SciCrunch | Research Resource Resolver (original) (raw)

lists MSstats
lists MetaCyto
lists MetaNeighbor
lists tximport
lists clusterProfiler
lists ropls
lists FlowSOM
lists scran
lists Rsubread
lists riboSeqR
lists Biostrings
lists ConsensusClusterPlus
lists DESeq2
lists GenomicFeatures
lists affy
lists affydata
lists Genomic Ranges
lists Goseq
lists GAGE
lists Scmap
lists Scfind
lists GenomicRanges
lists Extending Guilt by Association by Degree
lists ggtree
lists StructuralVariantAnnotation
lists scTHI
lists EnhancedVolcano
lists DEGreport
lists variancePartition
lists biomaRt
lists MSnbase
lists ReactomePA
lists SynergyFinder
lists CiteFuse
lists fgsea
lists GSVA
lists SimFFPE
lists FilterFFPE
lists PhenStat
lists ChIPseeker
lists AUCell
lists svaNUMT
lists KEGGgraph
lists epialleleR
lists microbiome
lists ExperimentHub
lists combi
is listed by OMICtools
is listed by Gene Ontology Tools
is listed by SoftCite
is affiliated with RnaSeqGeneEdgeRQL
is related to asSeq
is related to Gene Ontology
is related to CRCView
is related to R Project for Statistical Computing
is related to GEO2R
is related to LIMMA
is related to VisR
is related to edgeR
is related to IMEx - The International Molecular Exchange Consortium
is related to CATALYSTLite
is related to ascend
is related to minet
has parent organization Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
is parent organization of ncdfFlow
is parent organization of GenomicRanges
is parent organization of ReadqPCR
is parent organization of flowCL
is parent organization of flowBin
is parent organization of CorMut
is parent organization of metaSeq
is parent organization of VariantAnnotation
is parent organization of ReQON
is parent organization of timecourse
is parent organization of RmiR.Hs.miRNA
is parent organization of AffyRNADegradation
is parent organization of ArrayExpress (R)
is parent organization of GEOquery
is parent organization of MIMOSA
is parent organization of HEM
is parent organization of CNTools
is parent organization of cn.FARMS
is parent organization of Clonality
is parent organization of TransView
is parent organization of pvac
is parent organization of QUALIFIER
is parent organization of flowStats
is parent organization of rTANDEM
is parent organization of flowFlowJo
is parent organization of iASeq
is parent organization of OLINgui
is parent organization of SigFuge
is parent organization of Rdisop
is parent organization of GeneExpressionSignature
is parent organization of iBMQ
is parent organization of TDARACNE
is parent organization of flowQ
is parent organization of FlipFlop
is parent organization of RmiR
is parent organization of bsseq
is parent organization of ExomePeak
is parent organization of flowWorkspace
is parent organization of massiR
is parent organization of rbsurv
is parent organization of GeneMeta
is parent organization of MergeMaid
is parent organization of categoryCompare
is parent organization of metahdep
is parent organization of snpStats: SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods
is parent organization of CNVtools
is parent organization of CGEN
is parent organization of RCASPAR
is parent organization of iterativeBMAsurv
is parent organization of multtest
is parent organization of globaltest
is parent organization of MinimumDistance
is parent organization of VegaMC
is parent organization of VanillaICE
is parent organization of SNPchip
is parent organization of SMAP
is parent organization of quantsmooth
is parent organization of mBPCR
is parent organization of ITALICS
is parent organization of GenoSet
is parent organization of exomeCopy
is parent organization of CGHregions
is parent organization of CGHbase
is parent organization of beadarraySNP
is parent organization of GLAD
is parent organization of methylMnM
is parent organization of methyAnalysis
is parent organization of ARRmNormalization
is parent organization of ChIPsim
is parent organization of yaqcaffy
is parent organization of wateRmelon
is parent organization of sRAP
is parent organization of spotSegmentation
is parent organization of SNM
is parent organization of SNAGEE
is parent organization of Simpleaffy
is parent organization of qcmetrics
is parent organization of MANOR
is parent organization of limmaGUI
is parent organization of ffpe
is parent organization of dyebias
is parent organization of DEXUS
is parent organization of BeadDataPackR
is parent organization of aroma.light
is parent organization of ArrayTools
is parent organization of beadarray
is parent organization of arrayQuality
is parent organization of arrayMvout
is parent organization of affyQCReport
is parent organization of affyPLM
is parent organization of AffyExpress
is parent organization of waveTiling
is parent organization of gprege
is parent organization of oneChannelGUI
is parent organization of LMGene
is parent organization of factDesign
is parent organization of pickgene
is parent organization of betr
is parent organization of SCAN.UPC
is parent organization of arrayQualityMetrics
is parent organization of CALIB
is parent organization of DEDS
is parent organization of Harshlight
is parent organization of MiChip
is parent organization of OCplus
is parent organization of bridge
is parent organization of fRMA
is parent organization of genArise
is parent organization of lapmix
is parent organization of maCorrPlot
is parent organization of maSigPro
is parent organization of MACAT
is parent organization of maigesPack
is parent organization of MDQC
is parent organization of metaArray
is parent organization of nnNorm
is parent organization of plgem
is parent organization of PVCA
is parent organization of RAMA
is parent organization of stepNorm
is parent organization of virtualArray
is parent organization of LPE
is parent organization of vsn
is parent organization of ACME
is parent organization of CoGAPS
is parent organization of flowFP
is parent organization of rMAT
is parent organization of SLqPCR
is parent organization of nondetects
is parent organization of unifiedWMWqPCR
is parent organization of sSeq
is parent organization of CNVrd2
is parent organization of plateCore
is parent organization of RSVSim
is parent organization of TCC
is parent organization of CQN
is parent organization of COMPASS
is parent organization of flowClust
is parent organization of SPADE
is parent organization of OrderedList
is parent organization of SamSPECTRAL
is parent organization of flowUtils
is parent organization of RchyOptimyx
is parent organization of TEQC
is parent organization of flowType
is parent organization of ADaCGH2
is parent organization of flowViz
is parent organization of flowTrans
is parent organization of flowQB
is parent organization of shinyTANDEM
is parent organization of flowPlots
is parent organization of flowPhyto
is parent organization of flowCore
is parent organization of flowMerge
is parent organization of flowMap
is parent organization of flowMeans
is parent organization of spliceR
is parent organization of flowMatch
is parent organization of flowFit
is parent organization of flowCyBar
is parent organization of BEAT
is parent organization of flowBeads
is parent organization of CAMERA - Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data
is parent organization of MBASED
is parent organization of MethylAid
is parent organization of sapFinder
is parent organization of Pathview
is parent organization of DSS
is parent organization of RMassBank
is parent organization of iontree
is parent organization of Basic4Cseq
is parent organization of BiGGR
is parent organization of mzR
is parent organization of PAPi
is parent organization of CGHnormaliter
is parent organization of Chimera
is parent organization of BRAIN
is parent organization of tweeDEseq
is parent organization of SurvComp
is parent organization of Triplex
is parent organization of OmicCircos
is parent organization of ggbio
is parent organization of HTqPCR
is parent organization of NormqPCR
is parent organization of ddCt
is parent organization of EasyqpcR
is parent organization of SWAN
is parent organization of PING
is parent organization of DMRforPairs
is parent organization of SeqGSEA
is parent organization of h5vc
is parent organization of deepSNV
is parent organization of RUVSeq
is parent organization of BHC
is parent organization of epigenomix
is parent organization of IRanges
is parent organization of GeneNetworkBuilder
is parent organization of MethylSeekR
is parent organization of SRAdb
is parent organization of casper
is parent organization of htSeqTools
is parent organization of ChIPXpress
is parent organization of methVisual
is parent organization of DeconRNASeq
is parent organization of EDASeq
is parent organization of RIPSeeker
is parent organization of ShortRead
is parent organization of seqbias
is parent organization of DEGseq
is parent organization of arrayMagic
is parent organization of easyRNASeq
is parent organization of DNAcopy
is parent organization of CRLMM
is parent organization of motifRG
is parent organization of MMDiff
is parent organization of MiRaGE
is parent organization of LVSmiRNA
is parent organization of ExiMiR
is parent organization of RPA
is parent organization of CexoR
is parent organization of lumi
is parent organization of baySeq
is parent organization of tRanslatome
is parent organization of DNaseR
is parent organization of DEXSeq
is parent organization of ChIPpeakAnno
is parent organization of inSilicoMerging
is parent organization of minfi
is parent organization of Methylumi
is parent organization of miRNApath
is parent organization of sva package
is parent organization of dmrFinder
is parent organization of rqubic
is parent organization of BicARE
is parent organization of iBBiG
is parent organization of eisa
is parent organization of ChAMP
is parent organization of cghMCR
is parent organization of Bioconductor mailing list
is parent organization of DiffBind
is parent organization of NarrowPeaks
is parent organization of CSAR
is parent organization of CSSP
is parent organization of TargetScore
is parent organization of snapCGH
is parent organization of iChip
is parent organization of TurboNorm
is parent organization of Ringo
is parent organization of RLMM
is parent organization of charm
is parent organization of BiSeq
is parent organization of MEDME
is parent organization of MEDIPS
is parent organization of BayesPeak
is parent organization of ChIPseqR
is parent organization of Rolexa
is parent organization of cn.mops
is parent organization of RankProd
is parent organization of phyloseq
is parent organization of HiTC
is parent organization of CancerMutationAnalysis
is parent organization of aCGH
is parent organization of Repitools
is parent organization of flowPeaks
is parent organization of Mfuzz
is parent organization of les
is parent organization of OLIN
is parent organization of affylmGUI
is parent organization of CYCLE
is parent organization of r3Cseq
is parent organization of Piano
is parent organization of RamiGO
hosts DESeq
hosts rGADEM
hosts PICS
hosts Jmosaics
hosts R453Plus1Toolbox
hosts BAC
hosts Starr
hosts Qvalue
hosts topGO
hosts MmPalateMiRNA
hosts CGHcall
hosts EGSEA
hosts NOISeq
lists MSstats
lists MetaCyto
lists MetaNeighbor
lists tximport
lists clusterProfiler
lists ropls
lists FlowSOM
lists scran
lists Rsubread
lists riboSeqR
lists Biostrings
lists ConsensusClusterPlus
lists DESeq2
lists GenomicFeatures
lists affy
lists affydata
lists Genomic Ranges
lists Goseq
lists GAGE
lists Scmap
lists Scfind
lists GenomicRanges
lists Extending Guilt by Association by Degree
lists ggtree
lists StructuralVariantAnnotation
lists scTHI
lists EnhancedVolcano
lists DEGreport
lists variancePartition
lists biomaRt
lists MSnbase
lists ReactomePA
lists SynergyFinder
lists CiteFuse
lists fgsea
lists GSVA
lists SimFFPE
lists FilterFFPE
lists PhenStat
lists ChIPseeker
lists AUCell
lists svaNUMT
lists KEGGgraph
lists epialleleR
lists microbiome
lists ExperimentHub
lists combi
is listed by OMICtools
is listed by Gene Ontology Tools
is listed by SoftCite
is affiliated with RnaSeqGeneEdgeRQL
is related to asSeq
is related to Gene Ontology
is related to CRCView
is related to R Project for Statistical Computing
is related to GEO2R
is related to LIMMA
is related to VisR
is related to edgeR
is related to IMEx - The International Molecular Exchange Consortium
is related to CATALYSTLite
is related to ascend
is related to minet
has parent organization Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
is parent organization of ncdfFlow
is parent organization of GenomicRanges
is parent organization of ReadqPCR
is parent organization of flowCL
is parent organization of flowBin
is parent organization of CorMut
is parent organization of metaSeq
is parent organization of VariantAnnotation
is parent organization of ReQON
is parent organization of timecourse
is parent organization of RmiR.Hs.miRNA
is parent organization of AffyRNADegradation
is parent organization of ArrayExpress (R)
is parent organization of GEOquery
is parent organization of MIMOSA
is parent organization of HEM
is parent organization of CNTools
is parent organization of cn.FARMS
is parent organization of Clonality
is parent organization of TransView
is parent organization of pvac
is parent organization of QUALIFIER
is parent organization of flowStats
is parent organization of rTANDEM
is parent organization of flowFlowJo
is parent organization of iASeq
is parent organization of OLINgui
is parent organization of SigFuge
is parent organization of Rdisop
is parent organization of GeneExpressionSignature
is parent organization of iBMQ
is parent organization of TDARACNE
is parent organization of flowQ
is parent organization of FlipFlop
is parent organization of RmiR
is parent organization of bsseq
is parent organization of ExomePeak
is parent organization of flowWorkspace
is parent organization of massiR
is parent organization of rbsurv
is parent organization of GeneMeta
is parent organization of MergeMaid
is parent organization of categoryCompare
is parent organization of metahdep
is parent organization of snpStats: SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods
is parent organization of CNVtools
is parent organization of CGEN
is parent organization of RCASPAR
is parent organization of iterativeBMAsurv
is parent organization of multtest
is parent organization of globaltest
is parent organization of MinimumDistance
is parent organization of VegaMC
is parent organization of VanillaICE
is parent organization of SNPchip
is parent organization of SMAP
is parent organization of quantsmooth
is parent organization of mBPCR
is parent organization of ITALICS
is parent organization of GenoSet
is parent organization of exomeCopy
is parent organization of CGHregions
is parent organization of CGHbase
is parent organization of beadarraySNP
is parent organization of GLAD
is parent organization of methylMnM
is parent organization of methyAnalysis
is parent organization of ARRmNormalization
is parent organization of ChIPsim
is parent organization of yaqcaffy
is parent organization of wateRmelon
is parent organization of sRAP
is parent organization of spotSegmentation
is parent organization of SNM
is parent organization of SNAGEE
is parent organization of Simpleaffy
is parent organization of qcmetrics
is parent organization of MANOR
is parent organization of limmaGUI
is parent organization of ffpe
is parent organization of dyebias
is parent organization of DEXUS
is parent organization of BeadDataPackR
is parent organization of aroma.light
is parent organization of ArrayTools
is parent organization of beadarray
is parent organization of arrayQuality
is parent organization of arrayMvout
is parent organization of affyQCReport
is parent organization of affyPLM
is parent organization of AffyExpress
is parent organization of waveTiling
is parent organization of gprege
is parent organization of oneChannelGUI
is parent organization of LMGene
is parent organization of factDesign
is parent organization of pickgene
is parent organization of betr
is parent organization of SCAN.UPC
is parent organization of arrayQualityMetrics
is parent organization of CALIB
is parent organization of DEDS
is parent organization of Harshlight
is parent organization of MiChip
is parent organization of OCplus
is parent organization of bridge
is parent organization of fRMA
is parent organization of genArise
is parent organization of lapmix
is parent organization of maCorrPlot
is parent organization of maSigPro
is parent organization of MACAT
is parent organization of maigesPack
is parent organization of MDQC
is parent organization of metaArray
is parent organization of nnNorm
is parent organization of plgem
is parent organization of PVCA
is parent organization of RAMA
is parent organization of stepNorm
is parent organization of virtualArray
is parent organization of LPE
is parent organization of vsn
is parent organization of ACME
is parent organization of CoGAPS
is parent organization of flowFP
is parent organization of rMAT
is parent organization of SLqPCR
is parent organization of nondetects
is parent organization of unifiedWMWqPCR
is parent organization of sSeq
is parent organization of CNVrd2
is parent organization of plateCore
is parent organization of RSVSim
is parent organization of TCC
is parent organization of CQN
is parent organization of COMPASS
is parent organization of flowClust
is parent organization of SPADE
is parent organization of OrderedList
is parent organization of SamSPECTRAL
is parent organization of flowUtils
is parent organization of RchyOptimyx
is parent organization of TEQC
is parent organization of flowType
is parent organization of ADaCGH2
is parent organization of flowViz
is parent organization of flowTrans
is parent organization of flowQB
is parent organization of shinyTANDEM
is parent organization of flowPlots
is parent organization of flowPhyto
is parent organization of flowCore
is parent organization of flowMerge
is parent organization of flowMap
is parent organization of flowMeans
is parent organization of spliceR
is parent organization of flowMatch
is parent organization of flowFit
is parent organization of flowCyBar
is parent organization of BEAT
is parent organization of flowBeads
is parent organization of CAMERA - Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data
is parent organization of MBASED
is parent organization of MethylAid
is parent organization of sapFinder
is parent organization of Pathview
is parent organization of DSS
is parent organization of RMassBank
is parent organization of iontree
is parent organization of Basic4Cseq
is parent organization of BiGGR
is parent organization of mzR
is parent organization of PAPi
is parent organization of CGHnormaliter
is parent organization of Chimera
is parent organization of BRAIN
is parent organization of tweeDEseq
is parent organization of SurvComp
is parent organization of Triplex
is parent organization of OmicCircos
is parent organization of ggbio
is parent organization of HTqPCR
is parent organization of NormqPCR
is parent organization of ddCt
is parent organization of EasyqpcR
is parent organization of SWAN
is parent organization of PING
is parent organization of DMRforPairs
is parent organization of SeqGSEA
is parent organization of h5vc
is parent organization of deepSNV
is parent organization of RUVSeq
is parent organization of BHC
is parent organization of epigenomix
is parent organization of IRanges
is parent organization of GeneNetworkBuilder
is parent organization of MethylSeekR
is parent organization of SRAdb
is parent organization of casper
is parent organization of htSeqTools
is parent organization of ChIPXpress
is parent organization of methVisual
is parent organization of DeconRNASeq
is parent organization of EDASeq
is parent organization of RIPSeeker
is parent organization of ShortRead
is parent organization of seqbias
is parent organization of DEGseq
is parent organization of arrayMagic
is parent organization of easyRNASeq
is parent organization of DNAcopy
is parent organization of CRLMM
is parent organization of motifRG
is parent organization of MMDiff
is parent organization of MiRaGE
is parent organization of LVSmiRNA
is parent organization of ExiMiR
is parent organization of RPA
is parent organization of CexoR
is parent organization of lumi
is parent organization of baySeq
is parent organization of tRanslatome
is parent organization of DNaseR
is parent organization of DEXSeq
is parent organization of ChIPpeakAnno
is parent organization of inSilicoMerging
is parent organization of minfi
is parent organization of Methylumi
is parent organization of miRNApath
is parent organization of sva package
is parent organization of dmrFinder
is parent organization of rqubic
is parent organization of BicARE
is parent organization of iBBiG
is parent organization of eisa
is parent organization of ChAMP
is parent organization of cghMCR
is parent organization of Bioconductor mailing list
is parent organization of DiffBind
is parent organization of NarrowPeaks
is parent organization of CSAR
is parent organization of CSSP
is parent organization of TargetScore
is parent organization of snapCGH
is parent organization of iChip
is parent organization of TurboNorm
is parent organization of Ringo
is parent organization of RLMM
is parent organization of charm
is parent organization of BiSeq
is parent organization of MEDME
is parent organization of MEDIPS
is parent organization of BayesPeak
is parent organization of ChIPseqR
is parent organization of Rolexa
is parent organization of cn.mops
is parent organization of RankProd
is parent organization of phyloseq
is parent organization of HiTC
is parent organization of CancerMutationAnalysis
is parent organization of aCGH
is parent organization of Repitools
is parent organization of flowPeaks
is parent organization of Mfuzz
is parent organization of les
is parent organization of OLIN
is parent organization of affylmGUI
is parent organization of CYCLE
is parent organization of r3Cseq
is parent organization of Piano
is parent organization of RamiGO
hosts DESeq
hosts rGADEM
hosts PICS
hosts Jmosaics
hosts R453Plus1Toolbox
hosts BAC
hosts Starr
hosts Qvalue
hosts topGO
hosts MmPalateMiRNA
hosts CGHcall
hosts EGSEA
hosts NOISeq