Maksym Adam Kopiec | Pontificia Universitas Antonianum (original) (raw)

Papers by Maksym Adam Kopiec

Research paper thumbnail of Rodzina „sanktuarium” życia w obliczu współczesnych zagrożeń w świetle Evangelium Vitae Jana Pawła II

Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of L’unità della ragione e dell’amore nella conoscenza di Dio. Verso una teologia contemplativa e sapienziale

Studia Bobolanum, 2020

Today we are dealing with the phenomenon of defining knowledge as a form of acquaintance, which c... more Today we are dealing with the phenomenon of defining knowledge as a form of acquaintance, which consists in reaching the maximum amount of knowledge and information about things, events, phenomena or people. This set of provable, verifiable indications would constitute, in the broad sense of the word, a definition of knowledge, limited however at this point only to the intellectual and theoretical plane. When it comes to theological knowledge that concerns God, knowledge requires first of all a personal encounter and a living interpersonal relationship implying reason, freedom, feelings, mutual dialogue, etc. Knowledge proper to the human world means, as Pope Benedict XVI said, adopting the concept of “extended reason”, enriched by experience and the whole of the human being. It is not limited to pure theoretical knowledge, but involves the whole person and defines their relationship with “the You” whom they meet.

Research paper thumbnail of La Critica Teologica Dell’Odierno Umanesimo Laico. Parte Seconda

Forum Teologiczne, 2017

Il testo è la continuazionedella prima parte in cui è stato presentato l’attuale tentativo di for... more Il testo è la continuazionedella prima parte in cui è stato presentato l’attuale tentativo di formulare, ai tempi della crisi globale su diversi piani della vita sociale e individuale dell’uomo, un “nuovo umanesimo” del tutto laico e secolarizzato. In questa sede invece si cercherà di articolare ed esprimere la posizione dell’universo cristiano di fronte a tali proposte e di mettere in risalto gli elementi vulnerabili e pericolosamente riduttivi dell’umanesimo puramente laico ed immanente, alla luce della ragione e della fede. Inoltre si cercherà di aprire gli spazi all’eventuale elaborazione di un “nuovo umanesimo cristiano”.

Research paper thumbnail of Fede, testimonianza e nuova evangelizzazione. La teologia di fronte alle sfide odierne

Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believ... more Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believing, the Author reflects on the value of bearing witness, as an element of communicating the contents of the faith. Bearing witness, the Author holds, is indeed the very form of revelation. The-refore, the theologian cannot limit himself to recounting, to systematising the contents of the faith. Rather, as a witness, the theologian is to ensurethat the ways he is communicating those contents is worthy of them, as must be his own way of living. In response to the requirements of the new evangelisation - demanded by the radical nature of cultural, social and economic change - the theolofian is called to examine the adequacy of his or her carrying out of the theologian´s task, thorough reading anew the signs of the times, on the basis of events and of the sources of Revelation. Then, the theologian is to be engaged upon showing the public face of the faith, addressing contemporary humanity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Conscience in the light of the Truth and the light of the Good in the context of the necessary correlation of religious studies and natural sciences

Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 2020

Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia korelacji prawdy i dobra w ludzkiej aktywności. Autorzy wskazują sumi... more Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia korelacji prawdy i dobra w ludzkiej aktywności. Autorzy wskazują sumienie jako subiektywne centrum, w którym osoba ludzka weryfikuje swoją pozycję w relacji do Absolutu jako źródła wartości, włączając absolutną Prawdę i Dobro. Odróżniają prawdę od Prawdy i dobro od Dobra, wyjaśniając różnicę: dobro i prawda odnoszą się do fragmentu rzeczywistości ludzkiej, środowiska i ludzkiej aktywności twórczej; Dobro i Prawda odnoszą się do absolutnej kategorii wartości jako fundamentu etycznej weryfikacji działań osoby. Analiza jest oparta na per- sonalistycznej antropologii Karola Wojtyły / Jana Pawła II — autora teorii zależności jakości bytu osobowego od moralnej jakości czynu osoby jako autonomicznego podmiotu, który działa w ‘bla- sku’/jasności/świetle Dobra i Prawdy. Pokazują skutki zakłócenia harmonii między światem osoby i światem wartości, dotykające jakości struktur społecznych i ekonomicznych.

Research paper thumbnail of Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologicznym

Water Practice & Technology, 2020

Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologiczny... more Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologicznym Abstr act: The article presents the fundamental aspects of the encyclical Fides et ratio of John Paul II concerning the historical and theological context of contemporary culture. It indicates current problems in the harmonious existence of societies that function according to paradigms contrary to the absolute truth of the theological subject. The errors resulting from modernism (subjective rationalism, the cognitive negation of faith) and postmodernism (relativization of truth, atheism and antitheism, the reductionism of faith) are discussed. Further, the existential value of religious faith is demonstrated through the correlation of meaning/sense and truth. In doing so, this article serves as an apologetic for the rational nature of faith. Truth is emphasized as a gift both contained in and received from God's Revelation, a gift necessary for discovering the sense of human reality. Keywords: truth, faith, knowledge, research of truth, sense, rationality of the faith Abstr akt: Artykuł przedstawia fundamentalne aspekty encykliki Fides et ratio Jana Pawła II w odniesieniu do kontekstu historycznego i teologicznego współczesnej kultury. Wskazuje na aktualne problemy w harmonijnym egzystowaniu społeczeństw funkcjonujących według paradygmatów sprzecznych z prawdą absolutną stanowiącą przedmiot teologiczny. Omówione są tu błędy wynikające z modernizmu (subiektywny racjonalizm, poznawcza negacja wiary), postmodernizmu (relatywizacja prawdy, ateizm i antyteizm, redukcjonizm wiary). Wyjaśniono wartość egzystencjalną wiary religijnej jako ukazującej korelację sensu i prawdy, w ten sposób dokonując apologii racjonalnego charakteru wiary. Wyakcentowano prawdę jako dar zawarty w Bożym Objawieniu, niezbędny do odkrycia sensu ludzkiej rzeczywistości.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Fenomeno Delle Religioni e La Loro Presenza Nell'Economia Della Salvezza

The article sets out to offer a Christian theological perspective of the phenomenon of religions ... more The article sets out to offer a Christian theological perspective of the phenomenon of religions and their place in the Divine design of the universal salvation. That account is possible in the light of the Revelation completed definitively in Jesus Christ. In the first part there are presented the theological assumptions that make the religions the subject of Christian theological reflection. The second part is dedicated to the description of the religions and proposes affirmative answers to the question as to what meaning may be attributed to them in relation to the order of salvation, while affirming throughout the eschatological and unique mediation of Christ in God's saving plan. Finally it proposes what would be an adequate attitude for Christians in relation to the religions of humankind, and what kinds of cooperation are possible among people of different religions in the today's society.

Research paper thumbnail of Alla soglia del Sinodo ordinario sulla famiglia 2015.: Alcuni temi da discutere

Research paper thumbnail of Recensione del libro: Robert Sarah con Joseph Ratzinger Benedetto XVI, Recenzja: Dal profondo del nostro cuore, a cura di Nicolas Diat, Cantagalli, Siena 2020, pp. 144

Research paper thumbnail of Il rapporto tra la Rivelazione divina e le religioni nella comprensione cristiana fino alla soglia del Concilio Vaticano II. Una prospettiva storica

Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's rev... more Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who is the fullness and fulfilment of all revelation (cf. DV 3). This truth is Christianity's very heart, foundation and reason for being. The author looks at the ways in which, in the course of twenty centuries, the Church has sought to relate this truth of faith to the presence in the world of other religions too. In this, the first part of a two-part article, the author reviews the handling of the question from the early Church through the Scholastic era to the eve of Vatican II. Diachronic in method of presentation, this first part is to prepare the way for a consideration, in the second part (to be published later,) of the the more recent expressions of the Church's teaching, starting with the Second Vatican Council.

Research paper thumbnail of The family as a “sanctuary” of life in the face of contemporary threats in the light of John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae

Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Omówienia I Sprawozdania

Forum Teologiczne, 2019

W tej części znajdują się omówienia czterech publikacji: 1) Anna Zellma, ks. Wojsław Czupryński, ... more W tej części znajdują się omówienia czterech publikacji: 1) Anna Zellma, ks. Wojsław Czupryński, ks. Hubert Tryk, Rekolekcje szkolne jako forma ewangelizacji dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych. Wy-dawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsz-tyn 2018, ss. 138. 2) Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz, Stanisław Kuprjaniuk (red.), Matka Boża Gietrzwałdzka w wierze, pobożności, teologii i sztuce – dawniej i dziś. Perspektywa uniwersalna i regionalna, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 320. 3) Maksym Adam Kopiec OFM, Nie lękajcie się Prawdy! Nieustanna nowość encykliki „Veritatis splendor” Świętego Jana Pawła II, SQL, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 161. 4) Edward Fiała, Homo iudicans. Sądzenie jako degradacja osoby, „Teoria i Praktyka Interpretacji” nr 7. Seria pod redakcją Edwarda Fiały, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2018, ss. 172. Jest też jedno sprawozdanie: 3. Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Familiologiczne pt. „Ekologia a rodzina” w kontekście integracji badań nauk humanistycznych i empirycznych (UWM w Olsztynie, 27–28...

Research paper thumbnail of Etty Hill esum – „święta” niechrześcijan ka?

Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 2019

Figura Etty Hillesum wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie badaczy z różnychobszarów ludzkiej wiedzy. J... more Figura Etty Hillesum wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie badaczy z różnychobszarów ludzkiej wiedzy. Jej historia przypadająca na okres II wojny światowejdostarcza wiele istotnych elementów z punktu widzenia antropologicznego, stądjej życie duchowe zwraca uwagę wielu filozofów i teologów. Przedmiotem zainteresowanianiniejszego artykułu jest próba dokonania pewnej introspekcji, takaby móc lepiej i głębiej wejść w duszę, myśli, przekonania i decyzje Hillesum.Pierwszy krok dotyczy jej postawy i rozumienia siebie samej przed i w obecnościBoga, kształt jej relacji z Nim: głębia życia wewnętrznego, modlitwa oraz koncepcjaBoga ‘bezsilnego’. Następnie jej odniesienie się do człowieka, jej rozumienieczłowieka: kim jest, kim ona sama może być dla niego i jak się zachować wobecdoznanego i niezawinionego zła. W ostatniej części obiektem refleksji będzie jejstosunek do chrześcijaństwa, którego nie da się zrozumieć bez dręczącego jejserce i umysł pytania o Prawdę, poczucie więzi z własnym narodem, otw...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Attuali Forme Dell’Umanesimo Postmoderno. Parte Prima

Forum Teologiczne, 2017

Il testo cerca di presentare una diagnosi nell’attuale società, ancora convenzionalmente definita... more Il testo cerca di presentare una diagnosi nell’attuale società, ancora convenzionalmente definita postmoderna, in cui appaiono diverse forme di umanesimo. Questo termine è diventato recentemente molto attuale e discusso in diversi campi del sapere umano, ma soprattutto nella filosofia, nell’antropologia culturale, nelle scienze umane ecc. L’interesse per la tematica ha sollecitato perfino la ricerca del cosiddetto “nuovo umanesimo”. In effetti tale ricerca ha dato vita alle diverse idee e impostazioni che saranno presentate qui, ovviamente senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività.I risultati conseguiti in questo studio, in seguito, verranno sviluppati nella seconda parte nella quale si cercherà di avanzare una critica teologica alle diverse forme dell’umanesimo laico

Research paper thumbnail of Il Concetto Cristiano Della Rivelazione Nel Contesto Del Pluralismo Religioso

Antonianum, 2010

The contemporary debate on religious pluralism must motivate Christian to maintain an essential u... more The contemporary debate on religious pluralism must motivate Christian to maintain an essential unity in their attitude towards others (ad extra), and to hold on to their two guiding principles in this matter: Proclamation and Dialogue. Thus too, the experience of this debate stimulates also theological discourse (ad intra) to take up again the fundamental issue of Revelation, to apprehend more fully its connotation, and to highlight its essential and unrenounceable dimensions. In effect, an adequate understanding of Christian Revelation will become, not an impediment to, or an impoverishment of, the proper approach to the religions of humankind, but to the contrary, an apt hermeneutical key to understanding their own meaning and value.

Research paper thumbnail of Il rapporto tra la Rivelazione divina e le religioni nella comprensione cristiana fino alla soglia del Concilio Vaticano II. Una prospettiva storica

Antonianum, 2007

Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's rev... more Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who is the fullness and fulfilment of all revelation (cf. DV 3). This truth is Christianity's very heart, foundation and reason for being. The author looks at the ways in which, in the course of twenty centuries, the Church has sought to relate this truth of faith to the presence in the world of other religions too. In this, the first part of a two-part article, the author reviews the handling of the question from the early Church through the Scholastic era to the eve of Vatican II. Diachronic in method of presentation, this first part is to prepare the way for a consideration, in the second part (to be published later,) of the the more recent expressions of the Church's teaching, starting with the Second Vatican Council.

Research paper thumbnail of Fede, testimonianza e nuova evangelizzazione. La teologia di fronte alle sfide odierne

Antonianum, 2013

Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believ... more Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believing, the Author reflects on the value of bearing witness, as an element of communicating the contents of the faith. Bearing witness, the Author holds, is indeed the very form of revelation. The-refore, the theologian cannot limit himself to recounting, to systematising the contents of the faith. Rather, as a witness, the theologian is to ensurethat the ways he is communicating those contents is worthy of them, as must be his own way of living. In response to the requirements of the new evangelisation - demanded by the radical nature of cultural, social and economic change - the theolofian is called to examine the adequacy of his or her carrying out of the theologian´s task, thorough reading anew the signs of the times, on the basis of events and of the sources of Revelation. Then, the theologian is to be engaged upon showing the public face of the faith, addressing contemporary humanity on the great existential problems that beset it.

Research paper thumbnail of Il cristianesimo e le religioni al Concilio Vaticano ii e nel magistero recente

Antonianum, 2007

The relationship of the Church to the religions of humankind - to which the Author already dedica... more The relationship of the Church to the religions of humankind - to which the Author already dedicated a previous study on these pages (in Antonianum LXXXI, 2007, p.89-121) - plays a particularly significant role in the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and in the post-Conciliar Papal Magisterium. Seen within the larger context of the Church's renewed openness to dialogue with the world around her, so to speak, this relationship has required constant balancing of the goods involved: Genuine and respectful openness to dialogue, on the one hand, and authentic fidelity to the Gospel, on the other. This article examines how the proper balance was being sought and proposed, successively, in the Conciliar teaching and in that of the Pontiffs that have followed the Council.

Research paper thumbnail of Il linguaggio teologico e i suoi aspetti pricipali

Antonianum, 2012

Theological knowledge, whose main subject is the God who reveals Himself, also speculates about t... more Theological knowledge, whose main subject is the God who reveals Himself, also speculates about the nature of the language needed to adequately articulate such a subject. Therefore it undertakes an attempt to ponder about the conditions, the modes, the functions, as well as about the finalities of its own language. Such a theme follows in the wake of the study about religious language published in the last issue; nonetheless, it also shows some discontinuity as it is mostly aimed at making explicit the peculiarities exclusively pertaining to the language used by theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Il linguaggio religioso nel contesto delle moderne teorie del linguaggio

Antonianum, 2011

In the post-modern context philosophical research - as defined by the linguistic shift and by the... more In the post-modern context philosophical research - as defined by the linguistic shift and by the principles peculiar to neo-positivism - automatically implies some consequences as regards the possibilities for metaphysical language, especially for religious language, which is the specific subject matter of this paper. In the face of such a challenge, the question of its cognitive and veritative value is posed. Following an introductory presentation of the current trends in philosophical- scientific thought, the phenomenon of language is handled by adopting an anthropological approach, and reassessed within the context of the religious experience. Lastly, the author attempts to account for the ontological-hermeneutical scope of religious language.

Research paper thumbnail of Rodzina „sanktuarium” życia w obliczu współczesnych zagrożeń w świetle Evangelium Vitae Jana Pawła II

Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of L’unità della ragione e dell’amore nella conoscenza di Dio. Verso una teologia contemplativa e sapienziale

Studia Bobolanum, 2020

Today we are dealing with the phenomenon of defining knowledge as a form of acquaintance, which c... more Today we are dealing with the phenomenon of defining knowledge as a form of acquaintance, which consists in reaching the maximum amount of knowledge and information about things, events, phenomena or people. This set of provable, verifiable indications would constitute, in the broad sense of the word, a definition of knowledge, limited however at this point only to the intellectual and theoretical plane. When it comes to theological knowledge that concerns God, knowledge requires first of all a personal encounter and a living interpersonal relationship implying reason, freedom, feelings, mutual dialogue, etc. Knowledge proper to the human world means, as Pope Benedict XVI said, adopting the concept of “extended reason”, enriched by experience and the whole of the human being. It is not limited to pure theoretical knowledge, but involves the whole person and defines their relationship with “the You” whom they meet.

Research paper thumbnail of La Critica Teologica Dell’Odierno Umanesimo Laico. Parte Seconda

Forum Teologiczne, 2017

Il testo è la continuazionedella prima parte in cui è stato presentato l’attuale tentativo di for... more Il testo è la continuazionedella prima parte in cui è stato presentato l’attuale tentativo di formulare, ai tempi della crisi globale su diversi piani della vita sociale e individuale dell’uomo, un “nuovo umanesimo” del tutto laico e secolarizzato. In questa sede invece si cercherà di articolare ed esprimere la posizione dell’universo cristiano di fronte a tali proposte e di mettere in risalto gli elementi vulnerabili e pericolosamente riduttivi dell’umanesimo puramente laico ed immanente, alla luce della ragione e della fede. Inoltre si cercherà di aprire gli spazi all’eventuale elaborazione di un “nuovo umanesimo cristiano”.

Research paper thumbnail of Fede, testimonianza e nuova evangelizzazione. La teologia di fronte alle sfide odierne

Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believ... more Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believing, the Author reflects on the value of bearing witness, as an element of communicating the contents of the faith. Bearing witness, the Author holds, is indeed the very form of revelation. The-refore, the theologian cannot limit himself to recounting, to systematising the contents of the faith. Rather, as a witness, the theologian is to ensurethat the ways he is communicating those contents is worthy of them, as must be his own way of living. In response to the requirements of the new evangelisation - demanded by the radical nature of cultural, social and economic change - the theolofian is called to examine the adequacy of his or her carrying out of the theologian´s task, thorough reading anew the signs of the times, on the basis of events and of the sources of Revelation. Then, the theologian is to be engaged upon showing the public face of the faith, addressing contemporary humanity ...

Research paper thumbnail of Conscience in the light of the Truth and the light of the Good in the context of the necessary correlation of religious studies and natural sciences

Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 2020

Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia korelacji prawdy i dobra w ludzkiej aktywności. Autorzy wskazują sumi... more Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia korelacji prawdy i dobra w ludzkiej aktywności. Autorzy wskazują sumienie jako subiektywne centrum, w którym osoba ludzka weryfikuje swoją pozycję w relacji do Absolutu jako źródła wartości, włączając absolutną Prawdę i Dobro. Odróżniają prawdę od Prawdy i dobro od Dobra, wyjaśniając różnicę: dobro i prawda odnoszą się do fragmentu rzeczywistości ludzkiej, środowiska i ludzkiej aktywności twórczej; Dobro i Prawda odnoszą się do absolutnej kategorii wartości jako fundamentu etycznej weryfikacji działań osoby. Analiza jest oparta na per- sonalistycznej antropologii Karola Wojtyły / Jana Pawła II — autora teorii zależności jakości bytu osobowego od moralnej jakości czynu osoby jako autonomicznego podmiotu, który działa w ‘bla- sku’/jasności/świetle Dobra i Prawdy. Pokazują skutki zakłócenia harmonii między światem osoby i światem wartości, dotykające jakości struktur społecznych i ekonomicznych.

Research paper thumbnail of Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologicznym

Water Practice & Technology, 2020

Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologiczny... more Główne aspekty encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio w obecnym dyskursie historyczno-teologicznym Abstr act: The article presents the fundamental aspects of the encyclical Fides et ratio of John Paul II concerning the historical and theological context of contemporary culture. It indicates current problems in the harmonious existence of societies that function according to paradigms contrary to the absolute truth of the theological subject. The errors resulting from modernism (subjective rationalism, the cognitive negation of faith) and postmodernism (relativization of truth, atheism and antitheism, the reductionism of faith) are discussed. Further, the existential value of religious faith is demonstrated through the correlation of meaning/sense and truth. In doing so, this article serves as an apologetic for the rational nature of faith. Truth is emphasized as a gift both contained in and received from God's Revelation, a gift necessary for discovering the sense of human reality. Keywords: truth, faith, knowledge, research of truth, sense, rationality of the faith Abstr akt: Artykuł przedstawia fundamentalne aspekty encykliki Fides et ratio Jana Pawła II w odniesieniu do kontekstu historycznego i teologicznego współczesnej kultury. Wskazuje na aktualne problemy w harmonijnym egzystowaniu społeczeństw funkcjonujących według paradygmatów sprzecznych z prawdą absolutną stanowiącą przedmiot teologiczny. Omówione są tu błędy wynikające z modernizmu (subiektywny racjonalizm, poznawcza negacja wiary), postmodernizmu (relatywizacja prawdy, ateizm i antyteizm, redukcjonizm wiary). Wyjaśniono wartość egzystencjalną wiary religijnej jako ukazującej korelację sensu i prawdy, w ten sposób dokonując apologii racjonalnego charakteru wiary. Wyakcentowano prawdę jako dar zawarty w Bożym Objawieniu, niezbędny do odkrycia sensu ludzkiej rzeczywistości.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Fenomeno Delle Religioni e La Loro Presenza Nell'Economia Della Salvezza

The article sets out to offer a Christian theological perspective of the phenomenon of religions ... more The article sets out to offer a Christian theological perspective of the phenomenon of religions and their place in the Divine design of the universal salvation. That account is possible in the light of the Revelation completed definitively in Jesus Christ. In the first part there are presented the theological assumptions that make the religions the subject of Christian theological reflection. The second part is dedicated to the description of the religions and proposes affirmative answers to the question as to what meaning may be attributed to them in relation to the order of salvation, while affirming throughout the eschatological and unique mediation of Christ in God's saving plan. Finally it proposes what would be an adequate attitude for Christians in relation to the religions of humankind, and what kinds of cooperation are possible among people of different religions in the today's society.

Research paper thumbnail of Alla soglia del Sinodo ordinario sulla famiglia 2015.: Alcuni temi da discutere

Research paper thumbnail of Recensione del libro: Robert Sarah con Joseph Ratzinger Benedetto XVI, Recenzja: Dal profondo del nostro cuore, a cura di Nicolas Diat, Cantagalli, Siena 2020, pp. 144

Research paper thumbnail of Il rapporto tra la Rivelazione divina e le religioni nella comprensione cristiana fino alla soglia del Concilio Vaticano II. Una prospettiva storica

Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's rev... more Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who is the fullness and fulfilment of all revelation (cf. DV 3). This truth is Christianity's very heart, foundation and reason for being. The author looks at the ways in which, in the course of twenty centuries, the Church has sought to relate this truth of faith to the presence in the world of other religions too. In this, the first part of a two-part article, the author reviews the handling of the question from the early Church through the Scholastic era to the eve of Vatican II. Diachronic in method of presentation, this first part is to prepare the way for a consideration, in the second part (to be published later,) of the the more recent expressions of the Church's teaching, starting with the Second Vatican Council.

Research paper thumbnail of The family as a “sanctuary” of life in the face of contemporary threats in the light of John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae

Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Omówienia I Sprawozdania

Forum Teologiczne, 2019

W tej części znajdują się omówienia czterech publikacji: 1) Anna Zellma, ks. Wojsław Czupryński, ... more W tej części znajdują się omówienia czterech publikacji: 1) Anna Zellma, ks. Wojsław Czupryński, ks. Hubert Tryk, Rekolekcje szkolne jako forma ewangelizacji dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych. Wy-dawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsz-tyn 2018, ss. 138. 2) Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz, Stanisław Kuprjaniuk (red.), Matka Boża Gietrzwałdzka w wierze, pobożności, teologii i sztuce – dawniej i dziś. Perspektywa uniwersalna i regionalna, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 320. 3) Maksym Adam Kopiec OFM, Nie lękajcie się Prawdy! Nieustanna nowość encykliki „Veritatis splendor” Świętego Jana Pawła II, SQL, Olsztyn 2018, ss. 161. 4) Edward Fiała, Homo iudicans. Sądzenie jako degradacja osoby, „Teoria i Praktyka Interpretacji” nr 7. Seria pod redakcją Edwarda Fiały, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2018, ss. 172. Jest też jedno sprawozdanie: 3. Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Familiologiczne pt. „Ekologia a rodzina” w kontekście integracji badań nauk humanistycznych i empirycznych (UWM w Olsztynie, 27–28...

Research paper thumbnail of Etty Hill esum – „święta” niechrześcijan ka?

Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 2019

Figura Etty Hillesum wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie badaczy z różnychobszarów ludzkiej wiedzy. J... more Figura Etty Hillesum wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie badaczy z różnychobszarów ludzkiej wiedzy. Jej historia przypadająca na okres II wojny światowejdostarcza wiele istotnych elementów z punktu widzenia antropologicznego, stądjej życie duchowe zwraca uwagę wielu filozofów i teologów. Przedmiotem zainteresowanianiniejszego artykułu jest próba dokonania pewnej introspekcji, takaby móc lepiej i głębiej wejść w duszę, myśli, przekonania i decyzje Hillesum.Pierwszy krok dotyczy jej postawy i rozumienia siebie samej przed i w obecnościBoga, kształt jej relacji z Nim: głębia życia wewnętrznego, modlitwa oraz koncepcjaBoga ‘bezsilnego’. Następnie jej odniesienie się do człowieka, jej rozumienieczłowieka: kim jest, kim ona sama może być dla niego i jak się zachować wobecdoznanego i niezawinionego zła. W ostatniej części obiektem refleksji będzie jejstosunek do chrześcijaństwa, którego nie da się zrozumieć bez dręczącego jejserce i umysł pytania o Prawdę, poczucie więzi z własnym narodem, otw...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Attuali Forme Dell’Umanesimo Postmoderno. Parte Prima

Forum Teologiczne, 2017

Il testo cerca di presentare una diagnosi nell’attuale società, ancora convenzionalmente definita... more Il testo cerca di presentare una diagnosi nell’attuale società, ancora convenzionalmente definita postmoderna, in cui appaiono diverse forme di umanesimo. Questo termine è diventato recentemente molto attuale e discusso in diversi campi del sapere umano, ma soprattutto nella filosofia, nell’antropologia culturale, nelle scienze umane ecc. L’interesse per la tematica ha sollecitato perfino la ricerca del cosiddetto “nuovo umanesimo”. In effetti tale ricerca ha dato vita alle diverse idee e impostazioni che saranno presentate qui, ovviamente senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività.I risultati conseguiti in questo studio, in seguito, verranno sviluppati nella seconda parte nella quale si cercherà di avanzare una critica teologica alle diverse forme dell’umanesimo laico

Research paper thumbnail of Il Concetto Cristiano Della Rivelazione Nel Contesto Del Pluralismo Religioso

Antonianum, 2010

The contemporary debate on religious pluralism must motivate Christian to maintain an essential u... more The contemporary debate on religious pluralism must motivate Christian to maintain an essential unity in their attitude towards others (ad extra), and to hold on to their two guiding principles in this matter: Proclamation and Dialogue. Thus too, the experience of this debate stimulates also theological discourse (ad intra) to take up again the fundamental issue of Revelation, to apprehend more fully its connotation, and to highlight its essential and unrenounceable dimensions. In effect, an adequate understanding of Christian Revelation will become, not an impediment to, or an impoverishment of, the proper approach to the religions of humankind, but to the contrary, an apt hermeneutical key to understanding their own meaning and value.

Research paper thumbnail of Il rapporto tra la Rivelazione divina e le religioni nella comprensione cristiana fino alla soglia del Concilio Vaticano II. Una prospettiva storica

Antonianum, 2007

Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's rev... more Christianity's originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who is the fullness and fulfilment of all revelation (cf. DV 3). This truth is Christianity's very heart, foundation and reason for being. The author looks at the ways in which, in the course of twenty centuries, the Church has sought to relate this truth of faith to the presence in the world of other religions too. In this, the first part of a two-part article, the author reviews the handling of the question from the early Church through the Scholastic era to the eve of Vatican II. Diachronic in method of presentation, this first part is to prepare the way for a consideration, in the second part (to be published later,) of the the more recent expressions of the Church's teaching, starting with the Second Vatican Council.

Research paper thumbnail of Fede, testimonianza e nuova evangelizzazione. La teologia di fronte alle sfide odierne

Antonianum, 2013

Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believ... more Having presented the urgent questions raised by post-modern culture in regard f the act of believing, the Author reflects on the value of bearing witness, as an element of communicating the contents of the faith. Bearing witness, the Author holds, is indeed the very form of revelation. The-refore, the theologian cannot limit himself to recounting, to systematising the contents of the faith. Rather, as a witness, the theologian is to ensurethat the ways he is communicating those contents is worthy of them, as must be his own way of living. In response to the requirements of the new evangelisation - demanded by the radical nature of cultural, social and economic change - the theolofian is called to examine the adequacy of his or her carrying out of the theologian´s task, thorough reading anew the signs of the times, on the basis of events and of the sources of Revelation. Then, the theologian is to be engaged upon showing the public face of the faith, addressing contemporary humanity on the great existential problems that beset it.

Research paper thumbnail of Il cristianesimo e le religioni al Concilio Vaticano ii e nel magistero recente

Antonianum, 2007

The relationship of the Church to the religions of humankind - to which the Author already dedica... more The relationship of the Church to the religions of humankind - to which the Author already dedicated a previous study on these pages (in Antonianum LXXXI, 2007, p.89-121) - plays a particularly significant role in the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and in the post-Conciliar Papal Magisterium. Seen within the larger context of the Church's renewed openness to dialogue with the world around her, so to speak, this relationship has required constant balancing of the goods involved: Genuine and respectful openness to dialogue, on the one hand, and authentic fidelity to the Gospel, on the other. This article examines how the proper balance was being sought and proposed, successively, in the Conciliar teaching and in that of the Pontiffs that have followed the Council.

Research paper thumbnail of Il linguaggio teologico e i suoi aspetti pricipali

Antonianum, 2012

Theological knowledge, whose main subject is the God who reveals Himself, also speculates about t... more Theological knowledge, whose main subject is the God who reveals Himself, also speculates about the nature of the language needed to adequately articulate such a subject. Therefore it undertakes an attempt to ponder about the conditions, the modes, the functions, as well as about the finalities of its own language. Such a theme follows in the wake of the study about religious language published in the last issue; nonetheless, it also shows some discontinuity as it is mostly aimed at making explicit the peculiarities exclusively pertaining to the language used by theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Il linguaggio religioso nel contesto delle moderne teorie del linguaggio

Antonianum, 2011

In the post-modern context philosophical research - as defined by the linguistic shift and by the... more In the post-modern context philosophical research - as defined by the linguistic shift and by the principles peculiar to neo-positivism - automatically implies some consequences as regards the possibilities for metaphysical language, especially for religious language, which is the specific subject matter of this paper. In the face of such a challenge, the question of its cognitive and veritative value is posed. Following an introductory presentation of the current trends in philosophical- scientific thought, the phenomenon of language is handled by adopting an anthropological approach, and reassessed within the context of the religious experience. Lastly, the author attempts to account for the ontological-hermeneutical scope of religious language.

Research paper thumbnail of Francescanesimo e contemporaneità.docx

Research paper thumbnail of Il Logos della fede SPICILEGIUM 41.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Cristianesimo e religioni interno (1).pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Umanesim cristiano interno.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of L'Evangelizzazione LIBRO.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of In principio era il verbo LIBRO p.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Il Verbo era Dio LIBRO p.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of L'Evangelizzazione LIBRO per UB p.pdf

Nel contesto del dopoguerra, l'Europa e il mondo si sento sperduti dalle disastrose consguenze pr... more Nel contesto del dopoguerra, l'Europa e il mondo si sento sperduti dalle disastrose consguenze provocate dalle ideologie nichiliste e dai totalitarismi (social-nazismo, comunismo). Ora la Chiesa sente il dovere di venir incontro all'uomo distrutto, impaurito dalla guerra fredda e sbalordito dalla svolta cultura che port un chaos dei valori. Il Vaticano II e successivi papi postconciliari propongono il ritorno al Vangelo che contiene una interminabile novità ed attualità, oltre i confini del tempo, spazio, culture ,nazioni, religioni ecc.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Verbo era Dio LIBRO.pdf

E' l'opera che costituisce la continuità del libro "In principio era il Verbo..." Anno A) con lo ... more E' l'opera che costituisce la continuità del libro "In principio era il Verbo..." Anno A) con lo stesso metodo, struttura e finalità per le letture liturgiche dell'Anno B.

Research paper thumbnail of In principio era il verbo LIBRO.pdf

Il libro propone i commenti di caratere pasorale e spirituale alle letture festive dell'anno litu... more Il libro propone i commenti di caratere pasorale e spirituale alle letture festive dell'anno liturgico A. E' fatto a partire delle omelie predicate ed arricchito dai commenti biblici per approfondire il significato della Parola di Dio, la sua attualità e spiegare meglio i contenuti storico-teologici.

Research paper thumbnail of In principio era il verbo LIBRO p.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Maksym Adam Kopiec ofm

L'annuncio del Vangelo è l'essenza stessa della Chiesa, la sua ragione di esistere. La Verità da ... more L'annuncio del Vangelo è l'essenza stessa della Chiesa, la sua ragione di esistere. La Verità da annunciare è sempre la stessa, perché Cristo è lo stesso, ieri, oggi e sempre. Tuttavia le modalità dell'annuncio vanno ripensate adeguandole alle esigenze dei tempi ed ecco che la Chiesa si trova ad affrontare la vera sfida del terzo millennio, quella della Nuova Evangelizzazione. Una evangelizzazione, una missionarietà che, nella riscoperta gioiosa della centralità di Gesù, spinga la Chiesa, con la forza dello Spirito Santo, a condividere con tutti il tesoro di fede, speranza, carità diventando artefice anche di un nuovo umanesimo tanto desiderato. L'autore, attraverso l'esame dei principali documenti magisteriali dal Concilio ad oggi, ci conduce a riscoprire le idee e i contenuti dei principali documenti dei papi, Paolo VI, Giovanni Paolo II, Benedetto XVI e Francesco, risvegliando nel lettore il desiderio di cercare di diffondere a tutti, "fino agli estremi confini della terra", la Bellezza dell'Amore contenuto nel Vangelo che ci è stato consegnato dal Signore nella e per mezzo della Chiesa.