mudzakkir ali | Universitas Wahid hasyim (original) (raw)

Papers by mudzakkir ali

Research paper thumbnail of Culture, Religion, and Harmony: The Struggle for Roles in Diversity in Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Interpretation of Tasawwuf in Islamic Education to Improve Religious Tolerance

ISLAMUNA : Jurnal Studi Islam, Aug 19, 2023

Problematika riset ini berupa maraknya sejumlah kasus dan isu terkait intoleransi dalam beragama ... more Problematika riset ini berupa maraknya sejumlah kasus dan isu terkait intoleransi dalam beragama yang terjadi di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Salah satu upaya Kementerian Agama yakni dengan program moderasi beragama yang disosialisasikan melalui internalisasi dalam dunia pendidikan hingga ke masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka yang dikategorikan jenis kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui teknik pengumpulan data dengan dokumen dan dianalisis dengan causal descriptive yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan mendeskripsikan relevansi pemikiran Syaikh Yusuf al-Makassari dalam Pendidikan Islam sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan moderasi beragama. Hasil penelitian adalah pemikiran etika tasawuf Syaikh Yusuf al-Makassari dinilai relevan dengan Pendidikan Islam karena orientasi pada rasa dan etika religius yang bersifat adaptif. Pemikiran tersebut sangat menekankan pada nilainilai moderasi dan toleransi yang sangat tinggi berupa tawassuth, tawazun, i'tidal dan tasamuh. Nilai-nilai yang sejalan dengan moderasi beragama ini, maka patur diterapkan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara khusunya di Indonesia yang majemuk.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Surat-Surat Ra. Kartini Atas Pemikiran Pendidikan Perempuan Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pendidikan Islam Dalam Keluarga

Jurnal Progress, Jun 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Islamic Education to Preschool Students in Jepara, Indonesia

ThufuLA, Dec 28, 2022

This research describes strengthening Islamic education for six pre-schoolers in Jepara district.... more This research describes strengthening Islamic education for six pre-schoolers in Jepara district. This study is based on field research, the most comprehensive data set obtained from the research field. The approach is qualitative. The data collection technique in this research is data collection from the area where reality will be investigated. Interview, observation, and documentation are the steps. The informant consisted of principals and teachers; there were six principals and six teachers. The data analysis technique in this research is by statements by Miles and Huberman, which are data reduction, data display, and data verification. The research results are as follows: First, the base and purpose of Islamic education as a vital reference are found in the Qur'an, as in QS. Luqman: 13-19. While the goals of Islamic education are stated in QS. Ali Imran: 102. Second, the curriculum that becomes the foundation of strengthening Islamic education for early childhood education students is reflected in core competencies and essential competencies like religious, social, science, and skill. Third, playing while learning is an effective method for strengthening Islamic education for early childhood education students. This includes storytelling, singing, modelling, habituating, and studying tours. Fourth, assessment or evaluation is done through observation, anecdote, dialogue, homework, creation, and portfolio.

Research paper thumbnail of The Synergy of Islamic Banks and Muslim-Friendly Tourism: Patterns of Halal Industry Development in Indonesia

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

Muslim-friendly tourism is one of the most influential halal industries, as its services encompas... more Muslim-friendly tourism is one of the most influential halal industries, as its services encompass elements of Islamic banks, halal food, fashion, media, recreation, as well as pharmaceuticals and halal cosmetics. Therefore, this study aims to build synergy and create new patterns of developing Islamic banks and Muslim-friendly tourism through partnership networks and joint work programs in various fields to grow other halal industries in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach with the field research method. The research focused on two regions: Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta Provinces in Indonesia. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and various sources, such as journals, books, websites, and others relevant to this research. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling, i.e., the leadership of the Tourism Awareness Community Group (Pokdarwis). The study results revealed that synergy and development patterns between Islamic banks and Muslim-friendly tourism should be carried out simultaneously. Six aspects to consider in building and developing the synergy include establishing partnership cooperation, optimizing the role of Islamic bank stakeholders and Muslim-friendly tourism, improving ACES (access, communication, environmental, and service infrastructure), intensifying education and literacy of the halal industry, innovating and transforming technology, and conducting clusters for the halal industry development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sufistic Character Education according to Ibn ‘Aṭāillāh al-Sakandarī and It’s Implementation in Educational Institution in Indonesia to Spread Prace in the World: An Analytical Study on al-Ḥikam al-‘Aṭāiyyah


Indonesia is now facing various problems such as moral degradation, corruption, deceitfulness in ... more Indonesia is now facing various problems such as moral degradation, corruption, deceitfulness in schools and juvenile delinquency behavior. All of these require a solution. Most education experts argue that the Sufi-style education is one of ways to solve the moral problem. Among them is Ibn Aṭāillāh al- Sakandarī who undeniably has a significant role in this field especially through his famous work, al-Ḥikam. This article tries to uncover how the role of his moral education. It uses descriptive analytical method, in which the author refers to Sufi works that talk about moral education particularly al-Ḥikam. The findings are: first, the Sufi-style moral education is one of moral education methods focusing on self-empowerment and purification. It is hoped to get an improvement and even reach the level of gnosis (ma’rifat) which is in turn able to spread peace in this world. Second, Ibn Athoillah is the Sufis master who has a major role in the improvement of his pupils moral, especial...

Research paper thumbnail of MEMBANGUN MODEL PENDIDIKAN KEHIDUPAN BERAGAMA BERBASIS LIFE SKILLS DI PESANTREN: Studi Kasus di SMK Roudlotul Mubtadiin Jepara dan Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Brebes

EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, 2012

The research objective is to build an education model of religious life based on life skills in t... more The research objective is to build an education model of religious life based on life skills in the Islamic boarding school according to the philosophy of life of the nation. This study used Borg and Gall development procedure consisting of three stages of development, namely pre-development, development and post-development. Activities undertaken in the pre-development stage is to conduct literary study. The development stage includes the steps of drafting a guidance to formulate general objective, special objective, developing evaluation tools and determining strategy. The post-development stage includes expert test, small group test and limited group test. The expert assessment results show that education model of the religious life based on life skills in Islamic boarding school have met the acceptability criteria when viewed from the usability, feasibility and accuracy aspects. The study results are in two schools in the Islamic boarding school surrounding, namely Islamic Senio...

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenon of Inbreeding Depression on Maize in Perspective of The Quran

AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science

Research paper thumbnail of Ketokohan Ibn Miskawaih Dalam Bidang Pendidikan Karakter

Jurnal PROGRESS: Wahana Kreativitas dan Intelektualitas

In the mid of widespread radicalism in society, it has become a concern of many circles, especial... more In the mid of widespread radicalism in society, it has become a concern of many circles, especially eduacation expert. Various concept of deradicalization were presented in various media in order to create a conducive situation in society. Ibn Miskawaih can be seen as the first character to propose the concept of the middle path (moderate) as a character value that reject the minus and plus extrimities. It is necessary to reveal his concept in the field of character education. Keywords: Ibn Miskawaih and Character Education Abstrak Di tengah maraknya paham radikal di masyarakat, menjadi keprihatinan banyak kalangan, terutama para ahli pendidikan. Berbagai konsep deradikalisasi disuguhkan di berbagai media guna mewujudkan situasi kondusif di masyarakat. Ibn Miskawaih dapat dipandang sebagai tokoh pertama yang menyodorkan konsep jalan tengah (moderat) sebagai nilai karakter yang menolak ekstrimitas minus dan ekstrimitas plus. Di sinilah perlunya mengungkap kembali konsep Dia di bidang...

Research paper thumbnail of Humanisasi Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam

Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan salah satu karakteristikpendidikan dalam Islam, humanis. Me... more Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan salah satu karakteristikpendidikan dalam Islam, humanis. Merekonstruksi pendidikanhumanis atau humanisasi pendidikan merupakan keharusan,terutama bagi setiap pelaku pendidikan di Indonesia. Terlebih,potret buram pendidikan masih terus membayangi dan menghantuidalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berbagai macam aksi kekerasan dantawuran antar remaja/siswa bisa jadi justifikasi atas opini ini.Pendidikan tidak lagi berorientasi bagaimana membentuk insanyang seutuhnya tapi lebih berorientasi bagaimana meraih materisebanyak-banyaknya. Sehingga tanpa sadar, manusia menjadisumber eksploitasi dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Dengan kata lain,telah terjadi dehumanisasi. Padahal seharusnya pendidikan adalahmemanusiakan manusia sesuai dengan kodratnya. Yaitu manusia yang mempunyai derajat yang tinggi dan mulia (aḥsani taqwīm). Kata Kunci: humanisasi, dehumanisasi, pendidikan, hominisasi,Islam

Research paper thumbnail of The Interrelationship of Indonesia-China-India in Religion from Arabian Islam to Nusantara Islam

Nusantara Islam is an implementing of Islamic teachings in the region of Nusantara (it is called ... more Nusantara Islam is an implementing of Islamic teachings in the region of Nusantara (it is called Indonesia now). Nusantara Islam does not appear in sudden, but it has a long historical process as the effect of the acculturation of the relationship of Indonesian with Arab and Persian, who areMuslims, andthe culture of Chinese and Indian,who are Buddhists/Hinduisms, which has become the nation’s characteristics. The traditional knowledgethat is built by the muftis (especially Walisongo), especially through pesantren produces Islam with the support of majority of people, i.e.,the view of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Aswaja). Thus, the core value of Aswaja is to maintain thegood traditional inheritance valueand to take/search forthe better new tradition, which is supported by the moderate, fair, tolerantand proportional attitude in all of life fields. Keywords : Islam, Arab, Nusantara, Pesantren, Aswaja

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Life Skills.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Dialectic of religion culture.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Pengantar Studi Islam.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Kyai Pesantren.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Kesehatan Mental.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Kyai Pesantren.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Ahlus sunnah wal jamaah.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan Pendidikan.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Culture, Religion, and Harmony: The Struggle for Roles in Diversity in Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Interpretation of Tasawwuf in Islamic Education to Improve Religious Tolerance

ISLAMUNA : Jurnal Studi Islam, Aug 19, 2023

Problematika riset ini berupa maraknya sejumlah kasus dan isu terkait intoleransi dalam beragama ... more Problematika riset ini berupa maraknya sejumlah kasus dan isu terkait intoleransi dalam beragama yang terjadi di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Salah satu upaya Kementerian Agama yakni dengan program moderasi beragama yang disosialisasikan melalui internalisasi dalam dunia pendidikan hingga ke masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka yang dikategorikan jenis kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui teknik pengumpulan data dengan dokumen dan dianalisis dengan causal descriptive yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan mendeskripsikan relevansi pemikiran Syaikh Yusuf al-Makassari dalam Pendidikan Islam sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan moderasi beragama. Hasil penelitian adalah pemikiran etika tasawuf Syaikh Yusuf al-Makassari dinilai relevan dengan Pendidikan Islam karena orientasi pada rasa dan etika religius yang bersifat adaptif. Pemikiran tersebut sangat menekankan pada nilainilai moderasi dan toleransi yang sangat tinggi berupa tawassuth, tawazun, i'tidal dan tasamuh. Nilai-nilai yang sejalan dengan moderasi beragama ini, maka patur diterapkan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara khusunya di Indonesia yang majemuk.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Surat-Surat Ra. Kartini Atas Pemikiran Pendidikan Perempuan Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pendidikan Islam Dalam Keluarga

Jurnal Progress, Jun 4, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Islamic Education to Preschool Students in Jepara, Indonesia

ThufuLA, Dec 28, 2022

This research describes strengthening Islamic education for six pre-schoolers in Jepara district.... more This research describes strengthening Islamic education for six pre-schoolers in Jepara district. This study is based on field research, the most comprehensive data set obtained from the research field. The approach is qualitative. The data collection technique in this research is data collection from the area where reality will be investigated. Interview, observation, and documentation are the steps. The informant consisted of principals and teachers; there were six principals and six teachers. The data analysis technique in this research is by statements by Miles and Huberman, which are data reduction, data display, and data verification. The research results are as follows: First, the base and purpose of Islamic education as a vital reference are found in the Qur'an, as in QS. Luqman: 13-19. While the goals of Islamic education are stated in QS. Ali Imran: 102. Second, the curriculum that becomes the foundation of strengthening Islamic education for early childhood education students is reflected in core competencies and essential competencies like religious, social, science, and skill. Third, playing while learning is an effective method for strengthening Islamic education for early childhood education students. This includes storytelling, singing, modelling, habituating, and studying tours. Fourth, assessment or evaluation is done through observation, anecdote, dialogue, homework, creation, and portfolio.

Research paper thumbnail of The Synergy of Islamic Banks and Muslim-Friendly Tourism: Patterns of Halal Industry Development in Indonesia

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

Muslim-friendly tourism is one of the most influential halal industries, as its services encompas... more Muslim-friendly tourism is one of the most influential halal industries, as its services encompass elements of Islamic banks, halal food, fashion, media, recreation, as well as pharmaceuticals and halal cosmetics. Therefore, this study aims to build synergy and create new patterns of developing Islamic banks and Muslim-friendly tourism through partnership networks and joint work programs in various fields to grow other halal industries in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach with the field research method. The research focused on two regions: Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta Provinces in Indonesia. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and various sources, such as journals, books, websites, and others relevant to this research. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling, i.e., the leadership of the Tourism Awareness Community Group (Pokdarwis). The study results revealed that synergy and development patterns between Islamic banks and Muslim-friendly tourism should be carried out simultaneously. Six aspects to consider in building and developing the synergy include establishing partnership cooperation, optimizing the role of Islamic bank stakeholders and Muslim-friendly tourism, improving ACES (access, communication, environmental, and service infrastructure), intensifying education and literacy of the halal industry, innovating and transforming technology, and conducting clusters for the halal industry development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sufistic Character Education according to Ibn ‘Aṭāillāh al-Sakandarī and It’s Implementation in Educational Institution in Indonesia to Spread Prace in the World: An Analytical Study on al-Ḥikam al-‘Aṭāiyyah


Indonesia is now facing various problems such as moral degradation, corruption, deceitfulness in ... more Indonesia is now facing various problems such as moral degradation, corruption, deceitfulness in schools and juvenile delinquency behavior. All of these require a solution. Most education experts argue that the Sufi-style education is one of ways to solve the moral problem. Among them is Ibn Aṭāillāh al- Sakandarī who undeniably has a significant role in this field especially through his famous work, al-Ḥikam. This article tries to uncover how the role of his moral education. It uses descriptive analytical method, in which the author refers to Sufi works that talk about moral education particularly al-Ḥikam. The findings are: first, the Sufi-style moral education is one of moral education methods focusing on self-empowerment and purification. It is hoped to get an improvement and even reach the level of gnosis (ma’rifat) which is in turn able to spread peace in this world. Second, Ibn Athoillah is the Sufis master who has a major role in the improvement of his pupils moral, especial...

Research paper thumbnail of MEMBANGUN MODEL PENDIDIKAN KEHIDUPAN BERAGAMA BERBASIS LIFE SKILLS DI PESANTREN: Studi Kasus di SMK Roudlotul Mubtadiin Jepara dan Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Brebes

EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, 2012

The research objective is to build an education model of religious life based on life skills in t... more The research objective is to build an education model of religious life based on life skills in the Islamic boarding school according to the philosophy of life of the nation. This study used Borg and Gall development procedure consisting of three stages of development, namely pre-development, development and post-development. Activities undertaken in the pre-development stage is to conduct literary study. The development stage includes the steps of drafting a guidance to formulate general objective, special objective, developing evaluation tools and determining strategy. The post-development stage includes expert test, small group test and limited group test. The expert assessment results show that education model of the religious life based on life skills in Islamic boarding school have met the acceptability criteria when viewed from the usability, feasibility and accuracy aspects. The study results are in two schools in the Islamic boarding school surrounding, namely Islamic Senio...

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenon of Inbreeding Depression on Maize in Perspective of The Quran

AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science

Research paper thumbnail of Ketokohan Ibn Miskawaih Dalam Bidang Pendidikan Karakter

Jurnal PROGRESS: Wahana Kreativitas dan Intelektualitas

In the mid of widespread radicalism in society, it has become a concern of many circles, especial... more In the mid of widespread radicalism in society, it has become a concern of many circles, especially eduacation expert. Various concept of deradicalization were presented in various media in order to create a conducive situation in society. Ibn Miskawaih can be seen as the first character to propose the concept of the middle path (moderate) as a character value that reject the minus and plus extrimities. It is necessary to reveal his concept in the field of character education. Keywords: Ibn Miskawaih and Character Education Abstrak Di tengah maraknya paham radikal di masyarakat, menjadi keprihatinan banyak kalangan, terutama para ahli pendidikan. Berbagai konsep deradikalisasi disuguhkan di berbagai media guna mewujudkan situasi kondusif di masyarakat. Ibn Miskawaih dapat dipandang sebagai tokoh pertama yang menyodorkan konsep jalan tengah (moderat) sebagai nilai karakter yang menolak ekstrimitas minus dan ekstrimitas plus. Di sinilah perlunya mengungkap kembali konsep Dia di bidang...

Research paper thumbnail of Humanisasi Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam

Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan salah satu karakteristikpendidikan dalam Islam, humanis. Me... more Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan salah satu karakteristikpendidikan dalam Islam, humanis. Merekonstruksi pendidikanhumanis atau humanisasi pendidikan merupakan keharusan,terutama bagi setiap pelaku pendidikan di Indonesia. Terlebih,potret buram pendidikan masih terus membayangi dan menghantuidalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berbagai macam aksi kekerasan dantawuran antar remaja/siswa bisa jadi justifikasi atas opini ini.Pendidikan tidak lagi berorientasi bagaimana membentuk insanyang seutuhnya tapi lebih berorientasi bagaimana meraih materisebanyak-banyaknya. Sehingga tanpa sadar, manusia menjadisumber eksploitasi dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Dengan kata lain,telah terjadi dehumanisasi. Padahal seharusnya pendidikan adalahmemanusiakan manusia sesuai dengan kodratnya. Yaitu manusia yang mempunyai derajat yang tinggi dan mulia (aḥsani taqwīm). Kata Kunci: humanisasi, dehumanisasi, pendidikan, hominisasi,Islam

Research paper thumbnail of The Interrelationship of Indonesia-China-India in Religion from Arabian Islam to Nusantara Islam

Nusantara Islam is an implementing of Islamic teachings in the region of Nusantara (it is called ... more Nusantara Islam is an implementing of Islamic teachings in the region of Nusantara (it is called Indonesia now). Nusantara Islam does not appear in sudden, but it has a long historical process as the effect of the acculturation of the relationship of Indonesian with Arab and Persian, who areMuslims, andthe culture of Chinese and Indian,who are Buddhists/Hinduisms, which has become the nation’s characteristics. The traditional knowledgethat is built by the muftis (especially Walisongo), especially through pesantren produces Islam with the support of majority of people, i.e.,the view of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Aswaja). Thus, the core value of Aswaja is to maintain thegood traditional inheritance valueand to take/search forthe better new tradition, which is supported by the moderate, fair, tolerantand proportional attitude in all of life fields. Keywords : Islam, Arab, Nusantara, Pesantren, Aswaja

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Life Skills.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Dialectic of religion culture.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Pengantar Studi Islam.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Kyai Pesantren.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Kesehatan Mental.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Kyai Pesantren.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Ahlus sunnah wal jamaah.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan Pendidikan.pdf