Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash? by Henry Makow Ph.D. + Fort Calhoun (original) (raw)

Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash? by Henry Makow Ph.D. + Fort Calhoun

Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash? by Henry Makow Ph.D. (Revises and updates an Oct 2009 article) June 16, 2011

The PBS Frontline Documentary "The Warning" proves the Illuminati bankers deliberately sabotaged the financial system, and continue to do so.

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As the talk of sovereign debt defaults roil the markets, it appears the Illuminati bankers may cause another financial breakdown as a way to enact a world currency and New World Order. This certainly was their mantra during the 2008 crisis.

The PBS Frontline Documentary "The Warning" proves the Illuminati bankers deliberately sabotaged the financial system, and continue to do so.

Shortly after Brooksley Born became Chair of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission in Aug.1996, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan summoned her to his office.

There he told her that being a regulator did not include preventing or policing fraudulent activity. He said the "market" would take care of that. Remember this is from the Rothschild's point man in America!

It stands to reason, doesn't it? The Fed itself, and central banks in general, are the biggest fraud in the history of the world. They create our currency in the form of a debt to them. A medium of exchange should belong to no one.

The documentary describes what happened when Born tried to regulate the $495 trillion derivatives market.

The four Illuminati Jews running the US financial system -- Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers and Arthur Levitt read her the riot act and stonewalled her proposals.

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Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?  by Henry Makow Ph.D. + Fort Calhoun_c0139575_5524054.jpg

In Congressional hearings, Born insisted she was trying to protect the American people's money from the reckless practices of US banks.

But the "committee of four" assured Congress that any regulation would itself bring down the system. Congress, dependent on banking contributions, supinely agreed.

In 1998, right on schedule, the financial system almost collapsed when a hedge-fund, "Long Term Capital Management" went belly up. In a harbinger of the future housing bubble, the banks had made huge derivative bets on the Russian economy with LTCM. The Fed forced 13 US and international banks to purchase the hedge-fund. Altogether $4.6 Billion was lost.

The documentary magnificently shows that although the American (and world) economies were at stake, and despite this near catastrophe, the Clinton and Bush Administrations refused to regulate the derivative market, and allowed it to grow to an eventual $595 Trillion during the housing bubble.

Not only did they refuse to regulate the industry, they forced Brooksley Born out of her job by removing her powers.

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Her prophesy came true in 2008. Because of derivatives called credit default swaps, the US taxpayer was forced to indemnify US and foreign banks for more than two trillion dollars.


At this time, Alan Greenspan was hauled before Congress and asked why he had rejected regulations.

The documentary shows him confessing that he had been "mistaken." The "world view" that had guided him for 40 years --that markets were self regulating-- had been wrong.

What is shocking, and you can see this for yourself in this amazing documentary, Greenspan is making a Masonic "triangular" hand sign as he offers this confession.

He is signaling to his fellow Illuminati that he knew exactly what he was doing. His confession was bogus.

Similarly, in the same documentary, Arthur Levitt, the Chair of the SEC at the time, makes the same sign while confessing he should have listened to Brooksley Born.

In other words, this dangerous high wire act is Illuminati policy. Brooksley Born says that we can expect more financial turmoil until markets are regulated. Or until world government is instituted, I might add.

Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers were in charge in 1998.

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Their then-deputies, Timothy Geitner and Ben Bernanke are in charge now.

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All are Fed or Goldman Sachs alumni. This is like asking cocaine addicts to regulate drugs.

The hand signs and the fact that no significant regulation has taken place, suggests market turmoil again will be used to bring down the US (and world?) economies, cause a depression and usher in the New World Order.

PBS is virtually a province of the Rockefeller empire. Yet this Frontline documentary is superb, what journalism should be. Apparently, the Illuminati is willing to operate "in plain sight," after the damage is done. They are also willing to stoke public anger at their mainly Jewish underlings.

Born seems to be a Gentile. Her opponents were all Illuminati Jews. The optics are bad.

Essentially, the American people are being disenfranchised, disinherited and enslaved. Their leaders are Freemasons and Illuminati Jews who are dedicated to integrating the country into a world government run by the central bankers.

This is promised in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And it's happening right on schedule.

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Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?  by Henry Makow Ph.D. + Fort Calhoun_c0139575_9594490.jpg


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