Hasan Huseyin DONMEZ | Selcuk University (Selçuk Üniversitesi) (original) (raw)
Papers by Hasan Huseyin DONMEZ
Veterinary Sciences and Practices
Bu calismada, sicaklik stresi altinda yetistirilen broyler rasyonlarina antibakteriyel etkili bit... more Bu calismada, sicaklik stresi altinda yetistirilen broyler rasyonlarina antibakteriyel etkili bitki ekstrakti (Herbromix®) katkisinin buyume, yemden yararlanma ve intestinal villuslarin uzunluklari uzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Bu amacla yumurtadan yeni cikmis 80 adet broyler civciv kullanildi. Civcivler her grupta 20 adet olacak sekilde 4 gruba ayrildi. Gruplardan ikisine ticari broyler yemi verilirken diger ikisinin ticari yemlerine bitki ekstrakti (% 0,1) ilave edildi. Calismanin 15. gununden itibaren 30. gune kadar ticari yemle ve bitki ekstrakti ilave edilen yemle beslenen gruplardan birer tanesine sicaklik stresi uygulandi. Haftalik canli agirlik artisi ve yem tuketimleri takip edildi. Stres uygulamasinin sonunda (30. gun) ve 45. gunde bagirsak villuslarinin uzunluklari, 45. gunde karkas agirliklari ve bagirsak agirliklari olculdu. Kullanilan bitki ekstraktinin buyume performansi ve yem tuketimi uzerine onemli bir etkisinin olmadigi, bagirsak villus uzunluklarini i...
The Indian veterinary journal
TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin on some hematol... more The objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin on some hematological parameters and to determine the preventive effectiveness of added glucomannan. In the study, 32 Merino rams were used, and the rams were separated equally to four groups as control (C), glucomannan (G), glucomannan + aflatoxin (AG), and aflatoxin (A). Erythrocyte, leukocyte count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels were decreased in A group compared with the other groups, and there was a reduction in similar parameters in AG group compared to control values. On the other hand, these parameters were tended to increase in AG group compared to A group values. Aflatoxicosis caused the lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia but increased percentage of neutrophil counts. In conclusion, the results determined in the study might be important to demonstrate the effects of aflatoxicosis and glucomannan on some haematological parameters before the clinical symptoms appear.
DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 2002
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of increasing zinc supplementation on growth, fee... more The aim of the study was to examine the effects of increasing zinc supplementation on growth, feed efficiency and thyroid function and histology in broiler chicks. Sixty new born male broiler chicks were randomly allotted into one of four treatment groups and fed for 60 d. Zinc (Zn) was added into drinking water at the levels of 0, 125, 500, and 1000 mg Zn/L. Body weight gain were significantly higher and feed efficiency were significantly lower in chicks supplemented with 125 mg Zn/L compared with chicks supplemented with 500 or 1000 mg Zn/L at the end of the experiment. Serum Zn concentration linearly increased with the increasing level of Zn intake. Serum triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels and the diameters of follicles of thyroid gland were significantly reduced with high levels (500 and 1000 mg Zn/L) of Zn intake at the end of the experiment. It was concluded that chick receiving 1000 mg Zn/L as ZnSO4.7H2O in drinking water showed signs of Zn toxicity.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013
In this study, the effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on silver-staining nucleolus orga... more In this study, the effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on silver-staining nucleolus organizer regions (AgNORs) activity were studied in glomerulus and tubular epithelial cells of kidney in Merino rams. In addition, this study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of an esterified glucomannan (EG) for protection against to aflatoxicosis. As materials, 1 year-old 32 Merino rams were used. Rams were fed through the 92 days. Control group (C) fed with the commercial feed. AF group fed with commercial feed added 250 µg/day of total AF. EG group fed with commercial feed added 2 g/day of EG daily. AF+EG group fed with commercial feed added 250 µg/day of total AF and 2 g/day of EG. At the end of the 92nd day the animals were sacrificed, and tissue samples were taken from the kidneys. Whereas ratio of nuclear area of the AgNOR area of cells in examinated regions of kidney was found decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the AF group compared to the control group, AF+EG group was found similar to control group (P>0.05). In conclusion, the adverse effects causing by aflatoxicosis on the kidney AgNOR activity could be ameliorated by adding EG to the ration.
The Scientific World Journal, 2012
The effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on liver in Merino rams were studied. In additio... more The effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on liver in Merino rams were studied. In addition, this study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of an esterified glucomannan (EG) for protection against aflatoxicosis. One-year-old 32 Merino rams were divided into four equal groups. The control group (C) was fed with the commercial feed. The AF group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 μg/day of total AF. The EG group was fed with commercial feed plus 2 g/day of EG. The AF + EG group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 μg/day of total AF and 2 g/day of EG. After feeding period, tissue samples were taken from the liver in order to perform histological analyses. Vacuolar degeneration with small and large droplets and hydropic degeneration in hepatocytes were observed in the AF group. The ceroid pigmentation was observed in macrophages in groups or one by one. It was observed that the fat rate in hepatocytes was 2.6% in the C group, 35.5% in the AF group, 2.9% in the EG...
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010
Mic ro sur gi cal tis su e trans fers are wi dely used for the re cons truc ti on of the de fects... more Mic ro sur gi cal tis su e trans fers are wi dely used for the re cons truc ti on of the de fects re sul ting from the ex ci si on of the ma lig nan ci es and ad ju vant the ra pi es are al so com monly emp lo yed in or der to im pro ve the sur vi val. Af ter sur gery, furt her ne ed for che mot he rapy and radi ot he rapy is not un com mon. Ho we ver, the se tre at ment mo da li ti es may ha ve ad ver se ef fects on each ot her. Ef fects of che mot he ra pe u tic agents on mic ro vas cu lar anas to mo sis sho uld be known well so that tre at ment plan can be do ne. Mi tomy cin C is one of the most to xic che mot he ra pe u tic agents. In this ex pe ri men tal study we ha ve in ves ti ga ted the ef fects of mi tomy cin C on the mic rovas cu lar anas to mo sis. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : Twenty Spra gu e-Daw ley rats we re used. 10 mg/m 2 Mi tomy cin C was ad mi nis te red in tra pe ri to ne ally to 10 ani mals in study gro up. The ot her 10 animals we re used as the con trol gro up. One we ek la ter mic ro vas cu lar anas to mo ses we re car ri ed out on fe mo ral ar te ri es of all of the ani mals. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : Af ter two we eks of wa i ting pe ri od, ani mals we re re o pe ra ted and pa tency of the anas to mo ses we re chec ked, al so a his to lo gic study was car ri ed out. Mac ros co pi cally pul sa ti le blo od flow was ob ser ved in all but two ani mals in study gro up and one ani mal in con trol gro up. His to lo gi cally, no ad di ti o nal re ac ti on aga inst mi to miy cin C in mus cu lar and ad ven ti ti al la yers of the ves sel walls was ob ser ved. We fo und out that the re was no sig ni fi cant diffe ren ce bet we en the ani mals in con trol gro up and study gro up in terms of pa tency of the anas tomo ses and his to lo gi cal fin dings. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : Sin ce Mi tomy cin C is one of the most to xic che mot he ra pe u tic agents it is im por tant to know that it do es not af fect the mic ro vas cu lar anas tomo ses ad ver sely. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Mi tomy cin; anas to mo sis, sur gi cal; throm bo sis
The Scientific World Journal, 2012
This study was aimed to determine the effects of the glucomannan added to aflatoxin- (AF-) contam... more This study was aimed to determine the effects of the glucomannan added to aflatoxin- (AF-) contaminated diet on the sacculus rotundus and peripheral blood lymphocytes of New Zealand rabbits by histological and enzyme histochemical methods. Twenty-four adult rabbits of both sexes were divided into four equal groups, namely, as control, glucomannan 0.2 g/day, AF 125 μg/kg/day, and glucomannan combined with AF. The animals in all groups were treated for 12 weeks by the above-mentioned diet. When compared to control, AF-treatment caused significant decrease in alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase- (ANAE-) positive peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) percentages. The addition of the glucomannan to AFcontaining diet recovered the adverse effects of AF on sacculus rotundus and increased the ANAE-positive PBL counts. These results suggested that glucomannan was effective against the negative effects of AF in rabbits.
Avian Biology Research, 2012
This study was carried out to examine histological and enzyme histochemical characteristics of th... more This study was carried out to examine histological and enzyme histochemical characteristics of the oesophageal tonsil in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Tissue samples were collected from distal parts of the mucosal folds at the oesophageal/proventricular junction. We applied alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and acid phosphatase to tissue sections for localisation of T or B lymphocytes. Trichrome staining, silver impregnation, methyl green-pyronin staining and PAS reaction were used for determination of light microscopic structure of the oesophageal tonsils. The oesophageal tonsils were located at the junction of the oesophagus and proventriculus. Interestingly, we detected the existence of high endothelial venules in the interfollicular area and of the accumulated positive cells in lymphoid nodules. It can be said that these tonsils have functions similar to the Harderian gland in avian species and Waldeyer's ring in mammalian species.
Asian Journal of Cell Biology, 2006
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2007
Bu çalışma, ergin ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfosit (PBL) oranı ile alfa-nafti... more Bu çalışma, ergin ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfosit (PBL) oranı ile alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP) pozitif lenfosit oranlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 8 ergin evcil ördekten alınan kan örnekleri kullanıldı. ANAE-pozitif lenfosit oranları % 32.62 olarak tespit edilirken, ACP pozitif lenfosit oranı % 78.5 olarak bulundu. Perifer kan lenfosit oranı ise % 67 olarak belirlendi.
Theriogenology, 2014
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aflatoxin (AF) on spermatologic, biochemical... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aflatoxin (AF) on spermatologic, biochemical, and testis parameters in rams, and the protective efficiency of esterified glucomannan (EG) co-administered with AF. Thirty-two Merino rams (12-14 months old) were used. The experimental design consisted of four dietary treatments. The control group was fed commercial feed. The AF group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 mg/ d of total AF. The EG group received commercial feed plus 2 g/d of EG. The AF þ EG group was given commercial feed plus 250 mg/d of total AF and 2 g/d of EG. There were treatment, time, and treatment-by-time interaction effects on sperm motility, abnormal spermatozoa, damaged acrosome, and dead spermatozoa (P < 0.01). The percentage of motile sperm was lower and the percentages of abnormal sperm, sperm with damaged acrosomes, and dead sperm were greater in the AF group than in the control, AFþEG, and EG groups, as from week 3 until the end of week 12 (P < 0.05). As from week 3, hyaluronidase activity in the seminal plasma increased significantly in the AF group, compared with the control. The coadministration of AFþEG was found to be effective in preventing the increase in hyaluronidase activity. As week 4, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were significantly higher in the AF group compared with the control. The combined administration of AFþEG was found to be effective in lowering the MDA levels, increased by AF, to the levels measured in the control (P < 0.05). Although glutathione (GSH) levels were determined to have significantly decreased in the AF group in comparison to the control, it was observed that, in the group co-administered with AF and EG, particularly after week 7, the GSH levels, which had decreased owing to AF, were largely ameliorated (P < 0.05). In conclusion, AF adversely affected spermatologic, biochemical, and testis parameters, and the combined administration of EG with AF reversibly eliminated these adverse effects in rams.
Indian Veterinary Journal, 2003
Nurcan Dönmez t Effect ol' lI or mon al in Ovo Bu rsect omv on Scme Bl ood Parumeters a nd Leucoc... more Nurcan Dönmez t Effect ol' lI or mon al in Ovo Bu rsect omv on Scme Bl ood Parumeters a nd Leucoc vte Percent ages ' Summary : in the study. 20 hormonally bursectomized and 20 intact (control) eggs Irom native hibrit Iines were used. Haernatclo qical exa minations were performed in these bı rds at 1.. 5.. 10. and t5 th weeks of their ages. it was not obtained any differences between the qrcups in resc ecı ol e ıyth rocyte , ıeucccvıe and ınrc rrcocyte covnts. haemoglobine and ha em cıcc nt levels at any time period. Percentages ol Iymphocyte in the bursectomized group were significantly lower than in the control anunals at 1 and 5 th weeks ol their ages (P<0 .05). In lhe same sampling times eosinophil percentages (7.80, 6.60 % . respec1ively) in the bursektomized group were observed to be signilicantly higher than those in the control group (3.80. 4,20 %. r e sp ect ıve ly) . On the other hand in the bursectomized group heterophü couots were determined relatively higher due LO the deerease in Iymphocyte ccunts as compared with the control group. The dillerences be tween the groups in respect o/ the percentaqes of lyrf'4)hocyte, heterophil and eosinophil were disappared afte r 5 ıh week although eosinophi1 and heıe rophil counıs were stili higher in Ihe bursecıo miz ed group. In conclusion, hormena! in ovo bursectomy like surgical bursectcrrw res ult ed in higher ecencpnu ccunı and both B and T Iymphocytes are necessary to maıntain eosinophil count in normal range.
British Poultry Science, 2000
1. The embryotoxicity of mixed aflatoxins (AF) and aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1 ) were evaluated by a mod... more 1. The embryotoxicity of mixed aflatoxins (AF) and aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1 ) were evaluated by a modified chick embryotoxicity screening test (CHEST). Adverse effects on the early embryonic development of thymus and bursa of Fabricius were also investigated by light microscopy. AF consisted of 83·06% AFB 1 , 12·98% AFB 2 , 2·84% AFG 1 and 1·12% AFG 2 . 2. A total of 448 fertilised laying hens' eggs were used. AF and AFB 1 were injected into the eggs at doses of 10, 100 and 1000 ng/egg. Embryonic developmental stages were evaluated according to the Hamburger-Hamilton scale (HH-scale). 3. The results showed that AFB 1 given at 10 ng/egg had a significantly (P <0·05) greater embryotoxic effect than AF given at a similar dose. The higher doses of both AF and AFB 1 caused higher embryonic mortality and also an increase in early deaths. 4. In the groups receiving 100 ng/egg AF and AFB 1 an abnormal development was seen, with a protruded central region, corresponding to the area pellucida of the blastoderm. No other developmental abnormality attributable to AF or AFB 1 was found.
British Poultry Science, 2000
1. Protective action of an enzyme-linked polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP, Mycofix ® Plus) against ... more 1. Protective action of an enzyme-linked polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP, Mycofix ® Plus) against the immunosuppressive effect of afatoxins (AF) was evaluated by determination of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte proportions and splenic plasma cell counts. Histological changes in lymphoid organs were also investigated by light microscopy. One-d-old broiler chicks (Hybro) received 2·5 mg/kg diet AF (83·06% AFB 1 , 12·98% AFB 2 , 2·84% AFG 1 , 1·12% AFG 2 ) with or without PVPP (3 g/kg diet) until 21 d of age. 2. When compared with the controls, AF treatment significantly decreased peripheral T-lymphocyte counts. AF caused a slight decrease in splenic plasma cell counts. The addition of PVPP to an AF-containing diet significantly increased T-lymphocyte counts. Splenic plasma cell counts were numerically intermediate between control and AF groups. 3. The dietary addition of PVPP to AF-free diet did not significantly alter either T-lymphocyte or splenic plasma cell counts.
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontology
Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term histomorphometric changes in tempo... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term histomorphometric changes in temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of rabbits after mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO). Study Design. Twenty-six rabbits were used in this study. Two of them served as control subjects, and the remaining 24 underwent DO procedures in their left mandibular bodies. After a latency period of 5 days, 5 mm lengthening was performed at a rate of 1 mm/d. The rabbits in the experimental group were randomly divided into 4 subgroups and killed after 1, 2, 4, and 6 months. TMJs from both sides were harvested and prepared with hematoxylin and eosin stain for histomorphometric examination under an optical microscope. Results. Compared with control subjects and nondistracted sides, fibrous articular, proliferative, and hypertrophic areas were significantly increased (P Ͻ .05) in the first 2 months in distracted sides. The changes were insignificant in the fourth and sixth postoperative months. Conclusion. Unilateral mandibular distraction of 5 mm was found to be well tolerated and no degenerative changes were observed histologically in the
Veterinary Sciences and Practices
Bu calismada, sicaklik stresi altinda yetistirilen broyler rasyonlarina antibakteriyel etkili bit... more Bu calismada, sicaklik stresi altinda yetistirilen broyler rasyonlarina antibakteriyel etkili bitki ekstrakti (Herbromix®) katkisinin buyume, yemden yararlanma ve intestinal villuslarin uzunluklari uzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Bu amacla yumurtadan yeni cikmis 80 adet broyler civciv kullanildi. Civcivler her grupta 20 adet olacak sekilde 4 gruba ayrildi. Gruplardan ikisine ticari broyler yemi verilirken diger ikisinin ticari yemlerine bitki ekstrakti (% 0,1) ilave edildi. Calismanin 15. gununden itibaren 30. gune kadar ticari yemle ve bitki ekstrakti ilave edilen yemle beslenen gruplardan birer tanesine sicaklik stresi uygulandi. Haftalik canli agirlik artisi ve yem tuketimleri takip edildi. Stres uygulamasinin sonunda (30. gun) ve 45. gunde bagirsak villuslarinin uzunluklari, 45. gunde karkas agirliklari ve bagirsak agirliklari olculdu. Kullanilan bitki ekstraktinin buyume performansi ve yem tuketimi uzerine onemli bir etkisinin olmadigi, bagirsak villus uzunluklarini i...
The Indian veterinary journal
TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin on some hematol... more The objective of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin on some hematological parameters and to determine the preventive effectiveness of added glucomannan. In the study, 32 Merino rams were used, and the rams were separated equally to four groups as control (C), glucomannan (G), glucomannan + aflatoxin (AG), and aflatoxin (A). Erythrocyte, leukocyte count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels were decreased in A group compared with the other groups, and there was a reduction in similar parameters in AG group compared to control values. On the other hand, these parameters were tended to increase in AG group compared to A group values. Aflatoxicosis caused the lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia but increased percentage of neutrophil counts. In conclusion, the results determined in the study might be important to demonstrate the effects of aflatoxicosis and glucomannan on some haematological parameters before the clinical symptoms appear.
DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 2002
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of increasing zinc supplementation on growth, fee... more The aim of the study was to examine the effects of increasing zinc supplementation on growth, feed efficiency and thyroid function and histology in broiler chicks. Sixty new born male broiler chicks were randomly allotted into one of four treatment groups and fed for 60 d. Zinc (Zn) was added into drinking water at the levels of 0, 125, 500, and 1000 mg Zn/L. Body weight gain were significantly higher and feed efficiency were significantly lower in chicks supplemented with 125 mg Zn/L compared with chicks supplemented with 500 or 1000 mg Zn/L at the end of the experiment. Serum Zn concentration linearly increased with the increasing level of Zn intake. Serum triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels and the diameters of follicles of thyroid gland were significantly reduced with high levels (500 and 1000 mg Zn/L) of Zn intake at the end of the experiment. It was concluded that chick receiving 1000 mg Zn/L as ZnSO4.7H2O in drinking water showed signs of Zn toxicity.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013
In this study, the effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on silver-staining nucleolus orga... more In this study, the effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on silver-staining nucleolus organizer regions (AgNORs) activity were studied in glomerulus and tubular epithelial cells of kidney in Merino rams. In addition, this study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of an esterified glucomannan (EG) for protection against to aflatoxicosis. As materials, 1 year-old 32 Merino rams were used. Rams were fed through the 92 days. Control group (C) fed with the commercial feed. AF group fed with commercial feed added 250 µg/day of total AF. EG group fed with commercial feed added 2 g/day of EG daily. AF+EG group fed with commercial feed added 250 µg/day of total AF and 2 g/day of EG. At the end of the 92nd day the animals were sacrificed, and tissue samples were taken from the kidneys. Whereas ratio of nuclear area of the AgNOR area of cells in examinated regions of kidney was found decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the AF group compared to the control group, AF+EG group was found similar to control group (P>0.05). In conclusion, the adverse effects causing by aflatoxicosis on the kidney AgNOR activity could be ameliorated by adding EG to the ration.
The Scientific World Journal, 2012
The effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on liver in Merino rams were studied. In additio... more The effects of total aflatoxin (AF) given orally on liver in Merino rams were studied. In addition, this study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of an esterified glucomannan (EG) for protection against aflatoxicosis. One-year-old 32 Merino rams were divided into four equal groups. The control group (C) was fed with the commercial feed. The AF group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 μg/day of total AF. The EG group was fed with commercial feed plus 2 g/day of EG. The AF + EG group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 μg/day of total AF and 2 g/day of EG. After feeding period, tissue samples were taken from the liver in order to perform histological analyses. Vacuolar degeneration with small and large droplets and hydropic degeneration in hepatocytes were observed in the AF group. The ceroid pigmentation was observed in macrophages in groups or one by one. It was observed that the fat rate in hepatocytes was 2.6% in the C group, 35.5% in the AF group, 2.9% in the EG...
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010
Mic ro sur gi cal tis su e trans fers are wi dely used for the re cons truc ti on of the de fects... more Mic ro sur gi cal tis su e trans fers are wi dely used for the re cons truc ti on of the de fects re sul ting from the ex ci si on of the ma lig nan ci es and ad ju vant the ra pi es are al so com monly emp lo yed in or der to im pro ve the sur vi val. Af ter sur gery, furt her ne ed for che mot he rapy and radi ot he rapy is not un com mon. Ho we ver, the se tre at ment mo da li ti es may ha ve ad ver se ef fects on each ot her. Ef fects of che mot he ra pe u tic agents on mic ro vas cu lar anas to mo sis sho uld be known well so that tre at ment plan can be do ne. Mi tomy cin C is one of the most to xic che mot he ra pe u tic agents. In this ex pe ri men tal study we ha ve in ves ti ga ted the ef fects of mi tomy cin C on the mic rovas cu lar anas to mo sis. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : Twenty Spra gu e-Daw ley rats we re used. 10 mg/m 2 Mi tomy cin C was ad mi nis te red in tra pe ri to ne ally to 10 ani mals in study gro up. The ot her 10 animals we re used as the con trol gro up. One we ek la ter mic ro vas cu lar anas to mo ses we re car ri ed out on fe mo ral ar te ri es of all of the ani mals. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : Af ter two we eks of wa i ting pe ri od, ani mals we re re o pe ra ted and pa tency of the anas to mo ses we re chec ked, al so a his to lo gic study was car ri ed out. Mac ros co pi cally pul sa ti le blo od flow was ob ser ved in all but two ani mals in study gro up and one ani mal in con trol gro up. His to lo gi cally, no ad di ti o nal re ac ti on aga inst mi to miy cin C in mus cu lar and ad ven ti ti al la yers of the ves sel walls was ob ser ved. We fo und out that the re was no sig ni fi cant diffe ren ce bet we en the ani mals in con trol gro up and study gro up in terms of pa tency of the anas tomo ses and his to lo gi cal fin dings. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : Sin ce Mi tomy cin C is one of the most to xic che mot he ra pe u tic agents it is im por tant to know that it do es not af fect the mic ro vas cu lar anas tomo ses ad ver sely. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Mi tomy cin; anas to mo sis, sur gi cal; throm bo sis
The Scientific World Journal, 2012
This study was aimed to determine the effects of the glucomannan added to aflatoxin- (AF-) contam... more This study was aimed to determine the effects of the glucomannan added to aflatoxin- (AF-) contaminated diet on the sacculus rotundus and peripheral blood lymphocytes of New Zealand rabbits by histological and enzyme histochemical methods. Twenty-four adult rabbits of both sexes were divided into four equal groups, namely, as control, glucomannan 0.2 g/day, AF 125 μg/kg/day, and glucomannan combined with AF. The animals in all groups were treated for 12 weeks by the above-mentioned diet. When compared to control, AF-treatment caused significant decrease in alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase- (ANAE-) positive peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) percentages. The addition of the glucomannan to AFcontaining diet recovered the adverse effects of AF on sacculus rotundus and increased the ANAE-positive PBL counts. These results suggested that glucomannan was effective against the negative effects of AF in rabbits.
Avian Biology Research, 2012
This study was carried out to examine histological and enzyme histochemical characteristics of th... more This study was carried out to examine histological and enzyme histochemical characteristics of the oesophageal tonsil in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Tissue samples were collected from distal parts of the mucosal folds at the oesophageal/proventricular junction. We applied alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and acid phosphatase to tissue sections for localisation of T or B lymphocytes. Trichrome staining, silver impregnation, methyl green-pyronin staining and PAS reaction were used for determination of light microscopic structure of the oesophageal tonsils. The oesophageal tonsils were located at the junction of the oesophagus and proventriculus. Interestingly, we detected the existence of high endothelial venules in the interfollicular area and of the accumulated positive cells in lymphoid nodules. It can be said that these tonsils have functions similar to the Harderian gland in avian species and Waldeyer's ring in mammalian species.
Asian Journal of Cell Biology, 2006
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2007
Bu çalışma, ergin ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfosit (PBL) oranı ile alfa-nafti... more Bu çalışma, ergin ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfosit (PBL) oranı ile alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP) pozitif lenfosit oranlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 8 ergin evcil ördekten alınan kan örnekleri kullanıldı. ANAE-pozitif lenfosit oranları % 32.62 olarak tespit edilirken, ACP pozitif lenfosit oranı % 78.5 olarak bulundu. Perifer kan lenfosit oranı ise % 67 olarak belirlendi.
Theriogenology, 2014
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aflatoxin (AF) on spermatologic, biochemical... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aflatoxin (AF) on spermatologic, biochemical, and testis parameters in rams, and the protective efficiency of esterified glucomannan (EG) co-administered with AF. Thirty-two Merino rams (12-14 months old) were used. The experimental design consisted of four dietary treatments. The control group was fed commercial feed. The AF group was fed with commercial feed plus 250 mg/ d of total AF. The EG group received commercial feed plus 2 g/d of EG. The AF þ EG group was given commercial feed plus 250 mg/d of total AF and 2 g/d of EG. There were treatment, time, and treatment-by-time interaction effects on sperm motility, abnormal spermatozoa, damaged acrosome, and dead spermatozoa (P < 0.01). The percentage of motile sperm was lower and the percentages of abnormal sperm, sperm with damaged acrosomes, and dead sperm were greater in the AF group than in the control, AFþEG, and EG groups, as from week 3 until the end of week 12 (P < 0.05). As from week 3, hyaluronidase activity in the seminal plasma increased significantly in the AF group, compared with the control. The coadministration of AFþEG was found to be effective in preventing the increase in hyaluronidase activity. As week 4, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were significantly higher in the AF group compared with the control. The combined administration of AFþEG was found to be effective in lowering the MDA levels, increased by AF, to the levels measured in the control (P < 0.05). Although glutathione (GSH) levels were determined to have significantly decreased in the AF group in comparison to the control, it was observed that, in the group co-administered with AF and EG, particularly after week 7, the GSH levels, which had decreased owing to AF, were largely ameliorated (P < 0.05). In conclusion, AF adversely affected spermatologic, biochemical, and testis parameters, and the combined administration of EG with AF reversibly eliminated these adverse effects in rams.
Indian Veterinary Journal, 2003
Nurcan Dönmez t Effect ol' lI or mon al in Ovo Bu rsect omv on Scme Bl ood Parumeters a nd Leucoc... more Nurcan Dönmez t Effect ol' lI or mon al in Ovo Bu rsect omv on Scme Bl ood Parumeters a nd Leucoc vte Percent ages ' Summary : in the study. 20 hormonally bursectomized and 20 intact (control) eggs Irom native hibrit Iines were used. Haernatclo qical exa minations were performed in these bı rds at 1.. 5.. 10. and t5 th weeks of their ages. it was not obtained any differences between the qrcups in resc ecı ol e ıyth rocyte , ıeucccvıe and ınrc rrcocyte covnts. haemoglobine and ha em cıcc nt levels at any time period. Percentages ol Iymphocyte in the bursectomized group were significantly lower than in the control anunals at 1 and 5 th weeks ol their ages (P<0 .05). In lhe same sampling times eosinophil percentages (7.80, 6.60 % . respec1ively) in the bursektomized group were observed to be signilicantly higher than those in the control group (3.80. 4,20 %. r e sp ect ıve ly) . On the other hand in the bursectomized group heterophü couots were determined relatively higher due LO the deerease in Iymphocyte ccunts as compared with the control group. The dillerences be tween the groups in respect o/ the percentaqes of lyrf'4)hocyte, heterophil and eosinophil were disappared afte r 5 ıh week although eosinophi1 and heıe rophil counıs were stili higher in Ihe bursecıo miz ed group. In conclusion, hormena! in ovo bursectomy like surgical bursectcrrw res ult ed in higher ecencpnu ccunı and both B and T Iymphocytes are necessary to maıntain eosinophil count in normal range.
British Poultry Science, 2000
1. The embryotoxicity of mixed aflatoxins (AF) and aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1 ) were evaluated by a mod... more 1. The embryotoxicity of mixed aflatoxins (AF) and aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1 ) were evaluated by a modified chick embryotoxicity screening test (CHEST). Adverse effects on the early embryonic development of thymus and bursa of Fabricius were also investigated by light microscopy. AF consisted of 83·06% AFB 1 , 12·98% AFB 2 , 2·84% AFG 1 and 1·12% AFG 2 . 2. A total of 448 fertilised laying hens' eggs were used. AF and AFB 1 were injected into the eggs at doses of 10, 100 and 1000 ng/egg. Embryonic developmental stages were evaluated according to the Hamburger-Hamilton scale (HH-scale). 3. The results showed that AFB 1 given at 10 ng/egg had a significantly (P <0·05) greater embryotoxic effect than AF given at a similar dose. The higher doses of both AF and AFB 1 caused higher embryonic mortality and also an increase in early deaths. 4. In the groups receiving 100 ng/egg AF and AFB 1 an abnormal development was seen, with a protruded central region, corresponding to the area pellucida of the blastoderm. No other developmental abnormality attributable to AF or AFB 1 was found.
British Poultry Science, 2000
1. Protective action of an enzyme-linked polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP, Mycofix ® Plus) against ... more 1. Protective action of an enzyme-linked polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP, Mycofix ® Plus) against the immunosuppressive effect of afatoxins (AF) was evaluated by determination of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte proportions and splenic plasma cell counts. Histological changes in lymphoid organs were also investigated by light microscopy. One-d-old broiler chicks (Hybro) received 2·5 mg/kg diet AF (83·06% AFB 1 , 12·98% AFB 2 , 2·84% AFG 1 , 1·12% AFG 2 ) with or without PVPP (3 g/kg diet) until 21 d of age. 2. When compared with the controls, AF treatment significantly decreased peripheral T-lymphocyte counts. AF caused a slight decrease in splenic plasma cell counts. The addition of PVPP to an AF-containing diet significantly increased T-lymphocyte counts. Splenic plasma cell counts were numerically intermediate between control and AF groups. 3. The dietary addition of PVPP to AF-free diet did not significantly alter either T-lymphocyte or splenic plasma cell counts.
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontology
Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term histomorphometric changes in tempo... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term histomorphometric changes in temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of rabbits after mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO). Study Design. Twenty-six rabbits were used in this study. Two of them served as control subjects, and the remaining 24 underwent DO procedures in their left mandibular bodies. After a latency period of 5 days, 5 mm lengthening was performed at a rate of 1 mm/d. The rabbits in the experimental group were randomly divided into 4 subgroups and killed after 1, 2, 4, and 6 months. TMJs from both sides were harvested and prepared with hematoxylin and eosin stain for histomorphometric examination under an optical microscope. Results. Compared with control subjects and nondistracted sides, fibrous articular, proliferative, and hypertrophic areas were significantly increased (P Ͻ .05) in the first 2 months in distracted sides. The changes were insignificant in the fourth and sixth postoperative months. Conclusion. Unilateral mandibular distraction of 5 mm was found to be well tolerated and no degenerative changes were observed histologically in the