Protein synthetic machinery and mRNA in regenerating tips of spinal cord axons in lamprey. (original) (raw)

This is a list of tools and resources that we have found mentioned in this publication.

BLASTX (tool)


Web application to search protein databases using a translated nucleotide query. Translated BLAST services are useful when trying to find homologous proteins to a nucleotide coding region. Blastx compares translational products of the nucleotide query sequence to a protein database. Because blastx translates the query sequence in all six reading frames and provides combined significance statistics for hits to different frames, it is particularly useful when the reading frame of the query sequence is unknown or it contains errors that may lead to frame shifts or other coding errors. Thus blastx is often the first analysis performed with a newly determined nucleotide sequence and is used extensively in analyzing EST sequences. This search is more sensitive than nucleotide blast since the comparison is performed at the protein level.

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