Comparison of RNA-Seq and Microarray in Transcriptome Profiling of Activated T Cells (original) (raw)

“…The only exception was a higher transcription of parents in pollen relative to seedlings in RNA sequencing (mean and quantile 1 samples; absent in the quantile 4 sample), while the opposite results were obtained using microarrays ( Figures 3A and 3F). This difference is due to the higher sensitivity of RNA sequencing technology to quantify transcripts from lowly transcribed genes (Mooney et al, 2013;Zhao et al, 2014). This partially applies also to retrogenes, as the upregulation in pollen versus seedling is more pronounced in RNA sequencing compared with microarrays ( Figure 3F).…”

Section: Arabidopsis Retrogenes Are Transcribed In Male Gametesmentioning

“…With the issues associated with microarray accuracy and reproducibility [53], expanding genomic resources available for Rosaceae, and increased access to next-generation sequence technologies, RNA-seq is emerging as the gold standard to identify transcriptional differences between apple cultivars. RNA-seq has already been shown to be more sensitive in detecting genetic variants, resolving isoforms, detecting transcripts with low abundance, and had higher sensitivity in detecting differential expression [54]. While the DD method enables identification of differentially expressed genes between apple cultivars, it does have the obvious limitations of being labor intensive and time consuming along with a capacity to capture a limited number of gene fragments.…”

Section: Differentially Expressed Homologs In Heterologous Systemsmentioning

“…Izan ere, badirudi RNA-seq-ak mikrotxipen mugetako batzuk gainditzen dituela high throughput sekuentziazio teknologien bidezko transkriptoak sekuentziatzean; besteak beste, RNA-seq ez da oinarritzen genomen/transkriptomen anotazioetan eta, beraz, transkripto berriak azter daitezke maila baxuan adierazi arren, ez ditu hibridazio ez-espezifikoen desabantailak, eta aleloen menpeko espresioa aztertzea egiten du posible [122]. Hala ere, RNA-seq teknologia berriegia da ikertzaile askorentzat oraindik, analisiak mikrotxipak baino garestiagoak dira eta datuen metaketa eta analisia konplexua.…”

Section: Ekotoxikologian Molekula Mailako Azterketak Erabiltzearen Auunclassified