti ve biyodizel icin sirasiyla 6,77 kW ve 6,67 kW olarak hesaplanmistir. Termodinamik acidan bir degerlendirme yapildiginda...
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, Dec 31, 2012
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından zararlı olan atık yağlardan biyodizel üretm... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından zararlı olan atık yağlardan biyodizel üretmek ve bunu içten yanmalı bir motorda yakıt olarak kullanımını araştırmaktır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak dizel motor yakıtına alternatif olarak hamsi balık yağı ve atık kızartma yağından transesterifikasyon yöntemiyle balık yağı metil esteri (BYME) ve atık pişirme yağı metil esteri (APYME) üretilmiştir. Daha sonra metil esterler tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, direkt püskürtmeli ve hava soğutmalı bir dizel motorda yakıt olarak kullanılarak yakıtların motor performans ve egzoz emisyonları üzerindeki etkileri standart dizel yakıtı (D2) ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi. Yakıtların test sonuçları birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmaları neticesinde elde edilen sonuçlar da dikkate alındığında, BYME ve APYME yakıtları egzoz emisyonları bakımından D2 yakıtına oranla daha iyi özellikler gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. BYME ve APYME'ın egzoz emisyonları (HC ve CO) dizel yakıta göre daha düşük çıkması, yakıtların iyi yanma özellikleri ve çevre üzerindeki olumlu etkilerinden dolayı atık yağ kaynaklı biyodizel yakıtlar dizel yakıta alternatif olarak kullanılabilir.
Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2018
The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of methyl acetate as oxygenated fuel blendi... more The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of methyl acetate as oxygenated fuel blending for base gasoline in SI engine. The effects of methyl acetate on engine performance parameters (brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency and energy consumption rate) and exhaust emissions (CO, HC, CO2 and NOx) of SI engine have been experimentally investigated. Engine experiments were conducted on a single cylinder, water cooled, spark-ignition test engine at constant moderate speed; 1500 rpm for different loads; 104, 207, 311 and 414 kPa fuelling the engine with base gasoline, M5 (95 % base gasoline +5 % methyl acetate) and M10 (90 % base gasoline +10 % methyl acetate). The results showed that adding methyl acetate to base gasoline increases the brake specific fuel consumption while reducing the brake thermal efficiency of the engine. Furthermore, it was also observed that methyl acetate addition does not have a great effect on HC emissions, however, reduces CO and increases CO2 emissions. NOx results showed a striking increase in the level of NOx emissions with the addition of methyl acetate.
Energy Procedia, 2018
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective s... more District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
The present paper examines two biodiesels named as fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and chicken oil m... more The present paper examines two biodiesels named as fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and chicken oil methyl ester (CFME) produced from low-cost waste fish and chicken oils using the transesterification method, and their fuel properties were compared to EN 14214 and ASTM D6751 biodiesel standards. Then, each methyl esters were blended with the commercial diesel fuel (D2) with a ratio of 20% on volume basis, respectively and two fuel samples named as FOB20 (20% Fish Oil Methyl Ester and 80% D2 fuel) and CFB20 (20% chicken oil methyl ester and 80% D2 fuel) were obtained. An experimental study for investigating the effects of the blended fuels on engine performance and its exhaust emissions was performed by using a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection and air-cooled diesel engine at different speeds under full load. According to the test results, it was observed that the brake power, torque values and the carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentrations of blended fuels decreased while the NO x concentration and brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) values increased compared to diesel fuel.
Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi, 2021
Özet: Son yıllarda, büyük oranda petrol esaslı yakıtlar ile çalışan içten yanmalı motorlarda ikin... more Özet: Son yıllarda, büyük oranda petrol esaslı yakıtlar ile çalışan içten yanmalı motorlarda ikinci nesil biyoyakıtların kullanımına duyulan ilgi artmıştır. Bu çalışmada, biyodizel yan ürünü olan gliserinin katalitik dönüşümü ile üretilen gliserin eterlerinin dizel motorda ikinci nesil biyoyakıt olarak kullanımı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Gliserinin tertbütanol ile eterifikasyonu sonucunda sentezlenen gliserin eterleri karışımı, %2 ve %5 hacimsel oranda dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı ile harmanlanmıştır. Dizel yakıtı ve %20 oranında biyodizel içeren dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı referans yakıt olarak kullanılmıştır. Test yakıtlarının önemli fiziksel yakıt özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Yakıta gliserin eterleri ilavesinin yakıtın viskozite, yoğunluk, ısıl değer, setan indisi ve destilasyon sıcaklıklarını düşürdüğü belirlenmiştir. Gliserin eterlerinin ilavesi ile dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımının kinematik viskozitesinin %10-14 oranında azaldığı ve yakıtın destilasyon karakteristiğinin iyileştiği görülmüştür. Gerçekleştirilen motor deneyleri ile test yakıtlarının motorun performans, yanma karakteristikleri ve egzoz emisyonuna etkileri araştırılmıştır. Gliserin eterlerinin motorun özgül yakıt tüketimini ve HC emisyonlarını artırdığı; motorun termal verimini, CO, CO2, NOX ve is (duman koyuluğu) emisyonlarını azalttığı belirlenmiştir. Gliserin eterlerin en dikkat çekici etkisi NOX ve HC emisyonlarında görülmüştür. Gliserin eterleri NOX emisyonlarında yaklaşık %35-77 oranında önemli düşüşler sağlamış fakat aynı çalışma koşulları altında HC emisyonlarında yaklaşık %37-142 oranında bir artışa neden olmuştur. Yanma karakteristikleri açısından %2 oranında gliserin eterleri içeren yakıt karışımı, diğer test yakıtlarına göre daha iyi performans sergilemiştir. Tüm bulgular değerlendirildiğinde gliserin eterlerinin hacimsel %2 oranında dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı ile harmanlanması durumunda ikinci nesil biyoyakıt olarak dizel motorlarda kullanımının uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir.
SPIE Proceedings, 1992
An analytical method based on fiber optic near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and partial least squa... more An analytical method based on fiber optic near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and partial least squares data analysis (PLS) was developed to monitor a reaction in which a methyl ester is transesterified with polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG 300) to give the corresponding PEG 300 ester and methanol. A series of multivariant modeling techniques which predict the transesterification reaction end point by monitoring the PEG 300 content were evaluated. The models were developed by making a series of transesterification reactions, collecting grab samples, analyzing them by using the NIR spectrophotometer and liquid chromatography (HPLC) to construct a training and validation set consisting of 50 data points. The models were evaluated in the laboratory setting and the PLS model was used in a pilot plant to predict the reaction end point. Use of the NIR modeling system in the pilot plant led to reduced reaction times and a concomitant rise in product quality. A purged NEMA enclosure was manufactured and was used to house the NIR instrumentation in the pilot plant setting.
Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017
An effective performance assessment of the internal combustion engine can be achieved by thermody... more An effective performance assessment of the internal combustion engine can be achieved by thermodynamic analysis (energy and exergy analysis). To that end, in this present study, a thermodynamic analysis of the corn oil biodiesel usage as fuel in single cylinder diesel engine was performed by evaluating experimental data. Experiments were carried out at full load and 2000 rpm by fueling the engine with diesel fuel and corn oil biodiesel. It was found that corn oil biodiesel gives 11.89% higher brake specific fuel consumption, while it results in 2.25% less brake specific energy consumption than diesel fuel. The same second law efficiency is obtained for tested fuels, although the use of corn oil biodiesel increases the first law efficiency by 0.76%. Additionally, total exergy destruction rate for diesel and biodiesel are calculated as 6.77 kW and 6.67 kW, respectively. Based on the comparative assessment of the thermodynamic analysis results, it can be said that corn oil biodiesel is...
International Journal of Exergy, 2017
Availability analysis is an effective approach to studying energy conversion in systems and ident... more Availability analysis is an effective approach to studying energy conversion in systems and identifying inefficiency. In the present study, a single-zone model was used to examine energy performance parameters and heat release rates. The governing equation of availability analysis was applied in the model, and the possibility of using biodiesel produced from sunflower oil as diesel engine was investigated via mathematical simulation. The different exergy components of pure diesel fuel and pure biodiesel were compared at different crank angles. Results indicated that combining the examined diesel engine with biodiesel fuel would decrease the energy and exergy efficiencies by about 2.72% and 2.61%, respectively. As a result, work exergy and heat transfer exergy decrease and exhaust gas exergy and irreversibility would increase. When biodiesel is replaced with diesel fuel, carbon monoxide decreases, carbon dioxide formation increases, and nitrogen oxide formation remains constant. However, considering the negligible decrease in the first-and second-law efficiencies of biodiesel fuel compared with the decrease in diesel fuel efficiencies, the former is regarded as a renewable fuel that produces less carbon monoxide. It can therefore serve as a substitute for diesel fuel.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2021
Yenilenebilir ve cevre dostu bir yakit olan biyodizelin dizel yakiti ile kiyaslandiginda en oneml... more Yenilenebilir ve cevre dostu bir yakit olan biyodizelin dizel yakiti ile kiyaslandiginda en onemli avantajlarindan bazilari, parlama noktasi sicakliginin ve setan sayisinin yuksek olmasidir. Enerji Piyasasi Duzenleme Kurulu tarafindan yayinlanan “Motorin turlerine biodizel harmanlanmasi” hakkindaki teblige gore, 1.1.2018 tarihinden itibaren biyodizelin hacimsel olarak %0.5 oraninda motorine ilave edilmesi zorunlu hale getirilmistir. Ayrica, Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun 2003/30/EC sayili biyoyakitlar konulu direktifi, uye ulkelerin 2020 yilinda en az %10 oraninda yenilenebilir yakitlarin kullanimini mecburi hale getirmistir. Dunyada ve ulkemizde bu denli onemli bir noktaya gelen biyodizelin bircok ustun ozelliklerine ragmen, uretim maliyeti ve viskozitesi yuksektir. Uretim maliyetinin yuksek olmasi biyodizelin daha yaygin olarak kullanilmasini engellerken, viskozitesinin yuksek olmasi ise motor performansi ve eksoz emisyonlarini olumsuz yonden etkilemektedir. Bu yuzden, sunulan calismada,...
Is Makineleri Operatorlugu Programi; is makinelerinin yogun olarak kullanildigi insaat, ormancili... more Is Makineleri Operatorlugu Programi; is makinelerinin yogun olarak kullanildigi insaat, ormancilik, maden, petrol ve dogalgaz gibi sektorlere tekniker duzeyinde, teknik olarak nitelikli, bilgili ve yetenekli personel yetistirme cabasi icerisinde olan bir programdir. Bu calismada, ulkemizde is makineleri operatorlugu programinin onemi vurgulanmis ve uretim sanayisine olan etkileri irdelenmeye calisilmistir. Ayrica sektorun gunumuzdeki durumu ve gelecegi hakkinda bilgiler verilmistir. Is makineleri sektorunun buyumesine bagli olarak cok sayida is makinesi operatorune, imalat, satis ve servis hizmetlerinde calisacak nitelikli elemanlara duyulan ihtiyac her gecen gun artmaktadir. Bu bulgular isiginda is makineleri operatorlugu programinin buyuk bir oneme sahip ve gelecek vaat eden bir program oldugu gorulmektedir. Ulkemizin diger sektorlere bagli olarak is makineleri sektorundeki buyume hizi goz onune alindiginda is makinelerini kullanacak nitelikli personel ihtiyaci hizla artacagi tahm...
Energetika, Jan 26, 2023
Emissions control in internal combustion engines is the big challenge faced by engine manufacture... more Emissions control in internal combustion engines is the big challenge faced by engine manufacturers. Modern internal combustion engines exploit various systems to reduce exhaust emissions. However, the existing emission control systems will fall short of meeting stringent future emission regulations. This study attempts to reduce the exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel blends by utilising ethyl acetate as a renewable oxygenated fuel additive. In this context, initially, ethyl acetate is mixed with biodiesel-diesel blends by 5% and 10% volume to obtain test fuels. Then, their fuel properties are measured by applying test methods proposed in the standards. Subsequently, engine experiments are conducted on a single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine operated on distinct test conditions. The findings indicate that the inclusion of ethyl acetate in the diesel-biodiesel blends improves the fuel quality and markedly decreases emissions. A substantial reduction is achieved in NO X , soot, and CO emissions up to 50%, 70%, and 71%, respectively, with a slight increase in fuel consumption in the case of adding ethyl acetate. More importantly, the addition of ethyl acetate enhances the NO X-smoke trade-off and NO X-BSFC trade-off characteristic of a diesel engine without loss of thermal efficiency. From this research, it can be inferred that ethyl acetate can potentially reduce exhaust emissions of the existing diesel engines fuelled with diesel-biodiesel blends.
The purpose of this study, to produce biodiesel from waste oils which are harmful to the environ-... more The purpose of this study, to produce biodiesel from waste oils which are harmful to the environ- ment and human health, and this was to investigate the use of biodiesel as a fuel in internal combustion engines. For this purpose, anchovy fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and waste cooking oil methyl ester (WCOME) was produ- ced by transesterification method from waste fish oil and waste cooking oil as an alternative to diesel engine fuel. Then, methyl esters have been used as fuel in a diesel engine of single-cylinder, four stroke, direct injection and air-cooled; and the effects of fuels on engine performance and exhaust emissions have been comparatively inves- tigated with standard diesel fuel (D2). As a result of the test results obtained from the comparison of results with each other fuels are taken into account, in terms of exhaust emissions of FOME and WCOME fuels were demons- trated better properties than D2 fuel. Exhaust emissions of FOME and WCOME fuels (HC and CO) lower than th...
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Aug 20, 2020
Yenilenebilir ve çevre dostu bir yakıt olan biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile kıyaslandığında en öneml... more Yenilenebilir ve çevre dostu bir yakıt olan biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile kıyaslandığında en önemli avantajlarından bazıları, parlama noktası sıcaklığının ve setan sayısının yüksek olmasıdır. Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurulu tarafından yayınlanan "Motorin türlerine biodizel harmanlanması" hakkındaki tebliğe göre, 1.1.2018 tarihinden itibaren biyodizelin hacimsel olarak %0.5 oranında motorine ilave edilmesi zorunlu hale getirilmiştir. Ayrıca, Avrupa Parlamentosu'nun 2003/30/EC sayılı biyoyakıtlar konulu direktifi, üye ülkelerin 2020 yılında en az %10 oranında yenilenebilir yakıtların kullanımını mecburi hale getirmiştir. Dünyada ve ülkemizde bu denli önemli bir noktaya gelen biyodizelin birçok üstün özelliklerine rağmen, üretim maliyeti ve viskozitesi yüksektir. Üretim maliyetinin yüksek olması biyodizelin daha yaygın olarak kullanılmasını engellerken, viskozitesinin yüksek olması ise motor performansı ve eksoz emisyonlarını olumsuz yönden etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden, sunulan çalışmada, viskozitenin ve üretim maliyetinin azaltılması için, transesterifikasyona etki eden parametrelerin üretilen atık kızartma yağı biyodizelinin viskozitesine etkileri tam bir matris şeklinde incelenerek en düşük viskoziteyi veren reaksiyon parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Optimum parametrelere göre üretilen biyodizelin viskozite değeri, farklı çalışmalarda üretilen biyodizellerin viskozite değerleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Deney sonuçlarına göre, %1.25 oranında potasyum metoksit ve 10.5:1 alkol/yağ mol oranında etil alkol kullanılarak 70 ℃ reaksiyon sıcaklığında ve 121 dk. reaksiyon süresi sonunda üretilen biyodizelin 3.595 mm 2 /s (cSt) ile en düşük viskoziteye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üretilen biyodizelin yakıt özelliklerinin EN 14214 standardına uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada elde edilen viskozite değerinin (3.595 mm 2 /s) literatürdeki diğer çalışmalarda elde edilen viskozite değerlerine göre daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Some of the most important advantages of biodiesel, which is a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel, are that it has higher flash point and cetane number, compared to diesel fuel. According to the notification on "blending of biodiesel with diesel fuel" published by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, it has become mandatory to add 0.5% volume ratio of biodiesel to diesel fuel as of 1.1.2018. In addition, The European Parliament's Directive on biofuels (2003/30/EC) makes compulsory the use of renewable fuels at least 10% in 2020 for member countries. Despite the superior properties of biodiesel, its production cost and viscosity are high. The high production cost prevents the more widespread use of biodiesel, and the high viscosity decreases engine performance and increases exhaust emissions. Therefore, in this study, for reducing production cost and viscosity, the effects of transesterification reaction parameters on the viscosity of produced waste cooking oil biodiesel were investigated as a full matrix to determine the optimal values giving the lowest viscosity. The viscosity value of biodiesel produced under the optimal parameters in this study was also compared to that of biodiesels produced in different studies. According to experimental results, it has been specified that the biodiesel, produced the optimal reaction parameters such as potassium methoxide concentration of 1.25%, ethyl alcohol to oil molar ratio of 10.5:1, the reaction temperature of 70 ℃ and reaction duration of 121 minutes, has the lowest viscosity of 3.595 mm 2 /s (cSt). The fuel properties of produced biodiesel are in accordance with EN 14214. Moreover, it has been determined that the viscosity value (3.595 mm 2 /s) obtained in this study is lower than the viscosity values reported in the literature.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
The use of alcohol with traditional diesel fuel in diesel engines reduces environmental damage. W... more The use of alcohol with traditional diesel fuel in diesel engines reduces environmental damage. When the ternary mixtures obtained by adding biodiesel to diesel-alcohol fuel mixtures are used without making any changes in the compression-ignition (CI) engine, there is no significant problem in terms of performance and emissions. This research dealt energetic, exergetic, and environmental evaluation for a CI engine fueled with blends created using diesel/biodiesel/n-octanol at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and different loads (25, 50, 75, and 100%). Performance and emission values were recorded in the tests. Economic and environmental analyses were realized by using the data obtained in these tests in thermodynamic relations. The losses and efficiency of the engine were computed in the energy analysis. The highest thermal efficiency was found to be 40.6% in B20 and B20OCT5 at full load, while the lowest one was observed to be 15.77% when the engine fueled with B100 at 25% load. In the exergy analysis, exhaust exergy, exergy destroyed, and entropy generation were determined. Thermal and exergy efficiencies were parallel in all fuels depending on the load. The highest exergy efficiency was calculated to be 30.4% for B20 and B20OCT5 at full load. Lower exergy destruction was acquired for diesel fuel at full load in comparison with B20OCT20, B20OCT15 and B20OCT10. CO2 emission of fuels was used in exergy-based environmental analysis. The lowest environmental cost was determined as 3.85 $ month−1 at 25% load in B20OCT10. The highest power cost was achieved to be 10.61 $ MJ−1 at 25% load when the engine was run on B20OCT20. The cost of exergy losses at 25% load was computed to be 3.67 $ h−1 for B20OCT20. While the increase in alcohol content in the blends caused a decrease in harmful pollutants, it is not economical due to the expensive pump prices. To conclude, it is to be clearly indicated that due to systematic thermodynamic, economic, and environmental analyses and the usage of n-octanol as a long-chain alcohol in the CI engine with blending diesel and biodiesel, this paper goes beyond previous efforts in the literature.
Fuel, 2020
Studies on alternative and environmentally friendly fuels for compression-ignition engines contin... more Studies on alternative and environmentally friendly fuels for compression-ignition engines continue intensively. In this work, energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and sustainability analyses have been conducted by evaluating performance and emission values obtained by operating with different ratios of 1-heptanol/diesel blends (Hp0, Hp5, Hp10, and Hp20) as novel fuels under a constant speed (1500 rpm) with different engine loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and full load) in a single-cylinder, four-stroke, water-cooled, direct-injection, compression-ignition engine. In the test engine, energy and exergy efficiencies and losses, energetic and exergetic powers, irreversibility, and destruction of the exergy for the aforementioned fuel blends have been calculated and compared with pure diesel fuel. In the tests, the highest fuel consumption was determined as 0.221 kg/kWh in HP20 fuel at 100% load because 1-heptanol has lower calorific value than that of neat diesel fuel. The energy efficiency values in different loads of diesel engine for all fuel blends (Hp0-Hp20) have been calculated to be as between 14.46% and 40.72% along with the corresponding exergy efficiency values have been found to be as between 13.43% and 37.79%. By performing emission measurements, the highest CO 2 emission cost has been
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1984
Termodinamik analiz (enerji ve ekserji analizi) ile icten yanmali motorlarin performans degerlend... more Termodinamik analiz (enerji ve ekserji analizi) ile icten yanmali motorlarin performans degerlendirmesi daha etkili sekilde yapilabilir. Sunulan bu calismada, tek silindirli bir dizel motorunda yakit olarak misir yagi metil esteri kullanimi, termodinamik acidan incelenmistir. Tam yuk (%100) ve 2000 d/dk calisma sartinda motorda saf misir yagi biyodizeli ve saf dizel yakiti kullanilarak gerceklestirilen motor deneylerinden termodinamik analiz icin gerekli veriler saglanmistir. Calismadan elde edilen sonuclara gore motorda yakit olarak misir yagi biyodizeli kulanildiginda motorun ozgul yakit tuketimi, %11,89 oraninda artarken, motorun ozgul enerji tuketimi %2,30 oraninda azalmistir. Her iki yakit kullaniminda motorun ikinci yasa verimi ayni olmasina ragmen biyodizel kullaniminda motorun birinci yasa verimi %0,76 oraninda artmistir. Toplam ekserji yikimi dizel yakiti ve biyodizel icin sirasiyla 6,77 kW ve 6,67 kW olarak hesaplanmistir. Termodinamik acidan bir degerlendirme yapildiginda...
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, Dec 31, 2012
Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından zararlı olan atık yağlardan biyodizel üretm... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından zararlı olan atık yağlardan biyodizel üretmek ve bunu içten yanmalı bir motorda yakıt olarak kullanımını araştırmaktır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak dizel motor yakıtına alternatif olarak hamsi balık yağı ve atık kızartma yağından transesterifikasyon yöntemiyle balık yağı metil esteri (BYME) ve atık pişirme yağı metil esteri (APYME) üretilmiştir. Daha sonra metil esterler tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, direkt püskürtmeli ve hava soğutmalı bir dizel motorda yakıt olarak kullanılarak yakıtların motor performans ve egzoz emisyonları üzerindeki etkileri standart dizel yakıtı (D2) ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi. Yakıtların test sonuçları birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmaları neticesinde elde edilen sonuçlar da dikkate alındığında, BYME ve APYME yakıtları egzoz emisyonları bakımından D2 yakıtına oranla daha iyi özellikler gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. BYME ve APYME'ın egzoz emisyonları (HC ve CO) dizel yakıta göre daha düşük çıkması, yakıtların iyi yanma özellikleri ve çevre üzerindeki olumlu etkilerinden dolayı atık yağ kaynaklı biyodizel yakıtlar dizel yakıta alternatif olarak kullanılabilir.
Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2018
The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of methyl acetate as oxygenated fuel blendi... more The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of methyl acetate as oxygenated fuel blending for base gasoline in SI engine. The effects of methyl acetate on engine performance parameters (brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency and energy consumption rate) and exhaust emissions (CO, HC, CO2 and NOx) of SI engine have been experimentally investigated. Engine experiments were conducted on a single cylinder, water cooled, spark-ignition test engine at constant moderate speed; 1500 rpm for different loads; 104, 207, 311 and 414 kPa fuelling the engine with base gasoline, M5 (95 % base gasoline +5 % methyl acetate) and M10 (90 % base gasoline +10 % methyl acetate). The results showed that adding methyl acetate to base gasoline increases the brake specific fuel consumption while reducing the brake thermal efficiency of the engine. Furthermore, it was also observed that methyl acetate addition does not have a great effect on HC emissions, however, reduces CO and increases CO2 emissions. NOx results showed a striking increase in the level of NOx emissions with the addition of methyl acetate.
Energy Procedia, 2018
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective s... more District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
The present paper examines two biodiesels named as fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and chicken oil m... more The present paper examines two biodiesels named as fish oil methyl ester (FOME) and chicken oil methyl ester (CFME) produced from low-cost waste fish and chicken oils using the transesterification method, and their fuel properties were compared to EN 14214 and ASTM D6751 biodiesel standards. Then, each methyl esters were blended with the commercial diesel fuel (D2) with a ratio of 20% on volume basis, respectively and two fuel samples named as FOB20 (20% Fish Oil Methyl Ester and 80% D2 fuel) and CFB20 (20% chicken oil methyl ester and 80% D2 fuel) were obtained. An experimental study for investigating the effects of the blended fuels on engine performance and its exhaust emissions was performed by using a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection and air-cooled diesel engine at different speeds under full load. According to the test results, it was observed that the brake power, torque values and the carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentrations of blended fuels decreased while the NO x concentration and brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) values increased compared to diesel fuel.
Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi, 2021
Özet: Son yıllarda, büyük oranda petrol esaslı yakıtlar ile çalışan içten yanmalı motorlarda ikin... more Özet: Son yıllarda, büyük oranda petrol esaslı yakıtlar ile çalışan içten yanmalı motorlarda ikinci nesil biyoyakıtların kullanımına duyulan ilgi artmıştır. Bu çalışmada, biyodizel yan ürünü olan gliserinin katalitik dönüşümü ile üretilen gliserin eterlerinin dizel motorda ikinci nesil biyoyakıt olarak kullanımı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Gliserinin tertbütanol ile eterifikasyonu sonucunda sentezlenen gliserin eterleri karışımı, %2 ve %5 hacimsel oranda dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı ile harmanlanmıştır. Dizel yakıtı ve %20 oranında biyodizel içeren dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı referans yakıt olarak kullanılmıştır. Test yakıtlarının önemli fiziksel yakıt özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Yakıta gliserin eterleri ilavesinin yakıtın viskozite, yoğunluk, ısıl değer, setan indisi ve destilasyon sıcaklıklarını düşürdüğü belirlenmiştir. Gliserin eterlerinin ilavesi ile dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımının kinematik viskozitesinin %10-14 oranında azaldığı ve yakıtın destilasyon karakteristiğinin iyileştiği görülmüştür. Gerçekleştirilen motor deneyleri ile test yakıtlarının motorun performans, yanma karakteristikleri ve egzoz emisyonuna etkileri araştırılmıştır. Gliserin eterlerinin motorun özgül yakıt tüketimini ve HC emisyonlarını artırdığı; motorun termal verimini, CO, CO2, NOX ve is (duman koyuluğu) emisyonlarını azalttığı belirlenmiştir. Gliserin eterlerin en dikkat çekici etkisi NOX ve HC emisyonlarında görülmüştür. Gliserin eterleri NOX emisyonlarında yaklaşık %35-77 oranında önemli düşüşler sağlamış fakat aynı çalışma koşulları altında HC emisyonlarında yaklaşık %37-142 oranında bir artışa neden olmuştur. Yanma karakteristikleri açısından %2 oranında gliserin eterleri içeren yakıt karışımı, diğer test yakıtlarına göre daha iyi performans sergilemiştir. Tüm bulgular değerlendirildiğinde gliserin eterlerinin hacimsel %2 oranında dizel-biyodizel yakıt karışımı ile harmanlanması durumunda ikinci nesil biyoyakıt olarak dizel motorlarda kullanımının uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir.
SPIE Proceedings, 1992
An analytical method based on fiber optic near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and partial least squa... more An analytical method based on fiber optic near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and partial least squares data analysis (PLS) was developed to monitor a reaction in which a methyl ester is transesterified with polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG 300) to give the corresponding PEG 300 ester and methanol. A series of multivariant modeling techniques which predict the transesterification reaction end point by monitoring the PEG 300 content were evaluated. The models were developed by making a series of transesterification reactions, collecting grab samples, analyzing them by using the NIR spectrophotometer and liquid chromatography (HPLC) to construct a training and validation set consisting of 50 data points. The models were evaluated in the laboratory setting and the PLS model was used in a pilot plant to predict the reaction end point. Use of the NIR modeling system in the pilot plant led to reduced reaction times and a concomitant rise in product quality. A purged NEMA enclosure was manufactured and was used to house the NIR instrumentation in the pilot plant setting.
Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017
An effective performance assessment of the internal combustion engine can be achieved by thermody... more An effective performance assessment of the internal combustion engine can be achieved by thermodynamic analysis (energy and exergy analysis). To that end, in this present study, a thermodynamic analysis of the corn oil biodiesel usage as fuel in single cylinder diesel engine was performed by evaluating experimental data. Experiments were carried out at full load and 2000 rpm by fueling the engine with diesel fuel and corn oil biodiesel. It was found that corn oil biodiesel gives 11.89% higher brake specific fuel consumption, while it results in 2.25% less brake specific energy consumption than diesel fuel. The same second law efficiency is obtained for tested fuels, although the use of corn oil biodiesel increases the first law efficiency by 0.76%. Additionally, total exergy destruction rate for diesel and biodiesel are calculated as 6.77 kW and 6.67 kW, respectively. Based on the comparative assessment of the thermodynamic analysis results, it can be said that corn oil biodiesel is...
International Journal of Exergy, 2017
Availability analysis is an effective approach to studying energy conversion in systems and ident... more Availability analysis is an effective approach to studying energy conversion in systems and identifying inefficiency. In the present study, a single-zone model was used to examine energy performance parameters and heat release rates. The governing equation of availability analysis was applied in the model, and the possibility of using biodiesel produced from sunflower oil as diesel engine was investigated via mathematical simulation. The different exergy components of pure diesel fuel and pure biodiesel were compared at different crank angles. Results indicated that combining the examined diesel engine with biodiesel fuel would decrease the energy and exergy efficiencies by about 2.72% and 2.61%, respectively. As a result, work exergy and heat transfer exergy decrease and exhaust gas exergy and irreversibility would increase. When biodiesel is replaced with diesel fuel, carbon monoxide decreases, carbon dioxide formation increases, and nitrogen oxide formation remains constant. However, considering the negligible decrease in the first-and second-law efficiencies of biodiesel fuel compared with the decrease in diesel fuel efficiencies, the former is regarded as a renewable fuel that produces less carbon monoxide. It can therefore serve as a substitute for diesel fuel.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2021
Yenilenebilir ve cevre dostu bir yakit olan biyodizelin dizel yakiti ile kiyaslandiginda en oneml... more Yenilenebilir ve cevre dostu bir yakit olan biyodizelin dizel yakiti ile kiyaslandiginda en onemli avantajlarindan bazilari, parlama noktasi sicakliginin ve setan sayisinin yuksek olmasidir. Enerji Piyasasi Duzenleme Kurulu tarafindan yayinlanan “Motorin turlerine biodizel harmanlanmasi” hakkindaki teblige gore, 1.1.2018 tarihinden itibaren biyodizelin hacimsel olarak %0.5 oraninda motorine ilave edilmesi zorunlu hale getirilmistir. Ayrica, Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun 2003/30/EC sayili biyoyakitlar konulu direktifi, uye ulkelerin 2020 yilinda en az %10 oraninda yenilenebilir yakitlarin kullanimini mecburi hale getirmistir. Dunyada ve ulkemizde bu denli onemli bir noktaya gelen biyodizelin bircok ustun ozelliklerine ragmen, uretim maliyeti ve viskozitesi yuksektir. Uretim maliyetinin yuksek olmasi biyodizelin daha yaygin olarak kullanilmasini engellerken, viskozitesinin yuksek olmasi ise motor performansi ve eksoz emisyonlarini olumsuz yonden etkilemektedir. Bu yuzden, sunulan calismada,...
Is Makineleri Operatorlugu Programi; is makinelerinin yogun olarak kullanildigi insaat, ormancili... more Is Makineleri Operatorlugu Programi; is makinelerinin yogun olarak kullanildigi insaat, ormancilik, maden, petrol ve dogalgaz gibi sektorlere tekniker duzeyinde, teknik olarak nitelikli, bilgili ve yetenekli personel yetistirme cabasi icerisinde olan bir programdir. Bu calismada, ulkemizde is makineleri operatorlugu programinin onemi vurgulanmis ve uretim sanayisine olan etkileri irdelenmeye calisilmistir. Ayrica sektorun gunumuzdeki durumu ve gelecegi hakkinda bilgiler verilmistir. Is makineleri sektorunun buyumesine bagli olarak cok sayida is makinesi operatorune, imalat, satis ve servis hizmetlerinde calisacak nitelikli elemanlara duyulan ihtiyac her gecen gun artmaktadir. Bu bulgular isiginda is makineleri operatorlugu programinin buyuk bir oneme sahip ve gelecek vaat eden bir program oldugu gorulmektedir. Ulkemizin diger sektorlere bagli olarak is makineleri sektorundeki buyume hizi goz onune alindiginda is makinelerini kullanacak nitelikli personel ihtiyaci hizla artacagi tahm...