Ahmet Ay | Selcuk University (Selçuk Üniversitesi) (original) (raw)

Papers by Ahmet Ay

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Officer Behaviour by Citizens in the Delivery of Public Service

With each passing day, the importance of citizen satisfaction with the public service is increasi... more With each passing day, the importance of citizen satisfaction with the public service is increasing. As a result, citizen-oriented management approach has emerged. In this respect, citizen satisfaction depends on the positive reviews of citizens about public services s/he benefit. Today's governments make some arrangements to increase the quality of public services. Thanks to these arrangements the satisfaction of citizens with the public services is trying to be provided. A remarkable situation in these arrangements is that, as well as service quality in the delivery of public service, relations arising between officers delivering public service and citizens also directly affect citizen satisfaction with public services. While positive behaviours of officers increase the satisfaction level of citizens with public services, negative behaviours can lead to negative evaluation of public services by citizens and thus considering them as of poor quality and dissatisfaction with public services. In this study, it is tried to be analysed with a survey study how 848 citizens over the age of 18 living within the service limits of Nevşehir municipality evaluate the behaviours of officers delivering public services. Also in this study, whether there is a relationship between demographic features of citizens and their evaluation of the behaviours of officers is investigated, and responses to various hypotheses have been sought in this regard

Research paper thumbnail of Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

Journal of Yaşar University, 2018

The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of health expenditure and population over 65 ye... more The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of health expenditure and population over 65 years on economic growth in Turkey by using ARDL approach and estimation methods of FMOLS, DOLS and CCR over the periods of 1979-2015. In the study, endogenous growth model is used in order to relate human capital accumulation and health expenditure. Empirical results show that there are positive and statistically significant relations between per capita health expenditure and economic growth. However, emprical findings related to the effect of population over 65 years on per capita income do not seem to support similar results.

Research paper thumbnail of İhracat, İthalat ve Ekonomik Büyüme Nedensellikleri: Türkiye Uygulaması (1998 - 2010)

Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, Apr 1, 2013

Özet Türkiye'de ihracat, ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisin... more Özet Türkiye'de ihracat, ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin araştırıldığı bu çalışmada sırasıyla; "Durağanlık Testi (Birim Kök Analizi), VAR Modeli, Koentegrasyon (Eşbütünleşme) Analizi, Hata Düzeltme Modeli" metodları uygulanarak söz konusu olgular, 1998: Q1-2010: Q4 dönemini kapsayan üçer aylık verilerle ampirik olarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; kısa ve uzun dönem nedensellik sonuçları birlikte değerlendirildiğinde ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme arasında çift yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcut iken, ihracat ile ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasında ithalatta olduğu gibi güçlü ve çift yönlü bir ilişki bulunmadığı ortaya çıkmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Türki̇ye’ De Teksti̇l-Hazir Gi̇yi̇m Sektörleri̇ Ve Rekabet Gücü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, Jun 5, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Nominal Exchange Rate and Sectoral Output: An Emprical Analysis

Uluslararası Avrasya ekonomileri konferansı, Jul 1, 2014

In this study, it is investigated the existence of the long term relationship between nominal exc... more In this study, it is investigated the existence of the long term relationship between nominal exchange rate and sectoral output for seven different sectors in Turkey by using control variables including money supply, total public expenditure, oil price and unemployment rate. For this purpose, possible relations are tried to be determined by using bound test and ARDL method for the period 1998 Q1-2011 Q3 with quarterly data. As a result of the bound test, it is achieved that there is a long term relationship in all sectors excluding construction. Based on this finding, it is estimated the long term coefficients and equations for the six sectors. These long term coefficients indicate that the rise in the TL/dollar nominal exchange rate affects sectoral output negatively in all sectors excluding finance because of the cost effects of imported input usage.

Research paper thumbnail of Natural Resources Revenue, Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries

Uluslararası Avrasya ekonomileri konferansı, Oct 1, 2017

The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between natural resources revenue, ... more The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between natural resources revenue, fiscal policy and economic growth for 35 selected Sub-Saharan African countries. The panel data covering the periods of 1986-2014 was analyzed by using the fixed/random effect model estimation and the panel causality test. We also performed the panel unit root test in order to insure that our variables are stationary. The empirical results indicate that there is insignificant negative effect of natural resources revenue and bad fiscal policy on the economic growth. However, there is significant positive effect of capital formation on economic growth. We also found a bidirectional causality relationship between Natural resources rents and economic growth. There is also unidirectional causality link from government final consumption expenditure to Natural resources revenue and from Natural resources revenue to capital formation. These empirical results mean that Sub-Saharan African countries apply bad fiscal policy to improve the natural resource sector which does not efficiently contribute to the economic growth. This study suggests that countries of Sub-Saharan Africa must apply improved fiscal policy in order to add tax revenue to their total revenue; and they must also use the natural resources revenue in order to invest in other sectors such as education, manufacturing and agriculture.

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün ve Ülke Açısından İhracat Çeşitlendirmesi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, Mar 25, 2019

İhracata dayalı ekonomik büyümede başarıyı elde edebilmek için ihracatta istikrarlı ve sürdürüleb... more İhracata dayalı ekonomik büyümede başarıyı elde edebilmek için ihracatta istikrarlı ve sürdürülebilir bir yapının sağlanması gerekmektedir. Çünkü ihracata dayalı büyüme modelini benimseyen bir ülke ekonomisinde ihracatı belirli sayıda sektör ya da ülke oluşturuyorsa, ürünlerin fiyatlarında yaşanan dalgalanma veya talepte meydana gelecek daralmalar ihracat gelirlerinde azalmaya ve istikrarsızlığa yol açacaktır. Ancak ihracatta çeşitlenme varsa ürün ve talep açısından yaşanan olumsuzluklar ihracat gelirini daha az etkileyecektir. Bu doğrultuda ihracatta çeşitlenmenin amacı, birkaç temel ürünün ihracatına bağımlı olarak ortaya çıkan ekonomik ve politik riskleri azaltarak bu sınırlı ihracat sepetinden uzaklaşmaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ihracatta ülke ve ürün çeşitliliğini Türkiye ekonomisi açısından incelemektir. Bu kapsamda Türkiye'nin ihracatında belirlenen ürün ve ülkelere göre çeşitlenme düzeyi yoğunlaşma oranı (CRm) yardımıyla hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre Türkiye'nin ihracat kompozisyonunda çeşitlenmenin arttığı (yoğunlaşma katsayısının azaldığı) sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Serbest Pi̇yasa Ekonomi̇si̇ Ve Devleti̇n Regülasyonu

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, May 5, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Balassa-Samuelson Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of foreign direct investment: A comparative analysis of Turkey and Poland

Economic and Environmental Studies, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Beşeri Sermaye Birikimine Dayalı Ak Tipi İçsel Ekonomik Büyümenin Var Modeli ile Analizi (1950-2000)

Maliye Dergisi, 2008

ABSTRACT According to Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) endogenous growth models, it is possible to h... more ABSTRACT According to Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) endogenous growth models, it is possible to have sustainable growth through physical and human capital accumulation not necessarily based on exogenous technologic development. Because, physical and human capital accumulation simultaneously brings the

Research paper thumbnail of Aysıt Tansel, 2050'ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: İşgücü PiyasasınaBakış, İstanbul: Türkiye Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Derneği (TÜSİAD) veBirleşmiş Milletler Nüfus Fonu (UNFPA) Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2012-11/536

Research paper thumbnail of Terörizmin Enflasyon ve Büyümeye Etkisi’nin Ekonometrik Analizi

ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), Oct 17, 2018

Terorizm, gerek dunya ekonomileri gerekse terorizmin bulundugu ulkeler acisindan cok ciddi siyasa... more Terorizm, gerek dunya ekonomileri gerekse terorizmin bulundugu ulkeler acisindan cok ciddi siyasal, psikolojik, sosyal ve ekonomik sorunlari da beraberinde getirmektedir. Neden oldugu ekonomik sonuclari tam anlamiyla tespit etmek mumkun olamasa da ozellikle kendisinden cok fazla zarar goren ulkelere yukledigi ekonomik maliyetlerin tespiti sorunlarin cozumu acisindan yol gosterici olabilecektir. Bu calismanin amaci terorizmin secilmis makroekonomik degiskenler uzerindeki etkisini Avustralya merkezli Ekonomi ve Baris Enstitusu tarafindan hesaplanan teror endeksine gore terorizmden en cok etkilenen 10 ulke acisindan incelemektir. 2002–2013 donemine ait yillik verilerle Panel Esbutunlesme, DOLS ve FMOLS tahmincileri kullanilarak calistirilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular hem teorik hem de istatistik olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Iki farkli model kurularak terorizmin hem enflasyon hem de buyume uzerindeki etkisi analiz edilemeye calisilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar teror faaliyetlerinin hem enflasyonu artirdigi hem de buyume uzerinde negatif bir etki yarattigi yonundedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validity of Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis: Dynamic Panel Data Methods Toward Oecd Countries

Journal of social and humanities sciences research, 2017

Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis, developed by Bela Balassa (1964) and Paul Samuelson (1964), points ... more Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis, developed by Bela Balassa (1964) and Paul Samuelson (1964), points out effectiveness (productivity) difference in the sectors that are subject of trade or not as the reason for variations in exchange rate. According to this hypothesis, currency unit of the countries, where the difference of interest is high, will appreciate compared to the currency units of the other countries. Thus, Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis reveals the relationship between effectiveness, price, and real exchange rate. In this study, the validity of Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis was tested in the scope of OECD countries. With moving from the dataset belonging to the period of 1971-2013, the results of carried out by using dynamic panel data methods point of that the hypothesis of interest are valid in Czech Republic,

Research paper thumbnail of Panel Data Analysis of Feldstei̇n- Hori̇oka Hypothesis in Emerging Economies

Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Aug 25, 2017

In this study, the relationship between domestic savings rates and domestic investment rates is r... more In this study, the relationship between domestic savings rates and domestic investment rates is reconsider with a panel data set of 12 countries which consist of emerging countries of the period for 1970-2015. For this purpose, panel unit root, FMOLS, DOLS, CCR and panel causality is used as data estimation methods. As result of the simple regression model, it was observed that the value of saving coefficient is close to zero across the panel. However, it was obtained that it contains different results for each country. According to the estimation results, statistically significant short and long term relationship is found between savings and investments. In addition to this, results which are obtained by FMOLS, DOLS and CCR methods are consistent with each other. Furthermore, it is possible to say the limited capital mobility for Turkey in that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Teknoloji Yoğunluklarına Göre Sektörlerin Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımları ile Rekabet Gücü İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği (2006-2019)

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu dergisi, Nov 30, 2021

Bu çalışmada, ulusal rekabet gücünü gösteren küresel rekabetçilik endeksinin 12 alt bileşeni ve t... more Bu çalışmada, ulusal rekabet gücünü gösteren küresel rekabetçilik endeksinin 12 alt bileşeni ve teknoloji yoğunluklarına göre ayrılan sektörlerin aldığı doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar (DYY) arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Buna göre çalışmada Türkiye'de 2006-2019 yıllarına ait rekabet gücünü gösteren 12 alt bileşen verileri ile teknolojik yoğunluklarına göre sınıflandırılmış sektörlere yapılan DYY verileri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek için Spearman Korelasyon Katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Sektörlerin teknoloji yoğunluğuna göre sınıflandırılmasında OECD tarafından kullanılan Yüksek Teknoloji, Orta-Yüksek Teknoloji, Orta-Düşük Teknoloji ve Düşük Teknoloji sınıflandırması temel alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına bakıldığında, sektörlerin teknoloji yoğunluğuna göre yurtdışından Türkiye'ye gelen doğrudan yabancı yatırım stok değerleri ile rekabet gücü endeksinin alt bileşenleri arasında pozitif veya negatif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki bulunduğu görülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Product and Country Concentration In Foreign Trade: The Case of Turkey (2003 ? 2013)

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2014

Foreign trade is playing a major role in Turkey's economic development and prosperity. For this r... more Foreign trade is playing a major role in Turkey's economic development and prosperity. For this reason it is required to provide diversification of export products for obtaining the expected return on foreign trade. The aim of this study is to analyse the developments in Turkey's foreign trade diversification. In this context Gini-Hirschman concentration method was made use of and concentration coefficients were calculated for import and export on the basis of both country and product making use of the concentration made. Statistical findings obtained on product basis have revealed that although diversification of products exported increased in both periods this increase did not realize at the expected rate. On the other hand, the change in the diversification of products imported is bigger than export but change occurred in the direction of decrease in diversification rather than in the direction of increase. Country based concentration decreased in terms of both export and import.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme Nominal Döviz Kuru ve Sektörel Üretim Hacminin Ampirik Analizi

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of TANSEL, A., 2050’ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: İşgücü Piyasasına Bakış

METU Studies in Development, Aug 18, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Sustainable Development: A case study between Turkey and Czech Republic

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2014

Throughout human history, unlimited resources were accepted. This unlimited acceptance with a gro... more Throughout human history, unlimited resources were accepted. This unlimited acceptance with a growing population has led to the depletion of resources. This diminishing resource to be transferred to future generations with the aim of providing sustainable development concept has been developed. Nowadays, the concept of sustainable development is discussed in almost every area. Basically, economic, environmental and social areas are being studied. Notably the United Nations; All international organizations have set goals by working in this area. The studies for future generations basically include the same goals. In this study, the sustainable development between the Czech Republic and Turkey will be analyzed in comparative studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Officer Behaviour by Citizens in the Delivery of Public Service

With each passing day, the importance of citizen satisfaction with the public service is increasi... more With each passing day, the importance of citizen satisfaction with the public service is increasing. As a result, citizen-oriented management approach has emerged. In this respect, citizen satisfaction depends on the positive reviews of citizens about public services s/he benefit. Today's governments make some arrangements to increase the quality of public services. Thanks to these arrangements the satisfaction of citizens with the public services is trying to be provided. A remarkable situation in these arrangements is that, as well as service quality in the delivery of public service, relations arising between officers delivering public service and citizens also directly affect citizen satisfaction with public services. While positive behaviours of officers increase the satisfaction level of citizens with public services, negative behaviours can lead to negative evaluation of public services by citizens and thus considering them as of poor quality and dissatisfaction with public services. In this study, it is tried to be analysed with a survey study how 848 citizens over the age of 18 living within the service limits of Nevşehir municipality evaluate the behaviours of officers delivering public services. Also in this study, whether there is a relationship between demographic features of citizens and their evaluation of the behaviours of officers is investigated, and responses to various hypotheses have been sought in this regard

Research paper thumbnail of Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

Journal of Yaşar University, 2018

The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of health expenditure and population over 65 ye... more The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of health expenditure and population over 65 years on economic growth in Turkey by using ARDL approach and estimation methods of FMOLS, DOLS and CCR over the periods of 1979-2015. In the study, endogenous growth model is used in order to relate human capital accumulation and health expenditure. Empirical results show that there are positive and statistically significant relations between per capita health expenditure and economic growth. However, emprical findings related to the effect of population over 65 years on per capita income do not seem to support similar results.

Research paper thumbnail of İhracat, İthalat ve Ekonomik Büyüme Nedensellikleri: Türkiye Uygulaması (1998 - 2010)

Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, Apr 1, 2013

Özet Türkiye'de ihracat, ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisin... more Özet Türkiye'de ihracat, ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin araştırıldığı bu çalışmada sırasıyla; "Durağanlık Testi (Birim Kök Analizi), VAR Modeli, Koentegrasyon (Eşbütünleşme) Analizi, Hata Düzeltme Modeli" metodları uygulanarak söz konusu olgular, 1998: Q1-2010: Q4 dönemini kapsayan üçer aylık verilerle ampirik olarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; kısa ve uzun dönem nedensellik sonuçları birlikte değerlendirildiğinde ithalat ve ekonomik büyüme arasında çift yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcut iken, ihracat ile ekonomik büyüme değişkenleri arasında ithalatta olduğu gibi güçlü ve çift yönlü bir ilişki bulunmadığı ortaya çıkmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Türki̇ye’ De Teksti̇l-Hazir Gi̇yi̇m Sektörleri̇ Ve Rekabet Gücü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, Jun 5, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Nominal Exchange Rate and Sectoral Output: An Emprical Analysis

Uluslararası Avrasya ekonomileri konferansı, Jul 1, 2014

In this study, it is investigated the existence of the long term relationship between nominal exc... more In this study, it is investigated the existence of the long term relationship between nominal exchange rate and sectoral output for seven different sectors in Turkey by using control variables including money supply, total public expenditure, oil price and unemployment rate. For this purpose, possible relations are tried to be determined by using bound test and ARDL method for the period 1998 Q1-2011 Q3 with quarterly data. As a result of the bound test, it is achieved that there is a long term relationship in all sectors excluding construction. Based on this finding, it is estimated the long term coefficients and equations for the six sectors. These long term coefficients indicate that the rise in the TL/dollar nominal exchange rate affects sectoral output negatively in all sectors excluding finance because of the cost effects of imported input usage.

Research paper thumbnail of Natural Resources Revenue, Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries

Uluslararası Avrasya ekonomileri konferansı, Oct 1, 2017

The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between natural resources revenue, ... more The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between natural resources revenue, fiscal policy and economic growth for 35 selected Sub-Saharan African countries. The panel data covering the periods of 1986-2014 was analyzed by using the fixed/random effect model estimation and the panel causality test. We also performed the panel unit root test in order to insure that our variables are stationary. The empirical results indicate that there is insignificant negative effect of natural resources revenue and bad fiscal policy on the economic growth. However, there is significant positive effect of capital formation on economic growth. We also found a bidirectional causality relationship between Natural resources rents and economic growth. There is also unidirectional causality link from government final consumption expenditure to Natural resources revenue and from Natural resources revenue to capital formation. These empirical results mean that Sub-Saharan African countries apply bad fiscal policy to improve the natural resource sector which does not efficiently contribute to the economic growth. This study suggests that countries of Sub-Saharan Africa must apply improved fiscal policy in order to add tax revenue to their total revenue; and they must also use the natural resources revenue in order to invest in other sectors such as education, manufacturing and agriculture.

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün ve Ülke Açısından İhracat Çeşitlendirmesi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, Mar 25, 2019

İhracata dayalı ekonomik büyümede başarıyı elde edebilmek için ihracatta istikrarlı ve sürdürüleb... more İhracata dayalı ekonomik büyümede başarıyı elde edebilmek için ihracatta istikrarlı ve sürdürülebilir bir yapının sağlanması gerekmektedir. Çünkü ihracata dayalı büyüme modelini benimseyen bir ülke ekonomisinde ihracatı belirli sayıda sektör ya da ülke oluşturuyorsa, ürünlerin fiyatlarında yaşanan dalgalanma veya talepte meydana gelecek daralmalar ihracat gelirlerinde azalmaya ve istikrarsızlığa yol açacaktır. Ancak ihracatta çeşitlenme varsa ürün ve talep açısından yaşanan olumsuzluklar ihracat gelirini daha az etkileyecektir. Bu doğrultuda ihracatta çeşitlenmenin amacı, birkaç temel ürünün ihracatına bağımlı olarak ortaya çıkan ekonomik ve politik riskleri azaltarak bu sınırlı ihracat sepetinden uzaklaşmaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ihracatta ülke ve ürün çeşitliliğini Türkiye ekonomisi açısından incelemektir. Bu kapsamda Türkiye'nin ihracatında belirlenen ürün ve ülkelere göre çeşitlenme düzeyi yoğunlaşma oranı (CRm) yardımıyla hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre Türkiye'nin ihracat kompozisyonunda çeşitlenmenin arttığı (yoğunlaşma katsayısının azaldığı) sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Serbest Pi̇yasa Ekonomi̇si̇ Ve Devleti̇n Regülasyonu

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, May 5, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Balassa-Samuelson Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of foreign direct investment: A comparative analysis of Turkey and Poland

Economic and Environmental Studies, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Beşeri Sermaye Birikimine Dayalı Ak Tipi İçsel Ekonomik Büyümenin Var Modeli ile Analizi (1950-2000)

Maliye Dergisi, 2008

ABSTRACT According to Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) endogenous growth models, it is possible to h... more ABSTRACT According to Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) endogenous growth models, it is possible to have sustainable growth through physical and human capital accumulation not necessarily based on exogenous technologic development. Because, physical and human capital accumulation simultaneously brings the

Research paper thumbnail of Aysıt Tansel, 2050'ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: İşgücü PiyasasınaBakış, İstanbul: Türkiye Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Derneği (TÜSİAD) veBirleşmiş Milletler Nüfus Fonu (UNFPA) Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2012-11/536

Research paper thumbnail of Terörizmin Enflasyon ve Büyümeye Etkisi’nin Ekonometrik Analizi

ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), Oct 17, 2018

Terorizm, gerek dunya ekonomileri gerekse terorizmin bulundugu ulkeler acisindan cok ciddi siyasa... more Terorizm, gerek dunya ekonomileri gerekse terorizmin bulundugu ulkeler acisindan cok ciddi siyasal, psikolojik, sosyal ve ekonomik sorunlari da beraberinde getirmektedir. Neden oldugu ekonomik sonuclari tam anlamiyla tespit etmek mumkun olamasa da ozellikle kendisinden cok fazla zarar goren ulkelere yukledigi ekonomik maliyetlerin tespiti sorunlarin cozumu acisindan yol gosterici olabilecektir. Bu calismanin amaci terorizmin secilmis makroekonomik degiskenler uzerindeki etkisini Avustralya merkezli Ekonomi ve Baris Enstitusu tarafindan hesaplanan teror endeksine gore terorizmden en cok etkilenen 10 ulke acisindan incelemektir. 2002–2013 donemine ait yillik verilerle Panel Esbutunlesme, DOLS ve FMOLS tahmincileri kullanilarak calistirilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular hem teorik hem de istatistik olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Iki farkli model kurularak terorizmin hem enflasyon hem de buyume uzerindeki etkisi analiz edilemeye calisilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar teror faaliyetlerinin hem enflasyonu artirdigi hem de buyume uzerinde negatif bir etki yarattigi yonundedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validity of Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis: Dynamic Panel Data Methods Toward Oecd Countries

Journal of social and humanities sciences research, 2017

Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis, developed by Bela Balassa (1964) and Paul Samuelson (1964), points ... more Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis, developed by Bela Balassa (1964) and Paul Samuelson (1964), points out effectiveness (productivity) difference in the sectors that are subject of trade or not as the reason for variations in exchange rate. According to this hypothesis, currency unit of the countries, where the difference of interest is high, will appreciate compared to the currency units of the other countries. Thus, Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis reveals the relationship between effectiveness, price, and real exchange rate. In this study, the validity of Balassa Samuelson Hypothesis was tested in the scope of OECD countries. With moving from the dataset belonging to the period of 1971-2013, the results of carried out by using dynamic panel data methods point of that the hypothesis of interest are valid in Czech Republic,

Research paper thumbnail of Panel Data Analysis of Feldstei̇n- Hori̇oka Hypothesis in Emerging Economies

Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Aug 25, 2017

In this study, the relationship between domestic savings rates and domestic investment rates is r... more In this study, the relationship between domestic savings rates and domestic investment rates is reconsider with a panel data set of 12 countries which consist of emerging countries of the period for 1970-2015. For this purpose, panel unit root, FMOLS, DOLS, CCR and panel causality is used as data estimation methods. As result of the simple regression model, it was observed that the value of saving coefficient is close to zero across the panel. However, it was obtained that it contains different results for each country. According to the estimation results, statistically significant short and long term relationship is found between savings and investments. In addition to this, results which are obtained by FMOLS, DOLS and CCR methods are consistent with each other. Furthermore, it is possible to say the limited capital mobility for Turkey in that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Teknoloji Yoğunluklarına Göre Sektörlerin Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımları ile Rekabet Gücü İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği (2006-2019)

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu dergisi, Nov 30, 2021

Bu çalışmada, ulusal rekabet gücünü gösteren küresel rekabetçilik endeksinin 12 alt bileşeni ve t... more Bu çalışmada, ulusal rekabet gücünü gösteren küresel rekabetçilik endeksinin 12 alt bileşeni ve teknoloji yoğunluklarına göre ayrılan sektörlerin aldığı doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar (DYY) arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Buna göre çalışmada Türkiye'de 2006-2019 yıllarına ait rekabet gücünü gösteren 12 alt bileşen verileri ile teknolojik yoğunluklarına göre sınıflandırılmış sektörlere yapılan DYY verileri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek için Spearman Korelasyon Katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Sektörlerin teknoloji yoğunluğuna göre sınıflandırılmasında OECD tarafından kullanılan Yüksek Teknoloji, Orta-Yüksek Teknoloji, Orta-Düşük Teknoloji ve Düşük Teknoloji sınıflandırması temel alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına bakıldığında, sektörlerin teknoloji yoğunluğuna göre yurtdışından Türkiye'ye gelen doğrudan yabancı yatırım stok değerleri ile rekabet gücü endeksinin alt bileşenleri arasında pozitif veya negatif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki bulunduğu görülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Product and Country Concentration In Foreign Trade: The Case of Turkey (2003 ? 2013)

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2014

Foreign trade is playing a major role in Turkey's economic development and prosperity. For this r... more Foreign trade is playing a major role in Turkey's economic development and prosperity. For this reason it is required to provide diversification of export products for obtaining the expected return on foreign trade. The aim of this study is to analyse the developments in Turkey's foreign trade diversification. In this context Gini-Hirschman concentration method was made use of and concentration coefficients were calculated for import and export on the basis of both country and product making use of the concentration made. Statistical findings obtained on product basis have revealed that although diversification of products exported increased in both periods this increase did not realize at the expected rate. On the other hand, the change in the diversification of products imported is bigger than export but change occurred in the direction of decrease in diversification rather than in the direction of increase. Country based concentration decreased in terms of both export and import.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme Nominal Döviz Kuru ve Sektörel Üretim Hacminin Ampirik Analizi

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of TANSEL, A., 2050’ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: İşgücü Piyasasına Bakış

METU Studies in Development, Aug 18, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Sustainable Development: A case study between Turkey and Czech Republic

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2014

Throughout human history, unlimited resources were accepted. This unlimited acceptance with a gro... more Throughout human history, unlimited resources were accepted. This unlimited acceptance with a growing population has led to the depletion of resources. This diminishing resource to be transferred to future generations with the aim of providing sustainable development concept has been developed. Nowadays, the concept of sustainable development is discussed in almost every area. Basically, economic, environmental and social areas are being studied. Notably the United Nations; All international organizations have set goals by working in this area. The studies for future generations basically include the same goals. In this study, the sustainable development between the Czech Republic and Turkey will be analyzed in comparative studies.