João Inácio Da Silva Filho | Universidade Santa Cecília, UNISANTA (original) (raw)

Papers by João Inácio Da Silva Filho

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação de interfaces inteligentes para flexibilização e otimização na linha de montagem de automóveis: um estudo na planta Anchieta da Volkswagen do Brasil

Revista Produção Online, Sep 30, 2020

Resumo: O presente trabalho traz um estudo para a obtenção da flexibilização das linhas de montag... more Resumo: O presente trabalho traz um estudo para a obtenção da flexibilização das linhas de montagem na planta Anchieta da Volkswagen do Brasil. Para a implantação da flexibilização foram utilizadas quatro interfaces inteligentes para controlar restrições e distribuições do mesmo modelo de automóvel produzido em duas linhas produtivas, obedecendo as restrições técnicas para alguns acabamentos específicos e visando atingir a meta de produção nessas duas linhas. Estas interfaces eram responsáveis pela identificação do produto, analisar as restrições técnicas, assegurar que não exista ordem de produção duplicada e calcular a quantidade no circulante pelo volume entre o ponto de início de montagem até o ponto de escolha de linha. Essa implementação foi fundamental para que a empresa conseguisse utilizar as duas linhas de montagem para produzir o modelo Gol básico, atendendo assim a sua meta de produção diária e otimizando o processo produtivo.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de um mecanismo de bombeamento automático integrado a um reanimador pulmonar manual / Development of an automatic pumping mechanism integrated with a manual lung resuscitator

Brazilian Journal of Development

Os anos de 2020 e 2021 foram desafiadores para a humanidade, pois a pandemia provocada pelo coron... more Os anos de 2020 e 2021 foram desafiadores para a humanidade, pois a pandemia provocada pelo coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 explicitou nos sistemas de saúde deficiências relacionadas ao diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes. A escassez de matéria prima para o setor hospitalar evoluiu de maneira exponencial, em especial, respiradores mecânicos tornaram-se equipamentos de extrema necessidade, refletindo em grande número de pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o desenvolvimento dos mesmos. O dispositivo pode ser reproduzido de maneira rápida e fácil através da configuração proposta, fazendo que o trabalho humano é substituído por um acionamento de alavancas mecânicas. Tanto a parte mecânica quanto a fluidodinâmica foram validadas, além dos acionamentos eletrônicos, fazendo com que o equipamento tenha uma eficiência atrativa para os fins de terapia de urgência. Além disso, o protótipo mostra-se atrativo e com impacto social relevante, salientando o baixo capital necessário para sua montagem, ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Probabilistic Paraconsistent Logical Model for Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Using Interlaced Bilattices with Conflation and Bernoulli Distribution

Journal of Quantum Information Science, 2017

In this work, we make a representation of non-relativistic quantum theory based on foundations of... more In this work, we make a representation of non-relativistic quantum theory based on foundations of paraconsistent annotated logic (PAL), a propositional and evidential logic with an associated lattice FOUR. We use the PAL version with annotation of two values (PAL2v), named paraquantum logic (PQL), where the evidence signals are normalized values and the intensities of the inconsistencies are represented by degrees of contradiction. Quantum mechanics is represented through mapping on the interlaced bilattices where this logical formalization allows annotation of two values in the format of degrees of evidence of probability. The Bernoulli probability distribution is used to establish probabilistic logical states that identify the superposition of states and quantum entanglement with the equations and determine the state vectors located inside the interlaced Bilattice. In the proposed logical probabilistic paraquantum logic model (pPQL Model), we introduce the operation of logical conflation into interlaced bilattice. We verify that in the pPQL Model, the operation of logical conflation is responsible for providing a suitable model for various phenomena of quantum mechanics, mainly the quantum entanglement. The results obtained from the entanglement equations demonstrate the formalization and completeness of paraquantum logic that allows for interpretations of similar phenomena of quantum mechanics, including EPR paradox and the wave-particle theory.

Research paper thumbnail of An Introductory Study of the Hydrogen Atom with Paraquantum Logic

Journal of Modern Physics, 2012

Paraquantum Logics (P QL) has its origins in the fundamental concepts of the Paraconsistent Annot... more Paraquantum Logics (P QL) has its origins in the fundamental concepts of the Paraconsistent Annotated Logics (PAL) whose main feature is to be capable of treating contradictory information. Based on a class of logics called Paraconsistent Logics with annotations of two values (PAL2v), P QL performs a logical treatment on signals obtained by measurements on physical quantities which are considered Observable Variables in the physical world. In the process of application of the P QL the obtained values are transformed in Evidence Degrees and represented on a Lattice of four Vertices where special equations transform these degrees into Paraquantum logical states ψ which propagate. The propagation of Paraquantum logical states provides us with results which can be interpreted and modeled through phenomena studied in physics. Using the Paraquantum equations, we investigate the effects of balancing of Energies and the quantization and transience properties of the Paraquantum Logical Model in real Physical Systems. As a demonstration of the usage of the Paraquantum equations we perform a numerical comparative study that applies the P QL to the Bohr's model to find the energy levels of the Hydrogen atom. It is verified that the values of energy in each level of the Paraquantum logical model of the Hydrogen atom are close to the values found by the conventional way. The results through the Paraquantum Logic allow considering other important properties of the atom, as the forecast of number of electrons in each layer.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of Uncertainties with Algorithms of the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic

Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 2012

The method presented in this work is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotate... more The method presented in this work is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of 2 values (PAL2v). The PAL2v is a non-classic Logics which admits contradiction and in this paper we perform a study using mathematical interpretation in its representative lattice. This studies result in algorithms and equations give an effective treatment on signals of information that represent situations found in uncertainty knowledge database. From the obtained equations, algorithms are elaborated to be utilized in computation models of the uncertainty treatment Systems. We presented some results that were obtained of analyses done with one of the algorithms that compose the paraconsistent analyzing system of logical signals with the PAL2v Logic. The paraconsistent reasoning system built according to the PAL2v methodology notions reveals itself to be more efficient than the traditional ones, because it gets to offer an appropriate treatment to contradictory information.

Research paper thumbnail of Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ (parte IX): análises em Sistemas Físicos eo Fator Gama Paraquântico

Resumo     Neste trabalho, com base nos fundamentos da Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ, que é uma Lóg... more Resumo     Neste trabalho, com base nos fundamentos da Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ, que é uma Lógica Paraconsistente (LP) construída com o objetivo de fazer análises em modelos de sistemas no mundo físico, são feitas as considerações iniciais que resultam em importantes Fatores de correlação que ligam os diversos campos de estudos da física através do universo Paraquântico. Conforme foi visto nos estudos anteriores (parte I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII e VIII) a Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ tem a sua representação através de um Reticulado de quatro vértices. As interpretações neste Reticulado levam ao equacionamento e obtenção de um modelo, no qual os estados Lógicos Paraquânticos ψ são propagados por meio de variações de graus de evidências extraídos de medições efetuadas em Variáveis Observáveis no mundo físico. Aplicando-se o modelo lógico paraquântico em sistemas físicos reais, verifica-se, inicialmente a existência de valores contraditórios entre Sistemas de unidades Internacional e Britânico. Essa contradição atua nas equações das leis fundamentais da física clássica que quantificam os valores de grandezas físicas e geram valores diferentes, os quais, quando comparados aos obtidos no modelo Lógico Paraquântico, divergem de um fator de proporcionalidade, aqui denominado de Fator Gama de Newton γ N , cujo valor é de aproximadamente 2. O equacionamento da LPQ incluindo o Fator de Newton γ N como valor de quantização nas medições das Variáveis Observáveis na extração dos Graus de Evidência, e o Fator de Lorentz utilizado na teoria da relatividade, mostra a existência de um importante fator de expansão (ou contração) do Reticulado da LPQ, que foi denominado de Fator Gama Paraquântico γ Pψ. Os resultados que correlacionam estes três fatores levam a que se façam considerações de que o modelo Lógico Paraquântico é capaz de interligar os diversos campos da Ciência Física e trazendo assim a Lógica Paraquântica LPQ a um elevado nível de importância para as aplicações que efetivamente possam modelar os fenômenos da natureza.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Shannon Entropy in the Construction of a Paraconsistent Model of the Atom

In this work, we present a model of the atom that is based on nonclassical logic called paraconsi... more In this work, we present a model of the atom that is based on nonclassical logic called paraconsistent logic (PL), which has the main property of accepting the contradiction in logical interpretations without the conclusions being annulled. The model proposed in this work is constructed with the extension of PL called paraconsistent annotated logic with annotation of two values (PAL2v) that is associated with an interlaced bilattice of four vertices. We used the logarithmic function of the Shannon entropy H(s) with the inclusion of the normalized Planck constant ħ to construct the paraconsistent equations. Through the analyses of the interlaced bilattice, comparative values are obtained for some of the phenomena and effects of quantum mechanics, such as superposition of states, quantum entanglement, wave functions, and equations that determine the energy levels of the layers of the atom. At the end of this article, we use the hydrogen atom as the basis of the representation of the P...

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent annotated logic applied to industry assets condition monitoring and failure prevention based on vibration signatures

Research, Society and Development, 2022

In this study, we introduced an expert system (ESvbrPAL2v), responsible for monitoring assets bas... more In this study, we introduced an expert system (ESvbrPAL2v), responsible for monitoring assets based on vibration signature analysis through a set of algorithms based on the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic – PAL. Being a non-classical logic, the main feature of the PAL is to support contradictory inputs in its foundation. It is therefore suitable for building algorithmic models capable of performing out appropriate treatment for complex signals, such as those coming from vibration. The ESvbrPAL2v was built on an ATMega2560 microcontroller, where vibration signals were captured from the mechanical structures of the machines by sensors and, after receiving special treatment through the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), then properly modeled to paraconsistent logic signals and vibration patterns. Using the PAL fundamentals, vibration signature patterns were built for possible and known vibration issues stored in ESvbrPAL2v and continuously compared through configurations composed by a ne...

Research paper thumbnail of Image processing for positioning mechanical device with Backpropagation algorithm and separate handling of RGB components

Research, Society and Development, 2022

Different approaches for the use of Artificial Neural Networks - ANNs, in the recognition of imag... more Different approaches for the use of Artificial Neural Networks - ANNs, in the recognition of image patterns, have been used with variations ranging from the processing of the image data to the ANN architecture itself. This paper describes the development of a system that aims to recognize patterns of images with ANNs of three inputs that receive images decomposed into their RGB components. The ANNs have an architecture with two hidden layers of six neurons each, and use the algorithm Backpropagation. The built model normalizes RGB components with values ​​between zero and one. The Backpropagation algorithm is used for the purpose of functional approximation of these components, and after training, the numerical arrangements obtained in the three outputs corresponding to the inputs are denormalized to form the resulting training image. Six image pattern had training in different ANNs, forming a system to recognized each pattern. The feasibility of using the model was verified with th...

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic Algorithms Applied in Management and Control of Communication Network Routes

Sensors, 2021

This paper presents a computational method based on non-classical logic dedicated to routing mana... more This paper presents a computational method based on non-classical logic dedicated to routing management and information stream control in communication networks. Paraconsistent logic (PL) was used to create an algorithmic structure whose main property is to accept contradiction. Moreover, a computational structure, the denominated paraconsistent data analyzer (PDAPAL2v), was constructed to perform routing management in communication networks. Direct comparisons of PDAPAL2v with a classical logic system that simulates routing conditions were made in the laboratory. In the conventional system, the paraconsistent algorithms were considered as binary logic gates, and in the tests, the same adjustment limits of PDAPAL2v were applied. Using a database with controlled insertion of noise, we obtained an efficacy of 97% in the detection of deteriorated packets with PDAPAL2v and 72% with the conventional simulation system. Functional tests were carried out, showing that PDAPAL2v is able to as...

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de um Modelo Estruturado em Logica Paraconsistente para a Análise e Tomada de Decisão na Escolha de Materiais de uma Empresa Montadora de Veículos Automotores

A industria sempre buscou a reducao de custos e tempo no processo de desenvolvimento e fabricacao... more A industria sempre buscou a reducao de custos e tempo no processo de desenvolvimento e fabricacao de produtos. Um dos caminhos para esta reducao e a utilizacao de novas tecnologias de automacao e inteligencia artificial, como a Logica Paraconsistente Anotada com 2 valores que trata informacoes contraditorias e nao-triviais, e que podem tratar e melhorar a precisao de informacoes tecnicas de selecao, avaliacao e classificacao de pecas e componentes para montagem de unidades prototipos e pre-producao. O produto deste trabalho possibilitara aumentar a qualidade das informacoes minimizando retrabalhos, atrasos e custos adicionais na falha destas operacoes. Palavras-chave : Prototipo. Pre-producao. Logica Paraconsistente Anotada. It is not a secret that industries seek reduction of time and costs within their process of product development and manufacturing. One of the paths to this reduction is the use of new automation and artificial intelligence technologies, such as the Paraconsisten...

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and classification of numerical data patterns using Annotated Paraconsistent Logic and the effect of contradiction

Research, Society and Development, 2021

This work describes the development of a computational mathematical model that uses Annotated Par... more This work describes the development of a computational mathematical model that uses Annotated Paraconsistent Logic - APL and a concept derived from it, the effect of contradiction, to identify patterns in numerical data for pattern classification purposes. The APL admits paraconsistent and paracomplete logical principles, which allow the manipulation of inconsistent and contradictory data, and its use allowed the identification and quantization of the attribute related to the contradiction. To validate the model, series of Raman spectroscopies obtained after exposure of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, collected from cutaneous tissue cell samples previously examined for the detection of cancerous lesions, identified as basal carcinoma, melanoma and normal, were used. Initially, the attributes related to contradiction, derivative and median obtained from spectroscopies were identified and quantified. A machine learning process with approximately 31.6% of each type of samples detec...

Research paper thumbnail of Undulatory Theory with Paraconsistent Logic (Part I): Quantum Logical Model with Two Wave Functions

Journal of Quantum Information Science, 2016

Part I of this study proved that the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic using two values (PAL2v), kno... more Part I of this study proved that the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic using two values (PAL2v), known as the Paraquantum Logic (PQL), can represent the quantum by a model comprising two wave functions obtained from interference phenomena in the 2W (two-wave) region of Young's experiment (double slit). With this model represented in one spatial dimension, we studied in the Lattice of the PQL, with their values represented in the set of complex numbers, the state vector of unitary module and its correspondence with the two wave functions. Based on these considerations, we applied the PQL model for obtaining Paraquantum logical states ψ related to energy levels, following the principles of the wave theory through Schrödinger's equation. We also applied the probability theory and Bonferroni's inequality for demonstrating that quantum wave functions, represented by evidence degrees, are probabilistic functions studied in the PQL Lattice, confirming that the final Paraquantum Logic Model is well suited to studies involving aspects of the wave-particle theory. This approach of quantum theory using Paraconsistent logic allows the interpretation of various phenomena of Quantum Mechanics, so it is quite promising for creating efficient models in the physical analysis and quantum computing processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Support at Decision in Electrical Systems of subtransmission through selection of Topologies by a Paraconsistent Simulator

IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2016

In this paper, we present a Simulator Program that identifies the topologies and supports operati... more In this paper, we present a Simulator Program that identifies the topologies and supports operation staff in decisionelectrical power system operation consider load reestablishment procedures and topological possibilities to each event, offering a selection of the best settings. Facing a electrical power transmission system contingency , the Simulator considers the current state and uses special algorithms that detect the grid topology, interprets results and presents to the operators a rank of procedures with their respective degrees of reliability. For these actions the software Simulator make the circuits breakers states analysis and electric keys, load flow solution with the on line data, makes risk prediction and the mathematical analysis of remote sensing values. The software Simulator uses in some of his actions, special algorithms that are based on Paraconsistent Annotated Logic (PAL), which is a non-classical logic whose main property is to accept contradiction in their fundamentals. These algorithms based on PAL offer greater speed of processing and allows the Paraconsistent Simulator of topologies (ParaSimTop) to be implemented in real time.

Research paper thumbnail of Dark Energy Calculations Using the Paraquantum Gamma Factor (<i>γ<sub>Pψ</sub></i>) on the Relativistic Energy Equation

Journal of Modern Physics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Spectral Line Emissions of the Hydrogen Atom with Paraquantum Logic

Journal of Modern Physics, 2012

In this work we presented a study of the obtaining of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen... more In this work we presented a study of the obtaining of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom using equations that are originated from the foundations of the Paraquantum Logic (P QL). Based on a class of logics called Paraconsistent Logics with annotation of two values (PAL2v), P QL performs a logical treatment on signals obtained by measurements on physical quantities which are considered Observable Variables in the physical world. In the process of application of the P QL the obtained values are transformed in Evidence Degrees and represented on a Lattice of four Vertices where special equations transform these degrees into Paraquantum logical states ψ which propagate. This allows creating Paraquantum logical models of physical systems of the real world. Using the Paraquantum equations, we investigated the hydrogen atom spectrum and his main series known. We performed a numerical comparative study that applies the Paraquantum Logical Model to calculate the wavelengths values. The values of wavelengths obtained by the Paraquantum Equations are compared by the results found by the Rydberg formula and are verified that the series of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom can be identified with the representative Lattices of the Paraquantum Logic. Through the application of the Paraquantum equations it was found a numeric value relates the layers of Paraquantum model of the Hydrogen atom. This value represents a constant that relates the Lattices that compose the Paraquantum universe, and it was denominated Paraquantum Structure Constant, whose symbol is α ψ. The obtained results of the comparison demonstrate that the Paraquantum Logic comes with good possibilities of being the ideal logic to model our physical reality.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the Paraquantum Equations and Applications

Journal of Modern Physics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of An Introduction to Paraconsistent Integral Differential Calculus: With Application Examples

Applied Mathematics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent Differential Calculus (Part I): First-Order Paraconsistent Derivative

Applied Mathematics, 2014

The Paraconsistent Logic (PL) is a non-classical logic and its main property is to present tolera... more The Paraconsistent Logic (PL) is a non-classical logic and its main property is to present tolerance for contradiction in its fundamentals without the invalidation of the conclusions. In this paper, we use the PL in its annotated form, denominated Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of two values-PAL2v. This type of paraconsistent logic has an associated lattice that allows the development of a Paraconsistent Differential Calculus based on fundamentals and equations obtained by geometric interpretations. In this paper (Part II), it is presented a continuation of the first article (Part I) where the Paraconsistent Differential Calculus is given emphasis on the second-order Paraconsistent Derivative. We present some examples applying Paraconsistent Derivatives at functions of first and second-order with the concepts of Paraconsistent Mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of An Application of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic for Design Software Testing Strategies

Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2014

Nowadays, application model systems for decision-making based on non-classical logic such as Para... more Nowadays, application model systems for decision-making based on non-classical logic such as Paraconsistent Logic are used successfully in the treatment of uncertainties. The method presented in this paper is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of 2 values (PAL2v). In this study, two algorithms based on PAL2v are presented gradually, to extract the effects of the contradiction in signals of information from a database of uncertain knowledge. The Paraconsistent Extractors Algorithms of Contradiction Effect-Para Extr ctr is applied to filters of networks of analyses (PANets) of signal information, where uncertain and contradictory signals may be found. Software test case scenarios are subordinated to an application model of Paraconsistent decision-making, which provides an analysis using Paraconsistent Logic in the treatment of uncertainties for design software testing strategies. This quality-quantity criterion to evaluate the software product quality is based on the characteristics of software testability analysis. The Para consistent reasoning application model system presented in this case study, reveals itself to be more efficient than the traditional methods because it has the potential to offer an appropriate treatment to different originally contradicting source information.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação de interfaces inteligentes para flexibilização e otimização na linha de montagem de automóveis: um estudo na planta Anchieta da Volkswagen do Brasil

Revista Produção Online, Sep 30, 2020

Resumo: O presente trabalho traz um estudo para a obtenção da flexibilização das linhas de montag... more Resumo: O presente trabalho traz um estudo para a obtenção da flexibilização das linhas de montagem na planta Anchieta da Volkswagen do Brasil. Para a implantação da flexibilização foram utilizadas quatro interfaces inteligentes para controlar restrições e distribuições do mesmo modelo de automóvel produzido em duas linhas produtivas, obedecendo as restrições técnicas para alguns acabamentos específicos e visando atingir a meta de produção nessas duas linhas. Estas interfaces eram responsáveis pela identificação do produto, analisar as restrições técnicas, assegurar que não exista ordem de produção duplicada e calcular a quantidade no circulante pelo volume entre o ponto de início de montagem até o ponto de escolha de linha. Essa implementação foi fundamental para que a empresa conseguisse utilizar as duas linhas de montagem para produzir o modelo Gol básico, atendendo assim a sua meta de produção diária e otimizando o processo produtivo.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de um mecanismo de bombeamento automático integrado a um reanimador pulmonar manual / Development of an automatic pumping mechanism integrated with a manual lung resuscitator

Brazilian Journal of Development

Os anos de 2020 e 2021 foram desafiadores para a humanidade, pois a pandemia provocada pelo coron... more Os anos de 2020 e 2021 foram desafiadores para a humanidade, pois a pandemia provocada pelo coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 explicitou nos sistemas de saúde deficiências relacionadas ao diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes. A escassez de matéria prima para o setor hospitalar evoluiu de maneira exponencial, em especial, respiradores mecânicos tornaram-se equipamentos de extrema necessidade, refletindo em grande número de pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o desenvolvimento dos mesmos. O dispositivo pode ser reproduzido de maneira rápida e fácil através da configuração proposta, fazendo que o trabalho humano é substituído por um acionamento de alavancas mecânicas. Tanto a parte mecânica quanto a fluidodinâmica foram validadas, além dos acionamentos eletrônicos, fazendo com que o equipamento tenha uma eficiência atrativa para os fins de terapia de urgência. Além disso, o protótipo mostra-se atrativo e com impacto social relevante, salientando o baixo capital necessário para sua montagem, ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Probabilistic Paraconsistent Logical Model for Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Using Interlaced Bilattices with Conflation and Bernoulli Distribution

Journal of Quantum Information Science, 2017

In this work, we make a representation of non-relativistic quantum theory based on foundations of... more In this work, we make a representation of non-relativistic quantum theory based on foundations of paraconsistent annotated logic (PAL), a propositional and evidential logic with an associated lattice FOUR. We use the PAL version with annotation of two values (PAL2v), named paraquantum logic (PQL), where the evidence signals are normalized values and the intensities of the inconsistencies are represented by degrees of contradiction. Quantum mechanics is represented through mapping on the interlaced bilattices where this logical formalization allows annotation of two values in the format of degrees of evidence of probability. The Bernoulli probability distribution is used to establish probabilistic logical states that identify the superposition of states and quantum entanglement with the equations and determine the state vectors located inside the interlaced Bilattice. In the proposed logical probabilistic paraquantum logic model (pPQL Model), we introduce the operation of logical conflation into interlaced bilattice. We verify that in the pPQL Model, the operation of logical conflation is responsible for providing a suitable model for various phenomena of quantum mechanics, mainly the quantum entanglement. The results obtained from the entanglement equations demonstrate the formalization and completeness of paraquantum logic that allows for interpretations of similar phenomena of quantum mechanics, including EPR paradox and the wave-particle theory.

Research paper thumbnail of An Introductory Study of the Hydrogen Atom with Paraquantum Logic

Journal of Modern Physics, 2012

Paraquantum Logics (P QL) has its origins in the fundamental concepts of the Paraconsistent Annot... more Paraquantum Logics (P QL) has its origins in the fundamental concepts of the Paraconsistent Annotated Logics (PAL) whose main feature is to be capable of treating contradictory information. Based on a class of logics called Paraconsistent Logics with annotations of two values (PAL2v), P QL performs a logical treatment on signals obtained by measurements on physical quantities which are considered Observable Variables in the physical world. In the process of application of the P QL the obtained values are transformed in Evidence Degrees and represented on a Lattice of four Vertices where special equations transform these degrees into Paraquantum logical states ψ which propagate. The propagation of Paraquantum logical states provides us with results which can be interpreted and modeled through phenomena studied in physics. Using the Paraquantum equations, we investigate the effects of balancing of Energies and the quantization and transience properties of the Paraquantum Logical Model in real Physical Systems. As a demonstration of the usage of the Paraquantum equations we perform a numerical comparative study that applies the P QL to the Bohr's model to find the energy levels of the Hydrogen atom. It is verified that the values of energy in each level of the Paraquantum logical model of the Hydrogen atom are close to the values found by the conventional way. The results through the Paraquantum Logic allow considering other important properties of the atom, as the forecast of number of electrons in each layer.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of Uncertainties with Algorithms of the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic

Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 2012

The method presented in this work is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotate... more The method presented in this work is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of 2 values (PAL2v). The PAL2v is a non-classic Logics which admits contradiction and in this paper we perform a study using mathematical interpretation in its representative lattice. This studies result in algorithms and equations give an effective treatment on signals of information that represent situations found in uncertainty knowledge database. From the obtained equations, algorithms are elaborated to be utilized in computation models of the uncertainty treatment Systems. We presented some results that were obtained of analyses done with one of the algorithms that compose the paraconsistent analyzing system of logical signals with the PAL2v Logic. The paraconsistent reasoning system built according to the PAL2v methodology notions reveals itself to be more efficient than the traditional ones, because it gets to offer an appropriate treatment to contradictory information.

Research paper thumbnail of Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ (parte IX): análises em Sistemas Físicos eo Fator Gama Paraquântico

Resumo     Neste trabalho, com base nos fundamentos da Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ, que é uma Lóg... more Resumo     Neste trabalho, com base nos fundamentos da Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ, que é uma Lógica Paraconsistente (LP) construída com o objetivo de fazer análises em modelos de sistemas no mundo físico, são feitas as considerações iniciais que resultam em importantes Fatores de correlação que ligam os diversos campos de estudos da física através do universo Paraquântico. Conforme foi visto nos estudos anteriores (parte I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII e VIII) a Lógica ParaQuântica LPQ tem a sua representação através de um Reticulado de quatro vértices. As interpretações neste Reticulado levam ao equacionamento e obtenção de um modelo, no qual os estados Lógicos Paraquânticos ψ são propagados por meio de variações de graus de evidências extraídos de medições efetuadas em Variáveis Observáveis no mundo físico. Aplicando-se o modelo lógico paraquântico em sistemas físicos reais, verifica-se, inicialmente a existência de valores contraditórios entre Sistemas de unidades Internacional e Britânico. Essa contradição atua nas equações das leis fundamentais da física clássica que quantificam os valores de grandezas físicas e geram valores diferentes, os quais, quando comparados aos obtidos no modelo Lógico Paraquântico, divergem de um fator de proporcionalidade, aqui denominado de Fator Gama de Newton γ N , cujo valor é de aproximadamente 2. O equacionamento da LPQ incluindo o Fator de Newton γ N como valor de quantização nas medições das Variáveis Observáveis na extração dos Graus de Evidência, e o Fator de Lorentz utilizado na teoria da relatividade, mostra a existência de um importante fator de expansão (ou contração) do Reticulado da LPQ, que foi denominado de Fator Gama Paraquântico γ Pψ. Os resultados que correlacionam estes três fatores levam a que se façam considerações de que o modelo Lógico Paraquântico é capaz de interligar os diversos campos da Ciência Física e trazendo assim a Lógica Paraquântica LPQ a um elevado nível de importância para as aplicações que efetivamente possam modelar os fenômenos da natureza.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Shannon Entropy in the Construction of a Paraconsistent Model of the Atom

In this work, we present a model of the atom that is based on nonclassical logic called paraconsi... more In this work, we present a model of the atom that is based on nonclassical logic called paraconsistent logic (PL), which has the main property of accepting the contradiction in logical interpretations without the conclusions being annulled. The model proposed in this work is constructed with the extension of PL called paraconsistent annotated logic with annotation of two values (PAL2v) that is associated with an interlaced bilattice of four vertices. We used the logarithmic function of the Shannon entropy H(s) with the inclusion of the normalized Planck constant ħ to construct the paraconsistent equations. Through the analyses of the interlaced bilattice, comparative values are obtained for some of the phenomena and effects of quantum mechanics, such as superposition of states, quantum entanglement, wave functions, and equations that determine the energy levels of the layers of the atom. At the end of this article, we use the hydrogen atom as the basis of the representation of the P...

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent annotated logic applied to industry assets condition monitoring and failure prevention based on vibration signatures

Research, Society and Development, 2022

In this study, we introduced an expert system (ESvbrPAL2v), responsible for monitoring assets bas... more In this study, we introduced an expert system (ESvbrPAL2v), responsible for monitoring assets based on vibration signature analysis through a set of algorithms based on the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic – PAL. Being a non-classical logic, the main feature of the PAL is to support contradictory inputs in its foundation. It is therefore suitable for building algorithmic models capable of performing out appropriate treatment for complex signals, such as those coming from vibration. The ESvbrPAL2v was built on an ATMega2560 microcontroller, where vibration signals were captured from the mechanical structures of the machines by sensors and, after receiving special treatment through the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), then properly modeled to paraconsistent logic signals and vibration patterns. Using the PAL fundamentals, vibration signature patterns were built for possible and known vibration issues stored in ESvbrPAL2v and continuously compared through configurations composed by a ne...

Research paper thumbnail of Image processing for positioning mechanical device with Backpropagation algorithm and separate handling of RGB components

Research, Society and Development, 2022

Different approaches for the use of Artificial Neural Networks - ANNs, in the recognition of imag... more Different approaches for the use of Artificial Neural Networks - ANNs, in the recognition of image patterns, have been used with variations ranging from the processing of the image data to the ANN architecture itself. This paper describes the development of a system that aims to recognize patterns of images with ANNs of three inputs that receive images decomposed into their RGB components. The ANNs have an architecture with two hidden layers of six neurons each, and use the algorithm Backpropagation. The built model normalizes RGB components with values ​​between zero and one. The Backpropagation algorithm is used for the purpose of functional approximation of these components, and after training, the numerical arrangements obtained in the three outputs corresponding to the inputs are denormalized to form the resulting training image. Six image pattern had training in different ANNs, forming a system to recognized each pattern. The feasibility of using the model was verified with th...

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic Algorithms Applied in Management and Control of Communication Network Routes

Sensors, 2021

This paper presents a computational method based on non-classical logic dedicated to routing mana... more This paper presents a computational method based on non-classical logic dedicated to routing management and information stream control in communication networks. Paraconsistent logic (PL) was used to create an algorithmic structure whose main property is to accept contradiction. Moreover, a computational structure, the denominated paraconsistent data analyzer (PDAPAL2v), was constructed to perform routing management in communication networks. Direct comparisons of PDAPAL2v with a classical logic system that simulates routing conditions were made in the laboratory. In the conventional system, the paraconsistent algorithms were considered as binary logic gates, and in the tests, the same adjustment limits of PDAPAL2v were applied. Using a database with controlled insertion of noise, we obtained an efficacy of 97% in the detection of deteriorated packets with PDAPAL2v and 72% with the conventional simulation system. Functional tests were carried out, showing that PDAPAL2v is able to as...

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento de um Modelo Estruturado em Logica Paraconsistente para a Análise e Tomada de Decisão na Escolha de Materiais de uma Empresa Montadora de Veículos Automotores

A industria sempre buscou a reducao de custos e tempo no processo de desenvolvimento e fabricacao... more A industria sempre buscou a reducao de custos e tempo no processo de desenvolvimento e fabricacao de produtos. Um dos caminhos para esta reducao e a utilizacao de novas tecnologias de automacao e inteligencia artificial, como a Logica Paraconsistente Anotada com 2 valores que trata informacoes contraditorias e nao-triviais, e que podem tratar e melhorar a precisao de informacoes tecnicas de selecao, avaliacao e classificacao de pecas e componentes para montagem de unidades prototipos e pre-producao. O produto deste trabalho possibilitara aumentar a qualidade das informacoes minimizando retrabalhos, atrasos e custos adicionais na falha destas operacoes. Palavras-chave : Prototipo. Pre-producao. Logica Paraconsistente Anotada. It is not a secret that industries seek reduction of time and costs within their process of product development and manufacturing. One of the paths to this reduction is the use of new automation and artificial intelligence technologies, such as the Paraconsisten...

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and classification of numerical data patterns using Annotated Paraconsistent Logic and the effect of contradiction

Research, Society and Development, 2021

This work describes the development of a computational mathematical model that uses Annotated Par... more This work describes the development of a computational mathematical model that uses Annotated Paraconsistent Logic - APL and a concept derived from it, the effect of contradiction, to identify patterns in numerical data for pattern classification purposes. The APL admits paraconsistent and paracomplete logical principles, which allow the manipulation of inconsistent and contradictory data, and its use allowed the identification and quantization of the attribute related to the contradiction. To validate the model, series of Raman spectroscopies obtained after exposure of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, collected from cutaneous tissue cell samples previously examined for the detection of cancerous lesions, identified as basal carcinoma, melanoma and normal, were used. Initially, the attributes related to contradiction, derivative and median obtained from spectroscopies were identified and quantified. A machine learning process with approximately 31.6% of each type of samples detec...

Research paper thumbnail of Undulatory Theory with Paraconsistent Logic (Part I): Quantum Logical Model with Two Wave Functions

Journal of Quantum Information Science, 2016

Part I of this study proved that the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic using two values (PAL2v), kno... more Part I of this study proved that the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic using two values (PAL2v), known as the Paraquantum Logic (PQL), can represent the quantum by a model comprising two wave functions obtained from interference phenomena in the 2W (two-wave) region of Young's experiment (double slit). With this model represented in one spatial dimension, we studied in the Lattice of the PQL, with their values represented in the set of complex numbers, the state vector of unitary module and its correspondence with the two wave functions. Based on these considerations, we applied the PQL model for obtaining Paraquantum logical states ψ related to energy levels, following the principles of the wave theory through Schrödinger's equation. We also applied the probability theory and Bonferroni's inequality for demonstrating that quantum wave functions, represented by evidence degrees, are probabilistic functions studied in the PQL Lattice, confirming that the final Paraquantum Logic Model is well suited to studies involving aspects of the wave-particle theory. This approach of quantum theory using Paraconsistent logic allows the interpretation of various phenomena of Quantum Mechanics, so it is quite promising for creating efficient models in the physical analysis and quantum computing processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Support at Decision in Electrical Systems of subtransmission through selection of Topologies by a Paraconsistent Simulator

IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2016

In this paper, we present a Simulator Program that identifies the topologies and supports operati... more In this paper, we present a Simulator Program that identifies the topologies and supports operation staff in decisionelectrical power system operation consider load reestablishment procedures and topological possibilities to each event, offering a selection of the best settings. Facing a electrical power transmission system contingency , the Simulator considers the current state and uses special algorithms that detect the grid topology, interprets results and presents to the operators a rank of procedures with their respective degrees of reliability. For these actions the software Simulator make the circuits breakers states analysis and electric keys, load flow solution with the on line data, makes risk prediction and the mathematical analysis of remote sensing values. The software Simulator uses in some of his actions, special algorithms that are based on Paraconsistent Annotated Logic (PAL), which is a non-classical logic whose main property is to accept contradiction in their fundamentals. These algorithms based on PAL offer greater speed of processing and allows the Paraconsistent Simulator of topologies (ParaSimTop) to be implemented in real time.

Research paper thumbnail of Dark Energy Calculations Using the Paraquantum Gamma Factor (<i>γ<sub>Pψ</sub></i>) on the Relativistic Energy Equation

Journal of Modern Physics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Spectral Line Emissions of the Hydrogen Atom with Paraquantum Logic

Journal of Modern Physics, 2012

In this work we presented a study of the obtaining of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen... more In this work we presented a study of the obtaining of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom using equations that are originated from the foundations of the Paraquantum Logic (P QL). Based on a class of logics called Paraconsistent Logics with annotation of two values (PAL2v), P QL performs a logical treatment on signals obtained by measurements on physical quantities which are considered Observable Variables in the physical world. In the process of application of the P QL the obtained values are transformed in Evidence Degrees and represented on a Lattice of four Vertices where special equations transform these degrees into Paraquantum logical states ψ which propagate. This allows creating Paraquantum logical models of physical systems of the real world. Using the Paraquantum equations, we investigated the hydrogen atom spectrum and his main series known. We performed a numerical comparative study that applies the Paraquantum Logical Model to calculate the wavelengths values. The values of wavelengths obtained by the Paraquantum Equations are compared by the results found by the Rydberg formula and are verified that the series of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom can be identified with the representative Lattices of the Paraquantum Logic. Through the application of the Paraquantum equations it was found a numeric value relates the layers of Paraquantum model of the Hydrogen atom. This value represents a constant that relates the Lattices that compose the Paraquantum universe, and it was denominated Paraquantum Structure Constant, whose symbol is α ψ. The obtained results of the comparison demonstrate that the Paraquantum Logic comes with good possibilities of being the ideal logic to model our physical reality.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the Paraquantum Equations and Applications

Journal of Modern Physics, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of An Introduction to Paraconsistent Integral Differential Calculus: With Application Examples

Applied Mathematics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Paraconsistent Differential Calculus (Part I): First-Order Paraconsistent Derivative

Applied Mathematics, 2014

The Paraconsistent Logic (PL) is a non-classical logic and its main property is to present tolera... more The Paraconsistent Logic (PL) is a non-classical logic and its main property is to present tolerance for contradiction in its fundamentals without the invalidation of the conclusions. In this paper, we use the PL in its annotated form, denominated Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of two values-PAL2v. This type of paraconsistent logic has an associated lattice that allows the development of a Paraconsistent Differential Calculus based on fundamentals and equations obtained by geometric interpretations. In this paper (Part II), it is presented a continuation of the first article (Part I) where the Paraconsistent Differential Calculus is given emphasis on the second-order Paraconsistent Derivative. We present some examples applying Paraconsistent Derivatives at functions of first and second-order with the concepts of Paraconsistent Mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of An Application of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic for Design Software Testing Strategies

Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2014

Nowadays, application model systems for decision-making based on non-classical logic such as Para... more Nowadays, application model systems for decision-making based on non-classical logic such as Paraconsistent Logic are used successfully in the treatment of uncertainties. The method presented in this paper is based on the fundamental concepts of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of 2 values (PAL2v). In this study, two algorithms based on PAL2v are presented gradually, to extract the effects of the contradiction in signals of information from a database of uncertain knowledge. The Paraconsistent Extractors Algorithms of Contradiction Effect-Para Extr ctr is applied to filters of networks of analyses (PANets) of signal information, where uncertain and contradictory signals may be found. Software test case scenarios are subordinated to an application model of Paraconsistent decision-making, which provides an analysis using Paraconsistent Logic in the treatment of uncertainties for design software testing strategies. This quality-quantity criterion to evaluate the software product quality is based on the characteristics of software testability analysis. The Para consistent reasoning application model system presented in this case study, reveals itself to be more efficient than the traditional methods because it has the potential to offer an appropriate treatment to different originally contradicting source information.