San Diego Fandom (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inSan Diego Fandom's LiveJournal:

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Friday, September 28th, 2012
_10:00 pm_[esprix] B5 news Sad news. Michael O'Hare, who played Captain Jeffery Sinclair, the first commander of Babylon 5 and who later became the prophet Valen, founder of the Rangers, has passed away, according to J Michael Straczynski. (Comment on this)
Friday, March 2nd, 2012
_2:01 pm_[esprix] Costuming vs. Cosplay **What's the difference for you between costuming and cosplay?**Lately I've seen "cosplay" used almost exclusively to refer to any kind of costuming (re-creations, hall costuming, steampunk, etc.), but I see them as different. I'm curious what other costumers think.DISCUSS! :) Current Mood: curious (Comment on this)
Saturday, November 5th, 2011
_10:47 am_[ifics] World Fantasy 2011 Photos Here are the pics that I took at WFC 2011. (Comment on this)
Friday, September 16th, 2011
_9:36 pm_[ifics] Conjecture 2011 Here are the pictures I took at this years Conjecture in San Diego. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 14th, 2011
_8:02 pm_[ifics] Loscon 7 Here are the shots I took at Loscon 7. Held at the Anaheim Sheraton in 1980. were Galacticon Refuges. Galacticon was planned for the same weekend and was cancelled. We found out about Loscon, so we went there instead. Have attended many Loscons since. (Comment on this)
Thursday, August 11th, 2011
_2:28 pm_[ifics] I scanned some of the slides I took at the second convention I ever attended. Equicon 75/Filmcon 3. It was held at the LAX Marriott Easter weekend in 1976. Many of the slides of costumes came out to dark to save so I guess I will have to try some other way to digitize them in the future. hope everyone enjoys them.Barney (Comment on this)
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
_6:01 pm_[chloeandrudy] San Diego's Gaslight Gathering The first Steampunk Victoriana convention will be in Mission Valley on May 6-8. For more info, go here. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011
_12:59 pm_[hygher] Portrait Session Giveaway I'd love to give this session away to a fellow geek! Firefly, Harry Potter, Star Wars, LoTR fangirl here.Do you have an adorable kid or know someone in San Diego, Los Angeles or the Antelope Valley area that does? That adorable child could win a free portraiture session and $20 credit. Runner up wins 50% off their session fee. You can view my work on the Happiness website for an idea of the session you would be or links detailsHere’s how it works:1: You email a snapshot of your absolutely adorable kid 0-12 to Rachel{at} by April 27, 2011 11:59 PDT. Please include their first name , age, and one thing you love about them as well as your contact information so I can contact you when you win.2: I upload all the pictures to the Happiness is… Photography facebook page and you get your friends and family to vote by liking your child’s picture on the facebook page .3: The kid with the most likes on their picture by 11:59 PDT on May 7th,2011 will win. The kid with the 2nd highest number of votes will win the runner's up prize.For all the fine print check out the Happiness is… Photography Blog (Comment on this)
Saturday, March 5th, 2011
_11:57 am_[ifics] Here are the pictures I took at ConDor this year. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 12th, 2011
_12:08 am_[esprix] Heavy Ink comics controversy If anyone out there buys their comics from Heavy Ink, an online comics retailer, I offer that you might want to reconsider, as the president, Travis Corcoran, seems to think shooting members of Congress isn't such a bad idea (to quote, "1 down, 534 to go," in reference to the January 8 shooting in Tucson, Arizona that left 6 people dead and critically injured U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the intended target of the attack, being the first of the 535 members of Congress).Needless to say there's been some significant buzz, including Paul Cornell asking readers not to buy his books from the site, and Nick Spencer specifically requesting that Corcoran stop stocking his books.There's also been a lot of hemming and hawing from Corcoran - in a long, rambling diatribe he outlines his political views, and although at one point he says, "No, I do not endorse shooting at politicians in 2011," he seems to think an armed revolution is just over the horizon (i.e., shooting at politicians sometime in the future would be acceptable); on his Twitter account he says, "I don't incite the killing of any politicians; that would be illegal. I merely think that it's morally legitimate."Although I hope I included enough links to pertinent information so that someone could make up their own mind about this, I'm posting this because I think this guy is a tremendous douchebag that deserves all the bad karma he can get. Is he entitled to his opinion? Of course, and he's equally entitled to spread it all over the internet if he so desires. I don't think, however, that hateful rhetoric like this should be rewarded, so I'm equally free to spread that opinion all over the internet myself. Current Mood: concerned (Comment on this)
Thursday, July 22nd, 2010
_10:54 am_[inteligrrl] Help me fandom kenobi, you're my only hope... I unexpectedly find myself available Sunday, and I was hoping (probably futilely) to catch the tail end of Comicon with a friend. Previous years this wouldn't have been much of a problem, but unfortunately with the current resale set-up it's pretty much impossible (at least to those without a ridiculously high speed internet connection) to snag one. As a last resort I thought I'd check with my San Diego fandom peeps - is there anyway to swing 2 Sunday passes with less hassle? Current Mood: hopeful (Comment on this)
Sunday, July 18th, 2010
_6:09 pm_[tmcm] San Diego hotel room available Anyone going to the San Diego Comic Con? I have an extra hotel room that I'd like to get rid of. It's 2 Queen beds, Tue - Sun. The Westgate Hotel1055 2nd AvenueSan Diego, CA 92101Phone: (619) 238-1818Fax: (619) 557-3737Hotel distance to Convention Center: 7.0 Blocksps. I'll be at the con (booth K13). (Comment on this)
Sunday, March 21st, 2010
_7:55 pm_[inteligrrl] for old fans... I know there's a lot of long time fans in San Diego, so I thought I'd pass this along:Organization for Transformative WorksFan Culture Preservation ProjectDo you have zines, fannish flyers, paper memorabilia, or con programs that you can’t keep anymore, but can't bear to throw out? The OTW can help!OverviewThe Fan Culture Preservation Project is a partnership between the OTW and the Special Collections department at the University of Iowa Libraries dedicated to preserving fan artifacts such as letterzines, fanzines, and other non-digital fan works and memorabilia. For more information: (Comment on this)
Friday, March 12th, 2010
_5:04 pm_[esprix] SCA in San Diego A friend sent me a link to an article in the San Diego Reader about the local SCA community: story and all! (Comment on this)
Monday, September 14th, 2009
_7:50 pm_[chaoswolf] Paging Elf I'm trying to get in touch with Elf. Mundane name = Michelle. I don't know her last name, but I do know that she's a friend of Karen Anderson. I do not have her number on file, and thus I can't return the page. Heard she was asking about me @ ConChord. If anyone can help, please do. Drop me a private message or email me. (Comment on this)
Sunday, August 16th, 2009
_7:43 am_[ifics] How Many Cons Has This Happened? Kenvin and Kell for Sunday August 16, 2009. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009
_9:06 pm_[ifics] Westercon Pictures Here are some pictures I took at Westercon 62. On Flickr (Comment on this)
Monday, June 15th, 2009
_11:51 pm_[esprix] A community for Minotaurs The response to Stuart's untimely passing has been amazing and heartwarming and overwhelming. It's obvious he touched many lives and we all have a lot of good memories of him to carry with us.I've started a community where we can share stories and pictures and have a place to gather to remember him. Everyone, please feel free to join and post to minotaursfriend, and pass the word on to anyone else you think would be appropriate. (Comment on this)
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
_10:00 pm_[esprix] Sad news It is with the heaviest of hearts that I post this today. My very good friend, and I know good friend of many of you, Stuart Carroll (minotaurs) passed away this morning, June 14. During the night he suffered a massive heart attack, and despite tremendous efforts to save him, he passed away at 6:00 a.m. He had good friends by his side until the end, and his family is gathering to decide on the next steps.I met Stuart when I ran Gaylaxicon in 2004 in San Diego, and together we not only started San Diego Queer Sci-Fi, but became good friends. Many of us gathered on a weekly basis to play board games, and he helped out with the new local San Diego convention, Conjecture. He also brought me into slash fandom, and when we attended CON.TXT together last year I was stunned by how both famous and loved he was by that community.I cannot express how sad I am right now. He was a truly wonderful, intelligent, witty spirit that will be sadly and sorely missed by those who knew him. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, December 18th, 2008
_5:30 pm_[esprix] Majel Barrett has passed away In case you missed it elsewhere, Majel Barrett has passed away at 76. It looks like she did complete her recording for the new film, which in and of itself was a wonderful homage to her and her link to Star Trek's history.She will be missed. (Comment on this)

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