Recent Trends Recent trends present the observed (points) and predicted (lines) annual age-adjusted rates and corresponding annual percent change (APC) trend for each joinpoint segment in the table.
Recent Rates Recent rates present the age-adjusted rate for the aggregated five most recent years of the available data, in a bar chart format.
Long-Term Trends Long-term trends present the annual age-adjusted observed (points) and predicted (lines) rates and corresponding annual percent change (APC) trend for each joinpoint segment in the table.
Rates by Age Rates by age refer to a rate for a specified age group for the most recent 5-year time period.
Stage Distribution Stage distributions show the distribution of incidence cases by stage at diagnosis (Localized, Regional, Distant, or Unstaged).
Median Age The median age at diagnosis/death is the age at which half of all reported cases were older and half were younger.
Recent Trends Recent trends present observed (points) and predicted (lines) relative survival by time since diagnosis (1 year, 3 years, 5 years) and corresponding trend shown in table.
5-Year Survival 5-year relative survival rates show the estimated percentage of patients who would be expected to survive the effects of their cancer 5 years or more after cancer diagnosis.
By Time Since Diagnosis Survival by time since diagnosis provides a view of the percentage of people surviving by year after diagnosis in up to 10 years.
Conditional Survival Conditional survival show the 5-year relative survival rates for patients conditioned on the patient having already survived 0, 1, 3, or 5 years since the cancer diagnosis.
Complete Complete prevalence represents the proportion of people alive on a certain day who previously had a diagnosis of the disease, regardless of how long ago the diagnosis was, or whether the patient is still under treatment or is considered cured.
Limited Duration Limited duration prevalence represents the number or proportion of people alive on a certain date who had a diagnosis of the disease within the past x years.
Risk Intervals The risk intervals present the risk of developing or dying from cancer for those born cancer-free.
Risk Comparisons Lifetime risk estimates are presented as bar charts by the Type of Risk, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Starting Age, and the length of the interval to examine.