Murat TURGUT | Selcuk University (Selçuk Üniversitesi) (original) (raw)

Papers by Murat TURGUT

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz'de Su Kültü ve Eflatunpınar Hitit Su Anıtı

Göl Medeniyeti Çalışmaları Hüyük, 2022

A great drought has been experienced in the Mediterranean world, especially in Anatolia, since th... more A great drought has been experienced in the Mediterranean world, especially in Anatolia, since the middle of the 13th century BC. Many rulers took measures to overcome this drought and imported agricultural products from the surrounding areas. Hittite kings both tried to import grain from abroad and asked their gods to make it rain. They did not fulfill their request for rain from the gods only through prayers. They created various water cult places in accordance with their religious beliefs and performed various rituals there. While some of these water cult places have a plain appearance, some of them are built in a pool, etc.

The Eflatunpınar Hittite monument is a water cult sacred space built by the Hittites as a pool structure. The Hittites blessed the spring here. This place became an important religious center of the Hittites due to the capture of ritual vessels during the researches in the pool. The monument
has both a religious and political composition. Therefore, it can be said that the monument is a very important and unique work for its period. In this study, the importance of the Eflatunpınar monument in the ancient Mediterranean world was tried to be emphasized by examining the water beliefs of the Hittites and some of the sacred spaces related to the water cult together with the water beliefs in the Mediterranean world.

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz Bölgesinde Salgın Hastalıkların İnanç Değişiklikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri     The Effects of Epidemics on the Belief Changes in the Ancient Mediterranean Region

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2022

Epidemics that have been seen throughout human history have been fearful dreams of the people. F... more Epidemics that have been seen throughout human history have been fearful dreams of the people. For a long time, people thought that epidemics were sent by the gods, as they did not know that the epidemic was caused by microbes. Since the epidemic of Athens, it has been started to be thought that the epidemics are not caused by religious reasons.
The most important effect of epidemics on societies has been their killing power. Throughout history, especially in ancient times, epidemics have caused high death rates. It is known that epidemics cause many changes in social, economic and religious areas as well as their killing power.
The idea that the epidemics were sent by God revealed the belief that the epidemic could be eliminated by God. People prayed to their gods to get rid of the epidemic and made various offerings to them. When they discovered that the divine powers they believed were insufficient to stop the epidemic, some people began to turn away from religion. These people have chosen one of the ways of disbelief, giving more importance to another god in the pantheon, or accepting new religions unknown from outside. The last two of these ways are more preferred than the first.
People’s behaviors against epidemics differed from society to society. Societies' reactions to this were generally in the form of accepting new beliefs or seeking remedies in those beliefs. In this study, religious developments in societies of ancient Mediterranean as a result of epidemics and especially the importance of epidemics in the transition to new beliefs were analyzed.

İnsanlık tarihi boyunca görülen salgın hastalıklar insanların korkulu rüyaları olmuştur. İnsanlar salgının mikroplardan kaynaklandığını bilmediği için uzunca bir süre salgının tanrılar tarafından gönderildiklerini düşünmüşlerdir. Atina salgınından itibaren ise salgının dinsel sebepli olmadığı da düşünülmeye başlanmıştır. Salgın hastalıkların toplumlar üzerindeki en önemli etkisi öldürme güçleri olmuştur. Tarih boyunca özellikle de eskiçağda görülen salgın hastalıklar yüksek ölüm oranlarına sahip olmuşlardır. Salgınların öldürme güçlerinin yanında sosyal, ekonomik ve dini alanlarda pek çok değişime sebep oldukları bilinmektedir. Salgınların tanrı tarafından gönderildiği düşüncesi salgının gene tanrı tarafından ortadan kaldırılabileceği inancını getirmiştir. İnsanlar salgından kurtulmak için tanrılarına dualar etmişler ve onlar için çeşitli sunular gerçekleştirmişlerdir. İnandıkları tanrısal güçlerin salgını durdurmada yetersiz olduklarını gördükleri zaman bazı insanlar dinden uzaklaşmaya başlamışlardır. Bu insanlar inançsızlık, panteondaki bir diğer tanrıya daha fazla önem verme veya dışarıdan bilinmeyen yeni dinleri kabul etme yollarından birini seçmişlerdir. Belirtilen yollardan son ikisi, ilk belirtilene göre daha çok tercih edilmiştir. Salgın hastalıklara karşı insanların davranışları toplumdan topluma çeşitlilik göstermiştir. Toplumların reaksiyonları genellikle yeni inançların kabulü veya o inançlarda çareler aramak olmuştur. Bu çalışmada salgın hastalıkların sonucu antik Akdeniz toplumlarında yaşanan dinsel gelişmeler ve özellikle salgınların yeni inançlara geçişteki önemi incelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Savaş Dönemlerinde Dinin Kullanımı

Hitit Savaş Dönemlerinde Dinin Kullanımı, 2022

Öz Antik Çağ'dan günümüze kadarki toplumların çoğu dinin günlük hayatta olduğu gibi savaşlar üzer... more Öz Antik Çağ'dan günümüze kadarki toplumların çoğu dinin günlük hayatta olduğu gibi savaşlar üzerinde de önemli etkisinin olduğuna inanmışlardır. Çağdaşı diğer toplumlar gibi Hititlerde de din neredeyse her alanda etkili olmuştur. Bu alanlardan birisi de savaştır.Din Hitit savaşlarında önemli rol oynamıştır. Savaşa çıkmadan önce savaşın sonucunu kehanet yolu ile öğrenmeye çalışmışlardır. Savaşın sonucunu etkileyebilsinler diye tanrılara sunular gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Ayrıca savaş sırasında gerçekleştirdikleri arınma ritüelleri ile orduyu arındırmışlardır.Bu makalede arkeolojik ve yazılı belgelerin ışığında savaş öncesi, savaş dönemi ve savaştan sonraki dönemlerinin din ile nasıl ilişkili olduğu incelenmiştir.

A great majority of societies from antique times to modern times, believed to religion had a significant influence on wars like as in daily life. Religion had a significant influence on all areas of Hittite culture like as other contemporary societies. One of these areas was war.Religion played a significant role on the Hittite’s wars. Hittites tried to learn to results of wars before go to war through prophecy. They offered various offering objects to theirs deities as deities could impact to result of war. Also they purified to army through various purification rituals during war.In the light
of writing and archaeological documents, it examined that Hittites how was in relation with religion in the prewar period, war period and situations of post-war period

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz'de Salgın Hastalıklar Tanrıların Cezalandırma Araçları mıydı?

Eskiçağda Salgın ve Hastalıklar, 2021

Epidemic diseases, emerged from various reasons, had an important place throughtout the human his... more Epidemic diseases, emerged from various reasons, had an important
place throughtout the human history. Epidemics were seen as a means
of punishment sent by the gods in the mythological stories of societies.
Epidemics, were lived BC IInd millenium, were thought sent by the
gods smilar to mythological stories. Religious / magical methods were
used treatment of epidemics lived BC IInd millenium. These tratments
continued until the plague of Athens. Hippocrates thought the cause
of the Athenian plague was not religious. He practiced non-religious
treatment metotsa. Also Galen used Hippocrates’ methods during the
Antonine plague.
When we look at the studies on epidemics, researchers thought that
epidemics were sent by the gods to punish people, in accordance with
the thoughts of ancient societies. This situation was acceptable for the
time up to the Athenian plague. It was thought that the disease was not
sent by the gods since the plague of Athens. In this study, it has been
tried to emphasize that epidemics should not be seen only as punishment of the gods in the ancient Mediterranean world, and also that there are worldly reasons as the cause of diseases since the plague of Athens.

Research paper thumbnail of Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Döneminden Geç Hitit Krallıkları Döneminin Sonuna Kadar Eski Anadolu’da Diplomasi

İlk Çağ’dan Viyana Kongresi'ne Diplomasi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kadeş Savaşı Hititler için Askeri Mağlubiyet mi Diplomatik Zafer mi?  ---                                Is Kadesh Battle Military Defeat or Diplomatic Victory for the Hittites?

Eskiçağda Savaş ve Diplomasi / War and Diplomacy in Ancient Times, 2021

The Battle of Kadesh took place between the Hittites and the Egyptians. The outcome of the Battle... more The Battle of Kadesh took place between the Hittites and the Egyptians.
The outcome of the Battle is not known with certainty. Most of the researchers
think that the Hittites were victorious in this Battle. On the
contrary, some researchers think that the Egyptians won this Battle.
In current works, the Hittites are shown as having won the Battle. The
researchers, who thought that the Hittites won the Battle, considered that
Amurru and Northern Syria remained under Hittite domination after the
Battle, the implications that it was won in the two Hittite documents, and
that Ramses II started the reconstruction activities after the Battle. The
researchers, who think that Egypt won, generally referred to the temple
walls and the works he had written during the reign of Ramses II. The
fact that the Hittite kings, who wrote down even the smallest successes,
almost did not leave any documents about the Battle of Kadesh, can
be interpreted as the loss of the Battle. The Egyptians probably left the
Northern Syrian lands to the Hittites to be a buffer zone with Assyria.
The Hittites could not make the necessary pressure to demand Mursili
III from Egypt. Although Hattušili III knew the writings on the reliefs
of Ramses II, he could not give a reaction. While giving his daughter
to Ramses II as a bride, he could not enforce the condition of being the
first wife both in his messaging and in the Treaty of Kadesh. Although
the Hittites were unsuccessful on the battlefield, they gained significant
advantages against the Egyptians at the diplomatic table. They have
gained these advantages thanks to their own diplomacy, knowledge and
skills. In this study, it is suggested that the Egyptians were superior in
the Battle of Kadesh and the Hittites might have gained a diplomatic
success in the treaty despite their defeat.

Research paper thumbnail of AN EXAMPLE OF MEANINGLESS LEGITIMIZATION TRADITION IN ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN REGION: EXPOSE TO WATER Antik Akdeniz Bölgesinde Gereksiz Meşrulaştırma Geleneğinin Örneği: Suya Terketme

Archivum Anatolicum, 2021

Many ancient civilizations glorified their kings, divine beings and heroes. In order to make them... more Many ancient civilizations glorified their kings, divine beings and heroes. In order to make them unreachable, ancient societies first of all separated the lives of these personas into two parts and created a turning point for them, and especially the first part of their lives was detailed with extraordinary events to make them the main theme of some mythological stories. The plot of these stories generally was related to the theme of the abandonment of a newborn or sometimes an adult to water in any object like basket, crate or closed box, and eventually his reaching to a vital position for society.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Trees of Ancient Crete and Their Use


Crete is the second biggest island of Mediterranean. The island take place middle of the Mediterr... more Crete is the second biggest island of Mediterranean. The island take place middle of the Mediterranean. It is seen Mediterranean climate onto the island as intense. The climatic conditions of island was favorable for living of peoples in island. People lived in island from Prehistoric periods of island. These people had an effect to wildlife of island. The vegetation of the island has been formed from early periods. Our information relation with island's trees is learned from pollen studies. Also some ancient authors wrote about to island's trees and how used these. Olive, vine tree, cedar, cypress, oak, plane tree and juniper trees came to the fore according to ancient writers, archaeological and pollen studies. Palm and fig trees, which are among the important trees of the island, are planned to be discussed in detail in another study. It will be examined In this study, the use of some of the prominent trees on the island and their place in the island's cultural and commercial life.


Did Hittite Kings Acclaim Themselves To Be God?, 2020

Generally, the kings ruled a country thanks to divine right in ancient societies. The kings had t... more Generally, the kings ruled a country thanks to divine right in ancient societies. The kings had the power and authority in both religious and earthly affairs. In other words, the kings were chief executive, pontiff and commander-in-chief or people regarded them in this way. It is generally accepted that the Hittite kings were not gods when they were alive, but they became gods after their deaths. Some studies on the Hittites also suggest that the Hittite kings, in particular the recent kings Tutḫalia IV and Šuppiluliuma II, declared themselves as god when they were alive. However, we think that none of the Hittite kings acclaimed themselves to be god before he died. Hittite kings did not make a god to themselves when alive, is examination based on archaeological and writing evidences in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of To Create Sacred Settlements Using “Flour” and “Reed” in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion

2.Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Kongresi Full Text Booklet Ulucanlar Cezaevi Müzesi/ Ulucanlar Prison Museum, 2019

Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals th... more Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals that are determined in the direction of his belief. In order to perform the rituals encompassing the actions required by the faith, he is also in need of the sacred places where the rituals can be practiced. In order to worship, show their respect to the “sacred” and perform rituals people have been constructing sacred structures called “temple” for centuries. Except these constructed temples especially in some ancient societies, special ritual places were created outside the temples for the implementation of rituals, and these places became direct sanctuaries as a place of contact with the 'sacred'. In this sense, while mentioning the sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian Civilization, which had a very significant position among the ancient civilizations, it should not be limited to the temples called “Ziggurat”. Ancient Mesopotamian societies created sacred settlements which could differ according to the aim of the rituals by using some objects such as “flour” or “reed”. These settlements were separated from the noncelestial area and became sacred places temporarily. The purpose of this study is to examine how effective flour and reed used in daily life were in creating sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian religion in terms of the relationship with rituals.

Research paper thumbnail of To Create Sacred Settlements Using “Flour” and “Reed” in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion

2.Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Kongresi Full Text Booklet Ulucanlar Cezaevi Müzesi/ Ulucanlar Prison Museum Ankara/Turkey, 2019

Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals th... more Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals that are determined in the direction of his belief. In order to perform the rituals encompassing the actions required by the faith, he is also in need of the sacred places where the rituals can be practiced. In order to worship, show their respect to the “sacred” and perform rituals people have been constructing sacred structures called “temple” for centuries. Except these constructed temples especially in some ancient societies, special ritual places were created outside the temples for the implementation of rituals, and these places became direct sanctuaries as a place of contact with the 'sacred'. In this sense, while mentioning the sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian Civilization, which had a very significant position among the ancient civilizations, it should not be limited to the temples called “Ziggurat”. Ancient Mesopotamian societies created sacred settlements which could differ according to the aim of the rituals by using some objects such as “flour” or “reed”. These settlements were separated from the noncelestial area and became sacred places temporarily. The purpose of this study is to examine how effective flour and reed used in daily life were in creating sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian religion in terms of the relationship with rituals.

Research paper thumbnail of Minos Dininin Doğu Dinleriyle Etkileşimi

Ege Araştırmaları II Girit Kültürü, 2019

Interaction of Minoan Religion with Eastern Religions

Research paper thumbnail of Genel Hatlarıyla Girit Dini

Ancient Crete Religion with the Main Lines

Research paper thumbnail of Tarhuntassa Araştırmalarında Karaman'ın Önemi

Karaman in Tarhuntassa researchs


International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science, 2018

Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since BC second millenium. Hitti... more Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since BC second millenium. Hittites had polytheistic religion. They set rituals for a deities in their religious life. They used numereous objects in their rituals. Like as many societies of ancient times, Hittites used various animals in rituals. Votive / offering was most commonly using style of Animals in the Hittites rituals. Sheeps, Bull, Goat-Goatling / kid, Dog-Puppy, Pig-Piglet and Bird species were most commonly animals used in the Hittite rituals as an offering. In this paper, we will examine which animals were used and it's using aims in the ritual of Hittites in the light of cuneiform texts and archaeological relief and remains.

Research paper thumbnail of THE USING OF TREES IN HITTITE RITUALS

International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, 2018

Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since B. C. second millenium. Hi... more Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since B. C. second millenium. Hittites had polytheistic religion. They set rituals for a deities in their religious life. They used numereous objects in their rituals. When the Hittites set rituals, they used to trees. Some trees were used as a offerings object to the their gods by the Hittites. Also some trees were used different aims depart from as a offering object. Cedar, Tamarisk, Olive tree, Laurel Tree, Date palm, Boxwood were used in the rituals by the Hitttites. Also GIS eya, GIS hatalkešna, GIS hatiwa, GIS MA.NU, muhtema, GIS parnulli, GIS LAM.GAL, couldn't describing to which tree, were used in the Hittite rituals. In this paper, we will examine which trees were used and it's using aims in the ritual of Hittites according to Hittites cuneiform texts and their archaeological remains.

Research paper thumbnail of Hititlerde Yerleşim Yeri-Kutsal Dağ İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Mesafe Önerisi A Perspective of Distance on the Relation Between Settlement – Sacred Mountain in Hittites

Hittites thought that mountains were sacred places just as other societies in the ancient history... more Hittites thought that mountains were sacred places just as other societies in the ancient history. This was due to the idea that a mountain was viewed as a God and as an ermitage. Therefore, Hittites made some of their rituals on the mountains. Hittites thought some mountains, near their cities, were sacred mountains to be used in their religious lives. They consubstantiated these mountains with cities. The most notable ones are Boğazkale – Yazılıkaya, Ortaköy – Ağılönü, Alacahöyük - Kalehisar Tepesi, Kuşaklı – Karatonus/Kulmaç Dağı, Oymaağaç – Adatepe, Çadır höyük – Çaltepe, Hatıp höyük – Hatıp kayalığı, Maltepe Höyük – Arısama Dağı. There is no explanatory information in the Hittites cuneiform texts related with how open – air sacred spaces were chosen. We think that sacred mountains near the Hittite settlements were located within a few hours walking distance. In this paper, we will suggest that when Hitttie administrators or clergymen determined the sacred mountains of cities, they prefered to limit the distance within 5 km.


Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Dini Ritüellerinde Kadınların Görevleri ve Rolleri    The Duty and Roles Women at the Hittite Religious Rituals

The Hittites were a people who lived in Hattuša (modern Çorum/Boğazköy) based in second millenniu... more The Hittites were a people who lived in Hattuša (modern Çorum/Boğazköy) based in second millennium BC. They had polytheistic belief. There were gods and goddesses in Hittite Pantheon.
Hittites held religious festivals and rituals for their gods and goddesses. It is seen that there also were women in these activities. The queen was present at rituals with her king. But she sometimes ran some rituals alone. The GAL MUNUS ŠU.GI in written documents which inherited from Hittites means head of magician women. These women participated in magic rituals. In written documents telling Nuntarriyašha festival are mentioned about that the head of magician women went to Arinna city to burn Ganzu(wa). In another ritual, it is told that Zintuhi women chanted by standing in right side of the way to Tahurpa city.
There are many archaeological material in related to women’s duties in rituals. Queen was portrayed in Fraktin rock relief in libation order for gods. There is sacred marriage/sexual intercourse act which is old custom of sexual content on Inandik vase. Also, it is seen on Bitik Vase that a man figure unveiled bride’s veil. This scene is one of the examples in early period and it has survived until today.
In this paper, It have examined the position and function of women in religious rituals according to Hittite written document and archaeological sources.
Keywords: Woman, Women, Woman in the Hittite Religion, Woman in Religious Life

Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Dininde Boğa Kültü ve Girit ile Olan Benzerlikleri The Cult of Bull in Hittite Religious and It's Smilarities with Crete

Uluslararası Sempozyum: Geçmişten Günümüze Girit, Tarih-Toplum-Kültür, 2017

Hitit dini inancına göre Boğa, Fırtına Tanrısı Tešup’un simgesi olmuştur. Hititler, dini ritüelle... more Hitit dini inancına göre Boğa, Fırtına Tanrısı Tešup’un simgesi olmuştur. Hititler, dini ritüellerinde Boğa sembolüne sunu yapmışlardır. Boğa motifli rhytonları dini ritüellerinde kullanmışlardır. Özellikle Fırtına Tanrısı ile ilgili ritüellerde, Fırtına Tanrısına boğa kurban etmişlerdir. Bazı ritüellerde Boğa üzerinden atlama hareketini gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Girit dininde de bir boğa kültü bulunmaktadır. Girit halkı dini ritüellerinde kutsama boynuz çiftine sunu yapmışlardır. Knossos Sarayında görüldüğü gibi bazı ritüellerde boğa üzerinden atlama hareketi gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada Hitit dini ile Girit dini arasındaki benzer noktalar ve bu noktaların kökenleri incelenmiştir.

The bull was symbol of Tešup, Storm-God, according to Hittite religion. Hittites made offering to bull symbol on their religious rituals. They used bull shaped rhytons in their rituals. Especially, they sacrified bull for Storm-God in rituals in related to Storm-God. They performed bull-leaping in their some rituals. Crete religion had a cult of bull. Crete public made offering to horns of consecration. They performed bull-leaping in their some ritulas as seen on Knossos Palace. In this paper, it is examined similarities and it’s origins between Hittite and Crete religion.

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz'de Su Kültü ve Eflatunpınar Hitit Su Anıtı

Göl Medeniyeti Çalışmaları Hüyük, 2022

A great drought has been experienced in the Mediterranean world, especially in Anatolia, since th... more A great drought has been experienced in the Mediterranean world, especially in Anatolia, since the middle of the 13th century BC. Many rulers took measures to overcome this drought and imported agricultural products from the surrounding areas. Hittite kings both tried to import grain from abroad and asked their gods to make it rain. They did not fulfill their request for rain from the gods only through prayers. They created various water cult places in accordance with their religious beliefs and performed various rituals there. While some of these water cult places have a plain appearance, some of them are built in a pool, etc.

The Eflatunpınar Hittite monument is a water cult sacred space built by the Hittites as a pool structure. The Hittites blessed the spring here. This place became an important religious center of the Hittites due to the capture of ritual vessels during the researches in the pool. The monument
has both a religious and political composition. Therefore, it can be said that the monument is a very important and unique work for its period. In this study, the importance of the Eflatunpınar monument in the ancient Mediterranean world was tried to be emphasized by examining the water beliefs of the Hittites and some of the sacred spaces related to the water cult together with the water beliefs in the Mediterranean world.

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz Bölgesinde Salgın Hastalıkların İnanç Değişiklikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri     The Effects of Epidemics on the Belief Changes in the Ancient Mediterranean Region

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2022

Epidemics that have been seen throughout human history have been fearful dreams of the people. F... more Epidemics that have been seen throughout human history have been fearful dreams of the people. For a long time, people thought that epidemics were sent by the gods, as they did not know that the epidemic was caused by microbes. Since the epidemic of Athens, it has been started to be thought that the epidemics are not caused by religious reasons.
The most important effect of epidemics on societies has been their killing power. Throughout history, especially in ancient times, epidemics have caused high death rates. It is known that epidemics cause many changes in social, economic and religious areas as well as their killing power.
The idea that the epidemics were sent by God revealed the belief that the epidemic could be eliminated by God. People prayed to their gods to get rid of the epidemic and made various offerings to them. When they discovered that the divine powers they believed were insufficient to stop the epidemic, some people began to turn away from religion. These people have chosen one of the ways of disbelief, giving more importance to another god in the pantheon, or accepting new religions unknown from outside. The last two of these ways are more preferred than the first.
People’s behaviors against epidemics differed from society to society. Societies' reactions to this were generally in the form of accepting new beliefs or seeking remedies in those beliefs. In this study, religious developments in societies of ancient Mediterranean as a result of epidemics and especially the importance of epidemics in the transition to new beliefs were analyzed.

İnsanlık tarihi boyunca görülen salgın hastalıklar insanların korkulu rüyaları olmuştur. İnsanlar salgının mikroplardan kaynaklandığını bilmediği için uzunca bir süre salgının tanrılar tarafından gönderildiklerini düşünmüşlerdir. Atina salgınından itibaren ise salgının dinsel sebepli olmadığı da düşünülmeye başlanmıştır. Salgın hastalıkların toplumlar üzerindeki en önemli etkisi öldürme güçleri olmuştur. Tarih boyunca özellikle de eskiçağda görülen salgın hastalıklar yüksek ölüm oranlarına sahip olmuşlardır. Salgınların öldürme güçlerinin yanında sosyal, ekonomik ve dini alanlarda pek çok değişime sebep oldukları bilinmektedir. Salgınların tanrı tarafından gönderildiği düşüncesi salgının gene tanrı tarafından ortadan kaldırılabileceği inancını getirmiştir. İnsanlar salgından kurtulmak için tanrılarına dualar etmişler ve onlar için çeşitli sunular gerçekleştirmişlerdir. İnandıkları tanrısal güçlerin salgını durdurmada yetersiz olduklarını gördükleri zaman bazı insanlar dinden uzaklaşmaya başlamışlardır. Bu insanlar inançsızlık, panteondaki bir diğer tanrıya daha fazla önem verme veya dışarıdan bilinmeyen yeni dinleri kabul etme yollarından birini seçmişlerdir. Belirtilen yollardan son ikisi, ilk belirtilene göre daha çok tercih edilmiştir. Salgın hastalıklara karşı insanların davranışları toplumdan topluma çeşitlilik göstermiştir. Toplumların reaksiyonları genellikle yeni inançların kabulü veya o inançlarda çareler aramak olmuştur. Bu çalışmada salgın hastalıkların sonucu antik Akdeniz toplumlarında yaşanan dinsel gelişmeler ve özellikle salgınların yeni inançlara geçişteki önemi incelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Savaş Dönemlerinde Dinin Kullanımı

Hitit Savaş Dönemlerinde Dinin Kullanımı, 2022

Öz Antik Çağ'dan günümüze kadarki toplumların çoğu dinin günlük hayatta olduğu gibi savaşlar üzer... more Öz Antik Çağ'dan günümüze kadarki toplumların çoğu dinin günlük hayatta olduğu gibi savaşlar üzerinde de önemli etkisinin olduğuna inanmışlardır. Çağdaşı diğer toplumlar gibi Hititlerde de din neredeyse her alanda etkili olmuştur. Bu alanlardan birisi de savaştır.Din Hitit savaşlarında önemli rol oynamıştır. Savaşa çıkmadan önce savaşın sonucunu kehanet yolu ile öğrenmeye çalışmışlardır. Savaşın sonucunu etkileyebilsinler diye tanrılara sunular gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Ayrıca savaş sırasında gerçekleştirdikleri arınma ritüelleri ile orduyu arındırmışlardır.Bu makalede arkeolojik ve yazılı belgelerin ışığında savaş öncesi, savaş dönemi ve savaştan sonraki dönemlerinin din ile nasıl ilişkili olduğu incelenmiştir.

A great majority of societies from antique times to modern times, believed to religion had a significant influence on wars like as in daily life. Religion had a significant influence on all areas of Hittite culture like as other contemporary societies. One of these areas was war.Religion played a significant role on the Hittite’s wars. Hittites tried to learn to results of wars before go to war through prophecy. They offered various offering objects to theirs deities as deities could impact to result of war. Also they purified to army through various purification rituals during war.In the light
of writing and archaeological documents, it examined that Hittites how was in relation with religion in the prewar period, war period and situations of post-war period

Research paper thumbnail of Antik Akdeniz'de Salgın Hastalıklar Tanrıların Cezalandırma Araçları mıydı?

Eskiçağda Salgın ve Hastalıklar, 2021

Epidemic diseases, emerged from various reasons, had an important place throughtout the human his... more Epidemic diseases, emerged from various reasons, had an important
place throughtout the human history. Epidemics were seen as a means
of punishment sent by the gods in the mythological stories of societies.
Epidemics, were lived BC IInd millenium, were thought sent by the
gods smilar to mythological stories. Religious / magical methods were
used treatment of epidemics lived BC IInd millenium. These tratments
continued until the plague of Athens. Hippocrates thought the cause
of the Athenian plague was not religious. He practiced non-religious
treatment metotsa. Also Galen used Hippocrates’ methods during the
Antonine plague.
When we look at the studies on epidemics, researchers thought that
epidemics were sent by the gods to punish people, in accordance with
the thoughts of ancient societies. This situation was acceptable for the
time up to the Athenian plague. It was thought that the disease was not
sent by the gods since the plague of Athens. In this study, it has been
tried to emphasize that epidemics should not be seen only as punishment of the gods in the ancient Mediterranean world, and also that there are worldly reasons as the cause of diseases since the plague of Athens.

Research paper thumbnail of Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Döneminden Geç Hitit Krallıkları Döneminin Sonuna Kadar Eski Anadolu’da Diplomasi

İlk Çağ’dan Viyana Kongresi'ne Diplomasi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kadeş Savaşı Hititler için Askeri Mağlubiyet mi Diplomatik Zafer mi?  ---                                Is Kadesh Battle Military Defeat or Diplomatic Victory for the Hittites?

Eskiçağda Savaş ve Diplomasi / War and Diplomacy in Ancient Times, 2021

The Battle of Kadesh took place between the Hittites and the Egyptians. The outcome of the Battle... more The Battle of Kadesh took place between the Hittites and the Egyptians.
The outcome of the Battle is not known with certainty. Most of the researchers
think that the Hittites were victorious in this Battle. On the
contrary, some researchers think that the Egyptians won this Battle.
In current works, the Hittites are shown as having won the Battle. The
researchers, who thought that the Hittites won the Battle, considered that
Amurru and Northern Syria remained under Hittite domination after the
Battle, the implications that it was won in the two Hittite documents, and
that Ramses II started the reconstruction activities after the Battle. The
researchers, who think that Egypt won, generally referred to the temple
walls and the works he had written during the reign of Ramses II. The
fact that the Hittite kings, who wrote down even the smallest successes,
almost did not leave any documents about the Battle of Kadesh, can
be interpreted as the loss of the Battle. The Egyptians probably left the
Northern Syrian lands to the Hittites to be a buffer zone with Assyria.
The Hittites could not make the necessary pressure to demand Mursili
III from Egypt. Although Hattušili III knew the writings on the reliefs
of Ramses II, he could not give a reaction. While giving his daughter
to Ramses II as a bride, he could not enforce the condition of being the
first wife both in his messaging and in the Treaty of Kadesh. Although
the Hittites were unsuccessful on the battlefield, they gained significant
advantages against the Egyptians at the diplomatic table. They have
gained these advantages thanks to their own diplomacy, knowledge and
skills. In this study, it is suggested that the Egyptians were superior in
the Battle of Kadesh and the Hittites might have gained a diplomatic
success in the treaty despite their defeat.

Research paper thumbnail of AN EXAMPLE OF MEANINGLESS LEGITIMIZATION TRADITION IN ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN REGION: EXPOSE TO WATER Antik Akdeniz Bölgesinde Gereksiz Meşrulaştırma Geleneğinin Örneği: Suya Terketme

Archivum Anatolicum, 2021

Many ancient civilizations glorified their kings, divine beings and heroes. In order to make them... more Many ancient civilizations glorified their kings, divine beings and heroes. In order to make them unreachable, ancient societies first of all separated the lives of these personas into two parts and created a turning point for them, and especially the first part of their lives was detailed with extraordinary events to make them the main theme of some mythological stories. The plot of these stories generally was related to the theme of the abandonment of a newborn or sometimes an adult to water in any object like basket, crate or closed box, and eventually his reaching to a vital position for society.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Trees of Ancient Crete and Their Use


Crete is the second biggest island of Mediterranean. The island take place middle of the Mediterr... more Crete is the second biggest island of Mediterranean. The island take place middle of the Mediterranean. It is seen Mediterranean climate onto the island as intense. The climatic conditions of island was favorable for living of peoples in island. People lived in island from Prehistoric periods of island. These people had an effect to wildlife of island. The vegetation of the island has been formed from early periods. Our information relation with island's trees is learned from pollen studies. Also some ancient authors wrote about to island's trees and how used these. Olive, vine tree, cedar, cypress, oak, plane tree and juniper trees came to the fore according to ancient writers, archaeological and pollen studies. Palm and fig trees, which are among the important trees of the island, are planned to be discussed in detail in another study. It will be examined In this study, the use of some of the prominent trees on the island and their place in the island's cultural and commercial life.


Did Hittite Kings Acclaim Themselves To Be God?, 2020

Generally, the kings ruled a country thanks to divine right in ancient societies. The kings had t... more Generally, the kings ruled a country thanks to divine right in ancient societies. The kings had the power and authority in both religious and earthly affairs. In other words, the kings were chief executive, pontiff and commander-in-chief or people regarded them in this way. It is generally accepted that the Hittite kings were not gods when they were alive, but they became gods after their deaths. Some studies on the Hittites also suggest that the Hittite kings, in particular the recent kings Tutḫalia IV and Šuppiluliuma II, declared themselves as god when they were alive. However, we think that none of the Hittite kings acclaimed themselves to be god before he died. Hittite kings did not make a god to themselves when alive, is examination based on archaeological and writing evidences in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of To Create Sacred Settlements Using “Flour” and “Reed” in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion

2.Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Kongresi Full Text Booklet Ulucanlar Cezaevi Müzesi/ Ulucanlar Prison Museum, 2019

Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals th... more Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals that are determined in the direction of his belief. In order to perform the rituals encompassing the actions required by the faith, he is also in need of the sacred places where the rituals can be practiced. In order to worship, show their respect to the “sacred” and perform rituals people have been constructing sacred structures called “temple” for centuries. Except these constructed temples especially in some ancient societies, special ritual places were created outside the temples for the implementation of rituals, and these places became direct sanctuaries as a place of contact with the 'sacred'. In this sense, while mentioning the sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian Civilization, which had a very significant position among the ancient civilizations, it should not be limited to the temples called “Ziggurat”. Ancient Mesopotamian societies created sacred settlements which could differ according to the aim of the rituals by using some objects such as “flour” or “reed”. These settlements were separated from the noncelestial area and became sacred places temporarily. The purpose of this study is to examine how effective flour and reed used in daily life were in creating sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian religion in terms of the relationship with rituals.

Research paper thumbnail of To Create Sacred Settlements Using “Flour” and “Reed” in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion

2.Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Kongresi Full Text Booklet Ulucanlar Cezaevi Müzesi/ Ulucanlar Prison Museum Ankara/Turkey, 2019

Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals th... more Any person with any religious faith arranges his whole life according to the rules and rituals that are determined in the direction of his belief. In order to perform the rituals encompassing the actions required by the faith, he is also in need of the sacred places where the rituals can be practiced. In order to worship, show their respect to the “sacred” and perform rituals people have been constructing sacred structures called “temple” for centuries. Except these constructed temples especially in some ancient societies, special ritual places were created outside the temples for the implementation of rituals, and these places became direct sanctuaries as a place of contact with the 'sacred'. In this sense, while mentioning the sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian Civilization, which had a very significant position among the ancient civilizations, it should not be limited to the temples called “Ziggurat”. Ancient Mesopotamian societies created sacred settlements which could differ according to the aim of the rituals by using some objects such as “flour” or “reed”. These settlements were separated from the noncelestial area and became sacred places temporarily. The purpose of this study is to examine how effective flour and reed used in daily life were in creating sacred places in ancient Mesopotamian religion in terms of the relationship with rituals.

Research paper thumbnail of Minos Dininin Doğu Dinleriyle Etkileşimi

Ege Araştırmaları II Girit Kültürü, 2019

Interaction of Minoan Religion with Eastern Religions

Research paper thumbnail of Genel Hatlarıyla Girit Dini

Ancient Crete Religion with the Main Lines

Research paper thumbnail of Tarhuntassa Araştırmalarında Karaman'ın Önemi

Karaman in Tarhuntassa researchs


International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science, 2018

Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since BC second millenium. Hitti... more Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since BC second millenium. Hittites had polytheistic religion. They set rituals for a deities in their religious life. They used numereous objects in their rituals. Like as many societies of ancient times, Hittites used various animals in rituals. Votive / offering was most commonly using style of Animals in the Hittites rituals. Sheeps, Bull, Goat-Goatling / kid, Dog-Puppy, Pig-Piglet and Bird species were most commonly animals used in the Hittite rituals as an offering. In this paper, we will examine which animals were used and it's using aims in the ritual of Hittites in the light of cuneiform texts and archaeological relief and remains.

Research paper thumbnail of THE USING OF TREES IN HITTITE RITUALS

International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, 2018

Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since B. C. second millenium. Hi... more Hittites is a society, Indo Europan origin and lived in Anatolia since B. C. second millenium. Hittites had polytheistic religion. They set rituals for a deities in their religious life. They used numereous objects in their rituals. When the Hittites set rituals, they used to trees. Some trees were used as a offerings object to the their gods by the Hittites. Also some trees were used different aims depart from as a offering object. Cedar, Tamarisk, Olive tree, Laurel Tree, Date palm, Boxwood were used in the rituals by the Hitttites. Also GIS eya, GIS hatalkešna, GIS hatiwa, GIS MA.NU, muhtema, GIS parnulli, GIS LAM.GAL, couldn't describing to which tree, were used in the Hittite rituals. In this paper, we will examine which trees were used and it's using aims in the ritual of Hittites according to Hittites cuneiform texts and their archaeological remains.

Research paper thumbnail of Hititlerde Yerleşim Yeri-Kutsal Dağ İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Mesafe Önerisi A Perspective of Distance on the Relation Between Settlement – Sacred Mountain in Hittites

Hittites thought that mountains were sacred places just as other societies in the ancient history... more Hittites thought that mountains were sacred places just as other societies in the ancient history. This was due to the idea that a mountain was viewed as a God and as an ermitage. Therefore, Hittites made some of their rituals on the mountains. Hittites thought some mountains, near their cities, were sacred mountains to be used in their religious lives. They consubstantiated these mountains with cities. The most notable ones are Boğazkale – Yazılıkaya, Ortaköy – Ağılönü, Alacahöyük - Kalehisar Tepesi, Kuşaklı – Karatonus/Kulmaç Dağı, Oymaağaç – Adatepe, Çadır höyük – Çaltepe, Hatıp höyük – Hatıp kayalığı, Maltepe Höyük – Arısama Dağı. There is no explanatory information in the Hittites cuneiform texts related with how open – air sacred spaces were chosen. We think that sacred mountains near the Hittite settlements were located within a few hours walking distance. In this paper, we will suggest that when Hitttie administrators or clergymen determined the sacred mountains of cities, they prefered to limit the distance within 5 km.


Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Dini Ritüellerinde Kadınların Görevleri ve Rolleri    The Duty and Roles Women at the Hittite Religious Rituals

The Hittites were a people who lived in Hattuša (modern Çorum/Boğazköy) based in second millenniu... more The Hittites were a people who lived in Hattuša (modern Çorum/Boğazköy) based in second millennium BC. They had polytheistic belief. There were gods and goddesses in Hittite Pantheon.
Hittites held religious festivals and rituals for their gods and goddesses. It is seen that there also were women in these activities. The queen was present at rituals with her king. But she sometimes ran some rituals alone. The GAL MUNUS ŠU.GI in written documents which inherited from Hittites means head of magician women. These women participated in magic rituals. In written documents telling Nuntarriyašha festival are mentioned about that the head of magician women went to Arinna city to burn Ganzu(wa). In another ritual, it is told that Zintuhi women chanted by standing in right side of the way to Tahurpa city.
There are many archaeological material in related to women’s duties in rituals. Queen was portrayed in Fraktin rock relief in libation order for gods. There is sacred marriage/sexual intercourse act which is old custom of sexual content on Inandik vase. Also, it is seen on Bitik Vase that a man figure unveiled bride’s veil. This scene is one of the examples in early period and it has survived until today.
In this paper, It have examined the position and function of women in religious rituals according to Hittite written document and archaeological sources.
Keywords: Woman, Women, Woman in the Hittite Religion, Woman in Religious Life

Research paper thumbnail of Hitit Dininde Boğa Kültü ve Girit ile Olan Benzerlikleri The Cult of Bull in Hittite Religious and It's Smilarities with Crete

Uluslararası Sempozyum: Geçmişten Günümüze Girit, Tarih-Toplum-Kültür, 2017

Hitit dini inancına göre Boğa, Fırtına Tanrısı Tešup’un simgesi olmuştur. Hititler, dini ritüelle... more Hitit dini inancına göre Boğa, Fırtına Tanrısı Tešup’un simgesi olmuştur. Hititler, dini ritüellerinde Boğa sembolüne sunu yapmışlardır. Boğa motifli rhytonları dini ritüellerinde kullanmışlardır. Özellikle Fırtına Tanrısı ile ilgili ritüellerde, Fırtına Tanrısına boğa kurban etmişlerdir. Bazı ritüellerde Boğa üzerinden atlama hareketini gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Girit dininde de bir boğa kültü bulunmaktadır. Girit halkı dini ritüellerinde kutsama boynuz çiftine sunu yapmışlardır. Knossos Sarayında görüldüğü gibi bazı ritüellerde boğa üzerinden atlama hareketi gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada Hitit dini ile Girit dini arasındaki benzer noktalar ve bu noktaların kökenleri incelenmiştir.

The bull was symbol of Tešup, Storm-God, according to Hittite religion. Hittites made offering to bull symbol on their religious rituals. They used bull shaped rhytons in their rituals. Especially, they sacrified bull for Storm-God in rituals in related to Storm-God. They performed bull-leaping in their some rituals. Crete religion had a cult of bull. Crete public made offering to horns of consecration. They performed bull-leaping in their some ritulas as seen on Knossos Palace. In this paper, it is examined similarities and it’s origins between Hittite and Crete religion.

Research paper thumbnail of Girit Mitolojisi ve Mitolojik Kahramanları (Eski Yunan Mitolojisi İçerisinde)

Girit Mitolojisi ve Mitolojik Kahramanları (Eski Yunan Mitolojisi İçerisinde), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of KONYA KİTABI XVI

İpek Yolu

Tarih Öncesinden Konya Ticaret Hayatını ele alınmaktadır. İLK ÇAĞ KONYA TİCARETİ Konya Çevresinde... more Tarih Öncesinden Konya Ticaret Hayatını ele alınmaktadır.
Konya Çevresinde Madencilik Öncesi Obsidyen-Doğal Cam ve Ticaret Hayatındaki Yeri
Kerim KOÇAK 23
Neolitik Çağ’da Konya’da Ticaret
Hatice Gül KÜÇÜKBEZCİ 33
MÖ 2. Binyıl Ticaretinde Konya’nın Yeri
Hatice Gül KÜÇÜKBEZCİ 41
Demir Çağında Konya Ve Çevresi Ticaret Hayatı
Hasan BAHAR 53
Hititler Döneminde Konya ve Çevresinde Ticarî Hayat Üzerine Kısa Bir Değerlendirme
Güngör KARAUĞUZ 69
Ticaret Yollarının Dinlerin Yayılmasına Katkısı: Hıristiyanlık ve Konya Örneği
Fatih Mehmet BERK 77
Hellenistik Dönem’de Konya’da Ticaret
Mustafa ARSLAN 91
Roma Ticaret Hayatı ve Iconıum Sikkeleri
Murat TURGUT 111
Anadolu Selçukluları Dönemi Konya Ticaret Yolları
Remzi DURAN 127
Konya Darplı Anadolu Selçuklu Sikkeleri
Betül TEOMAN 147
Türkiye Selçuklu Devletinin Başkenti Konya’da Esnaf Örgütlenmesi
Yusuf KÜÇÜKDAĞ 167
Karamanoğulları Beyliği ve Konya Ekonomisi
Hüseyin KAYHAN 191
XVII. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Konya’da Kadı Sicillerinde Ticaretle İlgili Dava Zabıtları
Mustafa GÜLCAN 203
Konya’da Üretmek Ve Tüketmek: Selçuklu’dan Osmanlı’ya Konya Çarşısı
Alaattin AKÖZ 209
XVI. Yüzyılda Konya Şehrindeki Ticari Faaliyetleri Etkileyen Unsurlar
Doğan YÖRÜK 229
XVI. Yüzyılda Konya’da Ticari Faaliyetler ve Fiyat Artışları
Rahime Hülya ÖZTÜRK
Abdulkadir BULUŞ 249
Osmanlı Konya’sında, Yiyecek ve Eşya Fiyatları Üzerine Bazı Değerlendirmeler
Hüseyin MUŞMAL 259
XVIII. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Konyalı Tüccarların Faaliyetleri Kapsamında İç Ticarete Konu Olan Emtia
Rümeysa BİLGİLİ KARS 309
8 XVIII. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Konya’ya Gelen Tüccarların Ticarî Faaliyetleri
Rümeysa BİLGİLİ KARS 323
XVIII. Yüzyılda Konya Mukataaları
Eşref TEMEL 333
Tanzimat Döneminde Konya’da Faaliyet Gösteren Bazı Yabancı Esnaflar ve Tüccarlar
Hüseyin MUŞMAL 355
Vali Mehmet Ferid Paşa’nın Konya Ticaretinin Gelişmesine Dair Faaliyetleri
Hüseyin MUŞMAL 367