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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wp-events-plugin.com//5.55//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:05cccfcd-b638-4235-9f5f-db07e32d2a97 DTSTART:20241109T180000Z DTEND:20241109T214500Z DTSTAMP:20240222T123737Z SUMMARY:Laurie Wright at Scala - Saturday 9th November 2024 - 6:00 pm until 9:45 pm DESCRIPTION:Laurie Wright is a singer songwriter hellbent on bringing the rock n roll revival to the masses. With brilliantly crafted\, high energy guitar hits\, Laurie Wright and his band are destined for rock n roll’s biggest stage.\n\nHaving built a raucous following with sold out gigs and down the country\, a Sold Out Camden Underworld\, sharpened by legendary busking sessions on the busy streets of Camden Town\, Laurie is just getting started. Taking cues from the likes of The Libertines\, Oasis and Small Faces\, the debut album ‘Get On The End Of It\,’ is putting guitar music firmly back where it belongs. And now Laurie is celebrating releasing his follow up 2nd album\, live @ Scala - 9th November 2024 - ‘We’re Only Warming Up!’ LOCATION: URL:https://scala.co.uk/events/laurie-wright/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR