Handicapped users who value the Segway as an EPAMD's Journal (original) (raw)

Handicapped users who value the Segway as an EPAMD's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded inHandicapped users who value the Segway as an EPAMD's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008
_5:07 am_[fixx] Photos and stories of the handicapped on Segways The following are photos, essays, and just one combined photo and essay, of handicapped people who are using Segways to serve their handicapped mobility needs. The photos all depict Handicapped Segway Users who opt to mount handicapped emblems on their Segways, something I wish to remind everyone we are not actually required to do. Please be sure to read the photo and essay combination in which the author points out he mounted the icon as prominently as he did only to find that it was not respected anyway. On my own journal I have quite a few locked entries of my own which would further bear that out. Enjoy! ( Read more...Collapse )
_5:06 am_[fixx] A little about the Community Maintainer **A little about me:**I have been suffering from Lyme Disease on and off for over eight years and although cyclic it has been getting progressively worse. I am now dependent on my Segway in order to live independently. Ever hopeful I will eventually beat Lyme Disease before it beats me, I hope to one day not be dependent on my Segway, but for now it is my reality machine.Since purchasing it in June of 2007 I have discovered that in my county of the progressive Democratic state of Maryland, roughly 85% of business owners are actually not ignorant about Segways and the needs of the handicapped. The remaining 15% are another story I'm sure I'll share in my posts, though that's not the only reason I created this community.
_3:41 am_[fixx] Sign Petition Here -Publicly Comments left there are not screened, but as this one is aimed at LJ users, providing actual personal information is not called for or even recommended. If you do not have an LJ account and wish to discreetly leave personal contact information, please use the other Sign Petition Here entry.
_3:37 am_[fixx] Sign Petition Here -Privately! All comments are screened (marked private). (Recommended for those who wish to take part but do not have Live Journal accounts)As your information will not be shared with anyone but myself and eventually Dean Kamen, you can feel safe providing such personal information as your name, contact information, email etc.If you already have an LJ account you may post to the other Sign Petition Here entry.