semiconscious - Profile (original) (raw)

on 20 March 2002 (#500834)

Dream Interpretation Community

This is a community for sharing dreams and dream interpretations, theories, information, and ideas. Feel free to post a dream, share an article, or offer an interpretation. Please do not criticise or insult another member of the community, there should be a certain degree of open-mindedness for such an issue as dreams and their meanings. Also, admins do and will delete off-topic posts in the community. Have fun~
**Tips for Participation:**• Give your dream a title. You should put it as the subject of the post. This also helps community administrators to better organize the index.• If you want the best possible interpretations, offer personal feelings on a) what you feel the dream could mean, b) what the symbols in the dream mean to you personally, and c) any significant current or past situations that you think might have to do with the dream. • Use the dream dictionaries to try to find possible meanings for symbols. Do remember that meanings can vary greatly from person to person though, and you can most often trust your instinct when it comes to knowing whether an explanation fits your situation or not. • Use the dream index to read dreams similar to your own or containing the same symbols. Discussions on these might help you to better understand your own. • If you want to better the chances that anyone will offer you an interpretation, you should offer interpretations or commentary on other members' dreams. We're a true community, with many regulars, and communication among members is rather social.• If you are interested in helping out with the symbol dictionary compilation project, feel free to contact maintainer lierre for more information. You may wish to monitor the community to keep updated on this on other news and announcements.
**Maintained by: lierre <> and phayra <>

altered states of consciousness, anal character, association, astral, astral projection, astral traveling, brain waves, c-o-l, co-maintained c-o-l, cognitive ability, contingency analysis, day dream, description vs association, dream, dream catcher, dream content, dream function, dream imagery, dream insight, dream interpretation, dream journals, dream length, dream narratives, dream recall, dream symbolism, dream symbols, dream therapy, dream vs waking, dreamer, dreamers, dreaming, dreams, dreamscaping, dreamwork, free association, freud, hypnopompic imagery, hypnotism, images, interpretations, jung, lj support, lucid dreams, meanings of dreams, moon phases, night terrors, nightmares, obe, open-mindedness, out of body experiences, personality, primary process, prophetic dreams, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theorists, psychology, record of dreams, recurrent dreams, rem, rem sleep, remembering dreams, self exploration, sleep, sleep lab, sleep patterns, sleep talking, sleep walking, story dreams, study of dreams, vivid dreams, weird dreams