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Antibody Name

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RRID:AB_731684 RRID Copied

Antibody Information


Proper Citation: (Abcam Cat# ab34710, RRID:AB_731684)

Target Antigen: Collagen I antibody

Host Organism: rabbit

Clonality: polyclonal

Comments: validation status unknown, seller recommendations provided in 2012: ELISA, I-ELISA, ICC, IHC-Fr, IHC-P, IP, WB; Immunocytochemistry; Immunoprecipitation; Immunohistochemistry; Western Blot; ELISA; Immunohistochemistry - fixed; Immunohistochemistry - frozen
Info: Independent validation by the NYU Lagone was performed for: IHC. This antibody was found to have the following characteristics: Functional in human:FALSE, NonFunctional in human:FALSE, Functional in animal:FALSE, NonFunctional in animal:FALSE

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Antibody Name: Collagen I antibody

Description: This polyclonal targets Collagen I antibody

Target Organism: rat, cow, goat, horse, mouse, bovine, human

Antibody ID: AB_731684

Vendor: Abcam

Catalog Number: ab34710

Record Creation Time: 2024-10-16 05:23:13

Record Last Update: 2024-10-16 07:07:26


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