The impact of personal religiosity and culture on the content of delusions and hallucinations in schizophrenia | (original) (raw)

Summary:Schizophrenia, among all major psychiatric disorders, has been of the greatest concern to clinicians and scholars. The content of psychotic symptoms contains useful information about the illness and a patient. Cultural competency is now a core requirement for mental health professionals. One of the central purposes of the cross-cultural psychiatry is to scrutinize the sociocultural influences on the phenomenology of psychiatric diseases. Religion, as one of the ways we understand the world and give meanings to our lives, is as an integral part of the impact of culture on psychopathology, on one hand, and of the influence on therapy, on the other. Objectives 1. To evaluate the impact of personal religiosity on presence and the content of religious delusions in patients with schizophrenia. 2. To evaluate the impact of personal religiosity on presence and the content of the world end (apocalyptic) delusions in patients with schizophrenia. 3. To evaluate the impact of personal religiosity on visual hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia. 4. To evaluate the impact of culture on psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. 5. To evaluate the specificity of paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes in schizophrenia in different cultures. 6. To evaluate the prevalence of delusions of guilt in Catholic patients with schizophrenia and to compare with delusions of guilt of Muslim patients with schizophrenia. Adopted and suggested the questionnaire on the research of the content of psychotic... [to full text]

Downloadable Archival Material, English, 2008-09-08

Publisher: Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT) Kaunas University of Medicine, 2008-09-08