Human Enteric α-Defensin 5 Promotes Shigella Infection by Enhancing Bacterial Adhesion and Invasion. (original) (raw)
This is a list of tools and resources that we have found mentioned in this publication.
PyMOL (tool)
A user-sponsored molecular visualization software system on an open-source foundation. The software has the capabilities to view, render, animate, export, present and develop three dimensional molecular structures.
ShiBASE (data or information resource)
A database of the genomes of representative strains of the four Shigella species and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) of 43 different serotypes of Shigella strains by microarray. The intra-species comparison of Shigella genomes are presented at several different levels in the database, including not only basic genome features, structure of genomes and orthologs ordering, but also metabolic pathways and virulence factors. Moreover, the CGH results on 43 different serotypes of Shigella strains were also integrated into ShiBASE. The newly developed online sequence comparison visualization service, Shi-align, offers an easy way for biologists to perform comparative analysis on their own data.
ShiBASE (data or information resource)
A database of the genomes of representative strains of the four Shigella species and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) of 43 different serotypes of Shigella strains by microarray. The intra-species comparison of Shigella genomes are presented at several different levels in the database, including not only basic genome features, structure of genomes and orthologs ordering, but also metabolic pathways and virulence factors. Moreover, the CGH results on 43 different serotypes of Shigella strains were also integrated into ShiBASE. The newly developed online sequence comparison visualization service, Shi-align, offers an easy way for biologists to perform comparative analysis on their own data.