Lutz Popko | Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (original) (raw)

Books by Lutz Popko

Research paper thumbnail of Von Sklaven, Pächtern und Politiker. Beiträge zum Alltag in Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom

Im vorliegenden Band sind Beiträge aus dem Gebiet der Papyrologie, der Alten Geschichte und der Ä... more Im vorliegenden Band sind Beiträge aus dem Gebiet der Papyrologie, der Alten Geschichte und der Ägyptologie vereint, die sich vielfältiger Bereiche rund um das Ägypten von der Mitte des 1. vorchristlichen bis zur Mitte des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrtausends annehmen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Themen Sklaverei, Steuern und Pacht; daneben finden sich aber auch Beiträge aus dem Themenfeld der Rezeptions-, Politik- und Militärgeschichte.

Research paper thumbnail of Untersuchungen zur Geschichtsschreibung der Ahmosiden- und Thutmosidenzeit. "...damit man von seinen Taten noch in Millionen von Jahren sprechen wird."

Papers by Lutz Popko

Research paper thumbnail of Second Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)

JARCE 56, 2020

The Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Project is currently developing a site mana... more The Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Project is currently developing a site management, conservation and publication strategy for the severely damaged tomb of pharaoh Ramesses III in order to prevent further deterioration and to preserve this cultural heritage site for future generations. Along with first urgent measures of conservation, a geo-archaeological survey of KV 11 and its surroundings, as well as a geomatic and photogrammetric survey of the tomb itself were carried out. The detailed recording of the current state of the architecture and wall decoration allowed for further reconstruction of scenes and texts. Moreover, an archaeological sondage in the burial chamber revealed additional information about the flooding and sedimentation processes. A field school with students of Luxor University offered training in digital recording methods and epigraphy, geo-archaeological survey and mapping methodologies, and conservation treatment and assessment. The following article outlines preliminary results in the fields of geology, conservation, recording, reconstruction, and excavation.

Article by Anke Weber, Judith Bunbury, Klara Dietze, Willem Hovestreydt, Dora Petrova, Lutz Popko, Gareth Rees, Lea Rees, and Karin Schinken.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Notes on Papyrus Ebers, Ancient Egyptian Treatments of Migraine, and a Crocodile on the Patient's Head

Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 2018

Modern literature about the history of migraine treatments often starts with an ancient Egyptian ... more Modern literature about the history of migraine treatments often starts with an ancient Egyptian remedy said to be from Papyrus Ebers that involves crocodiles that should be wrapped around the head. A fresh look on this treatment shows the need for revision on many points, including the source of the remedy, its content and meaning, and further implications for the history of Papyrus Ebers.

Research paper thumbnail of Die hieratische Stele MAA 1939.552 aus Amara West – ein neuer Feldzug gegen die Philister

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 2016

Edition of stela MAA 1939.552, which was discovered in Amara West in 1938, but which was never pr... more Edition of stela MAA 1939.552, which was discovered in Amara West in 1938, but which was never properly published. The text is of a military nature and records a yet unknown land battle against the Philistines in the year 3 of a king whose name is lost. Whereas the stela was previously assigned to Ramses IV, a dating into the reign of Ramses III is proposed, thereby predating the beginning of the conflict with this group of the Sea Peoples by five years. Moreover, the text is partially incised in hieratic, which is unusual for royal war reports, and thus it provides further, exceptional evidence for lapidary hieratic.

Research paper thumbnail of Von der mittelägyptischen Rang-V-Erweiterung zum demotischen konditionalen 2. Tempus: Belege des Neuägyptischen

The Demotic Second Tense with conditional meaning is considered by Simpson and others as deriving... more The Demotic Second Tense with conditional meaning is considered by Simpson and others as deriving
from the Middle Egyptian Balanced Sentence, although Late Egyptian examples are apparently
missing. Recently Grossman observed three possible examples of this paradigm in the Story of
Wenamun. The present article provides further examples from still older texts which could serve as
potential missing links, and which put the examples from Wenamun in a broader Late Egyptian

Research paper thumbnail of History-Writing in Ancient Egypt

The problematic search for ancient Egyptian historiography is tied to the debated extent and form... more The problematic search for ancient Egyptian historiography is tied to the debated extent and form of historical consciousness. The ancient Egyptians did have a sense of “historical” events or achievements that could be described to a future audience. Though they did not produce a historiography comparable to other ancient, or later Western, models, which attempt to analyze and critically reconstruct the distant past, they left texts that display historiographic features, such as an awareness of the singularity of events, or references to “reality.” The annals and the “king’s novel” are the most discussed examples of this kind of text. The non-mythical distant past is a featured subject of king-lists, and it became the object of historiography in Manetho’s Aegyptiaca.

Research paper thumbnail of Late Second Intermediate Period to Early New Kingdom

The main events of the transition period from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom a... more The main events of the transition period from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom
are the expulsion of the Hyksos, the reunification of the country, and the reestablishment of a
Nubian province. During, and following this process of reunification, the Ahmosids reorganized
the administration and started restoration projects. The cultural history is marked by a diverging
orientation backward and forward, a view into the past and into the future. In art, architecture, and
literature, we can observe archaistic features and a collecting of old knowledge; but at the same
time the Egyptians opened up for new ideas, technologies, and concepts. Altogether, this time is
regarded as a turning point in history by both the ancient Egyptians and modern Egyptologists;
and it is one of the most analyzed periods of ancient Egypt’s history.

Research paper thumbnail of Eine Charakteristik des Schreibers in pLansing 7,7-8,1?

Research paper thumbnail of Das historische Vorbild des Menechpare Siamun: Die Diskreditierung kuschitischer Pharaonen in der spätzeitlichen Literatur

Research paper thumbnail of Ammeris/Marrhos/Moiris: Herodot, Manetho, P.Lips. Inv. 590 und Diodors Neues Reich

Journal of Egyptian History, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of P. Lips. Inv. 1228 und 590: Eine neue ägyptische Königsliste in griechischer Sprache

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und …, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Die älteste Weltchronik. Europa, die Sintflut und das Lamm

Archiv für …, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom

A Companion to Ancient Egypt, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Grammatische und lexikalische Notizen zum Buch von der Himmelskuh

Göttinger Miszellen: Beiträge zur ägyptologischen …, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplarisches Erzählen im Neuen Reich? - Eine Struktur der Ereignisgeschichte

Research paper thumbnail of Die Restauration des Tutanchamun als Reaktion auf Echnaton

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: E. Cline, D. O'Connor, Thutmose III. A New Biography, Ann Arbour 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Der speerkämpfende falkenköpfige Gott: ein Fall ptolemäischer Propaganda

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und …, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Von Sklaven, Pächtern und Politiker. Beiträge zum Alltag in Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom

Im vorliegenden Band sind Beiträge aus dem Gebiet der Papyrologie, der Alten Geschichte und der Ä... more Im vorliegenden Band sind Beiträge aus dem Gebiet der Papyrologie, der Alten Geschichte und der Ägyptologie vereint, die sich vielfältiger Bereiche rund um das Ägypten von der Mitte des 1. vorchristlichen bis zur Mitte des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrtausends annehmen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Themen Sklaverei, Steuern und Pacht; daneben finden sich aber auch Beiträge aus dem Themenfeld der Rezeptions-, Politik- und Militärgeschichte.

Research paper thumbnail of Untersuchungen zur Geschichtsschreibung der Ahmosiden- und Thutmosidenzeit. "...damit man von seinen Taten noch in Millionen von Jahren sprechen wird."

Research paper thumbnail of Second Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)

JARCE 56, 2020

The Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Project is currently developing a site mana... more The Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Project is currently developing a site management, conservation and publication strategy for the severely damaged tomb of pharaoh Ramesses III in order to prevent further deterioration and to preserve this cultural heritage site for future generations. Along with first urgent measures of conservation, a geo-archaeological survey of KV 11 and its surroundings, as well as a geomatic and photogrammetric survey of the tomb itself were carried out. The detailed recording of the current state of the architecture and wall decoration allowed for further reconstruction of scenes and texts. Moreover, an archaeological sondage in the burial chamber revealed additional information about the flooding and sedimentation processes. A field school with students of Luxor University offered training in digital recording methods and epigraphy, geo-archaeological survey and mapping methodologies, and conservation treatment and assessment. The following article outlines preliminary results in the fields of geology, conservation, recording, reconstruction, and excavation.

Article by Anke Weber, Judith Bunbury, Klara Dietze, Willem Hovestreydt, Dora Petrova, Lutz Popko, Gareth Rees, Lea Rees, and Karin Schinken.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Notes on Papyrus Ebers, Ancient Egyptian Treatments of Migraine, and a Crocodile on the Patient's Head

Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 2018

Modern literature about the history of migraine treatments often starts with an ancient Egyptian ... more Modern literature about the history of migraine treatments often starts with an ancient Egyptian remedy said to be from Papyrus Ebers that involves crocodiles that should be wrapped around the head. A fresh look on this treatment shows the need for revision on many points, including the source of the remedy, its content and meaning, and further implications for the history of Papyrus Ebers.

Research paper thumbnail of Die hieratische Stele MAA 1939.552 aus Amara West – ein neuer Feldzug gegen die Philister

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 2016

Edition of stela MAA 1939.552, which was discovered in Amara West in 1938, but which was never pr... more Edition of stela MAA 1939.552, which was discovered in Amara West in 1938, but which was never properly published. The text is of a military nature and records a yet unknown land battle against the Philistines in the year 3 of a king whose name is lost. Whereas the stela was previously assigned to Ramses IV, a dating into the reign of Ramses III is proposed, thereby predating the beginning of the conflict with this group of the Sea Peoples by five years. Moreover, the text is partially incised in hieratic, which is unusual for royal war reports, and thus it provides further, exceptional evidence for lapidary hieratic.

Research paper thumbnail of Von der mittelägyptischen Rang-V-Erweiterung zum demotischen konditionalen 2. Tempus: Belege des Neuägyptischen

The Demotic Second Tense with conditional meaning is considered by Simpson and others as deriving... more The Demotic Second Tense with conditional meaning is considered by Simpson and others as deriving
from the Middle Egyptian Balanced Sentence, although Late Egyptian examples are apparently
missing. Recently Grossman observed three possible examples of this paradigm in the Story of
Wenamun. The present article provides further examples from still older texts which could serve as
potential missing links, and which put the examples from Wenamun in a broader Late Egyptian

Research paper thumbnail of History-Writing in Ancient Egypt

The problematic search for ancient Egyptian historiography is tied to the debated extent and form... more The problematic search for ancient Egyptian historiography is tied to the debated extent and form of historical consciousness. The ancient Egyptians did have a sense of “historical” events or achievements that could be described to a future audience. Though they did not produce a historiography comparable to other ancient, or later Western, models, which attempt to analyze and critically reconstruct the distant past, they left texts that display historiographic features, such as an awareness of the singularity of events, or references to “reality.” The annals and the “king’s novel” are the most discussed examples of this kind of text. The non-mythical distant past is a featured subject of king-lists, and it became the object of historiography in Manetho’s Aegyptiaca.

Research paper thumbnail of Late Second Intermediate Period to Early New Kingdom

The main events of the transition period from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom a... more The main events of the transition period from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom
are the expulsion of the Hyksos, the reunification of the country, and the reestablishment of a
Nubian province. During, and following this process of reunification, the Ahmosids reorganized
the administration and started restoration projects. The cultural history is marked by a diverging
orientation backward and forward, a view into the past and into the future. In art, architecture, and
literature, we can observe archaistic features and a collecting of old knowledge; but at the same
time the Egyptians opened up for new ideas, technologies, and concepts. Altogether, this time is
regarded as a turning point in history by both the ancient Egyptians and modern Egyptologists;
and it is one of the most analyzed periods of ancient Egypt’s history.

Research paper thumbnail of Eine Charakteristik des Schreibers in pLansing 7,7-8,1?

Research paper thumbnail of Das historische Vorbild des Menechpare Siamun: Die Diskreditierung kuschitischer Pharaonen in der spätzeitlichen Literatur

Research paper thumbnail of Ammeris/Marrhos/Moiris: Herodot, Manetho, P.Lips. Inv. 590 und Diodors Neues Reich

Journal of Egyptian History, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of P. Lips. Inv. 1228 und 590: Eine neue ägyptische Königsliste in griechischer Sprache

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und …, Jan 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Die älteste Weltchronik. Europa, die Sintflut und das Lamm

Archiv für …, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of The Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom

A Companion to Ancient Egypt, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Grammatische und lexikalische Notizen zum Buch von der Himmelskuh

Göttinger Miszellen: Beiträge zur ägyptologischen …, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplarisches Erzählen im Neuen Reich? - Eine Struktur der Ereignisgeschichte

Research paper thumbnail of Die Restauration des Tutanchamun als Reaktion auf Echnaton

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: E. Cline, D. O'Connor, Thutmose III. A New Biography, Ann Arbour 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Der speerkämpfende falkenköpfige Gott: ein Fall ptolemäischer Propaganda

Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und …, Jan 1, 2008