Calendario (original) (raw)


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Caledario San Lorenzo

Calendario Celebrazioni

Calendario Visite

Calendario Visite 2

Triduo Pasquale

iCal feed URL

Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.


Caledario San Lorenzo

Calendario Celebrazioni

Calendario Visite

Calendario Visite 2

Triduo Pasquale

iCal feed URL

Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.


iCal feed URL

Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.


iCal feed URL

Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.