Michal Cheben | Slovak Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Michal Cheben

Research paper thumbnail of Non-destructive Investigation in the Cadastral Area of the Village of Lontov: Surface, Aerial and Geophysical Prospecting

Slovenská archeológia, Dec 1, 2019

There was realized complex archaeological prospection in the Lontov district during the year 2016... more There was realized complex archaeological prospection in the Lontov district during the year 2016. The main aim of prospection was to verify the known data about the settlement on one side and to search for the unknown archaeological sites on the other hand. Within the prospection there were used also the methods of non-destructive archaeology (aerial prospection, geophysical measurement of known features using magnetometer). The above mentioned methods of archaeological research were realized on two designated sites (U Litaša and Nad kostolom), which distance is about 1 km from each other. Field prospection was focused on verification of anomalies seen on satelite pictures of GoogleEarth, as well as on aerial prospection. There were approved the archaeological situations/features on both sites, that were found during aerial prospection of the monitored area. By Geophysical interpretation there were located first of all settlement features, but also system of fortification. Regarding to location of each features measured by geophysics, it is possible to analyze the build-up area on both settlements. According to recovered ceramics it is possible to date both sites only to prehistory, as there are more cultures represented.

Research paper thumbnail of Neue montanarchäologische Untersuchungen im Slowakischen Erzgebirge

Der Anschnitt 2-3, 2014

Neben den Ostalpen muss das Slowakische Erzgebirge seit dem späten 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. ein wic... more Neben den Ostalpen muss das Slowakische Erzgebirge seit dem späten 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. ein wichtiger Lieferant für Metallerze gewesen sein. Dies haben archäometallurgische Forschungen an Kupfer- und Metallartefakte in den letzten Jahrzehnten hinreichend belegen können. Viele Fragen der eigentlichen Nutzung der montanen Räume selbst, der Lagerstätten, des Bergbaues, der Siedlungszonen der kupfer- und bronzezeitlichen Gruppen sowie der Zugriffsmusterauf die Ressourcen blieben bislang jedoch unbeantwortet. Aus diesem Grund führt das Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum zusammen mit weiteren Projekt-Partnern in einem von der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission koordinierten Paketantrag seit 2009 montanarchäologische Untersuchungen über den Nach-weis einer prähistorischen Rohstoffausbeutung im Slowakischen Erzgebirge durch.

Research paper thumbnail of Záchranný archeologický výskum pravekého až novovekého osídlenia v Novom Tekove = Archäologische Rettungsausgrabung der urzeitlichen bis neuzeitlichen Besiedlung in Nový Tekov.

Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2011 , 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The exploration of a Mining Site for Radiolarite in the White Carpathians Area

Research paper thumbnail of Geofyzikálna prospekcia na Slovensku v rokoch 2010 až 2014

Non-destructive archaeological methods play a significant role in acquiring the information about... more Non-destructive archaeological methods play a significant role in acquiring the information about archaeological sites. The most often used are geophysical methods, especially the magnetic and geoelectric ones. As part of the project CEVNAD, several geophysical measurements were carried out in the years 2010 to 2014, in the river basins of the Hron, Ipeľ and Žitava, as well as in the Košická kotlina and in the territory of Spiš. The excavation was done in such archaeological sites as settlements, fortified settlements, fortresses, temporary Roman camps, burial grounds, churches, fortified areas, etc. The main aim of the measurements was to acquire information, as precise as possible, on the nature of the explored settlement (its structure -extent, orientation, density of settlement features, size, depth and form of the features) or the deserted architecture (its extent, form, orientation, size of the deserted walls). During five years, magnetic method was used to measure 46 archaeological sites, including such features as ground plans of long houses, channels, stoves, half sunken-floored houses, storage pits, clay pits, fortification systems -ditches, etc. Using GPR survey, 34 archaeological sites were measured during this period. Measurement was focused especially on deserted churches, interiors in churches and monasteries, as well as spaces in fortified areas. In several sites geophysical survey was followed by archaeological survey. The results obtained from the geophysical measuring and archaeological excavation could then be compared and confronted. In most cases, the results were the same.

Research paper thumbnail of Sídliskové objekty z neskorej doby bronzovej a počiatku doby halštatskej v Čiernych Kľačanoch

Research paper thumbnail of Neolitický zemník z Topoľčian

Research paper thumbnail of Archäologische Rettungsgrabungen beim Bau der Schnellstrasse R1

Slovakia, Rescue excavation, Motorway R1,

Research paper thumbnail of Dve sídliská z doby laténskej na hornom Požitaví

Research paper thumbnail of Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region

Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region. Construction of the R1 motorway, section leng... more Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region. Construction of the R1 motorway, section length 52 km. Many new locations have been discovered. In two locations, part of settlements have been confirmed to be dated to the La Tène period, in Tesárske Mlyňany and Čierne Kľačany, district of Zlaté Moravce. Several buildings were excavated in Tesárske Mlyňany (10-12), where they were concentrated in an area measuring 50x40 metres. Three further buildings are from Čierne Kľačany. The buildings are filled with the usual set of kitchen pottery with pans, bucket-shaped vessels, bowls and vase shapes. The easily dated items include fragments of glass bracelets from Tesárske Mlyňany and a sapropelite ring from Čierne Kľačany. Both settlements can be broadly dated from LT B2 to LTC. Rozsiahla stavebná činnosť spojená s výstavbou rýchlostnej cesty R1 medzi Nitrou a Banskou Bystricou vyvolala aktivity spojené s archeologickým prieskumom a následným záchranným výskumom. Úsek celkovo meral 52 km a pretínal množstvo známych lokalít a ďalšie nové boli objavené. K nim možno zaradiť aj časti dvoch sídlisk z doby laténskej v Tesárskych Mlyňanoch (Ruttkay a kolektív 2013, 221) a v Čiernych Kľačanoch (Ruttkay/Cheben 2013, 238). Stav poznania sledovaného územia Obe sídliská dopĺňajú mozaiku osídlenia juhozápadného Slovensku v dobe laténskej, kde z pohľadu počtu preskúmaných objektov je zrejmá výraznejšia koncentrácia sídlisk, predovšetkým v strednej dobe laténskej, v povodí riek Nitra a Žitava. V smere J – S je to ako keby rozvetvený reťazec lemujúci po oboch stranách toky riek a ich prítokov. Z tých, kde bol skúmaný aspoň jeden objekt sú to Bajč-Vlkanovo, Bánov, Lipová-Ondrochov, Komjatice, Veľký Cetín, Branč, Nitra s viacerými polohami, Jelšovce a Výčapy-Opatovce. Sieť sídlisk pokračuje popri rieke Nitre severnejším smerom, kde je intenzívnejšie osídlenie doložené v Hajnej Novej Vsi, v Horných Obdokovciach a v Topoľčanoch. V povodí Žitavy nachádzame ďalšie potvrdené sídliská v Zlatých Moravciach, v Čiernych Kľačanoch a v Slepčanoch (Březinová 2006, tu ďalšia literatúra). Predpokladáme však, že hustota sídlisk bola ešte väčšia, čo sa dá vysledovať aj

Research paper thumbnail of BEDNÁR, P.-BUDAJ, M.-CHEBEN, M.: Zaujímavá minca Ľudovíta I. z Nového Tekova (okr. Levice). Slovenská numizmatika 20, 2015, s. 190-193.

Research paper thumbnail of Nové neolitické a eneolitické nálezy z Požitavia (Otázky neolitu a eneolitu naších krajín 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Struhár,V.-Soják,M.-Cheben,I.: The Baden culture hilltop settlements in Northern Slovakia an their "Socio-symbolic" importance. In: A. Zastawny (ed.): The Baden culture around the western Carpathians. Via archaeologica, Kraków 2014.

The northern parts of Slovakia, which make up the inner edge of the Carpathian Arc (Western Carpa... more The northern parts of Slovakia, which make up the inner edge of the Carpathian Arc (Western Carpathians), are formed by
a chain of massifs of core mountains and tectonic depressions in the form of basins and mountain valleys. The geomorphology
of the territory was a determining factor influencing the interest of prehistoric populations in these mountainous regions and
essentially marked their cultural picture as well as their settlement strategies. After its sporadic settlement in the period of the
Linear Pottery culture (except for the territory of Spiš) and in the period of the Epilengyel horizon, the territory was more continuously
settled only at the end of the middle and in the late Copper Age by people of the Baden culture. The settlement of
young Baden populations was manifested specifically by the building of hilltop settlements, often fortified, featuring specific
categories of archaeological finds. Drawing on some new finds, the paper attempts to sum up the views of the character and
function of hilltop settlements in the mountain areas of Orava, Spiš, and the Liptov basin.

Research paper thumbnail of Gertrúda Březinová - Noémi Pažinová: Neolitická osada Hurbanovo - Bohatá (Neolithic settlement Hurbanovo - Bohatá). Nitra 2011.

Hlavný redaktor -Phdr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc. Recenzenti -Phdr. Zdeněk Farkaš, Phd.; Prof. Phdr. Pet... more Hlavný redaktor -Phdr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc. Recenzenti -Phdr. Zdeněk Farkaš, Phd.; Prof. Phdr. Peter Romsauer, CSc.; Phdr. Ľubomír Šebela, CSc. Anglický preklad -Mgr. Ľubomíra Kuzmová a autori príspevkov Počítačová sadzba -Zuzana Turzová Návrh obálky -Phdr. Noémi Pažinová, Phd. Tlač -VEdA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava Rozširuje a objednávky prijíma -Archeologický ústav SAV Akademická 2, 949 21 Nitra tel.: +421/37/6943 209 fax.: +421/37/733 56 18 e-mail: gabriela.holkova@savba.sk Za znenie, obsah príspevkov a kvalitu obrazových príloh zodpovedajú autori.

Research paper thumbnail of Kostelec na Hané: Sídliště lengyelské kultury

Sudan by Michal Cheben

Research paper thumbnail of Report on surveys in Duweym Wad Haj

Asian and African Studies, , Volume 28, Number 2, 2019

This article reports on the surveys of “the Slovak research at the Sudanese site of Duweym Wad Ha... more This article reports on the surveys of “the Slovak research at the Sudanese site of Duweym Wad Haj,” a joint project of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Archaeological Institute, both of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). A short survey was carried out at the site in November 2017. Two mosques, qubba and a tell were identified; the tell rises about 5 to 6 m above the alluvial terrain. The western entrance to the older mosque is flanked by hard black stone blocks. Nearby is a worked stone block of the same material. Non-diagnostic pot-sherds were found mainly concentrated on the northern side of the tell. A geophysical survey, documentation of the older mosque and archaeological prospecting were carried out in February 2018; fragments of alabaster, black and red granite and stone industry were identified at the site. The geophysical survey was carried out by a georadar RAMAC X3M system with 500 MHz antenna and processed by ReflexW software. The site was divided up into 8 areas and the individual areas were measured out by GPS Trimble R2. Overall, 11 structures were discovered.

Research paper thumbnail of Výskumy na lokalite Duwejm Wad Hadž v Sudáne – sezóny 2017 a 2018/Research at Duweym Wad Haj in the Sudan – 2017 and 2018 seasons

Študijné zvesti AÚSAV 65, 2019

In 2017 and 2018 seasons, archaeological research and geophysical research was made at the Sudane... more In 2017 and 2018 seasons, archaeological research and geophysical research was made at the Sudanese archaeological site of Duweym Wad Hajj. Research has identified a number of underground structures that, along with discovered pottery material, maybe an indication of anolder settlement. Previous site surveys predicted the existence of ancient architecture here. In addition to the geophysical survey, the old mosque was documented at the site.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-destructive Investigation in the Cadastral Area of the Village of Lontov: Surface, Aerial and Geophysical Prospecting

Slovenská archeológia, Dec 1, 2019

There was realized complex archaeological prospection in the Lontov district during the year 2016... more There was realized complex archaeological prospection in the Lontov district during the year 2016. The main aim of prospection was to verify the known data about the settlement on one side and to search for the unknown archaeological sites on the other hand. Within the prospection there were used also the methods of non-destructive archaeology (aerial prospection, geophysical measurement of known features using magnetometer). The above mentioned methods of archaeological research were realized on two designated sites (U Litaša and Nad kostolom), which distance is about 1 km from each other. Field prospection was focused on verification of anomalies seen on satelite pictures of GoogleEarth, as well as on aerial prospection. There were approved the archaeological situations/features on both sites, that were found during aerial prospection of the monitored area. By Geophysical interpretation there were located first of all settlement features, but also system of fortification. Regarding to location of each features measured by geophysics, it is possible to analyze the build-up area on both settlements. According to recovered ceramics it is possible to date both sites only to prehistory, as there are more cultures represented.

Research paper thumbnail of Neue montanarchäologische Untersuchungen im Slowakischen Erzgebirge

Der Anschnitt 2-3, 2014

Neben den Ostalpen muss das Slowakische Erzgebirge seit dem späten 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. ein wic... more Neben den Ostalpen muss das Slowakische Erzgebirge seit dem späten 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. ein wichtiger Lieferant für Metallerze gewesen sein. Dies haben archäometallurgische Forschungen an Kupfer- und Metallartefakte in den letzten Jahrzehnten hinreichend belegen können. Viele Fragen der eigentlichen Nutzung der montanen Räume selbst, der Lagerstätten, des Bergbaues, der Siedlungszonen der kupfer- und bronzezeitlichen Gruppen sowie der Zugriffsmusterauf die Ressourcen blieben bislang jedoch unbeantwortet. Aus diesem Grund führt das Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum zusammen mit weiteren Projekt-Partnern in einem von der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission koordinierten Paketantrag seit 2009 montanarchäologische Untersuchungen über den Nach-weis einer prähistorischen Rohstoffausbeutung im Slowakischen Erzgebirge durch.

Research paper thumbnail of Záchranný archeologický výskum pravekého až novovekého osídlenia v Novom Tekove = Archäologische Rettungsausgrabung der urzeitlichen bis neuzeitlichen Besiedlung in Nový Tekov.

Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2011 , 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The exploration of a Mining Site for Radiolarite in the White Carpathians Area

Research paper thumbnail of Geofyzikálna prospekcia na Slovensku v rokoch 2010 až 2014

Non-destructive archaeological methods play a significant role in acquiring the information about... more Non-destructive archaeological methods play a significant role in acquiring the information about archaeological sites. The most often used are geophysical methods, especially the magnetic and geoelectric ones. As part of the project CEVNAD, several geophysical measurements were carried out in the years 2010 to 2014, in the river basins of the Hron, Ipeľ and Žitava, as well as in the Košická kotlina and in the territory of Spiš. The excavation was done in such archaeological sites as settlements, fortified settlements, fortresses, temporary Roman camps, burial grounds, churches, fortified areas, etc. The main aim of the measurements was to acquire information, as precise as possible, on the nature of the explored settlement (its structure -extent, orientation, density of settlement features, size, depth and form of the features) or the deserted architecture (its extent, form, orientation, size of the deserted walls). During five years, magnetic method was used to measure 46 archaeological sites, including such features as ground plans of long houses, channels, stoves, half sunken-floored houses, storage pits, clay pits, fortification systems -ditches, etc. Using GPR survey, 34 archaeological sites were measured during this period. Measurement was focused especially on deserted churches, interiors in churches and monasteries, as well as spaces in fortified areas. In several sites geophysical survey was followed by archaeological survey. The results obtained from the geophysical measuring and archaeological excavation could then be compared and confronted. In most cases, the results were the same.

Research paper thumbnail of Sídliskové objekty z neskorej doby bronzovej a počiatku doby halštatskej v Čiernych Kľačanoch

Research paper thumbnail of Neolitický zemník z Topoľčian

Research paper thumbnail of Archäologische Rettungsgrabungen beim Bau der Schnellstrasse R1

Slovakia, Rescue excavation, Motorway R1,

Research paper thumbnail of Dve sídliská z doby laténskej na hornom Požitaví

Research paper thumbnail of Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region

Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region. Construction of the R1 motorway, section leng... more Two La Tène settlements in the upper Žitava region. Construction of the R1 motorway, section length 52 km. Many new locations have been discovered. In two locations, part of settlements have been confirmed to be dated to the La Tène period, in Tesárske Mlyňany and Čierne Kľačany, district of Zlaté Moravce. Several buildings were excavated in Tesárske Mlyňany (10-12), where they were concentrated in an area measuring 50x40 metres. Three further buildings are from Čierne Kľačany. The buildings are filled with the usual set of kitchen pottery with pans, bucket-shaped vessels, bowls and vase shapes. The easily dated items include fragments of glass bracelets from Tesárske Mlyňany and a sapropelite ring from Čierne Kľačany. Both settlements can be broadly dated from LT B2 to LTC. Rozsiahla stavebná činnosť spojená s výstavbou rýchlostnej cesty R1 medzi Nitrou a Banskou Bystricou vyvolala aktivity spojené s archeologickým prieskumom a následným záchranným výskumom. Úsek celkovo meral 52 km a pretínal množstvo známych lokalít a ďalšie nové boli objavené. K nim možno zaradiť aj časti dvoch sídlisk z doby laténskej v Tesárskych Mlyňanoch (Ruttkay a kolektív 2013, 221) a v Čiernych Kľačanoch (Ruttkay/Cheben 2013, 238). Stav poznania sledovaného územia Obe sídliská dopĺňajú mozaiku osídlenia juhozápadného Slovensku v dobe laténskej, kde z pohľadu počtu preskúmaných objektov je zrejmá výraznejšia koncentrácia sídlisk, predovšetkým v strednej dobe laténskej, v povodí riek Nitra a Žitava. V smere J – S je to ako keby rozvetvený reťazec lemujúci po oboch stranách toky riek a ich prítokov. Z tých, kde bol skúmaný aspoň jeden objekt sú to Bajč-Vlkanovo, Bánov, Lipová-Ondrochov, Komjatice, Veľký Cetín, Branč, Nitra s viacerými polohami, Jelšovce a Výčapy-Opatovce. Sieť sídlisk pokračuje popri rieke Nitre severnejším smerom, kde je intenzívnejšie osídlenie doložené v Hajnej Novej Vsi, v Horných Obdokovciach a v Topoľčanoch. V povodí Žitavy nachádzame ďalšie potvrdené sídliská v Zlatých Moravciach, v Čiernych Kľačanoch a v Slepčanoch (Březinová 2006, tu ďalšia literatúra). Predpokladáme však, že hustota sídlisk bola ešte väčšia, čo sa dá vysledovať aj

Research paper thumbnail of BEDNÁR, P.-BUDAJ, M.-CHEBEN, M.: Zaujímavá minca Ľudovíta I. z Nového Tekova (okr. Levice). Slovenská numizmatika 20, 2015, s. 190-193.

Research paper thumbnail of Nové neolitické a eneolitické nálezy z Požitavia (Otázky neolitu a eneolitu naších krajín 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Struhár,V.-Soják,M.-Cheben,I.: The Baden culture hilltop settlements in Northern Slovakia an their "Socio-symbolic" importance. In: A. Zastawny (ed.): The Baden culture around the western Carpathians. Via archaeologica, Kraków 2014.

The northern parts of Slovakia, which make up the inner edge of the Carpathian Arc (Western Carpa... more The northern parts of Slovakia, which make up the inner edge of the Carpathian Arc (Western Carpathians), are formed by
a chain of massifs of core mountains and tectonic depressions in the form of basins and mountain valleys. The geomorphology
of the territory was a determining factor influencing the interest of prehistoric populations in these mountainous regions and
essentially marked their cultural picture as well as their settlement strategies. After its sporadic settlement in the period of the
Linear Pottery culture (except for the territory of Spiš) and in the period of the Epilengyel horizon, the territory was more continuously
settled only at the end of the middle and in the late Copper Age by people of the Baden culture. The settlement of
young Baden populations was manifested specifically by the building of hilltop settlements, often fortified, featuring specific
categories of archaeological finds. Drawing on some new finds, the paper attempts to sum up the views of the character and
function of hilltop settlements in the mountain areas of Orava, Spiš, and the Liptov basin.

Research paper thumbnail of Gertrúda Březinová - Noémi Pažinová: Neolitická osada Hurbanovo - Bohatá (Neolithic settlement Hurbanovo - Bohatá). Nitra 2011.

Hlavný redaktor -Phdr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc. Recenzenti -Phdr. Zdeněk Farkaš, Phd.; Prof. Phdr. Pet... more Hlavný redaktor -Phdr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc. Recenzenti -Phdr. Zdeněk Farkaš, Phd.; Prof. Phdr. Peter Romsauer, CSc.; Phdr. Ľubomír Šebela, CSc. Anglický preklad -Mgr. Ľubomíra Kuzmová a autori príspevkov Počítačová sadzba -Zuzana Turzová Návrh obálky -Phdr. Noémi Pažinová, Phd. Tlač -VEdA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava Rozširuje a objednávky prijíma -Archeologický ústav SAV Akademická 2, 949 21 Nitra tel.: +421/37/6943 209 fax.: +421/37/733 56 18 e-mail: gabriela.holkova@savba.sk Za znenie, obsah príspevkov a kvalitu obrazových príloh zodpovedajú autori.

Research paper thumbnail of Kostelec na Hané: Sídliště lengyelské kultury

Research paper thumbnail of Report on surveys in Duweym Wad Haj

Asian and African Studies, , Volume 28, Number 2, 2019

This article reports on the surveys of “the Slovak research at the Sudanese site of Duweym Wad Ha... more This article reports on the surveys of “the Slovak research at the Sudanese site of Duweym Wad Haj,” a joint project of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Archaeological Institute, both of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). A short survey was carried out at the site in November 2017. Two mosques, qubba and a tell were identified; the tell rises about 5 to 6 m above the alluvial terrain. The western entrance to the older mosque is flanked by hard black stone blocks. Nearby is a worked stone block of the same material. Non-diagnostic pot-sherds were found mainly concentrated on the northern side of the tell. A geophysical survey, documentation of the older mosque and archaeological prospecting were carried out in February 2018; fragments of alabaster, black and red granite and stone industry were identified at the site. The geophysical survey was carried out by a georadar RAMAC X3M system with 500 MHz antenna and processed by ReflexW software. The site was divided up into 8 areas and the individual areas were measured out by GPS Trimble R2. Overall, 11 structures were discovered.

Research paper thumbnail of Výskumy na lokalite Duwejm Wad Hadž v Sudáne – sezóny 2017 a 2018/Research at Duweym Wad Haj in the Sudan – 2017 and 2018 seasons

Študijné zvesti AÚSAV 65, 2019

In 2017 and 2018 seasons, archaeological research and geophysical research was made at the Sudane... more In 2017 and 2018 seasons, archaeological research and geophysical research was made at the Sudanese archaeological site of Duweym Wad Hajj. Research has identified a number of underground structures that, along with discovered pottery material, maybe an indication of anolder settlement. Previous site surveys predicted the existence of ancient architecture here. In addition to the geophysical survey, the old mosque was documented at the site.