No. 3 | Free Inquiry (original) (raw)

How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Introduction Tom Flynn

Social scientists don’t use the word secular like we do—just one of the revelations in this far-ranging cover feature.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Secularism and Social Progress Phil Zuckerman

Unprecedented secularization across the world isn’t just news; in innumerable ways it is good news.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Whither American Freethinking? Jesse Max Smith

The future of unbelief may lie in greater diversity—and less rhetoric about unbelief.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Racial Diversity and the Future of the Secular Movement Juhem Navarro-Rivera

Seculars of color are more numerous than ever, but movement groups may need to offer broader programming to attract them.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Raising Our Children to Choose for Themselves Christel J. Manning

Our movement’s emphasis on individual choice may discourage adoption of optimal growth strategies.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
Does It Matter Which Way We Go? Ryan Cragun

The secular movement can develop in one of two ways, depending on what end point is desired. Then we’ll need a third plan.

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How Do We Sustain the Growth of Unbelief?
An Evidence-Based Strategy for Sustaining the Growth of Unbelief Barry Kosmin

The key challenge is to use our imaginations constructively to engage an increasingly skeptical and diverse American population and lead it toward unbelief.

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CFI to Merge with the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science Paul Fidalgo

CFI and the Richard Dawkins Foundation merge, creating the nation’s largest freethought organization.

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Openly Secular Is Our Secret Sauce Robyn E. Blumner

Gays and lesbians changed their social position by coming out; we unbelievers can accomplish the same by coming forward.

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Justice Scalia and Originalism: May They Rest in Peace Ronald A. Lindsay

Scalia, the great originalist, indulged in motivated reasoning at least as often as the justices and judges he ridiculed.

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How Selfish Is It Okay to Be? Greta Christina

“As humanists and rationalists, how do we decide the difference between selfishness and self-preservation?”

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Islamophobia or Anti-Muslim Prejudice? Russell Blackford

The term Islamophobia serves no unique purpose and tends to discourage any criticism of Islam whatever. It’s time to jettison it.

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Shared Values Ophelia Benson

“Why were conditions in South Africa and East Germany treated as human-rights issues while those in Saudi Arabia were not?”

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The Christian Moral Code, Part 1: Sin Mark Rubinstein

“Where does an egoistic faith such as Christianity take us? It leads to . . . a morality that is frozen in place as human experience accumulates.”

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Foreign Affairs and the Culture of Shame Shadia B. Drury

“. . . Being the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world is not an occasion for self-aggrandizement or self-congratulation. On the contrary, it means being the custodian of international peace and order”

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Letters in response to Free Inquiry volume 36, issue 2.

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Doerr's Way
This Crucial Election Year Edd Doerr

Climate change, reproductive choice, and saving public education may be the most crucial issues in this election season.

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Great Minds
The People’s Deist: Thomas Paine Dale DeBakcsy

“Paine would suffer for this book, but then he had suffered for every book he had ever written.”

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Great Minds
The Age of Reason, Part II Thomas Paine

“Take away from Genesis the belief that Moses was the author . . . and there remains nothing of Genesis but an anonymous book of stories, fables, and traditionary or invented absurdities, or of downright lies.”

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Faith and Reason
Faith Ideology, and the Seeds of Moral Derangement Andy Norman

“Why should Muslims part with their cherished convictions if Christians won’t part with theirs?”

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Humanism at Large
Humanism and Politics: Are They Separable? David Koepsell

“How much variety in types of politics can exist consistent with humanism?”

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The Evolution of Atheism: The Politics of a Modern Movement Tom Flynn

“. . . LeDrew’s attempts to weave a sweeping, if somewhat conspiratorial, analysis of it all too often founder, usually on the rocks of his incomplete knowledge of the movement’s nineteenth- and twentieth- century history.”

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Freedom Regained: The Possibility of Free Will Wayne L. Trotta

“For Baggini, the idea of free will is best understood by listening to those for whom the issue is a daily, vital reality.”

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Adaptation Dave Fischer

Poem: The religious long tried to silence science…

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Online Exclusive
Justice Scalia’s Agenda-Free Agenda Michael Paulkovich

Scalia presents himself as an originalist regarding constitutional understanding and legal philosophy, claiming to uphold what the constitution actually says.

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