Bujar Hoxha | South East European University (original) (raw)
Videos by Bujar Hoxha
My presentation on the occassion of the International Open Seminar on Semiotics ( on the Fifth An... more My presentation on the occassion of the International Open Seminar on Semiotics ( on the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of John Deely)
Books by Bujar Hoxha
"Truth and Post-Truth in Eco's Therory and Narrativity"; p. 79-91, 2024
The present book represents a collection of essays written by prominent semioticians, focusing on... more The present book represents a collection of essays written by prominent semioticians, focusing on the truth and post-truth phenomena in social sciences and semiotics in general.
Umberto Eco's Semiotics: Theory, Methodology and Poetics, 2022
A novel published in 2006, treating intellectuals lost in time and space within times of modern t... more A novel published in 2006, treating intellectuals lost in time and space within times of modern trends and technologies. Its title in English is: 'Ludvig Van and me..( we were alone)." Beethoven's reference is, needless to say, metaphoric trying to disclose lunacy of modern discoveries and impossibility of human expressiveness.
The book is a novel published in 1997 in Albanian. "The Journey to Olimpus" treats a family life ... more The book is a novel published in 1997 in Albanian. "The Journey to Olimpus" treats a family life of a professional musician named Miranda Kasapi, ( a pianist),- the main character, - and all her effort towards a professional life. I have tried, out of my imagination, to describe emotions, difficulties etc., an artist has during a preparation of interpreting a concert of classical music in areas where such activities are still not usual.
The book contains some of Prof. Eco's lectures at the University of Harvard ( 1992-93), on the is... more The book contains some of Prof. Eco's lectures at the University of Harvard ( 1992-93), on the issues of narration, the modern conceptualization of time, as well as new techniques of writing. The author takes examples from famous works of art and has thus given an enormous contribution not only to the semiotic field in general, but as well to the newest theories of literature.
Papers by Bujar Hoxha
Universal Library of Arts and Humanities , 2024
Either taken from the ontological or epistemological viewpoint, semiotics can exemplify almost al... more Either taken from the ontological or epistemological viewpoint, semiotics can exemplify almost all life contexts and "realities". One concludes that more than one "reality" can exist in the "being" of semiotics itself. Such "realities", however, can be "lived" realities or "fictive" ones, i.e., a product of human imaginative capacities. Intriguingly enough, such facts make semiotics omnipotent owing to a straightforward reason: all mentioned realities (or scientific fields, if one wants to use the word metaphorically) are said to convey meaning. Name it semantics generally, or, meaning specifically, it should represent a final empiric result of each semiotics. The critical question is, however, how many "realities" does semiotics have?
"Journal of Narrative and Language Studies" , 2023
The present paper shall aim to demonstrate that a narration process is a semiotic tool, which, am... more The present paper shall aim to demonstrate that a narration process is a semiotic tool, which, among other tasks, serves to execute a process of signification. My effort shall range from factual "stories" and "retold stories" to fictional ones. This is so because semiotics treats various "realities", from which some may be realistically occurring, while others may represent imaginative "facts" invented by authors. One of the differences between the two, as Eco has also pointed out, is the factor of "time", which is both semiotically and philosophically relevant. The purpose of this text is also to demonstrate that narration can be conceived of in multiple sorts of "times", out of which only one we can physically live (above all, as one of the differences between artistic creation and realtime narration). A "fictive reality" relates to artistic creativities that are an object to their semiotic shaping and interpretation. In conclusion, one can state that interpretative semiotics is competent for this vision and relevant for the method's future development.
"Open Semiotics" ( edited by Amir Bilgari), 2023
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity of the semiotic method in the c... more The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity of the semiotic method in the context of the interrelationships of various sorts of arts. Instancing the "duality" or the "dyadic" phenomenon in semiology in the specific sense of the words, the author will exemplify the omnipresence of the semiotic method through existential semiotics. Not only has this been demonstrated by Russian Formalism, but it is even today applicable in the context of the semiotics of passions as well as in existential semiotics.
"Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2023
Les arts du spectacle dans le processus de formation de l'indicateur] Bujar HOXHA *
In "Humanities Bulletin", London Academic Publishing; London, Uk., 2021
The present paper aims to elaborate on some of the communicational deficits in children with Auti... more The present paper aims to elaborate on some of the communicational deficits in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Treating autism semiotically entails in itself a multitude of semiotic processes. We may evidence these with: the process of intermediation in communicating abilities, a special sort of reaction, as well as inter-subjective feedback within frames of the communication with the other, and/or significant other. In my view, besides, an autistic child conceptualizes his/her social reality through sensory-deficits which look unusual to the rest of the world. Owing to his/her pre-existential signs, which belong to the organic nature of the problematics, such children transform such sorts of communication into passionate tantrums and/or meltdowns, through their repetitive and stereotyped behavior. This thus makes the problematics semiotically relevant. The semiotics of passions [such as conceptualized in (Greimas and Fontanille 1993)]:, as well as existential semiotics [see: (Tarasti 2000);(Tarasti 2015)], deduces a semantic taxonomy aimed at a process of semiosis of an unspoken language, thus making visible the similarities and/or differences between a typical and/or atypical sort of behavior (or: between autistic and non-autistic "worlds"). In conclusion, the "signs in action" transform themselves into meaningful semantic units in frames of the "physiologically" conceptualized actions by autistic children.
IN "Humanities Bulletin" , London, UK, 2021
How does the Parthenon stand for democracy and why? What is it that makes the Greek pillars so ap... more How does the Parthenon stand for democracy and why? What is it that makes the Greek pillars so appealing to modern democracies? Is it for the Golden Ratio as a system of rational/harmonious/human proportions, and if so, is Democracy a civilizational Golden Ratio or just an eye/mind spectacle/manipulation? To interpret the iconography of the Parthenon related to modern democracies a metaphor of translation will be applied, concerning the multiple transpositions the building has evolved through. This, in particular, refers to an architecture work of art as a "symptom which expresses itself in a countless variety of other symptoms" (Panofsky) related to broader cultural contexts. Further "translation" will take place in the double movement of purification and contamination, specificity and hybridity, among semiotic and iconological analysis-the word and image dialectic.
Beder University Journal of Educational Sciences, 2018
ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scientific Journal 'Beder Jour... more ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scientific Journal 'Beder Journal of BJES publishes three issues per year. BJES is blind peer reviewed by the members of editorial board.
°Humanities Bulletin°, Vol.1; nr. 2, 2018
Recent research in semiotics has foreseen analyzable units on the basis of the context instead of... more Recent research in semiotics has foreseen analyzable units on the basis of the context instead of the text. In addition to language-based and psychologically-based semiotics (Saussure 1959), today semiotics has introduced the epistemological grounds on visual signs as well. My aim in this paper shall be to introduce the acting subject into such a context, which in my opinion can transform the states of visual expressions, as shown in their various shapes, from one to another. In such a context I shall exemplify the applicability of the subjectivized objects for the purpose of interpreting images (exemplifying thus concrete works of art) which can produce passions as semantic results (A. J. Greimas and Fontanille 1993). The questions which I advance shall be the following: how can such passionate taxonomies, transformed into feelings and seen as feedback information, interact socially? And due to the openness of the work of art, as Eco (1962) claims, where do the limits of visual artistic expressions' interpretability lie?
"Semiotica" Journal of the International Association of Semiotics
Many countries throughout the globe function in a system that allows the usage of more than one l... more Many countries throughout the globe function in a system that allows the usage of more than one language. Such a multilingual social reality's construction , especially in societies like the one in which I am living, is perceived in many different ways: attempting thus to provide for the process of differentiating identity's oneness and sameness into various cultural subcategories, which already represent new realities (and/or otherness in terms of identity's conceptua-lization). Due to newly created social realities, semiotics naturally discusses the differences and/or oppositions that can contribute to various cultures' mutual exclusivity or inclusivity, in terms of various heterogeneous " transformations, " which would thus overcome dualities, and be viewed as single acts of signs, or as a result of a process of singularization of their constituent components. I shall also attempt using a semiotic style that may enact a semiotics of action, grounded on the semiotics of passions, through a way of producing semantic taxonomies as pride versus humiliation, hegemony versus subordination, etc., obtainable due to disjunctive and/or conjunctive semiotic relations such as contextualization versus de-contextualization.
"EC" , Rivista italiana di semiotica, 2018
Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione... more Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione di adottare un approccio semiotico, ma rappresenta anche un tentativo di trattare il discorso in modo più ampio, non solo nella sua dimensione linguistica, ma anche quella filosofica. Si presuppone, dunque, che nel libro Il testo conteso, semiotiche ed ermeneutiche della seconda metà del Novecento l'autrice De Angelis non si sia concentrata solo su un singolo aspetto specifico ma, giustamente, anche su altri, rendendo così il suo discorso un importante contributo alla semiotica come disciplina accademica. Nelle discussioni scientifiche presentate, De Angelis indubbiamente ci impone di riflettere sull'oggettività del testo. Tenendo conto del fatto che tale approccio appartiene ai metodi dello strutturalismo e post-strutturalismo, il discorso scientifico diventa gradualmente una totalità di varie teorie di testi le quali, come già accennato, non fanno parte solo della semiotica. A cosa ci riferiamo, allora, quando menzioniamo tali teorie provenienti da altri e diversi campi scientifici? Prima di tutto bisogna ricordare che, come espresso anche da , comprendere il testo significa frammentarlo prima di renderlo una totalità o, più precisamente, prima di renderlo un'entità semiotica. Le varie parti costituenti del testo, pertanto, rappresentano quanto analizzato in questo libro. Il testo come entità semiotica può essere, infatti, compreso sia nella sua singolarità che nella sua pluralità: ne deriva, dunque, non solo un'analisi del discorso linguistico, ma anche un'analisi delle possibilità interpretative del testo stesso, ampliando in tal modo il discorso scientifico anche su un piano filosofico. Quest'ultimo prende in esame le relazioni fra testo e contesto, e sia da un punto di vista ontologico che epistemologico. Pur trattando discussioni scientifiche appartenenti al metodo di ricerca dello strutturalismo e del poststrutturalismo, l'opera di De Angelis si legge facilmente e contiene delle innovazioni per quanto riguarda la comprensione epistemologica del testo in contesto semiotico. Vi troviamo importanti citazioni di autori appartenenti alla storia del pensiero semiotico, si pensi ad esempio a Saussure, linguista e semiologo; a Greimas, il quale non solo elaborò importanti definizioni del testo stesso, ma trattò la lingua come un "fenomeno sociale" (Greimas 1973); oppure ancora ad Eco (1994) secondo il quale, da un punto di vista teorico, il testo è il risultato di "una cooperazione con il lettore".
Book of Proceedings of the Conference: "Multiculturalism and Language Contact" the SEE University, Tetovo and Skopje, 2018., 2018
The aim of the present paper is to examine some recent semiotic paradigms in relation to the usag... more The aim of the present paper is to examine some recent semiotic paradigms in relation to the usage of multiple languages. Multilingualism, particularly in countries like mine, not only includes the linguistics of science, but is indeed influenced by other external factors, such as social, geographic, ethnic and political factors. My task in this contribution shall be to present some of the semantic consequences of multiple language usage in Macedonia, which can be conceptualized as passional configurations. I shall intend here by passions such lingual expressions which, due to their disproportionality of usage, can be represented as " rhizomes, " thus contributing to the heterogeneous nature of languages themselves. Greimasian passional configurations, in conclusion, shall render the oppositional meaning of determined expressions, which would help in solving a " conflictual situation " in semiotics and other related spheres.
Наротолошко семиотичка парадигма на Умберто Еко и метафората на наративните шумич; ("Umberto Eco's Semio-narrative paradigm: the Metaphor of the Narrative Woods"), 2018
"Filologji", Universiteti i Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë, 2018
The aim of the present paper shall be to analyze determined semantic taxonomies of the main chara... more The aim of the present paper shall be to analyze determined semantic taxonomies of the main characters in Shakespeare's " Romeo and Juliet ". The focus shall be on rendering characters' actions passionate, due to a semiotics of action, as described in Greimas and Fontanille (1993). To my opinion, universal themes such as love, hatred, death, etc. can be subject to a passionate configuration of different characters perspective in action. This shall also be due to the recent definition of semiotics as a cognitive science on meaning interpretation. In conclusion, characters' passions resulting as final semantic entities shall give this study an empirical account for at least two reasons: first to argument semiotics' importance of artistic expressivity and second, to argument semiotics' epistemological significance besides its ontological one. " The signs' way " as Deely (2009) states, gives us the possibility of treating each character's perspective separately, thus rendering the signification process for each sign taken as an example separately.
My presentation on the occassion of the International Open Seminar on Semiotics ( on the Fifth An... more My presentation on the occassion of the International Open Seminar on Semiotics ( on the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of John Deely)
"Truth and Post-Truth in Eco's Therory and Narrativity"; p. 79-91, 2024
The present book represents a collection of essays written by prominent semioticians, focusing on... more The present book represents a collection of essays written by prominent semioticians, focusing on the truth and post-truth phenomena in social sciences and semiotics in general.
Umberto Eco's Semiotics: Theory, Methodology and Poetics, 2022
A novel published in 2006, treating intellectuals lost in time and space within times of modern t... more A novel published in 2006, treating intellectuals lost in time and space within times of modern trends and technologies. Its title in English is: 'Ludvig Van and me..( we were alone)." Beethoven's reference is, needless to say, metaphoric trying to disclose lunacy of modern discoveries and impossibility of human expressiveness.
The book is a novel published in 1997 in Albanian. "The Journey to Olimpus" treats a family life ... more The book is a novel published in 1997 in Albanian. "The Journey to Olimpus" treats a family life of a professional musician named Miranda Kasapi, ( a pianist),- the main character, - and all her effort towards a professional life. I have tried, out of my imagination, to describe emotions, difficulties etc., an artist has during a preparation of interpreting a concert of classical music in areas where such activities are still not usual.
The book contains some of Prof. Eco's lectures at the University of Harvard ( 1992-93), on the is... more The book contains some of Prof. Eco's lectures at the University of Harvard ( 1992-93), on the issues of narration, the modern conceptualization of time, as well as new techniques of writing. The author takes examples from famous works of art and has thus given an enormous contribution not only to the semiotic field in general, but as well to the newest theories of literature.
Universal Library of Arts and Humanities , 2024
Either taken from the ontological or epistemological viewpoint, semiotics can exemplify almost al... more Either taken from the ontological or epistemological viewpoint, semiotics can exemplify almost all life contexts and "realities". One concludes that more than one "reality" can exist in the "being" of semiotics itself. Such "realities", however, can be "lived" realities or "fictive" ones, i.e., a product of human imaginative capacities. Intriguingly enough, such facts make semiotics omnipotent owing to a straightforward reason: all mentioned realities (or scientific fields, if one wants to use the word metaphorically) are said to convey meaning. Name it semantics generally, or, meaning specifically, it should represent a final empiric result of each semiotics. The critical question is, however, how many "realities" does semiotics have?
"Journal of Narrative and Language Studies" , 2023
The present paper shall aim to demonstrate that a narration process is a semiotic tool, which, am... more The present paper shall aim to demonstrate that a narration process is a semiotic tool, which, among other tasks, serves to execute a process of signification. My effort shall range from factual "stories" and "retold stories" to fictional ones. This is so because semiotics treats various "realities", from which some may be realistically occurring, while others may represent imaginative "facts" invented by authors. One of the differences between the two, as Eco has also pointed out, is the factor of "time", which is both semiotically and philosophically relevant. The purpose of this text is also to demonstrate that narration can be conceived of in multiple sorts of "times", out of which only one we can physically live (above all, as one of the differences between artistic creation and realtime narration). A "fictive reality" relates to artistic creativities that are an object to their semiotic shaping and interpretation. In conclusion, one can state that interpretative semiotics is competent for this vision and relevant for the method's future development.
"Open Semiotics" ( edited by Amir Bilgari), 2023
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity of the semiotic method in the c... more The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity of the semiotic method in the context of the interrelationships of various sorts of arts. Instancing the "duality" or the "dyadic" phenomenon in semiology in the specific sense of the words, the author will exemplify the omnipresence of the semiotic method through existential semiotics. Not only has this been demonstrated by Russian Formalism, but it is even today applicable in the context of the semiotics of passions as well as in existential semiotics.
"Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2023
Les arts du spectacle dans le processus de formation de l'indicateur] Bujar HOXHA *
In "Humanities Bulletin", London Academic Publishing; London, Uk., 2021
The present paper aims to elaborate on some of the communicational deficits in children with Auti... more The present paper aims to elaborate on some of the communicational deficits in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Treating autism semiotically entails in itself a multitude of semiotic processes. We may evidence these with: the process of intermediation in communicating abilities, a special sort of reaction, as well as inter-subjective feedback within frames of the communication with the other, and/or significant other. In my view, besides, an autistic child conceptualizes his/her social reality through sensory-deficits which look unusual to the rest of the world. Owing to his/her pre-existential signs, which belong to the organic nature of the problematics, such children transform such sorts of communication into passionate tantrums and/or meltdowns, through their repetitive and stereotyped behavior. This thus makes the problematics semiotically relevant. The semiotics of passions [such as conceptualized in (Greimas and Fontanille 1993)]:, as well as existential semiotics [see: (Tarasti 2000);(Tarasti 2015)], deduces a semantic taxonomy aimed at a process of semiosis of an unspoken language, thus making visible the similarities and/or differences between a typical and/or atypical sort of behavior (or: between autistic and non-autistic "worlds"). In conclusion, the "signs in action" transform themselves into meaningful semantic units in frames of the "physiologically" conceptualized actions by autistic children.
IN "Humanities Bulletin" , London, UK, 2021
How does the Parthenon stand for democracy and why? What is it that makes the Greek pillars so ap... more How does the Parthenon stand for democracy and why? What is it that makes the Greek pillars so appealing to modern democracies? Is it for the Golden Ratio as a system of rational/harmonious/human proportions, and if so, is Democracy a civilizational Golden Ratio or just an eye/mind spectacle/manipulation? To interpret the iconography of the Parthenon related to modern democracies a metaphor of translation will be applied, concerning the multiple transpositions the building has evolved through. This, in particular, refers to an architecture work of art as a "symptom which expresses itself in a countless variety of other symptoms" (Panofsky) related to broader cultural contexts. Further "translation" will take place in the double movement of purification and contamination, specificity and hybridity, among semiotic and iconological analysis-the word and image dialectic.
Beder University Journal of Educational Sciences, 2018
ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scientific Journal 'Beder Jour... more ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scientific Journal 'Beder Journal of BJES publishes three issues per year. BJES is blind peer reviewed by the members of editorial board.
°Humanities Bulletin°, Vol.1; nr. 2, 2018
Recent research in semiotics has foreseen analyzable units on the basis of the context instead of... more Recent research in semiotics has foreseen analyzable units on the basis of the context instead of the text. In addition to language-based and psychologically-based semiotics (Saussure 1959), today semiotics has introduced the epistemological grounds on visual signs as well. My aim in this paper shall be to introduce the acting subject into such a context, which in my opinion can transform the states of visual expressions, as shown in their various shapes, from one to another. In such a context I shall exemplify the applicability of the subjectivized objects for the purpose of interpreting images (exemplifying thus concrete works of art) which can produce passions as semantic results (A. J. Greimas and Fontanille 1993). The questions which I advance shall be the following: how can such passionate taxonomies, transformed into feelings and seen as feedback information, interact socially? And due to the openness of the work of art, as Eco (1962) claims, where do the limits of visual artistic expressions' interpretability lie?
"Semiotica" Journal of the International Association of Semiotics
Many countries throughout the globe function in a system that allows the usage of more than one l... more Many countries throughout the globe function in a system that allows the usage of more than one language. Such a multilingual social reality's construction , especially in societies like the one in which I am living, is perceived in many different ways: attempting thus to provide for the process of differentiating identity's oneness and sameness into various cultural subcategories, which already represent new realities (and/or otherness in terms of identity's conceptua-lization). Due to newly created social realities, semiotics naturally discusses the differences and/or oppositions that can contribute to various cultures' mutual exclusivity or inclusivity, in terms of various heterogeneous " transformations, " which would thus overcome dualities, and be viewed as single acts of signs, or as a result of a process of singularization of their constituent components. I shall also attempt using a semiotic style that may enact a semiotics of action, grounded on the semiotics of passions, through a way of producing semantic taxonomies as pride versus humiliation, hegemony versus subordination, etc., obtainable due to disjunctive and/or conjunctive semiotic relations such as contextualization versus de-contextualization.
"EC" , Rivista italiana di semiotica, 2018
Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione... more Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione di adottare un approccio semiotico, ma rappresenta anche un tentativo di trattare il discorso in modo più ampio, non solo nella sua dimensione linguistica, ma anche quella filosofica. Si presuppone, dunque, che nel libro Il testo conteso, semiotiche ed ermeneutiche della seconda metà del Novecento l'autrice De Angelis non si sia concentrata solo su un singolo aspetto specifico ma, giustamente, anche su altri, rendendo così il suo discorso un importante contributo alla semiotica come disciplina accademica. Nelle discussioni scientifiche presentate, De Angelis indubbiamente ci impone di riflettere sull'oggettività del testo. Tenendo conto del fatto che tale approccio appartiene ai metodi dello strutturalismo e post-strutturalismo, il discorso scientifico diventa gradualmente una totalità di varie teorie di testi le quali, come già accennato, non fanno parte solo della semiotica. A cosa ci riferiamo, allora, quando menzioniamo tali teorie provenienti da altri e diversi campi scientifici? Prima di tutto bisogna ricordare che, come espresso anche da , comprendere il testo significa frammentarlo prima di renderlo una totalità o, più precisamente, prima di renderlo un'entità semiotica. Le varie parti costituenti del testo, pertanto, rappresentano quanto analizzato in questo libro. Il testo come entità semiotica può essere, infatti, compreso sia nella sua singolarità che nella sua pluralità: ne deriva, dunque, non solo un'analisi del discorso linguistico, ma anche un'analisi delle possibilità interpretative del testo stesso, ampliando in tal modo il discorso scientifico anche su un piano filosofico. Quest'ultimo prende in esame le relazioni fra testo e contesto, e sia da un punto di vista ontologico che epistemologico. Pur trattando discussioni scientifiche appartenenti al metodo di ricerca dello strutturalismo e del poststrutturalismo, l'opera di De Angelis si legge facilmente e contiene delle innovazioni per quanto riguarda la comprensione epistemologica del testo in contesto semiotico. Vi troviamo importanti citazioni di autori appartenenti alla storia del pensiero semiotico, si pensi ad esempio a Saussure, linguista e semiologo; a Greimas, il quale non solo elaborò importanti definizioni del testo stesso, ma trattò la lingua come un "fenomeno sociale" (Greimas 1973); oppure ancora ad Eco (1994) secondo il quale, da un punto di vista teorico, il testo è il risultato di "una cooperazione con il lettore".
Book of Proceedings of the Conference: "Multiculturalism and Language Contact" the SEE University, Tetovo and Skopje, 2018., 2018
The aim of the present paper is to examine some recent semiotic paradigms in relation to the usag... more The aim of the present paper is to examine some recent semiotic paradigms in relation to the usage of multiple languages. Multilingualism, particularly in countries like mine, not only includes the linguistics of science, but is indeed influenced by other external factors, such as social, geographic, ethnic and political factors. My task in this contribution shall be to present some of the semantic consequences of multiple language usage in Macedonia, which can be conceptualized as passional configurations. I shall intend here by passions such lingual expressions which, due to their disproportionality of usage, can be represented as " rhizomes, " thus contributing to the heterogeneous nature of languages themselves. Greimasian passional configurations, in conclusion, shall render the oppositional meaning of determined expressions, which would help in solving a " conflictual situation " in semiotics and other related spheres.
Наротолошко семиотичка парадигма на Умберто Еко и метафората на наративните шумич; ("Umberto Eco's Semio-narrative paradigm: the Metaphor of the Narrative Woods"), 2018
"Filologji", Universiteti i Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë, 2018
The aim of the present paper shall be to analyze determined semantic taxonomies of the main chara... more The aim of the present paper shall be to analyze determined semantic taxonomies of the main characters in Shakespeare's " Romeo and Juliet ". The focus shall be on rendering characters' actions passionate, due to a semiotics of action, as described in Greimas and Fontanille (1993). To my opinion, universal themes such as love, hatred, death, etc. can be subject to a passionate configuration of different characters perspective in action. This shall also be due to the recent definition of semiotics as a cognitive science on meaning interpretation. In conclusion, characters' passions resulting as final semantic entities shall give this study an empirical account for at least two reasons: first to argument semiotics' importance of artistic expressivity and second, to argument semiotics' epistemological significance besides its ontological one. " The signs' way " as Deely (2009) states, gives us the possibility of treating each character's perspective separately, thus rendering the signification process for each sign taken as an example separately.
The fact of the multi-dimensionality of semiotics is an issue that offers more possibilities: eit... more The fact of the multi-dimensionality of semiotics is an issue that offers more possibilities: either seen in the sense of their precise foreseeing, providing for, or discussing a scientific phenomenon, or otherwise, seen in the shape of its multiple formations, such as in the case of overcoming its rules. My aim in this paper is to make an attempt at proposing an hypothesis that may be overcoming another one, thus expressing ambiguity instead of precision, a metaphor instead a mono-semantic lexeme, or a complex instead of a simple phenomenon (thus, naming the different semiotic realities). This can be performed by representing at least some of the approaches to semiotics as a discipline: either seeing it as an expression of clearing redundancies through oppositions, through processes of representation, or through life processes. Starting from language-based semio-tics, through scholars like Saussure and Jakobson, as well as through the Greimasian and Peirceian schools of semiotics, I have tried to exemplify what I have called semiotics of precision, on one hand, and what I have called a semiotics of imprecision, on the other. In the frames of such an exemplifying of these two approaches, I have tried to focus on the dichotomy between seeming and reality.
This paper seeks to exemplify some of the intentional and unintentional nonverbal communication a... more This paper seeks to exemplify some of the intentional and unintentional nonverbal communication attempts expressed by children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) syndrome. It demonstrates that such interactions with the rest of the world are trying to establish some semiotic functions, in an effort behaviorally to overcome the children's disability. The author's aim is to analyze such a paradoxical way of communicational interaction of such a subject vs. a given objectively perceivable reality, thus attempting to reveal paradoxical social contexts. The focus is on interpersonal communication abilities and/or disabilities, thus allowing semiotically distinguishable units as an object of analysis. The problem of mental disorders, such as ASD, requires a multi‐dimensional approach—e.g., biological, medical, and other related fields. In conclusion, by applying a semiotic analysis, it becomes necessary to communicate with such children in a whole new way which, by processes of transformation, can bring about a state of awareness of a paradoxical and/or abnormal phenomenon.
Sui limiti della semiotica. La soggettività opposta all'oggettività 1 Bujar Hoxha
proçedurat e mëtejme deduktive (A. J. Greimas, 1973)), kundërshtohet, apo është në raport kontrad... more proçedurat e mëtejme deduktive (A. J. Greimas, 1973)), kundërshtohet, apo është në raport kontradikte me një situatë reale në esencë, që është paraprakisht e vendosur nga faktori kohë, (që përsëri nuk ësthë i definuar siç duhet), dhe që përfundimisht përfaqëson zhgënjim në raportet ndër-njerëzore. Fjalët kyçe: semiotika, identiteti, pasionet, interpretimi, semantika.
Abstrakt: Teksti në fjalë tenton të elaborojë disa nga principet teoretike të clat potencialisht ... more Abstrakt: Teksti në fjalë tenton të elaborojë disa nga principet teoretike të clat potencialisht çojnë drejt definimit të qasjeve semiotike. Qëllimi im është që të vendos mundësinë e limitit ose kufinjëve të metodës analitike semiotike. Duke filluar nga proçeset e komunikimit, qëllimi im është të shpjegoj kodimin e relaitetit të jashtëm në një realitet të ri (në rastin e fushës së gjuhësisë), si dhe të tentoj ta tejkaloj saktësinë e semiotikës (në fushën e arteve). Pyetjet të cilave tentoj t' u përgjigjem për shembull janë dikotomia sosyriane (natyra e saj e objektivitetit apo subjektivitetit), dhe implikemet e saj praktike në semiotikë. Do të përpiqem gjithashtu të marr shembuj përmes semiotikës së pasioneve (përmes shembullit të Romeos dhe Zhylietës të Sehkspirit, dhe baletit me të njëjtin emër të S. Prokofievit), si një mjet që kontribuon në proçesin e sinjifikimit. Si përfundim, qoftë e marrë si shkencë që studjon objektin (apo që shepreh objektivitet), apo si shjkencë që st...
"Truth and Post-Truth", Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023
The present text shall elaborate on some semiotic principles designated by Umberto Eco. I aim to ... more The present text shall elaborate on some semiotic principles designated by Umberto Eco. I aim to focus on his theory, which pertains to interpretation. Even though Eco claims that "semiotics is a science of lying", in my opinion, throughout his theory, one can disclose the "enigma" that semiotics poses, especially in artistic creation. Through Eco's encoding and decoding processes, the present text shall attempt to reach the point of interpretation by exemplifying it to demonstrate disclosing the truth and "post-truth" in various cultural and phenomenological circumstances. In other words: "artistic realities" of various sorts show a different way of a "fictive reality" as shown in Eco, which is a fact that argues the omnipresence of the process of semiosis.
An interesting review by Raymond Zimmer in response to my article.
Book of Conference proceedings, 2019
Të nderuar të pranishëm, pjesëmarrës, organizatorë dhe staf i Universitetit të Evropës Juglindore... more Të nderuar të pranishëm, pjesëmarrës, organizatorë dhe staf i Universitetit të Evropës Juglindore, stafi i Fakultetit të Gjuhëve, Kulturave dhe Komunikimit, kolegë dhe studentë, Është nder dhe kënaqësi që në emër të rektorit të Universitetit të Evropës Juglindore, Akademik prof. dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti, ta shpall të hapur konferencën e parë Ndërkombëtare shkencore shumëgjuhësore me temë: Shumgjuhësia, sfidë e komunikimit gjuhësor, letrar dhe kulturor.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Media , Journalism and Communication, 2018
International Conference is the 7th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference whic... more International Conference is the 7th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitionersi n the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive institution, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all backgrounds. It is delivering different courses in science, management and technology. This year we celebrate the 17th Years Anniversary. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields:
"Book of Conference Proceedings", AAB University College, Prishtina, Kosovo, 2019
Linguistics, Literature and Didactics have a long tradition in being key fields of scholars aroun... more Linguistics, Literature and Didactics have a long tradition in being key fields of scholars around the world. These areas have a long tradition in being analyzed and reviewed in many researches and conferences realized by scholars and faculties. In an academic setting, these areas are completely in line with each other. As such, in this conference we would like to promote the study of English language covering acquisition in a non-native context, the relationship of languages, specifically that of Albanian and English with other educational and pragmatic processes. Furthermore, teaching and learning English language, literature and culture covers the area of didactics in providing practical guidance to theoretical concepts when taking into account the important bond between the education and scientific perfection gained in universities and the implementation of that knowledge in schools.
ICELL 5th proceedings book 2018.pdf, 2018
Conferences of Language and Literature are apparently becoming a trend in the academic world bemu... more Conferences of Language and Literature are apparently becoming a trend in the academic world bemused with various ways of understanding language, literature and culture. In addition to their interrelations and interdependence, the new ideas and approaches emerging from various disciplines like literary theory, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics, education, pragmatics and discourse analysis alongside technological revolution and socio-cultural transformations, have a bearing on our study of language and literature. The conference aims at exploring these dynamics with a focus on the complementary nature of English language, literature and culture and their centrality in human life.
Volume 14 Number 1 BJES ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scient... more Volume 14 Number 1 BJES ii Faculty of Philology and Education at "Beder" University offers Scientific Journal 'Beder Journal of BJES publishes three issues per year. BJES is blind peer reviewed by the members of editorial board.
The present paper shall attempt to describe, analyze and elaborate some of the communicational de... more The present paper shall attempt to describe, analyze and elaborate some of the communicational deficits of the children with Autism Disorders Spectrum Syndrome (ASD), seen from the semiotic viewpoint. The focus shall be on the visual capacities, [such as described in: (Grandin, 2008)] of the children with Autism, as well as on their ability to compensate their brain dysfunctionalities through technology. In the mentioned context, semiotics should attempt at disclosing the meaning of their " own world " , to the extent of rendering it passionate. I shall intend by " passions " the repetitive requests, complaints, their emotionality etc., as intermediated by other tools (and/or media), that can be exemplified as one of the ways of " reducing " their sensory-motor deficits. In conclusion, the semiotics of passions, such as described by Greimas and Fontanille(1993) shall attempt deducing semantic units which are applicable for such children's own " intended physiological context of behavior ". The results of " actions " performed by such individuals shall represent their own way of establishing a meta-communicative process. The deduced semantic units in terms of such children's behavior are changeable, therefore an object to intersubjective processes of transformation.
"Umberto Eco in His Own Words" , Thellefsen and Sorensen (ed), Mouton Editions, De Gruyter, Berlin and Boston., 2017
"Brolly" , 2024
The present text represents a Review by Madalin Onu ( Editor-in Chief "Brolly", Journal of Social... more The present text represents a Review by Madalin Onu ( Editor-in Chief "Brolly", Journal of Social Sciences, London UK. Issued by London Academic Publishing, 2024, UK.
Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione... more Scrivere sui rapporti tra i vari elementi significativi del testo, oggi, non è più solo questione di adottare un approccio semiotico, ma rappresenta anche un tentativo di trattare il discorso in modo più ampio, non solo nella sua dimensione linguistica, ma anche quella filosofica. Si presuppone, dunque, che nel libro Il testo conteso, semiotiche ed ermeneutiche della seconda metà del Novecento l'autrice De Angelis non si sia concentrata solo su un singolo aspetto specifico ma, giustamente, anche su altri, rendendo così il suo discorso un importante contributo alla semiotica come disciplina accademica. Nelle discussioni scientifiche presentate, De Angelis indubbiamente ci impone di riflettere sull'oggettività del testo. Tenendo conto del fatto che tale approccio appartiene ai metodi dello strutturalismo e post-strutturalismo, il discorso scientifico diventa gradualmente una totalità di varie teorie di testi le quali, come già accennato, non fanno parte solo della semiotica. A cosa ci riferiamo, allora, quando menzioniamo tali teorie provenienti da altri e diversi campi scientifici? Prima di tutto bisogna ricordare che, come espresso anche da , comprendere il testo significa frammentarlo prima di renderlo una totalità o, più precisamente, prima di renderlo un'entità semiotica. Le varie parti costituenti del testo, pertanto, rappresentano quanto analizzato in questo libro. Il testo come entità semiotica può essere, infatti, compreso sia nella sua singolarità che nella sua pluralità: ne deriva, dunque, non solo un'analisi del discorso linguistico, ma anche un'analisi delle possibilità interpretative del testo stesso, ampliando in tal modo il discorso scientifico anche su un piano filosofico. Quest'ultimo prende in esame le relazioni fra testo e contesto, e sia da un punto di vista ontologico che epistemologico. Pur trattando discussioni scientifiche appartenenti al metodo di ricerca dello strutturalismo e del poststrutturalismo, l'opera di De Angelis si legge facilmente e contiene delle innovazioni per quanto riguarda la comprensione epistemologica del testo in contesto semiotico. Vi troviamo importanti citazioni di autori appartenenti alla storia del pensiero semiotico, si pensi ad esempio a Saussure, linguista e semiologo; a Greimas, il quale non solo elaborò importanti definizioni del testo stesso, ma trattò la lingua come un "fenomeno sociale" (Greimas 1973); oppure ancora ad Eco (1994) secondo il quale, da un punto di vista teorico, il testo è il risultato di "una cooperazione con il lettore".