scottchurchgirl - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a one stop shopping spot for all of the dirt, gossip and latest pictures of all of the models working with ScottChurch.

Be aware this community has two sets of rules.

If you are a not a scottchurchgirl...

You can post about scottchurchgirls/scottchurch, post questions for scg/sc, can post pictures of scg/sc, can post info/pictures relating to a scg/sc event or project. Whenever possible please label how your post relates to scg/sc. For example if its a photo of a scg please include which scg it is.

If you are a scottchurchgirl...

You can post all of the above, plus promote yourself/your other projects, post gossip about yourself, post about modeling. Meme’s/quizzes should be kept to a minimum unless they relate to sc/scg. Since scg can post gossip about themselves, it should be things you want to share with the community, and not simply x-postings from your own journal. (crossposting stuff that directly relates to sc/scg is totally fine though).

Other stuff to know...

NWS images should be behind a cut. If you do not follow the rules we may delete your post. Anyone being abusive in any way will be banned. scottchurch and thatbobguy do not have to follow any of the rules.


| | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | scottchurchgirls are love | | | | | | brought to you by the isLove Generator | | | | |

Moderators, or the baccai, as we like to call ourselves:

Take our quiz: Which ScottChurchGirl are you?

Get your official SCG stuff here:

Click HERE for links to each model!

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scottchurch is photographic lust